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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mada cozmeanu
The thing about reading science fiction is you must be willing to give up preconceived notions about science and accept the writer’s interpretation of the future. However, I had trouble believing that Saturn could be knocked out of orbit and into our own. Mather is a very good writer. (I wish his editor was equally good.) The places, people and events were thoroughly developed and explored. I would not have continued to read all four books if I hadn’t become invested in the lives of the large cast of characters. I wanted to know what would become of them and the planet. I look forward to reading more of his works.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nastassia romanova
The Nomad series is based off of an interesting premise that our solar system is briefly visited by two small rotating black holes. The gravity from the black holes tosses the planets out of their orbits which is a major blow to planet Earth and its living occupants. Conditions are not totally inhospitable to life but it is a challenge. The series up to this point focuses on the survival of Jessica Rollins, a former marine and daughter to Benjamin Rollins, a Harvard astrophysicist that was the first to discover the two black holes known as Nomad. Even though things are rough now for planet Earth, it seems that it is only going to get worst, as Earth is on a collision course with the rings of Saturn which brings us to the newest addition to the series, Destiny.

After the exciting ending to Resistance, our heroine Jessica Rollins finds herself in a jail cell with her captors turning out to be the CIA. While mulling over her predicament, she realizes that she is pissed off with almost everyone, especially with billionaire Ufuk Erdogmus. The only shining light for her is her love interest Giovanni Ruspoli and his young nephew Hector. One of the reasons that she is pissed at Erdogmus is that he used Hector’s DNA as a biometric backup to an artificial intelligence system known as Simon and Simon is the link to a space vessel launched by Erdogmus before Nomad came through the solar system. Hector’s link to Simon makes him vulnerable as Dr. Hermann Müller, the arch nemesis in this series, kidnaps Hector so that he can get access to Erdogmus’ project, a well-kept secret throughout the series. Müller has taken Hector to a sanctuary in China and it is up to Jess to get him back.

A lot is going on in Destiny; a potential nuclear war between China and the Americans; Jess having to travel to China with Erdogmus and is very unhappy about it; and a side story of a band of Russians that seem to have some connection either to Müller or Erdogmus but is unclear to which one until the end. The ending to Destiny is something that I would never have predicted and Mather could easily end the series at this point, but leaves a possible opening to continue it as the ending raises more questions than gives answers. Destiny is not a standalone novel as it really is necessary to read the rest of the series to get a good understanding of what is going on. Overall this is a fun but complicated series with a rather spunky female protagonist. For fans of the series this is a must read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Let me start by stating I have enjoyed reading Matthew Mather' s books in the past. Loved Cyberstorm. Read that one, and purchased a copy for my dad as well. I even initially enjoyed the New Earth series. However, as we progressed, things just became too unbelievable on every level. Characters that continued to overcome ridiculous adversaries, science that simply doesn't seem legit, a spaceship that tethers itself to a moon with a four mile metal cord they simply happened to possess which can harness endless energy. An apparent endless supply of food which will need to last over 150 years (growing population; wouldn't you need a mega-ship just for food? Doesn't food have expiration dates in space?). Life tethered to a moon where Pluto resides? Even with water on the moon, can't envision how it can get to the ship. Oh yeah, the miraculous drones will continue to operate and do mining for water tasks...geez! Anyway, I just didn't buy into the whole thing. Also, this book was riddled with grammatical errors. I have a digital copy, and maybe flawed somehow in the delivery system. I kind of suspect that as prior Mather books were not poorly edited. I intend to keep reading Mather books with the hope that human characters are more real and story lines more believable.
New Earth (Star Quest Trilogy) :: Resistance (The New Earth Series Book 3) :: Sanctuary (The New Earth Series Book 2) :: The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth :: The Forsaken Throne (Kingfountain Book 6)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The outer planets' orbits are radically changed and most of the inner planets were thrown completely out of the system to wander forever through the dark of space. The Earth's orbit is perturbed, tectonic shifts creating earthquakes and tsunamis. The smoke and ash filled atmosphere alters the weather, creating a frozen, violent landscape incapable of supporting life as we knew it. Saturn's orbit now swings in a wide oblong with a very close approach to the Sun, then shooting far out past its original orbit. Presently, Saturn's orbit will approach very near the Earth, but will miss. Mostly. The Earth is going to tear a wide swath through the rings. The rings are composed mostly of small ice particles, but at celestial speeds, the Earth's surface will be bombarded by thousands of kinetic bombs with the force of nuclear weapons.

Some few knew well in advance of Nomad's approach and made plans for shelters named Sanctuary to be built to preserve the best, brightest and richest. The rest of the world was kept in the dark. One of the first to discover Nomad was a scientist named was a billionaire scientist named Ufuk Erdogmus, founder and leader of the Mars First mission to establish colonies on the red planet. Only, Mars wasn't the real mission.

A scientist who discovered massive disruptions of the outer planets orbits and his readings showed the proof of Nomad. His wife and daughter Jessica were vacationing in Italy.

This final installment in the Nomad series maintains the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world and reveals some of the subterfuge and lies, plots and plans resulting from the terrifying, life-ending danger of the celestial flyby.

This book maintains the fast-paced dynamic action of the series, with surprises uncovered on nearly every page. We've known the characters for a while now, and they are so richly described that they are more family and friends than characters. The antagonists are also well known and inspire loathing and disgust. The cast lives, breathes, loves and fights and you are drawn into the nonstop action and scheming.

Is the story too far out to imagine? Can I imagine a black hole zipping through our little piece of sky? Not before I read this! Now? How deep do I have to dig to be safe? Sheesh, I thought all I had to worry about was Russia!

I highly recommend reading this series. My only regret is that the story has to end. Maybe we can talk the author into a sequel?!? I'm going to start working on that now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anu ritz
This has been one of the most unique and entertaining post apocalyptic series I have ever read! I had such high hopes coming into the final book that I had convinced myself there was no way it could live up to the higher standards that the previous books had set for it. I can now gladly announce that it not only met, but exceeded my expectations! However, with an ending like he gave us, the author is now on the hook (I HOPE) to write a stunning and marvelous sequel. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!

Okay, all schmoozing aside, this final book has really delivered up an ending befitting a fantastic series. I know I have said this before, and I truly mean it each time I say it, but this book REALLY needs its own movie or series. The first book in this series, Nomad, was my first time reading Matthew Mathers writing, and I have since devoured everything I can get my hands on from him, he is just. that. good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Matthew Mather concludes his 4 part dystopian series, that started with Nomad, with imagination and hope. In a very readable series he has tackled a story about a possibly devastating future with a unique imagination and thorough research.
These books are best read in order to fully appreciate them. The characters face serious challenges as the earth appears headed for possible extinction. In Destiny the multi plot story is tied together at the end in an unexpected way.
I always appreciate a future that has hope and is not left to a bleak outcome.
I discovered Mr Mathers while reading Cyberstorm, moved on to Dark Net and then the Atopia series. I have found him to be a writer that draws me in with each book and consistently writes a satisfying and well researched book.
I received an ARC of Destiny for a fair review and, as always, was not disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
barry ickes
I really enjoyed this series until the last 2 books. The story was good, but the poor grammar and sentence structure, typos, and sentences that just didn't make sense were very distracting. I am a professional writer and editor so this probably made it especially annoying for me. This goes beyond poor editing. The books appear to have been hastily and carelessly written and not reviewed by an editor. This surprised me as the Atopia Chronicles, Cyberstorm, and the first 2 books of the New Earth Series were very well written. Let me know if you need a good editor in the future!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
janet bagwell
As my title suggests, Matthew Mather needs a new editor. Jumbled sentences, missing words, repeated words etc etc. It really frustrated me. Okay, the story was good but as some reviewers have said, it really dragged on a bit too much. I wasn't really that surprised by the ending but I was disappointed we didn't find out what happened to all the other characters, characters I enjoyed so much more than Jess. Anyway, overall I really enjoyed the series & I do recommend it, just expect to be annoyed by the really poor editing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clementine ford
This has been one of the most unique and entertaining post apocalyptic series I have ever read! I had such high hopes coming into the final book that I had convinced myself there was no way it could live up to the higher standards that the previous books had set for it. I can now gladly announce that it not only met, but exceeded my expectations! However, with an ending like he gave us, the author is now on the hook (I HOPE) to write a stunning and marvelous sequel. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!

Okay, all schmoozing aside, this final book has really delivered up an ending befitting a fantastic series. I know I have said this before, and I truly mean it each time I say it, but this book REALLY needs its own movie or series. The first book in this series, Nomad, was my first time reading Matthew Mathers writing, and I have since devoured everything I can get my hands on from him, he is just. that. good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsey hollands
Matthew Mather concludes his 4 part dystopian series, that started with Nomad, with imagination and hope. In a very readable series he has tackled a story about a possibly devastating future with a unique imagination and thorough research.
These books are best read in order to fully appreciate them. The characters face serious challenges as the earth appears headed for possible extinction. In Destiny the multi plot story is tied together at the end in an unexpected way.
I always appreciate a future that has hope and is not left to a bleak outcome.
I discovered Mr Mathers while reading Cyberstorm, moved on to Dark Net and then the Atopia series. I have found him to be a writer that draws me in with each book and consistently writes a satisfying and well researched book.
I received an ARC of Destiny for a fair review and, as always, was not disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mai rushdy
I was completely engaged by the story. There were several turns in the plot that surprised me, and I found the ending satisfying. Things don't work out perfectly, but it's still a good ending...that leaves you wanting another series. I liked Jess, the main character. I didn't give it five stars because I got a little tired of Hector always being taken, of Ufuk always doing something other than what he said he would, of Muller being purely bad. I loved the complexity of the story and how everyone came together in the end--the Buryats, Zasekin, Ufuk, Muller, Jess, Hector.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ann cser
I really enjoyed this series until the last 2 books. The story was good, but the poor grammar and sentence structure, typos, and sentences that just didn't make sense were very distracting. I am a professional writer and editor so this probably made it especially annoying for me. This goes beyond poor editing. The books appear to have been hastily and carelessly written and not reviewed by an editor. This surprised me as the Atopia Chronicles, Cyberstorm, and the first 2 books of the New Earth Series were very well written. Let me know if you need a good editor in the future!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ionela sarbu
As my title suggests, Matthew Mather needs a new editor. Jumbled sentences, missing words, repeated words etc etc. It really frustrated me. Okay, the story was good but as some reviewers have said, it really dragged on a bit too much. I wasn't really that surprised by the ending but I was disappointed we didn't find out what happened to all the other characters, characters I enjoyed so much more than Jess. Anyway, overall I really enjoyed the series & I do recommend it, just expect to be annoyed by the really poor editing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gina duval
Excellent series. I blew through all 4 books in no time. It is a rare story line that will bubble to the surface of conscientious thought during a busy day. These books and this story line will do that. The story is unique and inventive. Even to the last few pages, you’ll never see it coming!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
erica foster
What I like is the ability to totally suspend reality, which allows me to forget the day. One has to suspend reality to enjoy the book. It feels like one jump the shark moment after another, but still entertaining. I have to admit, I did not see the ending twist.

Author could use some better proofreading. I found many errors in grammar and sentences that made know sense with out of place or missing words. Luckily, most people would not notice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aja darak
Matthew out did himself with this final installment. All thing's are explained and an, "I did not see this coming!" end. To much to go into detail. But, if you've read the 3 leading to this. You will not be disappointed. I promise you!!. The science and tech is second to none and is a blazing fast read. Enjoy, Trapper
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received an ARC copy of Destiny. I have enjoyed all the books in this series. This one is my favorite. The pace is fast but steady, unique presentation of an apocalypse. This book can be read as a stand alone, or as part of the series. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The story has many twists. It has you think what would the earth do in a disaster situation. The story keeps you guessing who the bad guys are until near the end. The ending is not what you expect. I enjoyed reading it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this series! I worried about Jess and Hector and all of the other characters as they went through all the dangers of this planetary disaster! The plot was believable and the story well written! This series would make a great movie! I look forward to reading other works by Matthew Mather!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great conclusion to a great series. Obviously the world is being destroyed so there's no such thing as a happy ending, but the author does a great job tying up loose ends and bringing the plot to a satisfying conclusion. Great plot, developed characters, a fun, fast paced read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura fogarty
Will the Earth survive this intercept with Saturn's rings? There is much intrigue that gives much doubt that this will never happen. Jessica and the team rise to the occasion. Be ready for a surprise ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cindy nolt helms
I really liked this story. It had me guessing who would be there and how the ending would be. I never ever considered your ending. The story did not end. You owe your loyal feeders some sort of finality. Will be looking for it even if it is in another series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john brantingham
Spellbinding. Cannot be only imagination. Matthew Mather must have some super-scientific connection to the universe. With a story so plausible one cannot feel more that destiny is upon us. It would be nice to know how Jess's pregnancy completes. All male, all female, 2 of each or 3 and 1. Let's learn how the Destiny Colony thrives in Mather's next set of stories. The Nomad Series is a must read! Even if you've not rest science fiction before.
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