Cheater's Regret (Curious Liaisons Book 2)

ByRachel Van Dyken

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ms michaelis
I absolutely without a doubt enjoyed the first book in this series. Not even 3 chapters in and I was already telling my besties to read it asap! The first book - Cheater was the perfect mix of humor and romance. The second book was just the same!

Austin is not a happy camper - because spoiler alert from the first book - Thatch has cheated on her, right in front of his face. She'll deny it the best she can, but she really did love him. Thatch was extremely closed off and heart heartless, so the only logical thing is to get even and also torture him with some pretty funny games.

Thatch actually is a pretty sweet guy, except he has problems showing it to others and refuses to show any affection to Austin. Does he regret breaking up with her? No. But being around her, even when she is playing stupid revenge games... he can't help but see what he liked in her. Or maybe it was love? Except Thatch has his secrets, and he can't afford Austin finding out.

Although Austin comes from money she is definitely flawed and it's wonderful to read a book so real and not fairy tale like. Plus Thatch finds her perfect in his eyes, which is adorbs. She comes from a not so loving family life and is struggling in college - PREACH IT SISTER and Thatch understands that. So when she needs help from Thatch for an assignment, he is somewhat willing. Especially if the games and revenge stop. But being around each other might make them wonder why they really broke up in the first place. Even for Thatch, who knew why he did.

This book was a WONDERFUL addition to the series. It's absolutely hilarious, has swoon worthy moments and a drop dead sexy men. The two characters are without a doubt perfect for each other and you're almost screaming at the book for them to get together. Okay, okay I was not almost, I definitely was screaming at my iPad.

I loved all the main characters in the book and was happy to read more about the previous books couple Lucas and Avery. The story between Thatch and Austin, as well as the friendship between them and Lucas/Avery drew me in. Which did not surprise me one bit.

This book was fun, sweet (at times), evil (in a hilarious way) and downright scorching at the pull between the two. The lovers turn enemies turned friends to hopeful lovers again, may be a mouth full but man oh man I loved every single chapter. Although the book started off slower than the previous, I was still drawn in and pushing to finish it in one sitting. Unfortunately adulting sucks and I had to wait, but I could not wait to get back to this book to finish.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the second book in the Curious Liaisons series and its Austin and Thatch's story. I was hooked from beginning to end. Rachel Van Dyken always knows how to tell a brilliant tale that will have you laughing out loud with some brilliantly clever twists and emotions.

Austin is Avery's best friend and Thatch is Lucas's, they are thrown together during the rollarcoaster ride of Lucas and Avery's romance. What was supposed to be a one night stand quickly evolved into so much more then either of them was expecting. Thatch has never been able to commit to any woman before he met Austin. This scares him and he makes a stupid idiotic mistake and kisses another woman in front of Austin at Avery and Lucas's fake engagement party.

Never underestimate a woman scorned! Austin embarks on a brilliant plan of revenge. With Avery's help to get Thatch's weakness out of Lucas this is simply brilliantly funny. Poor Thatch never knew what hit him.

I really loved the banter between them, the emotions coming from both of them was so real and raw. Their feelings for each other are so strong but they are both fighting them for different reasons.

I know I should hate Thatch being an idiot but I cant help but love him. He is totally Swoon-worthy.

I HIGHLY recommend this book if you are looking for a hilarious romance. Rachel is one of my favourite one-click authors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Austin Rogers thought things in her personal life couldn't be more perfect, then in one fell swoop she lost it all, she never expected to find her boyfriend locking lips with another woman, but she did, and now she is certain the only thing that will ease the pain is to get even!! She knows getting revenge isn't the most mature avenue to take, but it is the level she has stooped to, and in the end she will have the closure she needs to move on and let him go. So her plot to exact revenge ensues, unfortunately for her Thatch decides to retaliate with a little revenge of his own... and now letting him go just got a whole lot harder!!

Thatch Holloway has it all, well almost it all, he has the good looks, good job, but he is missing the love of a good woman... and he has no one to blame but himself. He had her, then things in their relationship got a little too close to permanent, and he got this bright idea to cheat, in hopes of that it would help her decide it was time to move on. He knew the moment it happened it was the wrong approach to his situation, but he just didn't have the heart to break it off with her, and thought this way would be better... but he couldn't have been more wrong! Now not only is he dealing with a broken heart of his own, but he is also dealing with her trying to exact revenge on him... and it is working perfectly! He attempts to retaliate but it doesn't quite go as planned, because instead of saying goodbye once and for all, he wants to fix what he broke... problem is she wants nothing to do with him!!

The moment I cracked the cover on this one, these two pulled me into their world and had me hooked, and left me anxious to see if they would find their way back to one another. Their antics had me laughing, smiling, and swooning the whole way through... they were quite the pair! Overall this was a very entertaining read, it had the makings of a perfect romance story, and it was unlike anything I have read yet!! The characters were well crafted, had great chemistry, and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute I spent with them!! Highly recommend this one, it is sure to check off all your romance reading must haves, and leave you with a happy heart!!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this title.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vanessa gordon
5 Stars

After finishing Cheater I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Cheater’s Regret, I was dying to find out what made Thatch do that to Austin. Rachel Van Dyken didn’t disappoint with this book, I was pulled straight into the foray and I couldn’t put it down. I felt like I was the one that was wronged and was rooting for this couple to overcome their baggage.

After having her heart broken by Thatch, Austin resolves to make his life a misery. She gets help from our favourite couple Lucas and Avery which brings a great deal of amusement to the reader when Austin decides to unleash her pranks on the cheater. Austin won me over instantly and my heart ached for the way she has been brought up and while she didn’t have a bad childhood she didn’t have a good one either! There were so many times in this book I wanted to reach in and hug Austin and try to make things better for her, I really wish I had a friend like her as she was both hilarious and just all around amazing!

For me Thatch was kind of a write off after cheating on Austin, I’m not a fan of cheating but once I found pout the reason behind it I definitely felt my heart hurt for him. There were times I could have literally slapped him upside the head but other times he had me swooning and my heart fluttering! He was nothing like I expected him to be which really threw me off!

Rachel’s books just keep getting better and better in my opinion, I didn’t think it could get better than the last but she definitely proved me wrong! This book had me laughing hysterically at times but yet crying my eyes out at others. I never knew what to expect and Rachel completely blew my mind when we find out the reason for Thatch’s actions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelsey anne
Tying together a bit of a RomCom with some absolutely heartfelt and touching moments, Rachel Van Dyken gives readers a story about two people whose baggage from the past impacts their ability to open their hearts fully to the possibilities of love. Sometimes the persona that is portrayed is not who the person really is; sometimes walls are constructed and people are pushed away in order to protect themselves or someone else from hurt and heartache.

In Cheater’s Regret, Thatch and Austin had begun a casual relationship that has fallen apart, due to the wandering lip of Thatch. But the two can’t help but run into one another when their best friends are dating. Making matters worse, Austin has teamed up with Avery and Lucas to seek revenge on Thatch for breaking her heart. However, when push comes to shove and Austin finds herself needing Thatch’s help, revenge leads to support and understanding—and perhaps a few secrets.

Armed with a carefully crafted storyline, Cheater’s Regret once again pulls readers in and takes them on a journey as two people discover not only their need for one another, but the inner strength they possess. The characters are real and honest, flawed and vulnerable, and the tension and dialogue will keep readers laughing, crying, and turning pages.

Although this story picks up where Cheater leaves off, Cheater’s Regret can easily be read as a standalone. And for those who are turned off by the title or the idea of cheating, don’t worry. Rachel Van Dyken is a master at pulling off the intricate details that help readers understand and love the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jesse shannon
Since getting a small dosage of Austin and Thatch’s relationship in Cheater’s, I’ve been waiting to finally have the entire story of this couple. Despite the name, I found Cheater’s Regret to be a lighthearted, entertaining read. There’s a mixture of humor, emotion, and romance. I easily devoured it in one evening and felt it was the trademark RVD RomCom.

“You’re beautiful because you’re you. Don’t let a size define perfection. It’s your heart that I love the most.”

I was not a fan of Thatch for a significant portion of the book. I wanted to punch him and his absurd reasoning for hurting Austin. Despite my dislike for Thatch, I felt the complete opposite about Austin. My adoration for her made the first half of the book worthwhile. RVD always does a fantastic job writing dual POVs and allowing readers to the insights in her characters’ thought processes. I couldn’t get enough of the tension between these two.

As with all books from RVD, there is a stellar supporting cast. I enjoyed seeing Lucas and Avery again. Some of the best comedic moments from the book are the banter with Lucas and Thatch. Their over the top conversations had me grinning constantly.

“I would never Happy Potter you,”….We both took Harry Potter very seriously.

My only complaint is I wish it were longer. The ending is too fast paced, and I would have liked more details and insight into Thatch’s behavior. Overall, this is another solid book from one of my favorite authors. I’m not sure if there will be more in the books in the series but hope this isn’t the end of the Curios Liaisons world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this book.

So this book was definitely not what I expected-and I mean that in a good way. I went into this looking for a solid second chance romance with some fun times. I got that and a bit more with an emotional side I wasn't quite expecting.

I felt for Austin right away. She had my sympathy from the first page, and had my laughs in the next chapter. I loved how the author portrayed Austin post breakup-because let's admit it, we've all been there. Her friend snaps her out of it and they formulate a fun revenge plot-and it definitely made me chuckle.

Thatch ticked me off from the start-I'm not going to lie. But I knew there HAD to be a reason for his actions so I was determined to give him the benefit of the doubt...and boy was I glad. Thatch has issues yes, but he has reasons and you can't help but sympathize with him once you discover them.

I loved these two together. Even when Austin is plotting revenge initially you can feel the sparks between them and it kept me on the edge of my seat. The sexy times between them were hot and fun and I definitely appreciated that!

Now I will say I didn't always love some of the other character's in the book-but that's ok. I needed to not like some of them (and I won't mention who) for shaping our hero and heroine into the people that they were. I definitely cheered at the end though-and when you read it you'll know why.

This book was so much more than I expected and it's one I definitely recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brenda french
Cheater’s Regret by Rachel Van Dyken is a sexy, fast-paced romance that weaves humor, second chances, and friendship. If you have read the first book, then you are all aware that Thatch and Austin share a history. A history that is mixed with love and hurt. Hurt especially when Austin catches Thatch kissing her best friend’s older sister. So what happens when Thatch and Austin are reunited? Will these two be able to forgive and love again?

"My biggest mistake in our relationship wasn’t falling for Thatch; it was thinking that he needed me as much as I needed him.Because when I touched him—my world felt full.So how could it not feel that way for him?How could he not feel the same?So, like an idiot, I kissed him again—and sealed my fate against his mouth, knowing that his track record proved he was a cheater and that I didn’t have any part of him—even though he still held every part of me. ”

This is one of those RVD books that beautifully explores the concept of friendship and second chances. I adored the story of Thatch and Austin because RVD didn’t forget to integrate and sprinkle elements of humor and hi-jinks. Readers were also able to discover the reasoning for why Thatch did what he did. As much as I enjoyed Austin, I did find some of her doing was a little over the top for my taste. But overall, I loved the feel of this book. It was sweet,sexy, funny, and adorable. So if you are looking for a fast paced romance that will have you rooting for Thatch and Austin then this book is for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Austin is heartbroken after the humiliating form that Thatcher dumped her, willing to move on after her best friend Avery (book 1) convinces her that she should not let it affect her life, she leaves to put her revenge plan into practice.

Only that Thatcher is also suffering and when he realized that Austin tries to do everything to disturb his resolution about the end of the courtship, he takes advantage of the situation to continue next to her.
This unlikely couple met in Book 1 (Cheater) and was in the transition between the zone between friends with benefits and a relationship until Thatcher is forced to make a difficult decision and everything changes.

First-person narrated alternately by each of the protagonists, I laughed a lot at Austin's crazy revenge, and I also sighed in Thatcher's mocking prince way.
Rachel Van Dyken excels at every book putting the right dose of romance, sexy scenes, humor and a touch of suspense.

I really enjoyed the cover with this guy who conveys the cute and funny way of Thatcher.
I also loved the participation of the couple from Book 1 Avery and Lucas which brought more dynamism and fun to the plot.

Thatcher at first made me hate him but as the story unfolded I was falling in love with the charming, protective, needy and gentleman way of the boy. The title matched perfectly with the book.
4 / 5stars
Kisses, Myl
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
d barger
I’m addicted to rom-coms. I absolutely love it when a book can be funny and sexy at the same time. And that’s exactly what Rachel Van Dyken gave me in Cheater’s Regret. It’s sexy, sweet, and funny and definitely kept me immersed from beginning to end. I usually don’t read “cheating” books and originally had stayed away from this serious. But...RVD! I had to. But trust me; this is so much more than that.

Austin is quirky and sweet. After being dumped, she does what we’ve all dreamed about doing. She gets even—oh the shenanigans she gets into! I was laughing so hard I got a stitch in my side. Now I was definitely expecting Thatch to be a bit of an alphahole, but he’s not! Sure, he’s cocky but he’s also got a tender and sweet side. The banter back and forth between these two was hilarious. They are both such great characters, well-developed and complex. The secondary characters were just as well rounded. I loved seeing Lucas and Avery again.

There was definitely some drama in this book but it was the kind that makes you laugh. It’s very low on the angst scale. Just a cute, easy read that had me laughing from start to finish. There definitely were some heartwarming moments as well. Seriously, don’t let the title scare you. This is definitely a must read of 2017 for me. I highly recommend it.

I voluntarily read an advanced reader's copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the second book in the Curious Liaisons series and its Austin and Thatch's story. I was hooked from beginning to end. Rachel Van Dyken always knows how to tell a brilliant tale that will have you laughing out loud with some brilliantly clever twists and emotions.

Austin is Avery's best friend and Thatch is Lucas's, they are thrown together during the rollarcoaster ride of Lucas and Avery's romance. What was supposed to be a one night stand quickly evolved into so much more then either of them was expecting. Thatch has never been able to commit to any woman before he met Austin. This scares him and he makes a stupid idiotic mistake and kisses another woman in front of Austin at Avery and Lucas's fake engagement party.

Never underestimate a woman scorned! Austin embarks on a brilliant plan of revenge. With Avery's help to get Thatch's weakness out of Lucas this is simply brilliantly funny. Poor Thatch never knew what hit him.

I really loved the banter between them, the emotions coming from both of them was so real and raw. Their feelings for each other are so strong but they are both fighting them for different reasons.

I know I should hate Thatch being an idiot but I cant help but love him. He is totally Swoon-worthy.

I HIGHLY recommend this book if you are looking for a hilarious romance. Rachel is one of my favourite one-click authors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina johnson
*This is the second book in the Curious Liaisons series, but can be read as a stand-alone.

Thatch Holloway, Lucas Thorn's best friend, is an ass, he's funny, he's in love, he's sexy, and he's got a few family issues. Austin Rogers is best friends with Avery Black and she's young, naive, inexperienced, and is hellbent on finding out the truth as to why Thatch is a jerk.

Rachel Van Dyken has given another cheater book that isn't actually a cheater book. It's a sweet, sexy, romance filled with revenge plots and sensual kisses. In her signature comedy style, RVD has filled the pages with reasons to love and hate these characters. In one moment your heart can be aching, but the next moment you might be chuckling. Cheater's Regret is a fantastic love story and I'll say it again - this is not a cheating book!

I enjoyed the ups and downs, although I think that Austin showed her age a lot with her schemes. There is a ten-year age difference between the Thatch and Austin, and sometimes it shows. But, ultimately, they are made for each other and they complement each other's personalities.

Peripheral characters play a role in this story as well, and we see quite a bit of Lucas and Avery. Personally, I liked the banter between Thatch and Lucas and always enjoy the RVD brand of humor. Another great weekend read for your Summer collection.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nick black
Cheater's Regret is the second book in the Curious Liason's series, but it can be read as a stand alone. I would give this book a 4 stars and highly recommend to others.

Well RVD did it again, she has a knack of writing stories that will make you laugh out loud and melt your panties all in one swoop! She certainly didn't disappoint in this book!

Austin is trying to make her way through her last semester of college, but when heartbreak hits when her boyfriend Thatch cheats on her will throw her life into a tailspin of grief... but there are stages of grieving and she is determined to get her revenge.. but what she doesn't see happening is it backfiring....

Thatch is a plastic surgeon, and he has made a good name for himself at a young age, he has never done the relationship thing and when he tries with Austin he feels like maybe he can make it work... but when his past creeps up on him he has no choice but to make choices he doesn't necessarily want to make...

When Austin finds herself needing Thatch's help... will she find more than she bargained for? Will Thatch see the mistakes he made by letting Austin go?

Get to one clicking to see what happens.. you don't want to miss this hilarious sexy romance!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy j
I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this book.

So this book was definitely not what I expected-and I mean that in a good way. I went into this looking for a solid second chance romance with some fun times. I got that and a bit more with an emotional side I wasn't quite expecting.

I felt for Austin right away. She had my sympathy from the first page, and had my laughs in the next chapter. I loved how the author portrayed Austin post breakup-because let's admit it, we've all been there. Her friend snaps her out of it and they formulate a fun revenge plot-and it definitely made me chuckle.

Thatch ticked me off from the start-I'm not going to lie. But I knew there HAD to be a reason for his actions so I was determined to give him the benefit of the doubt...and boy was I glad. Thatch has issues yes, but he has reasons and you can't help but sympathize with him once you discover them.

I loved these two together. Even when Austin is plotting revenge initially you can feel the sparks between them and it kept me on the edge of my seat. The sexy times between them were hot and fun and I definitely appreciated that!

Now I will say I didn't always love some of the other character's in the book-but that's ok. I needed to not like some of them (and I won't mention who) for shaping our hero and heroine into the people that they were. I definitely cheered at the end though-and when you read it you'll know why.

This book was so much more than I expected and it's one I definitely recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cheater’s Regret by Rachel Van Dyken is a sexy, fast-paced romance that weaves humor, second chances, and friendship. If you have read the first book, then you are all aware that Thatch and Austin share a history. A history that is mixed with love and hurt. Hurt especially when Austin catches Thatch kissing her best friend’s older sister. So what happens when Thatch and Austin are reunited? Will these two be able to forgive and love again?

"My biggest mistake in our relationship wasn’t falling for Thatch; it was thinking that he needed me as much as I needed him.Because when I touched him—my world felt full.So how could it not feel that way for him?How could he not feel the same?So, like an idiot, I kissed him again—and sealed my fate against his mouth, knowing that his track record proved he was a cheater and that I didn’t have any part of him—even though he still held every part of me. ”

This is one of those RVD books that beautifully explores the concept of friendship and second chances. I adored the story of Thatch and Austin because RVD didn’t forget to integrate and sprinkle elements of humor and hi-jinks. Readers were also able to discover the reasoning for why Thatch did what he did. As much as I enjoyed Austin, I did find some of her doing was a little over the top for my taste. But overall, I loved the feel of this book. It was sweet,sexy, funny, and adorable. So if you are looking for a fast paced romance that will have you rooting for Thatch and Austin then this book is for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
yoko shimojo
Austin is heartbroken after the humiliating form that Thatcher dumped her, willing to move on after her best friend Avery (book 1) convinces her that she should not let it affect her life, she leaves to put her revenge plan into practice.

Only that Thatcher is also suffering and when he realized that Austin tries to do everything to disturb his resolution about the end of the courtship, he takes advantage of the situation to continue next to her.
This unlikely couple met in Book 1 (Cheater) and was in the transition between the zone between friends with benefits and a relationship until Thatcher is forced to make a difficult decision and everything changes.

First-person narrated alternately by each of the protagonists, I laughed a lot at Austin's crazy revenge, and I also sighed in Thatcher's mocking prince way.
Rachel Van Dyken excels at every book putting the right dose of romance, sexy scenes, humor and a touch of suspense.

I really enjoyed the cover with this guy who conveys the cute and funny way of Thatcher.
I also loved the participation of the couple from Book 1 Avery and Lucas which brought more dynamism and fun to the plot.

Thatcher at first made me hate him but as the story unfolded I was falling in love with the charming, protective, needy and gentleman way of the boy. The title matched perfectly with the book.
4 / 5stars
Kisses, Myl
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I’m addicted to rom-coms. I absolutely love it when a book can be funny and sexy at the same time. And that’s exactly what Rachel Van Dyken gave me in Cheater’s Regret. It’s sexy, sweet, and funny and definitely kept me immersed from beginning to end. I usually don’t read “cheating” books and originally had stayed away from this serious. But...RVD! I had to. But trust me; this is so much more than that.

Austin is quirky and sweet. After being dumped, she does what we’ve all dreamed about doing. She gets even—oh the shenanigans she gets into! I was laughing so hard I got a stitch in my side. Now I was definitely expecting Thatch to be a bit of an alphahole, but he’s not! Sure, he’s cocky but he’s also got a tender and sweet side. The banter back and forth between these two was hilarious. They are both such great characters, well-developed and complex. The secondary characters were just as well rounded. I loved seeing Lucas and Avery again.

There was definitely some drama in this book but it was the kind that makes you laugh. It’s very low on the angst scale. Just a cute, easy read that had me laughing from start to finish. There definitely were some heartwarming moments as well. Seriously, don’t let the title scare you. This is definitely a must read of 2017 for me. I highly recommend it.

I voluntarily read an advanced reader's copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the second book in the Curious Liaisons series and its Austin and Thatch's story. I was hooked from beginning to end. Rachel Van Dyken always knows how to tell a brilliant tale that will have you laughing out loud with some brilliantly clever twists and emotions.

Austin is Avery's best friend and Thatch is Lucas's, they are thrown together during the rollarcoaster ride of Lucas and Avery's romance. What was supposed to be a one night stand quickly evolved into so much more then either of them was expecting. Thatch has never been able to commit to any woman before he met Austin. This scares him and he makes a stupid idiotic mistake and kisses another woman in front of Austin at Avery and Lucas's fake engagement party.

Never underestimate a woman scorned! Austin embarks on a brilliant plan of revenge. With Avery's help to get Thatch's weakness out of Lucas this is simply brilliantly funny. Poor Thatch never knew what hit him.

I really loved the banter between them, the emotions coming from both of them was so real and raw. Their feelings for each other are so strong but they are both fighting them for different reasons.

I know I should hate Thatch being an idiot but I cant help but love him. He is totally Swoon-worthy.

I HIGHLY recommend this book if you are looking for a hilarious romance. Rachel is one of my favourite one-click authors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacey knibloe
*This is the second book in the Curious Liaisons series, but can be read as a stand-alone.

Thatch Holloway, Lucas Thorn's best friend, is an ass, he's funny, he's in love, he's sexy, and he's got a few family issues. Austin Rogers is best friends with Avery Black and she's young, naive, inexperienced, and is hellbent on finding out the truth as to why Thatch is a jerk.

Rachel Van Dyken has given another cheater book that isn't actually a cheater book. It's a sweet, sexy, romance filled with revenge plots and sensual kisses. In her signature comedy style, RVD has filled the pages with reasons to love and hate these characters. In one moment your heart can be aching, but the next moment you might be chuckling. Cheater's Regret is a fantastic love story and I'll say it again - this is not a cheating book!

I enjoyed the ups and downs, although I think that Austin showed her age a lot with her schemes. There is a ten-year age difference between the Thatch and Austin, and sometimes it shows. But, ultimately, they are made for each other and they complement each other's personalities.

Peripheral characters play a role in this story as well, and we see quite a bit of Lucas and Avery. Personally, I liked the banter between Thatch and Lucas and always enjoy the RVD brand of humor. Another great weekend read for your Summer collection.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh flanagan
Thatch is the sexy plastic surgeon who has just completed his residency and he has been involved in a relationship with Austin for one month so things should be perfect. Why is then caught with his tongue down the throat of Austin’s best friend’s sister at a party?

Austin is devastated when she sees him but when she decides that she will forgive him and they can move forward he dumps her! After an orgy of Mountain Dew and Moon Pies she decides the best way to get over him is revenge. Her first attempt was to write a blog and use it towards her social media class until she goes too far and her Professor tells her to choose another project. She then decides that blogging about his professional skills is the answer and she convinces Thatch that he owes her and he agrees to help. As they work together their chemistry explodes again but when Austin doesn’t understand what went wrong the first time how can they possible make it work this time?

Austin is hilarious, takes no crap and while vulnerable about her feelings doesn’t hold them back while Thatch is sexy and although his actions were misguided he only had her best interests in mind from the beginning. Rachel Van Dyken and this series are amazing and this story is no different. This is an amazing romantic comedy that you don’t want to miss. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
john adams
Cheater's Regret is the second book in the Curious Liason's series, but it can be read as a stand alone. I would give this book a 4 stars and highly recommend to others.

Well RVD did it again, she has a knack of writing stories that will make you laugh out loud and melt your panties all in one swoop! She certainly didn't disappoint in this book!

Austin is trying to make her way through her last semester of college, but when heartbreak hits when her boyfriend Thatch cheats on her will throw her life into a tailspin of grief... but there are stages of grieving and she is determined to get her revenge.. but what she doesn't see happening is it backfiring....

Thatch is a plastic surgeon, and he has made a good name for himself at a young age, he has never done the relationship thing and when he tries with Austin he feels like maybe he can make it work... but when his past creeps up on him he has no choice but to make choices he doesn't necessarily want to make...

When Austin finds herself needing Thatch's help... will she find more than she bargained for? Will Thatch see the mistakes he made by letting Austin go?

Get to one clicking to see what happens.. you don't want to miss this hilarious sexy romance!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kevin brantley
Cheater’s Regret Curious Liaison’s Book 2
The story of Austin Rogers continues in book 2 of the Curious Liaison’s series. Austin found her
boyfriend Thatch with his tongue where it shouldn’t have been; in another women’s mouth. But Austin
was willing to forgive because she cared deeply for Thatch. When she went to mend their relationship,
he stunned her with no desire to rekindle what they had and met her with a slammed door in the face.
Revenge was in his near future, The Cheater!
Thatch was not all bad. He was a local plastic surgeon, in it to help people feel better about themselves.
When he cared about someone, be protected in any way he could. So to keep Austin safe, he had to
keep secrets about his life, along with his families. He had to push Austin away because some of the
secrets he had would destroy her. The only way he could think of to drive her away was to be a Cheater
in her eyes.
While scheming with Avery, her friend, Austin found that Thatch was truly a kind and caring person and
Thatch wanted “Her”and only her more than anything but was afraid she would walk away if she knew
the truth.
This is another romance comedy with lots of banter between the characters. I loved Austin and Thatch
together. He protected and she gave him what he needed. A good book, standalone, many emotions,
funny another great read from Rachel Van Dyken.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary saige
Completely enjoyed this book! It is so much fun to read and very, very creative. Some guys are just stupidly sweet but because they don't understand how communication works they end up more on the stupid end rather than the sweet end of the spectrum. This is the case with Thatch. He is super cute and super un-smart (my mom says calling people stupid isn't nice), however, his reason for being a butt is a good one. I mean really...if our book boyfriends didn't give us a little trouble would they be worth it? I didn't think so. Anyway, Thatch is amazing we meet him in Cheater(book 1) but grow to love him completely in this continuation. Now, onto Avery. I love her. She is my type of friend. When they say "Hell hath no fury," Avery doesn't exactly pop up on the radar but her efforts are so worth it that you can't help but laugh at her attempts. I literally laughed out loud at the feud these two have and the extremes they go to one-up each other! This is definitely worth the 2.5 hours it took to get through, 4 funny stars for this addition to the Curious Liaisons series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
adrianna knighton
I really enjoyed Thatch and Austin's story. It was definitely more serious than the first book, the humor was a little more mature and not stupidly over the top.
There was not any cheating in this book, it does just deal with the aftermath, and the cheating was only a kiss (not really a spoiler, it's mentioned in the first book).
One thing I wasn't a fan of was how Austin just seemed to roll over for Thatch. She wants revenge, yes, but that was after he cheated on her after only dating a few weeks and she tried to take him back and he said no. And he hurts her all the time, and yes, it's that male posturing, "I don't want to get hurt again so I'm erecting walls" type, but she doesn't necessarily know that at the time. It was just a little hard to relate to personally, because if someone cheated on me after a few weeks and we had to remain friends for our respective best friends and my ex was nothing but a total dick to me every time I saw him and made fun of my age/maturity etc, I probably wouldn't take him to bed the first chance I had. But that's just me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh Rachel, I love you!!! I thought I loved Cheater but this one is even better!! The way Rachel writes is absolutely phenomenal. I feel like I'm in the story, these characters are my friends and I'm living life with them. She's just that good!!

Thatch, oh you want to hate this hot man. Obviously he has some sort of issue, a reason why he hurt Austin yet can't even fathom another man being near her. He has some deep seeded issues to work out and a woman scorned to deal with. But he wants her, he loves her. And love always wins, right?

Austin is tired of domineering men treating women like garbage and getting away with it. She loved well, loves Thatch. Everything was bliss, until it wasn't. Now she's on a mission to make him pay. Revenge is sweet right? But how well does revenge work when every glance and every touch melts her in the inside?

These two have an interesting and quite comical path to go down. Things aren't always what they seem and surprises pop up. Awesome read and I highly recommend it. You won't be sorry.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
michele rosenthal
I’m trying to gather my thoughts here. The heroine came across as a brat, even when she was feeling badly it felt shallow. Her father’s a classic narcissist personality who she keeps excusing (but he loves his family! he does! Really really really!). The hero’s father is a drunk until he isn’t, and isn’t it against medical ethics to have anything to do with treating family — and, well, I won’t give away the very ending, but nope, that’s just so not happening.

Couldn’t figure out why the hero was keeping the secret, exactly. He had his own baggage (why was Dad forgiven but not Mom?) and...? Withholding information is an aggravating behavior. Just talk.

Okay, everyone came across as shallow-ish. And I wasn’t feelin’ the pain the hero was in, nor the heroine. Poor upper class white kids. Even they have problems. Oh, and we never did find out if the heroine passed her class, the reason “why” she had to spend so much time with the hero after he dumped her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john gardner
Is there anything that RVD cannot do? I am beginning to think she is a goddess among us mere mortals. She gives me characters that I want to become real life friends with. I love that she entwines previous book characters into the new story. Reminding us of how and why we loved them too.

Thatcher was a dream bbf and Austin was a fiery sassy girl with attitude. I seriously had to put my kindle down so that I could quit crying from laughter.

I mark my calendar around this amazing authors releases. I am so glad you found your passion RVD because you make reading fun again. Keep living your dream and never stop writing. I look forward to anything you write, especially knowing I am guaranteed to laugh out loud, experience joy, and have a few moments where I might need to fan myself or let my kindle cool down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim hounslow
This is the second book in the Curious Liaisons series. The first book was awesome, and so is this one.

I was so excited to see this on my kindle (well, email from Netgalley first). I have loved every Rachel Van Dyken book I have read. She is a must read author for me.

At the end of Cheater, I was really hoping Austin got revenge. And boy did she. I was laughing so hard about the Dora the Explorer bike, what she made him wear. Austin got Thatch so good. I wanna be her when I grow up!

Thatch isn’t a bad guy. He did the wrong thing for a good reason. He’s a great plastic surgeon.

I can understand why he thinks the way he does. Especially after his past came out.

But Austin was so heartbroken. I love these characters so much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kate asmus
To be honest, I had such mixed feelings about the first story in this series, that I was a bit apprehensive about reading this one. I've read a lot by this author, so I know the kind of work she is capable of and I was not ready for another disappointing novel.

Thankfully, this one in my opinion, was much better than the first! There was the same back and forth banter between the leads that you have come to expect from Rachel Van Dyken, but without all the immaturity the first one held (even if there were a couple of times where they acted less than their respective ages). I enjoyed watching Thatch and Austin tentatively rebuild the friendship they had started, while seeing the obvious chemistry that was between them. The additional aspect of the "big secret" that was hanging over their heads only added another layer to be enjoyed. Would they be able to overcome the fallout if the truth were to be revealed?

It was fun to catch up with Lucas and Avery from the first story and see where they were in terms of their relationship. I also enjoyed how the author used the friendships between all of the characters to keep Thatch and Austin around each other even when there were times they wished to be anywhere else.

Overall, I am sure this story will appeal to those who enjoy a different take on the romantic comedy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
wai yip tung
4.5 stars

Thatch only does one night stands.That is until Austin happens along. He keeps making exceptions for her, wanting more and more. But he finds himself overwhelmed and cheats on her. But he's not over her.

Austin wants closure, she wants to know why he cheated. As payback, she uses his position as a plastic surgeon to shadow him and start a blog for her final college project.

As they work together they start to forget why they aren't together anymore. But a sequence of events tries to keep them apart. 

Can they work through this? Can Austin get some answers?

Definitely one click this now. There hasn't been a book by Rachel Van Dyken that I haven't loved.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
r j kessler
Love is all about fighting for what you want, for the one that means the world to you, to protect and to cherish. The protect part is the one that get muddled along the way, for Thatch his version of protect also included breaking the heart of the woman he loves more than anything.
The idea of protecting her from what could happen was his motivation, his delivery was flawed.
Austin, has, love , hate and revenge in her heart, the problem? That her love is out weighing the revenge.
This book is one that will take most of you day away in the blink of an eye, so get ready to be engulfed in the war that brews between the two of them. Funny and heart breaking they are a love that will melt your heart.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
noel napier glover
Cheater's Regret is a romantic comedy with revenge thrown in to the mix. Austin is heart broken after finding her boyfriend, Thatch, kissing another woman. When she opens his heart to him and wants to forgive him, he breaks her heart all over again. What happens next is a scorned woman wanting revenge on the love of her life.

I personally like Cheater's Regret a lot more than Cheater. I liked the plot and wanting revenge on an ex. I also liked how when the time came, Austin and Thatch were able to communicate like the adults they are. Even though I though this book was better than the first in the series, I did not love it. Sometimes the actions of both main characters annoyed me and I had to remind myself of their ages. I also detested their parents and how messed up they were. If you are looking for a romantic comedy book mixed with revenge and redemption, then Cheater's Regret will be a great choice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer chambers
Rachel Van Dyken has done it once again. Cheater's Regret has instantly made my list of favourite books read this year.

Austin and Thatch had the absolute perfect chemistry and relationship. Yes, they definitely had their issues (many of them), however, that made for an even more enjoyable read. It made their relationship real and believable. To top it off, their problems allowed for so many memorable moments.

I constantly found myself laughing at some of Austin and Tatchs' crazy schemes and revenge plots for each other. Add in the sexual innuendos and you definitely have a laugh out loud novel!

To top everything off, the sexy moments filled with tension and passion were so heart stopping. These scenes truly showed that each character did have real feelings for one another.

I cannot say enough good things about this novel. I urge you to go and purchase it for yourself today to see why I am raving about it so much. Rachel is definitely an auto-buy, must read author.

5/5 Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The word “Cheater” elicits negative, preconceived notions and that made me hesitant in reading it. I’m glad I did, I loved it. Although, it’s debatably to call what plastic surgeon Thatch Holloway (he’s hotter than McSteamy) did as cheating, he had his reasons. Jilted MBA student Austin Rogers seeks revenge. Does she get vengeance or do their undeniable feeling get in the way? Trust me, you’ll enjoy every second
The characters are well developed, relatable and endearing and I only found myself wanting to slap our hero a couple of times. But he’s a man it’s expected, right?
What I like best about RVD’s writing style is that it’s not overly detailed and there is no internal character dialogue. She is the only author that has me snort-laughing one minute and teary eyed the next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved it! Austin and Thatch were hilarious! The shenanigans that these two come up with to drive each other nuts are amazingly funny and poignant. Scared of spiders? The dark? Bikes? Frogs? Nothing is off limits to these two. All in the name of broken hearts. What do you do when you just can't understand why the relationship ends? What do you do when you can't really give a good answer to that question? Torture the other person. But when things get serious and they just can't get passed their true feelings, the love and support they have for each other..its just lovely. This story was so real. You could really imagine your friends or yourself in the same situations and really laugh.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rachel Van Dyken has done it again; Cheater’s Regret is non-stop laughs and brings on the feels. We first met Thatch and Austin in the first book of the series Cheater and I was so happy when I found out that Thatch and Austin would get their own story, let me tell you Cheater’s Regret did not disappoint. Rachel Van Dyken has created two power house characters in Austin and Thatch, Austin has such spunk and determination and I mean you can’t help but fall in love with Thatch. Cheater’s Regret has such a great storyline that will keep you hooked from the very first words; I could not put it down. I’m a huge fan of Rachel’s work and you will love this fun and witty romantic comedy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was looking forward to the follow-up to Cheater, and Rachel Van Dyken didn't disappoint. Thatch and Austin were fun and funny--and heartbreaking. The revenge aspect at first made me a little uneasy, but it turned around so wonderfully, I was charmed. I loved that--typically for a guy--Thatch thought he was doing what was "best," by breaking Austin's heart. He was stubborn enough to keep it up as long as he could, but Austin won him over eventually. It was such a rewarding thing to read!

I'm becoming a real fan of Rachel and her off-beat, funny characters. I recommend this book to anyone who wants a good, funny, satisfying read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amran gaye
The title explains this perfectly. He regrets cheating. But there's a story behind it, if you just give the guy a chance to explain. There's way more to Thatch if you look close enough. This I'm-in-control facade only masks what's going on inside him and his family.

This rom-com was filled quite a bit of heart actually. In fact, I did get choked up a few times. One scene hit close to home and I had this pain in my chest that required me to sit a take a deep breath.

If you're looking for a nice escape from all the angsty books, this one is right up your alley. The characters were insane and kooky but you can't help but love them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cheater's Regret follows Austin Rogers revenge plans against her ex, Thatch Holloway. Her plans of revenge are devious and hilarious. Thatch is a plastic surgeon who has his reasons for cheating on Austin. However, they both have the same problem - neither one is over the other. As the plot unfolds, they can't resist each other but what will happen when Thatch reveals his reasons for letting her go in the first place.

So, to begin with let me just say that I am a HUGE fan of all of Rachel Van Dyken's books. Her writing is always on point, her characters fully developed and her plots are always easy to follow. This book is no different. From the secrets to the feeling within the book, I just couldn't put it down. The issues dealt with in this book are issues that women deal with daily. She did a wonderful job bringing those issues to light and I couldn't love this book any more than I do. Such a great job!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rodrigo redondeiro
Cheater’s Regret was just what I needed. It was funny and flirty with the revenge on the side, or not. I love how RVD kept the banter going with all four characters from the first in this series, Cheater. Thatch and Austin have amazing chemistry and although they seem to hate each other with the craziness they put one another through you can see what is really there. It is also nice to glimpse that a man be venerable to his own doubts and fears. Pushing away people is not just a girl thing. If you loved Cheater, then Cheater’s Regret will not let you down. I highly recommend it when you need a pick me up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa hillan
I absolutely and thoroughly loved the fabulous and fantastic romantic story written by the wonderfully talented Rachel Van Dyken. I voluntarily reviewed a copy from Goodreads.
Austin is headlong, romantically in love with the sexiest man, Thatch. Thatch cheats on her and makes sure she sees him kissing someone else. Austin's heart is broken into a million pieces and plots ways to exact her revenge.
Read the highly recommended, beautifully written and engaging story that rivets the reader from the beginning of the story until the end of the story, and a must read love story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ali karbasi
I loved reading about Thatch & Austin as much as I didn't Avery and Lucas.

Austin had the love of her life ripped away from her by the kiss of a cheater. She thought Thatch loved her but when she caught his lips on another woman it was over with.

Thatch had secrets and thought the only way he could protect austin was push her away. When he's hurt that's what he always does to protect hisself. Austin was the love of his life but being more kind of scared him at the same time.

So austin sets out for revenge, just a a bunch of little pranks to get under his skin, she just didn't anticipate on getting under his sheets.

Secrets are revealed and the 2 are brought back together to weather the storm. Surprises pop up and complete the circle!

Great read!! Couldn't put my kindle down!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jerry hilts
Ahh I absolutely FLOVE this author!! She has such an amazing way of writing a story. You're always hooked from the first page to the last.

Thatch and Austins story was no different. I mean what would you do when the guy you're with cheated on you then breaks up with you?? Revenge that's what. They have such a love/hate relationship. But there's so much of Thatch that Austin doesn't know about. He did what he did to protect her. And being near her hurts his heart but he can't let her know that. So the games begin, can these two actually make it work and get back together?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teddy o malley
oh my goodness!!!! i thought i loved Lucas and Avery's story but i absolutely love love LOVE Thatch and Austin's story! It was not only funny, but touching, super hot, and deep! I wish there were more books in this series but sadly, this is it. it ended way too quickly, i wanted it to last forever! but the chemistry and banter between Thatch and Austin was so amazing! i have no idea where Rachel Van Dyken comes up with this stuff but it is brilliant! Both narrators were amazing and did so wonderfully with both female and male character voices. they really brought the book to life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karen terris uszenski
Cheater's Regret is the second in Rachel Van Dyken's Curious Liaisons. I'm enjoying this series with titles that might have you anticipating one thing to be surprised with another.

I am all for a revenge read and that is how I would say Austin and Thatch's story starts off. With recent history between them, Austin is gung ho on extracting a bit of revenge. The saying about best laid plans would so fit. I enjoyed the dialogue between characters and not just the protagonists.

I'm already on pins waiting on the next thing from RVD!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a wonderful, hilarious read! I found myself laughing out loud getting curious looks from me reading. The antics that Austin does from the list provided by Avery's boyfriend, Thatch's best friend. The best is when Austin had to eat crow and ask help from Thatch to provide information for a blog she had to do for her class. 

Austin has deep feelings for Thatch and can't believe he cheated on her then broke up with her with no explanation. Thatch has feelings for Austin but feels he is protecting her from harm and more hurt. Once the two could get it together they work good as a team. 

Reviewer's Note:
This a must read story and a definite reread for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dan glasson
Haha! I really enjoyed Thatch and Austin's story! These two were something else. They had me laughing out loud one moment and fanning myself the next. Between their silly revenge antics and the angst between them, I was all over the place with my emotions. Rachel Van Dyken is brilliant at writing romantic comedies and this one delivered exactly what I needed. Cheater's Regret is a light and funny, slightly emotional story. The quintessential summer read!

♥ Review by Lys
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lisa anne
Another fun one!! I adored Thatch and Austin!! Thatch was a bit of a jerk in the beginning and I wanted to punch him!! But as we got more insight into his story I started to come around and I ended up loving him!! And Austin was adorable! She was hilarious and sweet and I wanted to buy her a moon pie! And with all of rvd's books, the supporting cast was phenomenal!! I loved getting more of Lucas and Avery! This was a fun light hearted read and I really enjoyed it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thatch sometimes has to make himself clear on his thoughts, “damn it, Austin.” I placed the clipboard on the table and wanted to follow after it with my head. “Listen when I say, there is absolutely nothing I would change about your body, not now, not ever.” Thatch is such a caring man, “poor baby,” Thatch said gently. “You’re the only person I know who would actually punch someone in the face and walk away with more injuries.” I enjoyed this book, I loved Thatch.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mariann davis
The over riding theme of this romance, I would say, would have to be, 'Love conquers all.' Great romance, funny, terrific hea.
I just can't help but feel it would have been just as good, in about half the time. It seemed to take forever to get to what was, admittedly, a great hea.
I was about ready to give up, more than once. Especially when we seemed to be getting nowhere, it had taken forever to get there, and I was only to the 35% point!
I am glad I didn't give up, it was a great romance. Just overly long, and a little dragged out, and repetitive at times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laisi corsani
4.5 Stars

Cheater's Regret is a charming sinful story, that you will want to devour!
Yes! Jump right into the banter, the humor and that chase! Making you feel all kinda’s of push pull! Which I adore in every book!! Plus Cheater's Regret is such a fast paced book. You will consume in no time!!
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