225 of the World's Most Amazing Places - Destinations of a Lifetime

ByNational Geographic

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great pictures, great source of inspiration. Maybe zero stars, because one realizes that life is too short. Well, very short, such that we must select just of few of these destinations, at best. We can at least dream...
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defi lugito
Just finished browing the book. Stunning pictures,thorough commentary and good information if you want to visit the locations there. However,the book gets two stars as it doesnt show any thing about Samarkand or anything related to that part of the world in Asia and the beautiful 'man-made' architecture in this book. I was expecting more actually. Most of the places mentioned in the book are well known actually and advertised on regular basis on TV and online. What made me doubt the book is including Qatar as place to visit in the Hand of Man chapter! Qatar is like any gulf country which basically takes its fame from soaring modern architecture. I also think it's geared to show readers certain places in mind,as if gearing readers to only Europe and the Americas and specific locations in the other continents. There are other magnificient places in Africa and Asia loaded with endless natural and man-made treasures that the book should have shed light on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erik melissa salyer
I was mildly disappointed with this book. As always, the pictures are awesome. However, "Destinations of a Lifetime" is a misleading title. These are destinations of a lifetime for each photographer who has a picture included in the book. The pictures are the "shots of a lifetime" for each individual photographer, which for me does not mean the same thing as "Destinations of a Lifetime" for the reading public.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beautifully illustrated and very discriptive information, as only National Geographic can provide. The pictures literally hop off he pages while transporting the reader to some of the most beatiful destinations in the world.
This was the request of a colleague of mine for an office gift exchange. No dought I will be picking up a copy for my home. I would highly recommend this book and the others in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david lowe
Great book, I love all the unique destinations and ideas I've never heard of. I'm really into travel books and stuff like that, so when I saw this on sale I had to pick it up. Really detailed descriptions on all the destinations and amazing pictures, it makes me want to visit every place in the book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The book itself is amazing, but I just received it a couple minutes ago, opened up my package and the cover is ripped on 3 corners. Since the book took so long to get to me (about 3 weeks) I figured it was on back order. I ordered it new and it looks used. Disappointed since I was planning on putting this book as a center piece in my new home
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
no lle anthony
I bought this as an inspiration for my 16yo niece with a budding love of travel. I wasn't sure how an actual physical, paper book would go over with someone that age but she loved it. She spent the entire evening of her birthday going page by page with friends. Lots of excited comments and ideas were being thrown around.
If you're a well traveled person, this may not have so much to offer. I found I had been to several of the featured destinations. However, there were still some neat spots I hadn't even heard of! The pictures are great and the explanations are just enough information to give an idea of what each offers. Highly recommend.
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