Can't Touch This

ByPepper Winters

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennie rains
I really enjoyed this book. Hot sex scenes but hot bantering back and forth. Which I really enjoyed!! U really got to know the characters. And I liked that the author described the close friendship between the female characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marivy bermudez
This story is totally unlike anything Pepper Winters usually writes. However, the light comedic tone was a good relief between the emotional reads I usually enjoy. You can tell it wasn't really edited..but I thought it turned out pretty good as the rapidly written "healing" project it is said to be. It's a cute story with several laughable moments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
3.75 stars--CAN’T TOUCH THIS by Pepper Winters (writing as Tess Hunter) is a stand-alone, contemporary adult, romantic comedy (rom-com) story line focusing on veterinarian Vesper Fairfax, and animal rehabber Ryder Carson.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Vesper and Ryder) CAN’T TOUCH THIS follows the building relationship between animal rehabber Ryder Carson, and veterinarian Vesper Fairfax. For six months Ryder has been taking wounded and sick dogs to Vesper’s animal clinic hoping that our heroine will take notice of the man that stands before her. Ryder was instantly attracted to the new veterinarian but his frequent visits appeared to be riling up the feisty doc and each successive visit Vesper’s anger towards Ryder grew more intense and dark. Their back and forth banter usually involved Ryder’s sexual innuendos and snarky come backs in the hopes of breaking down the doctor’s barriers. What ensues are Ryder’s attempts to convince Vesper to take a chance on the man and a possible future.

There is plenty of sexual tension between our leading couple; the $ex scenes are intimate and intense. We learn a little bit about Vesper and Polly’s ongoing friendship, and how Ryder’s started on the path of saving man’s best friend.

We are introduced to Vesper’s business partner and fellow veterinarian Polly Dartford, a woman trying to come to terms with the loneliness when her best friend begins to fall in love; and Ryder’s globe trotting brother Rupert Carson- a man looking for someone to complete his life. Their story will be told next in Can’t Own This.

CAN’T TOUCH THIS is a lighthearted, romantic comedy with very little angst or conflict from outside sources. There are moments of fun and humor mixed with heartbreaking stories of animals in need and rescues. The premise is enjoyable and entertaining; the characters are colorful and fun; the romance is seductive and provocative.
Fourth Debt (Indebted Book 5) :: Indebted Epilogue :: Destroyed :: Je Suis a Toi (Monsters in the Dark) (Volume 4) :: Throne of Truth (Truth and Lies Duet Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie ellis
I will admit when I first heard my favorite author Pepper Winters decided to release a romantic comedy under a different name I was a little uncertain of what to expect. Well let me tell you she totally nailed it! The flirty banter, the funny situations and the light hearted feeling you get while reading a romantic comedy is all there. I think I had a smile on my face the entire time I was reading and I look forward to more funny goodness from Tess Hunter :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah gourley
I will admit when I first heard my favorite author Pepper Winters decided to release a romantic comedy under a different name I was a little uncertain of what to expect. Well let me tell you she totally nailed it! The flirty banter, the funny situations and the light hearted feeling you get while reading a romantic comedy is all there. I think I had a smile on my face the entire time I was reading and I look forward to more funny goodness from Tess Hunter :)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Pepper Winters is my all time favourite author and while I love her DARK romances, I didn't like this story and not because it wasn't dark, for me, it was the characters and the story. When I read a book it's because I'm in the mood for that particular genre whether it be paranormal, light, contemporary, historical, dark or a quick summer read. I read them all.

I commend Pepper for putting this book out there and I know it was something that poured out of her in a really dark time in her life and for me this book is just a personal choice and for others they will LOVE it, so make up your own mind with this one. It's on me that I don't like it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jessica tyler
Well, this is totally different from what I've read from the author known as Pepper Winters but this story is definitely worth the read. I really enjoyed reading it.
You never know when you might fall for someone, when love might hit you when you least expect it. Vesper and Ryder met at the vet practice Vesper is the co-owner of, runs it with her best friend, and they have one thing very much in common. That's their love for pets. In the beginning they don't get along but in time things start to develop and they go on a first date that changes everything. Will they get through everything that's thrown in their way and get a happy ending? And most of all, will they "touch" it? ...
*You can never know what life brings and where you find love, you just have to take a leap of faith and try...*

PS I really really hope we get Rupert and Polly's story next... :-)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
reinoud bosman
Let me start off by saying I understand why Pepper Winters/Tess Hunter felt the need to lighten up her story content and write a light hearted romantic comedy. I'm an avid reader of PW's books and thought I'd give Can't Touch This a try. Unfortunately I couldn't make it passed the 4th chapter. To be fair this type of juvenile verbal banter wouldn't be my cup of tea no matter who the author is. So needless to say I won't be reading the second book. In the meantime, I look forward to reading Pepper Winters' regular books....
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I don't pick up a romantic comedy expecting Tolstoy. The best are clever and funny with engaging characters, punchy dialogue and believable plots. An enjoyable way to spend a few hours while cleaning or driving (generally listen to audiobooks.) However, CAN'T TOUCH THIS, which was apparently written by a best-selling author, has none of these attributes. The dialogue would make a junior high schooler roll his or her eyes. The play of words involving the dachsund brought into the vet's office--"weiner"--is groan inducing. One would never know the "hero" and "heroine" are professional people --cross that out--actual grownups. His talk of cocks and weiners and all the double-entendres isn't clever or titillating but would more truthfully be classified as sexual harassment. I recently finished two delightful rom-coms, BET ME and MANHUNTING, which sent me searching for something in the same genre. CAN'T TOUCH THIS wasn't it. In fact it's as much a dog as the canines our cretin hero keeps dragging into the vet's office. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's no secret that Pepper Winters wrote this. So of course when she revealed writing a ROMCOM under a pen name I about DIED! She's so good at everything she does. The characters- the dark, light, good, bad, funny... she can write it all.

I did NOT want this book to end. I laughed out loud, I swooned, I cried.

"I shed my skin of Vesper Fairfax— co-owner and perfect student— and became a sexual minx instead."

I love that Vesper is a vet. It just flows so well the connection that her and Ryder have over animals. They share the same passion and that's so rare. Vesper is strong and independent with a few secrets under that set of scrubs she wears everyday. She learns new things about herself -and her sex life- all the while falling for the hot sweet talking dog rescuer that is willing to push those secrets to the past.

Ryder has a few secrets of his own. Just how kinky is he exactly?! Oh my gosh! Ryder is a man of many personalities in the bedroom- and out of it. He seriously has it all; Money, a huge heart, and a huge something else! The way he cares for his animals says a lot about him. He can go from loving and caring to hot and saucy in a heartbeat. Ryder and Vesper's flirting made me smile so much my face hurt.

"Having her sitting on my furniture, drinking my alcohol, eating my food, and hugging my pets... it just made me want it forever."

All funny banter and sex talk aside, Ryder and Vesper fell for each other so hard. SO hard emotions were running high, some old pasts came back and haunted them for a little while. But fear not, things have their funny little way of working themselves out.

Hot sexy talk, and oodles of puppies and kitties... Nailed it! I can't wait for Can't Own This!

*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

My rating: 5/5 stars
You can find the rest of my reviews here:[...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vicki cohen
You start off giggling like a school girl First the cover HELLO to that package Second All I can think of is M.C Hammer and for the love of God Its been days and I'm still singing that song. I love Pepper stepped out again to write this. That right The one and Only Dark Queen wrote this witty book. Applause to her or should a say Tess Hunter. Vespar yep that's her name first thought scooter but I heard it's a drink also. Anyways Vespar and her best friend Polly (yep thanks again Pollyanna) Co-Own a veterinary hospital. Imagine working with your bff they are cute in this book. It's like how I am with real friends. Ryder new guy in town has a love for rescuing animals his only choice is he has to go to her Veterinary Clinic to have his rescued animals checked out. Between Weiner dogs , mixed breeds Chiwenny, and the names his picks for his pets are hysterical in its self. Ryder (even the name makes him HOT) Ride Her Yes Please I mean come on he rescues animals who wouldn't swoon. He's a little demanding when it comes to there care never an appointment and he wants her helping ASAP. That gets under Vespars skin but the sexual innuendos are the best. Her face plant still has me giggling. Him taking her home when she will omg The one liners, Quick come backs these two are a pair. The Story behind Ryder and how he got into rescuing these animals is cute. They both learn that even know they started off roughly they are more alike with there love of animals the crazy names they pick for there animals. Let's say there's a Visa, Corn , another named Chip (yep Corn Chip) a pig called hippo classic , Scar (my favorite) and a lot more. Oh the lake WOW the lake OH The Role play even better. So not to give anything away just read. If you don't have a sense of humor than you might not get it or like but if you do you will love it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome romantic story that has such humor and love with a bit of angst thrown in. What was so sweet is it has a theme built in around animals , which being an animal lover myself, I totally adored. Vesper is a vet and totally rocks at her job because of her love for the animals. Only thing is , she has this client, Ryder Carson , who is quite bothersome because he is always around. He is so cocky and very flirty and in her face. Very distracting for Vesper because she doesn’t know how to respond at times—she doesn’t know if he is coming on to her or if he is just a touchy feely gentleman.
Ryder knows one thing- he wants the sexy, sweet and innocent vet but she gives off the “hands off” signals. No problem for Ryder, he likes challenges and she is going to be his greatest. These two have the sweetest and hottest courtship in the book. The humor and the banter is entertaining while the storyline is light and sweet, which is different considering the author is Pepper Winters writing as Tess Hunter and she is known for writing some pretty dark novels while this book is very light, sweet and romantic, not a dark cloud in sight. Not to say there isn’t some angst, what romance novel doesn’t have some but this is pretty funny and the flow of the story is spot on. You will be able to connect with the characters right away and the story line with the animals will spark a chord in everyone. I really loved this book and can’t wait to see what Ms. Winters aka Ms Hunter has next coming out.

My rating: 4.6 stars ****
**I was given an ARC by the author in exchange for an honest review***
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
So this book was something different from this author. She usually writes rather dark books (as Pepper Winters), which I love so much. This one, though, is a romantic comedy. I'm more into dark romance but I enjoy a funny book from time to time.

I liked this book, I really did but that was it. I didn't fully love this one but I did laugh my ass off. Some things in the story were just so damn funny. And of course the animals in it stole my heart. I also liked the banter between Vesper and Ryder a lot. Also, there were some serious hot sex scenes (which didn't really surprise me). I also really liked Vesper's best friend Polly. She was SO great!

Some things I didn't like was the random appearance (and drama) of Ryder's ex. I don't want to get too much into it but I feel like the story could've done without that. It was kind of unnessecary in my opinion. But still, I'm pretty excited about the next book which I hope will be about Polly.

Overall, Can't Touch This by Tess Hunter was hilarious, sexy and I thought the animal love in it was so great. Although I didn't love it like some of the author's other books, I definitely liked it and would recommend it to people who adore animals like I do and enjoy books that make them laugh out loud.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
When you see the name Pepper Winters, you think of dark, addicting, twisty and out of boundaries books. You think of crazy situations and taboo stories that stretch the scope of mind. To my surprise, Pepper Winters decided to surprise us with a new book and it is a Romantic Comedy. She writes under a pen name Tess Hunter and I was so excited for this. There are only a few authors I would read all their books and Pepper Winters is one of them. So when I saw Can't Touch This, I had to read this.

Can't Touch This is a funny, sarcastic and weird book that involves a vet and her client. I was laughing so hard and I could not stop laughing. I was in stitches. Who knew Pepper Winters could write a romantic comedy. It was a good change and I loved it. I am so used to her writing dark and twisty romances and to see her write a romantic comedy was such a fulfilling feeling. You know that feeling that you get when you just so comfortable with a book. I was so comfortable with this book that everything just flowed easy. There were sarcastic jokes that made me snort and a few scenes that made me smile. I found it so effortless that Tess Hunter/Pepper Winters wrote a book to relate to. The dialogue and scenes were written so well that It made the story so captivating and easy to read. Even though the genre was so different, I could detect the signature writing of Pepper Winters. There was a certain pull to story that I found myself so into the story and just getting lost in the story. That is true writing. That feeling to get into story and just simply escape.

The characters were so infectious and just added an amazing dynamic to the story and I loved it a lot. The characters each had amazing chemistry. Vesper and Ryder were the perfect couple in this story with infectious banter that made the story so captivating. They had true chemistry that I was so unique and comfortable.

Vesper was such a closet feisty girl with such unique characteristics that were so memorable. I loved her. I loved how funny and tough she was but I felt like she needed to let loose and simply enjoy life. I loved how independent she was. She had a big heart and her love for animals made her really captivating.

I did not like Ryder at first. I felt he was an unlikable character and I wanted to punch the hell out of him. But sweet baby, Ryder got me swooning for him when he showed that he had a heart. You have to find out what I am talking about it. I had to fan myself repeatedly because wow, Ryder is so alphalicious and just so hot lol.

Can't Touch This is a hot story that has you laughing in seconds. It is a light read that makes you fall in love with animals.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ekram motawieh
**5 Stars**

I love wieners…. I have two wieners of my own! (Hey I’m talking about dachshunds! Get your mind out of the gutter!). I just loved this book. I loved the chemistry, the banter, and the humor that dripped from every page!

Ves, a vet by trade, is prickly when it comes to her over demanding, non appointment making, client with his plethora of exotic, weird breeded dog names, and sexual innuendos. But when the flu strikes suddenly and she’s forced to play patient to Ryders nursing skills, can she keep her mind focused on the wiener in her animal care, or will her focus shift to the wiener in his pants?

Although, this is NOT a typical Pepper Winters book that I love, I still couldn’t help but fall in love with every aspect of this book. Ryder and Ves were 100% loveable from the very start of the book. The back and forth verbal sparring and text message wars were my favorite part. I loved the name Ryder chose for his dogs, and my heart bled for the graciousness and charity that surrounded Ves.

RYDER-- "Another Bad Analogy? So what? I wasn’t a poet. Suck it."

The little quips from all 4 major characters had me rolling around, laughing. (well, maybe not literally. I don’t have anyone to rub my belly) The love story was hot and intense and quick, and it fit so well together. And the sex? I’m pretty sure I asked my husband to do something similar to Ryder and pond escapades.

Anyway, I don’t want to give anything more away. Just know as a chiweenie owner myself, I loved Can’t Touch This, and I HOPE Tess Hunter decides to do Poly and Rupe’s story. Polly’s a spitfire, and I gotta know how that story unfolds. 5 Stars Tess! I still love you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gaia cornwall
This book was so funny, deliciously sexy, and made me melt!

“She’d well and truly bulldozed down my walls and no longer needed a key. She was my key.”

Vesper and her bestie, Polly, run their own veterinary on a shoestring but they can’t bear to turn anyone away – including the gorgeous, but annoying and filterless Ryder, who appears constantly, without appointments, with his rescue dogs, and will only deal with Vesper.

“You are seriously the best woman I’ve ever met…If you continue being this incredible, I might just have to marry you.”

Ryder chose Tales with Tails as it was the closest vet to the house he lives in and is currently renovating, and also because they have the best equipment around, and also because of Vesper. He finds her compassionate, efficient, and beautiful. He also likes to ruffle her feathers, as she makes him feel alive and less alone. He realises that he’s acting like a jerk but he’s desperate for her to date him and like him, and can’t seem to help his own behaviour.

“I knew what he wouldn’t say. I want you forever. Forever. What an odd concept of time. But suddenly, it was exactly what I wanted. With him. Always.”

An inappropriate but hilarious scene ensues during one particular visit, followed by Ryder playing Good Samaritan to Vesper’s flu-ridden self, and then the goalposts get moved and it’s pretty much game on, as they wade through doubt and irresistible lust to find their forever.

This was a snappy, fast-moving, feel-good, heartwarming, oh-so-sexy novel, with a lots of outrageous, loaded dialogue. Vesper and Ryder have massive hearts of gold, enough passion to last a lifetime, and sparkling chemistry. I ADORED it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jamie george
Any time a book is described as swoon-worthy, sexy, sarcastic, full of men with big 'you know what's', puppies and pigmy pigs you can guarantee I will be buying it faster than you can say Cocker-Shitzu!!! Even better, I didn't have to pay for it because it was free with my Kindle Unlimited subscription! Bestie Vets, Vesper Fairfax and Polly Dartford co-own a practice called Tale and Tails in a small town called Trithorn in Australia. Recently relocated to Trithorn, Ryder Carson has purchased a previous Mayor's dilapidated mansion and is returning it to it's former glory while providing a temporary rescue shelter for abused animals. Ryder's menagerie of furry four-legged foster friends primarily consists of dogs but pigs and cats are welcome too. He provides luxury accommodations in a refurbished barn where he lovingly pampers his traumatized tenants. Ryder is attracted to Vesper and frequents her services for his injured animals. Just like a little boy who doesn't know how to tell a girl he likes her, Ryder does his best to irritate Vesper by being demanding and obnoxious. But who isn't attracted to a man who unselfishly takes in battered and abandoned helpless creatures? Eventually the fur flies and sexy times are unleashed when Ryder challenges Vesper that she 'can't touch' his man candy. Ryder is my new book boyfriend and focus of my fantasies. I can't wait for Tess Hunter's next book entitled 'Can't Own This' where she returns to Trithorn where Ryder's older brother Rupert becomes entangled with Vesper's business partner Polly Dartford. Don't pass up a chance to be entertained and touched by this yummy quick read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tara o hagan
I was cautious upon starting this title. I threw caution to the wind by about page 5, and I am desperately in love with these characters now! Ryder came on strong, and while Vesper tries to resist, he catches her a weak moment, and swoops in to save the day. From there on, it's pretty much inevitable that these two warm-hearted, animal loving people will end up together.

Not to say it's a smooth sail - there is a lot of humor (so much funny!), some internal issues these two have to work out. In the meantime, we the reader have the most delicious privilege of watching Ryder devolve as he realizes that Vesper is totally The One.

Ryder is now officially one of the best book boyfriends ever. He's sweet, he's so sexy, he loves animals and actively helps them, he has a pet pygmy pig named Hippo...Swoon! He isn't vey experienced with love, but he's so determined to convince Vesper he's a good catch.

And Vesper - we are all a bit of Vesper. She is smart, snarky, not sure what to do with this male who is by turns snotty and sinfully sexy. She devotes herself to her Vet practice, and the rest of her to the local shelter. Once she gets on board the love train, she's all in.

Great secondary characters, including the animals. Rupert (Ryder's brother) and Polly (Vesper's BFF) had a lot of sparks that will hopefully flame into their own story.

Pacing was fabulous. A ton of humor. Smoldering sexy times. Characters that grabbed this reader's heart, and made me care about them. Can't Touch This is a complete win!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
morgan getty
Tess Hunter, AKA Pepper Winters, hilariously writes the account of Ryder Carson and Vesper Fairfax. Ryder Carson a quiet, wealthy by misfortune man, provides a half-way house for animals in dire need. Carson however suffers from a very diluted sense of social awkwardness. Vesper Fairfax, a young veterinarian, deep in the pits of post doctorate educational debt, is forced to deal with the very attractive, yet very arrogant Ryder Carson. Vesper knows her practice needs Ryder’s wallet. His lack of self-control, depth of inappropriate innuendo, and yet quirky need to save helpless animals ropes Vesper in little by little.

A wonderful piece of comedic prose by Tess Hunter. The integration of puns, innuendo, one liners, and the chemistry developed between Vesper, Ryder, Polly, and each staring character is brilliant. Amazing talent to go from Winters, usually dark, suspenseful romances to the humor filled Rom-Com of Hunter. The dialogue interactions are witty, light hearted, and well developed. The two person POV allows for both Ryder and Vesper to express their inner monologues, which are also sharp as nails and on the money. There is a small mixture of human life surrounding the very real issues of rescue animals, and the need to provide for resources, as well as the decisions one makes as a pet family member needs care. None the less, Hunter keeps the tone light, bringing the smiles and giggles to each reader from page one to the finish line. Fabulous, fun read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephan wintner
Wow what an unexpected pleasant surprise! This is the first book I read of Pepper Winters and I LIKE IT A LOT. Can’t Touch This literally came out of nowhere. I have not seen any cover or promotion about this and BAM! It came crashing into our book world. This book had me giggling, laughing out loud, and hot and heavy at the same time.

Vesper is a veterinarian. She works with her best friend Polly among other funny/nosy employees. Ryder rescues animals so he constantly shows up at the office unannounced with his injured animals. But soon enough he finds himself coming into the office demanding to see the beautiful, sexy doctor for other reasons than his injured four-legged friends. First impression? Ryder is extremely demanding, crass, and egotistical – not a man Vesper is looking for. But eventually he gets under her skin when he all but plays nurse-mate, taking care of Vesper when she falls sick. And so the flirting, the sex, and a lot of wiener talk begins . That is the best part of the book: flirting banters and sexual innuendos. Over all, I really enjoyed this book – it is light, sweet and hilarious. The banters between those two are witty. The sexual chemistry is blazing hot and steamy. This book is just a sweet romantic comedy, light-hearted, fun, cute, and an all-around feel good story.

So, if you are looking for a little rom com, a little entertainment, a little humor – this is for you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashley herbkersman
MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS - Very cute story, has moments of heat which of course it wouldn't be Pepper Winters if it didn't have some naughty balanced with the nice. It is maybe a bit too cute & ordinary for my tastes but I did love the connection between Vesper the vet and Ryder the savior of abused animals everywhere. Ryder has a thing for saving broken things, not that Vesper is broken but he sees her as a kindred spirit. This isn't quite instant love but pretty close. A friend tells Ryder to watch out for hugs, that even though no words are expressed a hug can relay exactly how his woman feels about him. That part was clever because both of them are scared to death to say I Love You so quickly even though they feel it down to their bones. Plus both of them have lived their lives for others & had very vanilla sex lives until they discover they both love to play & experiment. There is an extremely steamy scene down by Ryder's lake where he takes her like an animal & wow, very hot! Vesper has her quirks just like Ryder does and there is a bit of ex-lover drama but all-in-all it is pretty tame. They are kindred spirits like I said, soul mates in their adoration of animals. My favorite part is when the book would be in Ryder's POV & his thoughts are definitely alpha male - if he could he would lock Vesper in his house, put a ring on it & fill her with babies & never let her go!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
CAN'T TOUCH THIS was a ridiculously fun and enjoyable story chock full of puns, humor, wit, and delicious banter. While this is Pepper Winters writing under a pseudonym with a genre she's not known for, it flowed incredibly easily from beginning to end; it still felt like Pepper underneath it all, but in a completely new light, and it was fun to see her stretch her literary muscles, so to speak.

Ryder and Vesper have immediate chemistry that shines through with their feisty banter and protestations about not wanting nor liking one another. It lends itself perfectly to how they come together with a slow burn and a tiny bit of angst. Animals lovers will feel at home with the heroine veterinarian who has devoted her life to saving animals, and the hero who lends all of his time saving puppies from bad homes. They both touched my animal-loving heart for their passions and protections of the little ones that need it most.

I would've liked to see a bit more substance to the plot, but as it is, it's a completely enjoyable, non-angsty, feel-good romance that is the perfect beach or light read. The steam and the humor will both melt you and get you giggling, but the love that blossoms will be the mainstay. There is a playful side to Ms. Winters that finds its home in CAN'T TOUCH THIS, and it will help to take anyone's mind off of every day life stressors and cart you away into its upbeat love story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another fabulous book from an incredible author!! I'm in love with every word Pepper writes and have been a huge fan of her incredibly dark stories. Taking a chance and letting out some personal emotions she has written and shared with us something totally unlike anything she has ever written and yet its as amazing as her previous works. From dark to rom com... she does it all flawlessly! <3 This book had me laughing my butt off from page one! The hysterical banter, heart-wrenching stories of animal abuse and rescue and the incredibly huge heart both Vesper ad Ryder have, make this a book you won't want to put down. I struggled wanting to rush through it to wanting to savor every moment. A beautiful and hysterical love story that should not be missed!! HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommended read & author!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Witty and fun! Dark romance writer Pepper Winters is writing as Tess Hunter in this fun, witty, romantic novel. Vesper is a vet in a tiny town and Ryder is the rescue guy who keeps bringing sick and injured dogs for her to care for. They have a flirtation going on everytime he visits. Vesper and Ryder have the greatest banter and I loved it! Ryder is attracted to her and asks her out, Vesper at first says no but finally gives in. They have great chemistry. There are some LOL moments in the book for sure!

This book is nothing like the dark angsty romance books Pepper writes thus the pen-name Tess Hunter. I was pleasantly surprised. Pepper is a great writer no matter what she's writing. There is a hint of a sequel with Ryder's brother Rupert and Vesper's best friend Pollly. I will anxiously await this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Vesper Fairfax is a veterinarian who owns her own practice with her best friend Polly Dartford. When repeat customer Ryder Carson keeps coming in with an array of different dogs Vesper is put off by his demanding nature, although deep down she is extremely attracted to her.

When Ryder shows he's more than interested in Vesper will she allow herself to get involved with him or will she not risk losing his business for her business?

This book is hilarious! I loved all the sexting and sexual tension between Vesper and Ryder. There were so many moments where I could see myself doing the same thing and I think the book was just so relate-able in funny moments and it wasn't over the top.

Vesper was worried about a relationship with Ryder and I thought her hesitancy was understandable but Ryder would not give up. They had so many great moments together and some of the moments when she was ill just made me laugh!

Ryder was determined and had a lot to prove to show Vesper he truly cared, especially when his past came back. I can't wait to see what happens in the next book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A romantic comedy written by Pepper Winters under a different pen name.

I liked it, nothing more nothing less.

Can't touch this is a humorous read with no angst or drama it's full of innuendos and funny references.

Vesper is a vet and Ryder is a customer and with his animal rescuing acts he is a regular customer who at first is annoying to Vesper with his constant demands, then his sexual references and suggestions. Their relationship begins as a love hate relationship in a professional capacity and develops to more.

The start of the book starts off funny,flirty and at times hilarious.

Vesper "Oh may I"
Ryder "May you what"
"Touch him"
"Touch my wiener"
she scowled "Yes"
"You've already held him I think your past asking permission"

As the plot continues the humor is still present and Ryder has his swoon worthy moments, Can't touch this is a lighthearted romantic comedy told in dual pov's

An enjoyable and funny read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
barry cohen
First of all when we think Pepper Winters we think Hot, Sexy, Dark Romance...
Well Pepper Winters writting as Tess Hunter shows us a different side of her. her writting is still amazing and won't let you down.
This was a totally 180 was a great read and I totally loved it. it was sweet, funny, very refreshing. this was so well written and the characters will make you fall in love with them.
I loved the banter between Vesper and Ryder, they were so adorable and sweet. And the friendship between Vesper and Polly was super fun to read. They felt more like sisters.
I fell in love with Ryder I mean come on a Sexy, Hot, good with his hand, very caring and protective guy who can resist him. And the Sexual tension between them just WOW.... might have picked up a few ideas lol .... OK so this book has everything you want, it's funny, sweet, sexy, HOT, and yes has a little drama.... you will love it ....
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
josh keller
>Book review – Can’t Touch This –

>This is a standalone romantic comedy with an HEA. Vesper is a vet whose heart is bigger than her wallet. Ryder is an animal activist, constantly rescuing and bringing the animals to Vesper’s vet practice. The dialogue between Vesper and Ryder is witty and moves the scene’s along. The innuendos are a bit dirty for two people who just met, but still funny. Polly is Vesper’s best friend and also adds a layer of comedic dialogue.

>This book was fun to read, but seemed to drag on in regards to Ryder and Vesper trying to trust their feelings and what they sense in each other. Ryder seemed too good to be true, but was brought back to the human realm when he was interacting with his brother and his ex. I felt these scenes needed to happen a bit sooner than they did.

>The romance between Vesper and Ryder was very hot, yet sometimes silly. The whole cousin misunderstanding was hysterical, along with the doggy role play. The only thing that kept this story from being perfect for me was something that is a particular trigger of mine, so nothing the author could really be blamed for. After unprotected, but extremely hot sex, Vesper goes to the doctor the next morning for the morning after pill. She helps living creatures to the point of her own poverty, yet thinks nothing of ending the life of a potential child? Vesper’s action of going to get the pill was mentioned so nonchalantly, as to almost mean nothing. I wish the author didn’t add the pill part. Vesper seemed hypocritical to me from that point on and I almost disliked her.

>This book is appropriate for an adult audience. I am giving the book 4 stars.
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