Become a Billionaire - As a Man Thinks - Think Like a Billionaire

ByScot Anderson

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book. Scot Anderson uses simple yet highly motivating financial, life and spiritual principles no matter where you are at in life. I have already read the book twice and look forward to taking his Millionaire Habits in 21 days workshop. A must have and must read you will not be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
New Christians should read this book to get a better understanding about how God really wants us prosper and He does not want us to wait around on Him to show us the way. He wants us to choose our calling and bless the hard work we put into it. Great find and I highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill schappe
This book has inspired me on so many levels. Scot is truly a pioneer in that he can deliver God's message in a thoughtful, and insightful manner, yet it is not overwhelmingly preachy fashion. Bravo. I would recommend this book to all of my friends.
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I must admit I haven't completed the entire book. Although at the font size and words-per-page, it could probably be read in about an hour. It reminds me of when I used to try to make a 3 page paper into 5 by changing font size, sentence spacing, and margins. That being said, my major critique is that the title and intro didn't indicate that the book would be one giant Christian sermon. If I wanted to read a book where every other sentence in some way mentions God/Jesus/the Bible, I would have gone to my local Christian bookstore. While I don't have an issue per-se with Christian or Biblically based books, this one is like way over-the-top. The book is basically written with the understanding that you are a Bible-thumping Christian. I just wish I would have been forewarned so that I could have avoided buying the book.

I plan on finishing the book because it does contain some useful information (although arguably nothing new), but it helps to hear things again and again.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tim hicks
After reading this book, it feels like that the author does not know much about the wealth creating process. His remarks are very common sense. Vast pages are filled with irrelevant topics like why God wants you to be rich. That`s ridicule in a financial book. Very few or nothing of the specific tactic or strategy is mentioned in this book.

If changing your mind is what you are looking for, you better read the Sacred Bible.

Disappointing and ridicule!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
anne totoro
Unless you are a devout christian you will get very little from this book. Throughout the book are countless references to God and quotes from the Bible. For example on page 7 God is mentioned 9 times. The author's style is far from being concise and he spends a lot of time discussing theological issues that are of no immediate use to the investor. On page 16 he says: " I told my dad, "Make me Pope. I will change the world by changing just two things. One the Pope is getting married. I'm no good leading church with all this testosterone flowing throw [sic] my veins.

Number two, I am taking over one of these buildings as my home."

Besides offending Catholics I don't see how this statement could help me build a fortune. The book is full of similar statements. Whatever investment advice the book has could fit in a booklet of about 20 pages.

In conclusion I was disappointed by this book, I found it useless.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book is a Christian cheer leading book with very little practical knowledge and insight on how to make money. Below are direct quotes (word for word) from chapters 1-5 so you can get a taste of what you are paying for. See for yourself and decide if this book can help you.

Chapter 1: But if you begin to invest, God says, "Now I have something to work with." Chapter 2: But I can show you so many scriptures that say God wants you to have abundance. Chapter 3: God has been speaking to you. He's been saying, "Do this investment. Buy this property." Chapter 4: The priority that we have inside of us for attaining millions and billions is that in our hearts, we want to build God's house. Chapter 5: Your tithe is the most important bill you have each month... God protects my stuff so Satan can't get in there and mess with it.

I bought this book not knowing that every other sentence was Christian based. I feel cheated and I'm trying to save money/make money, so the loss of $15 on this book upsets me. If you are looking for a book that preaches, 'the way to wealth is to tithe because God protects my stuff so Satan can't get in there and mess with it', then this book is for you.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I think there were about ten pages all together that were useful but the book had nothing to do with thinking like a billionaire, it was a cheap sunday school class that I wasted 30 bucks on. Maybe I was searching in the wrong section but I didn't buy this book to hear a bunch of religious chatter...
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I keep seeing the word, "God, God, God, God..."
This is a theology book first and a practical book second.
If you can muster through all the Religious stuff, I am certain it will be relatable.

I have permanently kept it on my shelve STRICTLY for the title.
If you have ever seen a commercial that has appeared 30 times in the same day and you have become sick of it by the days end, that is how I am with this book. :(
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah mamer
This book is most excellent. The principles that Scot Anderson shares in this book are so profound and has impacted and motivated me even more to be all the the Lord wants us to be. Blessed to be a blessing and willing to pay the price for God's prize. This will change your life and we're blessed to eat from the fruit of Scot's labor. If your looking for God's idea for your finances and want to be stirred up in Christ while getting wisdom and understanding of how billionaires think, make that invest and purchase this NOW! If you really think about it, when we read about Solomon's proverbs, the same principles he used is what people with financial freedom have tapped into. We as God's people have to get wisdom in all areas of life, take possession of God's promises while applying his principles so we can bring the good news to the end of the earth. And it takes finances. Be blessed and get this book today!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We just bought Scott Anderson's Billionaire Book and could not put it down. The Wisdom, strategies, and humor in this book make it such a joy to read. I am so excited to see increase in my finances, in just changing the way my husband and I thought about some financial things in our lives, we have been able to set our family up for opportunities to invest and earn money that we thought we never could attain. Scott Anderson so helped us get out of debt and get ahead in finances. Thank you Mr. Anderson.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
raymond j
Think... Become. As you think, so are you. The title is very frank. If you don't want to change within, first, then don't even bother. On the other hand, if you change your thoughts, you'll change your habits. Scot Anderson did the right thing with this one. It's a whole lot better than most of these "I'll make you rich" books. For some reason, other financial books draw you in with a promising title, with little to deliver. I'm tired of that mess. The advice is not close to being detailed enough and the "motivation" is set on you being motivated to buy another product. I'm with Scot on this one. The best and wisest advice, motivation, and inspiration in any area of life derives from the principles and concepts of the B-I-B-L-E. Period. Well done, Scot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is life changing. The work book is unlike any I have ever seen. Most wealth books have stupid gimicks that just want you to buy their stuff. This book gives you practical advice you can use right now. In just three months I have doubled my net worth by using the principles in this book.

Go out get this book right now, it will change your life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Don't set goals! Make a strong promise to yourself.
Scot Anderson shows us that there are no pre-requisites
to being wealthy in life. All you need is a larger than life "will"
to fulfill your promises to yourself and to the world.

That mindset will help you achieve almost anything in life,
including amassing millions of dollars, etc...

Thanks Scot for taking the time to share your life experiences
with the rest of us in this valuable book. I wish other
billionaires would do the same. You are very special!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I finished reading this book and the only thing that comes to mind is wow. I thought I knew it all about making money. Apparently, I didn't have the slightest clue. This book really turned my world upside down or right side up. It totally changed my outlook on money and life. It does have a lot of biblical scriptures to this book, but, the underline meanings in the scriptures are unversal truths. I am not a Christian and I don't read the bible. Still this book is really great if you want to accomplish mega riches in your life.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The book offers valuable information... But I think the branding is a little off.....

The brand should state that it is designed for Christians. Though some of the information is good, there is too many biblical references for my liking.
I think the author gave the book the wrong name.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mamak mead
I purchased this book instead of going to a conference where the author was speaking and I know it was well worth my time to read and study. I have read it through twice and bought a separate copy for my children to use. My thanks to Scot who has done a service explaining the core principles and practical outworking of how to prosper.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christian fisette
Scot Anderson has knocked this one out of the ballpark. Millionaire Habits in 21 Days talks about the mindset needed to overcome your fears and doubts. Most people have simply developed bad habits that block them from achieving their goals. Once you develop the proper habits, you will be catapulted to success. While it does take effort to change, once you develop millionaire habits you are on your way. Great book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
keri bass
After reading this book, I realized that there was stuff that I needed to change inside of me. That fact that I was never successful in business was because of my habits and thinking. After applying the principles from the book, I was amazed at the change that already started to take place in my finances. It was if new contracts were just attracted to me. I recommend this to anyone who wants to do better in everything.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julia fierro
This book is incredible! I am having my whole family read it. It shows us how to take control of our lives. This is the book to read if you want to manifest extraordinary changes in your finances. It is Simple clear and gives easy solutions for bringing the smallest and the greatest of our dreams and hopes into reality. This is a wonderful edition to my collection of books, CDs and DVDs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
billie rain
This book by Scott Anderson has opened up away to describe what is really money all about and not become slaves just because we need them. As we heard lots of times.. easy money comes... easy money goes... nothing is eternity. we came as nothing and we died won't bring a thing. Nothing is greater than we see someone smiles and happiness including ourselves. How do you achieve it and preserve it, you can extract one of the little wisdom from this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy m
The author is moving nicely from "good to great". Good start, sold me from the go, and gives solid practical solutions to all the goop that is out their, the ideas that make sense but impossible to apply. A fun read as well. This is not a get rich quick book, it's more about bettering yourself on the inside.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
connie ackerman omelsky
Probably the most complete and easy to read instructional book I've ever read concerning financial intelligence. If this book doesn't excite you to make some changes then I don't know what will. It is very well written, with great examples and stories. Once you start you won't want to put the book down, this is one of the few investment/motivation books that has actually held my attention from cover to cover. It gives you a new way to look at things. This should be taught in our school system, along with the basics.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie goguen
HOLY [...]! I have read and listened to countless books and tapes on becoming wealthy, and they somewhat helped. After reading this book I realized that my thought pattern was the reason for the delay in becoming wealthy. This book has pushed me to go to the edge of the box, and to change the way that I think by keeping my interest through the hilarious stories. It is a must read for anyone who wants to be a billionaire!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
virginie meyers
AWESOME book that will change your mindset about not only money but about life in general. It is all in how you think. A friend let me read his copy and I had to order it after I read it. Definitely a book you will read over and over until you successfully apply the principles.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa frankfort
Pastor Scot Anderson has a great writing skill. Straight forward and down to earth with practical teaching that helps you to achieve the prosperity God wants you to have in life. I recommend this book and have given many as a gift to help others achieve greatness in their lives! Thank you Pastor Scot!
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