Falling for You (A Bradford Sisters Romance Book #2)

ByBecky Wade

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah s book blog
I seriously wish that Merryweather existed in real life. If it did, I'd move there in a heartbeat and never leave. (Which says something, because I love my town.)

Wade possesses a gift for creating and maintaining a sense of place. I immediately felt like I stood right next to each character as the story progressed. I saw what they saw, smelled the baked goods (chocolate in the morning? Absolutely), looked out over the town. Out of the way, Gilmore Girls' Stars Hollow -- Merryweather is giving you a run for your money.

Corbin and Willow's story took twists and turns throughout Falling for You. I truly didn't know what would happen next! And oh, that climax. Wow. *insert much applause here* *hands readers a box of Kleenex*

"If Willow was brave enough to do it with me, then why wasn't I brave enough to do it with Him? I've always liked to ... think of myself as brave." (eARC, location 6187 of 6344)

I'm not one to cry while reading (aside from Mary Beth Chapman's "Choosing to SEE"), but Falling for You nearly got added to the list. Not only due to the story progression, but just my own conviction! I like to think of myself as brave ... when in reality, perhaps not as much as I thought. Falling for You will remain with me for quite a while to come.

I received a free copy of the book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The second book in the Bradford Sisters Romance series, Falling for You, by Becky Wade, is a gem of a novel. It sparkles with humor, romance, mystery, and second chances. Set in the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, Falling for You is a book as grand and as striking as the scenic setting that enriches the story. The unique plot of this novel is simply captivating as it abounds with details and twists that are delightfully entertaining and thoroughly intriguing.
The characters are lively, authentic, and incredibly endearing. Even as they face difficult trials, they persevere, they make tough choices, they learn, they laugh, they grow, and they endeavor to thrive. As they pursue hope and awaken to new dreams, they begin to find joy in fresh beginnings and open their hearts to the grace that can heal old wounds.
This novel is touching, inspiring, and compelling. It is sweet and real and everything a good book should be. I sincerely recommend Falling for You. It is a book worthy of reading, re-reading, and sharing with friends. Ms. Wade is a truly talented writer! With each book she writes, I find new reasons to love her work more and more, and I eagerly look forward to reading more of her novels in the future.
*I was given a copy of this book from the publisher. A review was not required. The review I have written contains opinions that are entirely my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sana haq
I loved Becky Wade's Porter family series. And it's been a while since I read the first of the Bradford Sisters story, True to You. So I was excited to see there would be a story for Willow. I found the start a little slow, with so many characters and different story lines. And a mystery that didn't exactly feel like it belonged to Willow and Corbin. However, this story takes you on a journey of letting go and forgiveness. So many times we hang on to anger, regret and sometimes guilt, that we don't allow our hearts to forgive. Willow walks this path when she is asked to help solve the mystery, along with her former boyfriend Corbin.

Corbin's new found faith, and how he wrestles with it, was inspiring when he seeks to share it. Sometimes new believers struggle with how to share something that is often times hard to explain. He also struggles with temptation that had not been a problem before he met Christ. The characters host so many deep feelings - deep hurts, anger, mistrust, passion, temptations - yet the revelation of forgiveness and love conquer in Willow and Corbin's relationship.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the publisher. All views expressed are my honest opinion.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was smitten from the very beginning!! Author Becky Wade never fails to bring her A-Game when it comes to character development and Falling For You was no exception. Right away readers are introduced to two captivating characters, the beautiful Willow Bradford and the enchanting Corbin Stewart. Ms. Wade does an excellent job creating tension between these two lovebirds through humor, wit, desire, and uncertainty it was easy for me to get swept up in their romance with plenty of heart-swooning sighs. Another thing I love about Ms. Wade's stories is that readers get more than a tender romance. Falling For You carries elements of mystery, suspense, and a redemptive theme bringing together a plot that kept me excited to return to Corbin and Willow's story as quickly as I could between chapters.

This is the second in the series and can be read as a stand alone but I highly recommend reading Then Came You and True To You to truly enjoy the richness of characters Ms. Wade has created. If you love Becky Wade's Porter Series you'll ADORE the Bradford Sisters!!

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own and are expressed as such.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
On a scale of cotton candy to Brussels sprouts, Falling for You by Becky Wade is a healthy fruit smoothie. Fresh and frozen fruit churned with crushed ice and based with hearty yogurt creates pure yumminess. Is it dessert or breakfast? No one cares.

[Copy received. Opinions my own.]

Willow is running the inn for her family while taking a break from her modeling career, and she's enjoying herself until her old flame and ex-NFL football player shows up. When a sweet preteen asks Willow to help look for her missing great aunt, Willow has a hard time saying no. Saying yes to solve this missing person case means spending time with her ex-boyfriend.

Book bloggers have been excited for this novel for a long time, and their anticipation caught my attention. I knew I had to read it. I'm so glad I did. Becky Wade's characters swept me off my feet with their real-life-relatable struggles and interesting lives. The story had a good pace, and I enjoyed the character growth as well. Honestly, it warmed my heart so much that I don't think there was a part that I didn't like.

If you enjoy romance with a touch of light mystery, Falling for You is a must-read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Falling for You is the newest novel in the Bradford Sisters series. I absolutely loved this addition.!!
This novel focuses on Willow Bradford, a model, who comes home to run the family inn while her parents are away. During her time at home, a missing persons case reconnects her with her ex-boyfriend and former NFL player, Corbin.

Readers get to walk alongside both of the main characters as they get to know each other again as they have to push aside past heartbreaks and failures. They have to learn to forgive each other and most importantly themselves. Yay for second chances!! As a lover of mystery and suspense, I really enjoyed the missing persons aspect of the book. Charlotte, Corbin's niece, has discovered a family secret and enlists Willow and Corbin's help to solve the mystery of the disappearance of a family member many years ago.

I have been a devoted reader of Becky Wade's books for years and loved My Stubborn Heart and the Porter Family series, but she continues to outdo herself with this series. Fans of the series will be happy to get updates on Nora from book one as well as get to know Britt a little better before her story releases next.

I was given a copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
meritxell soria yenez
Willow is a model who is currently on hiatus caring for the family B&B. Corbin is a former NFL player who had to retire due to a career ending injury. Four years after their previous relationship, Willow is angry and unforgiving towards herself and Corbin for how their relationship ended. When Corbin sees Willow again, all he wants to do is get under her skin and break all her rules. Both are Christians. Willow has been a Christian for years, but Corbin is a new Christian trying to figure out his life now. Both have troubled backgrounds and trouble trusting others. Both are brought together by Corbin’s twelve-year-old niece, Charlotte, who is trying to figure out a decades old mystery of a disappearing relative.
While investigating Josephine’s disappearance, there are some heavy adult issues that come up. I appreciated how sensitive the author was when talking about these issues with a twelve year old in the mix. I actually thought that story arch was the most interesting in the book.
I think the book was well-written and I stayed up way too late reading it. I wanted to know what happened. I think it set us up for what I’m hoping the third book will be about.

I received this book for free from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lina suarez
Becky Wade is quickly becoming a favorite author! The relationships between sisters are so dynamic and realistic... but the real gems in the story are the emotion-filled romance and intriguing mystery!

A quaint setting and easily-relatable characters are just the tip of the iceberg with this heart-filled story. Beneath the surface lie layers of unforgiveness, family complexities, a tough faith journey, banter & humor, mystery, and the vulnerabilities of romantic connection.

Falling for You encompasses so many emotions and moments of truth. Just when it seems like the characters are making progress, another layer of Willow and Corbin's past relationship is revealed, increasing the tension and complexity of the story. I love that Becky Wade can make me laugh, cry, and swoon in a matter of pages. Mostly, I love that my own faith can be challenged through story -- and what a lesson it is! For Willow, it's a lesson in trust and forgiveness. For Corbin, a lesson in surrender and waiting. For them both, fully depending on God's strength becomes essential.

I'm looking forward to Britt's story (finally!) next! This story already made me crave chocolate. :)

Thank you to Prism Book Tours and Bethany House for the review copy. This is my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ramaa ramesh
I cannot ever recall having a favorite Becky Wade book.  Of course, if you’ve read my previous reviews on her books you’ll know that I just adore them all!  Falling for You, however, the second full-length Bradford Sisters Romance, changed that.  I absolutely fell in love with Willow and Corbin and their story.

This book tells the story of two exceedingly successful people who share a hurtful past together and who also have very painful pasts apart from one another.  The combined pain has caused trust issues and placed them both in a very vulnerable place where they learn to truly trust God with everything.

Becky Wade’s characters walk right off the page and into your heart.  They are genuine, believable, flawed and scarred…as we all are.  Although I cannot relate to their wealthy lifestyles or their glamorous jobs, I can relate to some of the struggles and concerns that Willow and Corbin have.  Their struggles are real and don’t come with easy answers.

I very much enjoyed the new mystery element in Falling for You.  It was a fantastic addition to Becky Wade’s writing.  The mystery itself and the way it worked into the story were well done and left me wanting more.

The love of Christ is consistently and eloquently shared in each of Becky Wade’s books.  In this book I especially love the raw conversations between Corbin, a new believer, and his unbelieving dad.  Whether a new believer or a mature believer, we can feel ill equipped and scared to share our faith.  These conversations are approached in this book in a way that encourage believers to share and trust God with the outcome. 

It’s always such a joy to see how God works in and through Becky Wade’s books.  I always come away having learned something about God and what He wants of me.  The end of this book drew me right into conversation with my Savior.  When that is your response after reading a fictional book, you know you’ve found a new favorite.

I highly recommend Falling for You.  And if you haven’t read the previous books in this series, I recommend that you begin with the prequel novella, Then Came You.

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Becky Wade and her publisher for sending me a copy of "Falling for You" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me.

If you enjoyed Becky Wade’s novel True to You, you will love her latest effort: Falling for You. It is the second book in the Bradford Sisters Series. Although part of a series, this novel reads well as a standalone. This story follows Willow Bradford, a beautiful model, and her arch nemesis, Corbin Stewart, a former NFL quarterback who usually gets what he wants. The pair is thrust together again when Corbin’s 12 year-old cousin, Charlotte, asks Willow and Corbin to help her solve the mystery of her Great-Aunt Josephine who disappeared in 1977.

This beautiful story is a great kick back on the couch with a cup of tea weekend read. It’s full of twists and turns, friendship, forgiveness and the rekindling of romance. “Falling for You” is a completely satisfying way to pass the time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Becky Wade writes such special books and this one was simply fabulous. There was romance, suspense, and spiritual content. Willow and Corbin had dated and broken up four years before this story took place. I was so anxious to hear what happened to cause the initial breakup between Willow and Corbin that I almost read ahead to find out. I liked Willow. I appreciated that she was a rule follower. I enjoyed learning why she was a rule follower and thought that added depth to the book. Corbin seemed to be Willow's opposite. I enjoyed watching her learn more about him and how he was a good person under the facade that he created. I think I enjoyed the mystery of what happened to Josephine as much as, or even a little more than, the story between Willow and Corbin. It is definitely a two-for-one (romance and mystery) book! I thought Charlotte was a great addition to the story. It was fun to have a twelve-year-old girl in the book.

This is the second book in the Bradford Sisters series, but can be read on it's own. I am very much looking forward to the next book in the series! If you like contemporary Christian fiction, I highly recommend this book. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House in exchange for a review. I was not required to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz hill
This book was amazing as usual. I wouldn't expect anything less from Becky. It's a no-brainer that I will love each book she writes, and this one was no different. Becky introduced a bit of a new element to this book, a decades old mystery of a missing young woman that the two main characters Willow & Corbin join forces to solve to help Corbin's young cousin. Despite their history together(a bad breakup 4 years before) Willow agrees to help Charlotte and Corbin find Charlotte's long missing great aunt. This was such a cool plot and I desperately wanted to see how it ended throughout the whole book. I did try to savor it as much as possible though because we only get one new Becky book a year and I definitely didn't want to buzz through it(although a part of me did!). I loved the characters of Willow and Corbin and seeing their growth through the book. It was wonderful to see Corbin again, after meeting him in the last Porter Family book, "Her One & Only." Charlotte was adorable and I enjoyed getting to see Nora and Britt again. I am so looking forward to Britt's story next spring. Can't wait!!

I received this book from the author and publisher and wasn't required to post a positive review. All thoughts are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh. My. Goodness.
Falling for You is now my favorite of Becky Wade’s novels. Willow and Corbin have a history that ended badly and painfully. They both harbored bitterness and to see them have to let go of that bitterness and forgive each other is beautiful! I think this is my favorite of Becky’s novels because of the mystery of finding the missing woman, Josephine, but also because of the rawness and deep truths that were intertwined throughout the pages. Everything I read, it seemed Becky wrote just for me in the season I’m walking through right now, and I know that is God using this book to minister to me. Corbin and Willow’s story was redemptive. I also enjoyed the levity that Corbin’s personality brought to the table. And don’t get me started on Joe, Corbin’s dad. When he found Christ at the end of his life, all I could do was cry! And I loved the glimpses of John and Nora. I can’t wait for Britt and Zander’s story!
A few of my favorite quotes:
“Many people were to blinded by their own emotions to understand the emotions of others. Not Willow.”
“Facebook is a faux detective’s friend.” SO TRUE!!
“Jesus was the antidote to broken rules.”
“His love wasn’t narrow, the way she’d tried to make it. It was the widest and deepest love there was.”
“I [God] don’t make mistakes.”
“Just because God started you on one path didn’t mean He intended to keep you on that path all your life.”
“It was a person’s stubborn determination to stick by another when things got hard, in the very worst moments, that defined love.”
“God has been giving you enough strength to get through each day. He’s steadying you, Corbin.”
“This God of his was a God who was determined to set broken things right.”
“Corbin knew exactly where his dad was now, and he was holding on to the certainty that he’d see him again one day.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annie h
Falling for You by Becky Wade is a fabulous book. The heroine, Willow Bradford, is a model who is currently working at her parent’s inn and our hero,Corbin Stewart, is a former NFL quarterback recovering from an injury.

I loved the chemistry between Willow and Corbin, the mystery in the story, and the fun elements at the end of each chapter. (letters, texts, conversations, and articles) I enjoyed reading the story, and had a hard time putting the novel down. (The cover is stunning) Willow is a person who is in the process of learning that God is gracious and when He forgives He forgives completely. Something I was glad to be reminded of. Becky weaves faith into her novels seamlessly and I come away knowing the Father’s heart a little more.

I am a huge fan of Becky’s books and Falling for You is my new favorite. Falling For You is the second in the Bradford Sisters series. You can read Falling for You without reading the first book in the series, but I do think the book would be more enjoyable if you had read the first one in the series, True to You, first. I highly recommend this book. I was given this book and not required to write a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anthony stille
Solid narrative with interesting characters who have a good mix of strengths and flaws and who develop over the story arc. The plot involves an intriguing mystery that kept me interested from beginning to end. There's a nice balance between character, plot, romance, and faith in this inspirational tale. I connected on multiple levels with Willow, I suspect in large part to sharing many of her first-born-child tendencies. Interestingly, while I related to Willow, Corbin is very much outside the mold of what I would consider my kind of guy. Despite that, the connection between them as characters definitely worked for me, and I think that's because Wade did such a nice job of portraying their chemistry, their struggles, and their experiences as characters.

I appreciate how Wade incorporated the secondary characters, offering opportunities to revisit the romance between sister Nora and her beau, John, from the first and much loved book, "True to You". Wade also provided new tidbits to stir my interest for younger sister Britt's story that should come next in the series. More than these romantic nods that I so adore, was my enjoyment catching glimpses of the strong sisterly bonds of affection, accountability, and support that were wonderfully woven throughout. And the character of Joe, Corbin's father, completely stole me heart.

The strongest feature for me of this story was the faith elements. Strong themes of forgiveness and redemption are revealed in many ways throughout the narrative. The faith struggles of the characters were, admittedly, harsh and uncomfortable to read about at times because of past choices the characters made. Yet it all felt realistic and authentic. This can be particularly tricky, I think, in the context of something that happens toward the end - and I don't wish to give spoilers - but for me certain plot points can be more difficult to get swept up in because there's a recognition at some level that all these story elements have been devised by the author and thus "work out" as he or she deems to write them. But this particular scene toward the end felt spot on, to the point that I experienced tender emotions similar to what I'd have had the scenario happened to real people. The portrayals here communicate well that no matter how tough life gets, whether through consequences of choices made or simply because of living in a broken world, God pursues with a relentless love, and he is able to redeem all things and help us overcome.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Willow is a model who is currently on hiatus caring for the family B&B. Corbin is a former NFL player who had to retire due to a career ending injury. Four years after their previous relationship, Willow is angry and unforgiving towards herself and Corbin for how their relationship ended. When Corbin sees Willow again, all he wants to do is get under her skin and break all her rules. Both are Christians. Willow has been a Christian for years, but Corbin is a new Christian trying to figure out his life now. Both have troubled backgrounds and trouble trusting others. Both are brought together by Corbin’s twelve-year-old niece, Charlotte, who is trying to figure out a decades old mystery of a disappearing relative.
While investigating Josephine’s disappearance, there are some heavy adult issues that come up. I appreciated how sensitive the author was when talking about these issues with a twelve year old in the mix. I actually thought that story arch was the most interesting in the book.
I think the book was well-written and I stayed up way too late reading it. I wanted to know what happened. I think it set us up for what I’m hoping the third book will be about.

I received this book for free from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tadd farmer
Becky Wade is quickly becoming a favorite author! The relationships between sisters are so dynamic and realistic... but the real gems in the story are the emotion-filled romance and intriguing mystery!

A quaint setting and easily-relatable characters are just the tip of the iceberg with this heart-filled story. Beneath the surface lie layers of unforgiveness, family complexities, a tough faith journey, banter & humor, mystery, and the vulnerabilities of romantic connection.

Falling for You encompasses so many emotions and moments of truth. Just when it seems like the characters are making progress, another layer of Willow and Corbin's past relationship is revealed, increasing the tension and complexity of the story. I love that Becky Wade can make me laugh, cry, and swoon in a matter of pages. Mostly, I love that my own faith can be challenged through story -- and what a lesson it is! For Willow, it's a lesson in trust and forgiveness. For Corbin, a lesson in surrender and waiting. For them both, fully depending on God's strength becomes essential.

I'm looking forward to Britt's story (finally!) next! This story already made me crave chocolate. :)

Thank you to Prism Book Tours and Bethany House for the review copy. This is my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mykel x simmons
I cannot ever recall having a favorite Becky Wade book.  Of course, if you’ve read my previous reviews on her books you’ll know that I just adore them all!  Falling for You, however, the second full-length Bradford Sisters Romance, changed that.  I absolutely fell in love with Willow and Corbin and their story.

This book tells the story of two exceedingly successful people who share a hurtful past together and who also have very painful pasts apart from one another.  The combined pain has caused trust issues and placed them both in a very vulnerable place where they learn to truly trust God with everything.

Becky Wade’s characters walk right off the page and into your heart.  They are genuine, believable, flawed and scarred…as we all are.  Although I cannot relate to their wealthy lifestyles or their glamorous jobs, I can relate to some of the struggles and concerns that Willow and Corbin have.  Their struggles are real and don’t come with easy answers.

I very much enjoyed the new mystery element in Falling for You.  It was a fantastic addition to Becky Wade’s writing.  The mystery itself and the way it worked into the story were well done and left me wanting more.

The love of Christ is consistently and eloquently shared in each of Becky Wade’s books.  In this book I especially love the raw conversations between Corbin, a new believer, and his unbelieving dad.  Whether a new believer or a mature believer, we can feel ill equipped and scared to share our faith.  These conversations are approached in this book in a way that encourage believers to share and trust God with the outcome. 

It’s always such a joy to see how God works in and through Becky Wade’s books.  I always come away having learned something about God and what He wants of me.  The end of this book drew me right into conversation with my Savior.  When that is your response after reading a fictional book, you know you’ve found a new favorite.

I highly recommend Falling for You.  And if you haven’t read the previous books in this series, I recommend that you begin with the prequel novella, Then Came You.

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lindsay maher
First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Becky Wade and her publisher for sending me a copy of "Falling for You" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me.

If you enjoyed Becky Wade’s novel True to You, you will love her latest effort: Falling for You. It is the second book in the Bradford Sisters Series. Although part of a series, this novel reads well as a standalone. This story follows Willow Bradford, a beautiful model, and her arch nemesis, Corbin Stewart, a former NFL quarterback who usually gets what he wants. The pair is thrust together again when Corbin’s 12 year-old cousin, Charlotte, asks Willow and Corbin to help her solve the mystery of her Great-Aunt Josephine who disappeared in 1977.

This beautiful story is a great kick back on the couch with a cup of tea weekend read. It’s full of twists and turns, friendship, forgiveness and the rekindling of romance. “Falling for You” is a completely satisfying way to pass the time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Becky Wade writes such special books and this one was simply fabulous. There was romance, suspense, and spiritual content. Willow and Corbin had dated and broken up four years before this story took place. I was so anxious to hear what happened to cause the initial breakup between Willow and Corbin that I almost read ahead to find out. I liked Willow. I appreciated that she was a rule follower. I enjoyed learning why she was a rule follower and thought that added depth to the book. Corbin seemed to be Willow's opposite. I enjoyed watching her learn more about him and how he was a good person under the facade that he created. I think I enjoyed the mystery of what happened to Josephine as much as, or even a little more than, the story between Willow and Corbin. It is definitely a two-for-one (romance and mystery) book! I thought Charlotte was a great addition to the story. It was fun to have a twelve-year-old girl in the book.

This is the second book in the Bradford Sisters series, but can be read on it's own. I am very much looking forward to the next book in the series! If you like contemporary Christian fiction, I highly recommend this book. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House in exchange for a review. I was not required to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brigitta beata
I read the first book in this series and although I enjoyed the setting and the writing style, the main character drove me crazy and I had a few issues with her decisions.

This book was much better than the first in my opinion.I really loved Willow and related to her compulsion to shop when she felt stressed. I also loved the relationship she had with Corbin.

Willow works through issues of her past and finding forgiveness. This was a wonderful lesson as many Christian women struggle with looking perfect to the world.

Willow’s grandmother was one of my favorite characters because she wasn’t the cliche’d image of a loving, doting grandmother. She was grumpy and not afraid to share her opinions.

There was a great mystery included in the story that really added to my enjoyment of the book.

I’m eager for the next book in the series as I love Britt and can’t wait to see her story.

My Rating: 4 stars

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my review. All thoughts and opinion are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison jones
This book was amazing as usual. I wouldn't expect anything less from Becky. It's a no-brainer that I will love each book she writes, and this one was no different. Becky introduced a bit of a new element to this book, a decades old mystery of a missing young woman that the two main characters Willow & Corbin join forces to solve to help Corbin's young cousin. Despite their history together(a bad breakup 4 years before) Willow agrees to help Charlotte and Corbin find Charlotte's long missing great aunt. This was such a cool plot and I desperately wanted to see how it ended throughout the whole book. I did try to savor it as much as possible though because we only get one new Becky book a year and I definitely didn't want to buzz through it(although a part of me did!). I loved the characters of Willow and Corbin and seeing their growth through the book. It was wonderful to see Corbin again, after meeting him in the last Porter Family book, "Her One & Only." Charlotte was adorable and I enjoyed getting to see Nora and Britt again. I am so looking forward to Britt's story next spring. Can't wait!!

I received this book from the author and publisher and wasn't required to post a positive review. All thoughts are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rita amado
Oh. My. Goodness.
Falling for You is now my favorite of Becky Wade’s novels. Willow and Corbin have a history that ended badly and painfully. They both harbored bitterness and to see them have to let go of that bitterness and forgive each other is beautiful! I think this is my favorite of Becky’s novels because of the mystery of finding the missing woman, Josephine, but also because of the rawness and deep truths that were intertwined throughout the pages. Everything I read, it seemed Becky wrote just for me in the season I’m walking through right now, and I know that is God using this book to minister to me. Corbin and Willow’s story was redemptive. I also enjoyed the levity that Corbin’s personality brought to the table. And don’t get me started on Joe, Corbin’s dad. When he found Christ at the end of his life, all I could do was cry! And I loved the glimpses of John and Nora. I can’t wait for Britt and Zander’s story!
A few of my favorite quotes:
“Many people were to blinded by their own emotions to understand the emotions of others. Not Willow.”
“Facebook is a faux detective’s friend.” SO TRUE!!
“Jesus was the antidote to broken rules.”
“His love wasn’t narrow, the way she’d tried to make it. It was the widest and deepest love there was.”
“I [God] don’t make mistakes.”
“Just because God started you on one path didn’t mean He intended to keep you on that path all your life.”
“It was a person’s stubborn determination to stick by another when things got hard, in the very worst moments, that defined love.”
“God has been giving you enough strength to get through each day. He’s steadying you, Corbin.”
“This God of his was a God who was determined to set broken things right.”
“Corbin knew exactly where his dad was now, and he was holding on to the certainty that he’d see him again one day.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved True to You and couldn’t wait to read Willow and Corbin’s story in Falling for You! I couldn’t help but get excited by the prospect of a good mystery when Corbin’s niece, Charlotte, asked both him and Willow to help her solve the case of a missing family member. As they’re repeatedly thrown together during the investigation, Corbin and Willow had a lot of emotional baggage to unpack and peace to be made between them. I really appreciated how they were able to work through their past mistakes while building a better, stronger foundation for their relationship. I could really relate to Willow’s struggle with forgiving herself for her past mistakes, and I feel like it’s something that we all struggle with at times. It’s such an important part of our growth as Christians, and I love the way that Becky Wade wove it into such a beautiful love story!

Now I’m eagerly awaiting Britt’s story next in Sweet on You! I received a copy of this book from Bethany House through NetGalley and am under no obligation to post a positive review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackie butler marquis
Falling for You by Becky Wade is a fabulous book. The heroine, Willow Bradford, is a model who is currently working at her parent’s inn and our hero,Corbin Stewart, is a former NFL quarterback recovering from an injury.

I loved the chemistry between Willow and Corbin, the mystery in the story, and the fun elements at the end of each chapter. (letters, texts, conversations, and articles) I enjoyed reading the story, and had a hard time putting the novel down. (The cover is stunning) Willow is a person who is in the process of learning that God is gracious and when He forgives He forgives completely. Something I was glad to be reminded of. Becky weaves faith into her novels seamlessly and I come away knowing the Father’s heart a little more.

I am a huge fan of Becky’s books and Falling for You is my new favorite. Falling For You is the second in the Bradford Sisters series. You can read Falling for You without reading the first book in the series, but I do think the book would be more enjoyable if you had read the first one in the series, True to You, first. I highly recommend this book. I was given this book and not required to write a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle maye
Solid narrative with interesting characters who have a good mix of strengths and flaws and who develop over the story arc. The plot involves an intriguing mystery that kept me interested from beginning to end. There's a nice balance between character, plot, romance, and faith in this inspirational tale. I connected on multiple levels with Willow, I suspect in large part to sharing many of her first-born-child tendencies. Interestingly, while I related to Willow, Corbin is very much outside the mold of what I would consider my kind of guy. Despite that, the connection between them as characters definitely worked for me, and I think that's because Wade did such a nice job of portraying their chemistry, their struggles, and their experiences as characters.

I appreciate how Wade incorporated the secondary characters, offering opportunities to revisit the romance between sister Nora and her beau, John, from the first and much loved book, "True to You". Wade also provided new tidbits to stir my interest for younger sister Britt's story that should come next in the series. More than these romantic nods that I so adore, was my enjoyment catching glimpses of the strong sisterly bonds of affection, accountability, and support that were wonderfully woven throughout. And the character of Joe, Corbin's father, completely stole me heart.

The strongest feature for me of this story was the faith elements. Strong themes of forgiveness and redemption are revealed in many ways throughout the narrative. The faith struggles of the characters were, admittedly, harsh and uncomfortable to read about at times because of past choices the characters made. Yet it all felt realistic and authentic. This can be particularly tricky, I think, in the context of something that happens toward the end - and I don't wish to give spoilers - but for me certain plot points can be more difficult to get swept up in because there's a recognition at some level that all these story elements have been devised by the author and thus "work out" as he or she deems to write them. But this particular scene toward the end felt spot on, to the point that I experienced tender emotions similar to what I'd have had the scenario happened to real people. The portrayals here communicate well that no matter how tough life gets, whether through consequences of choices made or simply because of living in a broken world, God pursues with a relentless love, and he is able to redeem all things and help us overcome.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom rodriguez
With Willow Bradford and Corbin Stewart, Becky Wade has created a chemistry that brings to life the inexplicable attraction that sends your heart pattering and your thoughts swirling.

By drawing the reader into the characters' imperfect lives, broken hearts, and stubborn souls, the author has made an international model and a superstar professional quarterback relatable - and that, in itself, is a hallmark of good writing.

The dialogue is smart and wry, and Falling for You is the kind of book I don't want to end (except then I'd never get to read Britt and Zander's story, which I'm eagerly awaiting).

The references to the Sinner's Prayer don't resonate with me, but the portrayal of God's steadfast love and forgiveness were well done. Corbin's attempts to share his newfound faith with his dad were both real and humorous.

Sizzling romance, heart-wrenching loss, and a faith theme woven throughout the story make Falling for You a stand-out Christian romance. A touch of mystery and epistolary chapter endings only add to the reading pleasure.

(I received a review copy from the publisher. Opinions are my own.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
crystal kimberlin
This is the second book in the Bradford Sisters Romance series. I am captivated by Willow and Corbin's story. The first time around they did not have a perfect romance and the problems that lay before them are still there. I love the tension, the choices they have had to make.

There is a fun aspect to this book that makes it different from some other of Becky Wade books. In this book there is a mystery that brings Corbin and Willow together. This will keep you on your seats as well as watching what is developing between the two.

Becky Wade is seriously a master at contemporary romance. Each time I pick up one of her books I am drawn into the story and find myself looking for each opportunity to read. I get hooked in her books.

Even beyond the suspense and romance--I really love the relationship with the three sisters. It's like Little Women for modern readers, in the sense that the relationships between the sisters is at least half of the story woven in between the lines.

I highly recommend this book (and the series) to others.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna gandy
Wade does it again with this contemporary romance. In fact, I think she just keeps getting better. I've noticed a shift in her writing from character driven to plot driven, and it's only added depth to her writing which I already loved. The story Corbin and Willow are chasing down keeps readers hooked, as does the the chemistry between them. Wade is masterful at moving from moments brimming with depth and seriousness, to ones of easy banter that has you smiling and laughing right along with the characters in the book. I enjoy the sense of humor Wade continues to show on the page. Through it all she weaves the beautiful truth of God in ways that all readers can relate to. She's never heavy-handed with her faith, but neither does she shy away from it, and that lends authenticity to her characters as well. Faith is often seen best in the simple living of our lives rather than in preaching it loudly, and Wade demonstrates this with a deft hand. Truly another amazing book by Becky Wade.

***I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review. All opinions expressed are my own.***
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
toni heinowski
Everyone keeps telling me that I have to read Becky Wade’s books. I have tried two of them before, but they were not my cup of tea. A couple of years have passed and after hearing so much good things about Falling for You, I decided to try this one, but . . . I didn’t like Willow from the start and that didn’t change the further I read. Her thoughts drove me mad. I think Charlotte was the cutest character in the story. Corbin was ok, but not my kind of hero. I know the author has many fans and I’m glad she has a big reading audience that loves her books, but I’m not one of them – mainly because I don’t like her characters, but her writing style is good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my first experience reading a book by Becky Wade. I had high hopes because of how beautiful the covers of her books are. My expectations were exceeded when I read the book. The characters are charming, funny, and so real. I wanted to have them as my friends. They weren't surface but deep. The story took twists and turns that kept me interested. I loved the tension between Corbin and Willow. I was rooting for them and wanting them to love each other. I struggled with some of the text/email/message content between chapters.  I found it confusing some of the time. I wondered if it was necessary. But I LOVED THIS STORY! It's a fast read. One where you stay up way too late at night to keep reading... "just one more chapter!" It's romantic, funny, mysterious, and just so fun. I can't wait to check out some of Becky Wade's other books.

I received a copy of this book from Bethany Publishers as a member of their blogger program. I was in no way obligated to write a positive review. All opinions stated here are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoy old loves being rekindled and this one definitely did not disappoint. The depth of feeling between Willow and Corbin is tangible, heavy with the anger of past disappointment and loss, yet ripe with the still-present attraction. I loved the sparks between the two, the snarky dialogue, the witty banter, and the wearing down of walls between them.  Their chemistry is undeniable for the very first moment they are thrust together. Just delicious!

One of the things I love about Wade's writing is the secondary characters and how they help to develop the overall plot and characterization of the hero and heroine. Each character helps Willow grow throughout the book and face herself...her fears, mistakes, her outward self verses her inward self.

There is a beautiful theme of forgiveness in this book - forgiving oneself and forgiving others. Wade beautifully weaves God's truths into these character's past hurts and sins, creating a beautiful blanket of hope and renewal and ultimately love. Falling for You is a heart-palpitating romance with unforgettable characters. Willow and Corbin are definitely a yummy couple.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Falling for You by Becky Wade
Bradford Sisters Series Book Two
Willow Bradford, the eldest Bradford sister, has taken a break from modeling to help run the family's B&B while her folks are off on a mission trip. She's hoping that when she goes back to modeling—the burn-out will be gone. What she doesn't expect is meeting up with the biggest mistake of her past.

Corbin Stewart didn't expect to leave the NFL any way but on his own terms. It didn't happen that way. Instead, he is an injured ex-football quarterback. At least he found a wonderful house to renovate with his dad. And then, his adorable niece asks him for a huge favor that leads his life down a new path.

I love this series, even though I cry through parts of them. This one brings out how as Christians, we still face struggles. It's not always easy to forgive—others or ourselves. Christians are human and we fail. Willow's path is such; filled with unforgiveness and bitterness that she needs to allow God to remove from her.
**Tissue alert
**Received from NetGalley for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura wuerstl
In this sequel to True To You, Willow Bradford must face her past when her ex-boyfriend shows back up in her life. Corbin Stewart is cajoled to recruit Willow as an investigator into a family mystery by his almost-niece, Charlotte. The three of them team up to figure out what happened in Charlotte's family.
Willow and Corbin are a study in opposites. Willow is a rule-following people-pleaser. Corbin is used to charming his way into getting what he wants with no care for the rules. The sparks between the two are hot, but their past still haunts them.
I loved this book. The characters were charming and endearing. I love that this series continues from book to book, though each can be read alone. It was fun to read as the characters grew and changed in their relationships to God, others and themselves.
I definitely recommend this book.
A free copy of the book was provided to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I really did like this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian johnston
This is a compelling and intriguing Christian romance with an interesting mystery to add to the story. I enjoyed reading Corbin and Willow’s story. Both are very “real” characters who have their flaws and have made their mistakes. I absolutely loved Willow, and I’m hoping we get to meet her again in another book in this series. The supporting cast of characters fit their place perfectly in the story.

The theme of this book is forgiveness, faith, redemption, and second chances. Becky Wade has done a fabulous job illustrating all of these aspects throughout the storyline. Following this series about the Bradford sisters is a delight. I’m glad there’s still more to be added the stories of Nora, Britt, and Willow. I’ll be eagerly watching and waiting for the next book.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary finlay
I love the Bradford sisters series! I fell in love Nora and John in the first book and loved Willow from the start.

Willow is taking a much needed break from being a model. Although you wouldn’t know that she is a model. She eats and doesn’t really care about her self image. She is the product of a fling between her dad and mom but her mom isn’t in the picture. She strives to be more than her mom and not like her.

Corbin is a NFL quarterback who injuries himself and it is career ending. He is in Washington to get the right surgery and right therapy that he may be able to possibly play again.

Willow and Corbin know each other in fact they once were dating to the point that Willow thought Corbin wanted more. Together with his niece Charlotte, they sent out to try and solve a decades old missing person case. Willow and Corbin fall back into their playful banter and flirtiness. So much that it cause Willow to buy lots of things from pottery barn. ? I love how Willow is so real and I feel like I could just pull up a chair and have a conversation with her.

Can Willow and Corbin put the pieces together to solve the case for Charlotte? Can they become more? Will Corbin be able to play in the NFL again? Will Willow go back to modeling or will she finally come home and find that it is enough?

I can’t wait for Britt and Zander’s story!

4 out of 5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Argh! You’ve done it again, Magoo [read: Becky]! You made me fall in love with these characters and their stories. Even crusty old Joe stole my heart. The love story, the mystery of the missing persons cold case, the reconciliation theme, the Bradford family.... Each piece just drew me in and made me want to visit Shore Pine and the Inn at Bradfordwood. Walk the forest trail to the inlet with Corbin and Willow. Stop by Nora’s historical village to catch up (she was my absolute FAVORITE book character last year). Try Britt’s chocolate confections - and gently knock some sense into her about Zander. Ask Charlotte for some random whale trivia. I can’t wait to see the Bradfords again with Britt’s story!!

P.S. Is there any chance that book 3 includes Corbin and Willow’s wedding, where fellow Mustang Gray and his lady love, Dru Porter, might make an appearance? I’m in Porter family withdrawal.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jane ck
3.5 stars. Good story. I feel like this struggled with its identity. Was it going to be a romance or a mystery? I feel like the romance was the stronger of the two parts, but neither was all it could have been for my preferences. The story did a good job of acknowledging the weirdness of a model and a football player trying to solve a 40 year old missing person's case, which I appreciated because it felt like an odd set up to me all the way through the story. Nice themes of forgiveness and second chances, but the faith pieces didn't click for me like some other Christian fiction I have read lately. I did not read the first book before this one, but I don't feel like there were any gaps in the story because of that. I liked this enough that I would consider reading the first one.

I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
olivia mackenzie
Falling For You ( A Bradford Sisters Romance Book #2 ) By: Becky Wade
Falling For You is book two in A Bradford Sisters Romance Series. Wow, This series just keeps getting better and better. Becky Wade did not disappoint. A beautiful love story about a model ,Willow, and a Former NFL quarterback ,Corbin. Corbin is a man that Willow wants to hate , and Willow is a lady that Corbin has always loved. I laughed and cried in this beautiful love story. I could not read fast enough to see what was going to happen next. There is also a decades mystery that needs solving. Can these two work together to try and help solve this mystery, or will it tear them further apart? I cannot wait for book three in A Bradford Sisters Romance.
I was given a complimentary copy of this book by the author and Bethany House Publishers, but was not told that I had to give a positive review. all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maureen family
I am a Becky Wade fan. Her contemporary romances are real and deal with real issues and wounded people.

I loved this book and the romance that bloomed between Willow and Corbin.

It would seem Willow has the perfect life and that is actually what has lead her down some paths that have been twisted.

Corbin has his own brokenness but with Christ he sees there is redemption.

Then there is the mystery that is thrown in there, and I love a good mystery. So with Becky Wade I am getting a hot romance and intense mystery as well.

If you like a good contemporary romance that doesn’t shy away from the brokenness in the world around and the temptations that come crashing our way then I am sure you will love this book.

A copy of this book was given to me by the publisher. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy guilbert
"Falling for You" embodies everything difficult about relationships. The desperate longing, but need to hide our less than ideal selves, protect ourselves from being hurt, all of it and then some. Becky Wade does an excellent job writing from the two main characters, Willow and Corbin, points of view. Switching back and forth between them gives us just enough behind-the-scenes glimpses at what is really going on in their hearts and minds, but leave us hanging just enough to keep reading late into the night. I love how solving a mystery is intertwined amidst the romance storyline and the characters are written so well, you feel for them, root for them, and share in their frustrations, even though they are a supermodel and star quarterback. They are just so relatable!
Can't wait for the next in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Becky Wade has done it again--what a fantastic book!! We were introduced to Colin in "True to You" and just that little peak had me waiting impatiently for this book. Willow is the oldest of the three Bradford sisters and the focus of this story. Willow and Colin had a passionate relationship that ended with hurt feelings and mistrust between the two of them four years prior. The love and care that existed between them never vanished or lessened over the years and now they have a shot at starting over. They are brought together by Colin's young niece, Charlotte, who ask Willow to help her solve a family secret. Colin embraces the chance to win Willow back and his character is totally swoon-worthy!! The mystery and the journey back to love for Willow and Colin are such a satisfying journey. I loved the entire story--I hated only that it had to end! Great job, Becky!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deirdre keating
One thing I love about contemporary fiction is that it deals with such real issues. None of this, "Oh dear, I'm a titled aristocrat but I have no patience for the whims of the aristocracy and long for meaningful connection with a man who loves me for my heart not my title." (Although in fairness, Willow is a minor celebrity with a major bank account, which pretty much makes her a modern day aristocrat.) Willow Bradford has the perfect life but secret mistakes from her past haunt her. Abandoned by her mother at a young age, Willow has always set out to deserve love by being a good girl and following the rules. I loved how Wade weaved in Willow's struggles with admitting her need for grace and then accepting it. I don't appreciate preachiness in Christian fiction, but Wade does it so well that I hardly even notice. And her theology is so timely and spot-on that I want to applaud after every paragraph!

This book isn't all heavy-hitting though. Wade is also a master at creating likeable, relatable characters, penning some of the best banter in Christian fiction today, and crafting romance that leaves you breathless. I didn't love this book as much as Nora's story in True to You, mostly just because I identified with Nora SO strongly, but it's still going on my keeper shelf, and I'll recommend it to everyone I know! Now to wait another year for Britt's story . . .

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
koi n
Falling for You is the 2nd of the Bradford Sisters Romance series. I will say that I was excited yet tentative going into this book because I absolutely loved the first book. Initially I was not drawn to Willow (Love the name!) and Corbin. Willow's bitterness and Corbin's personality of "I'm all that." put me off a bit. But as the story went on and they grew as individuals I became to appreciate them both. The mystery element of the book was definitely a secondary aspect of the story but it is one I wanted to figure out and I could not. And nope, not even mentioning a word of what happened so that I don't spoil the surprise. :) While I still hold to my thought that the first book of this series was Becky Wade's best work ever (my opinion only) I will say that after reading this book I am anxiously awaiting the third book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Falling For You is book two in A Bradford Sisters series by Becky Wade. Falling For You is a wonderful work of fiction by Becky Wade. Characters and a story line that you are sure to love. If you love romance than this is the book for you. I couldn’t help but fall head over heals for Willow and Corbin as there story unfolded. This book is an excellent read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a great book! Becky Wade writes chemistry like no other and this book has it in spades! I love the mystery that Willow and Corbin are working to solve together - it keeps you guessing. I couldn't put this book down and I can't wait until the next book in this series!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
* Bethany House Publishers provided me with this book in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed the authors style of writing and her way with words. I personally didn't find the story line extremely appealing and felt it was quite predictable. It sometimes felt like the only driving force behind them getting back together was their physical attraction. If you enjoy Christian romance and a light summer read, this may be the book for you. However, if you are drawn to a good mystery, this will likely be a letdown.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexander sardanov
Loved it!! I absolutely couldn’t put it down. Wonderful messages throughout of redemption and of the Father’s love for us. I think I say this in every book of Becky’s, but wonderful storyline and rich characters. I am loving this series and look forward to reading Brit’s story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Willow Bradford hasn't forgiven Corbin for the way their relationship ended 4 years ago. Now they are forced to work together and he is determined to win her back. As Willow begins to fall for Corbin again she realizes that maybe she hasn't forgiven herself. This was a great story about forgiveness, second chances, and never giving up hope.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
laura albert
FALLING FOR YOU is Becky Wade's newest book. Becky Wade is a hugely popular author and I've tried her books a couple times, but just can't get into them. I was planning on passing on this one, but my sixteen year old daughter also heard great things about Becky Wade and wanted to try it. I don't want to influence her taste, so I told her she had to review it. She agreed.

Said daughter's review: "It's all telling. She doesn't show. I can't get into it." Book tossed down on my desk. Might I add said daughter is an avid reader and she reads almost everything that crosses her path?

Um. And I'm supposed to come up with a seventy-five word review from that? So I picked the book up. I really really really wanted to like it because Ms. Wade IS a hugely popular author and well, super models and football players, cute little tween girls and a family mystery -- what isn't to like?

Said daughter was right. It was all telling. I couldn't into it either and I did try. Really I did. Ms. Wade writes well, but the characters were distant, and even though they were flawed, I couldn't find myself liking them. The tween girl seemed the best developed of the book.

Don't listen to my thoughts though. Read the over 100 five star reviews and think about how wonderful Ms. Wade is. I am probably one of the few people who just don't get it.

If you like football heroes, super models and long hidden family secrets -- not to mention drama -- you will likely love Becky Wade's FALLING FOR YOU.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is both lovely and amazing. Lovely for the descriptions of the characters, locations, and even the food. Amazing for the path the characters take in their various journeys of love, forgiveness, and redemption.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been looking forward to reading this book ever since I finished the first book in the series. Since I don't have any sisters, I have enjoyed the closeness of sisters vicariously by reading these books! I love the relationship these 3 sisters have and wish I had sisters! This book, however, is about Willow....the international super model. Everyone thinks she's got it made. She's gorgeous, she is wealthy, has a great family and WAS dating a famous NFL quarterback....until she wasn't. At first, I sort of didn't like Willow! I know, that doesn't sound very nice but it was solely on the fact that I didn't like the way she treat Corbin, the NFL Quarterback! She was fine when she was just with her family but whenever she was with Corbin, I didn't like the way she treated him. I knew they had broken up and I didn't know the reasons until later but still, I thought, "why can't she be civil to the man?" She was so nice and gracious to everyone else, why not him? Oh, the reasons come as the story unfolds! Another reason, just like real life, that we shouldn't judge because we never know what someone has truly been through! I have to give Corbin an A+ for his determination because he never gave up in his quest to win back Willow! I would have quit a long time ago but he never gave up! He was definitely, "long suffering"!!!!

So many takeaways in this book....forgiveness (of oneself and others), true love and what it really means, never giving up on someone (especially a family member) and others that are hard to put into words. As others have mentioned in their reviews, there is also a mystery involved and that was interesting to follow! It didn't have anything to do with Willow but Corbin's niece asked her if she would help and she did. Just a fantastic book all the way around. So much heart - you'll be thinking of the characters long after you finish the book! Pick up a copy and be prepared to enter the world of the Bradford sisters, once again! You'll be glad you did!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jade craven
Becky Wade makes it so easy to love her characters and to want them to get their HEA. This is a great addition to the Bradford Sisters series. They are out in force and play a key roles in this installment. They are a wonderful support to Willow. Equal parts romance and mystery, Becky does a fabulous job of interweaving them together. You get just as caught up in solving young Charlotte's case as you do in Corbin and Willow's relationship. Both are complicated and just unpredictable enough to keep you interested. Corbin is a good hero. Willow is a good heroine. They have a complicated past that isn't glossed over. Rather, they deal with it slowly and believably. There is a spiritual element but it's not particularly preachy or religious. A superb treatment of overcoming past sins, accepting divine forgiveness, and enjoying a fresh beginning. I received an ARC to review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was a delight to revisit the Bradford's through Willow's story.
All the characters are fun, charming and endearing. I was
excited to get the chance to revisit them.

To be honest I loved the cover of True To You book 1 in the series.
But this cover just 'got me'. It drew me in and I wanted to turn the pages!

Becky Wade has a way of providing us with a little more than a sweet clean Contemporary Romance. Becky includes some interesting twists with stories that have a bit of mystery.

In Falling For You Willow is thrust back into an acquaintance with Corbin through his pseudo 13 year old niece who has a
secret and mystery to solve.
Neither Corbin nor Willow want to be 'involved' again after a bad break up but Corbin can't say no to Charlotte and once Willow
meets Charlotte she too is torn.

The story moves along at a good pace and you'll be turning the pages as things get interesting and the tension between Corbin
and Willow heats up.

Corbin and Willow struggle to get past the issues and the hurt they caused each other in the past and they each have 'thing's that pull at them and cause them to question themselves and how they feel about each other.

Falling for You is a great Christian Romance that will have you turning the pages and wanting read the rest of this series.

Following this review you'll find links to the authors website and you can read excerpts and get more info. on the series.

I received a complimentary copy from Baker Publishing.
Please RateFalling for You (A Bradford Sisters Romance Book #2)
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