Revolution and Terror in America's Colony - War Against All Puerto Ricans

ByNelson A Denis

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah kahn
Every young puertorican should read this book. Listening to my grandparents from both sides of the family it answered a lot of questions I had as growing young lady. My heart goes to all those people that went through such a difficult time during that era in PuertoRico. Very valuable information and to my surprise my eldest son (who lives in Pittsburg recommended the book. Congratulations to Nelson Dennis for doing such an extraordinary job on writting a Puerto Rican history masterpiece. Excelente.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathleen w wilson
Just finished reading it and I was heartbroken, fascinated and flabbergasted. In simple words and with its required bibliography and notes to support the story told, it’s clearly a well written factual book. Not surprised by some of the facts expressed yet, the story told with its detailed accounts is an eye opener. A must read – with an objective mood!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris pooler
EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT! A book every Puerto Rican should read, especially those who did not grown up in PR. Mr. Denis motivated me to do more research about Boriquen and my cultural ancestry. It's amazing how the FACTS in "War Against All Puerto Ricans" deletes all that made-up "historical" rhetoric as told by the very same people who have destroyed Boriquen. I hope Mr. Denis is planning on writing a Book #2.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric w
An honest informative book regarding the history of colonization in Puerto Rico, and America's role in its slow demise. I especially recommend this book for fellow Puerto Ricans seeking truth and empowerment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin hanlon
Such a great book! Made me realize that the United States government isn’t as great as they make themselves out to be. It shows the REAL history of Puerto Rico and the United States. After reading this book, I am all for Puerto Rican independence. Viva Puerto Rico libre!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ang lique
Very informative ...a page turner.... not like any other history book! Gives the reason why the Island is in Puerto Rico is in such crisis and makes me feel angry ant how the USA has permitted these things to happen to people that are financially and physically under their control!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen duffin
This book was very enlightening. Never knew the truth about our history. US-published history books have lied from the moment I was old enough to read. Good feeling to open my eyes and see the truth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caryn winslow
Such a great book. Denis focuses most on Albizu Campos (amazing guy) and the Nationalist movement. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about Puerto Rico's relationship with the US and why it is the way it
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A historical and literary pearl about The US Government invasion of the caribbean island of Puerto Rico in 1898 and over 100 years of American control over the island, includying the first and only time when US Armed Forces have been used against Us citizens.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura lupei
Mr. Denis. Thank you for writing this book. It made me angry, made me cry, but above all made me proud of the history of Mi Puerto Rico. This history should be taught in schools. Not too many Puerto Ricans know about this fight for independence and all the people that died during that time fighting for their ideals of been a free independent country. Believe it or not Mr. Denis this book could be about our recent history. Not much has changed. We're still treated like sub-human and a trophy of US imperialism. One day Puerto Ricans will wake up and realize that we can be more prosperous as an independent country. We have proven that we have capable people in every facet that can make P.R. a great country. Long live Puerto Rico!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a minimum every Puerto Rican (Boricua) should read this book to learn what our great, grandfathers, and uncles as my case had to deal. By reading this good it has helped me confirmed/understand/validate attitudes or better said ignorance by those that do not know a bit about our culture. Nelson, you might want to show yourself in Puerto Rico and talk in from of our people that might open the eyes of those that are still blind. Great Book..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A must read for anyone who wants to understand Latin America and the ubiquitous distrust of the United States. Or, for that matter, for any American who blindly endorses the position of our government.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This well researched book is a must read for those seeking to make sense of the social, political and economic chaos in present time Puerto Rico. It removes the veil on certain facts and events that historians have "inadvertently" forgot or misrepresented.

For the first time I have seen a federal agency document confirming the gossip of Governor's LMM drug addiction. Evidence that not only tarnishes an "illustrious" politician, but shakes the pillars of the ELA temple.

Once upon a time we were brave people. Willing to stand for our beliefs. It seems that after years of being led, we have forgotten how to find our own way. It seems that the opium that once ran through a leaders veins now rushes its way through our people. We dream about a better future, but fail to work hard for it and only rush to get a "fix".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vladimir haritonov
Excellent book! A must read for anyone who wants to know "by the book" details of the years that followed the US invasion in Puerto Rico in 1898. The side of the story that most history books fail to address, or have been undoubtedly overlooked.
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