Perilous Trust (Off The Grid: FBI Series Book 1)

ByBarbara Freethy

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin cook
I love Barbara's writing and this Romantic Suspense is absolutely wonderful. The characters are easy to love and the story is quick and very well written. Sophie is thrown into a very dangerous position when her dad is suddenly run off the road. Who can he trust and who can't she trust. With little trust of his own Damon is caught in the middle of helping his one night stand from 4 years ago. This is a fast action packed book. I can't wait for the second part especially if it's as good as the first.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rooja k d
This book had me hooked from the first page. Ms. Freethy books are all great books to read having read all of them and Perilous Trust was no exception . This book was so full of suspense and mystery and betrayal at its highest magnitude. What a cool hero is Damon, I love his bantering with Sophie. This is the 1st book in a new series and I am certainly looking forward to reading the other 2 books of this series. I highly recommend this awesome romantic suspense to readers of this genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Poor Sophie suffered a major blow when she found out her father died in a mysterious car accident, and was nearly crushed when she listened to his strange voice mails telling her to trust no one and run away fast and don't look back.
With FBI agents Damon, Wyatt and Bree helping to find out what really happened, Sophie may be able to live her life again.
Great Book! Looking forward to reading the next in this series!
Midnight Sacrifice :: Darkness: A Thriller :: Shattered: A Thriller :: Loving Julia :: The Ultimatum (The Guardian)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew jankowski
Lots of suspence and drama. Barbara hit this one out of the ball park. If you love her lighting strike books you will love this one. I kept trying to figure who did it but just couldn't. This is now my best loved book of hers. Trust me That is high praise because I truly love her Calloway series. Can't wait for the others in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca hazelton
I love Barbara's writing and this Romantic Suspense is absolutely wonderful. The characters are easy to love and the story is quick and very well written. Sophie is thrown into a very dangerous position when her dad is suddenly run off the road. Who can he trust and who can't she trust. With little trust of his own Damon is caught in the middle of helping his one night stand from 4 years ago. This is a fast action packed book. I can't wait for the second part especially if it's as good as the first.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book had me hooked from the first page. Ms. Freethy books are all great books to read having read all of them and Perilous Trust was no exception . This book was so full of suspense and mystery and betrayal at its highest magnitude. What a cool hero is Damon, I love his bantering with Sophie. This is the 1st book in a new series and I am certainly looking forward to reading the other 2 books of this series. I highly recommend this awesome romantic suspense to readers of this genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Poor Sophie suffered a major blow when she found out her father died in a mysterious car accident, and was nearly crushed when she listened to his strange voice mails telling her to trust no one and run away fast and don't look back.
With FBI agents Damon, Wyatt and Bree helping to find out what really happened, Sophie may be able to live her life again.
Great Book! Looking forward to reading the next in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lots of suspence and drama. Barbara hit this one out of the ball park. If you love her lighting strike books you will love this one. I kept trying to figure who did it but just couldn't. This is now my best loved book of hers. Trust me That is high praise because I truly love her Calloway series. Can't wait for the others in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly ann mccann
Another winner by one of my favorite author's! If you like FBI type reads, you'll love this! But don't expect to get any sleep when you start it, you'll watch the sun come up, because you'll have to turn just one more page! Ms Freethy is going to turn me into an insomnia.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura quenzel
PERILOUS TRUST (Off the Grid: FBI Trilogy #1) by Barbara Freethy is an exciting start to a new romantic suspense series. This is a fast paced story loaded with action, suspense and romance. Each book features one of five friends who formed a secret group while in Quantico with the promise to always help the others.
Sophie Parker is an archeology instructor at NYU, who receives the devastating news that her father was killed in a car crash. Her father was the head of the Organized Crime Unit in the NY FBI field office. When she gets a chance to check her phone, she listens to her father’s last frantic and cryptic messages with instructions she must follow and to not trust anyone including his fellow FBI agents.
FBI agent Damon Wolfe cannot believe what he is hearing. His mentor and reason for being in the NY FBI office is dead and his daughter is missing. Four years ago, Damon and Sophie came together for one night of solace and life-affirming passion over the death of a mutual friend. They never contacted each other again, but now Damon knows he has to find Sophie and help her.
Sophie does not know if she can trust Damon, but as the bullets start flying, they flee together to follow Sophie’s father’s clues and hopefully solve his murder and eliminate the threat to Sophie’s life.
The plot is an intricate puzzle and has a lot of players that need to be kept straight. Besides Damon and Sophie, you are introduced to Bree and Wyatt, who are members of the five from Quantico. Sophie’s father had a lifetime group of friends from Yale that may be involved in his death and his job as head of the Organized Crime Unit also brought in several players. Keeping everyone straight was my only problem while reading this book. Other than that, it was a surprise for me when all the pieces where discovered.
Damon and Sophie’s chemistry was intense and pretty much instantaneous from their one-night-stand four years ago. While on the run, they get to know more about each other’s pasts and families. It brings them closer and their relationship builds from there. The sex is hot, but not explicit and well balanced with the feelings of loss and fear during other parts of the story.
I am looking forward to reading the rest of this series and getting to know more about the other friends from Quantico.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary anne
Perilous Trust gets us started off the right way on a great new series. This is an action packed, suspenseful, unbelievably sweet romance. What do you do when your entire world is shaken and turned upside down, when you have no where to run to and no one to trust. What do you do when all the signs are pointing to the fact that the only person you had in your life, the only person who truly held you heart, may have been the bad guy? What do you do when this man, your father turns up dead after leaving you a cryptic message? What do you do when your past, a past that broke you, walks back into your life and you have to place that life in his hands?
Perilous Trust is the story of Sophie Parker, a young NYU College professor just doing what she loves and spending time with her favorite man, her father, an FBI agent, when she can. Her simple world comes crashing down when two FBI agents walk into her class room peppering her with questions and telling her that her father is dead. If that news isn't bad enough when she pulls out her phone to start calling family she notices multiple calls from her father, calls telling her he's sorry and to trust no one and the final call that finishes with the sounds of a horrific crash and the end of her father's life. Fearing for her life, Sophie does the only thing she can, she trusts that her father is trying to save her and heads out to follow the cryptic directions he left in his voicemail messages.

Damon Wolfe, an FBI agent brought up to NYC by his mentor finds himself in a precarious situation after the death of that mentor, Allan Parker, Sophie's father. He and Sophie have a history, one night that he's never been able to forget, and he may just know where she's disappeared to, but can he trust the FBI to save her or is someone inside the bureau out to make sure that she like her father never speaks again?

I really enjoyed the story of these two characters, their development through the book and most importantly to me that they stay true to themselves. This isn't a story about the heroine suddenly becoming some badarse super spy when until now she's been a meek college professor or a hero doing miraculous things to save the women he loves. This is a story about two people attempting to stay alive and find the truth. I loved that Sophie was scared, that she panicked, that she got anxious. I also love that she kept it together. That with Damon beside her she recognized that her time to breakdown would come, it just couldn't be until everything was over. I loved that Damon relied on his friends, that they have this network to help and protect each other, that they know they aren't on their own and that they always have people they can trust when it feels like they have no one. There is true character development. These two grow as you would expect any one to under these circumstances.

I also really loved that the romance while powerful and honest wasn't the sole purpose of this story. This is a romantic suspense and the suspense and action were all there. There weren't these unbelievable romantic trysts in the 'middle of a gun fight' we so often see these days. Don't get me wrong, I love the romance as much as the next reader, but there is a time and a place and I so appreciate that Barbara Freethy realized that. She gave us true and honest moments between these two characters so nothing feels out of place or contrived. The tension is there and it meshes wonderfully with the suspense and when the time comes for the couple to well...couple, it isn't rushed or unrealistic. It is an enhancement to the story instead of a distraction.

I am really excited about the possibilities for the secondary characters in the series, in particular our undercover agent who I won't tell you anything about, haha. Just know he has got a load of baggage and his book is going to be pretty darn intense I think. I hope that Barbara is able to give him the story and the companion that he needs because that person, I think, is going to have to be pretty darn strong.

This is a great start to a new series. I have never been a huge suspense fan but I really enjoyed this book and can't wait for more! I'll definitely be going back and checking out this new to me authors past work. If you are looking for an action packed, suspenseful story with a wonderful romance in the mix grab up this book, the ride has only just begun and I think it is going to just get better and better!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ryan macphee
Perilous Trust was my first introduction to NYT Bestselling Author Barbara Freethy, and it didn't disappoint. It's a tightly written, well-structured, suspenseful second-chance romance, with well-developed characters, an undercurrent of sadness with a touch of regret, and intense sexual chemistry. It hooked me from the climactic first scene and kept me turning the pages from beginning to end. I read it in less than a day, and the tight pacing had everything to do with that. It was an easy read, suspenseful enough to keep me guessing but not so anxiety-producing that I had to stop to take a breath (or dread turning the page).

Both principal characters--Damon Wolfe, an ex-military FBI agent, and Sophie Parker, the daughter of Damon's mentor--are smart, strong, and resourceful, willing to risk everything to expose the mole (or moles) in the FBI that led to her father's tragic death. Their shared history, forged through a common bond with a now-deceased friend, ended too soon, leaving them with some serious unfinished business. Their unanswered questions hang in the air between them, but exploring them is essential to developing the level of intimacy and the trust they will need to survive their race against a ruthless team of unknown assailants.

The secondary characters, primarily two trusted FBI colleagues from Damon's days in Quantico, are introduced here to support the discovery of the conspiracy that could bring them all down; but they also pave the way for development as principal characters in future installments of the series. They are nuanced and prime for further development as the series continues.

The only drawback for me was the delayed introduction of the primary villain. I found it a bit "too convenient," and consequently, the end came together a bit too quickly (and felt a little too easy). It seems rushed, especially after the build-up of other evidence in the case. And, while the sexual attraction between Damon and Sophie was steamy, when they finally gave into temptation, their sensual encounters felt a little flat for me.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed this story and felt deeply for all of its characters. I love crime dramas, so romantic suspense is my favorite go-to genre. I gravitate to darker, breath-taking, heart-pounding romantic thrillers; but to be honest, this well-crafted story was a respite for me. It was suspenseful without being terrifying, which made it a perfect, relatively light weekend read and a perfect start to a series I'm eager to read and certain to enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mike murray
I received a complementary copy from the author / publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Note: This review contains NO spoilers

Let's see... First, I would like to note that I don't read many crime/drama romance novels; however, the synopsis for this book got me all curious and interested. Well, I would have to say that I liked the "implied" plot stated in the synopsis. Plus, I have not read any books written by Barbara Freethy, so I was going in blind"... hahaha!!! So... Let's begin.

Perilous Trust is the first in a new romantic suspense series, Off The Grid: FBI Trilogy. As stated in the synopsis, a tragic events brings two main characters, namely Sophie and Damon, together. But, nothing is what is seems: a cryptic message, coded chat, secrets on top of secrets, AND plenty of government agents. So, Sophie and Damon are on run, not just from those shooting at them, but also from a past that they shared together.

The character development and world building was fantastic and detailed. With each turn of the page, I was with them as they evaded mysterious shooters and law enforcement while searching for the truth. From beginning to end, there was an ample amount of mystery, action, plot-twists that kept me guessing as to who to trust...haha!!! All the while, the romance/chemistry between Sophie and Damon was reignited and slowly developed as they got closer to the truth; moreover, the romance was subtle, not overwhelming which did not take away from the suspense and mystery. There was a lot of memory flashbacks in which helped glue the story/plot together and pieced the puzzle together. I was definitely at "the edge of my seat" with the mystery and secrets being revealed.

However, I found that some chapters throughout the book tended to drag. It definitely deterred from the fast-pace of the story. But then again, much of the history of these characters had to be told in order to set up this first book, and to introduce readers to all these other characters that the following books will center on. Moreover, it did not deter from the flow and consistency of the story in which it worked to set up this series. So... I guess, the slow down in parts of the book really wasn't a bad thing...haha!

So, after reading this first book in the Off The Grid: FBI Trilogy, I am a fan! Therefore, Perilous Trust is a romantic suspense filled with action, mystery, and twists that will keep readers guessing all the way to the end! I am definitely looking forward to the next books in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ARC for honest review with no compensation

Perilous Trust is the 1st book in the Off the Grid FBI Trilogy and what a way to start the series! This page turner will keep you on the edge of your seat and keep you saying just one more page….Barbara Freethy you have written another fantastic book! ! ! !

Sophie Parker is a professor at NYU who teaches archaeology, takes her students on digs and is the daughter of Alan Parker and FBI senior agent. Her world is turned on its axis when two of her father’s FBI friends come to her job to tell her that her father has been killed. They want to follow her home to talk more about her dad, but she needs time alone to process all this….when she leaves work she checks her phone and sees she has messages from her dad that are very cryptic and not to trust anyone including the police or the FBI…so she does what her father says and leaves….when she goes to the safe house following her father’s instructions…..who shows up but Damon Wolfe another FBI agent her father trained and recruited…

Damon Wolfe has been asked by his mentor Alan Parker to come to the NY FBI office and work for him but he is concerned that he might run in to Sophie again after their one night stand 4 years ago. When word gets out about Alan’s death and Sophie has disappeared….he goes with his gut and heads to a place he thinks she might be and finds her but she doesn’t trust him because of what her father said in the voice messages….gun fire erupts while they are talking and now Sophie needs to trust him and they both end up on the run trying to keep one step ahead of whoever is out to kill them…

Suspense, twists, turns, mystery, action, who can you trust and lots of chemistry…will they end up getting caught before they can find out the truth of how and why he is killed and who is after them or will they figure out the puzzle that is her dad and find a love that has grown unexpectedly deeper after all this time….

Looking forward to Book 2! !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca riggan
Barbara Freethy just kicked it up a notch with Perilous Trust. The first of a new series, this story revolves around Sophie Parker and Damon Wolfe. Sophie teaches archaeology at NYU and takes students on digs in the summer. Her world is turned upside down when two of her father's FBI friends and co-workers show up one day after class to let her know that her father had been killed. After they leave, Sophie looks at her phone and sees that her father had left several voicemails for her before he died leaving her very cryptic instructions on what to do, but was very clear that she shouldn't trust the police or anyone at the FBI and she needs to get away. Sophie goes to her fathers safe house at the lake following his first clue.

Damon had met Sophie four years earlier at the lake house at the wake of their mutual friend Jamie who was killed while on a mission with the FBI. They had one night together, but never saw each other again. On a whim, Damon takes a trip to the lake house upon hearing that Sophie went missing after receiving the message of her father's death. Damon finds Sophie at the lake house. While Sophie isn't sure if she should trust Damon, after being shot at she realizes she's going to need help and decides to take the chance.

There are so many twists and turns to this story that you can't put it down once you start! I've always enjoyed the suspense and mystery in Barbara's stories, but this story grabs you from the very first words and keeps you hanging on the edge until the very end! There is an intense underlying chemistry between Sophie and Damon too that they try to fight, but they realize quickly that it's something they can't ignore. What develops between them throughout the story is a love we all hope to find. I would highly recommend this book to anyone! I received an advance copy of this book for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh my goodness. I just finished Perilous Trust. I really enjoyed it. I started earlier today and could NOT put it down. Sophie, who is the daughter of an FBI Agent receives a cryptic message from her Father telling her he is sorry, NOT to trust anyone , Police, FBI, etc..... he left 4 messages telling her what she should do. First was to place he figured she would be safe, never giving locations just words that they knew, and then she heard a crash and that was all.....The FBI came around where she was teaching and questioned her after telling her her Dad was dead. they wanted to question her more but she asked them for more time. As she headed to her apartment she noticed 2 men heading inside so she decided then and there to leave town and headed the the cabin that her Dad had mentioned. She knew something was deeply wrong, so she rented a car took cash and headed out.........after reaching her destination a former person she had met at a party a few years previously and who happened to work for the FBI too, shows up. Now they are on the run as someone found the "safe" location. Everywhere she goes someone follows. Damon stays by her side through all of this trying to figure out who killed her Father. Who's after her and why. The question is who can she trust? Is Damon who he says he is? These answers and much more weave themselves through this book. Barbara Freethy has done it again. I've been reading her for a long time and haven't found a book yet that I haven't liked. This is the first of a series about the FBI. Join in the fun and read this first one. You will be glad you did. I cannot wait until the 2nd in the series is here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this new series Ms. Freethy has started. This is book one and has intrigue, action, betrayal, mystery, and romance. As you read the book, you don't know who to trust and who is lying. Sophie Parker works at NYU teaching archaeology. Her father, Alan, works for the FBI in the organized crime unit. He used to teach at Quantico and has brought many of the best students to New York. Damon Wolfe Is one of his students that has recently relocated to New York City. He and Sophie had a one night stand four years ago when one of their good friends was killed, but have not seen each other since. One day after class Sophie gets some voice mails from her father apologizing, giving her instructions on what to do, and telling her not to trust anyone in the FBI or the police. That is the last thing she hears from her father. Someone is now after Sophie so she follows her father's instructions. She is missing, but Damon has an idea where she may be and goes after her. The two end up going on the run together.

If you like books that have a lot of action and where you are not sure what is going to happen next, and of course some romance, then you will love this book like I do. I loved Sophie and Damon together and how they made each other stronger. There were characters that upset me as they turned out being on the wrong side of the law, and making life miserable for Sophie. I can't wait for the next book in the series. I voluntarily read an Advanced Reader's Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arezo ghadiri
**Received a copy in exchange for an honest review.**

"Perilous Trust" is written by Barbara Freethy, and it is the first book in her Off the Grid: FBI series. It can be read as a stand-alone book. It features Damon Wolfe and Sophie Parker.

Right from the start, readers will be hooked. Sophie's father, Alan, gets killed in a car accident, and he leaves Sophie 4 vague voicemail messages. But his death wasn't an accident. What happened?

Sophie and Damon haven't seen each other in a few years. They had a one-night stand before and never told anyone. Alan was Damon's mentor, and he recruited Damon to work with him recently. But that opportunity never happened due to Alan's death. Damon is worried about Sophie, and his instincts leads him to her whereabouts. Sophie doesn't know who to trust. Her father said in the voicemail messages not to trust anyone in the FBI or to call the police. But she quickly realizes Damon is risking his job to help her.

This is where the story starts. Without giving too much away, I can honestly say this has to be one of the most suspenseful stories that I've read of Barbara Freethy's! There were so many twists and turns. The story left me guessing the whole time, and I didn't want to put the book down! Every new information Sophie and Damon uncovered, the more in danger they were. People are trying to kill them.

Why was Sophie's father killed? Who is the FBI mole? Will Damon be able to protect Sophie? Will they find their happily ever after?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! This newest series by Barbara Freethy starts out with a bang! Fast paced story that keeps you guessing along the way to try to figure out which direction the story is going - who can be trusted. Sophie is the daughter of an FBI agent who is head of the Crime Division in NYC. She is now a professor during the school year, and takes students on archaeological digs during the summer. She and her father are close, so Sophie is confused when she gets notified by the FBI that her father was killed in an auto accident, but that they are investigating whether it was accident or if he was killed on purpose. Imagine her surprise to get mysterious messages on her voicemail from her father shortly after hearing he was killed. That is the start of her adventure to get to the truth. Enter Damon - who was mentored by Sophie's dad while he was an instructor at Quantico. Damon and Sophie had a one-night fling to get over a shared grief over a close friend. At the time neither knew of the connection with Sophie's dad. Each avoided the other for over 4 years. However, upon learning about his mentor's death and Sophie's disappearance, he feels he has to go to try to find and help her. With twists and turns, this book will keep you hooked until you finish. Even with the passage of time, the feelings they have for each other are obvious to both of them. Loved the interaction with fellow Quantico agents, and can't wait to see what their stories bring as this series unfolds. You can never go wrong with a Barbara Freethy Book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Perilous Trust is the first book in Barbara Freethy's new romantic suspense series. I was so excited about this book when I first read the blurb as romantic suspense is a genre near and dear to my heart. In this book I loved the action-packed plot and heart-stopping tension! I absolutely could not get enough. This book had romance, danger, excitement, an amazing mystery and fabulous characters! This author knocked it out of the park!

When Sophie Parker receives a series of messages from FBI agent father, who was recently killed in a suspicious accident, she is thrown into a whirlwind of betrayal, mistrust and danger. She has no idea who to trust from the FBI and is now on the run. Enter Damon Wolfe, an ex flame and student of Sophie's father. When Damon shows up looking for her, she isn't sure if he's friend or enemy, but she knows he could easily rip apart what is left of her heart. But with Sophie's father's reputation on the line and the lives of innocent FBI agents at stake if there's a traitor in their midst, can Sophie and Damon work together to solve this mystery?

While I felt some parts were somewhat slow, I enjoyed this story. It was a great combination of romantic suspense and second chance romance. Damon and Sophie had a great connection and their romance was a nice subplot to the overall suspenseful theme. All in all, I enjoyed this story and look forward to more from this author in the future. Bravo! 4Stars! ~Ratula
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This novel was definitely action packed! Right away we're thrown into the fray of action with Sophie's dad and then Sophie on the run. The suspense and action continued throughout the whole novel really keeping the pacing going strong and the reader engaged. I flew through this story as Sophie and Damon went from escaping one danger into having to fend off another.

The mystery behind what happened to Sophie's dad and why she was in danger really pulled me in as a reader. I wanted to know what happened and unravel her dad's secrets just as much as Sophie did. I really felt like Freethy captured the 'I don't know who to trust' atmosphere throughout the novel. Just like Sophie, I wasn't sure who to trust in the story--who was friend and who was foe? Luckily through the multiple POVs the story is told through, it was easy to see early on that Damon was someone both Sophie and I as the reader could trust.

Sophie and Damon definitely had a lot of chemistry between the two of them and their past together definitely lent to that chemistry. I also enjoyed how while their relationship was 'heating up', it was also getting stronger on a personal level. Both Sophie and Damon learned to trust each other and mend old pain through the strengthening of their relationship. I really enjoyed seeing how both of them grew closer in an emotional way alongside the physical.

Sophie was a pretty strong female character. She was smart and didn't completely lose her cool while on the run. She questioned Damon for a day or two before really trusting him and her actions & reactions seemed realistic throughout the novel. She had some 'life sucks' moments, but she wasn't fully bitter like some other characters can get. She trusted her dad and later Damon and did her best.

Damon never seemed to let Sophie go from his mind after their chance encounter four years earlier. His first instinct was to try and find her once news hit of her dad and I like that while he remained aloof, the reader could tell he was already half in love with her from their first meeting. I'm not a big fan of instant love, so knowing that these two characters had feelings from before really made their relationship progression realistic to me. I also enjoyed how Damon included Sophie on his plans and thought process. The key to their success on the run was the trust they had for each other. While Sophie took a little longer in trusting Damon, Damon offered his trust from the beginning and I really enjoyed seeing that from a male character. Damon also did his best to keep Sophie safe and calm throughout their ordeal and I like seeing him open up to her and him grow just as much as Sophie.

The romance and relationship development between the two main characters was really strong in this novel. Freethy also did a great job utilizing her secondary characters and setting the scene. I really felt engrossed in the storyline and the action/suspense kept me turning the pages. What I felt was a little off with the story was the ending of 'who done it'. It seemed a little bit out of left field. It was definitely a plausible 'who done it,' but I felt there weren't a whole lot of clues (outside of one main one) that really lead to that ending. I don't want to get too much into it (we're spoiler free here ;) ), so if you've read this one let's discuss!!! ;). Any way, that was the only real draw back for the novel. I was satisfied with the ending, just a little thrown for a bit on how we got to that person so late in the game without much pointing in their direction.

Overall this was a fun, fast read! It was my first Freethy novel, so I'll definitely be looking up some of her other works as well as looking forward to the next installment in this series! I'm excited to see who will be getting stories from this one ;) I'd definitely recommend this novel to anyone who like suspense romance or even contemporary romance. Its fast paced, entertaining and filled with sexually tense moments that would appeal to any romance lover!

*I was given an eBook ARC for free in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
palash sharma
Sophie Parker is teaching when she receives several frantic messages from her father, leaving her clues as to where to go in case something happens to him, and telling her to trust no one. On her own, she sets off to the first location he hinted at, where she's met by FBI agent Damon Wolfe.

Several years earlier Sophie and Damon had a one night stand. He has no intention of seeing her again since her father was his mentor. But when Alan is killed, his instinct is to protect Sophie. Together they race through New York and Connecticut, following Alan's clues while trying to outrun the people who are now after Sophie.

Perilous Trust is a non-stop, action packed book with a bit of mystery. Neither knows who they can trust except for two of Damon's closest friends in the FBI. People who were considered friends of Alan's are now suspects. Motives aren't to be trusted. Alan's character comes into question, and the more they learn, the more Sophie begins to wonder just who's side her father was on.

Perilous Trust is romantic suspense at is best. With well-written characters, an engaging storyline, and a good balance of suspense and romance, this book is one that should be added to anyone who enjoys the genre.

**An advanced copy was provided in exchange for an honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marianne g
I couldn’t put this book down. (OK, technically, I DID put it down but only because I had to go to work… and I honestly considered calling in sick.)

Barbara Freethy hooked me with the first sentence of PERILOUS TRUST and kept the action going to the very end.

Sophie Parker is in over her head. Her father is dead. He’s left her a voicemail telling her to trust no one. And her apartment has been broken into.

Meanwhile Damon Wolfe is also reeling from the death of Alan Parker, his mentor at the FBI. Thanks to one passionate night he and Sophie shared four years earlier, he thinks he might know where she ran to. Once he finds her, Damon and Sophie are running for their lives trying to find out who killed her father and is also after them.

The mystery is a key part of the book, and Freethy skillfully weaves the clues together for Sophie, Damon and us, her readers. At the same time, Damon and Sophie are written so well that we understand how and why they came together in the past and what kept them apart for years.

If you’ve never read Freethy’s books, this is a wonderful title to start with (and it’s No. 1 of 5 books, so you’ll stay busy with the full series). And if you’re already a fan, you’ll enjoy this new series of tales with FBI agents at their core.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie page
I love a good romantic suspense and this one kept me on my toes. I like the trust no one aspect and the mystery of it all. Sophie's life changed just like that and she didn't anyone to turn to. Damon was an old flame and while she was unsure of him for a while he proved to be a solid companion.

The danger of it all brings back the chemistry they once had and of course bring in close quarters amplifies that. But they are on the run and have find out the truth. What really happened and who are they up against? I really wondered if they can accept what they find out and how will things round out for them now that feelings are back.

This is my first book by this author, I enjoyed it. The suspense is well done and action packed with the sprinkling of romance in between. It had the modern day Bonnie and Clyde feel but more intrigue than romance. But that's just fine. I like that the main characters knew each other in a way in the past and how the story all connected. I look forward to Bree's book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
PERILOUS TRUST. by Barbara Freethy. New series OFF THE GRID FBI
Cryptic messages being left for Sophia, would she know what they meant.
The apologies, of what he had done, telling her to trust no one, hope she would understand he did it for her. When told he was gone, and how, "she replied FBI guys don't run their cars off the road". Listening to the voicemails, as she walked away from her life.
Damon,new to New York, gets a cryptic message; someone in bureau is a traitor, was it his mentor Allan. Finally, someone at Allan office answers, telling him he is dead, and what happened. The questions begin, how was his daughter Sophia doing, did she believe how or was she questioning it also. A great plot, one can feel the tension, and wondering what happened. The characters are well defined. A definite winner for Barbara and this new series. Hopefully the second book will be out soon. Given ARC for my voluntary review and my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marie botcher
Though I am also a fan of straight romance novels, my absolute favorites to read are the romantic suspense novels and this didn't disappoint. I really enjoyed this book and can't wait for the next one in the series! Damon and Sophie were characters you just wanted to care about right from the start, complete opposites brought together in a time of crisis, and unlike a lot of other suspense novels I have read, I didn't have a clue on the good guys verses the bad guys on this one. I am hoping there is some follow-up on them in later books, like the Callaway series that seems to move on to the next family member while keeping up with the lives of the previous leads from other books, even if it's just an update on them as minor characters. I love to know what happens next with characters I have come to love! And I look forward to learning more about Bree and especially Wyatt - his character really intrigues me for some reason. Something to look forward to!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin weah
Sophie is an archaeologist/teacher who's life gets turned upside down after receiving a mysterious message from her FBI father shortly before his death. Was it an accident or murder?

Damon is an agent with the FBI that was due to work with her dad. He met Sophie awhile ago at a mutual friends funeral when they consoled each other over their loss. When he hears of her dad's death all he can think about is protecting her, but can she trust him?

What a great start to a new series by Barbara Freethy. Filled with suspense that kept me on the edge of my chair. The author introduced us to many characters that will probably show up in future books in the series and it was done so smoothly that it was easy to follow and not get confused about who was who.It has a touch of romance, danger , mob action, crooked FBI agents and several surprises and twists that kept the story interesting throughout!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tori cook
This is the first book in an exciting new suspense series called Off the Grid that I'm completely hooked on! This story had a little bit of everything including danger, romance and enough intrigue to keep me guessing up until the very last page and I loved this! Sophie has had her entire life turned upside down in a matter of four encrypted phone messages and things spiral into chaos from there. She has no idea who she can trust and her life is on the line. One wrong move can cost her everything. I loved how this story took off running and never slowed down and how completely absorbed I became in it! After reading this, I am definitely looking forward to much more from this author in the future! I highly recommend reading this to anyone and I reviewed this for Reviews from the Heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna simpson
Perilous Trust by Barbara Freethy is the first book in the Off The Grid: FBI Trilogy.
Meet Damon Wolfe and Sophie Parker.
Damon is Sophie's ex-ons and works with the FBI. Sophie is a professor at NYU. Then her father gets killed in a car crash and Sophie believes he was murdered.
Go onto a breattaking hunt with the characters.
This story is full of unexpected twists and turns, danger, violence and more, much much more.
Perilous Trust is a well written novel with great characters and a fantastic story. I really loved reading this book and it kept me well entertained. I give 4,5 stars, thank you Barbara Freethy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! A fantastic romantic suspense novel and even better kickoff to a new series by Barbara Freethy. Sophie Parker is on the run after her father is killed - she's not sure why, but when Damon Wolfe catches up to her, he helps her stay safe. Sophie's dad was Damon's mentor and he and Sophie shared a one night stand years ago. The chemistry is still there as they attempt to outrun those after them.

A well written mystery and a great melding of the mystery and romance. Neither feels shortchanged in this book. I am looking forward to Bree and Wyatt's stories!

Thanks to the author for a review copy of this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather gill
The title of this book is so appropriate. Barbara Freethy is a master of her craft in writing romantic suspense. Sophie Parker is the daughter of an FBI agent and a professor at NYU. She receives multiple cryptic messages from her father before he dies. He tells her to trust no one. She goes on the run and is found by FBI agent Damon Wolfe. Damon was a one night stand four years prior. Should Sophie trust him? Should she trust his cohort agents he went to Quantico with? They all have links to Sophie's father. This book is full of suspense and drama. Five stars for Perilous Trust. Looking forward to the next Off the Grid book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am a huge romantic suspense fan. Barbara Freethy has given us a wonderful example of the romantic suspense genre. After losing her father, Sophie has no one to turn to except her one night stand Damon. Someone is after Sophie and they don't exactly want her alive. Damon will do anything to keep Sophie safe. Someone is at fault for Sophie being in danger, was it her father or someone in the FBI?

The adventure that Barbara Freethy takes us on in Perilous Trust is full of twists and turns. It is a perfect suspense that will keep you guessing until the very last moment. This book definitely deserves 5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess brown
Barbara does it again with a suspense filled book that I could not stop turning the pages. Sophie’s father was an FBI agent that was killed and his final words were left on her voicemail. She knows that she needs to follow his instructions to stay alive and finish whatever it was he started. Along the way she is joined again by Damon Wolfe, the one night stand that she has never been able to get over and current FBI agent. Together they have to find out who in the FBI they can trust to find out the truth and to stay alive, but do they still have feelings for each other too? I can’t wait to read the next book in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4 Stars!

Holy moly! This book is filled with suspense right through to the very end!

What a rush this was to read! Action, intrigue, suspense and romance come together into this first book in the Off the Grid trilogy! The writing is amazing. Barbara Freethy has come up with an amazing cast of characters thrown together in a suspenseful plot with twists and turns around every corner. You will never know who to trust. Then, there is the relationship between Sophie and Damon!

You will love this fast-paced, high action, suspenseful read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ghaidaa rummani
Getting tangled up with Perilous Trust is a rush. Barbara Freethy set the adrenaline level so high that it takes a while to come back down to solid ground. A tortured love affair sets off a chain of events that are explosive and deadly. It will take some fancy footwork, complete trust and admitting some hard truths to save them from the danger on their trail and in their hearts. The suspense is killer, the danger is intense and the electricity generated between Sophie and Damon is off the charts. All come together to create a lethally seductive thriller.
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