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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
WOW!!! That was my first thought when I finished Living Out Loud by Staci Hart. This was my very first read of hers and to say I'm absolutely BLOWN AWAY is an understatement. I was captivated by her beautiful story telling. From start to finish I was enthralled in this story. In my opinion ABSOLUTE PERFECTION!!!

Greg and Annie have quite the connection and chemistry. Now Annie is much younger and definitely naïve. She was looking for that perfect romance that steals your words, and breath away. But she didn't always look where she should. But her resilience is remarkable. She's a young lady who had been through a lot. And keeps fighting. Not giving up.

I ADORED Greg. His protectiveness of Annie, even under difficult circumstances. But you could feel the love he had for Annie.

I can not express how much I LOVED this story. This will be one that will stick with me! I highly recommend it!

*I voluntarily read an advance copy from the author. This is my honest review."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another fantastic read from Staci Hart. Whilst this is the 3rd book in the Austen series it can be a standalone. Every book Staci releases makes me love her more. Her writing is so beautifully flawless, they are truly emotional and heartwarming and oh so good!

After losing her dad, Annie and her family more to New York to stay with her Uncle and his family. Annie's health isn't the best with a hole in heart that requires surgery but despite this she gets a job working at Wasted Words and meets Greg the bartender.

The chemistry between Annie and Greg is instant and the friendship that blossoms between them is beautiful to watch.

I loved seeing my other favourites from Staci's other books in this series, it was like a old friends reunion.

Staci Hart has fast become one of my go-to author. Her characters, plotlines and writing is flawless and her books always grip you from page one till the very end and stay with you afterwards. I cannot wait tos ee what she brings us next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.

Staci has done it again and, oh, is my heart swooning. I loved Living Out Loud! And of course, like all of Staci's other books, I was left feeling heartbroken simply because the story was over.

In this installment of the Austen series, we follow Annie Daschel who, after the death of her father, moved to New York with her mother and two sisters. When her father died she vowed to start living out loud just like her father would have wanted. She began making a list of firsts she wanted to accomplish. First to be crossed off? Get a job at Wasted Words and this is where she changed the life of Greg Brandon forever.

Greg had worked at Wasted Words as the lead bartender. As soon as he ran into Annie, he knew there was something special about her. As much as he tried to keep their relationship as strictly friends, he finally realized that was not even remotely possible.

I love the way Staci writes. It pulls the reader into the story immediately and captivates you from the first sentence. The way she is able to capture the characters and explore both sides of the story makes it that much more enthralling. If you are looking for a wonderfully sweet love story, this is the book to read! I of course HAVE to rate this with 5 magnificent stars and can't wait for the next installment of this series!
Rammel Hawking 1 (Knights of Black Swan Book 8) - VAMPIRE HUNTER :: Gathering Storm (Knights of Black Swan Book 5) :: Winner Best Vampire/Shifter Novel of the Year (Knights of Black Swan Book 4) :: Winner BEST PARANORMAL ROMANCE NOVEL of the year! (Knights of Black Swan Book 3) :: One Call Away
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This story was absolutely amazing. Annie is a young girl with a heart of gold. She has been through so much with her heart issues, moving to New York , and the death of her father. Wanting to move forward she gets a job at a bar where she meets Greg. Greg is older, yet is a great guy. He befriends Annie instantly. The more time they spend together with her to do list , the more he spends time with her the more he wants with her until his sisters ex Will walks into her life. Now, Annie is torn between her friendship with Greg or her relationship with Will. Will, too is torn does he keep his friendship with Annie although it hurts or does he walk away.
I loved the authors telling of this story. Annie was truly a sweetheart and I felt so saddened by her troubled life. Greg, he was so sweet and perfect for Annie. I cheered these two on the whole way. Definitely did not like Will. This is by far one of my favorites from this author. I look forward to Elle and Wards story...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beautifully written. Hart takes us on a journey of not only finding love but of living life out loud. ~ Misty, WHR

This may be my favorite Hart book yet. The magic she has put into this book with just words has me speechless. The writing was exquisite, the story full of life and all the characters engaging. A feat that falls short for so many.

Annie, the naive girl and Greg, the guy who just wants her happy. Their story is not without some angst but it's beautiful nonetheless. Their love bounces off the pages of this book. And not just the love they find for each other but of all those around them and for life in general. This book will give you hope. But it will also make you question how you're living your life. It will make you swoon and in the next breath tears will jump from your eyes. Perfectly balanced to give you a love story for the ages. After this one I am not sure how Hart can top it but I am willing to find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ty bufkin
Beautifully written. Hart takes us on a journey of not only finding love but of living life out loud. ~ Misty, WHR

This may be my favorite Hart book yet. The magic she has put into this book with just words has me speechless. The writing was exquisite, the story full of life and all the characters engaging. A feat that falls short for so many.

Annie, the naive girl and Greg, the guy who just wants her happy. Their story is not without some angst but it's beautiful nonetheless. Their love bounces off the pages of this book. And not just the love they find for each other but of all those around them and for life in general. This book will give you hope. But it will also make you question how you're living your life. It will make you swoon and in the next breath tears will jump from your eyes. Perfectly balanced to give you a love story for the ages. After this one I am not sure how Hart can top it but I am willing to find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ayman lotfy
This was a beautiful sweet romantic feel good story that left me feeling all fuzzy inside.

Annie has led a very restricted life due to her health when the family loves to New York she is determined to live her life to the fullest. Her fathers death has spurned her into making a list of everything she’s missed out on, some big some small.

The story is poignant, Annie and her family are all trying to adjust to the change in their circumstances whilst grieving. Apart from Annie who was my favourite character little Meg was just adorable and I loved how her inquisitive nature was never stifled.

This is a gentle coming of age story about a young woman finding her way in the world. We go on a journey with Annie as she asserts her independence with all the pitfalls life can throw at you. A story about family, life and love that will leave you smiling.

reviewed by Sweet Spot Sisterhood and Unrated Bookshelf
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️?
Living Out Loud is an incredibly sweet, angsty, and touching novel. I was drawn in by Hart’s beautifully crafted words and characters. It’s a modern adaptation of Jane Austen’s classic novel, Sense and Sensibility, and it is a captivating retelling.

I really loved both Annie and Greg. She was sweet, young, naive and determined to live life to the fullest. He was selfless, charming and kind, always putting Annie’s happiness above his own. They form a beautiful friendship and I swooned each time Greg helped her to cross an item off of her list of things she wants to experience in her lifetime. They had an undeniable connection, and as their relationship reached different points throughout the novel, I experienced the emotional ups and downs right alongside them.

If you love Jane Austen, modern retellings, or just romantic novels in general, Staci Hart’s Living Out Loud is one you’ll want to add to your list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meghan gaffney
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of the book.

So basically Staci Hart elevated my relationship goals with this book. Warning girls off of boys with two first names used to be a thing (I'm not sure if it still is...), but Greg Brandon (fictional character though he is) has single handedly redeemed these gentleman - or at least given cause to pause for consideration at least. Living Out Loud is like a breath of fresh air, sweet, unexpected, and inspirational in the best possible way. It made me introspective and desirous to live out loud in my own life. It made examine the people in my life to figure out who I need to cherish and hold more closely and those that need to be excised. It made me want to create my own list. Staci Hart was truly able to breath new life in to an old (but timeless) story and created a tale and characters so unique and memorable that they will truly stick with me for the long haul. 5 out of 5 wine glasses.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Swoon worthy.


Impossible not to love.

I can't with this story. The author grabbed since the beginning with words that made me feel like I was in book heaven.

I felt everything. From sadness to happiness. And everything im between. This story moved me and made me fall in love with the characters.

Annie and Greg are so easy to love. Annie is sweet and driven. And Greg is charming, kind and so good with Annie. Every one of their interactions left me wanting more. I giggled and I smiled hard. I might have shed some tears.

I love the build up in their relationship. Bevause it felt so real. Annie was on a journey of living life to the fullest but by doing that she was also discovering her true self. And Greg was the most patient and amazing man by letting her grow up and embrace life.

Beautiful, sweet and touching.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patty ho
Living Out Loud is a sweet and heartwarming story. I loved the author's writing style and this fantastic storyline. This slowburn will have you feeling all the feels as you're swept away with this unique twist on Sense& Sensibility.
Annie is such a sweet, loving girl with a zest to live her life to the fullest. Greg is friendly, sweet, lovable and protective of his loved ones. I absolutely loved them together. Their conversations and interactions had me smiling and then frustrated when things took a twist. The sparks between them were subtle at first but had me rooting for them until the very end.
Living Out Loud reminded me once again what I love about this author's books. Her amazing writing and characters pull you in and sweep you away. Their stories that will warm your heart and leave you with the biggest smile on your face. After Living Out Loud I can't wait to read Ella's story next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
daniel herrera
This series is addicting. Cute characters that are easy to relate to and fall for...storylines that make me want to read more. And some hot scenes that remind you, yes I am still reading my "mommy porn" that makes my life complete. This one fit the bill all around. I look forward to more.

More heart than I was expecting. These two find their way through fumbles, missed opportunities and more than anything a strong friendship, that I loved reading about.

"There were roots—I could feel them working their way through me. They weren’t superficial, spreading out under the surface; they were the kind of roots you could never excavate, the kind that became a part of all they touched in the most permanent way." <---SWOOOOOOONNNN

Loving these versions of historical tales that I may or may not have swooned over in my lifetime..
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ivor davies
Sinfully sweet and totally warming my heart-Staci Hart has written an absolutely beautiful story about love.
Greg and Annie were so effortlessly genuine-which was my absolute favorite thing about this novel. I absolutely adored both of their characters. Both have suffered great losses in their families-and know that surviving alone must include living life to the fullest. Though Annie has several things she must learn about life as she adapts in the big city, Greg is there as her patient rock throughout her learning experience. The two fall in the deepest kind of love-leaning on each other when things really get tough, and it was so absolutely beautiful to read about their connection.
This is the first book I’ve read by this author, and I’m going to go on a binge now as I’m fully prepared for her amazing writing and ability to write such a soul warming story.- By Victoria
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lynn protasowicki
​Living Out Loud is an upbeat yet emotional read. Annie is very sheltered and naive which I struggled with a little bit. Her mannerisms seemed younger than her age to me and that was hard to connect with at times. That doesn't mean I was completely disconnected from her character however. I felt for her and what she was going through personally and with her family. It was so great to finally read Greg's story. He was definitely a favorite of mine and I wasn't disappointed. He's a bit guarded but I loved the way he took care of Annie and showed her things that she'd never experienced before. I also loved how their friendship blossomed over time. Yes, the attraction was instant but they actually took time to get to know each other and bond over similar life experiences. I thought Staci Hart did an awesome job on this one and I look forward to reading the next book in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kendall loeber
This was a good read. The writing flowed well, although it was a little different style than I was used to from this author. I haven't read any of the other books in this series, so I'm new to these characters. I had a little bit of conflicting emotions about the characters though. I loved Greg. I thought he was the perfect hero in the story. My problem was with Annie. I know she was only 18, but come on. I rolled my eyes so hard at her. She acted liked she didn't know how Greg felt about her, but she did, she just didn't want to admit it. She wanted to keep him on the side, and keep Will as her boyfriend. I yelled at my kindle a few times because of her. I was glad that I stuck it out though, the last several chapters were great! I can't wait to read Elle's story!
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gina gilbert
“Daydreaming is fun and free and makes me happy. And if reality isn’t what I’ve imagined, I’ll just dream up something new.”

Staci has done it again for me with this beautifully different love story. Living Out Loud isn’t like anything I’ve read in a long time. The ebb and flow of the writing seems to have matured into a thing of wonder, even more so than all her other books (which I LOVED, by the way.) But this is like a poem, making you sway along with the words her characters think and say. In terms of romance, Staci knows what the hell she’s doing. Every. Single. Time.

Annie is such a special character. Even when she’s getting things wrong, or making mistakes you’d normally want to slap someone else for making, you can’t help but champion her. You NEED her to live out loud and to experience the world beyond her books and her fantasies. You can see the pain waiting at the end of a long road for her, but you don’t fear anything because... it’s ANNIE. You know that even though she’s weak for reasons she can’t control, she’s one hell of a fighter.

And Greg. Erm... THUD. But what gets me about Staci Hart’s book boyfriends is that they are so damn effortless. It never reads like she’s trying too hard to make them sexy or appealing. They just are, and Greg is no exception. In fact, every time I read a Hart book I say “He’s my new favourite.” And guess what? Greg is most definitely my new favourite. Until the next one comes along. Damn you, Hart/Heart. You’re both in trouble here.

Five beautiful, sparkling, shining out brightly and living so loudly stars for this stunning piece of writing. It’s a literature lesson wrapped up in classical history masterclass and finished off with a sprinkling of New York fairy tale magic. What more could you want from a love story? Answer: Nothing.

(Oh, and Will Bailey... *flips the bird*)

Favourite Quotes:

“The world was infinite and I was not.”

“I felt my losses so acutely in that moment that it set my galloping like a pony missing a leg, staggering and clumsy.”

“Don’t look back, Annie. That’s a sure-fire way to end up tripping on what’s in front of you.”

“I think, when you find your someone, it happens the second you see them. Like getting struck by lightning or hit by a bus.”

“The moral of the story is, never f*&k with a sure thing. Just leave it alone and let it be what it is.”

“People tried to understand, but I don’t know that anyone without a passion could understand true passion.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'm thinking Staci Hart can do anything. yes?

Romcom? Yes

Ansgsty romance? Yep.

Gods and goddesses? Yep

Erotica? Yep.

And now? Now we have a sweet and funny nod to Sense and Sensibility in Living Out Loud. The characters of Annie and Greg were a mix of modern love and Austen love. I could see them in 2018 NYC even as I heard them in 1811 England-- there was a gentility and musicality to their dialogue that just seemed to straddle both times perfectly. Their romance was a whirlwind, with the pacing of things between them moving swiftly towards a HEA-- though not without villainy and confusion and yearning along the way.

I not only enjoyed the sweet and light romance of Annie and Greg but I'm insanely curious about Ellie and Ward (and really want their mom to find someone). I love it when secondary characters are as interesting as the primary ones, without taking anything g away from the main story and I'm eager to see where the next book takes me next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
georgina brown
Positively beautiful words...a story to sink your teeth into and hold on because you know the ride is going to be an emotional one but in the end you will be cheering. This entire series of stand-alone’s is fabulous. Wasted Words is one of my all time favorite reads and Living Out Loud helps us see that we are only given one life to chance to really live...even when the odds are against us and we over analyze what the future holds..carpe diem baby!

Annie is sublime with her naive, innocent heart and though she’s faced adversity and survived with strength and perseverance but her heart is still trusting and looking for the fairy tale.

Greg is so very swoon worthy and dreamy. I instantly fell in love with both these characters and I devoured these words!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
krista vasi
Positively beautiful words...a story to sink your teeth into and hold on because you know the ride is going to be an emotional one but in the end you will be cheering. This entire series of stand-alone’s is fabulous. Wasted Words is one of my all time favorite reads and Living Out Loud helps us see that we are only given one life to chance to really live...even when the odds are against us and we over analyze what the future holds..carpe diem baby!

Annie is sublime with her naive, innocent heart and though she’s faced adversity and survived with strength and perseverance but her heart is still trusting and looking for the fairy tale.

Greg is so very swoon worthy and dreamy. I instantly fell in love with both these characters and I devoured these words!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kirstin korinko
Inspired by Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, which is my favorite by the way, I got to relive a tale I love so much while reading Living Out Loud. The story itself, based in modern day New York City, is amazing, but, getting to know the characters I adore in a new form was my absolute favorite part. Realizing who was who as I read and then seeing them play out their part(s) in Staci’s version was incredible.

I wouldn’t say Living Out Loud is a “retelling.” It is its own story - its own emotionally gripping story that stands all on its own.

Staci’s readers will love this book. Staci’s readers who have read Sense and Sensibility will LOVE this book. (If you haven’t read any of Staci’s books, you’ll also love this book, but l highly recommend you go back and grab everything she’s ever written.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So, Jane Austen is my queen and Sense & Sensibility is one of my top ten books of all time. And Staci Hart is an automatic one-click author for me. So to say I was highly anticipating this, especially after the perfection of A Thousand Letters and A Little Too Late, is an understatement. And it did not disappoint. Our hero is Greg, who we first fell in love with in Wasted Words. I've been waiting for him to get his own book, and I love how seamlessly he fit into the Colonel Brandon character. The story was true to Sense & Sensibility with smart updates for the twenty-first century, and I loved how everything tied into the world Staci Hart has created. Highly recommended for fans and newcomers alike, as it stands alone well. Can't wait for Elle's story now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brandy varnado

Such a beautiful,sweet,romantic and heartwarming story. I thought A Little Too Late was amazing but wait until you read Living Out Loud!I didn't want to finish it, it was unique and I had so many feelings while I was reading it!

"That was Greg and me-easy and uninhibited, a joining of two streams to make a river."

I loved Greg and Annie.Annie is such a sweetheart my heart ached for her!Greg is kind,charming,friendly,sweet and lovable.I adored them, I couldn't get enough of these two.The characters felt so realistic making the story more intimidate!

Staci Hart is my new favorite author!!Her stories are unique and beautiful!I highly recommend this one!It was absolutely fantastic, sweet and so romantic!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john kissell
Living Out Loud by Staci Hart is AMAZING, FANTASTIC,BEAUTIFUL!! I devored this book in one night!! I LOVEE Staci Hart! I always enjoy her books but THIS ONE is my favoriteeeeeeee!!!!!

We meet Annie and Greg these characters own my heart!! Annie is a young girl who has to move to NYC after a family tragedy and she finds herself wanting to do something with her life... soo since she loves to read romance novels she started working at Wasted Words when she met Greg!! and GREG is amazing hands down my favorite hero. HE is the #1!!!

Soo the book is fantastic the journey about how Annie finds love when she doesnt expect it and this wont be easy for her. Staci you know i LOVE YOU!!! thank you so much for this INCREDIBLE AND BEAUTIFUL STORY!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
priyanka mehtani
For fans of Jane Austen's Sense & Sensibility you will love this contemporary take on a wonderful story ~ The chemistry is tangible and the connection between Annie and Greg is instant ~ Elizabeth @ White Hot Reads

Annie rushes into Greg's life and he sees everything differently. The air is fresher, the sky is brighter and his life is lighter all from this girl that is so innocent she changes your perspective.

Greg is the person she needs right away. She trusts him instantly with anything and everything. Her trusting frail heart doesn't see danger coming her way... in the form of a slime ball man; Will.

All things come to those who wait and Greg is always there for her and will be there to the end!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For fans of Jane Austen's Sense & Sensibility you will love this contemporary take on a wonderful story ~ The chemistry is tangible and the connection between Annie and Greg is instant ~ Elizabeth @ White Hot Reads

Annie rushes into Greg's life and he sees everything differently. The air is fresher, the sky is brighter and his life is lighter all from this girl that is so innocent she changes your perspective.

Greg is the person she needs right away. She trusts him instantly with anything and everything. Her trusting frail heart doesn't see danger coming her way... in the form of a slime ball man; Will.

All things come to those who wait and Greg is always there for her and will be there to the end!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was so excited for another Staci Hart book. She writes from her soul or at least that’s how it feels to me. How else could her words touch me deep inside my heart? I am in love with the flow of her words and how she writes her stories. Annie and Greg are two characters that I felt an instant like for. Annie was so sheltered. It was a bit fun watching her live in the big city and checking things off her lists. I’m absolutely thrilled to see Greg again. He’s just perfect for Annie. He’s so patient and kind with her. Their journey is beautiful and one-of-a-kind! I almost felt like my child was stepping out on her own with Annie. Hart does a fantastic job of making her characters relatable, of making them people you end up caring for!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andy forcey
I absolutely love this series! How about that cover, I love it! Living Out Loud was perfect and I wasn’t ready for it to end. It’s a heartwarming story that will pull you in.

I loved Greg and Annie’s story so much. Annie is very innocent and sweet and so full of life. Moving in with her aunt and uncle she is looking forward to a new adventure. She has a checklist of things she wants to do and first on that list is getting a job.

Greg is the perfect hero. He’s sweet and the perfect guy for Annie. He was willing to give up his happiness for hers.

This was a sweet feel good story that I couldn’t put down. I loved seeing characters from other stories. I highly recommend this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely love this series! How about that cover, I love it! Living Out Loud was perfect and I wasn’t ready for it to end. It’s a heartwarming story that will pull you in.

I loved Greg and Annie’s story so much. Annie is very innocent and sweet and so full of life. Moving in with her aunt and uncle she is looking forward to a new adventure. She has a checklist of things she wants to do and first on that list is getting a job.

Greg is the perfect hero. He’s sweet and the perfect guy for Annie. He was willing to give up his happiness for hers.

This was a sweet feel good story that I couldn’t put down. I loved seeing characters from other stories. I highly recommend this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mahsa mohajerani

That's what I think.

Sweet, mitten-wearer Annie. I adore her. Her innocence rings true to her but she indeed lives out loud.

Not loud like you think you would. She lives loud in her own way. And seeing Annie's character develop throughout the chapter was amazing to read about.

And then there's Greg. Gorgeous Greg.

A fierce lover and protector. His only purpose is to make Annie happy. And her happiness comes first while he silently watches over her.

This is more than just your average contemporary romance. This is more than boy meets girl.

Staci never fails to impress me with her writing. I highly recommend this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
isabel root
Such a beautifully romantic story! I totally binged on it as soon as it hit my kindle. I simply couldn’t put it down. Staci Hart has absolutely out down herself and blown everything else she’s ever written out of the water with Living Out Loud.

I loved everything about this book. The story, it’s characters, the romance...just everything! As a Jane Austen fan this book made me excited to read it. Because Sense and Sensibility is my favorite book ever, well it just about blew my mind. I was in literary heaven! I didn’t want it to end. I don’t know what else to say except READ THIS BOOK IMMEDIATELY! It’s beautiful and classic and fresh and timeless. Everyone needs this. 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david de c spedes
From the moment Greg met Annie, I was captivated and anticipated the rest of the story.

Annie was going to live her life fulfilling many dreams and aspirations. Greg was going to make sure they all came true. Through their friendship, wonderful realizations happen for them both. Greg always puts Annie's life and happiness before his own. You will fall hard for Greg, real hard!

This story is part of the Wasted Words gang. I was so happy to visit them again. Staci always amazes me with her characters and her lovely words.

This story is full of all the feels and will devour your heart. Prepare yourself.

5 Heartfelt Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m r sethi
ARC provided by the author in exchange of an honest review.

I like to call myself a Jane Austen fan, even though I haven't actually read any of her books. What I have done is watched many tv adaptions of her works. The same goes for "Sense and Sensibility". I've watched at least 3 tv adaptions so I'm quite familiar with the story.
When I learned Staci Hart planned on writing two books based on "Sense and Sensibility" I was more than excited. I already loved "Wasted Words" based on "Emma" by Jane Austen, so I expected this book to be amazing too. And let me tell you Staci Hart didn't disappoint. This book was even more than I expected it to be.

Living Out Loud tells the story of Annie Daschle, the younger sister of the two protagonists. I wasn't sure if I was going to relate to her. I'm probably more like her older sister Elle. Even though me and Annie are polar opposites Staci Hart managed to portray her in a way I had to love her. Annie bursts with life and optimism, she can be a little of naive at times, but makes up for it by being so charming. I totally see why Greg fell in love with her.

If you love contemporary romance and Jane Austen you definitely should pick up this book. Don't expect an exact copy of Austen's work, but a creative twist on the story set in the 21st century. I'm sure you'll love Annie as much as I do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna jennings
Another one for ALL THE FEELS! Staci Hart steals your emotions in this book. I am a HUGE fan of these novels from Staci and this one was just another to fall in love with.

This story was a journey of truly Living Out Loud. A story of a girl who is doing all she can do just Live and live to the best she can. This is also a story of finding love and not seeing it. Of seeing all he good but not seeing what is in front of you.

I loved this page one to the end. I fell for the characters and I feel for the story. My heart hurt and I feel like I became slightly obsessed with the characters and the story. I stayed up well past my bedtime and just couldn't put the novel down.

Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors. Getting to read these retellings or imagining of them is wonderful.

Love knows no bounds.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book took my heart away. I crumbled and broke and cried and sobbed and rejoiced only to be hurt again. This book... I'm serious. There are books you recommend, and then there are books that you want to force down the other person's throat, want to sit next to them to make sure they read it. Living Out Loud is a book like that. Everyone should read it. Should hurt about it. Everyone needs this book in their lives.

The characters are more than just likeable. You felt with them, hurt with them, hurt for them, and that's something Staci Hart always manages. She makes you feel the characters. Honestly? Read it. You need to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4 Stars

Living Out Loud is a beautifully written sweet, endearing, romantic love story. Annie has suffered tremendous loss in her young life, but is determined to focus on the brighter things to come instead of the devastating past. What she doesn’t expect is Greg. Greg is an absolute sweetheart and I just loved his character so much. I loved Annie’s fierceness and determination to live life to the fullest. Living Out Loud is the latest in Hart’s renditions of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility and another fantastic read.

Angela - Alphas Do It Better Book Blog
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Well developed beautiful characters and a story that was emotional passionate and truly heartfelt!
This is the type of read that inspires binge reading!
The story of Annie and Greg is a slow burn romance with a significant age gap.
Their story flowed nicely the banter and chemistry between them was spot on.
Taking chances and living life to the fullest!
The story pulled at my heart as the story developed showing Annie's immaturity and makes silly decisions and Greg was all too quiet.
But in the end... well you'll have to read and find out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rishi garg
Beautiful , heartwarming story.Annie and her naive ways make you smile for the inside out.Even after all she has been through losing her father and having to move and with her hear defects she sees only the good in life.A beautiful love story with ups and downs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a beautifully crafted romance that will have your heart. A beautiful love story. This story has so many feels! The charters are written so real you will feel like you know them. If you want a sweet love story that will warm your heart this is it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beautifully written story with characters that are so well fleshed out that they will steal your heart and not give it back until the turn of the very last page!
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
asia hoe
I love these characters. I love the way that Staci presents them and their relationships to us. I loved ready how Greg and Annie work. Staci never disappoints giving us a romantic couple that just make you feel warm and fuzzy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 stars!! I absolutely adored this sweet and heartwarming story!! The writing was exceptional!! LOVED the characters! I devoured this book! The story was beautiful and emotional! LOVED it!! I highly recommend this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book might be my favorite in the series! Hard not to love Annie and Greg! The book is well written. I couldn't wait to read what was happening next and sad that's it over... but I love the ending! Highly recommend
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle delgado
A well written easy read with romance, intrigue, and a great easy escape into a romantic world of New York City. Filled with enough of the “overcoming the odds” characters and a taste of drama, this author once again captivated me into reading until I was finished. Great book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tori preast
This writer is insightful beyond the norm. Her descriptions of people, their positions and emotions bring them into clear focus. She painted a vividness of scene that will live long in my memory. And her words of wisdom influenced me to stop and meditate on the truths found within her pages. So, to quote, "Find joy every day, turn our faces to the sun and warm ourselves with hope." Ditto, Ms. Hart. Ditto.
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