Shooting Scars: Book 2 in The Artists Trilogy

ByKarina Halle

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ariel wiborn
5 Stars. Shooting Scars surpassed all of my expectations. By far. Karina Halle is so flipping creative! After reading Sins and Needles and On Every Street, I had certain theories floating around in my head. Boy, was I wrong. Shooting Scars will take you for a ride (across Mexico in a classic GTO) that will leave you breathless. It will turn you upside down and leave you on pins and needles waiting for Bold Tricks. Con artist Ellie Watt. Tattoo artist Camden McQueen. Cartel drug lord Javier Bernal. This series rocks!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah jean bagnell
OMG!!! Karina you soooo did it again, and again and again!!! This was another one I so tried to stretch out to make it last but once you get into Camden, Javier and Ellie you cannot and i repeat CANNOT put these books down!! You so need to know what is going to happen next. You write so well and help us understand how each and every character is feeling, needing, wanting and thinking. That takes alot to do and you nail it each time!! You can make us fall in love with a bad guy and wanna be a con artist all in the same chapter. Thank you for this series I cannot wait for the next book, sad it will be "the end" but cannot wait to see what and where you take these people next!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I seriously enjoyed this book. It has so much information that was needed from the first book and I fell more in love with each of the characters after this read. What do I think of the book? I think that this book portrays the reality of choices, especially life choices. Everyone makes their bed in which they must lie in it. I felt sort of bad for Camden in this book as well as Javier. You get a glimpse into both their reactions and I kept swinging from one side to the other. In the end, I think I'm team Ellie. I hope for her sake that each of these characters decide that their own individual life is what's most important. I cannot wait for the next book and I suggest everyone gives this a read!
A Standalone Friends-to-Lovers Romance - Bad at Love :: Love, in Spanish: (A Love, in English sequel) :: Long Shot: A HOOPS Novel :: Smut: A Standalone Romantic Comedy :: Lying Season (Experiment in Terror #4)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris reid
Shooting Scars is raw, emotional and intense story. Emotions in this book hit me pretty hard and I was a mess when reading it. I was on the edge of my seat most of the time, feeling hopeful, feeling depressed, feeling all kinds of emotions. Perfect continutation to Sins & Needles!

I really like Ellie. So after her character transition in Sins & Needles I was extremely curious to see what would happen with her in this sequel. Will she be able to get over her past or will she give in? I was really worried that she would fall back in to her old life. Were my worries justifiable?

I was ecstatic to see things from Camden's perspective, to get into his head. And let me tell you, it was one angry, depressive place, full of regrets and rage. He had the hardest choices possible in front of him and I didn't envy his position. How can person decide between people he would die for if needed?

Javier was still his immoral-self. Picture of calm, always being in control. It is not a secret that I have always thought that he was a sick psychopath. It is not result of some trauma. It is who he is, what he enjoys. And it is a reason why I cannot like him at all. But oh boy, he makes one excellent character to read about. Karina created perfect villain and it will be up to readers to decide whether they will condemn him for good or succumb to his sneaky charms...

Shooting Scars is about choices and decisions. What direction to head, what kind of life to live. It is a story full of unexpected twists and crazy moments. You will be on your toes all the time, never knowing what is about to happen.

This was one of the most intense stories I have ever read in my life. Karina Halle didn't give me a moment to collect myself before pulling out another raw scene. There were times when I had no idea what to think about what was happening. Now, when I am so deeply connected with main characters, everything feels personal. Their pain, their despair, their sadness, their fears. I experienced it all with them.

If you for whatever reason have not started this series yet, do so now. The Artists Trilogy is absolutely phenomenal piece of work!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cassie todd
And the saga continues...

I am really liking this series. There is a lot going on though, and you just never really know who truly is the bad guy.

I love Ellie (or whatever her name is today). Camden in priceless. Who couldn't love a tattooed Clark Kent-ish guy who never quits no matter how the odds are stacked against him. Even though I shouldn't, I do actually like Javier. He is a s***, but he has a soft spot, somewhere.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I can only say that the mix of intensity, violence and darkness has put this series at the top of my list. I enjoy a good love story but you mix all those other elements with some steamy, sexy scenes and you have a five star series. Katrina Halle is a genius. This a fantastic love triangle. The bad boys are really bad and so sexy that you don't know whether to hate them or love them. I'm so looking forward to the last book and starting the next series. I highly recommend this trilogy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesica oster
Ellie/Eden made a sacrifice for Camden. She willing left with Javier to make sure Camden was safe. Javier is not the safe bet and she knows that but lines can get blurry over past loves. She struggles to find out Javier's true motive for tracking her down. Meanwhile Camden teams up with Gus to find Ellie. Will he get to her in time before Javier's claws are in to deep? Will he lose his life or soul in the process?

Rating: 5 plus stars. Adrenaline ride. Awesome. Cannot wait for book 3.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As usual, Karina Halle has written another wonderful book that has left me wanting to more!!!! The triangle relationship between Elllie, Javier, and Camden is absolutely nail-biting especially since both men have a hold on Ellie's heart and soul and we all know that eventually she will have to search her very heart and soul in an attempt to choose one of these men? Will she make the best choice or will fate itself make her choice? As for Gus, how does he play into all of this? Was he taken by chance or as part a thought out plan to draw in Ellie, which in turn draws in Javier? Oh, just too many questions........can not wait until book three even though as proven with this book with surely be worth the wait, Thank you Karina for another GREAT book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was an exciting and suspenseful installment of The Artists Trilogy. Because there is one book left in the series, this one ends on a cliff-hanger. I knew that going in, so I wasn't disappointed. I'm just a little bit anxious as to where the next book will take me. Great writing for this crazy ride.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beginning this book, I was unsure which team I was on. I loved Javier' s sexy confidence, and was actually leaning toward him, until Camden' s bad-ass self appeared!

"F-you, you pansy." Javier sneered. "What the f do you know about anything?"
"I know this pansy beat your f-ing ass, American style," Camden shot back.

This series is awesome, and I can't wait for Bold Tricks!

(the store wouldn't let me spell out the "f" word!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Shooting Scars did not disappoint! It kept me enthralled the whole time reading it! When I finished Sins and Needles I was Team Camden all the way and I still am after reading Shooting Scars, but I almost jumped over to Team Javier, but after the end it's obvious who Ellie should be with!!! Now if I only didn't have to wait til October to read Bold Tricks!!! The Artists Trilogy is one of the best series I've read!!! Check out Experiment in Terror if you want to read more from Katrina Halle, that is another great series as well!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After walking away from Camden in an effort to save him, Ellie begins falling back into old patterns. Javier is still keeping secrets. Camden is fighting to get back to Ellie with Gus's help. When things go wrong, unlikely allegiances are formed and I'm looking forward to more answers in book 3.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I totally thought the first book was good but this second book BLEW it out of the water..Karina Halle you my friend can write.I have never before been on the edge of my seat while reading, like I did this book. I felt for EVERY character. One minute I love Javi the next I love Camden. That's a sandwich I would've LOVED to be in,at least in some situations. I wish it could work out for everyone involved, but unfortunately Ellie can only choose one in the end. Good luck and I'll be anxiously awaiting to see how it all ends up..XOXO
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book really messes with your head and emotions! You know you should love Camden....but your'e so damn confused already after reading 'On Every Street'. Now you keep flipping back and forth b/c you know Javier is bad...but...and I mean a big but..... Then Camden swoops back in....God my emotions were all over the place. I couldn't stick with either guy! Awesome book. Cannot wait for 'Bold Tricks'. I absolutely recommend this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been waiting impatiently for this book ever since the nail biting cliffhanger at the end of Sins & Needles. I was a newbie to Karina's writing and taken by surprise by how much I fell in love with the edgy writing and authentic, gripping storytelling. She took me on a journey that blew my mind away. And let me tell you, when I finally got my greedy little paws on Shooting Scars, I devoured it and then was left with the biggest book hangover. EVER.

Camden, Javier, Camden, Javier, Camden, Javier... what's a girl to do? At the end of Sins & Needles, Ellie was forced to make a decision: choose between the life she desperately wants with the man she fell in love with or go with the man she once loved, and now despises, to save Camden. She chose to save Camden.

Shooting Scars alternates chapters in dual POV's between Ellie and Camden. The story opens up exactly where we left of in Sins & Needles. Ellie Watts is now in a bad situation, forced to go with Javier, who is older and more terrifying than the boy she fell obsessively in love with. She left Camden behind to take care of his ex-wife and son. As Ellie rides off into the unknown with Javier, her future is uncertain.

Javier Bernal is a man fueled by revenge and coerces Ellie to help him exact his revenge. Ellie should be fueled by this same revenge, but things have changed during her time with Camden. In Camden, she saw the possibility that she could have a normal life. Her hope that she could start over fresh has been taken away from when Javier made her choose. Camden is angry and hurt by Ellie's choice. He's torn between protecting his wife and child from danger or saving the woman he loves from Javier. Two men, polar opposites, love the same woman but have different agendas when it comes to Ellie. Strap your seatbelt on tight, because this wild ride begins with a BANG and never lets up.

Ellie is a tough con artist, independent, and sometimes fearless. She has created a hard shell to protect herself from her scarred past, yet underneath that tough persona, she's extremely vulnerable. She wants do the right thing so she sacrifices her happiness by going with Javier to protect Camden from harm. But with Javier, who is the epitome of sexy, smooth, scary, and manipulative, she is weak. Javier is her first love, the one man she would've given up everything for. Until he ripped her heart out and stomped on it.

"A love that starts out under a lie is bound to kill you and sometimes you lived to tell the tale."

But now that she is around Javier again, all those memories she's compartmentalized over the years come roaring back to the forefront. She starts to feel conflicted over him. She's drawn to him, but she hates him for what he did and everything that he stands for - powerful leader of a drug cartel and murderer. She now feels lonely and uncertain and is tormented by her anguish to be a good person. And now that Javier has Ellie alone, he's able to get inside her head and manipulate her. He says he needs her. He says that she is the only woman for him and that she crushed him when she left him. There are answers as to why Javier did what he did to Ellie... But it wasn't good enough for me. What it all comes down to... What's more important to Javier: His revenge or Ellie?

Camden McQueen makes my heart flutter every time he walks onto the pages. I love that hulking nerd of sexiness with his gorgeous tats and beautiful blue eyes. Oh, but Karina Halle almost had me switching teams when she wrote Ellie and Javier's heartbreaking story,On Every Street. And let me tell you, Javier is a sexy temptation that is hard to resist, but being reunited with Camden and seeing him change into a raging bull in this book completely squashed the temptation I had for Javier. Camden came out of the gates guns blazing, ready to kick some Mexican gangster ass.

"I was going to find her, wherever she was, because I was hers. She had all of me, always had."

Being inside Camden's head made this book so much more thrilling and interesting. Knowing his thoughts and feelings on how he feels about Ellie made me fall harder for him. The man has been shitted on so many times over the years and he's angry. He wants redemption. This anger fuels him to get his revenge against Javier and to save his Ellie from the man that he hates with every fiber in his being. Camden goes through an acute amount of changes in this story. And, by the end, Camden is definitely not the same man as before.

"It made me realize that in saving her, I might lose myself."

To save Ellie, Camden teams up with Gus, who is an ex-cop and Ellie's pseudo father figure. He was introduced in the first book, but plays a bigger role in this story. I learned that Gus is a big ole dangerous teddy bear. He's got secrets and I'm dying to know them.

Shooting Scars is a dark, sexy, and sublimely written story that will take you on an exhilarating ride and leave you breathless and utterly speechless. The action explodes right from the beginning and is relentless. The plotline is multi-layered with double-crossings, emotional turmoil, despair, danger, and shocking twists that will keep you glued to the pages. You will be holding your breath as you watch the story unfold and truths are revealed. The love triangle is brilliantly written. You will be left lusting after Camden or Javier, who both kick ass and never take names. (Though I'm firmly on Camden's side. That beautiful, tattooed nerd owns my heart.) So much happens in this book that I can't even begin to describe how impacted I was by the story. This series rocks my world.

Rating: A
Heat: Hot

-- A Romantic Book Affairs Review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tammy baker
This book has gone straight to my favourites shelf.

I didn't think the author would be able to top Sins & Needles how very wrong I was! What a truly thrilling erotic ride, I was hooked from start to end.

Speaking of endings WTF was that, OMG bring on the finale!!

As an lover of Erotic Thrillers this is about as good as it gets.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alex ioana
Oh my goodness. Just when you think they are gonna get the problem solved they dig a deeper hole. If you love a book with twists and turns and twisted characters. This is the book for you. I knew this was going to be a cliff hanger. However, so much was happening so fast I was shocked to swipe the page and read .... The End. What do you mean the end!!!!? Haha bring on Bold Tricks!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah harrison
Wow. Karina Halle has done it again!! This story is not a fairy tale... it is gritty, raw and Real!! As messed up as they are you can't help but love all the characters in this book! You will get lost and consumed in their world. It is an adventure and a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I'm sad . It ended... but I am so look looking forward to the next one. I have no clue how this will all end!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yara hossam
Camden was kind of nerdy in "Sins & Needles" but I liked him and Ellie together. TEAM Camden! Then I read "On Every Street", Javier is one HOT sexy bad boy! TEAM Javier! Now after reading "Shooting Scars", Camden is a Bad A** a Hot Tattooed BAD A**!!! TEAM CAMDEN all the way!!! GREAT writing!! What a RIDE.....even though it has a cliffhanger, I don't care!!! I can't wait for book 3!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You know how you have favorite books, and then you have favorite authors? The authors who you know without doubt you will love anything that comes out of their brain? Karina Halle is this type of author, she is so great at what she does. This book leaves you wanting more (which there is a 3rd due in a few short months) but gives you the satisfaction of having some closure on certain parts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abril albarr n
I would have finished this book in one sitting if I hadn't started to fall asleep reading. An excellent read that answers questions left with Sins and Needles. Make sure you read the Novella that goes with the trilogy before reading Shooting Scars. It will help you understand this book so much better. I am now going to dig into the 3rd book in this wonderful series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alejandro perez
Another great book in the series. An emotional roller coaster that made me crazy at times and cheering at others. Just like the first book and the novella - there were moments in this book that I thought I knew what would happen next and it wasn't what I thought at all. It's going to be such a long wait to read the last book in this series. Huge fan!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
len goodman
You know what amazes me??how Karina Halle's books have never dissapointed me so far...and Shooting Scars wasn't the exception!!!I seriously enjoyed every single page of it!!This was a pretty rough time for me having some major problems so Shooting scars turned out to be my "happy place" and it helped me a get my mind off things, while reading about my tattooed hottie,Camden( team Camden of course,what else??Team Javier??please...)!!!And of course team Ellie..duh!!!She is a kick ass character!!!She has been through so much and she is still there hanging on,fighting and being awesome in general..ok she made some mistakes but hello,who hasn't??She is not your typical all shiny and perfect Barbie girl and that's what I like about her!!!
And the ending??It left me gasping and wanting more!!!!
Karina Halle thank you for writing Shooting scars..definately 5 brilliant stars from me..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Karina Halle is an artist not an author. Seriously, she is so freaking talented with her writing that to call her an author just wouldn't do her justice. I have read every book she has published and never once have I been disappointed.This one was no different. Her writing is raw and real and so brutal that is can only be described as masterful and effin brilliant. This story brought me to my knees, kicked me in the face and made my hurt do something only she is capable of evoking. You want this series. You need this series. You need Karina Halle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mindy johnson
Hands down one of my all time favorite series. It has everything. So brilliantly written. There isn't a single page that feels frivolous or drawn out or wasted. The characters are so well written and fully developed. THIS is how you write a story. Can't wait for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bobbi ciz
Wow! Another winner in the Artists Trilogy. Karina Halle has done it again, kept me reading long after I should have stopped because you get so invested in her characters that you HAVE to find out what is coming next! Don't know how long we have to sit for the finale to this great story, but it is already too long.? Thanks for another amazing read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa chapman
I love every minute of Ellie, Javier & Camden. I'll never feel safe in Mexico again. Of course I'm a drama queen and would love to run into Javier and have Camden save me. What an adventure? I'm back on earth now and can't wait for BOLD TRICKS. In the mean time I have to make up my mind If I love bad boy or semi good guy. What a dilemma?????
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
faith demars
EEEKKK!! Really good!.

Well written, suspenseful, swoony at the right times. Great sequel.
It was worth it. Left me on the edge!

I still can't pick. Just when I thought I had made up my mind,
the storyline takes a turn and I'm switching teams.

I hope this last one coming up lives up to these
last ones, and that once and for all she picks, and I pick ;)

Read on!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karen kimball
Our heroine Ellie finds herself with only tough choices. Thrown back into close contact with ultimate bad boy Javier. Can the leader of a drug cartel have any redeeming qualities? Can you seek revenge without losing your soul? Can someone who has only known betrayal ever really trust? I loved this book. Karina Halle has a knack for creating flawed and compelling characters. This sequel is just as gritty and hard hitting as the first and I can't wait to see how this will all end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another one out of the ball park for Karina Halle. I cannot say enough about this series. I loved it. Each book was obviously written with great affection, attention & love. Filled with major action, love, angst, fear... Everything! It's all here. Just read the books - seriously!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yohanes nugroho
Breathe in, breathe out.... I feel like I'm unbuckling my seat belt from the best roller coaster ride of my life. Team Camden, Team Javier, who the eff cares. Team Holy Freaking Chit!

I was literally at the edge of my seat through every page. I gasped; things were seen that can't be unseen. Oh my heart ached for one character it literally dropped to the ground. I wanted to jump into my kindle and give them a hug, but then a few chapters later I wanted to punch them in the face. HA! My emotions were all over the face. Don't do it...don't cross that point of no redemption but everyone is redeemable, right? My God, these characters are freaking amazing. They are flawed, damaged and imperfect. They don't always make the right decisions. Revenge, lust and familiarity often takes precedence over their heart. I need Bold Tricks like yesterday. I can't even begin to imagine what awaits the banditos of defiance.

Karina Halle brings out the guns in Shooting Scars, the writing is impeccable, captivating. She captured the true essence of every character.

Grab your popcorn, oranges, sit back and enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have thoroughly enjoyed The Artists Trilogy. However, this book was probably my least favorite of the 3. I still really enjoyed it, but I did not fall in love with this one. Maybe it was simply because I had overly high expectations? I had been so eager for this books release that perhaps my anticipations were unrealistic? The first 2 in this series seemed to be faster paced, and more emotionally packed then Shooting Scars. This book just lacked the deep and attention demanding aspects the previous books contained. There were even a couple of times I even felt my interest wavering. :( Upon completion of this read, I just felt a tad let down. I wasn't a fan of way this one ended, and felt that overall this book lacked the Artist Trilogy intensity. It was still a good book; don't get me wrong, it just was not as satisfying as previous books in this series. I don't feel that the impact of this book accomplished much in the overall plot of this story. It just did not feel as though many significant events occurred during this read. Perhaps the next book will be better? I just hope it's not a very long wait. It seemed like forever between books for this one to be released.

How much did I pay: 2.99
Was it worth this $: yes
Will I read more in series: If they are released in a decent time frame
Will I recommend: sure
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kami matteson
This series continues to sweep me up in emotion, suspense and exceptionally developed characters. Karina Halle is so talented---her imagery and writing talent is extraordinary. Can't wait for Bold Tricks!!

PS: I'm still Team Camden----but, I was worried I'd be converted to Team Javier with this one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer waye
Unfortunately Camden's POV was necessary but it took a lot for me to warm up to him. It seemed for most of it all he wasn't much better than Javier (he is). Ellie doubts herself but is resilient, strong, defiant, and powers on through her fear. It's admirable. Girl needs to give herself more credit!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I finished book one and immediately purchased and starting reading book 2. Now I am finished with book 2 and immediately purchased book 3. I love the characters and can't wait to start the next book, as they each seem to get better!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was riveting, as every Karina Halle book has ever been! There isn't a bad one in the bunch people, trust me.

Ooooh, that Javier, what a slick nasty b-tard he is. Seriously, the man is oily and freaky and all sorts of no good. At one point in the book I was mentally screaming at Ellie thinking, "what the hell are you doing, girl????" I know she has a history with this man and all that, but nasty, just nasty.

Camden really went the distance in this book, literally. Gotta give the man his due for being so devoted. He's pretty awesome. I usually hate the male leads in Halle's books but I am quickly becoming a Camden fan. He goes down in history as being her first male lead that I didn't want to smack upside the head. Dex annoys me, Sage annoys me, Javier repulses me. Camden, he's a decent guy. I'll take Camden, thank you :)

As for Ellie, well she kind of fell apart in this book. She made all sorts of rash decisions and wasn't treating herself right. Usually Ellie can get out of a bind fairly well on her own. This time she needed the knight in shining armor to help her. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it makes for a great story, but get it together, EW! She went along with a plan that puts her in the situation of pretending to be a young American woman ALONE, visiting Mexico. A place where people are beheaded daily and vicious drug wars are fought. I would have called BS on that idea right away. Young American women do not take a vacation in Mexico alone. They go to resorts with friends. No better way to tip Travis off that something stinks like a very unlikely cover story.

I don't know what the sneaky Javier was up to. We'll find out more in the next book, but I am secretly hoping he gets the final cut in the next installment. I don't know how much more of his creepiness I can handle!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great story, very entertaining. Could not put it down ! Had to read it while cooking dinner, folding clothes, waiting for kids to come out of school.... Finished it in one day! Characters are evolving, the story is progressing, what can possibly happen next?!
Can't wait for the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was fantastic! What a great addition to this series. You have to read "Sins and Needles" and "On Every Street" prior to this book. You can't help but fall in love Ellie, Camden, and yes I said it even Javier. Karina has out done herself again. Keep up the fantastic writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really liked this book, but compared to the first and 1.5, it is my least favorite. It felt rushed and the whole plot is taking a weird turn. I LOVE Camden and really can't wait to see how the whole series unfolds. Don't get me wrong, I will read the rest of the series. I just hope it doesn't disappoint, and I hope she doesn't take a year to write the next one. :-P
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fenton shugrue
I loved Shooting Scars, and in my opinion, Karina Halle can do no wrong. This is an amazingly well-written book and the excitement is palpable. Love the characters and look forward to the new Angel series that's coming out in a couple of days! <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fateme foroughi
I love this series. Something very entertaining in Karina's ability to show such dark and gritty characters. I love that you're constantly rooting for Ellie and Camden, even when they make mistakes. Ellie's constant battle of being good or following into a "bad angel" is heartbreaking and I can't give up on her. This was a fast pace story that never wavered.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kimmy ann
I absolutely love this series! Latina Halle is an amazing author who keeps you invested in her characters. I cannot wait for the next book to come out. I have to know what happens next. I have recommended this series to friends and anyone looking for a good series to start.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Karina Halle just keeps outdoing herself. I'm a big fan of both of her major series (TAT and EIT) and highly recommend them. This series is non-stop action. I'm enjoying it immensely. Ms. Halle seems very excited about Bold Tricks, the third book in the trilogy. This is excellent as it comes out in October already! Cannot wait! If you enjoy tattooed bad guys, hot drug lords, insane scenarios, and edge of your seat thrills, this trilogy is perfect.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gina minks
Loved this book and love this series! I cannot wait for the next one to come out! I totally recommend reading this series! It has it all... Romance, hurt, loss, and more romance plus twists and turns that leave you wondering where the story will go next I really hope Ellie and Camden get their HEA!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa carter
Real good Trilogy. The jungle thing was a bit over the top though (book 3). A very well written book (books). Please read "On Every Street" first. The first book will make more sense. I wish Javier was a bit more sane. He's hot!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book will not leave you disappointed. It will leave you gasping for air. Asking yourself so many questions you thought you new the answers too but you don't. I thought I had it all figured out. I thought I knew it all. But I didn't and I'm left heartbroken. Karina left me with my heart ripped from my chest, bleeding on my hands, beyond repair. I laughed, I cried (a lot) I screamed and cursed and almost punched a wall. I was happy with the events going down, but like a great Karina Halle she ripped the sidewalk out from under me and bam I'm left blindsided. But in a good way.

You have to read this trilogy. If you haven't, then you are certifiable and need to be admitted to the looney house.

Karina Halle is a magnificent, beautiful, one of a kind author. She is the epic example of greatness. Her writing is captivating and real. It makes me want to jump in the book and live the moments. It pulls you in, changes you for the better and leaves you wanting, no needing more. I will never be the same. You have ruined me for all others Karina. I need a cigarette, a shot of tequila and a horse tranquilizer After this book. Wow
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holy action packed sequel!! I thought book one was a good one. Then this has me freaking out waiting for the next one again. Ahhh Camden...what can I say. Hot tattooed muscles and glasses. Can I get book three now please.
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