Techniques And Technologies For Uncertain Times

ByRawles James Wesley

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
prince kumar
Listen up sheeple! Good book that can give you knowledge and the steps to ensure the possibility of the future with you in it. The vehicle section very wise! Nothing is absolute and knowledge is power, if nothing happens, you still have that knowledge. You don't have to get a retreat, and you don't have to idle buy and do nothing. Go ahead Big brother will save you, they wouldn't let everyone starve, Wake Up! Food storage and sanitation is key. It's not necessarily new knowledge he gives, just a collaboration of good solid survival techniques. It's not how to survive short term disasters, but a lot of the information can help with those as well. The title is what he tries to prepare you for. THE FUTURE AND ARE YOU IN IT, the lord only knows, a little extra information for $12-15 well worth it(money you can save from doing food storage instead of throwing out). He refers to it several times in his book "WTSHTF(for those who don't know When The Schumer Hits The Fan)" I personally hope I never have to use this information and techniques, but I'm glad to have them in my bag of magic tricks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you only have one survival reference this should be it, Not because it covers every that can happen in every scenario, but because it gets you thinking! Anything that can kick start your most vital survival tool, your brain, is worth reading. This book doesn't promise to have the answers to everything but it gets you started and points you in the correct directions for wanting to research more and learn more. I can't recommend it enough, I'm giving this book as Christmas gifts this year to people I love!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book goes over everything you may or may not think of when planning for worst case scenarios in our modern world. There are some things, such as when the author is talking about ways to charge batteries or how to tap into water reserves around your home, that I don't personally understand w/my limited knowledge in those areas, but others could. It inspires me to learn more, as I want to be best prepared always for anything. The book itself is a handy hand-held size, so great for stuffing in your bug out bag as well, but you need to read this info as soon as you can to make your lists and prepare for what you may need in the event of prolonged power outages, etc.
The Book of Awesome (The Book of Awesome Series) :: Ten Days to Self-Esteem :: The Feeling Good Handbook (Plume) :: The Feeling Good Handbook by David D. Burns (1989-05-03) :: Men Are Better Than Women
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The book arrived on schedule and in excellent shape. As to content, the book is very informative. Haven't finished it yet, but what I have read is excellent. To implement many of the initiatives, you pretty much have to already have a location established. More of a bug out phase 2 and 3. Even if you don't have a permanent location set up it is still very much worth reading and having on hand.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy rubin
I bought in both paperback and Kindle. This has the traditional well thought out items and issues that Rawles is known for. There are lists done in logical manner that you may want to follow in your developing a survival plan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jb rowland
Bought this for my husband to add to his collection. He has numerous books from James Wesley Rawles and he was happy to add this to collection. If you are looking to buy anymore of his books I would highly suggest Patriots, Survivors, Founders, and his newest of the collection - Expatriates .. My husband loves his books !
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Mr Rawles has some useful info in this book BUT... in many ways it would be impossible to do all these things unless you are already a multimillionaire. Most working people cant afford a mountain home to bug out to or 20000 rounds of ammo. So just get ready as best you can.Use the money you would have spent on this book and buy more food with it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill brown
The useful information in this book is great. It covers self sufficiency and what if's in a concise and realistic manner. The reference information and related research recommendations are invaluable for long term decision making on lifestyle choices for prepper, urban novice, and self sufficiency aficionado alike. The best starter book of it's kind I have found so far !
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book was definitely not what I expected. The author reminded me of a kid thinking up a dream defense fortress, throwing out wild ideas like setting up high power infra-red lights around your house and standing watch with night vision goggles and purifying water with a bunch of different technologies, all while talking about staying away from the use of gadgets. He also advocates leaving a high paying city job to move out to the boondocks in a house with several acres of land, a natural gravity fed water source, premium soil for farming, up-wind from nuclear weapons targets, and off-set from natural lines of drift...why dont we just move to the moon? This book is more of a description for a lifestyle dedicated to being ready for disaster and not an actual guide for what to do in case of emergency. Any normal person with an average income (about $150,000 per year) would have little use for this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book, highly recommended for anyone preparing (or considering how to start preparing) for uncertain times. Written in a way that newcomers to preparedness can easily understand and see value as well as being detailed enough to provide more experienced preparers useful insights/techniques. I am prior US military officer with decent survival training experience and I learned a great deal. It is well rounded and provides you with enough information to prudently decide how much or how little you need to prepare to provide for your family/friends.

Just bought another copy for my brother...
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
While this book does contain a lot of useful information on preparedness topics, the way it is written is very hard to read. The writer skips around from topic to topic, without any real recognizable organizational plan. He will be talking about food storage in one paragraph, and then on the next page medical supplies, and then the next page ammunition.

The book seems very disorganized in this way, and while reading this I couldn't help but imagine if the writer's home and survival supplies are "organized" in this same fashion. It is very ironic that a book about being prepared and organized has very little organization itself. This book is definitely not geared for people who are new to this subject matter. It uses a lot of terms that will likely be unknown to a person who is new to the subject.

Most of the information presented revolves around the premise that you already own a farm or secluded location where you can have animals and agriculture and basically set up your own self sufficient little world. While this is good information to know, if you don't already have a "bug out location" in the boonies, much of the info in this book is not applicable to you. Most of the information in the book assumes a total collapse of society, and there is very little information about dealing with smaller, shorter-term disasters/situations.

Much of the book also seems to assume that you have an unlimited budget for these things. If you did even half of the suggestions in this book you would have millions invested in this. In this regard, I do find many of the suggestions in this book pretty unrealistic and unattainable for the average person.

Over all, this is a decent book. As the title of my review says, it's just OK.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
love it
if you believe that you have a responsibility to provide for your self and your family this will give clear instructions on what you need to have on hand to survive. more than just the end of the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A little lighter on the detail than what I expected, this may be due to me being further along on the SHTF\WROL topic, but a good starter book for someone looking to star generating some ideas and start down the prepper path
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Good info, good detail (sometimes too much, but it would help locating similar items). Check out his blog - amazing content there as well. Really made me think about my own situation. Maybe I can't GOOD, but I could potentially isolate my little neighborhood with some of the friends I've made here. I think the thought process that this book generates is invaluable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paula wissmann
I found it interesting and informative as to emergency planning. Although I thought some of the things mentioned should be obvious to most people, but after moving to a metropolitan area I found most people here don't have a clue how to take care of themselves. I enjoyed the read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
machmoed santoso
J.W. Rawles has been associated with the subject matter for at least twenty years, both in the military and as a private consultant. I would highly recommend this book along with Cody Lundin's, as probably the first two books anyone should read if they are concerned about disaster preparedness. There are other authors I would recommend as well, but these two are a great start.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There are so many facets and scenarios of "preparation" that I doubt that any one book can cover them all. This book is one of the good ones and can be used as a core base of knowledge which you can add to based on your own location and risk factors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa kelso
It is an interesting book. No really innovative information, but a common sense philosophy based on logical thinking. It is really good at clarifying what is important in a new world. It has faith in a higher power as a cornerstone assumption and does assume that practioners will have ethics.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book really opened my eyes to just how vulnerable our existence is to any small blip in the status quo. It is quite frightening how unprepared most people are for mass emergencies. It also urges me to start investing in a "plan" because this is not something you want to try and pull-off at the last moment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
madeleine charney
This book gives the reader a lot to think about. It is impossible to know whether any of the several disasters the author discusses will ever occur but you have to ask youself "what if". Personally, the vision of my family members standing before me with shock and disappointment on their faces upon realization that we will run out of food and water in a matter of days because I failed to prepare for disaster is sufficient motivation to make some preparations now. The author gives a lot of helpful advice with explanations which will guide the reader thru the prioritization of things which need to be done. Prepping can be expensive - there is so much to do, so many details to be attended. The author's fictional works are also worth reading as he puts the contents of this book into practice. Thje insanity of Ferguson proves that nationwide chaos and lawlessness is possible, and it raises the question "Will you be prepared to protect your family and property when the world goes crazy?"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam patel
This is actually my second time buying this book from this I gave the last one to someone that was interested in being prepared love all of his writing his novel patriots is my favorite but if you really want to look at being prepared from the ground up this is the only book you need trust me I have read dozens of other prepping/apocalypse books and none compare to this one it covers everything from weapons and what calibers to choose to what vehicles you would want fuel storage food storage how much per person if you have or haven't thought of something this book covers it. A must read for anyone with a family or even if your just a single prepper
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate hater
I "read" this book first as an audio book. Because it has so many useful suggestions, lists of things to get and save against the likely days of food shortages, riots, the need to flee cities and fend for ourselves in the wilderness, or simply subsist independently without the benefit of retail merchandise, banks, and fiat money, I just had to have it on paper.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tricia southern johnson
I first received this from my brother, and bought it to pass along to family. I consider it a newbie prepper manual with a tempered overview of potential threats and levels of preparedness necessary to thrive. Doesn't delve too deeply into any one subject, but does give lots of links to get more information on your rabbit hole of choice. Even some good laughs along the way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christine fitzgerald
Good book that covered a lot of topics. The focus is on long term survival at a permanent location. Many interesting ideas and equipment suggestions had me looking up the web sites throughout the book. Recommendations were reasonable, though to achieve all of it would take a significant personal commitment to long term off the grid survival (which the author acknowledges).
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
catherine harwood
This book's focus is more on preparation, in case sh@# hits the fan. It talks about where you should live, what types of supplies to store, what kinds of skills you should know/practice. Obviously, no one's gonna follow this guy's way of life. Who's gonna store 25 years worth of grains in sealed galvanized trash bins lined with waterproof plastic liner? It's not practical and expensive. I was hoping this book will cover more on what do to if sh@# hits the fan, and you're not well prepared. I would imagine that 99.999% of population will fall into this category.

In any event, it was an interesting read. Not a bad book, but the content didn't meet the title's expectations.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tony cohen
presents an idealized plan for surviving the end of the world. frankly not realistic unless u are wealthy and have a bunch of wealthy friends.Not much good for the average person living in the real world paycheck to paycheck.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gary stuckey
Great book. You can definitely tell the author has experience in 'prepping'. This book is an easy read, and although he covers numerous things that are not necessarily a 'revelation' so to speak, he does go over a lot of things that one may never consider. Overall, its informative, a great reference and worth having.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent read, good ideas for camping and living outdoors. Has all the answers grandpas need when dealing with grandkids and making big impressions. Would recommend this book to round out one's knowledge
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mahmoud afify
Great how to guide for anyone interested in preparedness. I believe everyone can learn something from this book.

I live in an area prone to tornado's and ice storms and this book has many good ideas for surviving this type of emergency.

Yes it does deal with more serious situations , including economic collaspe or a grid down EMP event or worse. However, if you prepare for the normal emergencies that effect your area your are on your way to making it through something worse.

Remember just 40 years ago our gradparents thought nothing of having a one year supply of food, the ability to grow and preserve it as well as the ability to prosper without all of todays must have techno gadgets.

Help teach your kids these kinds of skills and they will have a better future as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda golderer
I never thought that anything like 9/11 could happen, but now I'm not taking any chances. The book lays out several different scenarios, any one of which can drastically change how we live. I live in New York City, and even though the authorities here are great and are constantly improving security and disaster preparations, they can't do everything. The book guides you through every step you should take to survive a disaster in amazing detail.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edvige giunta
Great book, thanks James for writing this. Keep up the good work.
In the world of uncertainty, especially with the urban violence in the news and the North Korea situation, this book is just right for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My dad always tells me, "Always plan for the worst, and hope and pray for the best." I really liked reading this this book. It has a lot of great pointers and it is really very thought provoking. Just like with anything you hear and read nowadays, you need to absorb it all in moderation. Take the knowledge for what it is and apply it to your life accordingly. Yes, it's true not many of us can afford all the suggestions in the book. I looked at my budget, and for me, being in the middle class of American society, there is no way that I can afford all of his suggestions and advices, but it does get you to start thinking on what you can actually do, and to do it little by little. I'm no hardcore survivalist by no means, but my parents, aunts/uncles, and grandparents have taught my siblings and myself the importance of being prepared. My parents have lived through the Japanese occupation of the Philippines during World War II, and they have first hand knowledge of how bad things can really get, and the atrocities that humans do to humans, and why it is important to be prepared. If worst comes to worse, then you will have the comfort that you have prepared you and your family to the best of your ability. This is America, and it is our duty as Americans to always be prepared and to help our fellow Americans out if we possibly can, as Rawles puts it, "...its the Christian thing to do..."

One last thing, I'm also a former US Marine. So having a prior background in the military, or even having exposure to family or people that have lived through a catastrophe, ie. World War II, will give you a better understanding and perspective when you read this book.
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