Love Irresistibly (FBI/US Attorney Book 4)

ByJulie James

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love Julie James books! I stumbled onto "Just the Sexiest Man Alive" in 2008 or 2009, and it was an entertaining and fun novel; since then I have read every book she has published and have enjoyed them all. With that being said-"Love Irresisibily" is by far my favorite. I can't quite put my finger on what exactly made this book the perfect package...As pointed out in other reviews, the characters are likable, and relatable. The story is well written. The emotion felt realistic. I laughed out loud at some of the texting exhanges between the 2 main characters Cade and Brooke. I just don't know what it was about this book specifically that made it even better than not only the other Julie James books (which as I said earlier are great) but also better than many of my other beloved authors! This book is a must read, maybe even more than once!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I would rank Julie James' writing up there with Jennifer Crusie, who I believe writes the wittiest and smartest romance genre novels out there! The literary field has another contender for the validity of romance novels as a major cultural theory.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Julie James' writing is so funny with real characters you can relate to. If you want to laugh out loud, smile inwardly, and swoon then you need to pick up this book. Is there a real man like Cade out there? He draws you a bath, cooks dinner for you, makes you smile, helps with your work without making you feel dependent on him, has an eight pack, and hits all the right places? Oh please, oh please be real! Hmmm,yummy. (Currently licking lips)
The Garner Files: A Memoir :: Practice Makes Perfect (Berkley Sensation) :: A Lot Like Love (FBI/US Attorney Book 2) :: Just the Sexiest Man Alive (Berkley Sensation) :: Falling for You (A Bradford Sisters Romance Book #2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love Julie James' books and this one certainly lives up to her reputation. A great story, great characters in Cade (even though he put my Twitter terrorist in harm's way) and Brooke (a hard driving lawyer, sadly lacking in her social life). I got this book yesterday and had it finished by evening. I hope that Ms. James has another book on the way soon.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
While I truly appreciate the non-silliness of the H/H, there was no great drama as there was in Something About you. At $7.99, I was hoping for more. In addition, the factual errors of opening champagne bottles with corkscrews grated. Clearly, Ms. James has never opened a champagne bottle which has a distinctive mushroom-shaped cork and is simply finessed out with the hands. An editor should have caught that. I don't think I'll be buying any more Julie James books.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
tanya mackay
The book started out okay, but I started getting bored a quarter way through it. And it didn't get any better. I thought it would involve the case they were working on more and be more suspenseful, but they solved it right away. This was a lot like her last book, there wasn't really anything stopping the two from getting together, they just needed to have an honest conversation.
I guess Julie James has really become hit and miss for me. It seems like she writes the same characters every book, just with different names. When the old characters made appearances in this book, I couldn't remember who was with who because they're all so alike.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
More of the same and disappointingly average. Julie James is loosing her lustre and it's maybe time to move onto something else. The series is getting old. Characters are repetitive, settings, scenes, pretty much the whole caboodle. What really killed it for me was that the characters (not once) but twice reach for corkscrew to open a bottle of champagne. This from an author who in two books back was a mini SME on all things wine. Hm.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becky hoffmann
Originally posted on The Book

Quick summary
Assistant US Attorney Cade Morgan meets Brooke Parker, general counsel for a restaurant company, when he needs to set up a sting at one of her dining locales. Though there's obviously an attraction, her past relationships haven't survived the rigors of her career and he never has progressed beyond casual.

Story dynamics
Though there's an element of suspense centered around the sting, it's minor as the real issues are focused on Cade and Brooke's relationship. It takes a while for the two of them to even admit they were in one. Their friends figured it out before they did. She's smart, driven and operating in a male-dominated arena so she's a challenge for Cade. He's attractive, successful but his normal "Barbie" date allows him to get away with keeping it casual.

What really works
Brooke and Cade's relationship is honest, sexy and steamy. It evolves in spite of the two of them, developing slowly and naturally, which is one of the highlights of the story. Both of them are multi-dimensional characters with lots to like about them individually and as an unconventional couple. Their banter is clever, fresh and fun. When serious challenges arise for both of them, the impact on the two are handled realistically and emotionally. Their reactions will hook you emotionally.

The bottom line
I'm a big fan of this series even though it morphed from romantic suspense to contemporary romance with light elements of suspense. The stories are always well written with carefully designed characters who are incredibly interesting. This one is one of my favorites because of the dialogue, the depths of the characters and the relationship conflicts that ring true and relevant. I breezed through this story and was sorry to reach the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
think Love Irresistibly might be my favorite Julie James book so far. Brooke and Cade are so perfect for each other and compliment each other so perfectly. They help each other grow and be better people. I really loved them together.

Cade is the tough guy who doesn't open up to anyone. When he was young his father wasn't around, and when he did show up the one time he never came back. Because he had been so hopeful that he would have a dad once he showed up and so disappointed when he never came back he has shut himself off from getting that attached to anyone again. He really is just trying to safeguard himself against getting hurt. Of course then his relationships don't last and the girls always tell him it is because he is emotionally unavailable.

Brooke hasn't had much luck in the love department either. She put everything she has into her work. She has always had to work hard for what she has. She grew up in a richer part of town, but her family was not rich. She had to work hard at school to get scholarships to college and do well for herself. Because of that she pushes herself really hard to succeed and won't give up her long hours. She doesn't complain if guys don't take her out a lot because they are busy with work. She understand the demands of a busy job. At first this works well for her, but then the guys get tired of never being able to see her and they end it. So, not wanting to go through that again she is kind of giving up on dating.

When Cade and Brooke meet it was pretty hilarious. Cade is used to getting his way and used to people just doing what he says. Brooke is not one of those people. She does what she wants and she riles up Cade quite a bit. Really they get each other riled up and it is fun. Cade needs Brooke's help on a case and she does eventually help him. Then he owes her, and when they meet to go over that they actually have a nice time and things start to progress from there. Not wanting to get hurt again Brooke looks up rules for casual dating which was awesome. Cade treats here like one of the many which she totally calls him out on. It was great. I loved seeing them together.

Cade tries to keep himself detached, but of course that doesn't work forever. They both help the other with their issues and make them better people. They don't communicate the best by the end, so of course there are some issues that then get resolved. They were just so sweet together and I loved them. My favorite Julie James couple so far.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sunny salo
Cade Morgan, Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA), needs Brooke Parker's help. Brooke is the general counsel for Sterling Restaurants, which is expanding its line into food and beverage vending for large sports complexes. Brooke is very dedicated to - and very, very good at - her job. So she's not happy when Cade Morgan shows up at her office, unannounced, with two F.B.I. agents in tow to "ask" for her assistance.

A corrupt U.S. Senator will be dining at Sterling's flagship restaurant and the F.B.I. needs access to plant a bug at his table in order to catch him accepting a bribe. It's a simple enough operation, and Brooke is happy to help, especially since this impromptu visit isn't because Sterling is in trouble. What she doesn't like is being strong-armed by a ridiculously handsome AUSA.

And so it begins.

Despite a rocky first meeting Cade and Brooke have a lot in common. They're both highly successful lawyers...and maybe looking to have a little fun. Former college football star Cade has just discovered he has a sixteen-year-old half brother who is actually pretty cool, so he has other things than settling down on his mind. After Brooke's latest boyfriend, the Hot OB, informed her she's just not a "big picture" kind of girl she's decided to step back from dating for a while.

It doesn't take long for Brooke and Cade to start casually seeing her, and it doesn't take long for feelings develop. When Brooke is offered a huge opportunity across the country suddenly it becomes time for both Brooke and Cade to put their hearts on the line.

Julie James novels have a formula that includes Chicago settings, witty banter, the law and plenty of steamy bedroom scenes that create smart, sexy books that are plenty of fun. As always, the main and supporting characters are wonderful, and I breezed through Love Irresistibly. I had plenty of laugh-out-loud moments and the storyline including Cade's new brother Zach was both heart-rending and heartwarming. It was my favorite part of the book.

I haven't been disappointed by a Julie James book yet. All the books in the F.B.I./U.S. Attorney series are very satisfying, and I always know I'm in for a great time. This fourth installment was no different. I recommend!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
leona lehar
3.5 Stars

Quick Summary

There are two high power characters. Brooke is all about her job. She works so much that her relationships doesn’t stand a chance. Cade is a typical guy and is interested in Brooke. Brooke warned Cade her work is demanding, but he doesn’t care because Cade doesn’t like to be tied down either. Both are finding it hard to keep everything in a balance.


I didn’t dislike Love Irresistibly, but I felt like it was lacking romance and some nice steam. I liked Brooke and I liked Cade. Brooke at times did come off as a bit too addicting to work, but I guess that’s her problem. I think the one thing that I missed a good interaction between the two characters.

I felt like I got a lot of back story with Brooke and Cade, but tiny hints of interaction and banter. They did go on some dates, they did converse a few times and had some cute and witty texts, but most of the read is with side characters conversing with the main characters.

I didn’t get that.

I think the series is cute and I like how each book is kind of all about the character’s job, so it keeps it really interesting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anthony oliva
Title: Love Irresistibly

Series: US Attorney/FBI bk

Author: Julie James

Genre: Contemporary


A former football star and one of Chicago's top prosecutors, Assistant U.S. Attorney Cade Morgan will do anything to nail a corrupt state senator, which means he needs Brooke Parker's help. As general counsel for a restaurant company, she can get a bug to the senator's table at one of her five-star restaurants so the FBI can eavesdrop on him. All Cade has to do is convince Brooke to cooperate--and he's not afraid to use a little charm, or the power of his office, to do just that.


A savvy businesswoman, Brooke knows she needs to play ball with the U.S. Attorney's office--even if it means working with Cade. No doubt there's a sizzling attraction beneath all their sarcastic quips, but Brooke is determined to keep things casual. Cade agrees--until a surprising turn of events throws his life into turmoil, and he realizes that he wants more than just a good time from the one woman with whom he could fall terrifyingly, irresistibly in love.

I love love love Julie James US Attorney/FBI series. Ever since I discovered the first book in this series Something About You this has been one of my go to series when I need a comfort read. Some books I've loved and re-read so many times I need to replace them.

When Love Irresistibly arrived on my doorstep I have to admit I did the happy dance because I wanted to know about Cade Morgan. And oh man was he awesome.

Cade is one of those characters you can't help but love. In fact I'm pretty sure Rowena over at Book Binge has plans to steal him from Brooke.

Cade and Brooke are great characters. They are confident in who they are as people and in their careers. They have their core group of friends who make their lives just a bit better. When they first get together its nothing serious. Just fun, however as they begin to get to know each other it becomes something more. Something neither one of them expected.

I love how Julie writes love stories. There is no major angst, its simply two people who meet and fall in love. They go about their lives and making room for that one person. They have personal crisis and job opportunities.

I could go on and on about this book, how fantastic it is, how much I love Cade and Brooke together, how much I love the secondary characters and a really awesome scene with my favorite Julie character Jack. Oh we also get to see what Rylann and Kyle are up to.

If you're a fan of Julie's then you won't want to miss this book.

Grade A

Review by: Heather

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary claire
Lawyer Brooke Parker is being hunted by none other than Assistant U.S. Attorney Cade Morgan. He wants to catch a dirty politician making deals and as the general counsel for Sterling Restaurants, she can give him access to the senator's table. Brooke knows it is smart to accommodate his request but she didn't anticipate falling for him.

I like James' novels but many of her heroines and heroes are remarkably similar. They are all married to a high stress job that leaves them little time to find love. The women are intelligent, beautiful and feisty while the men can't commit. Brooke clearly fits this mold. Work is her main priority as she is keenly aware of the sacrifices her family made to help her become a successful lawyer. Her relationships are more about scratching an itch than a partnership and she picks men who have a similar attitude. No wonder these relationships keep failing. Cade has a different problem as although he makes time for dating, he is emotionally unavailable. His father abandoned him when he was young and he has learnt to keep his emotions pretty close to his chest to avoid getting hurt again. He is quite a reactionary character as he is determined to be the opposite of his father.

Their relationship is quite sweet as whenever things get too hot, they both panic and have to re-evaluate what they really want. Brooke spends lots of time obsessing over the impact the relationship is having on the hours she can spend at work while Cade stresses over budding connection with a family member. I enjoyed this secondary plot line. Unfortunately the two don't really communicate much apart from witty one liners and when they are having sex. They seem to exist in their own little bubble and only break out of it when one of them caves and makes a grand gesture. I wanted them to talk and get to know each other more.

One of the things I like about the other books is that there is a huge emphasis on the law. We lose that individuality here as this book firmly focussed on a random company in the corporate world. Corporate life could have been made far more interesting as the little complications that emerged were revolved fairly quickly.

I liked this novel but enjoyed James' other ones more simply because the law aspect helped them stand out from the crowd.
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