Long Shot: A HOOPS Novel

ByKennedy Ryan

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel martin
Wowww amazing intense! This is my first read of her and what a read! Angsty but also beautiful, well written. I did take it longer than usual I did take breaks for a breather but it was worth it. WHAT A BOOK! I loved Iris and August and Sarai! This book sticks with me forever and ever! Emotional gut wrenching book I recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian liebenow
I was hooked for the firs sentence. August and Iris' story is an evolution of strength, love, courage, survivor, patience,....so much more. Kennedy Ryan took an unbelievably difficult topic and did not gloss over it, gave truth in all its ugliness, uncovering the judgement that also victimize and imprison. Ohhhh, but gives us the purity and patience of love. Loved, loved, loved this book. I will be reading more from author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joana starnes
The distinct, prominent, and important voice of author Kennedy Ryan speaks volumes in Long Shot. This book hails as an emotional experience in reading as Kennedy Ryan daringly takes a risk to stand up, tall and proud, and use her voice to enlighten, to prove love eventually conquers all, and to pay tribute to the strength and resolve all good men and women have within them. This book, gosh this book, it's not for the faint of heart. It's not all 3 pointers and dazzling smiles from hot ballers - that's there of course too, don't worry. But this one - it's dark and scary too. It's takes you to a place I hope you've never been but will understand more after reading it. It's really tough quite honestly. But it's also freeing and more than worth every single word.

Long Shot is a romance. A really tough romance. I also classify it partly as true women's fiction because it's the tale of a strong woman who was wronged when she never saw it coming. It's a woman who trusted the wrong instincts and paid for it dearly. It's about trusting oneself, learning to let go, growing up, and surviving a storm so wicked you don't know where you made the wrong turn in the rain. It's one woman's soulful, crushing, and inspiring journey. It speaks to all women no matter their personal stories, no matter their beliefs. It's a hard truth and an eye opening novel about true love and spirit juxtaposed against true evil and hardship. It's a redemption song, a comeback game, a deep and meaningful path to righteousness.

It's a reminder that there's always love, trust, and loyalty in this world full of evil. That persevering and believing in yourself will lead once again to a place full of happiness and moments to cherish rather than fear. There's a great man in this book who serves as a testament to true strength in uplifting a woman and letting her soar. There's a great man in this book who facilitates a transition from fear into something extraordinary thanks to his kindness, his patience, and his incredible heart. His strength and depth of character make this great man a man who for whom you'll forever be in love.

Kennedy Ryan opened my eyes with Long Shot. She took the unfathomable, the misunderstandings, the atrocious and presented it me in a way that I'll never, ever be the same. She created a shift in my own personal bubble that allowed me to see more sides of issues that are vital to understand as a woman who wants to breathe compassion most of all. With her concise and beautifully written story she's empowering women and urging us to all understand a little more, to believe in each other and uplift each other through love.

Thank you Kennedy Ryan. Thank you for taking the shot. Thank you for your voice and your courage to tell the tough stories that touch us so very deeply. You're an inspiration.
Smut: A Standalone Romantic Comedy :: Hot Shot (North Ridge Book 3) :: If You Were Mine (After We Fall Book 3) :: The Devil's Metal (The Devil's Duology Book 1) :: Love, in Spanish: (A Love, in English sequel)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kennedy Ryan will forever own my tears. Her books always take me to such an emotional level. Her words are just beautiful. It's a heartbreaking story filled with so many feelings. She grasps you from the beginning and honestly she still has not let go of my heart. This is a story you feel in your soul. Absolutely a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah connors
I liked this book the story line kept you hooked ! It just shows you never know what some people have to deal with and how deceptive peop!e can be I have grown up around d abuse and felt the story was handled well!! Well done Kennedy Ryan!! Good job! Would definitely recommend!! An infinity amount of stars from me!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kennedy Ryan .. what can I say. This book was nothing what I thought it would be and so much more than I could have hoped. No words I can ever write can tell you more than the ones that Kennedy has written in her pages.
Please please read this book! If you read nothing else this year. READ LONG SHOT
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is so beautifully written. This is an excellent example of writing the truth of an ugly situation in a beautiful way. Everyone needs to read this amazing story of love, loss, heartbreak, survival and truly living. I don't want to give any spoilers but you need to read this book. Kennedy Ryan nailed it with this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erika hill
I was so "skeered" to start this book and rightly so. I gasped, I cried, I shouted, I stomped, this book had it all.
It was 150% worth the anxiety it caused.
Amazingly written, while sensitively discussing a triggering (for me and many other women) topic, it's definitely one of my top reads for the year.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a barrage of emotions! Fantastic book! Long Sot gives you an insight on domestic violence and the effects on the victim! It broke my heart but on the other hand I was cheering! Every one should read this book and know that Love always prevails!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was emotional, it was passionate and it was flat out good. It was hard to read at times but I am so glad that I pushed through the hard times because this book was beautiful when it all came together and I have never cheered for a happy ending as much as I cheered for Iris and August’s. Kennedy Ryan is a new to me author but I’ll never miss another one of her books again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian hagedorn
Kennedy Ryan has done it again! This book floored me. August and Iris are forever going to be in my heart. Their struggle felt so real. The story was perfectly paced. I just have nothing but praises for this book. Please go and read this!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill arnold
Long Shot: A HOOPS novel by Kennedy Ryan
5 stars!!!!

“The heart speaks in whispers. I heard too late.”

Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn. Kennedy Ryan does this EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. She kills me with her words, her characters and her stories. How I still have a beating heart after this is a mystery. This author is insanely talented, she has this innate ability to draw you into her character’s worlds, lives and relationships and makes you live and breathe every single step. They hurt, you hurt, they laugh, you laugh, but you FEEL EVERYTHING. And damn, did this book make me feel.

“I fear that I, like them, will not live to regret it.”

Even though Kennedy Ryan writes a long book, it never reads that way, in fact her words are effortless, they whisk you away and before you know it, an afternoon has passed, and the book has been devoured and that was how I found myself after reading this book. At the end though, I had nothing. It was one of those books where you look at those around you and think you don’t know what you are missing. They say a reader lives a thousand lives, well I’ve just added another two, two that I will never ever forget.

“She remembered who she was and the game changed.”

Kennedy Ryan delivers a powerful story, an unforgettable one, one so viscerally delivered that you cannot help but be affected by EVERYTHING. Kennedy Ryan pulls punches with it’s delivery, uppercuts, body shots, the whole enchilada and she doesn’t hold back, and the hits just keep on coming. My head…buzzing. My heart…battered and bruised but as with any Kennedy Ryan book she expertly puts you back together again, but what an emotional rollercoaster to get there.

“A few moments with the truth don’t chase away the lies forever,”

I am deliberately keeping this review vague, you need to go into this one blind and read the book the way the author intended. This book is harrowing at times, extremely thought provoking and incredibly honest and raw. It does not make easy reading and at times I felt physically sick, but this is what I love about Kennedy Ryan, when she embraces a particular subject, she goes all in, she pushes the envelope.

“If you were mine, Iris there would be no doubt what position you’d hold in my life. You’d be center. I’d play you at the five.”

Iris was a fantastic heroine, who, had life dealt her a different card would not be in the situation she finds herself in during this book, through no fault of her own. However, her inner strength, her determination and her sheer will to survive is what gives her life story its happy ending. Kennedy Ryan takes a sensitive subject and delivers it with honesty, compassion while keeping her integrity. Kennedy Ryan shows the effects it not only has on the individual but the people around them and they are often forgotten in these types of stories.

“For a long time, I was Caleb’s marionette, but he doesn’t pull the strings anymore.”

Set in the baseball arena, Kennedy Ryan delivers a hero that will top many a book boyfriend list and show another on the total opposite end of the spectrum, but for all intents and purposes, this is definitely Iris’s story. Make sure you can read this book in one sitting, because once you start, you will not be able to put it down. Make sure you have plenty of tissues, preferably a glass of something strong and your trash food of choice, chocolate, ice-cream etc, you will need it. You have been warned. But most of all, be prepared for an EPIC read, one you will never forget and one you will not stop thinking about for a very long time. Seriously AMAZING!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ever read a book that you hope changes someone’s life? This is that book. I am Iris I felt her pain, her soul her heart beating while reading this book. I laughed I cried and even smiled and felt myself get even stronger knowing that I am a strong woman like Iris and nothing will change that. Yes this book has many talks about basketball and careers but it’s so much more. August is the sexy man on the cover with his good looks he’s more than that he’s a woman’s dream come true. Once you read the book I hope it changes your thoughts or truly makes you think about people around you daily. Long Shot is truly one book I’ll never forget. 5/5 stars definitely a 10 Star read and my top book of 2018 ***Reviewed by Sweet & Spicy Reads a voluntarily Advanced Reader Copy of this book ****
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
t n traynor
With each book Kennedy Ryan tackles hard and difficult topics and stories with such respect. She has beautiful story telling skills. When you read her books you feel like you're immersed in the lives of the characters. Fighting for them, rooting for them, experiencing the hurts and loss they go through, and reveling in their successes and triumphs. Long Shot takes readers on such a deep journey. When you're in the story you realize with more clarity than ever that the things that happened to Iris and her cousin Lo, are things that happen daily, when they shouldn't happen at all. Outside appearances too often hide secret pain and scars. I always want to be a better, kinder human after reading one of Kennedy Ryan's books, and Long Shot was no different.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's so hard to review LONG SHOT without spoiling it, but here goes!

If you can only choose one book to read in 2018, you must pick Long Shot. Trust me on this. Kennedy Ryan once again explores topics that may not be comfortable for just any author to touch on, but she's not afraid to do it. Kennedy wrote this book with style and grace, and with every turn of the page, she took my heart with her.

Iris and August meet by chance the night before his NCAA Championship basketball game. They have an instant connection and they both feel it. Iris can't commit, and August knows that he'll never feel that way for another woman.

There's so much I want to say about Long Shot but won't, because it's all a spoiler. Go into this book blind. The love story between Iris and August is indescribably beautiful as well as innately heartbreaking and I could not stop reading. You'll break and heal between the pages of this epic romance and come out a person with a new outlook on the struggles of love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan carlson
5 STARS FOR LONG SHOT!! This story is powerful, Iris's strength is out of this world. The tough subjects in this book are beautifully written with all the feels. Kennedy Ryan transports us readers into the story. I felt all the pain, happiness, struggles and even on the basketball court with the team. Iris, August and Caleb have a painful and loving story to tell you. Thank you Kennedy Ryan for giving us your beautiful words in this book. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peyvand mohseni
With Long Shot, Kennedy Ryan has written a love story so full of heartbreak and hope, you will find yourself holding your breath, unable to read another word through the ache in your heart. You may question what you thought to be true, and when a book has that much power, the power to possibly shift your perspective, it’s a story that’s been told justly. Iris's character had me closing my eyes and sobbing for her struggle and her strength. She and August have a beautiful love. You don't want to miss this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Long Shot by Author Kennedy Ryan is a sports romance, forbidden love novel. It is a standalone.

“If you were mine, Iris, there would be no doubt what position you’d hold in my life. You’d be center. I’d play you at the five.”

I usually try to give a brief, non-spoiler idea of what a novel holds...kind of like my own blurb for the book. I can’t do that for this novel, because it will not do it justice. Long Shot is a must-read. A gut-wrenching, soul-piercing, heart-shattering, ugly-cry masterpiece. Author Kennedy Ryan kicked butt and took names in this novel. She wrote some of the most hard-to-read and some of the most beautiful-to-see words ever written. This book was fierce.

“Ours is a love that reimagines—that peels back the sky at high noon searching for the stars, collecting them like shells in a bucket. We bathe in stardust, drink from the Milky Way, and dance on the moon. We pierce the firmament, peer into infinity, and tread on time and space. There is no before. There is no after. Now gives birth to forever.”

At one point in reading, I put my Kindle down. I was so overcome with grief and anger I couldn’t continue right then. I had to take a break and remember that it wasn’t real, that I really didn’t need to find someone and smash their head in. I knew I’d go back to it because, if I know anything about this author’s writing, Author Kennedy Ryan always offers redemption in her books. And I was licking my lips, ready to taste sweet revenge.

“You are pure. You are enough. You are strong.”

The stars of this show, in my opinion, were characters by the names of August, Iris, Lotus, MiMi, and Sarai. These characters had heart. Strong heart. Genuine love and passion. Loyalty. Protective instincts. Unbreakable spirits. Simplistic faith. They embodied the good in the world. Their presence made the pages vibrate with life.

“Seeing you wear my number is like a wet dream wrapped in a hand job.”

The love shared between August and Iris was one that could not be denied or skimmed over. It was palpable and tantalizing, pulling at me in each heated moment. Their chemistry was cosmic in nature, capturing the universe in its grasp and make the skies light up each time they crashed into each other with explosive force.

“Strength. Dignity. Courage. All these things belong to you. Take them back. Your soul is yours. Your heart is yours. Your body is yours. Yours to keep and yours to share.”

Long Shot drained every bit of moisture from my eyes, and just when I thought I had none left, a torrent would occur again, each drop falling from heartache and deceit, but also from healing and newness. This was a crushing and, at times, unhinged story, but it was also filled with so much hope and worth. Good wining over evil. Right stamping out wrong. A true inspiration for us all.

“Let nothing hold you back or keep you down...Even when you think you’re defeated, dig deeper. Go harder. Press, because there is something worth it on the other side.”

#keeper #atthefive #kismet #serendipitous #truelovewins
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim odzer
Blown Away! We speak of soul mates . Life journeys . When our lives go off track what are you willing to do for who you love. Beautiful painful and emotional . This handles some sensitive subject matter in such a way that you can’t help but devour the entire book in one sitting. I was in love with the strength of our heroine . I AM NEVER DISAPPOINTED with the stability or strength of Kennedy’s characters. I come away feeling as if there is something to be learned . But the happiness and joy that shines through you just feel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike newton
Kennedy Ryan has a gift to write truly powerful, emotional novels about difficult and misunderstood subjects. She never misses the point and steals my tears and slay me with the raw emotion in her prose! Saying that I loved Long Shot is an understatement. I lived this book through the heartbreak and complications both main protagonists face.

August and Iris only meets a handful of times through the first half of this novel, but it doesn’t mean that their connection isn’t potent though. From their first meeting, I was hooked by their perfect chemistry and easy banters. Everything seems effortless between them! The sizzling attraction and understanding is magnificent!

Iris is such an inspiration! There’s moments where she really struggles to see over the cage she lives in, but her strength and faith that she will be able to escape her situation is truly motivating! I loved this courageous heroine so much! While she’s destroyed by words and fists in her poisonous relationship with her boyfriend and NBA star player Caleb, she still got some deep-rooted bravery! I’m in awe of such a determined character!

August West is also an incomparable hero! I appreciated how Iris leaves such a huge mark on him from their short encounters throughout the years! He knows right away that a girl like that is once in a lifetime! The difficulty to see her with his sworn enemy is even more heart-breaking! He knows he’s the one for her, but he still respect Iris’ wishes to stay with Caleb and deny their obvious magnetism. He’s so sweet and thoughtful with her! He has his own dreams and wishes for his NBA career, but he realizes that there’s also more in life than basketball! He really has a head on his shoulders and isn’t the stereotype self-centered athlete! He may act impulsively by moments, but it all comes from the heart and his desire to protect Iris!

Long Shot is so much more than a romance novel! It’s a thought provoking book that poignantly explains the struggle of a lot of women! Kennedy Ryan once again masterfully showed a brilliant example of determination, true love and compelling characters! You won’t be left indifferent by this masterpiece!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick mathers
*breathe in, breathe out* that's how I was reading this book. I needed to take moments, moments where I needed to step away and take in everything I read little by little. My heart went through a bevy of emotions. This book is not for the faint of heart. This book is intense and raw and so real. Long Shot isn't just a book, it's an experience.

*breathe in, breathe out* I'm at a loss for words. I can count on one hand the number of books that have rendered me speechless. And that's saying a lot since I read quite my fair share. But there are those books that just punch you right in the gut and grasp every little piece of you that once you're done reading you come out a different person. You're changed, and after reading Long Shot by the impeccable Kennedy Ryan I am forever changed. This book, god this book. This book is not easy. It made me hurt like no other and it made me rage. I had to close my kindle after a very difficult chapter and just walk away because my emotions were too raw and I needed some time. The tears haven't stopped from falling and I think they'll continue to fall whenever I think about this book and this story and Iris and August. And I honestly don't know how Kennedy does it. She has the ability to take your heart and squeeze every bit of life out of it, but at the same time piece it back together. This feeling, this bone deep right down to your soul type of feeling you can't describe, but feel. And this book will make you feel that and so much more.

August West and all his glory claimed me. THIS MAN, this man is the epitome of every good thing there is. He is the definition of an honest real man. I loved him right down to the deepest part of my soul. His light shined so brightly and I just wanted to bask in his warmth. August West, no words, there aren't enough words in the dictionary to sum up the enormity that he is.

Iris DuPree, WOW! Strength, courageous, protective and fighter. Those are just a few words to describe Iris. As much as I loved August, it doesn't compare to the love I have for Iris. The strength it took her to fight, to fight and claw to come out on top was wondrous. And her growth throughout the book was momentous. Above everything that Iris embodies, the one word that describes her perfectly is, WARRIOR!

Kennedy, I'm in awe. Every time I read one of your books you teach me something new. Your writing, gosh your writing is EVERY! THING! I will never forget this story or these characters. They will forever be embedded in my heart and soul.

This book deserves to be read by everyone. I implore you, READ THIS BOOK!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
grace mullen
This book.......took me on a journey. A very raw, emotional, stripping of my soul journey. One that made me feel as if I was in the story experiencing all the highs and lows, the joys and sorrows, the hopes and fears, and the strength and determination of characters that engrained themselves into my soul. With the visual clarity of the author vivid, heartfelt, and passionate words, this story felt real, raw and painfully open and honest. A melancholy yet hopeful journey of life’s timing and the choices one makes over others.

This is a love story. A deep commitment of a feeling when you meet someone and can’t get them out of your mind. But, as there is always a but, life’s timing or the choice we choose can make life not as expected. And that feeling, has to be pushed aside until hopefully life’s timing can be on your side.

This emotional story is also about survival. And what we think we know about survival doesn’t really equate with what we think we know. The strength, the hope, and that determination of surviving against all odds is fierce and possessive in the face of fear, hurt and pain.

Iris Dupree is a smart, beautiful, and determined. She has survived so much and has turned out to be a survivor. She will not be like her mother, she has plans and dreams. Caleb Bradley is a star college basketball player and Iris’s boyfriend. But a chance meeting with August West, a fellow rival of Caleb’s, changes something in life’s cosmic plan.

But, as there is always that But.......Life’s Timing didn’t get the memo.

My review will stop here. There is nothing more that I can say without ruining this Epic Read. It needs to be read without prior knowledge or information. Just to be experienced in a pure moment. But know that there are twists and turns, choices and consequences, and dreams lost and taken back throughout the life of Iris Dupree. While the story is told in Dual POV, Iris is my hero in this story. Her life, her strength, her determination and her voice set the stage for an awakening. A story that will grab you, set you on a mesmerizing journey that will both slay you and ultimately heal your mind, your heart and your soul.

#BestReadOf2018 #MustRead #Emotional #LifeChanging #Epic
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Long Shot by Kennedy Ryan was a beacon of strength and survival. It may have been based in the world of basketball, but the true story lies within Iris and her journey to find herself and heal. The challenges, the struggles, the pain, and the loss she endured. The bright light that helped her survive was meeting August West that one faithful night at a sports bar. It ultimately changed the course of her life. They're soulmates, you see, but it wasn't their moment then. Time wasn't on their side. Life continues and they meet up again unexpectedly and that fire, that explosive connection between them that they first experienced that one night is still there only stronger. That's the introduction Kennedy Ryan gives us as preparation to venture on the journey of Iris and August. Your heart will break and I'm telling you right now, you will feel.

You might be wondering why my review is so vague, but there really aren't any good words to express how powerful and real this story was... No is. How powerful and downright touching and chilling to my very bones this story is!

Long Shot wasn't easy to read and at times I felt overwhelmed, but this is a story that needed to be written and now, now it needs to be shared.

Kennedy Ryan has once again proven that she's an amazing story teller. All I wanted was to go to Louisiana, stand at the river bayou and squish my toes in the Spanish moss out looking the water and sounds of nature. Her stories are so vivid that they transport you for a brief moment. They carry messages that stick with you long after you finish, ones you'll want to keep in your heart forever. Kennedy Ryan has written it, I've shared it, and now it's time for you to experience it. Read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny p
It's so hard to review LONG SHOT without spoiling it, but here goes!

If you can only choose one book to read in 2018, you must pick Long Shot. Trust me on this. Kennedy Ryan once again explores topics that may not be comfortable for just any author to touch on, but she's not afraid to do it. Kennedy wrote this book with style and grace, and with every turn of the page, she took my heart with her.

Iris and August meet by chance the night before his NCAA Championship basketball game. They have an instant connection and they both feel it. Iris can't commit, and August knows that he'll never feel that way for another woman.

There's so much I want to say about Long Shot but won't, because it's all a spoiler. Go into this book blind. The love story between Iris and August is indescribably beautiful as well as innately heartbreaking and I could not stop reading. You'll break and heal between the pages of this epic romance and come out a person with a new outlook on the struggles of love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda raab
WOW!! Long Shot is an AMAZING story story that is full of so much raw emotion and honesty. Iris and all her trials and tribulations and all that she endured and the person she became because of all the she endured. She left me speechless and in complete awe. And August --- they really need to make men like him in reality. His patience, understanding were remarkable. While they both had their weaknesses the way the author developed their characters one can understand the weakness and feel for the characters with that much more intensity.

I am left in the aftermath of this book with tears that are both happy, joyful and the finish to an incredible ride. (And for the record when I finished this book I actually didn't even know the tears were coming out).

As much as this breaks my heart and I feel EVERYONE should read this story there are definitely some trigger issues in this story and if you are a sensitive reader please take these into consideration before purchasing
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca neelis
5 STARS FOR LONG SHOT!! This story is powerful, Iris's strength is out of this world. The tough subjects in this book are beautifully written with all the feels. Kennedy Ryan transports us readers into the story. I felt all the pain, happiness, struggles and even on the basketball court with the team. Iris, August and Caleb have a painful and loving story to tell you. Thank you Kennedy Ryan for giving us your beautiful words in this book. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With Long Shot, Kennedy Ryan has written a love story so full of heartbreak and hope, you will find yourself holding your breath, unable to read another word through the ache in your heart. You may question what you thought to be true, and when a book has that much power, the power to possibly shift your perspective, it’s a story that’s been told justly. Iris's character had me closing my eyes and sobbing for her struggle and her strength. She and August have a beautiful love. You don't want to miss this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Long Shot by Author Kennedy Ryan is a sports romance, forbidden love novel. It is a standalone.

“If you were mine, Iris, there would be no doubt what position you’d hold in my life. You’d be center. I’d play you at the five.”

I usually try to give a brief, non-spoiler idea of what a novel holds...kind of like my own blurb for the book. I can’t do that for this novel, because it will not do it justice. Long Shot is a must-read. A gut-wrenching, soul-piercing, heart-shattering, ugly-cry masterpiece. Author Kennedy Ryan kicked butt and took names in this novel. She wrote some of the most hard-to-read and some of the most beautiful-to-see words ever written. This book was fierce.

“Ours is a love that reimagines—that peels back the sky at high noon searching for the stars, collecting them like shells in a bucket. We bathe in stardust, drink from the Milky Way, and dance on the moon. We pierce the firmament, peer into infinity, and tread on time and space. There is no before. There is no after. Now gives birth to forever.”

At one point in reading, I put my Kindle down. I was so overcome with grief and anger I couldn’t continue right then. I had to take a break and remember that it wasn’t real, that I really didn’t need to find someone and smash their head in. I knew I’d go back to it because, if I know anything about this author’s writing, Author Kennedy Ryan always offers redemption in her books. And I was licking my lips, ready to taste sweet revenge.

“You are pure. You are enough. You are strong.”

The stars of this show, in my opinion, were characters by the names of August, Iris, Lotus, MiMi, and Sarai. These characters had heart. Strong heart. Genuine love and passion. Loyalty. Protective instincts. Unbreakable spirits. Simplistic faith. They embodied the good in the world. Their presence made the pages vibrate with life.

“Seeing you wear my number is like a wet dream wrapped in a hand job.”

The love shared between August and Iris was one that could not be denied or skimmed over. It was palpable and tantalizing, pulling at me in each heated moment. Their chemistry was cosmic in nature, capturing the universe in its grasp and make the skies light up each time they crashed into each other with explosive force.

“Strength. Dignity. Courage. All these things belong to you. Take them back. Your soul is yours. Your heart is yours. Your body is yours. Yours to keep and yours to share.”

Long Shot drained every bit of moisture from my eyes, and just when I thought I had none left, a torrent would occur again, each drop falling from heartache and deceit, but also from healing and newness. This was a crushing and, at times, unhinged story, but it was also filled with so much hope and worth. Good wining over evil. Right stamping out wrong. A true inspiration for us all.

“Let nothing hold you back or keep you down...Even when you think you’re defeated, dig deeper. Go harder. Press, because there is something worth it on the other side.”

#keeper #atthefive #kismet #serendipitous #truelovewins
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pallavi reddy
Blown Away! We speak of soul mates . Life journeys . When our lives go off track what are you willing to do for who you love. Beautiful painful and emotional . This handles some sensitive subject matter in such a way that you can’t help but devour the entire book in one sitting. I was in love with the strength of our heroine . I AM NEVER DISAPPOINTED with the stability or strength of Kennedy’s characters. I come away feeling as if there is something to be learned . But the happiness and joy that shines through you just feel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathleen w wilson
Kennedy Ryan has a gift to write truly powerful, emotional novels about difficult and misunderstood subjects. She never misses the point and steals my tears and slay me with the raw emotion in her prose! Saying that I loved Long Shot is an understatement. I lived this book through the heartbreak and complications both main protagonists face.

August and Iris only meets a handful of times through the first half of this novel, but it doesn’t mean that their connection isn’t potent though. From their first meeting, I was hooked by their perfect chemistry and easy banters. Everything seems effortless between them! The sizzling attraction and understanding is magnificent!

Iris is such an inspiration! There’s moments where she really struggles to see over the cage she lives in, but her strength and faith that she will be able to escape her situation is truly motivating! I loved this courageous heroine so much! While she’s destroyed by words and fists in her poisonous relationship with her boyfriend and NBA star player Caleb, she still got some deep-rooted bravery! I’m in awe of such a determined character!

August West is also an incomparable hero! I appreciated how Iris leaves such a huge mark on him from their short encounters throughout the years! He knows right away that a girl like that is once in a lifetime! The difficulty to see her with his sworn enemy is even more heart-breaking! He knows he’s the one for her, but he still respect Iris’ wishes to stay with Caleb and deny their obvious magnetism. He’s so sweet and thoughtful with her! He has his own dreams and wishes for his NBA career, but he realizes that there’s also more in life than basketball! He really has a head on his shoulders and isn’t the stereotype self-centered athlete! He may act impulsively by moments, but it all comes from the heart and his desire to protect Iris!

Long Shot is so much more than a romance novel! It’s a thought provoking book that poignantly explains the struggle of a lot of women! Kennedy Ryan once again masterfully showed a brilliant example of determination, true love and compelling characters! You won’t be left indifferent by this masterpiece!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ahmed el sawy
it was amazing

I Voluntarily Reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book!

I knew from the first novel I read by Kennedy Ryan that I was bound to become a junkie for her novels. That hasn't changed and after reading the Grip series, its only become worse. Reading this novel proved to cement that into stone and create a life of its own with a path if only getting my next fix. Sad or poor choice of words, but I hope you get my drift. This author is beyond the realm of a true genius. She is my hero and my inspiration; inside and outside books.

August West is on the cusp of fame. On the eve of his prime upcoming performance in the National College Championship game, he is pondering and reflecting. Not only will this performance be his last College game and pre warm up to the NBA draft, but its also his late fathers birthday. Having lost his dad at a young age, August is maybe not questioning his future but trying to figure out his pathway to the journey he knows will shape his future. Waiting at a bar for his coach proves to be the ultimate reflection on his past and his future decisions combined. Meeting the dark haired, foul mouthed, Creole beauty with a love for the Lakers has set his soul on fire. She is everything he needs and nothing he ever expected. Basketball has always been his reprieve and outlet when life is confusing and troublesome. Iris "Gumbo" is the epitome of a special kind of creature and his downright downfall. Never in a million years did he ever imagine a girl or person could send a magnetic pulse to his soul and leave his mind, "Blown".

Iris Dupree is not your average chick. She is sweet and kind and then when it comes to her pro basketball team, she is the complete opposite with a sailor mouth attached. She has seen darkness in a form of her cousin's demons and she has lived a life of constant lonlieness and at times, abandonment. Her home life only cementing her future choices to never live the life she has seen as her only example. Iris is determined to create her own path to success by consistent hardwork and by following her passion. Watching the Lakers play is her favorite past time and her true passion for the sport shines within in her. August West was a anomaly, a mere god in her favorite sport. She has no time to entertain him but within a few minutes of introduction, she finds herself intrigued and fascinated beyond her own imagination. She can't be friends with August. Not after her soul connects with his and certainly not after her "boyfriend" is revealed. She needs to forget him and focus on her own goals. Her own goals to support herself and give herself a real future. However, sometimes, even her boyfriend seems to want to change her future without her consent and by the time she catches up with reality, her future seems dim and dark. With her future uncertain, Iris is more determined to put her feelings for August behind. Too bad. Fate, destiny, hope and fireworks are bound to work there way in and show her and August that they don't have a choice at giving their hearts away.

Kennedy Ryan continues to break the mold and obliterate it. Her passion for creating stories that connect with her readers is beyond inspiring. She conducts thorough research to ensure proper respect to the issues and prepare us for her words. The utmost courtesy is done to not just tell a story of bravery but to catapult the pages in a novel to more than just a story. She defines genius when it comes to her work and she gives her everything to her craft. This novel will no doubt replace your own definition of inspiration, bravery and survivorhood. Because thats what this story is. Its Inspiring to a fault, it conducts bravery throughout and is proves survivor"hood" in every form. It's your ultimate dark and beautiful romance read of 2018.

10 STARS if Possible
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darren jones
“Strength. Dignity. Courage. All these things belong to you. Take them back. Your soul is yours. Your heart is yours. Your body is yours. Yours to keep and yours to share.” 

Remember these lines women of the world. These are your rights, never to be taken for granted and never ever to be violated. The free will counts ! As you progress in the story you will see that kennedy doesn't hide the ugliness of an abusive relationship at all. She lays them bare for the readers to see. Stark and naked, they are right in front of your eyes , for you to take note and see all the flags.
Kennedy skillfully elaborates this sentiment in this Raw story of two kindred spirits, misfits in the world. They meet serendipitously in a bar one night, feeling a pull, a tug towards each other. Outside they seperate to go their own ways, and leave the reader hanging with "what if" moment !
Sometimes, we stand at a juncture on which our path, our very life can turn. A fork in the road. Sometimes the heart speaks in whispers, and by the time we hear, by the time we listen, it’s too late and we don’t know 
And it DOES get too late for both of them . They get mauled, abandoned, broken. 
“Did you ever feel like you didn’t quite fit anywhere?”
"like you were always kind of in between?” 
The story is Rich, powerful, loaded ! 
It's rich with really brilliant writing .
Powerful, because the characters are such a force to reckon with. Be it evil in disguise or a Phoenix rising from the ashes.
Loaded with very human emotion possible. Lust, love, bravery, endurance, persistence, courage, sacrifice and motherhood. Motherhood is THE most powerful of all emotions in this book.
A journey of girl trying to raise herself with hopes and dreams in her eyes, wings stretching just to take flight when EVERYTHING in her life just comes go a standstill. She's snatched from her golden trail and thrown in the thorny bushes of her circumstances . And she bleeds so bad, her spirit, her soul, her dreams, her body, all are dessicated.

I cannot even begin to tell you the importance of this book. Every woman/girl/daughter/sister/mother should MUST READ this story. Especially those stuck in dark hovels where hope doesn't shine for days/months/years. This story is a beacon of hope, that yes, there IS a light at the end of a tunnel, they only have to stand up on their own two legs and take a step.

"There were those who stayed too long. 
Remained when they should have fled. 
They did not live to regret it."

A story of true survivors, though it's fictionalized, it could be anyone we come across everyday in our lives. A neighbour, a friend, your child's teacher, a fellow reader. This book did open some wounds for me, the ones I left behind long ago, but it definitely strengthened my belief in women being the stronger sex, esp when they have their backs to the wall and their kids hiding behind them.
I fell in love with Iris "Gumbo", an ill-fated girl, who tried so hard to believe in her love and family, just for the sake of her daughter. Her growth from girl to woman to mother to ultimately a warrior just left me in awe. She's got the spirit of Mighty Mississippi in her, changing course, adapting and finally wreaking havoc.

"Some people are afraid a gator will crawl out of the swamp and emerge as a threat. My nightmares star a different predator. I dream Caleb will rise out of the bayou some day and eat me whole, and next time I won’t be able to pry his jaws open and escape. "

Her courage in the face of Clear and Present Danger is laudable and admirable. A tigress protecting her cub is the fiercest fighter indeed. A true HEROINE !
I just couldn't stop drooling at August West, a rising star on the court and a real life hero off it. #Keeper !! His unwavering support and Unconditional Love feeds Iris's soul and gives her strength to tackle her demons
I could hug Lotus so tight for her appearance at the most crucial juncture, to save the story and save her sister. Everybody should have a Lo in their corner #HOPSCOTCH!
I wish I had met MiMi, her wisdom and her clairvoyance guiding me too. Her cryptic support meant for Iris, could be helpful for 

“Struggle does not make you weak,” she whispers back. “Struggling against those who hold us is what makes us, over time, stronger than they are. Strong enough to fight back. Strong enough to win.” 

Decker, a brother in arms and guide/mentor, always a pillar for August to lean on.
And I so wish I could get my hands on Caleb! I'd choke him with my bare hands and gouge his eyes out. One thing to note, he didn't change throughout the story, his venom never diluted, just distilled to potency and for that I must applaud Kennedy. She never gave him an out, or attributed his vehemence to obsessive love. Nope, he was pure evil through and through!
Bravo Ms.Ryan for adopting such a fearless tone while penning this unprocessed story of Domestic Abuse. You didn't soften the blows or tone down the humiliation. Throughout the first half of the story I was crying in rage & helplessness and the Rape had me puking ! My heart just raced, my pulse went berserk and I had to calm myself down because it did transport me back to my own dismal hole many a times. 
Thank you for writing this necessary story.
Thank you for showing a path to survival.
Thank you instilling courage in women everywhere.
Some unfortunate victim, somewhere might read this and find courage to save herself like Iris and you would have accomplished your mission. 
Please RateLong Shot: A HOOPS Novel
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