What the Bible Reveals About Personal Growth - How People Grow

ByHenry Cloud

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather freise
This book is written in an understandable style using layman's terms like other Cloud and Townsend books. If you feel stuck or stagnant in your own spiritual/personal growth, or you are wanting to be better equipped to help others, this is the book for you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul adair
It really opened my eyes as well as understanding of people and why we do what we do. It was very practica, informative, as well as applicable. It has also been a help in my ministering to others. I recommend all preachers get this book for there library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica haider
Everyone should read this and apply it to their lives. No matter what problems you are dealing with, if you read this and take it to heart, it will help you. If you are a leader for other people, or counselor, it is invaluable.
Changes That Heal :: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality :: A Psychologist Learns from His Patients What Really Works and What Doesn't :: from the boardroom to the bedroom and beyond-and what to do about it :: Necessary Endings
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeremy morgan
If you are serious about helping yourself or others grow spiritually or emotionally. Read this book. In fact read all their stuff. I love their insight into the human soul as soon through caring and compassionate Christians.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is simply great material! A biblical compendium of spiritual growth principles and practices. Each chapter is rich with real insights and rubber-meet-the-road grip. Get it! Read it! Read it again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Perfect for the price... Has successfully got rid of the mouse in the garage is the target of purchase I bought these because we have a real problem with mice. I was very worried because I have 3 kids at home.and it's safe. Unit came nice Second days to arrive.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having finished and benefitting from "Changes That Heal" by Henry Cloud, I "happened" to find an unused copy of "How People Grow" also by Henry Cloud as well as John Townsend while browsing through my local "Savers" {like a Goodwill}. I do believe Jesus led me to this book as it is answering many questions I now have and is ministering specifically to various needs I have due to a somewhat dysfunctional early life and the resulting damage to me and to others. I am only half way through as I like to meditate on the ideas as I read them. My closeness to God and increasing awareness of how much He loves me has increased as I read the book. Another result due to the influence of the author's ideas (all Biblically based, with references} was to join a Christian based support group called "Celebrate Recovery" which is a nation wide organization for Christians who are in and value the process of recovery. I attend two different groups at two local churches in my area.. This book is a Godsend, and so are Henry Cloud and John Townsend. So far I have benefitted greatly from all their offerings I've read, which include the "Boundaries" book and "Changes that Heal"..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fatemeh zj
Cloud and Townsend provide all that a book on how people grow according to the Bible ought to have. They offer explanations and insights about Scripture, they highlight dynamics from psychology and family systems, they provide a plethora of examples from their practices, lives and relationships. How People Grow identifies the obstacles to growth related to the fact that all humans are sinful and wounded. The growth they emphasize entails redemption and salvation but does not come easily. I was impressed with how they uphold virtues like humility and suffering as essential Christian elements required for growth.

This is a dense and meaty book that is accessible to all levels of readers. Cloud and Townsend do not get lofty or overly pithy in their writing. They keep it at a level that can be grasped and used by any readers.

In their solutions for people to grow past their problems, the authors continually highlight the importance of solid relationships with other people and especially support groups. This may be the biggest factor in our individualistic culture that people come away with. To grow, we need others and we need close, personal and trusting relationships with others.

The authors also convey their belief that growth comes through God and not apart from him. The book is not preachy but it is realistic and practical.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beck sherman
One of the best guides to spiritual Christian personal growth. Easily understood description of "What's wrong with me?" "What's wrong with them?" "What's wrong with us?" Lays good foundation from the breach between an individual and his or her God. Explains the Trinity in a fashion which is easily understood and also deals with some of the depth involved. Then the second section of the book opens with a how-to guide to deal with an individuals sense of failure in life. Useful for individuals seriously interested in personal, family, lecture, or even support group work. Heartedly recommend
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The WAY this book was used began the downward spiral of a long time influential internationally ministering church. Cloud and Townsend teams frequently visited our church teaching their " life team" and "process group" approach. This and other Cloud and Townsend books give examples of incidents where bible its used in a Knuckle head way" then promotes methods and group structures specificly designed not to use the bible. The result in my church was that so so so many people and were cautioning, warning, and instructing others not to use their bibles. My church of 30 years imploded...half the pastors left...most of the people left... ares churches we started threatened to withdraw fellowship if we continued this path...and so forth.
I personally have had such a positive loving relationship with God and in His word. I think it would be better to instruct people to be sensitive and compassionate rather than removing the bible so that people won't misuse it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
janice janicu
While "How People Grow" concentrates on a small group setting, the book is also valuable for the individual person struggling with spiritual growth.
Among the many interesting points the authors describe include:
1. We have to give up our self-sufficiency and submit to God's rule in our lives.
2. Humility is an essential trait for bearing pain and we are created to be dependent on God and others.
3. We are responsible for submitting our will to God's will.
4. Guilt is inwardly focused while godly sorrow is focused on how we have hurt others.
5. Grief is an essential part of spiritual growth.
6. Psychology is to used only to support, not supplant, the Bible.
7. We need to show people that change is not just for religious reasons, but as the way to a better life.
8. God has a special tenderness towards those who are needy and brokenhearted.
9. Life works much better when we surrender lordship to Jesus.
10. Excellent points on dealing with rebellion and overcoming temptation.
Additionally, the book stresses the importance of being accountable to safe people who are interested in our spiritual growth and are not out to just judge others.
The book is highly recommended for either the individual or small group leader interested in facilitating the spiritual growth of others.
I believe the book would have been even more valuable if more text had been dedicated to developing strategies for finding safe people to confide in and some specific steps to facilitating growth. In other words, many principles were stated but fewer strategies were mentioned. For example, the tips for growers and facilitators at the end of every chapter could have been more specific (what questions to ask, what specific steps can you step to help those hurt by distorted Bible teachings, how can you teach the value of godly sorrow, etc.).
The complaint aside, I highly recommend the book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joseph bates
Excellent book. Very insightful. Lots of wisdom shared. It shows the essential process that make people grow, how those processes fit into a biblical understanding of growth in God & in life, how spiritual growth & real life issues are one & the same, the responsibilities of pastors, counselors, & others like small group leaders (ME) who assist people in growing & your own responsibility for your personal growth. I appreciate the knowledge and wisdom shared to help people grow including myself!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda guthrie
This book can be summarized as a Biblical based approach to understanding personal growth and how that relates to spiritual growth. Two psychologists, Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend examine the personal growth process and point out how that process is found within the pages of the Bible. With that personal growth process as the starting point they then show how personal growth is in fact spiritual growth. This is one of the best books on personal growth that I have read. How People Grow is highly recommended to anyone seeking to change their life, get out of the rut of stagnation, or move to a happier place in their life. It is also recommended to Christian counselors, Pastoral counselors, and others involved with helping people.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read (and currently reading) several of Cloud and Townsend's books and my assessment was that this is the most fundamental of all of his books...it hits to the very core of who we are and where we need true healing and growth to come from...not in these 'self-help' or 'management and leadership' books--that are nothing more than quick fixes and feel good types--but through the genuine process of confession, forgiveness, and faith in God and not on the self. With 350+ pages, it can be somewhat dense, but it is worth the time to read and digest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is truly phenomenal! It is useful at each stage of the Christian journey. It may be a bit educational at times, but truly applicable to all life. Even an unbeliever can take fundamental Christian principles and improve their own life, and hopefully be led to the same Christ that has saved me! The Lord has definitely used Cloud & Townsend to bless me, and others I know.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen shipon
This book encouraged me and reminded me that God uses all things to work together for good, for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. The authors bring together their many years of psychiatric hospital experience and their theological training. An excellent resource for anyone seeking to understand themselves or those they love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patrick mak
The authors may have influenced my thinking and life profoundly in the 5 years I have come to listen to and read them, but there was no way I would let anyone get away with clunky spiritual assertions if there were any.
But I didn't have to as there weren't any in 'How People Grow'.
Now this is difficult for me. Cloud and Townsend have themselves suggested and promoted that if we agree with someone about nearly everything, then there is probably something wrong.
I would in an instant be flame them, but 'How People Grow' just keeps getting me to appreciate and honour God more and more as well as walk in truth and grace that all I can do is thank God it was written. (I will the flak to the so-called heresy-hunters.)
From the first day 2 years ago, this book has always managed to to point me back to a God of loving and truthful holiness, grace, acceptance, unconditional love and majesty.
They write about the same Christian God who has been misrepresented in the legalistic and 'holier-than-thou' evangelical and Charismatic circles, and the One skewed beyond recognition by the liberal camp.
Much of what I read in their books and listen in their messages hark to the works of Henri Nouwen and Philip Yancey in the spirit and tenor of the themes.
'How People Grow' is ultimately about accepting that we desperately need God and His resources and His ways to accomplish life as He has planned it for us. People play an integral part in God's plan for us.
Also, without humbly asking each other for help and support, we negate and cut-off a crucial resource of God to our detriment.
'How People Grow' is already the best devotional in my room among an impressive array of old trusted standards and it has spoiled me. I won't be able to read anymore "you-better-comply-or-God-will-be-mad-at-you" books. Neither the "look-at-me,aint-i-great-and-blessed, it-was -just- God- and-me-all-the-way" offerings.
Thank God for tender mercies
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
How People Grow: What the Bible Reveals About Personal Growth --An eye-opening, life-giving book for People..I Grew up as a Christian all my lfe but had never understood the beauty of God's design and purpose for the[]] human life until I read this book. Since then I have struggled less and have grown in deeper appreciation of the Word of God and have been amazed / appreciated the Bible like I've never did before. I have been recommending this book to my friends and they have given the same positive feedback. Truly a brilliant book!!
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