The Butterfly Code: A Page-Turning Thrill Ride

BySue Wyshynski

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark melton
Sue Wyshynski’s, The Butterfly Code, is a compelling novel with an exacting pace that leaves the reader breathless.

The two main characters, Aeris and Hunter, have many layers to their personalities, and at the same time are so polished that you cannot expect to really know them in this first novel of the series.

As the reader, you have to dedicate yourself to going on the long ride with Aeris and Hunter from the outset; and Wyshynski makes sure you do. By using such penetrating descriptions that pierce every sense you have and making you feel as though you are there on the street or in the room with these characters you feel as though you are in the story. Bingo--you take ownership and you are in for as long as it takes. I often skip over description in the sci-fi/fantasy genre because I find it is often not done well, but Wyshynski’s descriptions are clearly in a class of their own!

I love that there is so much happening in this novel, and it is wrapped up in a secret that we must wait for just like we must wait for Hunter’s and Aeris’s relationship to truly come of age.

Overall, the feel of the story mirrors what we experience between Aeris and Hunter. I felt shaken by this novel in a good way. I liked the edges and the subtleties and do think this author has a great deal of talent and skill at her craft. I highly recommend it to readers who liked Twilight and generally enjoy the sci-fi/fantasy/romance genres.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elisa velazquez
Wow! This book was sensational! This was the first book of Sue Wyshynski's that I've read, but she just earned a new fan! What a fast paced, gripping storyline! Aeris, an amazingly talented musician with phenomenal opportunities finds herself in the middle of a huge undercover scientific project. Hunter is the researcher "in charge" of the project. Is he a good guy or an evil mastermind? What secrets is he hiding? Why does everyone seem to hate him? And why is Aeris so enthralled by him?
This book is full of surprises that you just don't see coming. Really, through the whole book! I just couldn't put it it all in one sitting! And now I can't wait for the next book in the series, "Girl In Flight", to come out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lots of crazy secret stuff going on in this tale, something Aeris becomes embroiled in when she sees Hunter on the other side of a street. One look, and she’s a goner. From almost killed to meeting the strangest people, Aeris’ life will never be the same.

Fast paced and filled with action and OMG moments. A brilliant premise and populated with great characters, from good to bad and not so pretty, this is an exceptional read.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
divya nag
** I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.**

'The Butterfly Code' completely blew me away. Once I started reading, I had a real hard time putting it down. The storyline was incredibly creative and unique. The way this book played out was full of action, mystery and a need to read the next book now. The characters were an array of personalities. Aeris was a great lead. I enjoyed her sense of honor and she had a kindness about her that was sincere. Hunter was a mass of secrets. I understood his reasoning, yet it still had me back and forth on how I felt about him. By the ending, I truly liked him. Ella and Victoria had great personalities. Sarcastic and in-your-face truthful. Great combo. I can't wait to read the next book. Sue Wyshynski did an awesome job at creating a story that pulled me in and kept me glued to the pages. A great add to your tbr list. Recommended read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim scarlett
Wow!! This book is literally just AMAZING!! It literally had me at the edge of my seat! And, it has definitely made it onto my favourites list.

When I first started reading it, I had no idea what I was install for. Usually when I begin a book I go into it knowing what genre it fits into, whether it be paranormal romance, paranormal, suspense, thriller, sci-fi, etc...but on this occasion I had no idea. I had originally read a few reviews to see what other people were saying about it, however, no one seemed to give away just what this book held...and I think that's a good thing.

Because I didn't know what to expect, I found myself more intrigued by the storyline and the mystery surrounding Aeris Thorne, her mother's death and her fixation on Hunter. When you first start reading, you are immediately swept into the mystery and questions are immediately being asked...who is Hunter? Why is he interested in Aeris? Why is he acting like he already knows her?

Now, this is not a novel for those who don't like being swept off their feet by a male protector. While Aeris is a strong heroine and female lead, she does have a male protector in Hunter and Gage. But, don't get me wrong, this is not a steamy romance, three part love story. This is a story based on her and their survival and her need to stay protected by these men, who know more about what's going on around her than she does. Without them and their role they play, she would definitely be a fish out of water.

What I absolutely LOVED about this book was the non-stop action. Okay, maybe not non-stop, non-stop. There were moments where the characters got to breathe and just be - but these scenes were important too for character development in the beginning, and most important, for information for the reader towards the end. I thought the story developed quite well and it was quite intriguing the revelation as to who Hunter was and a surprising revelation of who Gage was.

This book was what I would imagine crack to be like. It was terribly addicting and it left me without much food or sleep because I just couldn't put it down!! So as I write this review, I am almost in a slight stupor, wondering what sleep actually is and whether it's actually necessary for human survival. Whatever! Sleep is for the weak.

The book was incredibly well written, although the authors writing style did take a bit of getting used too. It's set in first-person point-of-view, which I'm familiar with, however, what I'm not familiar with is first-person "present" view. The writing style is in the here and now which felt very strange to me, however, by the middle of the book I had easily grown used to it.

A couple of things I didn't like (and this is mainly due to my own bias over reading these things and not for lack of authors effort) was reading 2-3 chapters dedicated to looking after a folly and the horse rides, or Aeris talking about her music. This is probably more of picky thing, but I dunno, I found those parts to be slightly boring. I wasn't that interested in her looking after a horse and her going to play in the philharmonics. Although I did knowingly enter this book world knowing she was a musician. Aside from this, however, this book was still incredibly good and that little niggle is only due to my personal preference.

Overall, I give this book 5 stars because any book that has me clutching the edge of my seat with excitement and makes me feel what the characters are feeling is going to get a high rating! Even though the book finished well and a lot has been revealed, there is still a lot more story to come and I can't wait to find out what happens next!

**I received this book in exchange for an honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book reminded me of both Twilight and The Hunger Games, but it still is unlike anything i have ever read. I love LOVE this plot. It's a beautiful mix if sci fi and romance. Simply perfect for me because it contains almost everything I love. There is suspense in this book but it isn't to angsty, and I'm so happy for that because that just leaves me frustrated. There is just enough mystery to keep you tethered to the book.

I also love the characters in this book, I just love Aeris, she is so kind and understanding, but she still keeps her voice and knows when to call bullshit. And can't we all agree that Hunter is soo dreamy, I got a big book crush here. I root for these two, guys!     

There is however one problem with this book. Some parts of this book struggled to keep my attention because, in the first part of the book you get to little info and I was confused. I get why it was written like this, the author wants to keep it mysterious and i feel like it would still be if she gave us a bit more explanation, but kept the bigger plots still hidden. At the end of the book it was the opposite, it was information overload. I felt we got so much history and explanations that the plot got a litte lost. This book would be much closer to a perfect read if she had given us a steadier stream of info through the book.
I have experienced this in books before and a lot of the time this is to lay the groundwork for book two. So I choose to believe this is the case here to, because I want this series to turn out amazing.

Despite what I wrote over this was still such an enjoyable read for me, and I can't wait for book two. I really do recommend this book to people that enjoy sci fi and romance.

I got this book in return for an honest review.
(Ps: I apologise for any errors in my writing, English is my second language and I rarely write in English)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
"Girl on fire" is a science-fiction romance novel. It tells the story of Aeris, an independent young woman, and Hunter, a mysterious man whom no one seems to like in the small town where they live. The story takes off when Aeris meets Hunter at a nightclub and witnesses something strange…
I quite enjoyed this book. The plot was original: I had never read something like this before. It had a scientific aspect to it and it was clear that Sue Wyshynski had done some research on the subject (I loved learning about the scarlet jellyfish and the butterfly!). Overall, I found that it offered the right quantity of action, mystery and romance thanks to the author’s inventive writing style: I like to think that every word she used, every sentence she created was given thought.
The reason I gave this book three stars (if I could, I would have given it 3.5 stars) is because it didn’t pull at my heartstrings (and that is the most important thing for me). Somehow, I didn’t find myself attached to the protagonists, even if I liked them. And while I wanted to know what was going to happen next, I didn’t feel invested or consumed by the story.
To conclude, I would recommend this book to someone looking for a refreshing take on the science-fiction love stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hansa bergwall
Girl on Fire made me think of Twilight, but where Twilight grabbed me from the first pages, Girl on Fire was slower to sink its claws into me. I truly became invested in the story by 60% of it. I'm not really certain why that is, because the writing is pretty, the characters well-crafted, and the plot finely-tuned. Perhaps, it was because I didn't quite get what was happening in the first half of the book, and the birth of a foal, although sweet, didn't do much for me in the sci-fi context.
But once the story got going, and I understood what was happening, I was engrossed.

5 stars for the concept. It was believable and original!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the tj
The Butterfly Code was an excellent thriller with enough espionage, paranormal drama and romance in it to keep almost anyone on the edge of their seat. The plot stepped on the gas early and only let up long enough to let you get to know and care about the fate of the characters. To me, that is part of what made the book stand out - there were no action scenes that seemed to exist for no reason (a pet peeve of mine) and no backstory that seemed to exist to just fill pages until it was time for something else to blow up. I also love a plot I can’t figure out by the third chapter. The editorial review gave me a clue that I was in for a great read and The Butterfly Code did not disappoint on any level. Highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sue morgan
As a newcomer into the literary pool of New Adult, Sue Wyshynski has done a great job on this suspenseful . This book is pulls you into the middle of Aeris Thorn's life and it is as tricky for the reader to let go as it is for the character herself. I was able to finish this book in the span of a day (speed reading is my super power) and I was equally frustrated and excited to reach the end, as happens with a good book. I found that I connected to Aeris and as she goes along her...journey. I'm not good at summarizing without revealing all the good bits, I am sure someone else on this forum has done a far better job.

What I can say is that it is a great read if you like a little mystery in your life, or the prospect of a handsome doctor with secrets being at the focus of just such a mystery. I would definitely recommend this book to someone who likes the romance and intrigue set in a story that is not so intense it crushes your soul, certainly no soul crushing here. Though I must admit if the next one doesn't come out in a reasonable amount of time the crushing may still happen.

But what do I know? Give it a gander yourself, you won't regret it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The first thing that drew my attention to this book was the cover. It is elegantly eye-catching. Then the blurb - I wanted to read it!

But the story? Intriguing, fast paced and seductive. The writer has created main characters with tantalising relationships - teetering on the edge of something more, something deeper, but frustratingly restrained. The connections between Aeris and Hunter, as well as the other characters are described with clarity and emotion which, for me at least, heightened my involvement in the story.

And the bad guy (yes there is one) - a satisfyingly implacable and seemingly invincible foe.

A hugely enjoyable read - I eagerly await the next one!

I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a read that surprised me.

What surprised me was the Sci-fi aspect of the book. It was written in a way that was very easy to understand for people with English as a Second Language.

This is a Series. The first of the series, If I may. I think what is left is to find out if the second book would be better or not OR if the books could be read as a stand alone. My opinion on that matter is I do not think the second book could be read as a stand alone however it also depends a lot on how the second book is written.

This first book was well written and suspenseful mystery without the suspense overwhelming me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aditya roongta
When I first requested to review this book I wasn't sure to expect. This happened to be another one of those random books that I chosen that I didn't read the description or anything about this book. The cover looked interesting enough so I figured I'd take a chance. I must say I wasn't disappointed this book turned out to be pretty great. I liked that there was so much going on. There was mystery, suspense, drama, and so much going on to keep the readers interested. There was many twists and turned to make sure the reader is thrown off track. Overall this was a great book I highly recommend you lovely readers to take a chance like I did and get your hands on this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
delfi farsoni
I received this copy in exchange for a honest review.

So Aeris (awesome name) survived an accident that should kill her. And her I'm going to stop with the synopsis and just explain what this book did to me.

The Butterfly Code by Sue Wyshynski is a book for a vast number of readers. With the elements of romance, thriller, sci-fi, mystery, suspense and fantasy, it keeps you at the edge of your seat with no stopping you until you read the whole book.
Hunter as a romantic mysterious interest doesn't disappoint. He is hiding secrets that should not be told, but the pull toward Aeris is to strong, especially with their 'connection'.

The author did a fantastic job with the suspense building when she teases the readers with a secret her and there and the story moves quickly with the sci-fi and fantasy aspects. The story is original and the scenes were imaginative, that makes you wish to be transfer into the book.

Be sure that when reading The Butterfly Code it will not bored you.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Many twists and turns in this story. Only at the end did many of them come together. I still have questions, but don't really care enough to pursue thinking about them. I thought the book became long-winded, as it seemed to spin its wheels to me. The story kept going in length, but little progression in the story line happened. I liked the characters okay, but didn't get vested in anything going on.

ARC provided in exchange for honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
george aiello
Sue Wyshynski’s first book, Poser, (Walker Publishing; 2010) was so good that I could not wait for her to write another. And while The Butterfly Code is not the usual genre I choose to read, her exceptional writing, plot twists, and well developed characters kept me reading until the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
regina kwit
Suspenseful, exciting plot kept me guessing about what would happen next. Predictions were difficult and possibilities endless since it's science fiction. Ending segues into next adventure for Aeris. Very well-written!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom soudan
Aeris Thorne loves music and has all of her life. Aeris loves all aspects of music. Not only does she love to play musical instruments but she can sing and compose music as well. Aeris has a new job waiting for her in the fall; this is a dream job for Aeris one in which she has no intentions of missing. She has been offered the position of first violinist for the New York Philharmonic.

Aeris decides to spend the summer with her Dad before starting her new job. While visiting her Dad she meets Dr. Hunter Cayman a very hot and sexy guy. Hunter is a very mysterious dude with lots of secrets, a man that the whole town is afraid of. Everyone keeps trying to stir Aeris away from Hunter but her attraction for him is so strong and besides the more someone tries to deter her away from him the more she wants to know.

Hunter and a few more people live and work at the Phoenix Research Lab for Highly Contagious Diseases. The lab is just a little ways up the road from her Dad’s place.

When Aeris finds herself in danger and being chased by bad guys in black SUV’s the only place she can think of to go is to Hunter’s at PRL. Aeris ends up in a bad accident while being chased by these bad guys at right at the front gate of the lab.

When she wakes up she finds that her whole life has been changed and she is let in on a few of the secrets that Hunter and his crew are hiding from the outside world at PRL, secrets that Aeris may wish that she had never set out to know. These secrets will change her life in more ways than one.

The Butterfly Code will pull you in and keep you wanting more with lots of action around every corner. The Butterfly Code is one of the best stories I think I have read in a long time. It will haunt you for a long time to come and I do mean in a good way. Just when you think you have it all figured then you turn that next corner and bam it slams you right in the face and you are like I didn’t see that one coming. I can’t wait to read the next book The Infinity Gene to see where Aeris, Hunter and the rest of the crew are going to take us next on this awesome journey of theirs.

I would recommend The Butterfly Code to anyone who loves a good science fiction novel with a little mystery and romance on the side.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anne lawyer
Before I begin... amazing cover pic !!

Wow ! This story was refreshingly original. Genes of jelly fish and butterfly together making a super human ?? Full marks to the author for her originality. These specimens are like the perfect vampire.. Can live a normal eternal life with all additional benefits like strength, speed and that scene where Aeris mirrors Ian, the motor mind ?? Amazing !! It's great to read about the animal instinctive behaviors being adapted by these super humans. Charlie was a heart-breaking character. I loved all the side characters too..Ian and Victoria are adorable (even though Ian is an ass most of the times).

There were many wow scenes throughout the book. Hunter seems so conflicted. Though I do understand the need of a rule to convert anyone else into a superhuman. So little of Gage, hope he makes it as well.

So, the first book introduces us to the concept of super human and we see Aeris become one herself. Now, they are trying to reverse it, because otherwise they are breaking a treaty. Though I wonder, once you go butterfly, you won't like it any other way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hooked. Yup! That's exactly what happened as I started turning the pages. Honestly, I didn't know what the book was about when I picked it up. And I didn't even bother reading its reviews. SO UNLIKE ME! But guess what? I totally fell in love with it!

The main characters, Aeris and Hunter, were well developed and I enjoyed how the author portrayed their relationship. Aeris' relationship with her dad was also wonderful to read. That being said, even the other secondary characters were well portrayed. The author had a way with words and her descriptions gave me a very vivid picture of the characters and their surroundings.

I like to guess how a story is going to go while reading. The twist and turns in this book made it a little difficult for me to guess who Hunter really was - I mean, I thought he was a vampire in the beginning! 50% into the book, my Jessica Fletcher side kicked in and I kinda guessed some things - but not all of it. KUDOS TO THE AUTHOR FOR THAT!

Never was there a dull moment throughout the story. The plot flowed effortlessly. The absence of vulgarity and explicit scenes was what drove me to give it a 5 star rating. Reading it was simply a breath of fresh air. School kids can definitely read this book and learn a thing or two. The author had definitely done her research and I found myself being educated while reading The Butterfly Code.

Being a fan of mystery, fantasy and the paranormal, I was not disappointed in this book at all. It was truly an engaging and wonderful read. If you are looking solely for romance (erotica), then this book is not for you. But if you are looking for a mixture of romance and mystery, and sci-fi, then pick up The Butterfly Code. You will not be disappointed.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim bulger
Aeris Thorne returns home to Deep Cove to visit her father and friends, she is expecting a quiet rest. Her life is mapped out and includes jobs where her music can and will be appreciated.  Music connects her to her mother who died a violent death.  During her stay in Deep Cove, she meets Hunter.  She meets Hunter outside a club; a dark, mysterious man with reflecting eyes, a familiarity and a sinister secret that will rock her world.  Hunter and Aeris are connected by a chain of past and current events.

Not one to shy away, Aeris finds herself immersed in undercover operations, secrets, genetic research and more.  The connection between Aeris and Hunter forces Hunter to come to a sudden and deadly decision – can he save her before it is too late and at what cost?  Can Hunter protect Aeris against herself and the evils stalking her while still keeping her in the dark?

Sue Wyshynski captures her reader’s attention as she builds the story slowly and expertly developing characters and the plot in a rhythmic manner.  Further, Wyshynski’s writing style is smooth and almost poetic in description.  She does nothing gratuitously whether it is violence or love making.  Her words flow painting a sensuous picture without vulgarity.

“Gentle then more urgent; what he wants, I want; what sends exploding fireworks into his mind sends them exploding in my mind too.  … strong fingers … entwining legs …a sea of passion sweeps us aloft; a single soul, single mind, a single body.”

I enjoy Wyshynski’s writing skill; her ability to let the story develop while also keeping her readers hooked and feeling the same emotional plunge as the characters.

The Butterfly Code moves at a face pace but not so much as to leave one lost.  I found myself caught up in the action and waiting for the other shoe to fall, much like Hunter and Aeris.  Fast paced action and romance.

I felt this book was geared more towards older teens/young adults.  I look forward to hearing more by this author.

The narrator, Tanya Eby, did an excellent job of capturing and then projecting the rhythm of Wyshynski’s writing building excitement and using careful pauses. Eby's voice was calming and when appropriate she injected the right amount of emotion into the reading making the book come alive for me. The poetic prose rolled off her tongue.

There were no issues with production.

Audiobook was provided for review by the author.

Please find this complete review and many others at my review blog

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deborah king
Sue Wyshynski’s first book, Poser, (Walker Publishing; 2010) was so good that I could not wait for her to write another. And while The Butterfly Code is not the usual genre I choose to read, her exceptional writing, plot twists, and well developed characters kept me reading until the end.
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