Into Dust (The Montana Hamiltons)

ByB.J. Daniels

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a tale! Suspense runs high as danger lurks around every corner. Both the backstory and the current plot were solidly built. Daniels works some really trippy and scary concepts behind it. It’s all so believable.

I love seeing Cassidy find herself as an individual rather than as simply half of a set of twins. She is such a warm individual who shines when given the chance. Jack’s strength and cunning drew me to him instantly. Combined, these two had me completely hooked. Not only were the interactions and chemistry between them real and captivating, but they were also such genuine individuals that I couldn’t get enough of their stories.

This novel is a fantastic read on its own, but I really would suggest reading the entire series for the full impact. The Sarah mystery is intensifying by leaps and bounds in this novel. Suspense and danger lay around every turn. Daniels has me on edge, dying to know what happens next and trying to figure out the endgame. It’s absolutely perfect.

Please note that I received a complimentary copy of this work in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jill hendrick
My rating: 4.5 stars.

This latest installment in B.J. Daniels, Montana Hamiltons series kept me up and reading until 4:00 a.m. this morning and even later as I tried to figure out how to review this novel without including any spoilers--no easy task and here's the reason: Ms. Daniels pulls out all the stops from the very first page as Jack Durand watches two men exchange a wad of cash while standing at the grave of Jack's mother. He's shocked to realize that one of those men is his father.

After hiding in the shadows at the cemetery and watching the transaction, Jack follows the unknown man and foils the attempted kidnapping of a young woman, who turns out to be Cassidy Hamilton, daughter of presidential candidate, Buckmaster Hamilton, and the chase is on as we delve deeper into the mystery of Sarah Hamilton's lost memories, her past as Red, the leader of the anarchist group, The Prophecy, Sarah's memory loss, the regaining of some of those memories via the shady and mysterious Dr. Venable, the growing attraction between Jack and Cassidy, and that's just for starters. There are so many layers to this exciting, edge-of-your-seat romantic suspense novel and so many characters with so many aliases and so many motives, that I almost wish Ms. Daniels had included a scorecard.

As if the aforementioned plot developments weren't enough of a thriller, we get to return to Montana, where we catch up on the latest news and intrigue with a familiar cast of characters including Sheriff Frank, his wife and his crows, his maniacally homicidal, not-really-his-daughter, Tiffany, and Russell, the man Sarah was engaged to marry and then jilted to renew her relationship with Buckmaster, her former husband.

This is not a series you can read out of order, so if you're not already deeply engrossed in the romance, mystery and mayhem of these multi-layered novels, which, in my opinion would make one heck of a television series (think "Dallas"), grab the first novel in the series, catch up, and prepare yourself for one wild ride, and yes, for one more cliffhanger ending, which is my one and only criticism of this book. The novel's cliffhanger ending felt rather rushed to this reader, as though Ms. Daniels was racing to meet a deadline.

All in all, this is another excellent addition to the series, and this reader is counting the days until the release of the next installment, Honor Bound, to be released in November 2016.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve caresser
Every single title in B.J. Daniels' Montana Hamiltons series has made me shout out OMG at the end, shake my fist and wish I had a magic looking glass into the next book to find out what is going to happen. I have even tried to bribe B.J. to no avail. I have come to the conclusion that she just loves to torture her readers.... In a good way of course, but it's torture nonetheless.

Cassidy Hamilton, youngest daughter of Presidential hopeful, Buckmaster Hamilton, has spent her life in the spotlight along with her five sisters, and she's tired of it. For a while she was traveling the world and staying off the radar, but a attempted kidnapping yanks her back into an insane reality.

When handsome Texan, Jack Durand foils the kidnapping in progress, he and Cassidy are thrown together into web of lies, deceit and intrigue that no twenty-something has any business being embroiled in. When Jack discovers that his own father and possibly Cassidy's mother are involved in not only the abduction, but also a nefarious plot against the government, survival becomes the real deal for this unlikely pair.

Being tossed together by these unbelievable circumstances, Cassidy and Jack feel the inevitable pull of their attraction for one another where they both begin to think that fate has put them together. With all the insanity going on around them all they have is the comfort they can give one another and the amazing instincts that Jack has for survival. Who can they trust? Possibly no one. And so goes yet another intriguing BJ Daniels thriller of a story.... I don't think I will keep sane until the final installment.

Ok, so this is a monster of a book with twists and turns that will have you biting you nails down to the nub, and I am seriously not kidding. B.J. Daniels is a master storyteller who keeps her readers on the very edge of their seats, especially with INTO DUST. Not only is Jack and Cassidy's tale fabulous, but my favorite couple, Nettie and Frank are knee deep in trouble too and their secondary storyline will have you gasping for air. One of my fellow respected reviewers noted that this series needs to be made into a TV mini-series and I so totally agree with her. It's just THAT good. Bravo Ms. Daniels for giving me so many gray hairs that I must dye it constantly. Yes, I am blaming you, Barb.

An FYI for all, I found out today that Barbara Johnson Heinlein/B.J. Daniels dedicated this book to me and fellow Book Obsessed Chicks member, Janet Rodman. While I am over the moon and thrilled about this, it unequivocally has no bearing on the review of this book. INTO DUST is a treat that can't be missed.
Lone Rider (The Montana Hamiltons) :: Wild Horses (The Montana Hamiltons) :: Bear Wants More (The Bear Books) :: Bear's New Friend (The Bear Books) :: Cowboys of the Flint Hills (The Sinclaires Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
donna pryer
Jack Durand is visiting his mother’s grave when he notices something quite unexpected: his father, with whom he has a somewhat strained relationship, is there as well, however not to visit his late wife’s grave. Tom Durand is meeting with a man, Ed Urdahl, to whom he gives a lot of money. Jack makes sure he is well hidden, but then he follows Urdahl. Urdahl is watching a house, and when a young woman comes out, Urdahl grabs her and Jack goes after the assailant. Jack takes the woman along with him when he sees a van approaching; it doesn’t look good, and they hide. The woman is Cassidy Hamilton, whose father is running for President, and there are innumerable secrets that Jack and Cassidy realise they knew nothing about, and those unknowns might have them both killed…

INTO DUST is the fifth book in The Montana Hamiltons, which I didn’t know going into it, although it can easily be read as a standalone, but I will definitely be reading Honor Bound, the next instalment in the series, because I need to know what will happen next! INTO DUST is an extremely complex story with strong political undertones, and some events derive from an association made decades before. INTO DUST is utterly captivating, and so full of surprises, I never knew what was coming next. I was rather flabbergasted – but overjoyed – at the conclusion. Jack Durand is one cool dude! The romance is wonderful, built on solid ground, and unlike any I have ever seen before, and I hope with all my heart that we will see more of Jack and Cassidy in the upcoming instalments of this series.

There is a side story involving other characters, who only play a peripheral role in Jack and Cassidy’s story, and although it was heart-pounding, I’m not quite sure why it was there. As I hadn’t read the previous books, maybe that’s the reason and it was connected to events in the previous books, but still I loved that seemingly unconnected episode as well, and I was rooting madly for the characters, the good guys! And Ms. Daniels understands the workings of the psychotic mind as few authors do. I’m still not over that fantastic ending!

A Book Obsessed Chicks Review Team Selection
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
c rhea dossier
Into Dust
By B.J. Daniels
The Hamilton saga continues. B.J. Daniels delves further into the mystery that is Sarah Hamilton. Many questions are answered, but the reader is still left wondering what Sarah’s final objective is and why The Prophecy, an anarchist group is so determined to have Buckmaster Hamilton get to the White House.
Jack Durant is in Houston on business and while there, he goes to visit his mother’s grave. To his surprise, his father is there along with another man who works for him. Instead of approaching them, Jack sees his father Tom give a large envelope full of money to Ed Urhdal. Jack is suspicious and follows Ed. It seems that Ed is following a young blonde woman. Before Ed can grab the woman, Jack knocks him out. Jack then offers to help the woman escape. He soon finds out that the woman is Cassidy Hamilton, the daughter of Presidential hopeful Buck Hamilton. The question now becomes, why are they trying to kidnap Cassidy and is Tom, Jack’s father behind it? Jack wants proof of his father’s involvement and breaks into his office. There he finds a locked box containing information and ID and newspaper clippings about a Martin Wagner. Now they must hide out because their lives are in danger because they know too much. Eventually, Jack and Cassidy are captured. In order to save their children’s lives, Sarah and tom agree to let Dr. Venable “wipe their minds.”
I have to say, out of all of the books in this series, this one was my favorite. I did have many of the questions I had about Sarah answered, but now I am left with a whole new set. Why is The Prophecy so determined to get a Hamilton into The White House? What exactly did Dr. Venable do to Jack and Cassidy’s minds? All of a sudden, both are interested in politics and Buck’s campaign – very Manchurian Candidate. The relationship between Jack and Cassidy is interesting. Will either remember the other after the mind wipe or will they start a brand new relationship not remembering that they already had one? There were many twists and turns in this story. It keeps you on the edge of your seat. I can’t wait for the next book to come out. Ms Daniels gives you a little teaser of the next book at the end of Into Dust just to build up your anticipation for the net book in the series. This is not a standalone book. You must have read the other book in the series for this one to make sense. I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Was most anxious to get into this one because this author knows how to do intrigue right getting us piece by piece. Sometimes giving us more questions than answers but always done superbly. Each sister almost have also found something wonderful that has come into their lives but attached by drama when it happened. This one though right off had a different feel to it with I mean by that is I had a feeling this was going to lead down unexpected roads even with the answers we will get with this one. Jack was at the right place but the wrong time seeing something that will be the start of larger than life adventure with truth coming out of the lies. He will also be able to stop Cassidy from getting in the wrong place by the bad people but now they will be a couple to watch. In between life happening around them love and romance will find a way in to light the dark. The author also has mercy on us with giving us lots of answers but not all of them but enough to wet our whistle. Sarah is more up front in this one with her taking a more active role than ever before. More of the members come out to play in this one filling in the potholes we fell in. Oh not to forget the poor Sheriff were things will definitely come to a head for him but he can finally tie it off like a ribbon done right. There will also be a left curve given to us that will leave us in the dirt scratching our heads thinking yeah makes sense but oh my ,with love not going to be left behind. Regular ole soap opera romance style with plenty of mystery and suspense like one of my favorite channels airs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margie cox
Cassidy Hamilton is the daughter of a presidential candidate but she wants nothing to do with politics. She leaves the family ranch to be on her own and out of the public's eye.
Houston seemed like a nice place to get lost in and so Cassidy went there to resumed her life. Someone else also wanted to go there but in his case it was to kidnap Cassidy. The attempt failed thanks to Jack Durand who saved her from the abductor. Cassidy and Jack meets under circum-stances where she can't see why he wanted to save her. A perfect stranger and one who looks some what shady himself. She is certain Jack has no good in his actions either. She has no one to trust.

The more Cassidy tries to avoid Jack Durand the more he seems to be around and trying to convince her to trust. She soon sees he isn't the shady guy she first imagine,,instead he is very drop dead handsome and all cowboy. The question arises"why does he care to protect me and from who?"

So many questions and not as many answers but the plot thickens when Jack realize who he is protecting and then from who she is needing the protection from. B.J. Daniels takes the reader on still another fast, twist and turn road which will take the reader on a great adventure.

This is the fifth book in the series of THE MONTANA HAMILTONS. Like a good fifth of whiskey this book is a great fifth book to also enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stefanie ambro
I've been reading for more years than many readers have been alive and I have never read a B.J. Daniels book I didn't like. That being said, I absolutely loved "Into Dust", the 5th book in the Montana Hamiltons saga and the story of Cassidy and Jack. Each book in the series is getting closer to the back story's resolution. Front and center in the series is Buckmaster and Sarah Hamilton's six children each with a story that gives them their HEA and spans over a period of time. That is the great thing about a well constructed book series, each comes with its own HEA and ending, but with a backstory that is unresolved. No one does it better than B.J. Daniels. I would recommend you pick up "Into Dust" or any of the stories in this series if you love cowboys, romance, suspense, and the wide open spaces of Montana. 4.5 Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gabriel jaraba
I JUST FINISHED READING THIS BOOK!!! B.J. Daniels has done it again and this one is even better....

B.J. Daniels likes to weave her stories around the lives of those who live in Montana. this is the fifth book in a series and the story revolves around a man running for President and 6 daughters. each story has been about one of the girls. wrapped in mysteries, drama, murder, and the beauty of the Montana countryside, it is sure to please. one long standing mystery is unfolding and sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. And the youngest twin is going to find romance in a real hero!!!!! Strong story line, deceitful friends and partners, a psychotic escapes from the hospital, and a plot against the presidential forerunner.... what more could you want in one book! It just keeps getting better and better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charles barnitz
B J Daniels... what can I say.... she turns all other writers works " INTO DUST "...?? Well with this continuing saga of the Hamilton Family of Montana sure does that for me! Another wonderful attention grabbing storyline about Presidental candidate Buckmaster Hamiliton and his interesting family. INTO DUST is the story of his daughter Cassidy and Jack Durand, the son of a friend of Cassidy's mother. This friend and Cassidy's mother were members of the radical group " The Prophesy," back in their college years. This group surfaces again to try and cause some kind of evil to Cassidy's father and his presidential race. The members of the group try and kidnap Cassidy in order to keep her mother in line and Jack steps in and foils the kidnapping and they have to go on the run to stay away from the kidnappers. Meantime they develope a romantic interest in each other and then find out that their parents are members of the radical group and they set out to foil the The Prophesy's plans. Much twisting and turning in this plot and a lot of on the edge of you seat reading. Sad to see this series come to a close with the next book, but anxious to see how it all turns out. I am sure however it turns out it won't be what we, the readers, expect! Another great read from my favorte author, B J Daniels!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
camille broadway
Into Dust is a great addition to The Montana Hamiltons series. This is a series that should be read in order. Each book is so good you will not be disappointed. There is intrigue, romance and twists that you would not expect. I look forward to book 6.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The excitement continues in this thrilling series! There are plots within plots in this complex story. Just when the reader thinks they have it figured out, there is another twist to figure out. This would make a wonderful mini series or made for TV movie!! This is B J Daniels at her best.
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