The Ultimatum (The Guardian)

ByKaren Robards

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
What in the world? The book held my attention and had a good plot for the first three-fourths of the narrative. Unfortunately, the plot changed quickly and the book ended abruptly without delving into the new plot line at all. The end was sudden and screamed sequel which left me very frustrated and, as a result, I cannot endorse the book.

I would not have paid $11.99 for a kindle book if I had known that the book was only the first half of the story. Please know that you will be disappointed in the ending (I cannot call it a conclusion) and will need to buy the second book for resolution.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Karen Robards is one of my favorite authors. Ultimatum was going great. I was loving the story line and the characters. Then I turn a page (ebook) and BOOM - no more story! It is a series book. I do not like series books. I want closure for that book and then there can be more books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate boisseau
This novel is a huge step forward from Ms. Robards former novels, I coulden't put it down. I see several dyed in the wool romance readers bitterly complaining because there aren't a. Lots of sex, and b. Keeps you on the edge of your seat. Actually there is promise of romance to come and though this first novel in what I hope will continue for a long while, actually is complete, we are left to know there will be a continuation of Bianca and Mickey's involvement. I'm impressed at all the research Ms. Robards had to have done and so happy she's made the leap from what I felt were pleasant romantic mysteries. Her writing is taut and the characters are fun and interesting. I'm so looking forward to what comes next. I've been reading her novels for many years, and though I'm a loyal fan, I'm really enjoying novels with more bite to them and read a lot of mysteries and adventure. Looking forward to the next book in this series and I believe this novel will draw in lots more fans, even if it loses a few stuck in the mud ones along the way.
Perilous Trust (Off The Grid: FBI Series Book 1) :: Midnight Sacrifice :: Darkness: A Thriller :: Shattered: A Thriller :: Sleepwalker
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another FANTASTIC read by Karen Robards!! Her voice is so distinctive in her writing ~~ The Guardian begins another series, this being book 1. So there is a lot of set up going on in this book, not a lot of romance and/or sex, but there is some great tension and build up ~~ and a super story line!! You've got a thief who is a woman ~~ and the man who is hunting....her? Karen Robards writes with wit, fun and never fails to deliver the suspense!! LOL these cliffhangers KILL me in these books, and I wait on pins and needles for the next book in the series, but I would NOT miss one of them for the world!! If you love suspense, a terrific story, humor and fun don't miss a Karen Robards book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Karen Robards has created a fascinating female superhero in this book. Bianca St. Ives can take down anyone (any size) in a fight. She's good with guns, knives and explosives. She's dripping with carefully concealed defensive gadgets. She can pick locks, crack safes, no problem. Best of all, she's a meticulous planner, and when plans don't work out, she can wing it. Con artist and escape artist par excellence, Bianca is very good at what she does.

What she does is revealed as the plot unfolds -- as well as who she is. Besides deadly dangerous situations, Bianca has to deal with emotional issues too -- friends, family and a dangerous looking man who attracts her.

Can she keep her friends safe from the perils that threaten her? Is her father (a notorious master thief) dead or alive? And how can she handle the electric attraction she feels for the cop or agent (or whatever he is) who's pursuing her?

Bianca is a good businesswoman as well as an incredible woman of action. Her security company is successful, and seeing her in this role is fun. But mostly she's engaged in perilous activities, and watching her best the bad guys is really fun. This book is pure thriller, with a touch of carnal excitement and flashes of humor.

The Ultimatum may not be not literary fare, but it’s a five-star thriller. Assuming this will be a series, I'm looking forward to the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anouk neerincx
This is my first Karen Robards novel and from the opening pages she had me hooked. The story follows Bianca St. Ives, a con woman conning other cons. She's considered the best in the business, trained by her father who died in an explosion during a job gone wrong. Or did he? The Ultimatitum is a page turner filled with suspense and intrigue. There are some great supporting characters here, like Doc and Evie, who make small appearance but are obviously set up for greater roles in a follow up novel. That is especially true of Mickey - is he friend or an admirable adversary for Bianca as she sets out to find the truth about her father? The ending was very unpredictable and somewhat of a cliffhanger. Perfect set up for another day in the life of Bianca St. Ives.
If mystery thrillers are your genre of reading, you will not be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mohamed darwish
This is not your normal Karen Robards romance book. "The Ultimatum" is a thriller, not a romance. So fans of her contemporaries might not enjoy this as the romance level is low, but the grab-you-by-the-seat-of-your-pants action is high! The book is intense and pulls the reader in on the first chapter wondering where its going. The pace never stops, nor does the action. Bianca is like Angelina Jolie's Salt on crack. She's a fierce and formidable heroine. While I was expecting a little more romance, it just wouldn't have fit in with this style of book. I really enjoyed this novel and look forward to book two in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed this book. It was well written, moved fairly well and the characters were interesting especially Bianca the main character. However, the story is somewhat of a cliche that has been done before. I speed read the book because it was over detailed in some instances and some of the action took too many pages to complete. The details were well done but just too much considering the action taking place.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina lum
Oooh...another good one by this author! I really enjoyed the characters! It was a love-hate type of relationship with a few of them, but it all turned out well in the end. And that ending! I loved it!! I didn't realize this was the start of a new series, but after that IT BETTER BE!!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
scott mcdonald
I love this author have read all here romantic suspense books. This book I couldn't even finish. The story did not have any emotional connection. I know authors like to try something new but this book did nothing for me. I wish she had written more books with characters from the Last victim series. Those books made me laugh & cry!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jennifer evans
Karen Robards is my favorite, let me start with this disclaimer, that is why I did a pre-order of the book The Ultimatum. I was so disappointed in the book it was so maniacally focused on the suspense and action that Karen left out what I love about her books; relationships. After reading this first book in the series the only character I care about is her friend that is living with her. Note: I am not giving away any story line here. My only hope is that this book is establishing the facts for the next books in the series. Please Karen Robards do not let this be a live in hope die in despair for me. The Dr. Stone books were so incredibly awesome that this book just pales in comparison. If you are not fan you should not buy this book because you will not purchase her other works which are great reads. Still my favorite but hoping for more in the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dorothy protz
Although I liked the book, I was left with several unanswered questions: If Thayer is this unremorseful assassin (as indicated by the killing of a hitch hiker) why did he protect Issa and Beth and then raise Beth; how did he get out of the garbage truck; is Doc a plant (good or bad); Did the government bullies seriously believe Beth would work for them; Why didn't Thayer kill Groton and Kemp years ago; and since this book is apparently a series, how many books comprise the series. I'm not a fan of cliffhangers, although many books and TV programs use them. There is action, screw-ups, sexual tension, and family dynamics. The pace of the book starts out fast, slows, builds again, and then drops you off a cliff. But I plan to read the second book to see if my questions from the first book are answered. We shall see.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marc livingstone
This was definitely an action packed book and it starts out with a bang and a bust. The bust being the two million dollars that Bianca with her dad and their team was set up and in position to steal. However, that was kind of hard for them to do as the vault was empty when they got there. Having been found out, the chase is on and Bianca's father was killed in the getaway, or was he? No one really seems to know. No one has heard from him in years, including his daughter.

Bianca then decides to go legal and opens up a security firm. She handles legit security for several companies. She is still also on the look out for signs that her father is still alive. Unfortunately, there are others who want him punished that are also looking for him.

This was one of those books wherein the action just kept coming. It was definitely an entertaining and enjoyable read.

Thanks to Harlequin and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
david churchman
Not a romance thriller. This was very easy to put down. I LOVE Robards too. Dr Stone series and her last one Darkness are maybe the best I've ever read, so I've been waiting for this one seems like forever. The male protagonist is in maybe a tenth of the book. It is not a standalone book, it was clearly an introduction to a series. The heroine isn't particularly likeable although it was nice to have her be a badass. I'm sure I will buy and read the sequels (I must feed the insatiable reading addiction) but I don't see myself rereading this one. Enh.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marilia francezi
Well, I had to eventually had to close the book...sigh. Karen Robards orchestrated a thrilling mystery that had me clutching my book in an effort to help Bianca out! There was a secret side of me that was hoping she could drag "NOT" Williams home with her and he would crumble at her feet, but the yacht scene was priceless! I loved it! PLEASE SAY BOOK 2 IS WRITTEN AND WILL BE OUT SOON!!! Thank you Karen.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Be warned - it ends in a cliffhanger. Had I known this, I would have waited until the conclusion came out before reading this book.. I usually don't read books with cliffhanger endings, unless the remaining books have already been published. I enjoyed the story, but thought this was lacking the hero's POV, but possibly my expectation was incorrect as it is labeled a spy thriller, not romantic suspense which is what I usually expect from this author. I thought the heroine's hand-to-hand combat skills, multilingualism and all of her expert skills and knowledge were over the top, even for a spy thriller. I will read the subsequent book(s) because I want to know how the story ends.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love, love Karen Robards but have to admit that getting into this one was a little difficult for me and then the end had me saying WTH!?! I found myself trying to find another chapter. I couldn't believe the book had ended. Makes me wonder how many books are planned for the series because I'm not sure I want to go through that again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa harnisch
Not as much romance as in Robards' previous books, but I love the heroine, her super strengths, and all the action so am willing to wait to see what happens with "Mickey" the upcoming books in this series. Robards has never disappointed me yet, and as always, is such an accomplished writer that the words just fly. Simply a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberlee auerbach
When you can't wait for the next installment, then the writer has pulled you in to her story. And that's how readers get hooked with the characters and the storyline. Long absence form reading Robards, back with a winner in my opinion.
Great action, a touch of sexual chemistry, and the making of likable characters.
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