ByRonald Dalton Jr.

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
april schiltz
I will confess not to be scholared enough in theology to refute the information in this book.. I'll leave that to the scholars BUT it needs to be addressed and NOT ignored. I am convinced that it is more probable that we , descendants of slaves, are the original Israelites more so than European Jews! If this is true then we must reexamine Christianity we practice.
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Excellent research And well presented in a logical fashion I horoughly enjoyed this read Especially if world history and the birth and maturation of religious beliefs relative to ethnicity is your interest. Either way the address is more than simply compelling. great job Sir!
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shi ning
WOW! This book is very informative. When reading this book make sure that you have a King James Bible nearby. This books is very Biblical and I am so glad that I now have a copy. There are a few things that I have questions about in this book, but for the most part this book coincides with the WORD OF GOD.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has already given me so much knowledge and I'm not even done with the book. I've read from Babylon to Timbuktu, Into Egypt with Ships as well. This book has had the most in-depth information with sources and references to back the info. If you don't believe in the Bible you still can not deny historical facts. All the historians said the original jews were black and nothing to gain from stating this. There is even information on how the laws of Judaism contradict the Torah. Askenazi and Sephardic Jews will tell you there are no black people in the Tribe of Judah but Judah married a Canaanite (African) so the Tribe is of a hebrew&African mix. Even King David married a Hitite (Canaanite) Very informative book.
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The book is good, but some information just isn't correct. Example Eve could not had laid with the serpent and gave birth to Cain. I think the author need to do research in finding the correct bible words before misleading people.
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The book offers many instances of history that has been obfuscated by design. Some of the author's theory's did not stand up to close scrutiny, but several could be authenticated.The book repeatedly offered the same information over and over again and had many instances of grammatical and spelling errors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan wise nail
I bought this book for Christmas for myself, and If you wont to know the truth of the word of God you need this book no matter who you are, it's not just for black or for whites, It's a book of true fact for the world. I used mine on FB to tell everyone the truth of God's word and people love it and say they were going to buy it. Now I will buy #2,yes it that good. Pastor Banks
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the scribblebug
Though I haven't finished reading this book, so far I find it very relevant and informative in relation to my purpose and Identity as a Black man that is in search of my true identity. I expect to find more important information as I continue to read the remaining portions. So far a good read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
My friend, the problem is that everybody has a pretext to force their ideology on the Bible, will always find something that will support their views. Every sectarian group who is the product of the American experience, such the Mormons, the 7th day Adventist movement, the Jehovah witnesses movement, and now the new wave of blacks trying to take over Islam, Judaism, Freemasonry in the 19th century, just to mention some, are just the product of a very bad interpretation of History, and Biblical verses that have nothing to do with whatever happened during the era of discovery of American, and the horrible transatlantic slave trade. There is nothing in the Bible regarding the Slave trade of south Saharan Negroes into America, and the rest of the old world. Even though this was a horrible experience perpetuated primarily , by the same African Emperors and African Kings of the Kingdoms at that time, there is not evidence that Millions of Israelites were deliberately targeted, captured and brought to America as slaves. No doubt Spain, Portugal and the Arabs captured lots of Jews in East and North Africa, and they disappeared in History. However, today's European, American and North African Sephardi Jews are able to cite, and verify their oral , familiar, and traditional sources which connects them to their long historical and verifiable European ancestry, who in turn , were able to connect themselves to the ancient Jews who developed the Talmud in Babylon, and the middle east, including Persia, and Egypt and Arabia or were settled in Spain, and Turkey thousands of years ago. These people in Europe and America are connected to the Levant in so many ways, but every time the sub Saharan Africans are confronted to confirm their connections back to what ever happened 3,000 miles away in the east, they always cite legendary stuff. If you visit these Sub-Saharan countries which where part of the slave corridor, these Governmental officials will proudly discuss their Historical background as African natives , and their only ties was with Islam, Christian Europe, Egypt, Arab trade, but no evidence that Jewish Kingdoms were ever there. No Synagogues, no Jewish cemeteries, no Talmudic traditions, not a single DNA evidence that should be able to connect these Sub-Saharan Africans with the Levant. Only small pockets of Sephardic Jews here and there trading and Making money in the Tuat Region, and in Morocco. These things are easy to verify, but even these small pockets disappeared because of Islam's pressure through the centuries. Just as I wrote for another book:

If you like science fiction, this is the book for you. You need to know that this author declares himself a black supremacists at the outset, so be advised that he has an agenda here to spread BLACK SUPREMACIST SCIENTOLOGY TYPE DOCTRINE. Why?, well because he cites historical resources, yes, but from beginning to end he inserts the expression {black- Jew"} on all his citations, even when the author does not make that kind of reference. I took the time to verify all these sources, and in effect he continually spins these citations in order to project the none- factual idea that the millions of blacks who where enslaved in the slave trade where the lost tribes of Israel. You will not see any DNA evidence offered, not a single Arqueological evidence, no scriptural-linguistic, nor solid cultural evidence that could ever connect the black negroes of west Africa to what ever happened 3000 miles away in Judea was ever given to substantiate his initial Thesis. This is not serious theological investigation based on any solid Biblical evidence that could bring us to believe that the lost tribes of Israel where lost in west of Africa. But if you love science fiction, this is the book for you.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Totally divisive and only at best 50% correct....I mean I can answer one question without reading the book... why are Americans unhealthy?? ...its obvious we eat more, our diets are full of crap, and were generally a service based economy so we use less of our bodies in an energy consuming manner than other 3rd world countries and societies discussed in this book. Truth is nothing is perfect in the world ..you're either starving in Africa, dying of overeating crap in America, or some variation in some other country...
when given the choice of extreme lifestyles -- I do think most would choose dying fat.
Slavery has existed throughout history, having little to do with actual race. In fact the first historical mention of slavery occurred in the Islamic religion ...even the great prophet owned slaves actually...and made slaves of non-believers.
OF course there was also slavery in America ... which actually initially was indentured servitude, not slavery. Indentured servitude morphed into slavery after generations... bc of greed mainly which became racism slowly .. likely the south needed to justify their actions ... many of them likely felt guilty going AGAINST what Christianity taught ... they likely needed to feel justified in untruthfully thinking that another race was inferior and hence it was more justified having that race in a subservient position. Actually the anti-slavery movement began in Christian churches. The biggest enemy of blacks from the 1700s-early 1900s was actually the government. Certain states went contrary to the bill of rights which stated that "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL" ... developing legislature contrary to the constitution ... you can see it in legislation like Brown v Board of ED (Democrat legislation), Fugitive slave acts(democrat legislation), Lyndon Johnson and his appointment of Klan members like...supreme court justice HUGO BLACK (see quotes beginning with " I will have those..."), FDR and his internment camps of Japanese, Woodrow Wilson and personal quotes involving his incorrect view of the inferiority of blacks.
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margaret wappler
Revisionist history at its finest. Yes, the Bible is falsely described as white, but that doesn’t mean that Ashkenazi and Sephardic Hebrews are not authentic in their bloodline. Very selective research was done, trying to make another part of history appear in err to favor another. Pathetic, and a low blow.
It’s worth mentioning that Dalton is not a Germanic name as the author states, and the “Berling Conference” he refers to is the “Berlin Conference”. He had enough time to rewrite history but not to check for typos. Don’t waste your money. Instead, learn about the actual plight of the African people in tandem with the plight of the diaspora Jews.
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