The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It
ByColin Flaherty
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
every white person in america needs to read this book and see what is going on every day and at first i did not believe this was going on but the man has video links to all most every story he talks about this book might save you or your family so get this book and wake up people you will be glad you did ..................(you want my solution guns make gutless cowards go away ) you will understand my comment when you read the book GET THIS BOOK
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Colin told the story the lamestream media is unwilling to tell! This book tells you the true story of black crime in America and has the video links to prove it! Well done! I highly recommend this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brandy mattice
I bought this book after reading several reviews and must say that it is educational; good information for anyone needing enlightenment about street smarts when faced with maneuvering on the mean streets of America's cities, especially its inner cities. Knowing where, when, and what to avoid can make the difference between reaching your destination unscathed without losing your wallet, watch, and life, over being raped, robbed, brutalized, even killed. I read all the reviews posted here and I'd bet most of the negativity came from liberals. Classic examples of liberal negativity: If you don't like the content or the message criticize the punctuation, grammar and style. Next, for you fools out there, the FBI works for the DOJ. The only people who fear the FBI are law abiding citizens of any race who have seen the injustice doled out by this present day Sicherheitsdienst and Schutzstaffel. They still haven't come up with any information for public dissemination that explains what really happened with Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and NSA crimes against conservative groups and American citizens, just to name a few. As far as the title, "White Girl Bleed a Lot"...that was a quote from an Ebonics speaking member of a street gang - flash mob from the HoG (read Hood or Ghetto). Questions?
Just remember Eric Holder was quoted in the book "Injustice" explaining why the DOJ didn't bring charges against the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation in Philly, "We let it go because it's a black thing the rest of you won't understand." Oh really your highness? Try me. Finally, that oracle, truth-Sayer, genius, and defender of Liberal Progressive fundamentalism, Juan Williams said on Fox News, "If I were walking down the street and I saw four black guys on the corner milling around I would go around the block to avoid them because you have no way of knowing what they are going to do when you try to get by them." For all its faults, critically noted, from misspellings, punctuation errors, use of Ebonics, and lack of footnotes there is still a lot to learn about the strategy and tactics used by the modern day predators trolling the cities and streets looking for their next victim or crime wave with no fear of law enforcement or worries about arrest, prosecution or incarceration. Ignore it if you like, especially if you find the truth offensive. However if your insurance is provided by Obama-care, an ounce of intellectual preparation toward victim/casualty prevention is better than a ton of emergency room care. This information is a bargain for the price of this book.
Just remember, "stupid is as stupid does."
Blanquito Loco
GED Pending since 1975
Just remember Eric Holder was quoted in the book "Injustice" explaining why the DOJ didn't bring charges against the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation in Philly, "We let it go because it's a black thing the rest of you won't understand." Oh really your highness? Try me. Finally, that oracle, truth-Sayer, genius, and defender of Liberal Progressive fundamentalism, Juan Williams said on Fox News, "If I were walking down the street and I saw four black guys on the corner milling around I would go around the block to avoid them because you have no way of knowing what they are going to do when you try to get by them." For all its faults, critically noted, from misspellings, punctuation errors, use of Ebonics, and lack of footnotes there is still a lot to learn about the strategy and tactics used by the modern day predators trolling the cities and streets looking for their next victim or crime wave with no fear of law enforcement or worries about arrest, prosecution or incarceration. Ignore it if you like, especially if you find the truth offensive. However if your insurance is provided by Obama-care, an ounce of intellectual preparation toward victim/casualty prevention is better than a ton of emergency room care. This information is a bargain for the price of this book.
Just remember, "stupid is as stupid does."
Blanquito Loco
GED Pending since 1975
The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it. :: Confronting the Subculture Within the African-American Community :: Walk on Earth a Stranger (Gold Seer Trilogy) :: Good and Cheap: Eat Well on $4/Day :: Beauty Queens
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a book everyone should read, there is definitely a wrong mind set in todays black communities and this book exposes this. We have all kinds of movies and books on the white populations attitudes towards blacks, but most people are afraid to expose this problem in black communities.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j alan
Finally, the tide of political correctness has begun to turn. The subject of this book is one that you're unlikely to see on TV or in the newspaper or the weekly news magazines, such as Time. You won't even see it in the National Review or the Weekly Standard although at least one of the foregoing has reviewed the book. This subject ought to be discussed openly. No excuses, just the facts, ma'am.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah harrison
As I read this book I became increasingly appalled, both at the content (meticulously backed up by videos and by links) and at the pervasiveness of media denial. I knew this happened, probably more than was being reported, but I didn't have any idea that it was this bad. We seem to be heading straight for anarchy, especially with Obama and the DOJ leading the charge to neutralize law enforcement.
Congratulations to Mr. Flaherty for exposing the truth about black on white violence. One quote in his book, made by a police chief in New York, suggested that whites do not know how to behave. Well, after reading this book I have learned how to behave. I am going to stay out of big cities when at all possible and do my shopping at suburban outlets or online. I am going to steer my grandchildren away from universities, no matter how prestigious, located in big cities that are unsafe. If I must attend conventions and/or meetings in a big city I will not set foot out of the hotel except to take a taxi back to the airport. And rather than move closer to a major urban area, I am going to stay right where I am -- in a location that has very, very few blacks.
Congratulations to Mr. Flaherty for exposing the truth about black on white violence. One quote in his book, made by a police chief in New York, suggested that whites do not know how to behave. Well, after reading this book I have learned how to behave. I am going to stay out of big cities when at all possible and do my shopping at suburban outlets or online. I am going to steer my grandchildren away from universities, no matter how prestigious, located in big cities that are unsafe. If I must attend conventions and/or meetings in a big city I will not set foot out of the hotel except to take a taxi back to the airport. And rather than move closer to a major urban area, I am going to stay right where I am -- in a location that has very, very few blacks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cb stewart
Another good book from Colin on a subject that needs to be addressed , but is constantly being pushed under a rug. When one is able to back up what they say, by presenting evidence (of many kinds), people can only play stupid for too long before becoming complicit.
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josh sands
A real eye opener. Pathetic that the "lamestream" media won't report the story. And you know it can't be because they don't know it's an issue since it's happening all across the country. This is a book every american needs to read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
obladi oblada
Finally there is someone who has the beach balls to write about a subject that is on national concern and a taboo at the same time especially considering the leftist and liberal media still refuses to cover the subject. It is well written and researched and I highly recommend it to anyone who is truly concerned about the double race standard in American today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jett penny
This is an excellent book that shows the media bias and coverups in the increasing attacks by black youth on white folks. This is a must read for every white and asian person in this country. Check your emotions and ego at the door and get ready to read the cold hard truth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bringing to light the facts of everyday black on white hate crimes most American can't or won't talk about without being labeled a racist.we are way overdue for change from the media who cover this up, to city officials to our police officers who are caught in the middle of this political ideology of the false white supremacy's time to stand up and voice our outrage back our police officers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Flaherty's book shows the dark underbelly of the racial violence that is ignored and actually hidden by the media in America. In stone hard truth with undeniable facts the author shows how rampant the problem is and he does it in an easy to read manner not seen before. The book White Girl Bleed A Lot should open the eyes of every reader and after reading it you will never again walk the street with a false sense of security. Knowing the seriousness of the problem of racial violence against white victims and being aware of your surroundings can actually save the life of you or your loved ones. Mob violence and horrible racial attacks against innocent white victims are even video taped nowdays and posted online as entertainment. Have you heard of the videoed knockout king attacks where unsuspecting white victims are blindsided punched to try and knock them out while the attackers friends laugh and cheer? You will. This book will tell you where to see it for yourself. You'll never look at the subject of who's really the victim in most racial attacks the same. See for yourself what the media and even law enforcement officials and mayors keep hidden from the public. White Girl Bleed A Lot exposes facts and they can't be disputed. You'll be amazed to learn of the horrific black on white crimes that have occured and never been reported in the national media. A must read if you are a person who wants to be truly informed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suhair armouti
Colin presents a clear and concise story of violence in America that is suppressed by the main stream media. Wide spread stories of white on black violence make the news each day, but the reverse is swept under the rug to comply with "political correctness". It is remarkable the amount of newsworthy reports of this type of "black on white" attacks never make it to the evening news. Thanks for bringing the truth of the escalating attacks against civilized people by the continually declining standards of the black youth of America.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharon t
Very well written and a compelling book. Glad to know that race riots and flash mobs aren't being completely ignored in our country. Thank you, Mr. Flaherty, for documenting this. Would highly recommend this book to anyone.
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megan bergeron
Interesting and unPC content. It has lot's of typos and odd formatting issues that make reading it a pain in the rear end though. Not all the YouTube links work, but given the dynamic nature of the medium that's to be expected. I'd recommend a better editing job and a re release, with perhaps an attempt to crowd source an updated link database.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book serves to more than amply illustrate what the main stream media is suppressing and has been suppressing for years; there is an epidemic of black on white violence in this country that is appalling. All whites that use TV as their only news source need to read this book. Since I stopped watching TV over a decade ago and get all my news from the Internet, I've been aware of this for years. Whites in this country need to wake up, take a look around and be aware of what's happening here. I personally have decided that I'm not going to become a victim and have taken the necessary steps to make this happen. Read. The. Book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book, should be required reading for anyone, especially the pretentious liberal hipsters that love their gentrification. Living in the South, I have seen this behavior in person, but had no idea how widespread it is becoming...not to mention the frequency of attacks, which are piling up at a dizzying rate.
Thank you, Mr. Flaherty.
Thank you, Mr. Flaherty.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very informative and a must read. Educate, educate. The book points out facts that can be instantly verified through a interactive scan mark or link depending if you have the e-book. Great feature if there's any doubt to the validity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicole lavigne
As a philosophy major years ago I always pursued the evidence without regard for the comfort level of its sometimes revelations. This book exposes an uncomfortable degree of attention on a topic that many would rather pretend does not exist. Who ever really wants to know that which is true from that which is false, must be willing to accept the evidence where ever it leads. The facts of racism have been with us since the slave trade was introduced to Europe by Ottomans from the Barbary Coast circa 1450 ACE. Thomas Sowell has researched and written comprehensively on this subject with the academic focus he so ably brings to his subject matter. The white guilt over slavery is a media tool for the gullible who lack the mental acuity and integrity to study for themselves what history so lucidly records.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alison siegel
Very informative book,revealing a widespread, systematic cover up by the media of violence commited against Whites by blacks. It's given weight by the author's credentials and the fact he's an insider.A lot of people are waking up thanks to youtube and the internet. I gave it 4 stars because of typos and some link problems.This book gives a small clue what life will be like if Whites become a minority in U.S.If u liked book I'd recommend, a very informative race realist site.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
graydon gordian
This was a well compiled account of the racial violence that has been sweeping across our nation for the last several years. It is easy to read and gives insight to the scope of the problem in America.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeff aronow
Colin Flaherty has done concerned, engaged Americans a service by bringing to the fore the fact that black mob violence is epidemic in America. With story after documented story, Flaherty recounts racial incidents in cities all over the United States, compassing many years, where black mobs have rampaged, robbed businesses, and assaulted the weak and innocent who were unfortunate enough to be in their path. The author provides many internet links for further follow-up and study, for those who care to learn more details.
Furthermore, Flaherty points out the total indifference of the mass media and police agencies to black mob violence, obviously for reasons of political correctness. Cover-up is the norm. Many times, the police refuse to even file reports on racial attacks and news agencies spike the stories. "Move along... nothing to see here..."
If you want to read a wake-up call to racial reality in America today, you need to read this book! As Jesse Jackson is quoted in the book ( on p. 229 ), "There is nothing more painful for me at this stage in my life, than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery - and then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved."
Furthermore, Flaherty points out the total indifference of the mass media and police agencies to black mob violence, obviously for reasons of political correctness. Cover-up is the norm. Many times, the police refuse to even file reports on racial attacks and news agencies spike the stories. "Move along... nothing to see here..."
If you want to read a wake-up call to racial reality in America today, you need to read this book! As Jesse Jackson is quoted in the book ( on p. 229 ), "There is nothing more painful for me at this stage in my life, than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery - and then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne picard
Blacks can think, say and do whatever they feel like doing because they are enabled and encouraged by their self-loathing, guilt-ridden, spineless white leftist masters.
On the other hand, if you are a straight, white conservative Christian or Jewish male American legal citizen/vet, you are demonized for simply breathing and existing.
If you are NOT in the just-mentioned group, you are lionized for simply breathing and existing.
That is why these idiotic 'hate' crimes, 'hate' speech, 'hate' thoughts only go one way.
The America some of us grew up in is DEAD.
On the other hand, if you are a straight, white conservative Christian or Jewish male American legal citizen/vet, you are demonized for simply breathing and existing.
If you are NOT in the just-mentioned group, you are lionized for simply breathing and existing.
That is why these idiotic 'hate' crimes, 'hate' speech, 'hate' thoughts only go one way.
The America some of us grew up in is DEAD.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
meagan bolles
Very interesting and informative book. I was already aware of race riots, but not the sheer volume of them. Colin does a decent job laying them out and pointing out the lack of media and official interest. He does a good job pointing out stories that most of the public never hears about or denies the significance of when faced with facts and proof.
The editing was missing completely. It was sometimes painful to run into that literary brick wall when what you're reading ends abruptly or in such a way that you have to stop to think through what you just read to understand what he's trying to convey. There were numerous cases of this. There were also numerous contextual misspellings. This made a fascinating and disturbing book somewhat painful to read at times.
I wonder if only the ebook has this problem. Publishers frequently treat them like 2nd class citizens. If this is the case, then shame on the publisher. If not then Colin needs to do a better editing job for the next edition.
I have been recommending this book to family and friends regardless. This is too important a subject to ignore. The consequences of willful ignorance will be harsh and may change the very nature of our society in very bad ways.
The editing was missing completely. It was sometimes painful to run into that literary brick wall when what you're reading ends abruptly or in such a way that you have to stop to think through what you just read to understand what he's trying to convey. There were numerous cases of this. There were also numerous contextual misspellings. This made a fascinating and disturbing book somewhat painful to read at times.
I wonder if only the ebook has this problem. Publishers frequently treat them like 2nd class citizens. If this is the case, then shame on the publisher. If not then Colin needs to do a better editing job for the next edition.
I have been recommending this book to family and friends regardless. This is too important a subject to ignore. The consequences of willful ignorance will be harsh and may change the very nature of our society in very bad ways.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Colin Flaherty smashes the notorious wall of liberal media silence to expose the truth about widespread black violence in America. He presents overwhelming evidence by locating numerous videos of flash mob craziness from the You-Tube repository. This evidence is irrefutable and indicts our mainstream media who mostly refrain from actively reporting details of such outrageous assaults.
That Flaherty is a renowned journalist adds heavily to this expose. He is essentially a liberal whose dedication to truth is stronger than his allegiance to liberal extremism. American culture saw an enormous swing over the past half century from general belief in black inferority to a gradual appeasement to the liberal call for tolerance and anti-racism.The message was reinforced in academia by assorted 'thought police" and various protocols to punish independent thinking and expression. Thus, free inquiry, once the gold standard of democratic freedom, became diverted into silent submission as in the old USSR. When geneticists like Bruce Lahn and James Watson are chastised publically rather than respected for scientific greatness, we are following the pattern of the USSR without the Stalinist yolk. The collective pressure of the liberal media is anti-scientific and anti-Darwinist, but it has the great power of the Civil Rights Movement behind it.Flaherty calmly serves as a modern gladiator-similar to the late Arthur Jensen-willing to abide by truth against the howling fanaticism of liberalism. Black racism can no longer remain hidden from the public eye. The dark side of diversity may pose an enduring problem for our future under multiculturalism.
That Flaherty is a renowned journalist adds heavily to this expose. He is essentially a liberal whose dedication to truth is stronger than his allegiance to liberal extremism. American culture saw an enormous swing over the past half century from general belief in black inferority to a gradual appeasement to the liberal call for tolerance and anti-racism.The message was reinforced in academia by assorted 'thought police" and various protocols to punish independent thinking and expression. Thus, free inquiry, once the gold standard of democratic freedom, became diverted into silent submission as in the old USSR. When geneticists like Bruce Lahn and James Watson are chastised publically rather than respected for scientific greatness, we are following the pattern of the USSR without the Stalinist yolk. The collective pressure of the liberal media is anti-scientific and anti-Darwinist, but it has the great power of the Civil Rights Movement behind it.Flaherty calmly serves as a modern gladiator-similar to the late Arthur Jensen-willing to abide by truth against the howling fanaticism of liberalism. Black racism can no longer remain hidden from the public eye. The dark side of diversity may pose an enduring problem for our future under multiculturalism.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carolyn abram
A collection of stories anyone who lives in an urban area are familiar with but rarely discuss and are only "local news" and "just a bunch of kids". A good gift for people who can't see beyond their isolated cocoon of national media. I let sum such person borrow it and never got it back, worth every penny.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeannie dixon
This is a great expose on the unwillingness or corroboration of city managers, mayors or police departments to cover for or enable the destruction of our society per South Africa, empowering the dregs of black offspring to control us. People need to get their heads out of their a---- and demand responsibility from community leaders!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
erin muir
A well written and researched chronology of an extremely disturbing trend. Even more disturbing given the outcry against liberal bias demonstrated by the lack of media attention in the brutal, war-crime nature of the Knoxville TN murders of 2007. People are not heeding the wake up call. This is an excellent current events book that alerts the reader to several problems within our society to which we would otherwise be blind. European Americans obviously need their own advocacy groups.
However this book has some room for improvement. Several cases are listed twice and some links to the videos and articles are now broken. Estimates of crowd sizes (500-1000) are too broad and use no data or photograph to stake the claim. Better would be to include a reference section at the end of the book or a link to an archive that would ensure the content remains, and sources for the crowd size estimates. It is obvious that some news outlets that realize they have been linked by the book take down the page for the reasons expressed in the book. An excellent addition would be an interactive map pinpointing the events so that the trends can be followed over time. I look forward to future work by this author.
P.S. I first bought the hardcover but realized that since no links were referenced at all, it had very limited value. Only buy the digital version.
However this book has some room for improvement. Several cases are listed twice and some links to the videos and articles are now broken. Estimates of crowd sizes (500-1000) are too broad and use no data or photograph to stake the claim. Better would be to include a reference section at the end of the book or a link to an archive that would ensure the content remains, and sources for the crowd size estimates. It is obvious that some news outlets that realize they have been linked by the book take down the page for the reasons expressed in the book. An excellent addition would be an interactive map pinpointing the events so that the trends can be followed over time. I look forward to future work by this author.
P.S. I first bought the hardcover but realized that since no links were referenced at all, it had very limited value. Only buy the digital version.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa hartman
Colin Flaherty tackles a subject that most people would rather ignore: The spiraling level of black-on-white violence in America's cities. Well researched and meticulously documented, this book should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans irrespective of race, creed, or color. The author highlights two major failures that may yet destroy our country: The inability or unwillingnes of the government to protect and defend the lives, liberty, and property of all Americans, as well as the unwillingness of the press to call attention to the problem. Scary!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book delves into the harsh reality of black crime and hatred of white people that is unfortunately confronting the nation today. I encourage everyone of all races to read this book and take an inward look at what is going on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike young
Great book, well written, and documented without fail! " Just the facts maam", as Joe Friday on Dragnet would say. A sad but TRUE factual collection of accounts that show the American Press, and the American Government as what thay both are ... inept!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A compilation of blog posts, organized and well supported. I recommend this to anyone starting to become aware of cultural changes in our society. This provides a lot of information to be on the lookout for to keep yourselves and your families safe.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
harry mccaul
Seriously, though....such events DO happen more often than many are aware, and this book is an eye opener towards the "new cool" of not only being black in America, but of being black and pissed off. Many are pissed off at the "master race" of the white man (that is generally just walking around in todays society "dumb" and "Ignorant") towards the true feelings of many black Americans. You've probably seen it in society......people of the race opposite of your own acting like YOU are polluting the air that they are breathing since you are within 10 feet of "them". Anyway, since Obummer was elected the issue of race (and the privilege of being "large and in charge" is more of an issue than ever before. open your eyes and see it unless you are blind. I've seen such behaviors as described in this book first hand...and I'm glad I did not stop to become a victim!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If a small fraction of what Mr. Flaherty claims in this work is true, some folks in the U.S. have a REAL problem. I know enough from my own personal experiences covering many years, to know that street crimes can go unreported, and when the action can't be denied or "minimalized" the mainstream media may ignore the crimes altogether.
The future of this country may be very interesting, indeed. As in the Chinese CURSE: "May you live in interesting times."
The future of this country may be very interesting, indeed. As in the Chinese CURSE: "May you live in interesting times."
Please RateThe Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It