Joining (Shefford's Knights Book 2)

ByJohanna Lindsey

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
gill p d
I have been a Johanna Lindsey fan for along time. I have all of her books and have read most of them many times. I was very disappointed with The Joining. Most of her books I can't stop reading until I get to the end. This one I didn't even want to finish. It was very dull. The characters were childish. They didn't even like each other until the end of the book. Not very believeable. Wulfrick was almost a good character but not Milisant. She was a shrew. As I was reading it, I thought many times, this cannot be a Lindsey book. There was no plot to it. I was excited to find the characters from one of my favorite books, "Defy Not the Heart". Unfortunately that was the only thing that could be compared about them. This book is not a keeper or one that I would recommend. I know I will not be reading it again. Hopefully her next book will be better than this one. If you haven't read it, don't waste your time. If this was her one book for the year that she writes, she should have taken more time off and thought about it more.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
urmi storli
This book definitely had the was a beautiful story. It just lacked the interaction between the hero & the heroine. There should have been more scenes between them instead between Mili & her twin sister or anybody else for that matter.

For what its worth, however little scenes between Wulf & Mili, were good. I especially liked the part where she dresses like a boy and he threatens to dress her himself is she doesn't change. And how she fools him into thinking she's her twin...more than once.

Give it a try, maybe you will like it. Not as good as Gentle Rogue / You Belong To Me...but still a worthwhile read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
waylon flinn
I enjoyed this book. but I found myself not quite as enthralled in it like I am some of Lindsey's other books. I think that the story had a good foundation behind it, but it did not live up to its full potential. so much more could have been done with this story to make it more romantic. I found the lack of romance and interaction between the two characters Millie and Wulfric to to be very disapointing. They did not have enough moments for me to actually see why they fell in love with eachother. but over all this by far was not a horrible book. It was entertaining, just not quite as romantic and developed as i would have liked.
A Malory Novel (Malory-Anderson Family) - Captive of My Desires :: Hearts Aflame (Haardrad Family) :: You Belong to Me (Cardinia's Royal Family Book 2) :: Say You Love Me (Malory, No. 5) :: Make Me Love You
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
anna patton
I have every book Johanna Lindsey has ever written and I have loved every one. However, this last one was disappointing. Additionally, I regret that I paid the price of the hardcover for it. I should have waited until it came out in paperback. I know she can do much, much better, and I am waiting for her next book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
What happened? I must say, Joining was quite a disappointment! While I do applaud her attempt to break away from her usual fare, and all too familiar stories and characters, I was just plain bored with this book. It seemed that this book was composed of subplots and no real primary plot. Milisant and Wulfric were just uninspiring and bland. If we must wait a while for her next novel, we will wait. The way she is churning them out it's no wonder there was nothing special or interesting about Joining nor the last couple of books (the last Mallory novel was disappointing, too). So, take your time, Johanna, and put some thought, heart, and humor into the next one, hmm? I know you are capable of fantastic stories and great dialogue, i.e., Gentle Rogue.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have enjoyed some of her previous books, but this one could not compare with them. I thought the charactures were shallow, although they fought very well with each other and I enjoyed the fights. I didn't feel that the main charactures were really in love. The supporting charactures were great.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jacob sparks
Like all my favorite authors, Linsey has lost her touch. Every time I find an author I really like, two things happen. 1.They start coming out with hardcovers because of their previous success. 2. Their hardcore novels are generally badly written. It is something I still can't figure out but it happens every time. Maybe they figure we loved their previous books so much we will shell out for at least their first 2 hardcovers so they don't have to put that much effort into them! I have learned my lesson. Either wait for paperback, or put my name on the list at the library. If her books keep up like this, it won't be that long of a list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kirsty gaffigan
I thoroughly enjoyed Lindsey's latest novel. I've been a fan for years now, and she keeps getting better with each novel. Can't wait for the next one to come out. Maybe she can find a new husband for Milisant's sister, Jhone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I prefer historical romances and I thought this book was well done. It all depends on each readers' taste, motivation, and preferences. I enjoyed this book as better-than-average mind candy. Fairly sensual. Predictable story line, but what romance novel doesn't have that?
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
As my first Johanna Lindsey novel, I was very disappointed with her lack of continuity with character definition from one chapter to the next. In Joining, Milisant was a very strong, independent female until the author needed her to be a star-struck no backbone teary female pliable at every need. I was not impressed with this novel.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
abby shumacher
To sum it up....Bland. I was kind of disappointed. Ms. Lindsey has been my favorite author since I started reading romances and I was expecting a better read. Let's just hope she's in a slump that she'll snap out of quickly.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jen berg
This book was definetly not Johanna's greatest book, but it did keep my interest. I am surprised by her lack of spark in this book. I will probably leave this one on the shelf. Not worth a second read.
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