In English sequel), in Spanish: (A Love, Love

ByKarina Halle

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerissa ward
Karina Halle can tell a story about ANYTHING and she will have me utterly captivated. She lends her writing prowess to many genres and no matter what genre, her work is magnificent. Love, In Spanish was over too soon-yes, I know, its a novella- but still, I want more. I loved reading this story through the eyes of Mateo. Such a fulfilling read, proving once again that Karina Halle is badass.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So first, you've obviously read Love, in English right? Well, this is a must if you have. I honestly didn't think I'd like these books because they're not my typical read. But I thoroughly enjoyed this and loved that their story was wrapped up. I mean, you really can't go wrong with Karina Halle.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
augusteen chelliah
So much drama and conflict given to Mateo and Vera didn't let me enjoy this book. As much as I felt disappointing with Love, in English I have to admit it was a better story to read through Vera. I felt as if the ending was rush and they didn't get the proper HEA they deserved!
Long Shot: A HOOPS Novel :: Smut: A Standalone Romantic Comedy :: Hot Shot (North Ridge Book 3) :: If You Were Mine (After We Fall Book 3) :: A Standalone Friends-to-Lovers Romance - Bad at Love
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Enjoyed this so much from Mateo's POV!!!! I truly didn't know what to expect and I was worried that this story would just be a re-do of the same story with a few extra scenes mixed in. Boy was I ever wrong! I think I loved Love, In Spanish even more than LIE......who would have thought.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tomeka magnani
I am totally speechless !
I am totally emotionally drained !
I am totally mesmerized by this book!
I am in love with the characters!
I am inspired by this author!
I am at a loss for words over this book!
It is breathtaking, it is life changing it is a gift
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sue mills
I loved it!!! I wouldn't expect anything less than perfection from Karina. This was the perfect companion book to Love in English which I loved as well. I would defiantly recommend this book to all my book friends :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
winter haze
I finished English this morning, and just finished Love in Spanish this evening- what can I say?! I am in LOVE with this set of books! And I am now even more in love with Mateo! Ahhhh. God help me- I desperately need to visit Spain! Awesome sequel! Must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kindle version ends at about 89% - there is an excerpt from Where Sea Meets Sky. Karina says this in her author's note (thank you).

This book started off strong for me, lost me a little in the middle, then mostly got me again at the end. But, this is how you do a follow up from the male POV. It is not a rehash of the first book. It picks up a year after LIE ends. It opens with a letter that Mateo wrote to Vera while she was gone, but he never gave it to her. We get a little insight to Mateo's thoughts when he first met Vera on the bus, but other than that, this is an entirely new story. I loved being in Mateo's head and seeing how he struggled with their relationship. Their relationship is not perfect and we see the struggles they go through in order to get to their happily ever after. The story was well written and I think Karina did a great job with it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
philip keymer
Anything Karina Halle writes, I am sure to read. This story had me on the edge of my seat. Sometimes trying to read through the tears, other times shaking in rage at the obstacle Mateo and Vera come up against. But eventually love conquers all ... shouldn't it? Highly recommend both Love in English and Love in Spanish.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A lovely continuation of Love, In English. Now that Vera and Mateo are together it is a struggle to make things work in an unfamiliar country. They have to learn how to deal with the struggles of their budding relationship. Definitely, worth the read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carrie grant
This follow up really completes the first novel. I really enjoyed reading the point of view of Mateos. It really gave depth to not only his character but his love story. Among all the high and lows this was a relatable and honest story of love. Enjoyable
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
halah rahmam
I loved Love, in English, and enjoyed having Mateos point of view in this book but I felt like Vera and Mateo didn't get enough closure with this book. They had so many struggles which was the main focus of the book, but I wanted to see more of how they would flourish once things settled and they got their HEA. Still enjoyed the book and thought it was well written but just felt it was missing a little something.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed it...mostly. Of course I am crazy about the first book, how could you not be? This follow up was such a stress fest for me. I think I would have liked it more with a little less stress and a little more romance. Glad she gave us a happy ever after for them though!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron shea
"They understood that in some ways that life doesn't always hand you things in a neat package. It dollops them out here and there in messy, confusing splatters, and when you see something amazing, you better drop what you're doing and hold on with two hands."

Last we left Mateo and Vera, life was good. Ahh, new love. We all love being in that fantasy. Can it last? Well I'm not sure, I've never had that true, I'll die if it left me love. But, It's certainly worth the try at least for these two lovers.

We pick up right where they left off. 2 things I love about this book, is that Karina didn't just rewrite book 1 in Mateo's POV and also, it's written like real life. It's not all rainbows and unicorns tied up in a bow. It's s*** and haters and well, what can you expect with the way they were brought together? The two of them alone - perfection. The two of them in real life. Well, that's best left for the book.

Mateo Casalles. What's not to love? He's "Just a man in love. Just a hero. Just a coward. Just me."
But he's also sex on a stick. Walking possessive ex football star ballsy enough to say I want happy and this life I'm living is not happy. And so he grabbed happy by the tattooed ass (per se) and held on for dear life.
He struggles with his feelings throughout the book. He never sways on his love for Vera, however what happens if he must choose between Vera and his daughter. The love of your life or your child. "How do you choose between your own flesh and blood and the Love of your Life? You can't really…"

Guilt is everywhere in this book. Vera for one, the guilt of the home wrecker. Bless her heart she's trying with work, school, Chloe Ann, not to mention the newfound interest of her by the paparazzi where she can't seem to do right. Mateo, guilt over what he did to his family, his daughter, guilt over whether or not he's holding Vera back. "I thought she'd found herself when she found me. Now I am not so sure."
And while he lands his dream job, he starts to realize, what's it worth, if he doesn't have the woman he loves to share in his happiness.

As they work to find their way in Madrid, they are met with obstacle after obstacle. How far will a person go to break up their love? And why? Why must so much have been lost in the quest for true love?
"Here's the kicker. They do understand. But they don't want to….They stay safe. You stay wild. But, in the end, you're happy and you're free, because you did what you knew you had to do."

Mateo is up for the fight of his life, but can Vera let go of her stubborn independence for true love?
"I'll forever keep searching for you, I will look up to the sky and let it point me your way I will not let you go, Vera, I will never let you go."

Cue sobbing. This book was angsty and sexy and in the end, written like a true real life relationship. Kudos Karina!
5 shooting estrellas!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beautiful and sexy and emotional!

"I follow every part of you, everywhere. You go before me, Vera, you always will."

Karina Halle has written a passionate, dramatic and very sexy story about two people deeply in love. This book is most definitely NOT a retelling of Love, in English, although I always love an alternate POV. Mateo is very sexy, very sensual, a little bit insecure and very, very human in this gorgeously written story.

"She is mine, she is mine, I am hers."

As much as Mateo and Vera are made for each other, nothing in life is perfect and love can be very messy and hurtful as much as it can be beautiful and life-affirming. And Mateo and Vera have some very complicated things to work through in this story. I loved reading about Mateo's relationship with his daughter in this book. The writing flows effortlessly, the story is flawless and I fell in love with Mateo all over again. Love, in Spanish has a very different tone from the first book and it is absolutely captivating.

"I stared at myself in the mirror and didn't see a confident man in a sharp suit. I saw a little boy whose heart lay in someone else's hand."

Love, in Spanish is another must-read book from one of my favorite authors. Don't miss this one!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
richard turgeon
Did you think Mateo and Vera rode into the sunset together after Love, In English? Did you think their age gap wasn't going to be an issue or Mateo's divorce? Life isn't easy for the two lovers; they have a lot of real life s*** to overcome.

In this book we get in the head of the classy and charismatic Mateo Casalles. He really has a gorgeous mind to go along with his gorgeous, athletic body. ;) The way he sees Vera and loves her is beautifully romantic. His love for his daughter and even the patience he shows his ex-wife showcases the kindness that is in his heart.

“Look at me, my Estrella. Don’t you know what that means? You’re my star. How many people on this earth have that, their own star? And you shine just for me. How could anyone else ever compare to this?”

The writing. Karina Halle has an incredible writing talent, and it shines in Love, in Spanish. The book flowed in such a poetic way. The descriptions of the Spanish landscape and the author's ability to make me hear Mateo's Spanish accent in my head while reading is extraordinary.

In case you're wondering if Love, in Spanish is a retelling of Love, in English from Mateo's POV - IT'S NOT. This book is an extension of the original novel. It takes place a year after LiE. To me, this sequel enhanced and brought more depth to Mateo and Vera's love story. Now I'm looking forward to Josh's (Vera's brother) book, Where Sea Meets Sky.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tamara woods
Love, in Spanish is the story after the fairy tale. It's what happens when the first book ends, when the credits roll after you've watched your favorite romantic comedy. Only this time, Love, in Spanish is told from Mateo's point of view. I wouldn't say this is a standalone. You really should read Love, in English first. You need to see the whole picture before picking up where the first book ends.

Karina Halle did a phenomenal job creating Mateo. I have never been more in tune with a character before. He's so charismatic, loyal, protective, passionate, he feels every emotion so deeply that you can't help but to fall for him. And I did, hook, line, and sinker. Mateo oozes from the pages of Love, in Spanish and I stayed right there soaking him all up, all night long. I felt his pain. I appreciated his journey. I loved how he loved.

You see, love is a strange thing. It can disappear completely. It can leave you so far gone it is just a mark on the horizon, and you wonder how you ever felt love to begin with. But even with hit gone, fragments still remain. There are imprints. You can destroy a house and ruin it to the ground but you'll see indents in the earth, the way the ground is different where the house once was. - Mateo

Vera and Mateo's relationship may not have started traditionally. In fact it was definitely scandalous and I by no means recommend it. However, while reading both books I couldn't help by try to put myself in their shoes. What would I have done? How would I handle the situation? I don't think there are any right or wrong answers. Except at the end of the day they both realized that their love was more. Their love meant being happy. Their love meant sacrifice. And it begs the question, what would you do for love?

I'm so afraid the stars will take their brightest one away from me. - Mateo

Love, in Spanish is an emotional journey about two people, from different continents, different backgrounds, different beliefs, trying to navigate their love for one another. Vera is in a country that's still foreign to her, trying to figure out life, knowing she can't live without Mateo. Mateo is battling is his own war, trying to keep the peace with his ex-wife, while trying to figure out what direction he wants to head in now that he's an older man, all the while knowing he can't live without Vera. There are many obstacles to overcome. Their age difference being one of them.

This is series has been my favorite of Karina Halle's and I've read just about all her books. Karina Halle has the ability to strip you bare, tear down your walls, rip away the layers and make you feel all these intense emotions. She takes you on a journey to foreign lands and allows you to explore those places with just her words, making you want to be on the next flight out. Karina Halle writes with maturity, eloquence, and passion.

*A copy of this book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love me some Karina Halle books!

Right from page one I was transported back to Spain. I LOVE the vibe of this series. I get this feeling of being swept away to this vacation like state of mind. I cant explain it, just a very unique feel.
Love, in Spanish was great in the way its not just Mateo's POV of Love, in English. We get some of his feelings, on what went on in LIE, but most of the book is a whole new story, of life after book 1.

Oh Mateo, how I love thee! That man is so charming with his way of not understanding the english slang. I just love it! Not only that, I love how traditional he is and the caveman in him. He does not want anyone to touch his Vera! Let me just add, Mateo is a dirty man in the bedroom. Our Spaniard is no shy lover ;)

Vera is as cool as ever. She has to bear a heavy load in the book. She has given up everything for Mateo and everyone only sees her as a tatted up, home wrecking whore. My heart broke for her. Nonetheless I love how she handles herself and how she loves her man. The chemistry and passion between these two is off the charts!

I loved getting to know what Mateo was thinking in some of book 1. I felt for him and got a better understanding on why he reacted to certain situation, one in particular! We go with them on their journey of working through an ex wife who is very bitter, the paparazzi trying to capture them in certain unflattering situations.

"Hell has no fury like a woman scorned"

These two fight like real couples, I think. Sometimes in real life when your fighting with your other half we hit below the belt. Mateo and Vera know how to fight, but even better is when they make up, its animalistic! Rawrrr!

"She is mine, all mine; she is mine now and forever, this beautiful, soft, wet woman of my dreams and my heart, and I am going to #$@! her until she's screaming my name."

There is a certain edginess to Karina Halle's writing style and I L.O.V.E. it! Always have. She did not disappoint in this sequel! I am super excited for Vera's brother Josh's book. Cant wait to be transported to another foreign location!
If you liked Love, in English then check this sequel out, I think you will enjoy it just as much!

5 star Love, in English review:

Check out my blog for more of my reviews:
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
How could she top Love, in English? I seriously thought this because that book, just…that book was so amazing. How could she keep the story going and make me feel more than what I felt the first time around?

Well she did it with flying colors. I felt that the tone of this book mirrored the first and that time hadn't lapsed since I read the first installment. My feelings for Mateo and Vera completely grew. Being in Mateo's head was so calming and just a beautiful spot to chill for a few good hours. His thinking, so patient, kind, logical and emotional…GAH I just couldn't get enough of this man.

Many authors concoct annoying or ridiculous story lines for their sequels that often leave me rolling my eyes and sick of the story that should have ended at the first book. But Love, in Spanish was NOTHING like that. I was more enthused to find out how life together was faring for one of my favorite couples. As we all know from the first book, it wasn't roses, and it still isn't. Navigating a life together in Spain, with an ex-wife, daughter, new job, life's obstacles…it's a lot.

Halle handled the push and pull of real life fantastically for these two. Nothing was ever just given or set up for them. They truly encountered all of the obstacles and emotions that come from the fall out of their affair and new life together. The friction and passion she created between Mateo and Vera trying to mesh/vibe their lives together, was fireworks at best.

There were times when I felt Vera's need to just be herself in the midst of all the craziness happening. But more so than not, I really connected with Mateo's deep desperation and need to keep Vera in his life, and keep everyone else calm and happy for his daughter's sake. His internal struggle with balancing it all and the fame really made me feel for him. Mateo is such a beautiful, simple soul just trying to make his way in the world and be happy.

I felt that in some ways, Love, in Spanish was about redemption. Vera and Mateo both righting the wrongs that were made from their choices and mistakes..not only to others in their lives but to each other. I flew through this story. I couldn't put it down and when it ended, I was so sad that I had to say goodbye to such an amazing couple and trying, but beautiful love story.
Please RateIn English sequel), in Spanish: (A Love, Love
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