Throne of Truth (Truth and Lies Duet Book 2)

ByPepper Winters

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heba salama
Pepper Winters has done t again!!! I was so excited because I thought that I hadn't read it and went to buy it and realized I read it already. This book was such an amazing story. I will def read again!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
vikkas sahay
Throne of Truth by Pepper Winters
Crown of lies left us with so many questions. Throne of Truth delivers all the answers. Penn has realized that Greg has taken Elle. He is hell bent on saving her. By saving her, is he putting himself at risk of losing himself again? I am not going to say too much about the actual story, as I don’t want to spoil it for others. Penn in Crown of lies was a strong dominant man. Yet in this book he was not. He second guessed himself the whole way and I was slightly disappointed in him. Elle seemed to grow more confident and yet I was expecting more from her. While we get our HEA I do feel this book was a bit lacking. The beginning was great while Penn was looking for Elle. However, thereafter the book fell flat for me. The grammar was not the best and I picked up a few issues with tenses. At times I wondered if this book was written with the help of a ghost writer as it did not have the Pepper Winters wow factor. Overall it was just okay for me.
Reviewed for Hot books and Sassy Girls book blog
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heba shaker
This series was amazing, when I reached the end of the first book, I have to admit I was a little upset. But I didn't have to wait for the ending. I just bought this one and finished it in a day. Pepper Winters your books are so amazing I love all of them. They keep me on my toes.
Can't Touch This :: Fourth Debt (Indebted Book 5) :: Indebted Epilogue :: Destroyed :: Dollars (Dollar Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved, loved, loved this series. Penn saves Elle, Elle save Penn. Their story is full of twists and turns that have you on the edge of your seat one moment and trying not to cry the next. True loves prevails!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
maryam rezapour
My 2 star rating basically boils down to this story not being my cup of tea.

The author's ability to tell the story was flawless, and the concept of the story was good. There were several side characters and plot lines that could have been explored to give it more interest and depth, but there were just too many things about the story I disliked and couldn't relate to, that I'm sorry I chose this as my first Pepper Winters read.

The female character was too young to make her role believable, and the male character, while several years older started out strong and confident and then morphed into a teenage boy (sad) and the angst factor was over the top...and just when you thought the story was finally coming to conclusion the author gave me one more reason to groan and do an eye roll. Finally, I thought the story could have been told in one standalone novel.

I'll give Ms Winters another try, I understand some of her other books may be more to my liking.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jane l
This is a fantastic story. Well developed characters provide an entertaining, suspense filled journey through it all they emotionally connect. However, I skipped most of the well described disfunctional sex. This could've been a great story, but shades of gray sells.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed Throne of Truth immensely. Pepper Winters is a talented writer. Her book caught my attention from the first sentence to the last. I look forward to reading more from her.
Mary E. Buras-Conway-author of A Temptation and Possession
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emily walker
MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS - Much of this second book is suffered with Penn in jail, trapped by Greg who claims Penn tried to murder him (lie) as well as a Chief of Police who has used Penn as a scapegoat for his son's crimes. So that made most of the book a bit boring & heartbreaking because Penn is trapping within prison & Elle is fighting to get him out, even when he shuts down & refuses to see her. Greg is disgusting - kidnaps Elle, chains her, beats her. Penn rescues her in the nick of time but gives Greg a good beatdown first, one that he truly deserves. Before the police take Penn away he reveals enough of their shared past to know that he is chocolate-kissing bandit who saved her! "Glad to know it wasn't just one of us who fell that night." He went to return her necklace to her, hoping to find her pining away for him, only to find her all those years ago living in the lap of luxury, and that is why he was so angry & wanted to use her & then leave. But things changed when he truly got to know Elle. "I'll look after you while I ruin you. I'll protect you while I hurt you - just like I promised that first night." In prison they start to write letters, finally agree that they are an "us" & they will fight together. "Because one thing's for sure, Elle - that night in the alley, I wanted to keep you. After last night, I want to effing marry you." And all the fighting to save Penn from prison helps Elle grow into a strong woman. More drama at the end but Elle's backbone is strong now & she won't let anything stand between their future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
virginia mcgee butler
I was truly involved in this story.
When Elle cringed, I cringed. When Elle got mad, I was furious.
I felt truly involved in this story, and I thank Pepper Winters for doing me justice once again.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jonathan fey
Pepper Winters obviously has no idea how business or the American justice system works. She should have done some more research. It was hard not to roll my eyes at the ignorance. And some of the characters suffered from too little depth, including Elle, who was so sweet it's a wonder I don't have a new cavity.

However, I didn't find myself running for a red editor's pen where the grammar was concerned. I didn't regret the money spent on the book or the time it took to read. I'm disappointed that the editors allowed the book to print with its obvious flaws. Just a little bit of time and a very minor rewrite could have fixed those moments where I wanted to laugh, but not because the passage was comical.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Throne of Truth was a stunning sequel to Crown of Lies, by Pepper Winters. Unlike the first book, this book untwisted all of the plot lines into a smooth ending that answered all questions and left no room for doubt. Beautifully written.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
hilton mather

This picks up immediately where book 1 left off , Elle has been kidnapped by a crazy family friend. . So, at the beginning, it's pretty fast paced, which I liked...(I don't handle angst well). However, once the dust has settled, then you really have to suspend belief about the U.S. Justice system....particularly if you are one of the wealthiest women in the country...wouldn't you have a team of attorneys to not only help you help others, but to protect all of your assets..and not solely depend on ONE man, that you barely know, even if he does have a heart of gold..Crooked men, liars and waiting is the middle and close to the end. Yes, I knew who Nameless was, and then I didn't, and then I did..yes, I enjoyed that aspect of the book, but then everything was answered and it kind of fell a little flat.

I think if this had been from an author that I'm not familiar with, I would have said "yeah, absolutely..good book, good plot, story....BUT since I know the writing and story telling ability of Pepper Winters, this one just didn't hold up to the potential..I LOVED the Monsters In the Dark series and Destroyed. This Author knows how to write good stories with darkness and When the $$ series is complete, I will Definitely read it..But for now, not every book can be a home run, and that's ok..she's still a must read author..
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This was my least favorite series by Pepper Winters and that makes me sad. Usually I can't wait to read her books, but I could have skipped this series, saved myself $8 and been perfectly ok with that. I found it to be boring, non realistic and just plain no. It didn't explain why this chief of police had this vendetta against Penn and at the end we still never found out the reasons for it other than protecting his loser of a son. Another major thing that I don't understand at all is, Elle had millions and millions of dollars and could have afforded to hire 100 lawyers to work on this case and to get him out of jail quicker and she did nothing but whine and wait for Larry to do everything. She was supposed to be such a brilliant woman who ran this gigantic company from the time she was 12 yet there was nothing she even tried to do to get Penn out of jail or to see that he had more people on his team to get him released than he could have possibly used. It just made zero sense to me and really made me not care because of the ridiculousness of the whole situation.

I'm rambling but just my opinion, if I were you, and you love Peppers dark romances, and even her fun romances as much as I do, skip this series, save your money and hope for the best when her next series comes out. I still love you Pepper, just not this series this time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arthur edelstein
WOW, JUST WOW!!! Pepper Winters is OUTSTANDING! ALWAYS WRITING THE MOST 'AMAZING BOOKS!' This book is the conclusion of bk 1 "Crown of Lies!" .. it does pick up right where Bk 1 leaves off - with a major 'cliffhanger' so, you MUST READ BK 1 TO HAVE A 'CLEAR BACKGROUND' because bk 1 sets up for 'bk2' and leaves you with so many ?'s and yes, they are ALL answered in this book!!
Elle Charlston 'h' knows who (no name, aka 'Penn Michael Everett' our 'H' by now, yet in the end of bk 1 she believes he is not the man who saved her 3 years ago.) so she ran only to be kidnapped by her childhood friend, Greg H where he attempts to persuade Elle to marry him, give him 51% Of the company then she can divorce him for all he cares.. yet, Elle refuses & he roughs her up and attempts to rape her when Penn finds them and attacks Greg. This book has ALL the answers from book 1 - you actually find out who 'Penn everett' is and where he came from & why he has a record from the police... also why and who those guys were in the alley the night Elle was attacked when she was 19 when 'no name' aka penn saved her... there is a lot of information in this book, drama ... mysteries unravel, secrets come out, HOT sex scenes, and a 'HEA' this book series was fabulous!!! Definitely kept you not only guessing but on the edge of your seat... highly recommended...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa llanes brownlee
Throne of Truth was a stunning sequel to Crown of Lies, by Pepper Winters. Unlike the first book, this book untwisted all of the plot lines into a smooth ending that answered all questions and left no room for doubt. Beautifully written.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

This picks up immediately where book 1 left off , Elle has been kidnapped by a crazy family friend. . So, at the beginning, it's pretty fast paced, which I liked...(I don't handle angst well). However, once the dust has settled, then you really have to suspend belief about the U.S. Justice system....particularly if you are one of the wealthiest women in the country...wouldn't you have a team of attorneys to not only help you help others, but to protect all of your assets..and not solely depend on ONE man, that you barely know, even if he does have a heart of gold..Crooked men, liars and waiting is the middle and close to the end. Yes, I knew who Nameless was, and then I didn't, and then I did..yes, I enjoyed that aspect of the book, but then everything was answered and it kind of fell a little flat.

I think if this had been from an author that I'm not familiar with, I would have said "yeah, absolutely..good book, good plot, story....BUT since I know the writing and story telling ability of Pepper Winters, this one just didn't hold up to the potential..I LOVED the Monsters In the Dark series and Destroyed. This Author knows how to write good stories with darkness and When the $$ series is complete, I will Definitely read it..But for now, not every book can be a home run, and that's ok..she's still a must read author..
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This was my least favorite series by Pepper Winters and that makes me sad. Usually I can't wait to read her books, but I could have skipped this series, saved myself $8 and been perfectly ok with that. I found it to be boring, non realistic and just plain no. It didn't explain why this chief of police had this vendetta against Penn and at the end we still never found out the reasons for it other than protecting his loser of a son. Another major thing that I don't understand at all is, Elle had millions and millions of dollars and could have afforded to hire 100 lawyers to work on this case and to get him out of jail quicker and she did nothing but whine and wait for Larry to do everything. She was supposed to be such a brilliant woman who ran this gigantic company from the time she was 12 yet there was nothing she even tried to do to get Penn out of jail or to see that he had more people on his team to get him released than he could have possibly used. It just made zero sense to me and really made me not care because of the ridiculousness of the whole situation.

I'm rambling but just my opinion, if I were you, and you love Peppers dark romances, and even her fun romances as much as I do, skip this series, save your money and hope for the best when her next series comes out. I still love you Pepper, just not this series this time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erik hansen
WOW, JUST WOW!!! Pepper Winters is OUTSTANDING! ALWAYS WRITING THE MOST 'AMAZING BOOKS!' This book is the conclusion of bk 1 "Crown of Lies!" .. it does pick up right where Bk 1 leaves off - with a major 'cliffhanger' so, you MUST READ BK 1 TO HAVE A 'CLEAR BACKGROUND' because bk 1 sets up for 'bk2' and leaves you with so many ?'s and yes, they are ALL answered in this book!!
Elle Charlston 'h' knows who (no name, aka 'Penn Michael Everett' our 'H' by now, yet in the end of bk 1 she believes he is not the man who saved her 3 years ago.) so she ran only to be kidnapped by her childhood friend, Greg H where he attempts to persuade Elle to marry him, give him 51% Of the company then she can divorce him for all he cares.. yet, Elle refuses & he roughs her up and attempts to rape her when Penn finds them and attacks Greg. This book has ALL the answers from book 1 - you actually find out who 'Penn everett' is and where he came from & why he has a record from the police... also why and who those guys were in the alley the night Elle was attacked when she was 19 when 'no name' aka penn saved her... there is a lot of information in this book, drama ... mysteries unravel, secrets come out, HOT sex scenes, and a 'HEA' this book series was fabulous!!! Definitely kept you not only guessing but on the edge of your seat... highly recommended...
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I loved Crown of Lies, I absolutely abhorred Throne of Truth. The book is extremely rushed, the author obviously has no idea at all how the Criminal Justice system works, and there isn't even a satisfying conclusion to all the completely far-fetched legal drama we were forced to endure. If Elle was as rich and powerful and she's made out to be, there is NO WAY a Police Chief could have railroaded her or her "fiance" like he did. She has the right to make a statement about the incident. She could have made a statement about the incident from his past as well. Her testimony alone would have kept him from having charges filed on him for goodness sake! And none of that is even remotely decided on by the Chief of Police, all charges go through the District Attorney. One look at the joke of a charge & it would have been thrown out. Were cops ever taken to the scene where Elle was held hostage? IN CHAINS for goodness sake?!?! We are expected to believe that a woman of IMMENSE wealth & power was held captive for days and chained up but the only charges filed were against her savior? I'm so completely disappointed. There was so much potential after the 1st book, I feel like I need to make up a conclusion because this book was just ridiculous.
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