The Proven Path From Blank Page to Published Author

ByChandler Bolt

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Excellent book. I recommend it to anyone who already understands the logistics of publishing a book and needs support with the writing, designing and marketing. I am a self-published the store best-selling author and will apply the awesome tools to further market my book, Discovering Your Why: A Journey to Wholeness. The only missing part was more detailed support on actually getting edited manuscript into publishing portal. Aside from that AMAZING, INSIGHTFUL, AWESOME!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Its realy good but it could been written with 50% amount of pages, there is a lot of important info but also much more repeating, telling stories and not getting directly to the point, I had to skip a lot to ted it.
If you have nt found another choice I hardly recomend it.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The one thing I really wanted to know -- the mechanics of how to actually publish the book -- is not really covered in this book. Much of the advice about using mind mapping, etc. to plan out the book is pretty basic information, but it is a little reassuring to know that a successful book can be created in that way. I wanted to know what software to use, what file to save things in, etc. and this is not covered at all. I suppose for that you have to pay $1k to get into his "self-pulblishing school" subscription/membership model.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
danni holleran
I'm sure the suggestions work - for other people! I'm sure Chandler will disagree and argue it can work for everyone BUT, unless one is able to draw on a huge social network to start with it will always be difficult to achieve these sorts of results. I can write the books but flogging them is hard for me. I do love the style of the book and all the basics of brainstorming and setting ideas out on paper of huge pieces of cardboard, those are proven techniques and, although Chandler says do them in longhand, I've successfully done the same in a computer spreadsheet. Sticky notes work well too! Thanks for giving me a chance to read the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth clifton
I came across Chandler Bolt's book at an appropriate time in finishing writing one of mine and not knowing what to do next. "Published" is a step by step guide in selflessly assisting others get their books written, published and marketed. It is not only an incredible how-to guide, it also honestly promotes Chandler's Self-publishing School as an expanded version of "Published" to give one the lift they need to do this; especially if they don't know what they're doing... like me! I have watched Chandler Bolt on the videos he produces and find his excitement in marketing not only contagious but uplifting. This is a book of guidance based on his personal experiences and what he has found to work best. I enrolled in the school and am at the beginning stages of getting ready to publish my book on the store. I would've been stuck at the... wrote and illustrated the book, finished it... NOW WHAT if I hadn't come across this program. I am very excited about the school and this book to guide me to the top! :)
Ok, so now 90 days later after enrolling in the SPS I hit PUBLISH on my own book!!!! I have learned so much! And am still learning and continuing with the school. After reading the "Published" paperback, listening to the audio and following the step by step guides I did it!!! I'm so excited!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alicia furness
Chandler Bolt has a very good program he has launched for getting a book published and to the top of the the store best seller list. I had watched all of the free videos that come along with submitting your email to Chandler's website. He has a proven program for writing, self-publishing, and getting your book to the top of the charts - he has done it himself and so have his students. Unfortunately, the hefty price tag, even with some amazing offers, were out of my budget. I was not disappointed that the book is a good substitute. I am now in the middle of writing my book, using his methods of mind-mapping and outlining. I plan to use his launch strategy and I have no doubt that his method works. This is really about writing and publishing an ebook and is weak on getting a physical copy published, which we'll get through CreateSpace. I recommend the book to anyone who wants to get started on a writing project but don't know where to begin.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nathan buchanan
Because I am a member of Chandler's Self Publishing School program this review is from a free paperback version that Chandler sent to me. I am happy to say that buying the Self Publishing School program was a good buy. A lot of the material in the course is summarized in this book, making it a very handy reference point.

As a person, Chandler comes across as passionate, clear headed, with excellent values and a determination to make a difference in the world that he inhabits. As an author he is clear, gives specific instructions, tells you why you are doing these things and also tells you all of your options. It is a very valuable book.

Chandler is also a very good story teller. Although he makes a lot of the fact that he dropped out of college it becomes clear that it was because he had ideas and expereince in working his own business, not because he had mediocre grades. He is an excellent, clear, and beguiling writier.

This book is for any person who thinks about writing a book but for any reason hasn't done so. There are a lot of us. I used to be one. Now I have written my first book. My next step is to launch it and publish it: the content of the last quarter of Chandler's book. Because of this book, I know that I will have a good launch and successful publication.

You can do the same. Buy this book, and take advantage of the material that Chandler provides. You will become an author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
athen zachary
Another winner from Chandler Bolt. I have struggled with where to start. I had seen something online about brain mapping or dumping which intrigued me but I couldn't remember the details. Well, "Published..." has the answer in plain understandable language. In fact, it covers the entire process of getting the idea. Which idea is best to go with especially if it is your first book. I need to read the book again, and probably again and again because I am a slow learner. The good news is: I have the book! So, I can reread any section or the whole book over, and refer to it as I go along through the entire process of coming up with an idea, how to outline (should not skip this part!) and you won't want to with this book. He showed me the importance of outlining to organize my book, and myself:) So well written, I do not see how I can go wrong. It isn't quite a "write by numbers" but close. New or experienced writers can benefit from this book. The complete process is all here, with each step as to how and what to do next. It also inspires you to get off your butt and get that book done now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
travis nichols
I've been watching from the sidelines for almost 2 years now, taking in everything I could from Chandler's webinars and emails. Slowly saving up money to one day attend Chandler's "Self-Publishing School".

I'd taken an excellent course on writing before, but Chandler's online class had information on self publishing. Something I really needed if I have any hope of getting published.

I thought, if only he had a book or something with the details, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

Then Chandler announced that he was releasing his newest book, "Published", and I can honestly say I was genuinely excited.

I got it just in time for Christmas, and it's been very helpful. It breaks down the process of getting your book out into the world from start to finish- from finding ideas to post-launch.

I like how I can open it up to the section of the book most relevant to my current situation. It gives me a to-do list with plenty of simple, actionable steps that I can do. Steps I know will have results because of Chandler's experience with not only his own success, but his students as well.

I'm excited to use this information to launch my first book! :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel farkas
Love. This. Book! Reading through the guidance and encouragement in Published feels like a chat with a friend. Chandler has a very clear, conversational voice in his writing which makes his points easy to understand and implement. The book is well-organized, taking the reader from the very first stages of deciding to write a book through marketing your self-published masterpiece with plenty of advice and inspiration along the way. The tone is never preachy or judgemental, and you won't find any pure theory. You'll read advice and examples of techniques people have actually used to get the most out of their writing experience. Chandler does not focus only on the steps you need to take to finish the project, either. There is quite a bit of guidance on mindset and habits, too. If you ever thought you might want to write a book, you need this book. If you know you want to write one, you need this book. And if you started one but stopped for whatever reason, you need this book. It will give you the confidence and inspiration to start your project, and the guidance to finish it in as little as 90 days.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan decraene
Question: I've written a 375+ page book in Microsoft Word, but how do I get it published in the Kindle format, reach the largest possible niche market, and maximize the return on my investment of sweat, blood and tears - as a newbie author? Those are the practical things I need know-how information on at this stage of product development. I don't know the answers, but Chandler Bolt’s book reveals the cookbook process he used to go from rags to publication riches. His book gives him the credentials to talk-the-talk, because he has walked-the-walk. I attended his one-hour online introductory presentation and was highly motivated to immediately buy his the store Kindle book, "Published, the Proven Path from Blank Page to Published Author". Chapters 5 through 21 answered most of my questions with clearly defined rationale, procedures, steps, and timing, at each stage of the process, that I need to take now to make it happen for me, given my unique niche customers. If I follow his steps precisely, we'll see how things work out. And no that was not a paid endorsement, but it does represent how I express my writing style.
 Published.: The Proven Path From Blank Page To Published Author
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy bales
Nothing inspires a writer to write faster than seeing results.

Before my lunch break today I went from staring at a blank page to a wall poster full of ideas, thoughts, illustrations, and stories.

Chandler’s chapter on Mind Mapping revolutionized the way I write and boosted my productivity in just a few hours.

Now I have too much material – enough for three books!

The method taps into your natural sense for visualizing ideas and their relationships to each other. When I stepped back from my Mind Mapping board, I was shocked at how much spilled out of my head in such a short time.

If a blank page has stopped you from writing, then Chandler’s book, “Published” is your best cure.

Where it goes from there is up to you: a better blogger or a Published author.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is not a book that will benefit everyone who wants to be published. There are certain similarities in this book to other books written by the same author because there is a basic formula the author uses for his writing. The book teaches this method of cranking out books. It can work for may writers. It has been used successfully. Read the other reviews carefully and give it a shot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh zide
Chandler Bolt is one of those guys that is always pushing for excellence. Not only does he do it in his book, he won't accept anything less from his readers. You can't read this and still have a ho hum attitude. You will finish that book and you will get it published.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megyn blanchard
As I read this, I felt myself getting excited. Every single person who has come into contact with me and who has heard my stories has said, "you should write a book." Therefore, I read this one with great eagerness. I see how works. But for me, it left a ton of questions.When do you do the research? Can this work for a fiction book as well? What's up with Kindle Unlimited? This is well written. As someone who presented a Senior level honors presentation on mind mapping in college, this chapter was a big head slap for me. I used it to write papers, but have since forgotten it. For this and the following two chapters, the book is well worth it. But my questions remain.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deanne limbert
Like many prolific writers, Chandler has the skills to win... big. More importantly, however, is that what he does for his followers, friends, competitors, and probably even frenemies is astonishing. His energy translates to his writing so you're never left wading through boring theory or historical data that doesn't apply to getting published.

He gives you his heart. It's in his emails, his jokes, his books, his sincere desire that - for everyone who wants to be a writer - becomes a writer.

Published is a full soup-to-nuts map for becoming that successful writer we so want to be. It's a book full of surprise mini-gifts of pieces of his heart which, by now, should be given away. Not so, the more he gives, the larger it grows.

Get to know Chandler; he will never lead you down the wrong path.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
According to one study, 80% of Americans believe they have a book within them. For these unfulfilled writers, Chandler Bolt steps in as an incredible guide. This new book from Bolt is yet another resource to help aspiring authors like me take steps to narrow the gap between our dreams and reality. He continues to share his experience as a writer and writer-coach. Published systematically guides the reader from the idea in their head and the dream in their heart to unleashing their book into the world. This book is simply written and clearly laid out. Bolt doesn't claim to be Wendell Berry or David Foster Wallace. He is the poster-child for his own message and this book not only encourages but empowers those of us watching to walk our own path to publishing success. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will refer back to it often.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought this book during his free + shipping launch and it’s incredible. His advice is amazing and it’s things I’ve never even thought of. It’s a lot of information and is still a bit overwhelming, but I have full confidence in this system. Especially since the mind map became 3 poster boards and the outline is 52 pages so far. I completed chapter one today and I’m super excited to conquer this 30-day writing challenge and move onto the next portion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chandler does it again. Another great book on publishing your book. He shares some of the insider secrets from his mastermind community at Self-Publishing School. If you want to know what the experts know, then you will appreciate this valuable information. Chandler teaches how to write and publish your book in 90 days. Even if you can't write it all in that time period, if you follow his advice you will get the focus you need to get it done. I'm a member of his school and I spent the big bucks to learn this stuff. I haven't published yet, but I will. 2017 is my year. Congrats Chandler on another great book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have wanted to publish novels for years. I have written the first drafts of a few stories, but I always get hung up on the editing, as it seems impossible. And, being familiar with the traditional publishing world and how long that can take(and how hard iit is to just get your foot in the door in the first place), it seemed pointless. I was never going to get published. I was never going to find an agent and then an editor to get my book into bookstores to share with people.
After reading Published., I see a clear(challenging, but clear) path to finally being able to share my stories. From the planning to the writing to editing to marketing, Chandler presents n that is actually doable, and won't make me feel the need to be pushy to actually have any success. I hate being pushy. I don't want to bombard people or twist their arm to get them to read my story. Chandler's method doesn't require that. He seems to understand that it is a balance. That it is ok to ask for help, but that begging isn't the answer.
So this book? This book is amazing. I finally feel like I can share my stories* in a reasonable way. I think I am going to go write a book. And then get it published.

*it does seem to be more geared toward nonfiction authors, but don't let that hold you back. He does mention a few times that it can apply to fiction as well, and that his Self Publishing School, if one opted in to that, has a fiction author coach specifically for the storytellers out there.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book delivers. And I mean delivers! The book is written in a straightforward, easy to understand style. It is well written, with a clean layout, and lines up with the 90 day schedule to write and publish your bestselling e-book. The author reveals writing, publishing, and marketing tactics I have never heard of before - and I thought I had studied a lot of resources online. I can't believe he's given away so much so cheap. He has dispelled so many of my own blocks to writing my book. I feel completely ready to start tomorrow. And I will!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I LOVE this book. Chandler Bolt really knows his stuff. He breaks the process down, step by step. Well written and full of resources you'll need along the way. Points out the nuances of writing a book, publishing, and marketing. He even understands how you'll feel and what you'll experience at each phase. Then he says just the right thing to push you through. AND he's hilarious! His style is a unique blend of knowledgeable, driven, and fun-loving. Definitely not a boring book. I finished my rough draft and am working through the edit process. I never imagined I'd write a book. I'm very confident my book will be published soon, as a result of this book. Definitely recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carroll lyn
Chandler really seems to know what he's talking about when it comes to publishing books. Especially non-fiction books. This book is a push to get people to sign up for his membership club as well, but there's still a whole lot of information that you get from just the book itself. Worth the money if you're looking into writing and publishing a book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Bolt knows whereof he writes and he communicates it well. Published. The Proven Path From Blank Page To Published Author covers the process from finding the book within the prospective author to getting it before the eyes of readers. Self-publishing no longer carries the stigma it once had, particularly for niche subjects that traditional publishers might not be interested in.

There can be many reasons for writing and self publishing. Bolt describes them in detail and uses many pages to help one decide on how to choose the best approach. He puts great emphasis on having the prospective author envision the end product before spending too much time creating the content. Once that's determined, Published. shows step-by-step how to quickly and effectively proceed.

As he recounts, Bolt was a poor writer during his school days yet he achieved success (Published. is his fifth book) by accident. He capitalized on this by being a quick learner and by developing Self-Publishing School to show others how to do it. His books are a conduit to getting school customers but are much more than a sales tool. Published. and the others provide solid useful information on how to become self-published. The online school provides further depth as well as real-time support and encouragement that probably is well worth it to maximize success.

Bolt gives countless examples of students' books showing how following his principles resulted in best sellers. Also mentioned are words of wisdom from a variety of sources that reinforce his teachings. Bolt is a hustler, no doubt about it, but his heart is in the right place and he genuinely wants people to overcome their obstacles and achieve all that they are capable of. His origin story and reasons for doing this are believable and he freely provides a lot of guidance online without requiring immediate payment. He is looking at the long view.

Published. The Proven Path From Blank Page To Published Author by Chandler Bolt, well deserves my four star rating. Unlike other reviewers, four stars means excellent — it is an A grade. A five star rating is reserved for that rare thing that is so outstanding it needs to be recognized as such. Like a standing ovation at a concert, that top acclamation for superior work should be very rarely granted.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Have you written a book that's never been published? Or have you had a book idea in your mind for a long time, but never wrote did it? Or do you just know that your dream would be to write and publish a book and you don't have a concrete enough book idea yet? Then this book is for you, in any of these cases.
The method Chandler Bolt introduces in his book covers every aspect of the whole process, from book idea creation to actually being published and selling the book. And it's particularly strong on the selling side, with a proven method that has worked again and again, not only for the 6-times-bestselling author Chandler Bolt himself, but also for many (sorry, don't know the exact numbers) students of Bolt's Self-Publishing School.
What "Published" is not: A creative writing course. But there are hundreds other books out there that cover this part. But there are not so many books on the market that cover the process of getting it DONE and getting it SUCCESSFULLY published (i.e. sold and read and reviewed), and of those, Chandler Bolt's book is the best.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book provides a very streamlined and practical process for growing your seed of an idea to a fully published, marketed and successful book. I especially appreciated the advice about putting together a book launch team. I would recommend this book to anyone who is on the fence about whether their dream of publishing is a possibility, as it provides not only practical advice but also encouragement and inspiration.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent step-by-step process that starts by helping you determine the best book topic (if you haven't finalized it yet). It then tells you exactly how to brainstorm, mindmap, outline, write, edit, and publish your book. For new authors, this process will immediately relieve your anxiety and get you excited about taking action. The writing is simple and clear. I have no doubt that if you follow the steps exactly as written, you will finally get your first book written and published.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chandler Bolt is a Mad Genius at creating Published Authors! In these quick, simple-to-read pages of wisdom Chandler describes the EXACT step-by-step process you should take if you ever wanted to write and successfully market your own book. Everything from Laying the Foundation, to what to write and write it well, to how to structure your book, and even how to get it down on paper in 30 days or less is included. The only two rules of writing you'll EVER need to know are worth it alone. Oh, then how to get it out to the masses? Yep, marketing and launching your book is all included too, even down to the ready-made templates you should use to build your own audience of THOUSANDS without spending a single penny. Brilliant!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Need help going from blank page to completed and published? If yes, this book is for you.

"Published" clearly states in simple, broken down, and actionable terms what you need to know to become a published author. Starting from the very first step of helping you determine what you should be writing about to launching and beyond "Published" provides the successful formula necessary to ensure a success.

The inspiration woven throughout the book motivated me to take on the 30 Day Writing Challenge, and I now feel prepared now to pursuit my dream of being published and other "unlimited possibilities."

Chandler Bolt accurately reminded us of the Zig Ziglar quote, "If you wait for all the lights to turn green, before starting your journey you'll never leave your driveway." the same truth holds for starting and completing your book. So start your journey and let "Published" lead the way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tajja i
Chandler Bolt brings and delivers a simple to follow roadmap you can use, to successfully write and publish your book in record time. I agree with Chandler when he says the process can be free. However, be aware copyright, barcode, and ISBN Number have fixed prices; so plan and budget accordingly. Overall, this is an excellent book worth reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maegen tabor
Published.: The Proven Path From Blank Page to Published Author Tons of strategies and templates make the job of self-publishing easy and quick. Chandler has nailed it. If you are fresh on the road of becoming an aspiring self-published author, you should invest in yourself buy getting this book in your hand. There are 4 easy sections in which the book is divided into, Laying the Foundation, Taking the Draft to the Next level, Pre-launch and Launch Week. The last 2 were valuable to me personally. However, I have yet to put them into practice. I
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
denise gaboy
I Mr. Bolt has provided a clear, concise method for writing and publishing your own book.
His blueprint gives you a timeline to adhere to, and plenty of reassurances That if you follow his techniques you will soon have the book you have always wanted to write- in print.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pranjal vagrecha
Chandler de-mystifies the world of self-publishing in a way that makes it accessible to everyone. The book is well written and organized in a very logical way from writing your book all the way to marketing your book.

All in all -- I learn something new each time I pick the book up. Well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle mascardo
This is Chandler Bolt's best book yet! Well-written, and he lays out the pathway from start to finish to becoming a published author. He even has a link to additional resources to help you in your writing process, including trying out his Mastermind Community for $1. If you are thinking of writing a book, get Published. You'll be glad you did!
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