A Journey to Manhood - Season of Life - A Football Star

ByJeffrey Marx

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book is an interesting read, but it seems the author couldn't decide which story to tell. His own? Joe Ehrmann's? The Gilman football team's? He goes deepest into Joe's but keeps hinting at his own transformation. That led me to expect more than I found in the last chapter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I recently had the pleasure of finding this little gem of a book while on vacation - it was in the property owner's library. While I am female and admittedly not a football fan, I was drawn in by the concepts of this book which stretch far beyond the yards on a field. This book is not about football success but rather a roadmap for life. The message is directed at young men but has equal applicability in teaching young ladies what to be looking for in their male influences (father, brother, friends, boyfriend, husband). This should be a must read for every sports coach, teacher, and student. Building men for others is a theme that needs to be emphasized to all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eileen anderson
"Season of Life" focuses on the importance of focusing on more than one's own self through the journey of life. Set against the backdrop of a year-long football season at Gilman School in Baltimore, Maryland (a school that I attended for many years), Jeffrey Marx does a good job of framing a general approach to life using an engaging storyline to pull in the reader.

The approach espoused in this book, which includes a focus on working to benefit others instead of a complete inward focus, is illustrated through the coaching techniques used by two football coaches at Gilman a number of years ago.

As this, at its core, is a book about a philosophical approach to how one leads one's own life, the message may not ring true to all readers. That being said, the book offers an engaging narrative style that should appeal to a wide audience.

What I found unique about the approach to leading life covered in this book was the clear indication that one of the coaches follows up with football alumni who are in college...and beyond...to see how they are doing and if they are sticking to the principles taught to the Gilman football team. There is good follow-through, which lends a certain longetivity to the book's core messages.

Worth a read to, if nothing else, learn of one approach to leading one's life.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved SEASON OF LIFE by Jeffrey

Marx . . . it is the author's account of the Gilman High School

football team that is unlike any sports book that I've ever read,

in that it is more about how Gilman's coaches use the game

to teach such principles as love, empathy, integrity and living

a life of service.

The 2001 Gilman Greyhounds did not go undefeated; in fact,

they barely had a winning season (having previously been one

of the top teams in the country) . . . however, their record

was never the important thing.

As the head coach noted when a mother asked him how successful

did he think the boys were going to be, he replied, "I have no

idea. . . . I won't really know how successful they're gonna be till they

come back to visit in twenty years. . . . Then I'll be able to

see what kind of husbands they are. I'll be able to see what kind

of fathers they are. I'll see what they're doing in the community."

Marx often quotes Joe Ehrmann, a former NFL football star and

volunteer Gilman coach . . . now also an ordained minister, Ehrman

devotes his life to teaching the Gilman team the precept of

his Building Men for Others program: Being a man means

emphasizing relationships and having a cause bigger than

yourself. It means accepting responsibility and leading

courageously. In addition, it means players saying "I love you"

to each other and coaches professing their love for their players.

There were several memorable passages; among them:

* [Erhmann] "And I think the second criterion-the only other criterion

for masculinity--Is that all of us ought to have some kind of cause,

some kind of purpose in our lives that's bigger than our own individual

hopes, dreams, wants, and desires. At the end of our life, we ought

to be able to look back over it from our deathbed and know that

somehow the world was a better place because we lived, we loved,

we were other-centered, other-focused."

* "I expect greatness out of you," Biff [Poggi, the head coach] once

told the boys. "And the way we measure greatness is the impact

you make on other people's lives."

* Ultimately, Biff said, the boys would make the greatest overall impact

on the world-would bring the most love and grace and healing to

people-by constantly basing their thoughts and actions on one simple

question: What can I do for you? . . .

"Because in case you haven't noticed yet, we're training you to be

different," Biff said. "If we lose every game of the year, go oh-and-ten

on the football field, as long as we try hard, I don't care. You learn

these lessons, and we're ten-and-oh in the game of life."

Toward the end of the book, there's a thrilling account of Gilman's

last game of the year . . . yet I was even more moved by the

author's last chapter . . . at the conclusion of the season, he visited

his father and took some of the lessons that he had learned during

the season to help revitalize that relationship.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel biello
Do you have someone in your life that just inspires you? Are they a man built for others? In Season of Life, there is a true man, a man built for others. The book is an inspirational nonfiction book and Jeffrey Marx, the author of the book, is a ball boy for the Colts because he had a tennis camp across the street of the Colts stadium. He becomes friends with Colt Joe Ehrmann. 15 years later, in Baltimore, Maryland, around 2000, Joe is an activist for the needy, and Joe and Jeffrey meet again; much has changed about the two. I like this book because it is a useful book, because it is about friends, I say this because on page 83 Mike and Ambrose, two players on the team talk to each other after a loss, "'I'm proud of you, man' said Mike. `I'm so proud of you too." Said Ambrose". This is showing the friendship displayed. The book is being a man for others, meaning you must be caring towards others, which is the theme. The quote also supports that, because they are being men built for others by being true friends. That quote shows what inspirational value this book has, and why I like the book. This is a good book for 8th graders and older, and is useful for all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Seasons of Life by Jeffrey Marx is not your typical football-related book; Seasons of Life serves as Jeffrey Marx's way of communicating life lessons specifically aimed for boys who are athletes. Even though the target audience is young men struggling with the meaning of life, this is also a good read for parents, coaches, and athletes. Some of the life lessons within the context are how to replace false masculinity, build stronger relationships, and become a leader of empathy. It's quite ironic that Marx used the most violent American sport to display how men should not be reluctant to look for love, but he delivers his message in such a brilliant way. Seasons of Life should be a required read in high school because it will change so many people's perspective on how to make healthy life decisions.

Personally I believe that this a great read because of how easily I was able to relate to it (since I'm a high school football player). One of my favorite parts in the book is when Joe Ehrmann is asked how good the team will be this year and he responds with, "Won't know until twenty years. That's when we'll know what kind of husbands and fathers they'll be. That's when we know what kind of men they'll be." This quote really hit home with me because it shows how the sport of football can help raise a young man into becoming a loving father.

Seasons of Life tells the tale of how the former ball boy, Jeffrey Marx, and football star, Joe Ehrmann, of the Baltimore Colts once again crossed paths through the Gilman High School Football Team. Throughout the book, Jeffrey informs his audience on the progression of the losing season of the football team, but most importantly he shares how Joe, now the head coach of the team, was able to rally his players through love and empathy to complete the season with a winning record. With Joe also being a minister at the time, he was able to teach, not only, his players, but also, Jeffrey how to build healthier relationships with loved ones. Towards the end of the book, after the season was over and after acquiring all this new information on masculinity, Jeffrey was able to create a better relationship with his own father (a task that he never thought was going to be possible).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandy t
I really enjoyed the book, SEASON OF LIFE: A BOY, A FOOTALL STAR, A JOURNEY TO MANHOOD, written by Jeffrey Marx. The story is a memior of Jeffrey marx's memories of his early life hanging around the professional football team, the Baltimore Colts(now the Indianapolis Colts), and becoming a ball boy and other jobs with the team. Soon after being with the team, Jeffrey becomes friends with star defensive tackle, Joe Ehrmann. Joe is a big outgoing "party animal." When it comes time for Jeffrey Marx to go to college, Joe and Jeffrey lose touch and don't hear from each other until Jeffrey Marx gives old Joe Erhmann a call. They talk for a while and arrange to meet for lunch. Joe Ehrmann and Jeffrey marx have changed a lot since last time they met. Jeffrey became a journalist and Joe became a pastor(?). Joe invites Jeffrey to help out with the Gilman football team Joe now coaches. A guy named Biff also coaches the football team, and he and Joe are both very religious and want to teach their players to be men serving others (built for others, they call it). The story tells about Gilman's life changing season. The boys become "built for others" and learn to love each other. It's amazing what high schoolers can learn in such a small amount of time from truly caring coaches. The book has a lot of football in it and I would recommend this book to sons, fathers, and all sports coaches. Season of life is a very touching book and I think that everybody can take something away from the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Genre: non-fiction

Three Scentence summary: Joe Ehrman former nfl superstar volunteered to be the coach of a high school football team. In this book he teaches the players all the fundementals of football includeing love. He teaches them how to love and the purpous of life not just football.

What I liked most about this book: I like how this book didnt only insire you on the football field but to love your teamates and all the other people in the world because we are all one big team

What I didnt like and why: I didnt like that they talke dmore about the purpous of life and not much about football but it was still a great book

My favorite character and why: My favorite character in this book is Joe Ehrman because he is an excellent football player and can still inspire

The scene line or passage i liked most and why: A football team never reveals anything. State of brokenness, but a marige in pain. that means alot to me because it teaches you how to love and build character even in a loss. pg.75

What i would say about this book to somebody: It is an excellent book especially to read with your father.

One question i would have after reading this book: What happened after the seaason and after they graduated.

My strongest reason for recomending this book: It is an excellent book to inspire you not just in football but in every aspect of life
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
victoria beard
With the machismo world of high school football as the backdrop, author Jeffrey Marx recounts a beautiful story of two men seeking to change the way young men view masculinity. The author also reflects on his own relationship with his father throughout the book in what leads to a touching conclusion. Marx’s straight forward recounting of the coaches mission to cultivate a masculinity based on love and relationships is powerful without feeling preachy. The seamless transitions from tear-jerker moments to rousing football action to highlighter-worthy passages makes for a fulfilling and valuable read. The story is an incredible testament to the positive power of youth mentorship.

If you’re on this page don’t think twice go ahead and purchase this book. In fact, buy two copies and give one to your son, nephew, brother, or any other young man in your life. The lessons taught in this book are truly life-changing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I grew up idolizing sports heros. Stumbling on to a job as ball boy for the Colts like Marx did would have been my wildest dream come true. That put me in his shoes right away. What really gripped me though is having an 11 year old son to teach about becoming a good man.

We're mostly amateurs when it comes to teaching kids. Watching the Gilmore coaches through Marx gives the opportunity to see some seasoned veterans at work as they 'send' their young men into the world.

Besides the engaging storyline I found Coach/Father Ehrmann's approach to passing along good values in a secular society very refreshing. I suspect his players' parents did too, regardless of their particular faiths.

This one's a great read for parents, teachers and coaches.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Season Of Life" is a inspirational book that I highly recommend to any man, teen boy, parent, coach or teacher. It does not read like a text book at all. I really enjoyed following the High School Football team through the eyes of the author. Joe Erhmann is an example of a Godly man putting God's Word into practice. This book is all about teaching boys to become men. The author learns to improve his relationship with his father through watching Joe Erhmann model the basic strategic masculinity principles he learned from God's Word as he teaches them to the high school football team he coaches.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I recommend this book to any coach seeking to "make a difference" in the lives of his/her players but doesn't exactly know what that means. Coaches hope to be good influences on their players just like fathers hope to be the same for their children. The only problem is that that desire often lacks a blueprint.

By first defining true masculinity and then showing how one coaching staff teaches it to its players, this book helps coaches see that much needed blueprint. For coaches, the true measure of success for a team's season isn't known until 20 years down the road - if you're interested in that type of success, this book is for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mohamed saladin
Saw Joe Ehrman and Jeffrey Marx speak recently at an event in San Diego. Joe Ehrman is one courageous individual, and in addition, he is eloquent, open, and wise. He shared some of his experiences and observations with us, and from his first few words I had tears running down my face. This man has what it takes to heal our society, and boy, does it need it! Jeffrey Marx is a wonderful writer, and he also shares some of the angst this culture shovels out to its males. Almost missed these two, because I didn't want to hear some crap from one of those yelling, demeaning, brutal coaches who are everywhere in sports these days. But I stuck around, and when I saw a clip from HBO which has Coach Ehrman asking the boys: "What is the purpose of a Coach?" and in unison the boys answer "To love us!" my attention was riveted on Coach Ehrman and his wonderful message. Highly recommend this beautifully written book about an extraordinary, courageous, loving man.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a few others have stated here, I became interested in Coach Ehrmann after watching the documentary by Steve Sabol of NFL Films.

I was very moved seeing how the coaches of the Gilman HS Football team were able to get their message through to the kids. A lot of what they "preach" might be over some kids heads, but they way that they teach life's lessons by using football as the avenue was both brilliant and inspiring.

This past Little League season, I tried my best to emulate what both Ehrmann and the head coach did for their boys, by talking to them, and emphasizing time and time again that I wanted them all to have the greatest time of their lives out there on the field and to never worry about or ask me what the score was. I also made sure that even the weakest players were put in "positions to succeed", rather than worry about putting them in harms way by putting them somewhere where they might "fail". And as scripted in a movie, the most rewarding experience for everyone was when these less naturally talented kids actually made a play for us or got a big hit! The ENTIRE TEAM was overjoyed and started patting them on the head! Nothing could be more motiviating for them...or...for me than actually seeing it come to fruition!

If you DO coach kids, or were ever considering it, you owe it to yourself to look upon it as the vocation that it is...in the way Coach Ehrmann does. You'll be surprised how much of an effect you can have on a kid's life, and how much watching these kids develop together can have an effect on YOUR life. Our record was actually 4-6 this season (and nobody on the team knew), yet it was, by far, our most successful and rewarding season!

Thank you Jeffrey Marx and thank you COach Ehrmann for motivating me more than you'll ever know!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm fortunate enough to live in the Baltimore area and have heard Joe Ehrmann speak and preach. Knowing he is a thoroughly captivating speaker, I was eager to see if the book would stand up on its own. It more than does -- Jeffrey Marx is an extremely talented and gifted author and captures not only the detail of the story, but also puts into words the emotions of his own journey. The book takes you on a season-long journey with a high school football team and how they are taught to love one another, first and foremost. I was extremely curious how this would be taught within the physicality of football. This is a must read for all coaches, regardless of sport. I have been able to discuss some of the principles in the book with my 8 year old son and 7 year old daughter and I can already see the change in their thinking and behaviors.

In today's "Me, Me, Me" society, this book is a must read to shift our focus from our own self-centered wants and desires to others needs. I've already bought 3 copies and will undoubtedly buy 10 more. Thank you and happy reading -- I hope the book will inspire you as much as it did me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Here goes my laymen's attempt at paraphrasing Matthew 22 vs 34 thru 3_... Love God with all that you have in you, is the most important commandment... says Jesus, yet right along side (as on the other side of the same coin, or as two wings on a plane) is Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself... and all of what the prophets say and all of the other commandments are built upon these 2 things that Jesus said. Labeled the Greatest Commandment...that indicates the importance of it.

So this book, Season of Life, looks at the real life of two men (football coaches) that put this in action in mentoring/descipling young men in the Baltimore area. If you liked the movie Facing the Giants or you are mentoring/descipling young men, you will enjoy this book. Light on evanglism (word) but the actions (deeds-acting on your faith) and hearts of the men speak volumns. PTL for working in these men's life, a real life story that is getting much attention. Very well done Mr. Marx!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenn wade
This book is very good book about becoming a man. For instance I am almost 13 years old and this talks about a lot of stuff that goes on in a teenagers life that's sometimes confusing and hard. Like how Joe Ehrmann lost his brother to cancer. I just lost my grandfather very unexpectedly this past November to a heart attack when he was only 69 years old. This also talks about how to make an impact on the people and world around you. Quoted from the book it says, "that in the long run people aren't going to remember you for sports stats or skills but from the impact you put on that person's life. Like what kind of father, friend, dad, grandpa, etc., that's what people will remember you by." This really pulls you away from the world around you and makes you think a little bit more about what you are doing with your life. The great thing about it too is that it ties all these lessons into football, as Joe being a former NFL player and now a highschool football coach. If you are a teenager and are going through some rough times I would strongly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda larsen
As a young football Coach this book provided a lot of wisdom and good advice. Season of Life is a book that takes the reader through the season of a football team. It takes you through the ups and downs, the glory and the heartache. This book has been endorsed and recommended by the FCA. This book is so real to those of us who know what coaching is like. Its honest, emotional and inspiring. I recommend it to those who have not read it. It should be a must read for all coaches.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book about boys becoming men. I first read this about ten years ago and Erhman's message is right on for how to develop men. I like to reread this gem every couple of years. Everyone needs to read this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
uzma noormohamed
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, even though I am not a huge sports fan and I do not know much about football. This book inspired me to better myself and focus on serving others rather than doing things for personal gain. I would encourage everyone to read this book because of its inspirational nature and appeal to all ages, genders, and ethnic backgrounds. Season of Life will always live on in my mind as one of the most inspirational and life-changing books I have read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I played college football and pro baseball. I have very vivid memories of my coaches since childhood. I had a coach in high school, Larry Book, who made a big impression on me. He was great and I remember him fondly, though I liked him more after I left than I did when I played for him. Larry taught me the value of discipline and hard work. Joe Ehrman's coaching style, however, I had never really heard of or come across. He explains what it means to be a man, to love, to give, in words that I never really heard before, certainly not from a football coach. Even if you've never played football, this true story is one you'll want to read and share with others. I have multiple copies.
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