The Case Against Bill Clinton - High Crimes and Misdemeanors

ByAnn Coulter

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
brian frank
Rather than rant about whether Ms. Coulter is right or wrong about the Clinton Administration, I would rather comment about her style of writing.
Ms. Coulter's writing is average. It doesn't take a great intellect to discern her meaning. It does require a bit of patience to get through all the furious flag waving and name calling. Her constant use of the term "the framers" (in lieu of the Founding Fathers) and various forms of the word "pervert" for Clinton got old very fast. She also couldn't decide if Clinton "molested" interns or had affairs with them (two very different actions). At times, her book seemed more like a tabloid than an investigation into the alleged crimes of the former President.
In her defense, she tries to do a thorough job by sifting through all the scandals and supposed cover-ups. If she could have tempered her language and insults, the book could have been a lot more interesting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sure, Billy Bob, sure. Call me a Right Winger (You're a Right Winger, Steve) but this guy dragged the Presidency through its lowest trough since Watergate.
As if the pitiful "tried Pot but didn't inhale" fiasco didn't tell us what kind of man, or was it lying toad, we were dealing with, he tops it all off by betraying his wife and disgracing his Office by obtaining Executive Relief from a cheap tramp in the dang White House itself.
The shameful lack of condemnation from various Liberal factions speaks volumes about their collective integrity. Coulter quite rightly nails Billy Bob on this issue, which was a double moral outrage, but also on major concerns such as Whitewater.
Her case for impeachment is unassailable, especially given her own Legal background, and the limping dog denials by the Clinton Right Or Wrong brigade do nothing to diminish the strength of Ann's arguments.
This is a very important book, but the ultimate Coulter Classic is Slander: Liberal Lies About The American Right, which was understandably an the store best seller. There's not much to stand up and cheer about in this world, but Ann Coulter's books certainly fill the bill.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hamish mack
"High Crimes and Misdemeanors" are grounds, per Article II of our Constitution, that provide for the impeachment of civil officers of the government. In this age of moral relativism where "truth is lies", Ann Coulter gives a much-needed background to the historical meaning of these words, from the days of the British monarchy where they originated, through their inclusion by the Founding Fathers, to the day when they were used to frame articles of impeachment against President Nixon.
The bulk of the book is dedicated to applying this standard to the catalog of misbehavior of the Clinton Administration. Written as it was when the question of removal from office was still open, the book has a passionate tone which in hindsight feels somewhat futile now that we know Congress was unable to live up to its responsiblity. Nonetheless, that tone demonstrates a certain credibility of someone who cares deeply about our government and the presidency.

And on reading this book, one cannot but feel saddened to realize how low the stature of the Presidency has sunk under that administration. Barely palatable even when spread out over its full eight years, the sheer volume of muck concentrated in one volume is almost too much to swallow. Bill Clinton abused his positions as governor and president to procure and then pay off women at taxpayer's expense, and to cover it up lied countless times, perjured himself under oath, and suborned perjury of others. But all that is only the beginning.

In Travelgate, the White House travel office staff was fired at the behest of Mrs Clinton so that she could fill those "slots" with "her people". Filegate had nine hundred FBI background files on Republican officials illegally in the possession of the White House. During Fostergate, White House officials obstructed an FBI investigation into the suicide of White House counsel Vincent Foster. In the Whitewater affair, taxpayers were defrauded of millions of dollars while the White House obstructed the investigation every step of the way and paid off the silence of indicted counsel. The White House was rented off like a common bed-and-breakfast and coffee house. The Clinton Administration used IRS audits as an instrument of threat and vengeance on its enemies. Perhaps worst of all, in what comes horrifyingly close to treason, the Administration permitted the release of CIA briefings and classified missile technology to China in return for staggering campaign contributions.

Since the book was written while Mr Clinton was still in office, it does not even mention the later scandals that plagued the last years of that administration, such as the eleventh-hour pardoning of fugitives and felons who made large contributions to the Democratic Party in Pardongate.

It is hard to say whether it is worse that this person served as our president, or his apologists' astounding insistence that the perfidy of his presidency somehow doesn't matter. It wasn't always like this. The Rodino report, which laid down the reasoning for proceedings against President Nixon, noted that "the scope of impeachment was not viewed narrowly" as a purely criminal matter but also considered maintaining the prestige and respect of the office. Fascinatingly, party to the Rodino hearings was none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Ann Coulter is a knowledgeable, deliciously sharp, and unquestionably intelligent writer-- I would recommend any of her books, as well as the syndicated column which appears also on her Web site. High Crimes and Misdemeanors is well researched and annotated, and leaves me asking rhetorically about those eight dark years: what in the world were we thinking?
Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right :: and Islam Screwed My Generation - How Baby Boomers :: Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America :: Godless: The Church of Liberalism :: Why Lies Matter to the Race Grievance Industry - Black Lies Matter
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was expecting to get a fresh, informative take on the scandals of Bill Clinton's presidency, but I was sorely disappointed and *completely* bored by the author's endless ruminations, pointless meanderings and tired vitriol. Waving the flag and rigid ideology does not make for a vibrant and illuminating report on one of the most crucial times our nation has faced. By the 700th page I was nearly falling asleep to the long, step by step drawn out recountings of the whitewater scandal and how it took shape. Slogging through the descriptions of who was wearing what at the cocktail party for Ken Stark in the final chapters I was entirely ready to kill myself for ever buying this book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Help, Mr. Murdoch's circus has come to town, funded by the revenue of pornography sales beguiling the Far Right Maniacs via Direct TV! The book is vile and rhetorical at best and the reader isn't spared the least bit by Ms. Coulter's vituperating whine. The sounds of her peri-menopausual mating squalls ring throughout this literary catastrophe projecting some fair & balanced pleading for Sean Hannity to finally leave his wife or for Bill O'Reilly to step-in and put this skinny broad out of her misery. If anyone is buying what she's selling they should just put their small PC handguns into their mouths and squeeze.

I think Ms. Coulter and Mr. Moore should remake the Laurel and Hardy classic, Blockheads and call it a day. This book is in a class with the film Fahrenheit 911; the 2 highest Crimes and Misdemeanors in the history of journalism since Tammy Faye Bakker wrote her very first autobiography in 1979.

Don't waste your time and money on this crap. Instead put it toward the fund for Ann's bio-identical hormones. Bring on the escodial and silence the Harpy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melody green
As always, you can count on the Liberal, brain dead left to attack Ann personally rather than having anything at all substantive to say about WHY what she wrote might be wrong (if they thought so). Not one argues intelligently about any of the documentation, and she provides plenty, she uses to make her case. Pitiful.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kristin snelling
This book is a hysterical satire on all those insane conservative "pundits" who have ruled talk radio for so long, full of intentionally dubious journalism (i.e. outlandish lies) and crackpot digressions so lacking in logic or insight that one can hardly keep from laughing.
The "author" pretends to have a nearly pathological hatred not just for Clinton (who is here called a rapist repeatedly, in one of the book's better running jokes) but ALL liberals, whom she seems to regard as the primary force of evil on Earth.
Amazingly funny! But don't buy it, just read it in the bookstore (it only takes about 30 minutes) cause all proceeds from the selling of this book secretly go to the ACLU.
At least I ASSUME it's a joke.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dezirey neely
Bill Clinton, Mr. Big-Mac-induced heart

surgery can rest easy now! His reputation

is clear with the current idiot that res-

ides at 1600 hundred Pennsylvania! Back

in the day, Clinton WAS the worst President

the good ole USA ever had! And conservative

writer Ann Coulter, long legs and all 'exposed'

his first member and all to the loving public.

Best book yet for Ann who has fallen out of

sense in some areas [from 'Treason', page 286

"In 1945 with Stalin safe, The Nation magazine

dereided the atrocity films of 'Hitler's death'

camps as a hoax [which they pretty much were,

Ann]. The films had been made by American GIs

still reeeling from what they found at NAZI

concetreation camps - stacked bodies, mass bur-

ials, and ditches full of human remains." (1)

Of course a defeated Nation, Ann, without the

wherewithall to feed it's own people, cannot feed

those criminals and political prisoners in their

camps. What about our American camps we put over

12,000+ japanes-Americans into? (2) 'Stacked bod-

ies, mass burials and ditches full of human re-

mains...', et, al are FOUND IN ALL MAJOR WARS -

JUST LOOK at yer buddy George W. Hitler's war in

Iraq! I like Ann, but how can anybody as intelli-

gent not see that Germany could not feed it's ci-

tizens, let alone prisoners, some of whom actu-

ally, I am sure, didn't belong in the concentra-

tion camps. But there was no planned extermination!

I can't believe The Nation, as leftist as it is to-

day, had the intelligence to call a spade a spade

back in the '40's, and an intelligent, pretty con-

servative writer, as popular as she is today, can't

see the same thing. The 'holacau$t', IS A HOAX!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
renatka reme ov
While making convincing arguments in her book about how Bill Clinton should have been held accountable for his wrongdoing, she let too much of her own conservative prejudice show in this book. While making her point, she seemed to be defending Richard Nixon and I felt she was trying to be an advocate in his defense. It would have been more convincing if she had spent her time simply laying out the case against Clinton and left it at that. After all, her book did say it was the case against Bill Clinton.
I couldn't get past the first few chapters. I kept thinking it would get better, but it didn't. I tried to get through the entire book and did a pretty good job. I had to quit at Chapter 18; Wampumgate. Her writing sytle is too much like her talking style - going off on tangents and making side comments referencing to other parts of the book. It all go too confusing and seemed to ramble at times. I will not be buying any more Ann Coulter books and I pity anyone who does.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
josie salguero
Ms. Coulter is not by any means the objective source necessary to discuss these items. The most laughable part of her book concerns how liberals are prone to name calling, and have no facts to back up their claims in the media. This reviewer does not attempt to dispute that, but I do believe that failing to acknowledge likewise behavior from her side of the political spectrum as well creates a hypocritical stance. This rhetoric is the common bail-out answer of pundits on both sides of the political spectrum. This is nothing more than RNC propaganda, and I'm sure it'll be followed up by someone as equally sophomoric on the left. If you're someone who likes those who preach to the choir you're in, buy this book. If you want an objective, academic interpretation of politics in America, stick with the professionals in academia.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Rush Limbaugh - the man most responcible for replacing the biased liberal media with the biased conservative media - giving millions of Americans false hope and dangerous half-truths.

I've had enough of this marketing phenomena known as "conservatism." They have created a demographic group for the sole purpose of selling books and merchandise. The anti-Clinton/Moore/Kerry books are the same junk as the anti-Bush/Cheney/Reagan books. No on is interested in opening their mind and learning-they simply want to reinforce their own shallow ideas, entertain themselves and feel comfortable in their own little imaginary world. Forums hosted by so called Conservatives are run in the same close minded ways in which college liberals shout down any guest speaker with whom they disagree. Meanwhile, the two parties (the only choice the American voter is given) are virtually the same when it comes to the most important issues. Both parties are taxing and spending, and supporting the illegal invasion of America by Mexicans. Big business is in bed with big government and they are both getting even richer by selling you books pretending to speak ill of each other.

If you are interested in real debate visit forums such as

If you want the truth - uncensored news, visit:

For books with facts, references and a real historical perspective (not just pop-culture conventional wisdom, media sound bites like Coulter's god-aweful book) browse the book catalogue at:

-FORMER Rush Limbaugh listener

-CURRENT patriotic, open minded American
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
aqilah nikka
Too bad. Iran-contra, the Iraq war, outting the CIA, spying on Americans, Jack Abramoff, please.... the list goes on and on. The right wing has failed, and Clinton was the best thing that happened to the country in the last 30 years. Everyone has finally awakened to that reality. $9 trillion in debt and counting. Good going right wing nutjobs! Ken Starr's report found nothing. All the lies that right was passing were in their twisted sick little heads. They spent more on that investigation than investigating 9/11, a crime which happened on their watch. Perhaps if they got off of the soap operas, this country wouldn't be in the mess that it's in now.
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