The Bachelor Auction (The Bachelors of Arizona)

ByRachel Van Dyken

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erin cox
Jane has her hands full running the family cleaning business and taking care of her two sisters. As they prance around jumping from party to party, she is left to keep them together and make sure they have food in the kitchen and a roof over their heads, despite the fact that all three are grown adults.

Brock isn’t sure how this became his life, but suddenly finds himself on the auction block, with marriage rumored to be part of the deal. He hasn’t had the time or inclination to settle down, but his grandfather has issued an ultimatum. And wouldn’t you know as soon as he agrees, he meets the one woman who might cause him to change his mind? Too bad she isn’t one of the women his grandfather would choose.

I loved the fun family banter from Brock’s brothers. Bentley and Brant are the lighthearted match to Brock’s seriousness and I loved the way they brought balance to those moments when Brock was so rough. Because there were times when Brock was a jerk and I had a hard time seeing past his actions. It was during these broody times that I loved his brothers the most.

Since I was often frustrated with the venom that passed between Jane and Brock, except in a few scenes early on, I had a hard time falling in love with them. But they do get under each others’ skin and as they both end up in close quarters it is only a matter of time before one of them breaks. Even as it frustrated me, I could see the challenge each posed. Neither had ever been faced with the decisions they found as the story progressed and the auction loomed ever closer.

Jane’s sisters acted much the way Cinderella’s step-sisters do, and it was their dynamic that particularly made this feel like the fairy tale it is based on. Esme and Essence are selfish, spoiled, and see only their own needs.

Both of the brothers stories seem to be set up towards the end of the book through a few key scenes. I am intrigued, as it seems there is plenty of drama hiding in the Wellington family and Bentley and Brant have their own stories to tell.

Overall, this was a fun modernized fairy tale. I loved the connections to the Cinderella story, picking out details here and there embedded from other tellings of the story -- sometimes overt, other times more subtle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another take on a famous fairy tale. This one has a few differences, but overall was a pleasant read. Our main characters don’t have parents, nor step siblings. “Plain Jane,” our Cinderella is the youngest of her sisters. She has been taking care of her older sisters ‘needs’ since their parents have each passed away. Jane sisters are vicious. They make her pay all the bills and get her to use her hard earn money to pay for their debt and expensive. Jane allows her sisters to manipulate her and guilt her into doing all their dirty work. Her first true way of escaping was to take a job to clean up a house that would take approximately three weeks. She thought she would get a vacation from the drama of her family. Only to end up in the middle of a romantic drama of her own.

Brock is the eldest of his 3 brothers. The other two being twins. He bears the burden of being the responsible child. After his parent’s death, at the age of 12, he closed up to everyone. His grandfather became the sole caretaker of all the boys, and with that Brock became the miniature version of his grandfather. He grandfather dictated everything in Brock’s life. What school he should go to, what sports he should play, what degree he should obtain, etc. Even if Brock wanted to make his own choices, he couldn’t bare the thought of saying “No” to his grandfather. He learned that when you say no, bad things will happened and there will never be a chance to fix the mistake. So Brock became a push over and a people pleaser, more specifically a grandfather pleaser. Even to the point, where is is allowing his grandfather to auction of a date (no a marriage) to him for the highest bidder.

These two first encounter one another at a club and a shoe malfunction. Brock comes to Jane’s rescue and the chemistry between them is explosive. They part ways, but are thrown back together because of meddling family members.

I enjoyed the story. It was fun, light-hearted, silly, dirty at times, and yet still romantic. Men and their sexual innuendos. Brock’s brothers are hysterical. They would be the type of guys you would love to hang out with. We have a few Fairy God Mothers and there is even mice in the story. The mice don’t talk, but they do cause a commotion.

Jane and Brock are both push overs and allow people to walk right over them. This story is about them finding the inner-strength to stand-up for what they want. It is a story of finding internal power and to be whom you want to be, all because of love. The love that Jane and Brock have for each other is tender. He acts like a complete jerk to her on their second encounter, but redeems himself as the story goes on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dean hamilton
I was hooked from the first sentence, Cinderella never had to deal with this crap, in the blurb. I just knew this was going to be a book I was going to enjoy. I was right!

I found an instant bond with Jane. How could I not like this woman that is hanging in there with her hands full and still trudging along. She has a business she is running on her own and dealing with two sisters that if I may be frank are a pain in the rear end. Just when she doesn't quite know what to do with life an interesting prospect is offered. That prospect offers a nice amount of money that just might solve a few problems and a chance to take a break from her sisters.

Brock Wellington is the guy that does exactly what is expected of him. He's always been the one to take care of everyone. He always does exactly what he is suppose to do even if it's not what he wants. He has two brothers that are a handful. They are good boys in their own way but they sure do know how to get themselves into trouble. Then there is his Grandfather that is giving him fits about the auction and getting married.

Brock and Jane meet in a very unique Cinderella style way. Poor Jane finds herself in the middle of a messy situation when Brock comes to her rescue. When they meet up again things are just as messy. Brock can't seem to not stick his foot in his mouth around Jane and the attraction leaves them both reeling a little bit. The sizzle is certainly there and just waiting for a moment alone to spark the explosion between them.

I so enjoyed Brock and Jane's story. There is a nice amount of humor and drama mixed in to make this a great read. I laughed out loud just as much as I flipped pages quickly to see what in the world was going to come between these two next. Just as they would clear one hurdle another problem would pop up. I don't want to tell you too much because you really need to grab this story and read it for yourself.

The characters are well written and the story line is compelling and held my attention throughout the book. I can not wait to see what Ms. Van Dyken has in store for the next book in this series. I know I am already anxiously awaiting the release of The Playboy Bachelor.

I was given the opportunity to devour this wonderful story and it has been my pleasure to share my thoughts with you.
The Bachelor Contract (The Bachelors of Arizona) :: Infraction (Players Game Book 2) :: Bang Bang :: The Consequence of Seduction :: Capture (Seaside Pictures) (Volume 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
​This story was so freaking entertaining! I loved the flirty and fun vibe it had going on. Everything about it was awesome from the wonderful and endearing main characters, the flirty and sexy twin brothers, one seriously quirky grandfather and some hysterical farm animals. I pretty much inhaled this!

I loved Jane and Brock so much. From their first meeting I was hooked. I loved their back and forth banter while Brock figures out what he truly wants. Jane's feisty and spunky attitude was infectious. There were just so many awesome moments between the two, I enjoyed it all. They had such fantastic chemistry and heat but there was good bit of emotion and vulnerability mixed in with there budding romance. I honestly couldn't stop laughing and smiling from all their interactions. There were ups and downs and a bit of conflict but the majority of the story was light.

I loved getting to know Broke and Jane, watching them fall in love and stand up for themselves. But beyond those two, I thought this story had some of the best secondary characters ever. I loved the twins! They were so naughty and flirty but there is way more to them than meets the I and I cannot wait to read their stories. The grandfather though, this man was priceless and I liked how he meddled..

I loved all the details. The writing was so fantastic, I enjoyed the build and seriously couldn't get through this fast enough. Fantastic pace. I loved the short chapters and the alternating POV’s, it kept things moving along perfectly and made it exciting to read. It felt fresh even though it has the Cinderella retelling of sorts, I thought it was a solid story all on its own.

Pure entertainment that was sweet, sexy and charming. I adored every single second of this! It was the prefect feel good story with the best happily ever after. I highly recommend it!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary brahos
THE BACHELOR AUCTION is a modern-day Cinderella story full of laughs, saucy sexual innuendo, drunken playboys, evil bitches, a conniving grandfather, a lonely workaholic prince and a beautiful maid that’s anything but plain.

WOW! Rachel Van Dyken captured my attention from the very first page and held it tightly all the way to the end! I am thoroughly enchanted!

Brock Wellington is super dreamy! Of all his brothers, he’s known as the responsible, level-headed and boring one! He’s busy helping his grandfather run their company and looking after his twin brothers who spend more time partying and womanizing than being in the boardroom.

Jane is a sweet, kind and hard-working woman with two of the most ungrateful sisters ever created. They share a house and the evil sisters (bitches) guilt Jane into cooking, cleaning, laundry and even loaning them money. Jane’s parents both passed away and her father asked her to keep the family together, so that’s what Jane’s been doing, despite the mental and physical toll it’s taking on her.

One night at a party, Jane falls into the eyes of the most handsome, kind and charming man she’s ever met. This perfect stranger rescues her from a humiliating wardrobe malfunction and when she breaks a heel on her shoe, he buys her new ones. This simple act of kindness sets off a chain of serendipitous events neither Brock nor Jane ever expected or imagined!

I loved so many things about this story! I loved that Brock and Jane are so much more than their labels and their stations. They hurt and bleed and yearn and hope and they tugged hard on my heartstrings. I loved the idea of a Cinderella story with so many exciting twists. I loved the humor and witty dialogue. I can’t tell you how many times I laughed out loud!

What I didn’t love were Jane’s sisters. They were mean, cruel, heartless and mean. I hope something equally nasty happens to them….like going to jail for tax fraud or losing their hair or maybe having a house dropped on them! It was hard to read their scenes, but they were needed to shape Jane’s character throughout the story and then to give her the strength she needed in the end.

And then there’s Brock’s younger brothers who are twins—Bentley and Brant—and blatant womanizers, philanderers, man whores, alcoholics and a whole bunch of other naughty/bad boy things. They were fun for a laugh and definitely loved their brother enough to help him find happiness. I loved that Bentley and Brant were so much more than the stereotypical playboy. I’m excited to see if they get their own books!

The boys’ grandfather was tough to figure out. He was both hard and soft and yet held his cards close to the vest. I wasn’t sure what he was up to until it was finally revealed! There’s also a wacky “fairy godmother” type that was a hoot and a half! I absolutely loved her and I know readers will too!

This is my first read by the author and I absolutely loved it. I laughed, I cried, I loved. And I highly recommend THE BACHELOR AUCTION to any reader searching for her—or his—happily ever after.

***I want to thank the publisher for generously offering me a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. All conclusions reached are my own***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pixie orvis
Anyone who has been following my reviews knows how much I LOVE Rachel Van Dyken! Anytime I get a chance to get my hands on one of her books, I jump at the chance, so when I saw the signups for this book, I jumped on it! Rachel is a very gifted and talented writer, and she hasn't written anything I haven't liked. The Bachelor Auction is another example of a RVD that I really liked!
Rachel has taken the classic Cinderella fairy tale and put her own spin on it, giving a fresh take on the classic. I truly enjoyed "knowing" what will happen, seeing as how this is a Cinderella spin, but at the same time not knowing what direction the book is going to take. I was kept guessing how this was all going to turn out, and I read this book almost in one sitting! She will definitely keep you hooked!
There were some really tough subjects tackled in this book, such as losing a loved one and how it can change your entire life. Some tears were almost shed. (Which, for me, means it really tugged on the heart strings.) I could feel for the characters, and felt like their pain was my pain.
There were also some really funny scenes too, and I found myself laughing out loud many times in this book. Don't ask about the cock or the ass please! There were also appearances from never-forgotten, most beloved characters from Rachel's other series, and I found myself grinning so huge at the antics of said character alongside a beloved Grandfather! (Yes, I am purposely being vague!)
I really felt the connection between Brock and Jane. It did not feel forced; it did not feel fake. They really truly cared for each other, even if they felt life was not fair. They never gave up hope, and I really loved seeing that. The steam between Brock and Jane in this RVD book was the likes I have yet to see from her! I LOVED it!
There were a couple secondary characters in this book that I absolutely fell for and adored! Bentley and Brant, Brock's younger twin brothers, were absolutely hilarious! I can definitely see this series expanding; hopefully to get the stories of these two complex characters. Of course, we had a special appearance of a beloved character who shall not be named, but seriously, at least this time she left the Benadryl at home! I love her so hard!
Overall, I really liked the book, and look forward to continuing on with this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Bachelor Auction is the first book in the new ‘the Bachelors of Arizona series’ by Rachel Van Dyken. It’s a funny, modern day version of one of my favorite fairytales, Cinderella. And of course it’s in true Rachel style; complete with manipulative older people, evil sisters, annoying brothers and over-the-top situations. I’ve enjoyed reading it!

“They were family and family stuck together. Even if family exhausted you, stressed you out, and made you want to scream at least ninety percent of the time.”

Brock is carrying the weight of his family on his shoulders. He is the oldest of three brothers, and since the death of their parents they have lived with their grandparents. As long as he can remember, Brock has always done what his grandfather wants him to do; from the sport he played to the school he went to. Brock just can’t say no to his grandfather, he wants to keep him happy and alive, not wanting to lose another family member. But grandfather’s latest wish makes Brock question his grandfather’s sanity; a bachelor auction for the sake of the family company… With Brock as the grand prize.. While mentally preparing himself for the event Brock meets Jane, and he can’t stop thinking about her.

“He stopped walking. Breathing. It wasn’t her face…her lips… It wasn’t the way her body looked poured into her tight black dress. No, it was her eyes. As if she was begging for someone to save her.”

Jane is a sweet, hard working woman; after the death of her father she takes care of the family cleaning company and of her sisters. While they are older, the sisters depend on Jane in a lot of ways, but instead of being thankful and friendly they treat Jane like a real-life Cinderella. And like Brock, Jane can’t get the word ‘no’ over her lips. At her father’s deathbed she promised she would take care of the family, and that’s what Jane has been doing ever since. When Jane meets Brock at a glamour party she thinks he’s way out of her league, but after she leaves she keeps dreaming about him.

“Dazzling. He was…like a duke or a lord or a prince from a storybook. Clearly, she read too many romance novels, but his entire presence demanded attention; screamed authority, importance, and sex. Lots and lots of sex.”

When Jane and Brock meet each other during a party, they both feel a connection, but after a ‘misunderstanding’ Jane flees the scene like a true Cinderella. When they meet again, both Brock and Jane have their reasons to keep it professional, but since this is a romance book… You know what happens next. That Jane and Brock belong together is a given fact, they just have to learn to speak for themselves and do what they want for once.

I really like the leading couple, but I just wanted to shake some sense in them at times. They both got played by their siblings – annoying ones (Brock) and plain nasty ones (Jane) and a crazy grandfather all the time. They just couldn’t say ‘no’ to them, always tried to please them. Since this is book is the first one in the series, hints are given for the future books. The Bachelor Auction is a sweet and easy read, sometimes a bit cheesy and over-the-top, just how I need my reads at times.

“All of this. I would give up everything for you. Know that when I say I love you it’s because you’re special, beautiful, caring, unique. You drive me crazy, and now that I have you—I can’t imagine ever letting you go.” Tears filled her eyes. “Good. Because I won’t let you.”

I’ve enjoyed reading The Bachelor Auction, I give the story of Jane and Brock 4 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Boring Brock meets Plain Jane...

Jane thought she met Prince Charming aka Brock Wellington at a party when he swooped in and saved her. And Brock thought she was like his Cinderella running out and leaving him with nothing but a shoe. But "Boring Brock's" life is about to change due to the meddling of his grandfather who wants to auction him off to the highest bidder and stir up some good press.

Brock is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He has always been the good brother...the one who takes care of everything since his parents died and follows the rules to make his grandfather happy. He is controlled, intimidating, a loner, and not known to show much emotion. It seems each time he stands up and says "No" then something tragic happens. So he has become the "Yes" man of the family while his twin brothers, Brant and Bentley, do what they want. But now his grandfather is determined that Brock will do what he is told.

Jane runs Cinderella cleaning services. Her parents are also gone and she is the one who takes care of her two obnoxious, selfish, impulsive sisters. They always make her feel plain, boring, and not good enough. She has a tendency to always say "Yes" and ends up being taken advantage of often. So a few weeks away making excellent money to clean a ranch house seemed like a good idea when it was offered.

However...when they go surprisingly meet again, their interactions are not so magical. Brock is not so friendly when he finds her at his family's ranch house he was supposed to be using as a refuge to avoid excessive media attention. And he is having more trouble dealing with the ghosts of his past in that house then he expected. And she thought she was just going to be cleaning a vacant house and having peace away from her obnoxious sisters. She did not sign up for spending weeks with a cranky bachelor. Brock has some serious mood swings going on for a chunk of this book that sometimes made it hard to take.

But they get each other all worked up and get under each other's skin. He's erratic in his moods as he faces his past and has to live with a woman he wants but is off limits. He is dealing with anger, guilt, fear, sadness, and need. And she is stuck there and an easy target, and it makes her feel second class. Both feel trapped in their lives with lack of choices. So they push, spar, and avoid. But eventually they begin to give in to their attraction even with the uncertainty of their futures looming ahead.

Theirs is a wild and crazy back and forth courtship with some surprises, ornery animals, nosy brothers, evil sisters, and meddlesome elders...and a big, fancy ball. There is manipulation, scheming, and some challenges to overcome in order for true love to have a fighting chance. I couldn't wait to see how all of it was going to get resolved.

It is a fast-paced, funny, sexy, and romantic modern day spin on Cinderella. Rachel Van Dyken brings us a whole new group of eccentric family members to entertain and surprise us. A cameo from one of my favorite RVD characters also made me so happy. Brock's grandfather was a quirky enigma. I wanted to throttle her petty sisters and was hoping for them to be taken down a few pegs. I totally fell for Brock's over-the-top, hilarious twin brothers, Brant and Bentley. They kept me laughing and made my head spin. I cannot wait to see them get their turn as both of them seem to be allergic to monogamy. Bentley is supposed to be next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shahar mendigmail com
"There's nothing better than removing the dust and grime and seeing what's beneath a dirty surface. There's always something, you know? Something beautiful. No matter how it starts, it ends beautifully. I think objects deserve that, just..." She sighed. "Just like people."

"Brock Wellington was a man of complete control. A man who knew what was expected of him. Brock Wellington died in that moment, and was replaced quite possibly with the man he was supposed to be. Crazed, passionate, slightly drunk on the feeling of the perfect woman in his arms...His destiny felt altered, his world changed."

The Bachelor Auction is the first book in the exciting new series, The Bachelors of Arizona. Told from dual points of view, The Bachelor Auction follows the story of Brock and Jane. From the moment I picked up this book, I fell in love. The Bachelor Auction is a modern re-telling of a beloved classic, Cinderella. It was fun and a refreshing re-telling.

I fell in love with Jane instantly. She was so hard working and took care of her family; always wanting the best for them. She didn't have time for love or really herself, so when she has a chance meeting with Brock, her world is knocked off of it's axis...Brock hasn't been the same since he lost his parents. While he loves his family, he has turned into a "yes man", afraid to disappoint anyone. He is also cocky, arrogant, and well, kind of a jerk. He loathes the idea of being auctioned off, but again, he will do anything for family. What he didn't expect was Jane....Sexy, sassy, hard working Jane. She gives just as good as she gets and doesn't let Brock's attitude get to her. The chemistry between the two of them is unreal and for the first time in a long time Brock and Jane want what they both know they can't have...

I really, really enjoyed The Bachelor Auction. I thought the story was fun and sexy and quite entertaining. It pulls you in from page one and keeps hold of you right until the very end. This story was filled with lots of delicious humor and steamy moments. The characters are fun and addicting. They are all so easy to relate to and you can't help but find yourself wanting to know more about all of them. Brock and Jane had me laughing one minute and pulled at my heart the next. And Brock's brothers...Boy, they are going to be a lot of trouble. Not only are they hilarious with their antics, but they are the type of guys that you can't help but love and can not wait to meet the women that will make them fall!!

The Bachelor Auction is such an exciting start to this new series. It gave me everything that I could possibly want and love in a Rachel Van Dyken novel. And let me tell you, Rachel Van Dyken does not disappoint. She delivers a fresh and exciting take on the beloved Cinderella fairytale. This story is written with a lot of love, heart and humor. It will capture you heart and keep you begging for more. I honestly loved everything about this book from beginning to end and can not wait to see where the series will go and which brother will be next to fall.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill timmons

The Bachelor Auction is book one in the brand new series, The Bachelors of Arizona by Rachel Van Dyken. This book was my very first book by Ms. Van Dyken and was generously provided to me in exchange for an honest review by Grand Central Publishing.

This book had a definite modern day “Cinderella” vibe to it but still was completely unique in it’s own way. Yes, we have shoes involved, and some evil sisters and one very handsome Hero. But I don’t think the original Cinderella and her prince got to have any fun hanky panky before the ball. Or have a crazy rooster or an escape artist donkey at the ranch! Let the craziness begin!

Plain Jane as she thinks of herself, lives with her two older sisters. They lost their parents many years before. Her father’s dying wish was for her to keep the family together. So Jane took the vow to heart and does whatever it takes to keep her sisters Esmeralda and Essence, happy. She cooks, cleans, bails them out of debt with her own earnings, even though they are both lawyers. Jane runs a house cleaning service, a business she took over from her father after he died. While Jane is a beautiful spirit that tries to see the good in everyone, her sisters are the devil. They manipulate and cajole Jane to do whatever they want. And Jane lets them, all in the name of family. Is this really what her father would have wanted?

Brock Wellington is the oldest of three boys. They lost their parents when Brock was twelve and the twins were much younger. They were taken in and raised by their Grandfather, Charles. Brock still mourns his parents and feels responsible for their loss. Brock hasn’t allowed himself to be happy since. He owes everything to his Grandfather and never says no to him. Even though he hates his life. He is being groomed to take his Grandfather’s place in Wellington Enterprises. But the shareholders aren’t convinced that Brock and his brothers, Brant and Bentley can handle the business. In a public relations ploy, Grandfather has planned an auction where Brock will be auctioned to the highest bidder for a date. All proceeds will go to cancer research. And the press will be great for the company. But Grandfather also wants Brock to choose a wife and give him some grandkids. Will he force Brock to marry the winning bidder? This is not what Brock wants.

“In a world where things for the past ten years had felt so wrong,
He felt right.”

Then, Brock sees her. Across the room in a night club their eyes meet and his world stops. Jane’s sisters had dragged her out of the house to be their driver on a night out. Jane hated places like this. That is until she saw him! The most beautiful man she’d ever seen. And then he saved her from being nearly trampled on the dance floor.

“What was it about this woman? This small, intimidating woman with her silky brown hair and chocolate eyes?”

Let the madness begin! Jane and Brock find themselves pawns in quite a game. Going back to the ranch where Brock hasn’t been since he lost his parents, forced him to finally face the ghosts that have haunted him. But it was Jane that helped him to finally face his fears.

“That was the thing about death. It haunted the living, until they mourned it. And the more it was ignored, the bigger it grew. Until survival was near impossible.”

Brock and Jane’s time together will run out when Brock has to return home for the auction. Will his Grandfather force him to marry the winner? Or will Brock finally find the strength to stand up to him and tell him how he really feels? And what about Jane’s sisters? Is it finally time she stops letting them treat her like their personal slave?

I loved the way this all played out. It was genius and there were so many players involved. I also need to mention that I am in love with Brock’s twin brothers. They completely stole my heart. Bentley, by the way, will be the subject of the second book in the series. There is a definite story there and I can’t wait to learn what it is.

So jump on in and meet the Wellingtons and get ready for a crazy ride and also get ready for them to all three steal your heart.

“She was the only woman who had offered something money couldn’t buy.
Her heart.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
meaghan o malley
THE BACHELOR AUCTION is the first installment in Rachel Van Dyken’s contemporary, adult THE BACHELORS OF ARIZONA romance series focusing on the Wellington brothers. This is thirty five year old billionaire businessman Brock Wellington, and Cinderella Cleaning company owner twenty two year old Jane’s story line.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Jane and Brock) THE BACHELOR AUCTION follows the modern retelling of Cinderella’s fairy tale rife with glass slippers, horse drawn carriages, wicked sisters, fairy godmother, mischievous animals, and the ‘king’ who is hoping to marry off his bachelor ‘prince’.

Jane is the owner of Cinderella Cleaning services and since the death of her parents she has struggled to keep one step ahead of her sisters (Esmeralda and Essence) self-centered, social climbing and demanding ways. When an invitation to the Wellington social event of the year finds our heroine tagging along, Jane will meet her future-Brock Wellington-the man who will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Brock’s eighty-something grandfather is hoping to one day step down from the family business but needs to ensure that his eldest grandson is married and in a respectable relationship therefore he organizes a bachelor auction where his grandson is the ultimate prize. When Jane is hired to clean a local ranch, she will, once again, come face to face with Brock Wellington and a three week seduction will ensue.

The relationship between Brock and Jane begins as employer to employee. Jane was hired by Brock’s grandfather to clean the family ranch but Brock wants nothing to do with the hired help when all he can think about is getting our heroine into his bed. There is some definite sexual chemistry between our leading couple but heartbreaking memories, ghosts from the past, and a strong sense of familial obligations cause a number of problems between Brock and Jane. The $ex scenes are intimate and intense.

We are introduced to the evil-sister: lawyers Esmeralda and Essence who continue to make Jane’s life miserable until the very end. Brock’s twin brothers-Brant and Brentley- who will make you laugh out loud, and giggle at the most inappropriate times. Their sexual banter, double entendres, and hilarious outlook on life hide some dark and brooding emotional secrets.

THE BACHELOR AUCTION is a sexy, fun, romantic comedy; a modern fairytale; a reimaging of Cinderella and Prince Charming. The premise is lighthearted and fun; the characters are entertaining; the romance is a seduction to a happily ever after. I am looking forward to Brant and Brentley’s stories- I can only hope their stories are as humorous as The Bachelor Auction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
molly wallace
Few authors publish books that get me so captivated in them, that I finish the entire thing in one sitting. RVD is one of those authors. Since I discovered her books, way back when, I have devoured just about every one of them. I love this woman's writing. She just can't put out a bad book, in my opinion. Honestly, some of the most hilarious books that I have ever read, have been at her hand. Hello, have you met Grandma Nadine???

Well, The Bachelor Auction is right up there with some of the best. This book is pure gold. Hilarity, romance and a healthy dose of heat- all at their finest. When you guys meet Brock and Jane- it's like things just fall into place. Really, I think the world at large probably gave a collective sigh at seeing these two people find their other halves. That's how perfect they are together. Even if things don't always go perfect for them, lol.

How imperfect, you ask? Well, there's an ass, a cock (get your minds outta the gutter people!) and two rowdy twins to contend with- just to name a few. And trust me- you don't want to miss a moment of anything to do with either of those three!! I'm talking laughing until you have tears streaming!!

Did I mention more Grandma Nadine??? Yes!!! That's right, our favorite RVD character ever makes her own grand appearance in this book, playing none other than Jane's own modern day fairy godmother. Because, really- what else do you expect from Nadine? The woman is a goddess, after all!!

There is plenty of meddling, family squabbles, love, and laughter thrown into the pages of The Bachelor Auction, that will make even the most cynical reader stay hooked from beginning to end. Like I said before- the book is pure gold. It's got it all, including a big fat 5 star rating from me!! Enjoy readers!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
priyanka mehtani
Once upon a time, Boring Brock and Plain Jane spent most of their lives living for everyone else, hoping to keep their family intact after the deaths of their parents. Both seem to be battling demons and running from ghosts, which doesn’t allow them anytime to live their own lives or be free to choose who and what they want to be.

But then one day, a fairy godfather gives Jane a way to get away from her sisters and see who she is without taking care of everyone but herself, and even though she feels like quite the pauper and has no reason to think a prince like Brock would be attracted to her because she’s just a maid, magical things occur and Brock and Jane’s attraction to one another force both of them to truly question how they’ve been living and what they plan to do to get out from underneath their self-appointed prisons.

And even though there’s a deadline of three weeks – when everything turns back into what it’s always been, if Brock can find the will to say no and Jane can find the courage to trust him, perhaps when the clock strikes for the auction, the future Mrs. Brock Wellington will be a woman who wants his heart not his money.

I absolutely adore modernized fairy tales. They are pure escapism from the crazy, cruel world we live in, and Rachel Van Dyken’s The Bachelor Auction does a great job of spinning Cinderella’s tale into a contemporary love story. Brock and Jane is the perfect pair for this story because they understand the need to take care of what’s left of their family even though it’s a role that’s slowly destroying them, and while they may come from two different worlds, their personalities complement one another and allow them to heal some of the wounds from their pasts.

Anytime readers are allowed time with Grandma Nadine, we know that there’s bound to be some shenanigans heading our way because she takes her fairy godmother role to heart and does everything in her power to accomplish whatever she feels is necessary, and because Brock and Jane seem to be in a stalemate due his grandfather’s grand auction plans, it’s going to take Grandma Nadine’s magic and conniving to ensure a happily ever after happens for Brock and Jane as long as the couple gets out of their own way.

A complimentary copy was provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

4 Poison Apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Reviewed on behalf of The Book Boyfriend Addict ( A complimentary copy was provided by Forever via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

'He was Brock Wellington, one of the most sought-after bachelors in the country.
And she was a maid.'

She’s done historical, contemporary, paranormal, mafia, slap-stick rom-com and now we get to see Rachel Van Dyken’s spin on a beloved fairy tale. I’m convinced, this woman can totally write anything! The Bachelor Auction definitely has a slightly different feel than the other RVD books I’ve read but one thing that remains is her signature witty dialogue, humor and larger than life, yet totally relatable, characters. I loved reading this modern take on the classic Cinderella story, it’ll sweep you off your feet as you get wrapped up in the romance and fairy tale feel of Brock and Jane’s story!

“I wish…” Her eyes filled with tears. “I want…” She stumbled out of the shoes and stared down at her naked feet. “I just want more than this.”

Jane hasn’t exactly had the easiest of lives. After losing her parents she’s spent the last several years trying to honor her father’s last wish of keeping the family together, which has resulted in her waiting hand and foot on her two older (and completely horrible) sisters. Always putting their needs before her own, she tries to keep the house afloat while also running her small cleaning business that she inherited. She definitely wouldn’t mind finding her own prince charming to take her away from all of this. Jane might just get her wish when an unfortunate incident with a broken shoe at a party lands her in the strong and capable arms of Brock Wellington. For his part, Brock also has his fair share of familial drama. As the eldest son, he’s taken it upon himself to shoulder the weight of all the responsibility for fear of losing any more family. This has caused him to become quite unhappy and brooding. That is until he lays eyes upon “Just Jane” and suddenly he wants things he’s never wanted before. One tiny problem, his grandfather has just informed him that he is to be auctioned off to the highest bidder in an effort to rebuild confidence in the shareholders of his family’s company. Is there any way Brock can finally go after what he wants while still keeping his obligations to his family? Or will his fear of letting the family down end up costing him everything?

“You’re a fixer.” He almost groaned. Was he her next project?
“I like to think of myself as a helper. After all, you can’t fix others, only yourself.”
“And me?” He just had to ask as he leaned down to her level. “Am I worth cleaning up, you think?”

I thought that Jane and Brock were very sweet together. Their first meeting was adorable and I liked seeing the instant connection between them. Things turned a little precarious when they were suddenly in the position of having to spend three weeks alone together. Brock was moody and kind of a jerk sometimes, but you’ll understand why when you learn more about the demons from his past that still haunt him. I really liked how Jane was able to work her way through his walls and get him to open up and heal. She was subtle about it but I liked that it did not go unnoticed by Brock. As their relationship grew, I also liked the uncertainty of what would happen once they returned and with the whole auction looming over their heads. It kept things interesting and kept my mind guessing how they would figure a way out of their circumstances. It definitely read like a modern fairy tale and sometimes you just want to be swept up in an easy breezy romance. This book will definitely do that for you. There is definitely some angst with Brock’s moodiness, but overall it was a light hearted, sweet and sexy read.

“Now. Give me now.”
“And forget about the future? Is that what you’re asking?”
“Borderline begging.” His voice rasped. “Let me worry about the future. And I swear to you I’ll figure something out – but let me taste you now – let me have you now.”

As usual, RVD has assembled a truly wonderful secondary cast of characters. Jane’s sisters were horrible, miserable people but they fit the part of the “ugly stepsisters” perfectly. The two who stole the show though were Brock’s younger, twin brothers, Bentley and Brant. They were hilarious and meddling, but ultimately sweet and kind. I loved their banter with Brock and their flirting with Jane. The way they helped everything come together was awesome and I am totally looking forward to reading their books! I think this book is another winner from RVD and I can’t wait for more!

“The thing about happiness is this.” He slid his arms around her and pulled her close. “Sometimes it’s in the place you least expect it, like in a house full of ghosts and with a girl who carries bleach in her purse.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan byrum rountree
The Bachelor Auction
4 Hearts

The Bachelor Auction is first book in the Bachelors of Arizona Series. I love Rachel Van Dyken as an author and a person. She is so much fun, and it shows in her writing. I know I will be laughing my a- off and also feel the love. This is a Cinderella story with a twist...

Brock Wellington is a thirty-five year bachelor that is known by his trouble-making twin brothers as "Boring Brock." While they are out partying and bringing a different woman home every night he is trying to keep the family together and out of the papers. He is the serious one. He is also the brother that will always say yes, especially to their grandfather. So, when his grandfather said he was going to be auctioning him off to the highest bidder to help the company with publicity and to keep the shareholders happy, it was no shock that he said yes. What could a few dates hurt, right? He was single and it would be over soon. But when the press got ahold of the story...he was being married off to the highest bidder. He really needs to learn the word No. He was still okay with the plan until he saved her. A beautiful woman with a broken shoe.

Jane or "Plain Jane" as her sisters like to call her is overwhelmed with life. She not only took over their father's cleaning business but his responsibility of keeping his family together. Her sisters walked all over her like she was a doormat and she was tired of it. They even made her go to parties to pretty much take care of them. She hated it but on one night she met a sexy man, that more like a prince in her eyes. He saved her that night but then she Ran. She didn't think she would ever see him again but after taking a cleaning job that would give her peace for three weeks at a ranch, she would be seeing him on a daily basis. Sadly, her prince was more like an arrogant, mean and disrespectful a-. And there was already an a- on the property, she didn't need another.

Brock was screwed. He wants the maid. But he can't have her so he needs to push her far, far away. This auction is important to the business and to his grandfather. But, being back on this ranch is making him face his demons and the ghosts that still live there. He hasn't been here since he was twelve. He tries to push Jane away like she has the plague but she makes this house full of ghosts feel like home. Everyday she tempts him with her sassy attitude and sexy curves to say f- it to the auction and to everything else. He just needs her. So, why can't he have her until the auction? He knows she feels the sexual tension too but would it be fair to her? Will she give him a chance? Can she trust him not to break her at the end of their time together? After all, she is just the maid.

I liked this story because Brock and Jane are from two different worlds but they carry the same burdens. He might be her prince but she is equally saving him from his demons. Making him smile again. Making him laugh and to feel free. And he does the same for her. Then there are the twins - Bentley and Brant. OMG! These men are hilarious! They are bad boys with heart. They love to give their brother a hard time but in a loving way. I loved them along with the cock and the ass. They added some crazy amount of humor to the story. I can't wait for their books. I know they are going to be wild.'s a great start to a new series. It's a fun, light, and sexy read. Like, I said I love RVD and her books. But, this one book wasn't one of my favorites. I know she wants honestly in her reviews. So, I will say that I really liked it and even loved it but I wasn't in love with it. The characters were awesome but I wasn't completely invested in them. I wanted an HEA of course but I don't feel that real gripping passion between them. And one other thing was that I know it was a Cinderella story with a twist but I think Cinderella was mentioned a few too many times. No biggie but she was saving him just as much as he was saving her.


“A woman like you doesn’t belong in the shadows.”

With a weak wave of her hand she went into the kitchen, only to find Brock doing the dishes. For someone who had been doing nothing but cleaning up after other people her entire life, it was like watching porn.

“Saved your life,” Bentley said in a bored tone.
“But what can I say, I’m good with my cock.” He winked at Jane.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
megan bierwirth
The Bachelor Auction is a topnotch fusion of modern, fun and way sexier Cinderella with a dash of sass and light drama that’s so sweetly satisfying.

This book = All. The. Feels!

Jane has been helping her two obnoxious sisters with everything after their parents died. She’s the breadwinner of the family and it seems that it’s not going to change anytime soon. Until she met a dashing billionaire, Brock Wellington, with a broken shoe accident. I like Jane a lot. Though, I must admit not in the beginning where she lets her evil sisters rule her life and treat her like shit. She’s had a rough start in life, dedicated, thoughtful and fiercely strong for what she went through and has being going through. It helped a lot that she wasn’t intimated with Brock. She could just keep him on his toes, thank you very much. And Jane’s attitude? Goodness, I wanted to high-five, waist-bump her right now. I was cheering her on right from the start!

Brock Wellington, however, was this boring, devilishly and deliciously boring billionaire who’s been holding on to his past for far too long. It’s what motivated him to do the right thing with everyone, especially with his grandfather, and that’s to say yes to his every whim. Including auctioning his grandson off just to save their company. Yep, no big deal, right? Wrong. Because enter Jane. Jane whom felt was the one for him. Jane who challenged him to be a better person, to face his fears, to stand on his own feet. And once he set his eyes on something he truly wanted his entire life, he’s ready to cross every boundary including having to deal with a devil (whom I think should have a book of her own)—just to have Jane and their company. I swooned so hard with Brock but he’s not like that all the time. If anything, I wanted to bitchslap him because he was so freaking frustrating like a girl with her period. But I understood where his attitude was coming from. He was blaming himself for something that happened in the past that he didn’t have control over. But he couldn’t see it that way. Not when a single word could change everything.

I found myself enjoying every little thing about the story especially the smooth transition of events from where Brock and Jane met at the party and to how they ended up together in the auction she can’t possibly afford. Thank God, fairy godmothers do exist in this book. The chemistry was blazingly believable because t-e-m-p-t-a-t-i-o-n. I mean, Jane was poor, a maid while Brock was what, perfect and loaded? Put them both in a secluded place and bet on who’s going to cave in to the temptation. Must be so entertaining! The amusing banter of the characters was hilarious as hell, too! I was grinning from ear to ear at how truly impressive the characters’ conversations (including that of the secondary characters’ like the twins Brant and Bentley and their grandfather) were at one another. The characters were developed in a way that they both learned one thing they have in common: to say no when all they did all their lives was to say yes. Even when it’s not what they want. Even when they’re not happy with that. The drama even minimal was just with a heartfelt and swoon-worthy punch to it. And OMG, the auction itself was freakishly perfect! I had my dreamy eyes on reading it!

Overall, this first book in the series with tough and fun characters, solid fairytale-ish HEA to boot and hotness overload? SOLD! Looking forward to the next which is Bentley’s book. Oh my, this is going to be sooo interesting! I am so excited!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
muhammad amiruddin
Read from September 22 to 23, 2016

Book Info
Kindle Edition
Expected publication: October 4th 2016 by Forever
Edition Language English
Series The Bachelors of Arizona #1
Other Editions (3)
Source:Netgalley EARC

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Cinderella never had to deal with this crap.

Jane isn't entirely sure that Cinderella got such a raw deal. Sure, she had a rough start, but didn't she eventually land a prince and a happily-ever-after? Meanwhile, Jane is busy waiting on her demanding, entitled sisters, running her cleaning business, and . . . yep, not a prince in sight. Until a party and a broken shoe incident leave Jane wondering if princes---or at least, a certain deliciously hunky billionaire---maybe do exist.

Except Brock Wellington isn't anyone's dream guy. Hell, a prince would never agree to be auctioned off in marriage to the highest bidder. Or act like an arrogant jerk---even if it was just a façade. Now, as Brock is waiting for the auction chopping block, he figures it's karmic retribution that he's tempted by a sexy, sassy woman he can't have. But while they can't have a fairy-tale ending, maybe they can indulge in a little bit of fantasy . .

My Thoughts

Jane lost her parents to cancer and she has taken care of her two older sisters ever since trying to keep a promise she made to her dying father. In doing so she finds herself feeling the strain and desperately wishing for more out of life than never ending responsibility.

When Jane is offered the chance to take a break for three weeks and stay out of town as the live-in housekeeper while cleaning a ranch home for it’s new tenant she takes the plunge leaving behind a note for her sisters telling them how long she will be gone and hoping they do not wreck the family home in her absence.

Brock Wellington comes from a life filled with business meetings, dinners, and other time sucking endeavors.

Since his parents died when he was 12 Brock has tried his best to follow in the footsteps of the one remaining authority figure in his life, his paternal Grandfather, the man who raised he and his twin brothers to adulthood.

For 23 years he has bottled up his own desires in favor of those of others and now at 35 finds himself jaded as well as feeling trapped in a life he would never have chosen for himself.

I don't know where to start beyond stating the modern take on this Cinderella story had me laughing out loud with honest hilarity, commiserating with Brock and Jane over their mutual past sorrows and awaiting anxiously the outcome of their romance.

While this is indeed full of humor it also touches on deeper subjects which have affected all the characters in one way or another. These more serious issues are handled in ways that do not overwhelm the reader but help round out the characters backgrounds giving insight into their actions.

Anything further would actually involve spoiling what is a very decent romantic comedy that has many threads woven within setting up what hopefully other readers will find engaging, like myself, and want to continue once more of the series is released.

[EArc from Netgalley in exchange for honest review]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laurie bridges
With a witty, swexy and toe-curling romance, Rachel Van Dyken will take you on one of the most adorable rides of your life.

A modern day cinderella plus her not so charming prince charming bring to life a good fairy tale love story that will have you escaping from real s***ty life for a few hours.. or days.

The Bachelor Auction is book one in the brand new series, The Bachelors of Arizona by Rachel Van Dyken.

Jane isn’t your typical cinderella. Sure, she got the two evil-demanding sisters but what about the prince? Between her cleaning business and her sisters she has not time to date. So a happily-ever-after? A prince? Just in her dreams. Well, that’s if she is not too tired to dream.

That’s until a party and a damn broken shoe incident… Who would think a broken shoe incident would be a life-altering moment?

“He was… like a duke or a lord or a prince from a storybook.”

Brock Wellington. A man who lives in a prison of his own making. His guilt has led him to allow his grandfather to rule his life, his future, his everything.

Until her.

“Just Jane?” “Just Brock.”

Jane & Brock were complete opposites. Jane believed Brock was out of her league. He was basically in a committed relationship. And yet, the attraction between them was impossible to deny. The only thing they had in common was their love for their family.

For them, family has always came first. But about them? Don't they need to come first for once?

What will happen when a boring Brock, meets a plain Jane?

You'll have to find out…

As you see, I didn't talk much about the plot. I think this is a story where you should go blind. A story you should experience by yourself. Not because this is a life-changing book or something heavy like that. No, this is a story that will make you dream, a story that will make you believe that our happily-ever-after is out there waiting for us. And that we just have to be patient.

I cried. I laughed. And I fell in love. I loved every word.

The Bachelor Auction captured my heart from the very beginning, you can't help but fall in love with the plot and the characters. Because when an author is able to weave in the supporting characters to be such an integral part of the story and writing them in a way it matters, that thing right there, makes a story all the more great for me. With this I’m telling you that you will LOVE all the characters from this book. From the cock who will try to murder you in your sleep to the ass who believes itself a dog to a set of twins that will have you laughing till your parts cry. Add to the mix not one but two fairy godmothers. Well, the second one more than a fairy godfather. LOL.

With characters who will grab your heart and never let go, humor that will have you howling, and a beautiful story about finding love when you least expect it. I can’t wait to see where the author takes us next with the twins.

On a side note, I was a little bummed to find out I didn't get Brock. But I’m very happy with who he ended with. LOL.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron k
Brock Wellington – Boring Brock – lives his life according to his grandfather’s wishes and for the family business, out of guilt. He can’t say no to him, not anymore. And when Brock’s grandfather announces that he’s auctioning him at a charity event, Brock wants to say no, but of course, he doesn’t. Even when it’s clear that his grandfather set up the auction to marry off Brock to pacify the shareholders, mostly because Brock’s wayward younger twin brothers Brant and Bentley are decidedly not helping, image-wise.

Poor Jane – Plain Jane – runs her deceased father’s business, the Cinderella Cleaning Company, and she is frazzled, mostly due to her two selfish, lazy older sisters: Esmeralda and Essence, who treat her like a slave. Jane can’t help herself but try to deal with it; she promised her father that she’d keep the family together, and her two sisters are all she has, but it’s killing her. One evening, her dreadful sisters drag Jane to a club, where Jane breaks a shoe, and is rescued by a gloriously handsome and charming man in whose world she does not belong: Brock’s.

I knew going in THE BACHELOR AUCTION that I should not expect a realistic story, after all it is based on Cinderella, so no big surprise there. Right from the start, the premise is rather preposterous and highly improbable, and this more than I could have imagined. Brock comes off as rather beastly; Brant and Bentley are obnoxious, oversexed jerks; Essence and Esmeralda are broad caricatures; and Brock and Jane are, let’s be honest, doormats. THE BACHELOR AUCTION is a book I should not have liked, and yet I loved it! I am not exactly sure what makes it work as well as it does, apart from the sheer comic genius of Rachel Van Dyken writing the most hilarious dialogues I have ever read! How funny? Think classic Laurel and Hardy or Abbott and Costello!

THE BACHELOR AUCTION is an uproariously funny farce, with characters painted in neon colours, and where the events unfold at a dizzying pace. This book is a magnificent comedic tour de force that might have been an epic fail in the hands of a lesser writer. And yet, amidst the surreal hilarity there is a tender and sweet romance, ingenious plot twists, and superb character development; the proof? I ended up loving Brant and Bentley, and I can hardly wait for the next instalment featuring the latter. It takes a lot to make me laugh out loud while reading, and few books have made me laugh so much over the years. If you need a really good laugh, THE BACHELOR AUCTION is THE book to read!

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
**Received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.**

"The Bachelor Auction" is written by Rachel Van Dyken, and it is the first book in her The Bachelors of Arizona series. It can be read as a stand-alone book. It features Brock and Jane.

This is definitely a modern twist to the classic Cinderella story. Jane is the youngest sister to two terrible, spoiled older sisters who don't want to fend for themselves . They expect Jane to do everything. And not only that, but they spend so much money and rack up debt on their credit cards, which Jane, being the responsible one, tries to pay off with her cleaning service.

Meanwhile, Brock is the eldest son and wants to make his grandfather happy. But the idea of being auctioned off to potentially find a wife leaves Brock less than thrilled. But if that's what keeps his grandfather happy and the company within the family, so be it.

I absolutely adored the beginning of this story! It was definitely a cute-meet moment where Brock literally sweeps Jane off her feet. They see each other at a party, and Brock sees Jane distressed and one of her shoes broken. He makes one of his brothers buy Jane a brand new designer pair of shoes! Brock was so swoonworthy! The chemistry between the two was undeniable! And when Brock's grandfather hires Jane to be a live-in maid at his ranch, she takes the offer. But unbeknownst to her, Brock is the new tenant. So what happens when they have to live with each other for 3 weeks?

Now, this is where I rate this a 4-star rather than a 5-star. I really did enjoy this book, and I loved that it had a Cinderella twist to it. But at times, Brock frustrated me. It was like he had his hot and cold moments during the first half of the book. There are things inside the ranch that made him flashback to his childhood with his parents. He would withdraw from Jane. I feel like it sometimes took away from the moments that they shared. But despite that, I loved the growth between the two of them. It made them strong, and they are a great pair. They truly loved each other. Plain Jane and Boring Brock can find their happily ever after!

I am absolutely looking forward to the upcoming books in this series! Brock's twin brothers, Brant and Bentley, are such a hoot! They definitely provided the comic relief and always gave Brock a hard time or knocked some sense into him. Rachel Van Dyken wrote a wonderful introduction to this new series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carrie c
4 Glass Slipper Stars
Rachel Van Dyken is always a one-click for me. Am I a stalker fan? Sure, I follow her on Facebook, Twitter, IG. Sure she’s one of the top authors I hunt down at signings. Do I know her baby’s name? Her husband’s name? Maybe yes and do I have a crazy girl crush on her, why yes. And I’m not ashamed. It’s really easy to like her books, but when she’s an amazing person herself, well it’s easy to really love her books. She writes different genres from dramatic, mafia to one of my favorite rom com.

I’m glad she’s working with Forever publishing again because I feel like they are going to make good books together and The Bachelor Auction is no exception.

If you are looking for a laugh out loud, make your insides warm and fuzzy kind of read then The Bachelor Auction is perfect for you. It also has this slight Cinderella theme which I went crazy for. The cover is adorable too.

Jane is a maid. She cleans, cooks and does everything. This includes taking care of her adult older sisters. I like to call them her wicked sisters. I really enjoyed Jane’s dynamic I found her situation endearing and it has that bit of a damsel in distress vibe I love in a rom com. Her sisters are over the top ridiculous and they made a great villain that I loved to hate.

Jane is stuck in a rut. She’s poor and unhappy, but when she’s offered a very lucrative cleaning job, she can’t resist. For three weeks she will clean Brock’s house.

Brock is a no-non-sense guy. He has twin brothers who are hilarious and I can’t wait for their books. I like how opposite Brock is to his family. Brock is serious, dependable and very loyal. So when his grandfather puts Brock up for an auction so he can find a bride, Brock agrees even though he hates it.

The book isn’t about the auction. There is an auction, but it’s mainly about Jane and Brock interacting when she’s cleaning his house. I really liked this storyline because it’s just them. Brock and Jane’s relationship is cute because it’s the worker and boss kind. Jane is good at her job and Brock tries to keep his distance. I really liked the tension between the two of them.

I also enjoyed the side characters, especially the twin brothers. They added a little something to the story.

Overall, it was a sweet and romantic book. Every girl wants to be swept off her feet.

An ARC was provided.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colleen parker
i received a gifted copy in exchange for a honest review.

The Bachelor Auction is a modern day fairytale that is a close reminder of our favorite all time Cinderella. The story stars Brock and Jane who meet in a fleeting moment that touched each other hearts. Only, this time it will be a meddling grandfather that is trying to use Brock to find a wife in a bachelor auction. His grandfather gets to pick the winner from the list of rich, celebrity women.

Jane is a woman who is reminded of her father's dying wish to keep her family together. She runs a cleaning business to keep up with the sisters' buying habits. No matter how hard she works and sacrifices, her sisters show no effort of gratitude. It isn't until she meets Brock that she feels a bit of chemistry. She also feels hopeless since she claims she so far away from his wealthy world.

Brock Wellington is the king of work. Pleasure isn't a word in his definition. In order to keep the family name from going down the tubes, he agrees to be entered in an auction and claim the opportunity to wed. Brock believes in family and desires to help calm his twin siblings, Bentley and Brant. He will do what it takes to make sure the family is okay for their future. In order to do this, his grandfather orders him to the family ranch for a stay of relaxation. Fortunately, for Brock his Jane will be there preparing the house for Brock and the girl to be. Will the stars join together in this twist of fate?

So, I love how similar Jane and Brock were to each other. They matched so perfectly like puzzle pieces. They both are devoted to family. Loyalty means something to them. I also loved the mischievous twins, Brant and Bentley. Brock was always having to rescue them and get them out of the media's way. They also had some pretty good schemes, and could hold their grandfather off the trail on their own.

The characters were so fascinating to read about. All of them well developed and added depth to the story. The message of the story was perfect in the end. In addition, the humor was off the charts funny. The grandfather had his very funny moments.

Another hit, Rachel Van Dyken. I can't wait to see the next bachelor go down.

Happy Reading!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
editrix amy lewis
I have always loved a good romantic comedy, and I've never read a Rachel Van Dyken book that I regretted. I dove into the Bachelor Auction while on a beach vacation and it was just the ticket for a fun, quick escape. Jane, an older sibling to two out of control spoiled sisters, finds herself more like a mom to her sisters than an actual sister. To say she is burnt out is putting it mildly, yet because she loves them and vowed to keep her family together she will continue doing whatever it takes even if it means always putting herself last.

Brock, a handsome and wealthy business man is the oldest and he also has a hard time saying no, but his hesitation comes from a place of fear. His brothers and grandfather can tell he is miserable but they know he needs to learn to speak up for himself. So how do you get two people to choose themselves for once, to fall in love? Why you manipulate them of course!

Thus begins our romantic comedy. It was fun watching Brock deal with his feeling for Jane and his frustrations with not only his surroundings but also his commitments. While I suspected who was pulling the puppet's strings I loved Jane and Brock's individual interactions with Brock's twin brothers. They knew just how to lighten up even the worse situations and while the story focuses on Jane and Brock I was left wanting to spend a little more time with the twins.

Let's just say Brock's grandfather could give Grandma Nadine a run for her money! And when Grandma Nadine finally makes her appearance it was icing on the cake. So why not 5 stars? The thing is I've practically read all of RVD's books and it's hard for me not to compare this one to the others. The writing is good and the story was fun, but for me it felt earily similar to The Bet series and while I enjoyed The Bachelor Auction I liked the books in that series better than this one.

The Bachelor Auction is a fun modern twist on the classic Cinderella fairytale, and I truly believe you will adore this story. Full of romance and wit this book will be the perfect choice for your next book escape!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jesse morris
Jane is a real life Cinderella, having to take care of her spoiled and manipulative sisters since their father’s death. Her life is definitely not an easy one, with her cleaning services and having to take care of the bills that her siblings keep adding to their living expenses. When a handsome stranger saves her from an embarrassing situation on the dance floor, she doesn’t think that they would ever meet again. She certainly doesn’t expect him to be the tenant of the new house that she has been contracted to clean for the next three weeks, or for her Prince Charming to turn into a complete jerk.

Brock has had a hard time refusing his grandfather anything since the traumatic event leading to his parents’ death. So when the old man proposes to auction him as a billionaire bachelor, with the winning party becoming a potential marriage partner, he agrees. Having to step into his family ranch for a forced vacation brings out too many memories, and the cleaning woman, who turned out to be the damsel in distress from the dance, being so attractive is not helping at all. But how can he begin something with her when he’s sure to be auctioned in a few weeks?

I’m a fan of this author and I’ve been anticipating this novel since it was first announced. I went into this expecting an entertaining story with the humor that I can find in many of Rachel Van Dyken’s contemporary books, and I was not disappointed. The writing was great, the characters were easy to connect with and I silently laughed for about a dozen times.

It wasn’t that much about the auction, but more about Jane and Brock’s relationship when they meet again at the ranch. Jane’s sisters were over-the-top, but they made great villains, and I wanted to throttle them for about half of the book. I can’t wait for Brock’s hilarious brothers to get their turns next.

If you’re looking for a fun, romantic, and sweet story with a modern day Cinderella, a handsome bachelor, and plenty of other things in between, I would strongly recommend this book for you! Fans of this author will definitely love it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jane was sure that her one meeting with the handsome stranger that saved her from an embarrassing dance floor incident would be just that, one meeting and one meeting only. So when a mysterious older, little bit crazy, gentleman hires her cleaning service and needs her to be a live-in maid at his ranch the last thing she expected was to meet her stranger there. And she definitely wasn't expecting her Prince Charming to turn into an evil toad.

Brock Wellington wants nothing to do with his families ranch and hates stepping foot inside the house that holds too many memories. But when his grandfather requests that Brock be auctioned off as a billionaire bachelor, and that the bidder would potentially become his wife, it's the one place he could escape to to think. The last thing he expected was to run into his mystery girl from the dance, and he doesn't want her there bringing up even more memories that he want's to keep buried.

New Adult, Contemporary, Suspense...I don't care what kind of romance it is, Rachel Van Dyken can write it. I've read multiple books by her and I have loved every single one. Her writing style and unique way of always adding some humor in subtle ways draws me in every time, and I don't think I'll ever get enough. This story was no different from her usual style and I really enjoyed reading it.

The characters were great to get to know and I liked that they were easy to relate to and connect with. Not that their situation was one I think anyone has ever been in before, but the writing made it easy to read about Jane and Brock as if you were being told a story about your best friends. I think that's why I liked them so much and wanted more of them. Even in the beginning when I had my doubts about Jane's personality and if I could like her, it was still fun to read about her life.

Bottom line, if you're a fan of this author, or genre, or just like the cover, read this book. It's funny and real, and there's a hot billionaire in it so really only insane people should be the ones not wanting to read this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This modern-day retelling of Cinderella is a fresh and light romantic comedy, with engaging characters and a charming setting. I loved that the author revisited a formidable character from The Bet series, Nadine Titus.

Jane lives with her two lazy, selfish, social climbing sisters. She owns a cleaning company and is overwhelmed with work. In addition to her customers, she is constantly obliged to clean her sisters’ messes.

Brock Wellington is one of the country’s richest bachelor. To please his grandfather, he has accepted to allow women to bid on him. But the winner should not hope for more than a date with him! Brock has always done what was expected of him, but he is at a crossroads in his life, questioning his choices and priorities. He usually can’t say no to his grandfather who, in his opinion, has sacrificed everything to raise his three orphaned grandsons.

Meeting Jane is a refreshing change. She is a pretty, sassy and vibrant girl-next-door, very different from the socialites he usually dates. But she is a constant reminder of what he can’t have and he tends to retaliate by acting like a jerk, barking out his orders and snapping at her. Jane is dazzled by Brock but doesn’t enjoy his mood swings. Their antics were hilarious and their connection felt real. But is Brock ready to fight for Jane and give her the fairy tale she deserves?

Rachel Van Dyken is a versatile and gifted storyteller. When I open one of her books, I know I’m in for a treat! This delightfully romantic story involved fairy godparents, irresistible farm animals and nosy brothers. Overall, I enjoyed this entertaining, sweet and fun romance with a whimsical touch. And I can’t wait to read what Rachel Van Dyken has in store for Brock’s brothers, Bentley and Brant.

An advanced copy of this book was provided by the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG I loved The Bachelor Auction! A true cinderella story with multiple fairy godmothers...I often smile internally or think "Oh that's cute!" while reading, but The Bachelor Auction actually had me smiling on the outside, and I honestly couldn't stop cracking up while reading this hoot of a story!

Jane, oh Jane. Your sisters are truly horrid individuals. But I understand what it's like to be too nice for your own well-being. And truly, your heart was in the right place. A promise to one's father isn't always an easy thing to break. But I gotta tell ya, when you left your sisters in the dust to take on the job at the ranch, I was fist-pumping in the air like it was 1985, and I was John Bender. You go, girl! Take your life back!

And Brock, you silly man you. Burying your grief and putting the weight of the world on your shoulders was a stupid thing to do. So was agreeing to be auctioned off by your Grandfather. Silly, stupid man. Lucky for you, you know how to clean up after yourself (unlike those truly horrid sisters), and you have two amazing (and HILARIOUS) brothers and a scheming old man and woman behind you.

Jane and Brock had some seriously sizzlin' chemistry, and I loved watching them fall in love. They really helped each other find themselves and taught each other to live for themselves again.

While the central love story was great on its own, it was really the Wellington men, a donkey, and a rooster that made The Bachelor Auction absolutely fantastic! Underneath Bentley's playboy, IDGAF persona, he's funny, intelligent, and secretly a big old teddy bear I want to squeeze to death. I'm dying to read his story! And Brant, whoa! WHAT THE WHAT. I need his second chance romance story like yesterday!

Bottom line: I freaking loved The Bachelor Auction by Rachel Van Dyken. Fun, feisty, and full of hilarious antics, I can't wait to experience more Wellington family adventures!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erick kwashie
I loved this from the start!

One night out parting with her sisters wasn't Jane's perfect plan. Her job leaves her exhausted and her sisters are too much most days. So when disaster hits and a handsome man comes to her rescue she thinks is too good to be true and after a while with Brock she goes back to her life with a good memory. Until she gets a weird phone call and and an incredible job offer.
She was expecting an excentric old man...

Brock was definitvely NOT expecting to see the girl from the party he can't stop thinking about in his ranch house. And he wasn't prepare for the attack of memories and feelings he got the moment he set foot on the propoerty either.

I loved Jane. I wanted to be her friend or her if I got Brock ;) She's an honest girl with big dreams who loves family more than anything.
Brock is the kind of guy who had to grow up too fast and feels like the entire world depends on him.
The two of them together had a lot in common and the way they clash is like watching fireworks.

The chemestry is off the charts and Rachel wrote some very witty and funny moments! The characters are well rounded and I really enjoyed watching them come together and on terms with their own demons.

And boy! The twins totally stole the show. More than once I got confused with the names, imagine if the actual sexy guys were in front of me? Yeah, I would lose it. But you can see there's so much more than the easy going nature and party boys that I can't wait to seemore of them.

But gah! I really need more of this. Each character has a different story and Nadine is my spirit Animal, I need to read more about her! Learn from her! And I seriously need to know how she makes the twins settle because THAT is no easy feat.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Bachelor Auction is a fun modern-day Cinderella romance as well as rom-com that had me laughing frequently. I loved the way the author took a traditional story and gave it some twists to be uniquely her own!

Jane is the owner of Cinderella Cleaning, essentially a maid. Her sisters, despite being lawyers, are just plain awful and treat Jane very much like a personal servant. Brock is a billionaire and one of the well-known faces of the Wellington dynasty. They meet at a party when Jane breaks a shoe and nearly gets trampled. Brock sweeps her off her feet, literally, and buys her a new pair of shoes. I'm sure you can see where all this is going...

Overall, I liked both Jane and Brock. Their characters were well developed, albeit a bit frustrating; sometimes I really wanted to slap some sense into them. Both of them were too wishy-washy and total pushovers when it came to their families. In all honesty, I kind of liked the twins, Brant and Bentley, more than Brock at times. While they were a bit wild and out of control, at least they weren't living their lives for someone else. I was super excited by the cameo of a beloved character from another of Van Dyken's series! I was nearly bouncing up and down with excitement when I got to that part of the book!

The plot was steady and full of laughs. I read it straight through because I just couldn't put it down. I just had to get to the traditional "happily ever after."

This was not my first book by Rachel Van Dyken, and it certainly won't be my last. I fell in love with her writing and have become a big fan. The Bachelor Auction did not disappoint.

I reviewed this book on behalf of A Book Lover's Emporium.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
george eleftheriou
If you enjoy fairytales, then The Bachelor is something you will want to add to your TBR list for sure. It's a Cinderalla type of story set in modern day, with a bit of a hot and spicy edge to it. Jane, your modern day Cinderalla, has been tasked, or so she believes, with keeping her family together after the death of her father. Her two sisters take her for granted, work her to death, and think of her more as a "Plain Jane," whose main purpose in life is to serve them. Brock Wellington is the prince in the story, and though he comes from wealth, he to feels extreme guilt and responsibility to his grandfather, always sacrifiing his own happiness and desires to please him.

Fate brings these two together via a broken shoe and though they never expect to run across each other again, they find themselves in a completely different situation, though this time, neither seems to happy about it. Brock is the main event at the Bachelor Auction his grandfather is planning, an event he is not happy about having to particpate in. When he and Jane find themselves forced together for several weeks, he finds he's extremely attracted to Jane, but his grandfather's plan doesn't allow for a fling with the hired help. He attempts to stay away from her - and he is a bit of a jerk about it - being not very nice at all to her. Enter at this point Brock's twin brothers, both of whom I just loved, and you have yourself a very fun, funny, and sexy story. I'm looking forward to the twins stories as well. The Bachelor Auction is a good read - check it out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen hubbard
“The Bachelor Auction” by Rachel Van Dyken is about family obligations – putting family before yourself, before your own happiness. But even with this serious backdrop, this book is laugh-out-loud funny, with snappy dialogue filled with innuendo. It is also a charming twist on the Cinderella theme.

Brock Wellington doesn’t like to tell his grandfather ‘no‘ because the last time he told someone ‘no’, tragedy happened. When his grandfather tells Brock he’s going to auction him off for the sake of the company, Brock feels he has no choice but to go along. Then he meets Jane.
Jane is the youngest sister and took over her father’s business, Cinderella Cleaning Company, after his death. She promised to keep the family together and to take care of her mean-spirited and selfish sisters.

It’s Brock’s grandfather, playing the fairy godfather, who manipulates his grandson’s life to bring Brock and Jane together by sending Brock to the family ranch for a vacation to stay out of the media spotlight and by hiring Jane to take care of the cleaning while Brock is in residence.
There, Brock and Jane face the ghost of their pasts and learn their own happiness is more valuable than anything else.

“The Bachelor Auction” has a great cast of secondary characters. Besides Brock’s grandfather, there are his twin brothers who provide comic relief. The camaraderie between the brothers is showcased in the most enjoyable scenes.
There are Jane’s sisters who are completely unlikable. Though I’m sure it was the author’s intent to make them this way, the antics and behavior do not come across as believable, whereas Brock’s brothers, even with their over-the-top characteristics do. It seems the brothers will have their own stories so maybe this is why they come across as more three-dimensional than Jane’s sisters.

With that said, I was excited to see what would happen at the ball – the bachelor auction – to bring Brock and Jane together. The author did not disappoint with these scenes.

Rachel Van Dyken is a new-to-me author and I thoroughly enjoyed her fun and laugh-out-loud read with angsty undertones. She is an author I look forward to reading again.

*I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The Bachelor Auction was a cutesy contemporary with a fun Cinderella twist! Plain Jane and boring Brock have lived their lives trying to please their families even at the expense of their own happiness. They have both been living this way for so long that it just comes as second nature at this point. Jane slaves herself in order to keep her sisters happy and Brock has agreed to be auctioned off by his grandfather! The only thing that snaps these two out of the "serve others" trance they've been under for years, is meeting each other and are now willing to risk everything to be together.

I loved catching the hints at the Cinderella story we have all come to know and love! Her sisters were such jerks that I was glad poor Jane didn't have to deal with an evil stepmother on top of it all. Although I didn't really understand how the whole auction concept was supposed to fix the Wellington family's business problems, this book had such a fun flair to it that those details didn't really bother me. I stopped trying to make sense of it and just enjoyed the cheesy love scenes and Brock's hilarious twin brothers. I'm looking forward to the rest of the books in The Bachelors of Arizona series that will hopefully have a lot more of Brock's brothers Brant and Bentley!

If you're not looking for anything too serious and are in the mood for a fluffy romance wrapped in some major LOL moments, then pick this one up today!

*Thanks to Forever and Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange of an honest review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This modern twist on Cinderella is so clever, and fun. It included all the characters you expect in this present-day tale. There is a sexy privileged hero who is expected to marry the women chosen for him by his quirky, manipulative grandfather, a beautiful, hardworking woman who is obligated to take care of her two older, selfish sisters, several hilarious farm animals, a scheming, romance loving Godmother, and add in the heroes hilarious, carefree younger twin brothers. Mix them all together and you have a recipe for a hilarious, engaging, and heartfelt love story. Brock and Jane are opposites who are in similar situations. They both feel obligated to put their families well being before their own. When they first meet they have instant chemistry but cannot act on it. But when they are forced to spend 3 weeks together with a crazy cock and an ass named Sheldon, all bets are off. Will they be able to put their own desires ahead of family? Or will the weight of their guilt be too much for them? I really liked Jane, she was strong, vibrant and caring. She loved to find the beauty in everything. Brock was kind, generous and protective. I really liked them together, they were funny and their chemistry was smokin'. Their meddling families added quirky madness, and tension. I loved all the witty play on words and banter. I have not laughed this much while reading in a long time. This is the first book I've read from this author and I am definitly going to read more of her work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
si min
A cheeky love story that was sweet, playful and of course had that Rachel Van Dyken’s signature of humor meets romance!! If you are a fan of RVD, then this romance is right up your alley as RVD beautifully blends smart romance with humor. And if you are new to her books and are a fan of fairytale inspired romance, then this book might be the glass slipper that you are looking for.

The Bachelor Auction was one of those gem of reads that made you feel good. Yes, I am talking about that warm fuzzy feeling. Those butterflies in the stomach kind of love. RVD didn’t hold back as she doused readers with her cheeky humor and lovable characters. You could say RVD is like your own fairy godmother but the kind that delivers sweet romance for your reading pleasure. In this very day and age, is there such thing as a Prince Charming? According to RVD, yes there is. And for some, Prince Charming might need some magical love from an unlikely stranger.

If you are a fan of romance, fairy tales, humor, and meticulously crafted charismatic characters then I suggest you better be one-clicking The Bachelor Auction because RVD will definitely fulfill and grant your romance wish. For all my Cinderella fans out there, RVD won’t disappoint you as she puts her own playful spin on this modern retelling. As always, the writing was crisp and beautifully crafted to present a love story that will have you smiling big.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dwita ariyanti
The Bachelor Auction is pure delight! Rachel Van Dyken's take on Cinderella is the perfect book to simply make you feel good. Boring Brock and Plain Jane never envisioned they'd ever cross paths. But one broken heel and a slew of well-meaning and not so well-meaning family members later, destiny stepped in and life was never the same.

I thoroughly enjoyed this one. The way the author uses the timeless tale to join the very wealthy Brock to the extremely selfless Jane was nothing short of genius. And all the characters are there: from the wicked sisters the make Jane's life miserable to the fairy godfather in Brock's devilish grandfather to farm animals that have a mind of their own and have a definite place in this romantic scheme to get these two together. Everyone has their part and they play it perfectly. Brock's brothers steal the show more than once and I'm happy they will getting their own books as well. I found myself laughing often at the over the top antics that never seemed to take a breather. The burgeoning love story between Brock and Jane is not only threatened by well-meaning relatives but by pasts neither seem to want to face. But each holds their own and I loved that Jane didn't take any nonsense from any of the Wellington men and was able to land her Prince in her own way.

Sure to make you smile, I rate this book 4 magical stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill mccallum
Think of a modern Cinderella... on steroids! This is a funny, tender, hilariously over the top re-telling of the Cinderella story without the wicked stepmother.

Jane is the one who sacrifices and holds her family together no matter what. Her only remaining relatives are her two selfish sisters who push her to the limit to cater to them. Cooking, cleaning, sewing, and, of course, "borrowing" her hard earned money without compunction. Incurring debt without care, they go through life only caring to have fun and hopefully catch a rich husband.

And let's not forget our Prince ~ Brock Wellington. Now Brock is getting up in years and he has his share of troubles like his two younger brothers ~ twins! He is the one that stepped up to help his grandfather run the family business after the loss of his parents. The twins are coasting by and raising heck while appearing on all the tabloids with their fun and games. Perfect scenario for grandfather to push Brock to pick a wife and save the company.

Be prepared to laugh out loud. The banter from the twins is the stuff stand up comedy thrives on. Never a dull moment with those two. But the plot will twist and turn and you will never see it coming at the end.

This is a FUN book. Read and let Calgon take you away from reality as you relax and enjoy this story
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nichola lynch
The Bachelor Auction by Rachel Van Dyken is the first book in the Bachelors of Arizona. I would classify it as a contemporary romantic comedy. This is truly the Cinderella story of Brock and Jane. Dutiful, boring Brock and plain Jane complete with Jane's wicked sisters and Brock's seductively funny twin brothers. The gist of the story is obviously in the title, but the main conflict is the struggle each of the main characters has as a result of both losing their parents early on in life. If you enjoyed Nadine Titus' character from The Bet Series, she makes a wonderful appearance in this book. Fair warning to readers who are used to this Author's style of "clean" writing which leaves more to the imagination. By no means is this considered erotica but there is overuse of the alternate word for a male rooster in which they literally are talking about a male rooster as well as implied innuendos. I enjoyed the dialog and banter between the characters but initially had a hard time distinguishing the difference between the brothers due to similarities in their names. All in all this is a predictably good book that I will recommend to other readers. I am looking forward to reading more of this series. I can't wait to see what is in store for the twins. A copy of this book was provided for my honest opinion. I also recommend The Bet and Ruin by this Author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john stimson
Rachel Van Dyken spins a modern twist on a classic fairytale.

Brock Wellington isn't your typical millionaire, afraid to say no to his family he aims to please his grandfather even if it means he's in the auction block.
Jane is a modern day Cinderella, cooking and cleaning after her two crazy sisters while trying to keep them out of trouble. When a mishap and a broke shoe bring these two very different strangers together sparks fly until Jane finds out he's the bachelor for the auction.
Leaving the city to get out of the spotlight Brock returns to his childhood home, unaware that his grandfather has hired a cleaning service to stay maintain the property for the next few weeks. Brock is in shock when when he finds out the maid is none other then Jane the same girl he's been searching for. Will Brock be able to give his heart if it's expected to be sold to the highest bidder?
The Bachelor Auction is brilliant, funny and entertaining. Mix in some meddling twin brothers, some hilarious animals, and Grandma Nadine and you have perfection! Rachel creates beautiful characters are that so full of life and emotion that you can't help but feel for them. I loved the story line, and I cannot wait for the twins to get a chance to tell their story.
I'm a huge fan of Rachel's work and The Bachelor Auction is a MUST READ for everyone!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5 Sweet Stars

Naughtier than her other books, The Bachelor Auction by Rachel Van Dyken is a classic contemporary romance. Cinderella-esque story complete with a broken shoe and wicked sisters, not to mention a handsome prince. But, was there a meddling grandfather in Cinderella’s story? Rachel Van Dyken sure knows how to write meddling grandparents to perfection. :)

Jane is a lovable heroine who has a crappy home life, whereas Brock is in a precarious position because of his grandfather. With forces working against them, can they come out on top? Can they drop their guard long enough to find true love? RVD does a superb job of keeping us hooked and rooting for this couple.

Now, when I say naughtier than her other books, what I mean is that there’s more sex and more use of curse words. Neither of which bother me in the least, but just giving you a heads up. Oh, did I mention sexy twins? Yeah, our prince charming Brock has twin brothers – and I’m sure they’ll be getting their own books in the Bachelors of Arizona series. Plus, there’s a crazy rooster and an escape-artist donkey to add a little fun to the mix.

Filled with RVD’s signature humor and romance, The Bachelor Auction is another great addition to my RVD bookshelf. Brock and Jane are an irresistible couple with a sweet and sexy story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Cinderella never had to deal with this crap.

Jane isn't entirely sure that Cinderella got such a raw deal. Sure, she had a rough start, but didn't she eventually land a prince and a happily-ever-after? Meanwhile, Jane is busy waiting on her demanding, entitled sisters, running her cleaning business, and . . . yep, not a prince in sight. Until a party and a broken shoe incident leave Jane wondering if princes---or at least, a certain deliciously hunky billionaire---maybe do exist.

Except Brock Wellington isn't anyone's dream guy. Hell, a prince would never agree to be auctioned off in marriage to the highest bidder. Or act like an arrogant jerk---even if it was just a façade. Now, as Brock is waiting for the auction chopping block, he figures it's karmic retribution that he's tempted by a sexy, sassy woman he can't have. But while they can't have a fairy-tale ending, maybe they can indulge in a little bit of fantasy . .

I really enjoy reading Rachel Van Dyken's books. This one is funny and very well written. Jane and Brock have a lot of twists and turns to go through but it was a great ride for me. I love all the characters and can't wait to see what happens next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jaime paternoster
*ARC provided by Publisher

I love a good Cinderella story and Rachel Van Dyken certainly delivered that with The Bachelor Auction. Brock and Jane both come with some serious family baggage, more than either of them deserve for sure, but guilt presses them to agree to things they shouldn’t, and then they keep agreeing even though they know it isn’t what they want. Except then they meet each other and suddenly what they want becomes crystal clear, if not easy to obtain.

Fast-paced, well-written, compelling, and humorous, The Bachelor Auction is not at all what I expected, and I’m so glad that it wasn’t. I grinned and I laughed and I loved through this book. There is so much I could say about the story and the characters, but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone. Because it’s a book that deserves to be read, exactly as it is, and enjoyed exactly as it’s meant to be enjoyed.

The characters are fun and engaging. The writing crisp and light-hearted, with a natural flow that easily carries you from page to the next. This isn’t an angsty read, by any means. It’s a fun, fantasy-fueled escape read. It’s everything I didn’t know I needed, and everything I can’t wait to read again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
diah adelia
The Bachelor Auction is another fun, light hearted read that fan's of Van Dyken's The Bet series will love! You have a bit of a twist on Cinderella here. The heroine, Jane, is a maid with a couple of bitchy sisters, just waiting on her prince. Brock is a mega rich yet willing to be auctioned off to the highest bidder to appease his grandfather.

Both of these characters seemed a bit weak willed to me. Jane could never tell her sisters no, Brock couldn't tell his grandfather no. It makes it a bit more difficult to really like them because you want to yell "Grow a pair!". However, we all know that sometimes it can be easy to be steamrolled by people in your life. Brock and Jane's relationship was good and ultimately believable, which was one thing I was worried about.

The Bachelor Auction is a book that RVD fans won't want to miss! Meddling family, evil sisters, and true love will have you swooning, sighing, and laughing. While the book can be a bit unbelievable, it is a twist on a fairy tale. So, if you are one of those readers who needs believability, this might not be the book for you! While I struggled with The Bachelor Auction at times, overall, it was a light, easy, fun read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
burak k k er i
4.75 stars of total fantastic rom-com fun!! Loved Rachel's take on a Cinderella story! Brock and the rest of the Wellington boys grabbed me from the start! Their dynamic was full of snark and heart. On the flip side you've got Jane and her crazy awful sisters, both of whom made me want to punch them whenever they opened their selfish mouths. Rounding out the mix you've got a full menagerie of animals from crazy town as well as Brock's grandfather and the appearance of Grandma Nadine (probably one of the greatest characters ever!), and well this story never wanted for the unexpected or laughter!

I loved everything about The Bachelor Auction! From start to finish it was just everything I've come to love in an RVD book! From the snarky brothers, the crazy animals, the chemistry between Brock and Jane, the unexpected from grandfather Wellington and the appearance (and madcap fun) of Grandma Nadine!! Plus I can't even tell you the amount of times I snort-laughed during this one with all the hilarity provided by an a&& named Sheldon and a cock named Diablo, plus an adorable horse named Buttercup! It's definitely a fun start to this new series and I know that Bentley's story is going to be just as fun!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This review of The Bachelor Auction by Rachel Van Dyken is for The Sweet Spot Sisterhood Blog. I give it 5 Stars. This is the third RVD book I have read. She writes such sweet romances. I absolutely loved the Cinderella type feel of this book. It was a nice change of pace from my normal book repetoire. I think you will love it just as much as I did.

The Bachelor Auction is the story of Jane and Brock. "Plain" Jane is a modern day Cinderella. Although she is the youngest, she has taken care of her older twin sisters since their parents had died. She also took over the family's cleaning business, Cinderella Cleaning. Seems fitting huh?

Brock, the town's most eligible bachelor, also happens to be on the auction block to bring good PR to his family's company. He also happens to come to Jane's rescue when one of her shoes breaks while she is out with her sisters.

Can Prince Charming find his Cinderella before he is auctioned off or will it be too late? Could they have more in common then what they originally thought? The Bachelor Auction is a must read. It does not disappoint. It is definitely worthy of a one-click.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Bachelor Auction is a modern take on the story of Cinderella. Initially it felt to me as though it was edging on more of the side of an historical read, however, a few chapters in and this was no longer the case and it had all the makings of an enjoyable contemporary romance.

I really enjoyed the relationship between Jane and Brock; they had great chemistry and the tension between them built and built. This was a lot more sexy than some of Rachel's previous books but still not at all particularly explicit.

Brock's brothers were great supporting characters and really grew on me throughout this book and I loved how we were left knowing there was so much more depth to them than they portray - I'm really looking forward to their books in the future.

The Bachelor Auction was a real fun read. It was packed full of Rachel's customary humour and the banter and witty dialogue between characters is as always a real high point. Overall, I very much enjoyed this book.

I was gifted a copy of this book from the Publisher via NetGalley. I voluntarily reviewed this book under no inducement or obligation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex ibrado
Move over Cinderella. There is a new girl in need of her fairy Prince. That person is Jane. Yes, her name is plain her job of cleaning homes and business is even plain. But Jane doesn’t let that stop her from taking care of her two older sisters.

We all heard of the tale of Cinderella and her wicked stepsisters. Well, Jane’s sister tops them. Jane being the youngest has a lot on her plate. When both of her parents died. Her father had her promise to make sure that the family stays together. Putting a lot of pressure on Jane to take care of her two spoiled rotten sisters. Mind you, they’re both successful attorneys. However, they both like to live above their means which leaves Jane in the whole to pay their debts.

Until one day she meets her Prince. Or in this case businessman Brock Wellington. Brock has his own issues. With the major issue being. He has a hard time saying “No”. It might be easy for you or me to say no. But the last time Brock said no was to his father. Then his father and mother both died in her plane crash. When he almost loses his grandfather, he is deftly afraid to deny his grandfather anything.

If you need to relieve stress or just need to get away from it all. The Bachelor Auction would have you laughing in no time.
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