About That Night (FBI/US Attorney Book 3)

ByJulie James

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“You are just as annoyingly cocky as you were nine years ago.”
“Yes,” Kyle’s gaze fell to her lips. “And we both know how that turned out.”

This romantic suspense series continues to excel! ABOUT THAT NIGHT by Julie James and voiced by Karen White is pure perfection. Even though it’s the third installment in Julie’s FBI/US Attorney series, it can be enjoyed as a stand-alone if that is your preference; just know that there are characters that overlap with the previous books.

ABOUT THAT NIGHT is the story of famous ‘tech god’ twitter terrorist and ex-con Kyle Rhodes and beautiful Assistant U.S. Attorney Rylann Pierce. The two have history. Nearly a decade ago, they spent a total of about thirty minutes together as Kyle walked Rylann home giving her his own shirt off his back when she was cold. They shared a spectacular kiss which neither has been able to forget. After promising to see her again the next day, he was a no-show. Fast-forward to present day…

The characters are realistic and likable. Their second chance at romance is sweet and steamy. The plot is solid. Catching up with previous favorite characters in this series is a treat. This story has a permanent place on my keeper shelf!

Following please find a few of my favorite quotes from ABOUT THAT NIGHT:

“I don’t mind hot and spicy. Actually find that appealing in a girl … And chicken wings.”
Rylann turned her head and stared at him. “Did you really just compare me to chicken wings?”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. Chicken wings are the bomb.”
“Then his gaze shifted to the wild bush sprouting from her head. “Wow. Did I do that to your hair?” He looked oddly pleased at the thought.
Rylann made a mental note to throw a flat iron in her purse the next time she had sex in the shower with a billionaire ex-con. Not that there was going to be a next time. “Not all of us are lucky enough to have freakishly perfect, shampoo-commercial hair. This is what happens when I get wet.”
His expression turned wicked. “I know exactly what happens when you get wet, counselor.”
Yep, she’d walked right into that one.”
“The Kyle Rhodes who walked me home and gave me the shirt off his back would do the right thing no matter how pissed he was at my office. So if that guy is hanging around this penthouse anywhere, tell him to call me.”

Karen White is the narrator for About That Night. She’s one of my favorite narrators. I actually originally found this author and this awesome series because I was looking for other books voiced by Karen to listen to. I’ve lost count of the new authors I’ve happily discovered due to Karen. That said, it’s no surprise that she utterly nails this audio. Her delivery is natural. Both her female and male voices sound genuine and they remain consistent throughout. Her pacing is perfect. The production is professional. Truthfully, there aren’t enough superlatives to describe Karen’s performances. She’s awesome.

As I reviewed my notes in preparation for writing this review, I found myself swooning over this listen again. It’s huge to say that I would not hesitate to listen to this entire series again… and again. It’s that GREAT! Julie James is one of contemporary romances’ superstars. Pair her with Karen White and the combo can’t be beat! If you enjoy contemporary romances with some who-dun-it spice, do yourself a favor and dive into this amazing series!

My full review is posted at Reading Between The Wines Book Club. Please check it out there!

Suggested Reading Order:
FBI/US Attorney Series
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michele calderbank
About That Night was another great read from Julie James. I know I am not reading these books in order, but oh well. This one is all about Kyle and Rylann and man was it good.

Kyle and Rylann had met nine years ago at a bar. Nothing really happens, but they are both drawn to each other. He ends up walking her home and is supposed to come back and go on a real date....only he never shows. He has good reason to, but I am not sure why he never came back after that. Anyways now Kyle has been to jail after doing something incredibly stupid while drunk and hurting from a public break up. He knew right away that he messed up and gave himself up as soon as he heard about the problem. He is almost done with his home arrest, and in his last hearing, when the judge can let him go free, who walks in as the opposing attorney? Of course it is Rylann. She gets stuck on the case since the lead got called away for something else.

Rylann has only recently returned to Chicago after working in San Francisco for a number of years. She had a serious boyfriend, but things ended and she had to get out of town. Rylann is so organized and compartmentalized. She has a six month get over Jon plan and everything. She is very strict in her life and doesn't really do wild and fun. She has always had her life planned out years in advance which was fun to read. You knew Kyle was going to mess with her well thought out plans.

Of course the two get thrown together after Kyle is a free man. Rylann needs his help with a case, and for her he is willing for work with the U.S. Attorney's office. The last guy in charge was a real jerk and gave Kyle the maximum, so he would have good reason to not cooperate. Since Kyle has not really stopped thinking about Rylann all these years, and it is obvious there is still something there between them, working together gets tricky. Rylann is so strict in her rules though she will not let anything happen while he is still her witness.

Once he is no longer her witness though things get hot and fun. Since he is an ex-con and she works for the U.S. Attorney she doesn't want anyone to know about her wild and fun nights with him. They agree that they will be together only in her place, outside of that they are not a couple. Well of course that only works for so long before Kyle wants more. When he comes back one morning because he forgot his watch and sees Rylann with her ex, Jon, he has that perfect controlled but angry reaction. Often times in books I find the guy will be this tough guy and would have gone and beat Jon up (or tried to anyways), but Kyle, while angry, still tries to be calm and collected. I just thought finally! This is the way you should react to a situation like this. I don't often like the trend of the male being super violent and that somehow is dreamy. I like the angry, but he is able to control it and resolve the situation without anyone getting hurt. So bravo Julie James. Thanks for writing a tough guy lead who does not have anger issues.

The end was so sweet and great, Rylann is all worried about telling people, worried about what everyone will say, which is why she didn't want to tell them in the first place. Really everyone in these stories seem like they are great. They all are just really nice, caring people. It just makes me want to read more to find out all of their stories.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kyle Rhodes is many things, twin brother, part heir to a billion dollar fortune, computer genius and...oh yeah, an ex-con.

Kyle a.k.a. the "Twitter Terrorist" has spent the last ten years working his way up his father's company by weekday and partying it up by weeknight. When his latest model girlfriend breaks up with him via Twitter Kyle decides to take care of business and simply hack the site to remove the tweet. Unfortunately, half drunk on scotch, Kyle’s good intentions to rid the world of all the ignorant, insensitive individuals who thinks it’s appropriate to end a relationship by posting links to sexy videos on Twitter paves the way right up to a four month stint at Chicago’s Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC). He ends up shutting down the entire site for two days in a sophisticated denial of service attack that Kyle himself rectifies after returning from a bender in Tijuana.

Unfortunately the U.S. Attorney’s Office decides to come down hard on Kyle. Fortunately, Kyle has the Best Twin Sister Ever, who makes a deal to help out the F.B.I. with a different investigation in exchange for Kyle’s early release. Kyle is ever-so-glad to put this episode behind him, but on the day of his release a different Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA) shows up - a woman who once made Kyle instantly smitten - and one whom he stood up for a date the very next day.

Rylann Pierce is a planner. In law school she had a six year plan. Now, ten years later she has worked her way up to being a top AUSA and has recently transferred to Chicago from San Francisco. On the night she thought her live-in boyfriend was proposing he actually asked her to throw her, now twelve year plan, out the window and move to Rome with him on a whim. Now Rylann is starting over, and her first case has her face-to-face to a man who intrigued enough that she still clearly remembers their only meeting almost a decade ago. While seeing Kyle again is, she admits, a little exciting she puts it all behind her until a case involving the MCC has her pursuing him as a key witness. Despite trying to distance herself, Rylann can’t deny that sparks fly between her and Kyle - only Rylann is imminently practical and there is nothing practical about an AUSA who’s trying to make a good first impression by taking up with a notorious ex-con that her office itself recently prosecuted.

Kyle is a truly multi-layered male lead. And while he is smart, funny and caring it wasn’t just his developing relationship with Rylann that made About That Night such a good read. Prison gave him a lot of time to think and following the journey of Kyles start-up company was the highlight of this book for me. Julie James writes very intelligent books, and I loved the way Kyle was able to turn his mistake into a good thing. His relationship with his twin, Jordan, and father was also very heartwarming. Rylann, too, was a strong female lead and a perfect match for Kyle.

As with all of Julie James’ novels everything in About That Night is top quality, from the writing, plotting and pacing to the sarcasm and truly identifiable characters. Chicago once again shined as not only a setting but an honorary character itself. This is my favorite book in the wonderful F.B.I./U.S. Attorney series. Each book is easily read separately, but I always like seeing old friends from previous books, too. As always the supporting characters are top-notch, and I can’t wait to see whose turn is next to fall in love.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah grace mccandless
Whenever I finish a Julie James book, I immediately want to read another one just like it. Maybe it is because she writes about sophisticated, adult characters who live in a big city and have big city jobs and they don't hate it or themselves for it? Whatever the case, I whipped right through this one and spent a frustrating hour or so scrolling through the mountain of books on my kindle and the store wish-list looking for something similar.

In this book we meet up again with Kyle Rhodes, the infamous 'twitter terrorist' who was sent to prison for bringing down twitter during a drunken hacking session after his girlfriend broke up with him publicly in less than 140 characters. He was first introduced in the book featuring his twin sister Jordan, A Lot Like Love (Berkley Sensation). It was in that book that I fell in love with his character. And not just him, but the warm, funny relationship he had with his sister. So I was really happy to see he'd gotten his own book and we learn the deeper background on what happened.

Kyle's sense of humor -- his need to give everyone a nickname and his quick sarcastic wit -- are still very much evident in this book. I enjoy the humor in these stories so much. There were some great running gags especially with the multiple descriptions of Kyle's "freakishly lustrous hair" by various characters.

But what stood out was how much of a real, desirable hero Kyle became for me. I am not a person who gets hot and bothered over my romance novel heroes. Of the two main characters, I tend to be more interested in the heroine and sometimes feel more invested and protective of her as a character. So my enjoyment of any romance novel stems more from how the heroine is written and conceived. But I must say James really made Kyle someone I wanted. She made him really desirable and as I read the book I kept thinking 'what woman wouldn't want this guy?'

The heroine, Rylann, for once, took a back seat to the hero for me. I really did like her though. She was just the type of heroine I love. She is whip smart and good at her job. I just adore that James tends to make her female characters these great lawyers who just really dig their job. I also thought the back-story between the two regarding their first meeting made their romance feel believable. Often-times you get these handsome, wonderful, rich, awesome heroes and you wonder why this particular woman (who often isn't written as wonderful and awesome and he is) resonates with him. What is so special about her? I think the author answered that question in the way she a)set up their initial meeting and b)in how Kyle began to approach his post prison life. So the coming together of these two made sense for me.

The book flew by really fast. The writing was snappy and fluid. There are some great supporting characters and a few characters from older books make appearances. I can't recommend this one enough and I am needing her next one, like, right now.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jen foster
3.5 Stars


Rylann and Kyle meet one night in college. He walked her home and it was 30 mins of bliss. Something happens and they never meet again, until 9 years later. In 9 years, Kyle is known as the twitter terrorist and is recently released from jail. Rylann is a DA and needs Kyle for a case. It’s been nine years, but both remember that night and can’t forget about it.


About that Night is a very sweet read. I have to address that it’s not very romantic or steamy. About that Night is a chick lit book. I thought the writing was fine, but what I couldn’t get pass was the lack of romance. Sure there is interaction between Rylann and Kyle and yes there is sexual tension, but it’s a bit slow in the beginning.

Even at the half way mark, I feel like I’m still chasing after something.

The beginning was sweet. I love the way Rylann and Kyle meet, both are so young and ready to take on the world. It’s a bit sad that they don’t meet until 9 years later, but both still have good head on their shoulders. The book doesn’t have angst and I wasn’t ever annoyed or frustrated.

Rylann and Kyle get to know each other very well before anything happens. Since Rylann needs Kyle for a case, she can’t pursue a relationship with him. There’s a lot of side character interaction, which I didn’t care for too much. I kind of know what goes on in their head, I don’t need to read a scene with Rylann or Kyle talking about it with their best friends, but that is just me.

Overally, I like Julie James, I was a bit disappointed on the way this one turned out, but I did like the storyline and characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mandy robidoux

ABOUT THAT NIGHT starts with the first meeting of Rylann Pierce and Kyle Rhodes. The dynamics are interesting as he flirts, she responds with sarcastic remarks, he flirts some more, she has enough and walks away. However, circumstances at the end of the evening force Rylann to accept a walk home from Kyle. Their conversation is surprisingly easy. They have a cute banter between them and learn a lot about each other in that short walk. Rylann (aka Counselor) wants to be a criminal prosecutor while Kyle (aka Smug Dimples) is a computer security genius. After a pretty spectacular kiss, they say goodnight with the promise of a first date that wasn't meant to be.

Fast-forward nine years.

Rylann has just moved to Chicago and landed a great job as an Assistant US Attorney. She has a great personality (loaded with sass), she is smart, and I love her! She is a beautiful person inside and out, with a well-constructed plan for her life that will continue to get her places. But in her new job, her first assignment forces her to look into the blue eyes of one Kyle Rhodes, who is the key element in her case. Whoa. This was not part of her plan.

We were first introduced to Kyle (aka the Twitter Terrorist) in A Lot Like Love (Berkley Sensation) (Book 2) when his twin sister, Jordan (aka Jordo), was asked to help with an undercover FBI case in exchange for Kyle's release from prison. A self-proclaimed computer geek, Kyle was an idiot when he used his techy know-how to commit a federal crime. Not your typical convict, he realizes he made a big mistake. As he tries to get a fresh start after his release, he is asked for help by the same office that put him in prison. However, it's hard to refuse when Rylann (aka Prosecutrix Pierce) does the asking. This is where Kyle shines for me. He is tormented by the desire to do the right thing but has some anger about how he was treated upon his arrest/conviction. How he comes to terms with this and reinvents himself is very special.

At this point, I was already loving the book, but as soon as they are working together on Rylann's new case, I loved it so much I couldn't put it down! Their chemistry builds, even though circumstances don't allow them to act on it. A lot goes unspoken about the night they met, but Rylann and Kyle both have a unique way of showing glimpses of what they remember about that night almost a decade ago. They have great sexual tension, and their banter is classic Julie James.

Once the case is finished, Julie James starts working her magic. She allows us to see into the past of the characters and gives us glimpses of their worst and most shining moments. Kyle's vulnerabilities become evident, as does his integrity, and Rylann's combination of quick wit and compassion jumped out at me as she helps Kyle transform throughout the book. James shares their friends and family with us so we have a picture of what it truly means to be Rylann Pierce and Kyle Rhodes. To lighten the mood throughout, she makes Kyle a nicknamer (he is known for giving everyone nicknames - I have added many to the review in his honor ☺). James allows her hero and heroine to enjoy each other, she builds in conflict that could tear them apart, and then finds a way to tie up the loose ends to make the story complete. Amazing, and once again, a spotless plot!

ABOUT THAT NIGHT is a part of a series, but it can be read as a stand-alone story. Since I have read earlier books in the series, the icing on the cake for me was getting to spend more time with Cameron and Jack (heroine/hero from Book 1), Jordan and Nick (heroine/hero from Book 2), hearing a bit more about the FBI agents I've grown to love, and getting to meet Cade (hero for Book 4). Can't wait!

I don't think I could gush more about this book. If you haven't read ABOUT THAT NIGHT, you MUST! If you like smart and sassy heroines, James is an expert and Rylann won't let you down. If you like heroes who learn from mistakes and become better because of it, Kyle is your guy! This has all the great characteristics of a contemporary romance and I obviously recommend it (and actually have many times)!

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
marcel driel
About That Night takes us back to right before Kyle's mother died. He sees a girl across the bar from him, and decides to make his move. And when he does neither of them expect to feel such a spark when they share a kiss after he walks her home. But due to circumstances out of Kyle's control he ends up standing up Rylann.

Now nine years later, Kyle's just been released from prison for being the "twitter terrorist" and Rylann is now about of the US Attorney's office that prosecuted him. And she's the only one he will speak with when they need him to be a witness in another crime that was taken place at the prison. Rylann knows it's not a good idea to have a relationship with a witness to the case, even though the case will be closed quickly she still thinks it's a bad idea to get involved with Kyle, but neither of them can seem to stop it from happening. Especially when being near each other causes each of them to have a major reaction. But these two still have a lot of problems to deal with, like the main one she's a US Attorney, and he is an ex-con...

This third book in the series was only okay. I really couldn't stand Rylann. I thought she was a major witch most of the time. She was arrogant, self centered, and cared more about her "job" than anything else in her life. It really bothered me the way she acted about everything. And I sometimes felt bad for Kyle, I felt like he could do a whole lot better than her. Even though in the end she did prevail and it they had a happily ever after I still didn't like her. Not only that this book didn't really have any "action" like the two previous books had. No one was trying to murder, or hurt anyone in this one so I got sort of bored with it. Especially since I didn't care for Rylann. I did however like Kyle, and I liked the ending. Also it was nice to see the characters from the previous books as well. I am still looking forward to the next one, I just hope it will be better than this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rylann Pierce and Kyle Rhodes had an encounter in Champaigne, Illinois nine years ago when she was a law school student and he was completing hs graduate work. Circumstances interrupted what might have been and now they find themselves together again but this time in court to handle his request to reduce his sentence to time served. She's now an assistant US attorney working out of the Chicago office and he's trying to pick up the pieces of his life after having served four months in prison for hacking into Twitter and shutting it down for two days.

I enjoyed Kyle's relationship with his sister Jordan in A Lot Like Love and he doesn't disappoint here. He's interesting, clever and extremely appealing (looks like Sawyer from the show Lost). Rylann is a perfect match for him as they not only have a similar disposition for witty reparte but she's not moved by his physical appeal or his bank account. Their back and forth dialogue isn't tiresome and the issues they confront are very real and meaty. Hes an "ex-con" and she now works for the group that put him in jail. Rylann's career is just as important to her as getting back on his feet is to Kyle.

The conflicts between Kyle and Rylann are enormous but James doesn't waste time with a lot of tedious angst. These are two adults that contend with strong emotions up against career barriers in a very realistic manner. Their attraction is sizzling and watching both evolve to figure it out was a pretty fun and interesting journey. The other relationships in the story (Kyle's sister Jordan, his friend Dex and his father Grey; Rylann's best friend Rae and her ex Jon) add substantively to the story. There are also some really fun moments involving Nick McCall and Jack Pallas from the earlier books.

Unlike the first two books in the series, their is no suspense or mystery in this story. It's all about Rylann and Kyle and their relationship. This is pure contemporary romance and it's done very well. As with the first two, the story is perfectly paced, no dull moments here. I can't wait until next spring for the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jack evans
About That Night is humorous, sexy, and engaging; a perfect example of why I love Contemporary Romance!

Nine years ago, while in law school, Rylann Pierce met a potentially amazing guy at a bar. She let him walk her home and he gave her the kiss of a lifetime. She agreed to a date the next night, but he never showed up. She did eventually learn why, but he never called to apologize.

Now Rylann is an assistant U.S. Attorney; she's just broken up with her boyfriend and as part of her six-month plan to get over him she moves back to Chicago from California, where she'd been living with her ex. She likes her job and her co-workers, and quickly settles in to her new life.

Kyle Rhodes is the son of a billionaire and a computer genius who, up until five months ago, had been living a playboy lifestyle. When his supermodel girlfriend broke up with him over twitter, he was humiliated. After a few drinks, he drunkenly decided he could save himself the public embarrassment of being dumped via social media by releasing a virus that shuts Twitter down, earning the nickname "The Twitter Terrorist". Perhaps if he hadn't been drinking, he might have remembered that the feds have computer geeks working for them too; they arrest him and he's sent to federal prison. Now, after serving four months, he's being released early as part of an agreement with the U.S. Attorney's office. He can't believe it when the beautiful law student he was never able to forget walks into the courtroom, representing the U.S. Attorney's office.

He'd like to go out with Rylann, see how things go between them, but she rejects him - she's an assistant U.S. Attorney and he's an ex-con. Then, a case comes to her office and he's the only person who can help her. The time he spends with her assisting with the case makes him more determined than ever to pursue a relationship with her. She doesn't see how it could work given their current circumstances.

My thoughts:
Julie James is an auto-buy author for me and About That Night does not disappoint. I love both Rylann and Kyle - they're each driven, straightforward, likable characters. Although you would think this would be a typical "uptight heroine and slacker hero" trope, this was not the case at all. Rylann's job is important to her, she's intense but she does have a personal life. Kyle likes to have a good time in his persoal life, but professionally he's serious and wants to atone for his mistakes. These two really make a great pair and the dialogue between them is sexy and smart. The secondary characters, both personal and professional, are entertaining and I'm hoping we'll see more of them in future books.

One of the things I love is the fact that the conflict of the story is (what I consider to be) internal; they're not fighting assassins or racing to save the world - it's just them and their relationship with each other.

My only grumble is that the 'assistance with a separate case' scenario seemed a bit weak, even though it was a good set-up for them to meet again. About That Night grabbed my attention from the very beginning and I was reading, reading, reading because I couldn't put it down, and at the same time trying desperately to make it last longer :)

Any fan of Contemporary Romance will enjoy this book. While About That Night can be read as a stand-alone, I highly recommend reading the whole series - it's that good.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
julia pugliese
This Review was first Published at A girl, Books and Other Things :D

At First Sight: Fresh out of her first year of Law School, Rylann Pierce was celebrating with her friends in a college bar when she met Kyle Rhodes - who was out celebrating that he had been accepted into a doctoral program and who also happens to be the son of a billionaire- and he offered to walk her home.

One mind-blowing kiss later, Rylann agrees to go on a date with him the following night... only that he never shows up, Rylann indirectly finds out why and she moves on without ever expecting to run into him again.

Nine years later, Rylann has become an Assistant US Attorney (AUSA) in San Francisco and following her break-up with her long time boyfriend Jon - who decided that he suddenly just HAD TO move to Italy - Rylann decides to move Chicago and unexpectedly runs into Kyle... in the courtroom.

A few months before, after breaking his then girlfriend broke up with him via Twitter and later posted a video of her practically having sex with someone else, Kyle Rhodes got a little drunk and had the brilliant idea to shut down Twitter for two whole days, and since he's a computer geek and and a network security expert this was no problem for him whatsoever.

Until he sobered up and realized it was time to own up to what he had done. He pleaded guilty and was in jail, but then his sister Jordan reached an agreement with the FBI and US Attoreney's office and he was released. Going to the courtroom that day was a mere formality and Kyle was expecting to see his nemesis Cade Morgan in the prosecution side of the room but instead Rylann walked in.

Second Glance: About that Night is the third book in the FBI-AUSA series by Julie James but you don't really need to have read the previous books Something About You and A Lot Like Love to understand this one - though Kyle does start showing up in A Lot Like Love since that's his sister Jordan's story.

Anyway, About that Night is a pretty charming story. I liked Rylann okay and I really liked Kyle - I mean, sure what he did with Twitter was pretty dumb but he owns up to it and takes the repercussions, so that's definitely a plus for him.

They actually have a nice chemistry going on that has endured a lot of time and a lot of distance and other relationships, and that was sweet. I like Rylann and Kyle together but I also felt like their relationship totally lacked conflict.

I mean, Rylann thinks is a bad career move to date him - since she's a prosecutor and he's an ex-con and witness in one of her cases - and maybe it is but it's not the end of the world, really. And Kyle well, he hasn't forgotten her after nine year of not seeing her, he's wasn't planning on jumping into a relationship after the way the last one ended, but he's pretty on-board with exploring a relationship with Rylann from the start.

So, see, no real conflict here.

That being said. It was a good story, I think Julie James is one of the best contemporary authors out there right now, the lack of tension makes for an easy to put down read but it was fun and kind of fluffy and I liked reading about all the lawyery stuff (I like that Ms James's lawyers actually do lawyery stuff).

Bottom Line: In TV terms, it was an average pisode of a really good procedural show leaning a bit on the Ally McBeal side of procedurals rather than, say, The Practice or The Good Wife. If you're in the mood for a easy to read, well written book with good characters, go for it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
asahi eveleth
4 ½ Stars

About That Night is the third book in the FBI/US Attorney series by Julie James.

Nine years ago, when Rylann Pierce was in college she met this cute, handsome guy in a bar called Kyle Rhodes. Kyle walked her home, kissed her and invited her for dinner the following night. Next night Rylann is ready, waiting for Kyle but he didn't show up nor did he call to cancel their date. She never saw him again but heard about him, impossible not to when Kyle is not only the son of a billionaire but a computer genius who was involved in big scandal years later.
After graduating from law school Rylann moves to San Francisco, where after years of hard work she has a job she loves and excels at, she is an Assistant U.S. Attorney. Rylann also has a stable relationship and can see wedding plans on her near future. But when her boyfriend of years blindside her with the news that he is moving to Italy with or without her all her plans come crumbling down.
Couple of months later an Assistant U.S. Attorney position opens up in Chicago; needing a change of scenery Rylann applies for it and gets the job. Rylann is happy to be back in Chicago close to her family and her best friend, Rea.
On her first day at work she is asked to replace another lawyer on a final disposition in court. The case she will be representing is U.S. Vs Kyle Rhodes aka The Twitter Terrorist.
Five months ago Kyle Rhodes' super model girlfriend broke up with him via Twitter, minutes later she posted a video of her making out with a famous actor in a hot tub. Scorned, drunk and in a moment of rage Kyle brings down Twitter and leaves it down for two days while he's getting wasted in Tijuana. When Kyle realizes what he did he fixes Twitter and returns to Chicago, he is ready to confront the consequences of his actions. At the airport he is arrested, soon after he is harshly prosecuted and sentenced. After serving four months in jail his sister Jordan helps the FBI with a case in exchange of Kyle's early release (second book of this series, A Lot Like Love). The only thing left for Kyle is a court appearance to finalize the agreement and he will be a free man. What Kyle is not expecting is seeing the new Assistant U.S. Attorney, Rylann Pierce.

About that Night is one of those books you will be reading with a smile on your face, I call this kind of books "feel good books". Julie James has done it again; she gives us another great contemporary romance.

Rylann is a smart, witty and sassy heroine. She is one of those women that plan her life to the minimum detail, she knows what she wants and what she needs to do to obtain it and works for it until she gets it. She is a career oriented woman who also dreams of having a family of her own. For her to fall in love with an ex-con is not an easy task, her career, her future is a stake if she let herself be ruled by her heart.

Kyle, omg I looooove him! (Yes, I know I'm using to many "o's" but that's how it sounds when I say I loooooove him.) He is sweet, caring, smart, funny, sexy as hell and... and... and... (Insert favorite adjectives in a hero in ... ) Yes, he is that and more. Kyle is another one that knows what he wants and does whatever necessary to obtain it. I loved that he is rich as sin but never felt presumptuous or spoiled; he has work hard for what he has and when he made a mistake he accepted the consequences. Did I say he was dreamy and hot and ... *swoon*

Kyle and Rylann relationship develops slowly, there's an attraction from day one, something they can't deny but still they take their time to know each other. There are many factors to take in consideration, their jobs, their lives, and their futures. Even though they tried to fight against what they were feeling the chemistry between them was too much not too succumb. That chemistry gave us scorching scenes and steamy situations.

Some of the characters we loved in previous books have cameos in this one; others have more important roles. One of those was Kyle's sister Jordan, I loved her in her book (A Lot Like Love) and I loved her in this one. She is a great sister and a great character. I really love the dynamic of Kyle's family and how they were there for him when he needed them, including his father, I loved how he tried to make light of the situation even though he suffered from Kyle's actions and the consequences thereof.
Another character I loved was Rylann's best friend Rea. I really hope to see more of her and Agent Wilkins.

With its perfect pace, its well-defined plot and its amazing and fun characters Julie James gives us with About That Night not only a great addition to a great series but a book to keep in our forever-favorite-shelf.
Once more Julie James asserts her position as one of the best Contemporary Romance writers and undoubtedly she continues as one of my top three favorite authors in this genre (if not my favorite).
I can't recommend you enough this book and this series in general. Even though About That Night can be easily read as a stand-alone I recommend you to read previous books of this series first, they are as good, if not better than this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ric johnson
About That Night
Reviewed by Ann & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

An unforgettable kiss started it all...

Nine years ago, Rylann Pierce, a sweet girl with big dreams met a billionaire heir named Kyle Rhodes. They talked, sparks ignited. Kyle walked her home like a perfect gentleman, leaving her breathless after one kiss and a promise to see her again the next day.

But when Kyle is a no-show the next day, Rylann decides that dating a billionaire heir isn't in her six-year plan. So she busies herself, working on her career until she becomes an Assistant US Attorney.
Fast-forward years later and Rylann gets the gig she's been dreaming of. But her first case isn't ideal because she comes face-to-face with Kyle Rhodes once again, still fully equipped with those big blue eyes, cute dimples, snarky remarks and shampoo commercial hair. To reiterate, she is screwed . Because all those repressed feelings for Kyle return in a flood.

ABOUT THAT NIGHT brings in the sizzling tension in truckloads. I loved Kyle in A LOT LIKE LOVE. But Julie James really does deliver a stellar book for our favourite Twitter Terrorist. Readers can expect more of what they loved in the previous books of this series - great characters, impeccable knowledge of courtroom antics, and the perfect blend of sweet, sexy and funny.

However, I have to say that Kyle seems to bring a little more sexiness to this book. Perhaps out of all of James' books so far, ABOUT THAT NIGHT is the steamiest! Kyle likes to talk some filth! So prepare for some swooning.

Rylann was a perfect match for him, meeting him head-to-head with her witty comebacks. It was a pleasure to read a strong heroine who knew what she wanted in life, even if she wasn't sure how she was going to reach it. While it takes her awhile for her to decide that what she really needs in a blue-eyed looker (don't we all?), Rylann does come to terms with her feelings for Kyle eventually.

There was a good amount of angst in this one, though it wasn't bitter and that was very important for me. I felt like if Rylann stayed bitter about being left high and dry the entire time, this would have been disastrous. Instead, it shined because bitterness and humor don't always mix so well.

Followers of this series will be thrilled to note that there are many familiar faces in this book. Cameron Lynde, the heroine from SOMETHING ABOUT YOU, makes an early appearance as Rylann's boss. The hero and heroine of A LOT LIKE LOVE, Jordan, Kyle's sister and Nick McCall also have considerable airtime. Of course, we can't forget Wilkins, Jack's partner who plays a huge role in this book and Jack Pallas is there as well.

I wonder who will get a book next!

*ARC provided by publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer boyd
Ms. James can do no wrong. Seriously. She the queen of writing the most smart, witty, fun, steamy, can't-put-down, read-with-a-smile-your-face contemporary romances and About That Night is another example of her brilliance.

Kyle Rhodes is quite different from gruff, broody Jack of Something About You and tough and manly Nick of A Lot Like Love. Kyle Rhodes is flirty and charming and can wine and dine a woman like a master. He may be the son of a billionaire but he is wealthy in his own right--basically, he works hard and plays hard. Rylann is a classic Julie James heroine: a lawyer, smart, hard-working, ambitious, independent and has quite a bit of sass. I love the banter between the two of them and there were so many quotable exchanges between them. The chemistry between Kyle and Rylann practically leaped off the page from the start and to finish.

Kyle and Rylann's story began when they were grad students, celebrating the end of the semester at a local bar. Rylann caught Kyle's eye that night and there were major sparks between them. He walked her home that night, they shared an unforgettable kiss and planned to go out on a date the next night. But Kyle's mom got into a terrible car accident and their date never happened. Fast forward nine years later and Rylann is back in Chicago after landing a job as an Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA). On her first court appointment she finds herself face to face with Kyle Rhodes. They were both surprised that there were still major sparks between them.

After the debacle with his ex-girlfriend, Kyle had sworn off serious relationships. But after seeing Rylann again, there's just something about her and he couldn't get her off his mind. Rylann also couldn't get Kyle off her mind but dating an ex-con whose case was handled by her office? And her being the newest AUSA? So, they decided to keep their relationship a secret. But soon Kyle realized he wanted something more, for Rylann to be truly part of his life. Rylann, however, was not sure she can take that chance with Kyle.

The first half of the book dealt with a case in which Kyle was a witness and I love how the author combines great courtroom drama and a sexy, steamy romance. And, ladies, this one is Ms. James's most steamiest yet--you're gonna want to crank up the AC for this one! I quickly devoured this one but I'll be going back to read my favorite parts. Looking for a contemporary romance that will make you smile and melt? You truly can't go wrong with a Julie James novel.

Written by Michelle for Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks (book blog)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie james introduced the twitter terrorist in her last book. in this book he is her hero and his love interest is rylann, an assistant US attorney in Chicago. the main conflict in the story is whether a federal prosecutor can be seen with an ex con. that this ex con is a multimillionaire, heir to a billionaire computer family, gorgeous, sexy, etc., makes me think this is a tempest in a teapot. he became a target of federal prosecution for taking twitter offline by hacking into it when his girlfriend broke up with him on twitter. now he is setting up his own computer security firm using his abilities to thwart computer geniuses like himself. i would venture to say that most women in america could get past his record, to put it mildly.

nevertheless, julie james always writes great snappy dialogue with highly intelligent, contemporary couples and this is certainly another one of those books. as such, it is well worth your time. however, there is much less plot in this book than there is in most of her books. there is no mystery going on in this book even though there are fbi agents and federal prosecutors galore in it.

i highly recommend this as a romance book but not as a romantic suspense book.

Visit my blog with link given on my profile page here or use this phonetically given URL (livingasseniors dot blogspot dot com). Friday's entry will always be weekend entertainment recs from my 5 star the store reviews in film, tv, books and music. These are very heavy on buried treasures and hidden gems. My blogspot is published on Monday, Wednesday & Friday.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
When Kyle and Rylann met nine years ago, the chemistry and quips were instantaneous. But they never got a chance to explore a relationship. Now, Rylann is an assistant US attorney and Kyle is an ex-con, having just been released from prison after hacking Twitter. Their initial interaction as young college grads is promising and sweet, but when I learnt of the reason for Kyle's crime, I was vastly unimpressed by his self-centeredness and lack of maturity. I was able to let that go, though, to enjoy the romance that develops between Kyle and Rylann when she has to interview him for a case she is working on. Unlike the previous two books in this series (A Lot Like Love (Berkley Sensation) and Something About You (Berkley Sensation) --both of which are 5 star books), the criminal case is used only as a convention here, to allow the characters to reconnect. The case itself takes a definite (and early) backseat to the romance.

While Kyle and Rylann were entertaining, I don't think I would have enjoyed this book as much if I hadn't previously read the other two in the series. Some of the better moments in the book for me were the exchanges between Kyle and his family and with the agents and lawyers from the other two books. All said, though, Julie James continues to hit the mark with her writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
There is nothing not to like about About That Night! Rylann and Kyle are down-to-earth, mildly flawed and simply a great combination of sexy and sweet. Rae, Dex, Jordan, everyone else ... again, nothing not to like - even Jon gets sympathy in the end. Sweet romance. Contemporary, yet not so much courtroom romance. Just don't plan on needing more than two days with this easy read. Addictively cute banter; incredible first kiss that nine years cannot erase; billionaire heir who behaves like a regular guy (even when admitted in doozie of a mistake)....

With all this goodness going for the book, you may wonder at my rating of 4/5 stars. As many chick-lit books, this book is not particularly thought-provoking. It's not a book that sticks with you even after you finish reading it. It's a predictable, albeit delectable, romance presented in a completely non-singular manner. By design, it cannot earn a 5-star rating from me, but in no way does this disappoint me nor should it you.

I received a copy of About That Night through NetGallery and am pleased to give my honest review in exchange for access.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I'm a little disappointed in About That Night. After how much I enjoyed the first two books in this series, I had high hopes for this book. It began with a great meet-cute between Kyle and Rylann. I fell for Kyle right away. Then the story jumps to 9 years later and that's where it started to get slower and drag on some. There was a lot of back story for both of them, especially for Kyle. You already learn most of Kyle's back story in A Lot Like Love. So if you haven't read that before then it's all new to you, but for me it was a repeat of information I already knew. It seemed like the characters didn't spend much time with each other in the first half of the book. There wasn't much of a build up between them, but when they were together it was great. I found myself looking forward to the moments they spent together. About That Night had some great steamy scenes, more than the rest of the books and maybe even steamier. Overall I enjoyed the characters, just not enough action and build to keep me interested the entire time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tania miller
What a delight Julie James is turning out to be! Her books just keep getting better and better. There is such a stark difference with her intelligent writing that makes her books stand out over the average romance read.

She describes brilliant billionaire heir Kyle as looking like Sawyer from Lost. Well, then, who wouldn't already be halfway in love with him? She pairs him with Rylann, a beautiful, smart, ambitious lawyer and you have a book in a league of its own. While her previous books were a bit heavy on the legal jargon, she lightens up in this one, using the case and interaction with the court only enough to promote the story. I zipped through this book and really wished for more. Kyle and Rylann are funny, tender and extremely likable.

You won't go wrong with this one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
About That Night by Julie James
Celine had been stood up by him years earlier and now they are forced to spend time together.
She read of his mother dying and that's probably why he didn't show up for their date. 9 years later:
Kyle Rhodes is a runner but has a bracelet on his ankle as he was out of prison but on home detention. He had been dating Danielle but she stopped showing up and left him a tweet and the link showing her with another guy.
He's a billionaire and she was a super model. He drank himself to help forget about her.
He also knows computers and he knows he could've removed them but he took down the site instead.
He went to Tijuana after that. After 2 days he saw the report that the FBI were looking for him in regards to her death.
His sister Georgia didn't like he wanted to plead guilty. He just wanted it over with quickly. She makes a deal to get him out early and now he can help with another crime that took place when he was in prison.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just finished listening to this book again. I read it when it originally came out and LOVED it. Yep, I loved it so much I listened to it again!

Julie James does such a nice job with her characters. I loved both Kyle and Rylann. This weren't just cookie cutter, cardboard characters, but well-developed people who I understood and liked. the story line kept me turning the pages.

I normally don't post a lot of reviews, but I simply loved this book so much I had to review it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
suzy page
OMGosh, it finally ended. It was so painful to hear (I had the audio of the book by Karen White). I may have been that I hated listening to the narrator but it was also the dialog. How many times can the main character say "I don't do crazy..." and all the stupid nicknames. And the main character as a lawyer may use language like "thereafter" "thus" etc in her dialog, the non-lawyer boyfriend wouldn't. Methlab Rylann, shoot me now. And all those stupid "illustrious" "elusive" "infamous" adjectives. Other mention the non-conflict but that wasn't as painful as the conversations. It was so unbelievable. Who calls their sister "Jordo" I am seriously. I can get past the stupid situation of felon dating a prosecutor, but that Rylann refers to him as an ex-con all the time. And I am sure she refers to herself as Assistant US Attorney over 1000 times. And when you make your male characters swear that doesn't make them more manly. And WTF does she keep referring to a "meet cute" - no one talks like this. I was very disappointed. I read "Something about you" with Cameron and Jack and I thought that was a good, fun read. I am looking forward to reading "Sexiest Man Alive" but I don't know that I can read more of JJ books if they are anything like this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed About That Night by Julie James. This is the 3rd book in the FBI/US Attorney series and after being introduced to Kyle in the previous book, I just knew I would enjoy his story. I've liked all the characters so far and enjoy that Ms. James includes all the past characters in the subsequent stories. It looks like there are quite a few books included in this series, so I look forward to seeing what comes next.
Happy Reading...enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
scott loftesness
Still a fun, happy, light-hearted read but less suspenseful than the previous books and certainly more focused on straight up romance. I liked it a lot, but it’s different from the others in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My Review:
A- spicy
One of my most anticipated books to read this year. I have been dying for Kyle (aka: The Twitter Terrorist) story. What I didn't expect about this book was the history between these two, which occurred way before Kyle became the infamous Twitter Terrorist. I love how Julie wrote their story so it wasn't all about the present tense of their lives. There is a long history there for both of them and it really enriched this story.

These two had a chemistry instantly when they met nine years before although Kyle was way too full of himself and cocky for Rylann's tastes. She immediately shut him down, but Kyle didn't give up and then neither one could refute their chemistry and they agreed to a date. A date that Kyle never showed for when his life shattered to pieces, but he never forgot Rylann.

As with all of Julie's books, this book is made by these two wonderful characters. Kyle is extremely intelligent and savvy, but he's also human. That very human side lost control when his Victoria Secret model girlfriend dumped him very publicly on Twitter. In a drunken rage, he shut down the very popular social site for two days. Nope, the FBI didn't take very kindly to that so they and the Chicago Attorney General's office went after him and flambe'ed him in court. The results....Kyle was sent to prison as a felon. Luckily, Kyle has managed to maintain his incredible personality even though he's spent 4 months in prison. He knows that he screwed up in one of the stupidest ways possible and has kept his sense of humor about it. He is also very aware that a girl ultimately caused his downfall, so he is not looking to get involved with another one anytime soon. And that's where Julie nails him by making "the one that got away" show up in his final day in court.

Like all of Julie's heroines, Rylann is smart, independent, with a snarky streak a mile wide. I LOVE her heroines! They are always so much fun to read and they always have the perfect comeback to any situation. In my dreams, I would like to be able to channel one of Julie James' heroines into my personality.

The main conflict in this story is that Rylann just started as an Assistant US Attorney in the Chicago office and Kyle is a felon. The two do not mix especially since Rylann is still trying to make a positive impression in her office. An office which has a long, antagonistic relationship with Kyle.

Filled with TONS of humor and witty dialogue, Julie James proves once again why she is one of my favorite contemporary authors. Another great installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having read all of Julie James books and LOVING all of them.. i think Bad boy Kyle Rhodes is one of my new favorite Hero's. We first meet Kyle in A Lot Like Love (Berkley Sensation) when he twin sister Jordon makes a deal with the FBI to get him out of prison..

Rylann first meet Kyle one night at a campus hangout/bar 9 years ago. they had a date set for the next night but he never showed. come to the next morning when she reads in the paper that his mom was killed.

9 years later Rylann in now but in Chicago working for the US distict Attorney's office and a ADA... her first case is getting Kyle's deal done with the FBI..

this is the 3rd book the the FBI/US Attorny office series..
1. Something About You (Berkley Sensation)
2. A Lot Like Love (Berkley Sensation)
3. About That Night (Berkley Sensation)

you don't have to read them in a series but the characters from the first 2 are in the 3rd. But i would read at least A lot like Love so you know the connection between Jordon and Kyle.

Thank you Julie James for another great book!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When I first read "practice makes perfect" by Julie James, I was completely amazing by how easy it was to get lost in her characters and she has yet to disappoint me. This book was simply phenomenal, the story line was great and flawless, not filled with nonsense sex scenes that a lot of authors go for nowadays and one could see that the chemistry between the people were real.i recommend this book because it's not only fun and witty, but it's also very well written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeanne covert
This book starts when Rylann Pierce and Kyle Rhodes meet one night in a bar after finals - share a amazing kiss but don't meet again for 9 yeras. Not Rylann is a Assistant U.S. Attorney and Kyle spend a few months in jail after hacked into Twitter. The chemistry is great and sweet story.

If you enjoy this genre I would also suggest; Something About You (Berkley Sensation),Time Out (Harlequin Blaze),Taking a Shot (A Play-by-Play Novel) and The Fireman Who Loved Me: A Bachelor Firemen Novel (Bachelor Firemen of San Gabriel).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dawn kavanagh
The newest book in Julie James' FBI series is funny and incredibly sexy.

Kyle Rhodes, otherwise knows as the Twitter Terrorist, is finally free. His sentence had been shortened thanks to his sister helping the FBI against his knowledge. The day he goes to his final court appearance he is shocked to see a blast from his past sitting across the aisle at the US Attorneys table. Suddenly, having been inprisoned might not have been a bad thing at all.

Rylann Pierce is new in the US Attorney Chicago office and is immediately put on a case. She's told it is a simple matter, but for her it is anything but simple. She will be seeing Kyle Rhodes again. Nine years after they shared a very hot kiss and then she never saw him again.

I love the attraction between Kyle and Rylann both the first time they meet and their second meeting nine years later. There is something magical about their connection from the beginning and nine years later they are still pulled toward one another, even if Rylann tries to fight it. Their relationship is sexy and romantic. I loved the way she finally realized he is what she's been missing in her life and the way Rylann makes Kyle want to be a better man.

Kyle undergoes the most changes in the book and I loved the way his character evolves. In his sister's book (A LOT LIKE LOVE) he is in prison and although he hates where he is there is still something fun and light about his character. In the beginning of About That Night he is still the funny and carefree Kyle, but as the book progresses he becomes more serious and focused on the future. This is definitely due to Rylann's influence. He grows up during the book and really seems capable of committing himself to Rylann and their future.

I cannot wait till the next Julie James book. I'm hoping for one featuring Cade Morgan J

Reviewed by Carrie

Originally published on The Season website (theseasonforromance dot com)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacob earl
I generally dislike playboy billionaire hero's - but wow. This was pretty hot. I think Julie James' novels are becoming steamier per publication and just wow.

I also don't like the FBI series. My favourite is Practice Makes Perfect but this was brilliant because unlike the other books there's less FBI and more getting to know the characters. If i read books related to FBIs than I prefer them in a suspense content - not romantic comedy.

Anyway, this book will not disappoint. Seriously hot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brooke maedel
I liked the premise of a relationship between an ex-con and an assistant U. S. Attorney. Of course, there are all kinds of obstacles to overcome. That is what makes this a fun read. The quips back and forth between the couple keep the book from dragging. The characters are well developed. The plot doesn't ask the reader to suspend belief any more than any other romance novel. Pacing is good, and point of view for the most part is clear. I look forward to reading other books in the series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is a disappointing book when you think of it as written by the new "It Girl" in romance. It's not really a bad book, but I'm surprised at all the 5 stars I'm seeing. What it is, is a fairly forgettable romance. Unfortunately, I just couldn't seem to get emotionally invested in the story. Characters from previous books, where I had been emotionally invested, kept popping up in this book. But this time around I didn't find them nearly as fun and interesting. And the heroine's name! It really annoys and distracts me when I'm not sure how to prounounce a name. And the pronunciation - and explanation for why her parents named her Rylann - happened way too far into the story. I still feel James is an author to watch and I'll pick up her next book. But I hope the next one really shines!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I reeeeally enjoyed this book! The characters were great, and the plot surprised me in some places where I thought things were going to take a cliched turn.

I did wonder why, if he remembered everything about this woman so vividly, did he never try to get in touch sometime in the years following his mother's death. Also, the ending was a little too syrupy and fanciful for my tastes, but I'm probably the most cynical person to read the romance genre, so take that with a grain of salt. Finally, the sex scenes were sort of meh, but Julie James didn't write them before so maybe she's still getting the hang of it.

Whatever. Overall, book=awesome.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juhi chitra
It would be REALLY hard (if not impossible) for other author to take the place of my NUMBER 1 chick lit/contemporary romance author. I absolutely LOVE Julie James - she makes me laugh so hard that I can't compare her with anyone/anything else. Her characters are almost alive, I think I know them ALL and I know that people can't discus about tastes and likes BUT I think that I hate everyone who rate her books with something less than 4-5:)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
greta grond
i like to think that julie james took my advice! ...she went back to writing rich sweetheart heroes, not the boring fbi tough guys.

this book is a perfect contemporary romance. the hero and heroine are both good characters with obvious chemistry.
no pointless angst to prolong the plot...just their feelings getting deeper and deeper.
there is an ex-boyfriend, but he isn't a douchebag (why do other romance writers think it's romantic to choose between the hero and a horrible alternative??). flashbacks are seamlessly integrated.
by the end, i was left smiling and satisfied.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ian goudie
Both Kyle and Rylann were great characters. Rylann was a sassy, sarcastic power woman who didn't take anyone's garbage. Kyle was a witty guy that loved giving nicknames to everyone ans those were great. The story line is so good that the pages fly by.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
megan kortlandt
Overall, it was ok. The plot, characters, and legal drama were barely developed, especially when compared to her other books (which I love). She could have done so much more with this one. Kyle, especially, wasn't developed much beyond the information we already learned about him from another book. In fact, this book was a little repetitious at times in his and his father's descriptors. Maybe that was made more obvious since the plot was weak. I was surprised the plot didn't thicken with a change of plea once they were seen out/leaving together at the Firefly, or maybe with some sort of danger to Rylann or Kyle as a result of their involvement in the murder case. At the end, I found myself wondering why Rylann never fessed up to anyone (other than Dex and Rae) that they had a (short) history nine years prior. It probably would have made a lot more sense to her colleagues that she didn't just fall for a good-looking ex-con...especially if she was worried about her career being jeopardized by their relationship. This is one to get from the library...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just recently discovered Julie James and I've enjoyed all her books. This was one of those books that you know you can just sit down with and enjoy from start to finish. She is now one of my auto-buy authors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series is fun! Ms. James writes strong women characters, with equally strong male leads. She usually adds a hint of what the characters from previous books are doing, too, which I enjoy. All of Julie James' books are great, and hard to see end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aisyah rahim
Another wonderful offering from Julie James! Witty banter, smart, sexy characters, and quickly moving plot with just enough conflict to make this a page-turner. Well-drawn characters who were likeable yet flawed enough to be real. Great read!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I absolutely love three of her novels- not the first one she wrote, I thought that one was awful. This book falls somewhere in between. I really loved Kyle's character. I just didn't think they had a lot of connection going. In her other novels, they are together for a short time but she packs so much into it I feel the characters really connect; not as much in this novel. I never really understood where Rylann was coming from. I also didn't think there needed to be 15 pages of when the mom died- they could have been explained without so many pages flashing back. More time could have been spent with the characters together instead of them being apart wondering if they should be together. I don't know- it just wasn't as great as I was expecting.
Please RateAbout That Night (FBI/US Attorney Book 3)
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