The Playboy Bachelor (The Bachelors of Arizona)

ByRachel Van Dyken

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bentley Wellington's grandfather has just demanded he spend thirty days with someone from his past. A woman he loved. A woman he abandoned when she needed him most. A woman who was his best friend. A woman who is now a recluse who lets no one in. Should be easy, right?
Margot McCleery could live forever never seeing the man who broke her heart again. She's watched him in the papers. Womanizer, man-whore, jerk. Thanks to her grandmother and a charity auction, he's at her door, and three days has turned into thirty. She can do it, she just camt let him see her scars. Easy enough, or so it would seem.
When sixteen year old Margot is involved in an accident, she loses more than she could have ever imagined. It turns her life around and she just can't handle the public anymore, turning her into a reclusive romance writer. She lives with guilt and so much regret. Bentley suffers just as much. He may not have physical scars, but his emotional ones will bring you to your knees. He blames himself for a lot. He tortures himself by taking on the burdens of the family. Booze and women is what he does well.
Wow. This book was absolutely amazing. There was so much happening and I could not stop reading. I spent the majority of the day just devouring this one. There were so many obstacles the pair needed to overcome. This was such a beautiful second chance romance. It shows us that we can let hurt stand in the way, or we can open up and let love heal. Both characters were so well developed. I felt like I knew them both. As far as the others in the book go, I'll always love the grandparents. They have such a love for their grandchildren and will go to extreme measures to make them realize what they need to make them happy. Now I'm more than excited to read Brant's story. It certainly looks like it may be more emotional than this one and I can't wait!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katy punch
Rachel Van Dyken nails this book with humor, passion, compassion and heat!

The 2 main characters are off the charts with chemistry and you just find yourself reading and reading and not putting the book down and before I knew it, it was over. That was a huge bummer because I could go and reread it again. There are so many scenes in this story highlighted in my book that I just absolutely loved.

"You're the game changer, the one who makes me question everything."

I, personally love a well written female character whose strong enough to get back up after life gives you a huge curveball that changes everything - that's how I saw Margot. When Bentley came into the picture "again", Margot's strength outshines "again" along with her great personality. Van Dyken did an incredible job writing these two characters - they're dialogue between each other had so many different feels to it - it was intense at times, it was humorous, and it was beautiful. So all in all this was a perfect story for anyone who wants that little bit of everything in a well written romance novel because that is exactly what you're going to get in this book.

"...his life was a boring, useless cycle of using women and hiding who he really was from the world."

This is technically the second book of the series but it can be read as a standalone. This series is excellent so far and I am definitely looking forward to the next book.
The Playboy Bachelor is a must read, I highly recommend it - you will not be sorry.

*this review is affiliated with The Book Bistro
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A decade ago, Margot and Bentley were best friends. Teenagers, they loved each other in that way that teens love one another. Purely, yet secretively. Each fears how the other will react if they know the truth about their feelings.

A decade ago, Margot nearly lost her life. She did suffer horrific losses, one of which was Bentley. He failed to be there for her when she needed him most. What she doesn't know is that he, too, suffered. Each feels guilty, each needs the other. Neither will reach out.

Now, ten years later, Margot's mother and Bentley's grandfather decide enough is enough. Using a charity auction, they bring these two would-be lovebirds back together for thirty days.

I know it sounds like this book is nothing but angst and sadness, but it's more than that. It's also hilarious and deliciously hot. Bentley is funny. His one-liners will have you laughing out loud, and the sexy times will have you squeezing your thighs together.

With ten years of pent-up emotions percolating between them, Margot and Bentley fight. A LOT. They argue and argue and argue, with that sexual tension ramping up. Rachel Van Dyken uses these scenes to fill you in on her characters' back stories and to develop their relationship. They can't go from ten years apart to hopping in bed together. They have issues they need to work out, both within themselves and with each other.

At the same time, Van Dyken begins to build Brant's, Bentley's twin brother, story. I suspect Brant will beak out hearts just a bit.

This book is fun and frisky and will give you The Feels. It's my first time reading a Rachel Van Dyken book, and I know it won't be my last.
Fraternize (Players Game) :: Empire (Eagle Elite Book 7) :: Dirty Exes (Liars, Inc. Book 1) :: The Matchmaker's Replacement [Kindle in Motion] (Wingmen Inc. Book 2) :: Elude (Eagle Elite Book 6)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I will admit Bentley drove me absolutely crazy. It was hard to understand in the beginning the what and whys of Bentley and Margot’s relationship breakdown. I could completely understand her anger with him because he completely abandoned her in her time of need. What was difficult for me was understanding Bentley’s reasonings. How could he do that to her? If they were truly best friends, why?

I’ve never had that type of anxiety, nor know anyone who does – unless they hide it extremely well. But I have to say, Rachel Van Dyken definitely opened my eyes to how severe and suffocating extreme anxiety can be and the effects it has on people. Thank you for that valuable information. I truly feel like I’ve learned something very important.

The Playboy Bachelor is one heck of an emotional journey. Both Bentley and Margot had so many sides, the side they showed to the world, the side they showed to their family, the side they kept hidden from everyone else. The emotional pain they both suffered was heartbreaking. The wit and humor that would sneak out was refreshing and promising. The tender, sweet, romantic moments were so heartwarming and moving.

This is gritty, raw, emotional, and full of angst. It’s a story of second changes, redemption and forgiveness, healing and growth, romance and unconditional love.

I look forward to book three and what is in store for Brant!

**Copy provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
penni higgens
Ex best friends being forced to reunite after years of separation. What could go wrong with that?

Lies are told. Secrets are revealed. Hearts are broken and mended. A roller coaster of emotions that had me smiling one minute and then cringing the next.

Margot has lived a quiet life as a loner, for years. She's afraid to put herself out there. She needs a nudge by the right person, to get her life back on track.

Bentley has lived the life of a manwhore to cover up his true feelings. He's not actually happy to live like that, but he's content in it. But when he's coerced into staying a month in his ex best friends house, he discovers that he wants more out of his life and he want it with Margot.

Of course things don't go smoothly. In fact, I think they spent more time fighting than they did talking. But in the end, there was a breakthrough and one more Wellington is off the market.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aarti yadav
Bentley and Margot were best friends, but it only took a single moment and a tragic accident to separate them. He wasn’t there when she needed him the most and they haven’t been in contact ever since. Years later, they are reunited when Margot’s grandmother buys Bentley at a bachelor auction for the weekend. Only, he finds out that it’s going to be 30 days, all thanks to their medley grandparents.

I liked the first book in this series, so I figured I would give this one a go. While this wasn’t my favorite book from this author, I did enjoy this one quite a bit. The author’s writing was easy to get into and flows very well. The story wasn’t what I expected, but that only made me like this more as I like to be surprised. Bentley and Margot both had issues that they had to work together to resolve. The story was packed with feelings and angst and witty banter between the characters. This novel can be read as a standalone, but I would definitely recommend to read the first book to further your enjoyment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenna rose
I was expecting this book to be just as hilarious as the previous book, the Bachelor Auction. It wasn't. Although it was much less funny to me, that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Sometimes when you read books in a series they start to read like cookie cutter versions of the first book and can begin to lose my interest. (Though I'll read the rest of the series anyway because I ain't no quitter! Haha!)

When sequels have their own unique feel and still fit into the main series they tend to stand out to me and I'm more able to remember each book in the series more easily. 

The Bachelor Auction, as stated above, is a slow burn romance with a friends-to-lovers plot with a twist. ;)

The heroine, Margot, was a bit curmudgeon and that was fun to read. She played well off of her long lost friend, Bentley, and their banter was my favorite part of this read.

Even though this book wasn't nearly as side-splitting hilarious as it's predecessor, I enjoyed this story and feel like it's a great addition to the Bachelors of Arizona series. 

I give The Playboy Bachelor 4 out of 5 Krissy Stars!

*I was generously given an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Playboy Bachelor, which is the second installment in Rachel Van Dyken's Bachelors of Arizona Series, provides its reader with quite an entertaining story. Bentley Wellington, the younger brother of Brock, who was the the bachelor featured in The Bachelor Auction. He's also a twin, and the third Bachelor, whose book will come out next, is Brantley, Bentley's other half. Bentley is pretty much, well not exactly pretty much, he is a manwhore. He was also purchased at the Bachlor Auction by his grandfather and Margot's grandmother, who are both quite scheming. Margot and Bentley have a past, who that was completely shattered in more ways than one, years ago by a horrible tragedy.

Years have past, but the hurt and pain behind what happened in the past, misconstrued by both Margot and Bentley, has left a well of heartache in its place. Margot is an author and a recluse, and Bentley, well Bentley is a jerk, but he's a funny and hot one, and he definitely grows on you to the point you can't help but like him. Both of them use their own vices to cover their pain and their shame, but as they spend more time together, the walls begin to come down and the chemistry that has always been there boils right up to the top and runs over.

They go through a lot before they share their secrets and begin to work through their pain. There is a lot of humor and heartache in the mix, but it's all worth it in the end. The Bachlor Playboy is a great second installment in this series by Rachel Van Dyken and one definitely worth checking out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed the latest novel from Rachel Van Dyken! It's got all the angst I look for in a romance as well as a lot of humor and fun all around. One of the main things that attracted me to the story line is how explosive these characters are. And when I say this, I mean it in every way possible. The good. The bad. And the downright ugly! YIKES! I didn't know whether to laugh, cringe, or throw my kindle across the room! LOL. But, it's safe to say that if the author can bring about all of these emotions in me then it's a pretty darn good book.

Overall, fans of the author and those who enjoy second chance romances with a bit of a twist will enjoy this one. I certainly did and would very much recommend it to fellow readers. Also, I am glad this book was a "surprise release" because this surprise really got me hooked AND happy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I had the pleasure of reading The Playboy Bachelor by Rachel Van Dyken. I am giving this book 4 stars because this was like a love hate kind of book. What I mean by this is I had a lot of mix emotions. On one side I love how the author brought them back together. I just felt like what were the chances of Margot grandma buying her ex best friend at an auction. The reason Bentley and her are no longer friends is because he left her at the worst time when she needed him the most. But Bentley felt like she was also not there for him when he needed her the most. These two both have issues and couldn't see how they should have lend on each other instead they both walked away from each other. But life has a funny way of bring them back together. The only problem is will they both accept and forgive each other. What sometimes made me mad is how annoying the characters could be at times like for example they kept fighting with each other instead of just hearing one another out. Even though I sometimes wanted to throw my book in the end I'm so glad I didn't because in the end they finally see their ways, and come to realize that they belong together they both start to understand that they should have listen to each other. So I am just glad that they finally got their happy ending. Even if it took them awhile to get there, but if love came that easy then we really wouldn't have a book lol. If you have not read this book you should check it out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate hater
The Playboy Bachelor is the second book in the Bachelor series, but could probably be read as a stand alone (although I advise you to read them in order). I found this book to be light hearted and just as great as the first.

Bentley Wellington is a Millionaire Bachelor who has it all and is about to get his dream job within the family corporation.. There's just one thing standing in his way.

1 month..

After allowing his Grandfather to auction him off for the sake of someone else's happy ending, Bentley must now spend 30 days with the woman he used to be best friends with. The girl he didn't want to tell his feelings too until it was too late. That one day that changes everything. Now he was forced to spend a month with her, under one roof. Will their love rekindle? Will they make it out without killing each other?

Sometimes the best gifts come in unexpected packages and some old flames should never be rekindled. You'll have to read Bentley story to find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer scobee
I have to say after reading The Bachelor Auction I was so excited for Bentleys book. You have all these ideas in your head of what his and Margot’s story could be but this just exceeded all expectations.

Their story was one of heart ache, loss, and regret. I absolutely love a second chance romance and with the barriers these two had up at the beginning, it made for the perfect love story.

The history of what happened to their friendship after one tragic night and miscommunication was what made these two what they are... and to find out what had happened in their past to get them to this point in time broke my heart but somehow RVD managed capture their pain and help them heal. Showing us if you’re meant to be, you will find yourself back together somehow. (With a lot of help from your interfering Nan and I just love her and her deviousness.)

Now I’m super excited for Brantley’s book, I have just loved him and his wit throughout these books! Whatever is in store for him I cannot wait to find out!!!

Although this is book two, it can be read as a standalone but book 1 was great so to get the full story, I think you should start with The Bachelor Auction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
fuchsia rascal
This is the second book in The Bachelors of Arizona series and I really enjoyed it. The story and the characters really pulled me in. There were so many swoony moments.

Margot and Bentley were very likable characters and the chemistry between them was intense. The banter between these two had me laughing numerous times. This book had it all for me.

Margot keeps to herself and has been hurt. She so desperately wants to live again and be a normal person. That’s hard to do when you have a hard time letting people in. She is a strong person and just has to realize that about herself. I was pulling for her through the entire book. She was the perfect heroine.

Bentley was a very sought after bachelor who had a different woman most nights. He never settled down because no one compared to his best friend. After being around Margot again old feelings start to come resurface.

This book had the perfect amount of angst, friend to lovers, passion and comedy. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to the next in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theresa kalfas
4.5 Stars

This is the second book in The Bachelors of Arizona series and it was awesome.

I loved reading the second chance story of Bentley and Margot.

Bentley and Margot were best friends as teenagers until a tragic accident broke them apart.

Margot has since become a recluse and successful romance author and Bentley has turned into the Playboy Bachelor. Bentley always seems to make the news for all the wrong reasons and now wants to prove himself to not only his grandfather but himself as well. He wants to become the man that Margot deserves.

The story has a liking to Beauty and the Beast as Margot lost her leg in the accident when she was 16.

Again in this story, both characters have to fight their inner demons head on and in Margot’s case learn to trust again.

I loved the twists that were thrown in and of course Bentley’s grandfather and the CEO of Titus Enterprises play an integral part with matching these two together.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stuart black
The Playboy Bachelor, which is the second installment in Rachel Van Dyken's Bachelors of Arizona Series, provides its reader with quite an entertaining story. Bentley Wellington, the younger brother of Brock, who was the the bachelor featured in The Bachelor Auction. He's also a twin, and the third Bachelor, whose book will come out next, is Brantley, Bentley's other half. Bentley is pretty much, well not exactly pretty much, he is a manwhore. He was also purchased at the Bachlor Auction by his grandfather and Margot's grandmother, who are both quite scheming. Margot and Bentley have a past, who that was completely shattered in more ways than one, years ago by a horrible tragedy.

Years have past, but the hurt and pain behind what happened in the past, misconstrued by both Margot and Bentley, has left a well of heartache in its place. Margot is an author and a recluse, and Bentley, well Bentley is a jerk, but he's a funny and hot one, and he definitely grows on you to the point you can't help but like him. Both of them use their own vices to cover their pain and their shame, but as they spend more time together, the walls begin to come down and the chemistry that has always been there boils right up to the top and runs over.

They go through a lot before they share their secrets and begin to work through their pain. There is a lot of humor and heartache in the mix, but it's all worth it in the end. The Bachlor Playboy is a great second installment in this series by Rachel Van Dyken and one definitely worth checking out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ricardo l pez
The Playboy Bachelor is the second book in Rachel Van Dyken's The Bachelor's of Arizona series, which centers on three brothers and their lovable but meddling grandfather. This book is younger son and twin, Bentley's story and is a cute but also heartfelt second-chance romance.

Margot and Bentley were best friends in high school when tragedy struck and Margot lost bother her parents and part of her leg in one devastating accident. Bentley basically abandoned her when it happened, and they have not seen each in years until Margot's grandmother buys her a weekend long date with Bentley at a charity auction. There's secret plots in play to reunite Margot and Bentley. The problem is that Margot doesn't want anything to do with him; she is was devastated by the accident and by his leaving and ignoring her.

The accident also made her angry and afraid and living as a recluse. She's a romance novelist, but she doesn't have much love in her heart. She's surly and cynical, and she resents Bentley. When he is blackmailed into staying with Margot for thirty days, the manipulation ends up being the best thing for both of them. The time gives them the opportunity to excavate the past and build on a future - a future where they are much more than best friends again.

The Playboy Bachelor is charming, sexy and fun with a dash of angst and touch of gut-wrenching. Rachel Van Dyken can always be counted on to deliver a good love story, and she doesn't disappoint.

ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley, but this review was voluntarily and honestly written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
adam ledford
I really enjoyed the latest novel from Rachel Van Dyken! It's got all the angst I look for in a romance as well as a lot of humor and fun all around. One of the main things that attracted me to the story line is how explosive these characters are. And when I say this, I mean it in every way possible. The good. The bad. And the downright ugly! YIKES! I didn't know whether to laugh, cringe, or throw my kindle across the room! LOL. But, it's safe to say that if the author can bring about all of these emotions in me then it's a pretty darn good book.

Overall, fans of the author and those who enjoy second chance romances with a bit of a twist will enjoy this one. I certainly did and would very much recommend it to fellow readers. Also, I am glad this book was a "surprise release" because this surprise really got me hooked AND happy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chandler milligan
I had the pleasure of reading The Playboy Bachelor by Rachel Van Dyken. I am giving this book 4 stars because this was like a love hate kind of book. What I mean by this is I had a lot of mix emotions. On one side I love how the author brought them back together. I just felt like what were the chances of Margot grandma buying her ex best friend at an auction. The reason Bentley and her are no longer friends is because he left her at the worst time when she needed him the most. But Bentley felt like she was also not there for him when he needed her the most. These two both have issues and couldn't see how they should have lend on each other instead they both walked away from each other. But life has a funny way of bring them back together. The only problem is will they both accept and forgive each other. What sometimes made me mad is how annoying the characters could be at times like for example they kept fighting with each other instead of just hearing one another out. Even though I sometimes wanted to throw my book in the end I'm so glad I didn't because in the end they finally see their ways, and come to realize that they belong together they both start to understand that they should have listen to each other. So I am just glad that they finally got their happy ending. Even if it took them awhile to get there, but if love came that easy then we really wouldn't have a book lol. If you have not read this book you should check it out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle looman
The Playboy Bachelor is the second book in the Bachelor series, but could probably be read as a stand alone (although I advise you to read them in order). I found this book to be light hearted and just as great as the first.

Bentley Wellington is a Millionaire Bachelor who has it all and is about to get his dream job within the family corporation.. There's just one thing standing in his way.

1 month..

After allowing his Grandfather to auction him off for the sake of someone else's happy ending, Bentley must now spend 30 days with the woman he used to be best friends with. The girl he didn't want to tell his feelings too until it was too late. That one day that changes everything. Now he was forced to spend a month with her, under one roof. Will their love rekindle? Will they make it out without killing each other?

Sometimes the best gifts come in unexpected packages and some old flames should never be rekindled. You'll have to read Bentley story to find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laura rodd
I have to say after reading The Bachelor Auction I was so excited for Bentleys book. You have all these ideas in your head of what his and Margot’s story could be but this just exceeded all expectations.

Their story was one of heart ache, loss, and regret. I absolutely love a second chance romance and with the barriers these two had up at the beginning, it made for the perfect love story.

The history of what happened to their friendship after one tragic night and miscommunication was what made these two what they are... and to find out what had happened in their past to get them to this point in time broke my heart but somehow RVD managed capture their pain and help them heal. Showing us if you’re meant to be, you will find yourself back together somehow. (With a lot of help from your interfering Nan and I just love her and her deviousness.)

Now I’m super excited for Brantley’s book, I have just loved him and his wit throughout these books! Whatever is in store for him I cannot wait to find out!!!

Although this is book two, it can be read as a standalone but book 1 was great so to get the full story, I think you should start with The Bachelor Auction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is the second book in The Bachelors of Arizona series and I really enjoyed it. The story and the characters really pulled me in. There were so many swoony moments.

Margot and Bentley were very likable characters and the chemistry between them was intense. The banter between these two had me laughing numerous times. This book had it all for me.

Margot keeps to herself and has been hurt. She so desperately wants to live again and be a normal person. That’s hard to do when you have a hard time letting people in. She is a strong person and just has to realize that about herself. I was pulling for her through the entire book. She was the perfect heroine.

Bentley was a very sought after bachelor who had a different woman most nights. He never settled down because no one compared to his best friend. After being around Margot again old feelings start to come resurface.

This book had the perfect amount of angst, friend to lovers, passion and comedy. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to the next in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janice palko
4.5 Stars

This is the second book in The Bachelors of Arizona series and it was awesome.

I loved reading the second chance story of Bentley and Margot.

Bentley and Margot were best friends as teenagers until a tragic accident broke them apart.

Margot has since become a recluse and successful romance author and Bentley has turned into the Playboy Bachelor. Bentley always seems to make the news for all the wrong reasons and now wants to prove himself to not only his grandfather but himself as well. He wants to become the man that Margot deserves.

The story has a liking to Beauty and the Beast as Margot lost her leg in the accident when she was 16.

Again in this story, both characters have to fight their inner demons head on and in Margot’s case learn to trust again.

I loved the twists that were thrown in and of course Bentley’s grandfather and the CEO of Titus Enterprises play an integral part with matching these two together.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erin cobb
This book had so many catching moments that really made you truly see where the characters were coming from.

You have Margot who is dealing with tremendous guilt over the death of her parents and who continues to struggle dealing with the life impacting injuries from a car accident that changed her life forever years ago. She has essentially become a hermit; not leaving the house unless absolutely necessary and not interacting with anyone.

You have Bentley who on the surface appears to be your typical playboy bachelor: he goes from girl to girl never committing to anyone. Bentley was Margot's best friend until the accident that changed both of their lives forever. You want to hate Bentley for the way he treated Margot, but then you hear his story and your thoughts begin to change.

Margot and Bentley are thrown together by their grandparents, forced to spend time living together for 30 days.

I loved that both characters had a strong background and had their own barriers to overcome.

** ARC received from Netgalley **
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michelle lawrence
4 stars

The Playboy Bachelor was a fun, heartfelt and entertaining read.

I found the storyline well written, the characters were strong, stubborn, funny and watching them reconnect had me turning the pages late into the night.

Margot and Bentley used to be best friends, they also had strong feelings for each other but never acted on them. But after a horrible accident, both Margot and Bentley find life taking them in different directions and both losing touch with each other.
They've both dealt with the loss differently, after being apart for over 10 years I enjoyed seeing them reconnect.
The walls they both had erected start coming down slowly and with time, communication they were able to finally open their hearts to each other.

Overall, The Playboy Bachelor was a good read that will bring out all the feels. I laughed, I swooned, I cried, I was frustrated with some of the actions both Bentley & Margot made, and then I swooned again with their HEA.

The Playboy Bachelor is the second book from The Bachelors of Arizona series, each book can be read as a standalone and I highly recommend them both.

Looking forward to Brant's book next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This title does give this book a playful appeal, but in all honesty this was a very emotional and heart warming journey. I would give this book a 4.5 stars and highly recommend to others. Oh it had plenty of the steamy and greatness that RVD seems to deliver as always.. but there was so much more to this story and I loved it! This is the second book of this magnificent series it can be read as a stand-alone... but I do recommend reading the first one The Bachelor Auction Brock's story!

Margot and Bentley were best friends growing up and a tragedy struck and turn there lives upside down.... when 2 worlds that used to sync together is gone and 10 years has passed.. what will happen when they are put together again against there will? Feelings will be finally shared and reveal and the turmoil that has kept them apart will either make them or break them...

Get to one clicking to see what happens, you don't want to miss this story and I look forward to the next book Bachelor Contract Brant's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When Margot McCleery was younger she had a crush on her best friend Bentley Wellington. Even though they she was the shy bookworm and he was the popular flirt who got all of the girls, their friendship just worked. Until it didn't.

Now, years later Margot and Bentley haven't seen each other... until Bentley shows up as the bought and paid for bachelor her grandmother has procured for her. Will the best friends be able to forget their past and move forward... together?

This was another fantastic book by Rachel Van Dyken. With her amazing ability to write an entertaining cast of characters, who are not only well developed and believable, but also loyal and of course, hilarious. I love the relationships between the Wellington family, and of course the scheming old people just top off the already interesting and amusing plot.

Margot was a severely damaged character, who has been through a lot in her life, and Bentley is such a brilliant match for her. With sweet scenes, witty banter and humor, and an interesting and unique storyline, this book is a must read.

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a fabulous story! Rachel Van Dyken really knows how to write a modern fairy tale! You will want to one-click this book for sure.

Margot is as stubborn as mule, but very likable nonetheless. Bentley was equal parts sweet and infuriating. They brought out the best, and worst, in each other. Their banter was hilarious.

The plot was unique; I enjoyed references to my favorite fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast. It was fairly fast moving and kept me reading, anxious to see what happens next. I was pleased to get glimpses of the infamous Grandma Nadine. She really does steal the show.

I am a big fan of Rachel Van Dyken, and this newest book didn't disappoint! She is an automatic one-click for me. The Playboy Bachelor is the second book in the series. It can definitely be read as a standalone, but you will want to read the entire series. I can't wait for Brandt's story!

A Book Lover's Emporium
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
cb davis
*I received an arc copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

DNF @ 45%

I did not like this author's writing style at all. It was unpolished and the characters were incredibly annoying. The whole tone of the story felt a little ridiculous. I skimmed through most of it.

The characters talked about the heroine like she was defective and an animal. The hero was an absolute womanizer, rude, and immature. He sleeps with married women like it's no big deal. At one point the heroine pretends she thought the hero was bisexual and it's supposed to be an insult.

You should pass on this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A friends to enemies to lovers book that has many funny points as well as touching moments. Margot McCleery was 'gifted' a man from her feisty grandmother. It seems grandmom bought Margot's old ex best friend turned enemy at an auction for her lonely grandmother. The last thing Margot wants is a man, especially when the man is none other than Bentley Wellington.

Bentley Wellington's grandfather thinks Bentley needs to spend some time with the closed off Margot. As Bentley spends more and more time with Margot he begins to realize he feels something more. He just needs to convince the very closed off, Margot of this.

The chase begins but is Margot willing to let her broken heart be caught? Can Bentley convince her he's not just a playboy bachelor and that he does want more? This book has a lot to offer in the way of emotions, you get a few laughs, a few tears and whole lot of love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love and friendship collide before coming full circle. The Playboy Bachelor was nothing like I expected it to be, it was so much more. Bentley and Margot are not fairytale characters. They are real people fighting their way back from the brink. Margot is a woman never comfortable in her own skin. An awkward teen with a love for books and an unrequited crush on a boy she could never claim as her own, she didn't have an easy time. Youth brought her face to face with tragedy. In an instant she lost more than she ever thought possible and closed herself off from the world. Enter the boy she always wanted and the man who toppled her world. Bentley is easy on the eyes and toxic to the heart. One decision destroyed his world. Now he's back to claim what's rightfully his. Can the Playboy Bachelor save the woman he never forgot? My all time favorite Rachel Van Dyken novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
flippy odegard
Bentley is the ultimate rich playboy who likes to have fun, but there is so much more to him than that. Margot's life was changed overnight ten years ago when an accident left her broken...and she thinks alone. Bently was her best friend, she confided everything in him, except her feelings, but after her accident, he never came to see her.

Life can change in the blink of the eye. This story proves that and so much more. It also shows that there is usually more to the story than we know. Bentley is more than just a playboy who likes to party. I loved this book and the characters and related to Margot probably more than any other character Rachel Van Dyken has written. The characters and the story are amazing and will pull you in. Well written and emotional at times, it is worth picking up today. You never know what life will bring you. 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jody heifner
I love the fact that both Bentley and Margot were not perfect. She was flawed on the outside where as he was flawed on the inside. I wasn't sure that Bentley would ever get to the point were he would be able to be forgiven for how he treated Margot. He had a good excuse to begin with but as time went on that excuse didn't fly anymore. I liked the fact that when he finally decided to go for it with Margot he really tried. Margot opened up little by little and realized what she was missing in life. I was happy that she stood up for herself against Bentley. I even understand why she would lash out given her situation.
Rachel did another great job with this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ted stabler
4 Crazy Ass Stars!!!!!

After Bachelor Auction was a bit of a flop for me, I was a little hesitant to read this. I love RVD so I put aside my hangups and dove right in. While my all-time favorite series of RVD's is the Consequences series with the Matchmaker in close second, I am starting to enjoy this one.
I wanted to get to know Bentley more after meeting him in BA. He and Brant are what are keeping me tied to this series. It was a bit over the top but it is fiction after all. That is just what I needed to read at this time.
I'm looking forward to reading the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
suzan rebekah
4.5 stars
Yes! The second book in the Bachelors of Arizona series... the twins: well at least one of their stories.

Margot has been a close friend to Bentley growing up. She was secretly in love with him. But that was long ago. Now she can'rt stand him and his good looking, whoring ways. But, her grandmother purchased him at a charity auction and now she is stuck with him for a week.

The first step is for them to get over why they stopped being best friends in the first place. The angst and attraction between these two is palpable. They are both afraid of being dissapointed, left behind and broken-hearted. 

Can they learn to trust each other, move on from the past? Definitely one click this now. 
I can't wait for Brant's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james diegelmann
Margot and Bentley were torn apart by tragic circumstances when they were teens. She became a shut in and he became a player. Thrown together by their grandparents, both are battling their attraction and love for the other. Bentley is fun, and a romantic at heart even if he hides it a bit. Margot grows throughout this entire story. She's a great protagonist who learns to love again.
This second chance romance was fast paced and wonderfully written with unexpected twists and turns throughout the story. The give and take of their love versus the pain from their past was a perfect balance. If you enjoy second chance romances with 2 broken people who find redemption in love I highly recommend The Playboy Bachelor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly smith
I love everything that Rachel Van Dyken writes and this book was no exception. Her charming storytelling is what sets her stories apart from others. The characters are sweet and endearing which leaves the reader hoping for their happy ending. Bentley and Margot were once friends than have turned into hurtful enemies. Each one dealing with issues of their own while pushing each other away. Thanks to a little matchmaking and trickery by their families these two are forced to work out their problems and discover the love they feel buried deep inside. This was an excellent second chance romance that gives you all the good feelings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
devon hamilton
5 amazingly good stars
I've been looking forward to the twins books and Bentley and Margot's story didn't disappoint. It was funny, sad, heartfelt and everything else in between. Bentley is your typical playboy and his character was written perfectly. I absolutely loved him. Margot was also written very well and their banter was just perfect. I laughed out loud a few times. The best had to be the scene at the go karts with the 6 year old. The BEST!!
Thanks again Rachel for once again an amazing read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate kelly
Wow! This is my first Rachel Van Dyken Romance, and it won't be my last. This book was stupendous. Bentley and Margot, clueless best friends who both want more, have inter-related crises, then don't see each other for 10 years. To survive the trauma, they both develop strategies that stunt their lives, until they are forced to face their problems together. This sounds depressing, but because of Bentley's ways of coping, the book is intense and very funny at the same time. In a lot of romances, the love interests have certain misconceptions or fears or personality traits which cause the conflict keeping them apart. The Playboy Bachelor falls into this category, however, in this book it is done flawlessly. I never thought their fears were contrived or what was keeping them apart was unrealistic at all. It made all kinds of sense, and was intrinsic to how Margot and Bentley had coped with the trauma they experienced. Even though many characters, including M. and B., are not the nicest or easiest people to get along with, I still liked them and was rooting for them from beginning to end. I definitely recommend this book. It is one of the best romances I have ever read.

An ARC was received for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Playboy Bachelor was such a great read. To start, I'm not a fan of 3rd POV. BUT I could not put this book down. I had to read it whenever I got a chance. I just loved the characters, Bentley and Margot so much. Each had a lot of baggage and stuck in a dark place. But due to some sneaky grandparents, the two are thrown together and unknowingly help each other to the light. I just loved the story and writing. The dialogue between Bentley and Margot was just so much fun. And I love second chance at love romances! I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan moxley
Brently is hot Margot thinks she not. They were best friends one accident changed everything. But grandma Nadine and grandpa Wellington have a plan. And of course any plan to match make always goes as planned right?!? Brently and Margot have got to find not only their friendship again but the love they didn't know they had for each other. This book is sexy, funny, and will make you cry! This is a must read for everyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5 Stars

The Playboy Bachelor by Rachel Van Dyken

Review by Michelle D.

This story was such an incredible heart warming second chance novel. The couple are able to find themselves again after tragedy strikes. Margot needs her best friend when tragedy strikes but Bentley is dealing with his own demons and so they drift apart. But fate has other plans for these two. Can they move past their hurt and rekindle what once was?

Such an incredible story that made my heart feel good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
abhishek mishra
I was looking foward to this book after reading the first one in the series and I wasn't disappointed! This is a friends to lover story with a twist. I loved the connection between them and how they brought the best out in each other. I wish it would have a had a little more humor like the first one, but regardless I fell in love with the story and Bentley and Margot! I can't wait for Brant's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katharine harding
This series is just getting better and better, I love this book. Rachel always gets me the hottest guys in the most interesting circumstances and I keep wanting more. Margot had an accident that changed her life, Bentley is her best friend who never showed up to support her. Then comes her grandmother who gets her Bentley at a charity auction, for her to spend a whole weekend with him. Friendship, turned to hate morphed into ... well, go find out. I can also say that I can't wait for Brant's book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
justin remer
I absolutely love the second edition to this absolutely wonderful series. Bentley and Margot we're such well-developed an amazing characters and had you rooting for them through the whole story. This was definitely another five star read from Rachel Van Dyken she never disappoints and her stories. I went through a range of motion with these characters that's hard for a lot of authors to portray. I definitely suggest this book be one you don't miss out on you will not be disappointed. It will leave you wanting more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nancy nugent
I absolutely love everything Rachel Van Dyken writes and this story was no different. I fell in love with this story and with the characters. I thought the chemistry was there, the heart was there and the humor was there. It was a great romantic read, not to mention the emotions that were definitely evoked reading this book. Another amazing book from Rachel!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love a second-chance romance! The Bachelors of Arizona are three rich and gorgeous brothers, each very broken. Rachel Van Dyken gives us a lovely, funny, heart-warming story of former BFFs forced to spend time together by their meddling grandparents. I loved their sexy chemistry and Bentley's charm. And the fact that Margot is a romance author is a great addition to the story. It's more intense than the first in the series, but funny and swoony at the same time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynne radcliffe
An absolutely enjoyable read that had me laughing, sighing, swooning and just wondering how the author creates such a book that allows you to escape from reality so well.
A story that will have you beside yourself and wonder how things will go!!
Must Read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rachel never disappoints,
Trying to tame the beast is never easy. But when your Bentley Wellington it's even harder. His Grandfather has come up with another one of his brilliant ideas. And Bentley is none to happy with what it is. But simply put I loved this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda t
This was a awesome read. Fast paced, keeps you in and hot. It was a surprised and what a surprise. This was all around awesome. I loved it. It held me in. It had great writing. I loved the characters. Author did a great job. Get clicking and enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
steve pinto
Margot and Bentley were best friends in high school, and then there was a tragedy in Margot's life, and one in Bentley's too...and they didn't see one another for a number of years.

Until her grandmother buys Bentley in an auction in hopes of shocking her shut-in granddaughter into living her life again.

And, there is some manipulation on the side of Bentley's family trying to keep them together for longer than the original weekend.

I liked Margot and Bentley, and I liked them together...but I never really liked the way they got together and I never totally believed in it. I thought it was a little over the top, and I just didn't really connect with it.

The issue I had with the beginning made it tough for me to feel really connected with the characters, which made it tough. I didn't dislike it, but the "meet cute" at the beginning did impact my enjoyment of the rest of the story.

I liked that both of them were a little broken, that there were things they both needed to get past and both accept and learn to live with. I liked the story arc and the character development, and I liked the growth of the characters.

I do recommend this title and I did enjoy it overall.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patricia elizabeth
The Playboy Bachelor was an amazing second book in this series with all the funny humor we expect from Rachel Van Dyken's books! I really loved Bentley and Margot story. We could really feel the love/hate relationship between them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brianna sayres
This book is smokin HOT!!!

Want a story that breaks your heart a million times, but finds a way to glue the pieces back together and make it stronger than it was before?!? This is that book. Tragedy, friendship, love and fear.. this book has it all, not to mention the sexy time scenes..and the cherry on top is grandma Nadine!!! ❤️

I'm seriously amazed that this author is able to make us love all the bad boys, wanna smack the good girls and keeps telling amazing stories that leave you wanting more, EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! There is never a dull moment in Rachel's books and she always leaves you patiently awaiting the next book!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
derrick bowker
I honestly loved this book. I loved the story and the characters. I'm so glad that instead this book. Bentley and Margot are 2 of my favorite .. . do yourself a favor this book....this series.
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