Sugar Free: A Sugar Bowl Novel

BySawyer Bennett

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
denise swain
Sugar Free is the perfect title for the conclusion to Sela & Beck’s story because the events at the end of Sugar Rush and the fallout from JT’s death turn their lives upside down, putting their love and their freedom in jeopardy as they struggle to hide their crimes and protect themselves against persecution for actions that they’re very much guilty of but have valid reasons for committing.

There’s definitely a much darker feel to Sugar Free than the previous two books in the series. As secrets are revealed and cover ups are put into play, it’s hard to tell if Sela and Beck are going to come out of this situation unified and free or if they’ll lose everything due to what they see as necessary actions.

Sawyer Bennett does a great job of illustrating how conflicted Sela and Beck are with the choices they’ve made in order to protect each other and those they love. Their crimes are extensive and even with just cause for their actions, they still made missteps that could cost them a lot more than their freedom. There were times as I was reading Sugar Free that I wanted to shake both Sela and Beck for their misspoken words and deeds, but with the intensity of the situation and the depth of their love for one another, it makes sense that things would go off kilter.

I did find Beck’s double standard in terms of his beliefs about deceit, lies, and cover-ups a little off-putting because those are the exact things he does throughout Sugar Free, but because Sawyer Bennett gives readers his perspective, it’s easier to see why this situation is different compared to the sins of his parents.

Bennett’s Sugar Bowl series a fantastic collection of romantic suspense stories that will keep readers intrigue until the very end. The chemistry between Sela and Beck as well as the bond Beck has with his sister, Caroline, are perfectly illustrated, which in turn, allows readers to understand Beck’s need to protect them and make sure that things go according to his plan and no one else’s strategy because he feels responsible for so much of what happens and wants to make things write for the women he loves.

A complimentary copy was provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

4 Poison Apple
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a fantastic ending to an amazing series! Sawyer Bennett proves once again that she can write a story that is scorchingly sexy, smart, and totally addicting at the same time. What was best about this one was that we got pulled in to an engrossing tale in Sugar Bowl and over the course of the three books in the series, the pace, the surprises and the passion never let up. Sometimes when I find myself reading a story arc which takes place over several books, I feel as if the author stretched it out further than necessary; that they could have condensed it down to cut out one of the books and the story wouldn’t have suffered for it. Not the Sugar Bowl series. Every one of these books had its own part of the story to tell, every one had a slightly different feel, and every one was fantastic.

Sugar Free starts where Sugar Rush left off. Sela returns to Beck after her confrontation with JT, and they both need to deal with the fall out from her visit. Neither could have predicted the ramifications that her actions would bring, and Ms. Bennett shows her true colors as a litigator by giving the reader a smart legal drama mixed in with the sex and revenge that permeates throughout the series.

It also gave us two fantastic characters. Sela was strong and likeable. She found herself on a runaway train that once she got on she couldn’t stop, and I truly felt for her. She would do anything for the ones she loved, and the feeling was reciprocated in a man that she hadn’t been looking for, but found anyway. Beck was protective, loving and willing to do whatever it took to keep the women in his life safe.

To add the cherry on top of the sundae, we also got a thorough epilogue to keep us updated on what happened after the HEA. I’m a sucker for these. I feel so invested in the characters when I enjoy a story that I sometimes don’t want to leave them. I feel a right to know what else happens in their lives and Ms. Bennett does not skimp on giving us a follow up on the lives of the people we’ve come to care about through the Sugar Bowl series.

Overall, this is a series I would definitely recommend picking up. It was engaging, it was intelligent and it was a real treat.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patrick hennessy
For years Sela Halstead dreamed of revenge, but the quest for payback has been anything but sweet. Now, once again, she finds herself at the mercy of Jonathon Townsend, his hands crushing the very breath from her body. And even though she escapes with her life, Sela fears she may never recover. In desperate need of shelter and comfort, she runs to the one man she can trust. Beckett North has stood by Sela since the beginning. But can he handle the brutal truth?

Beck will do anything to protect what is his—and make no mistake, Sela belongs to him, heart and soul. The passion between them runs hot, even as their world begins to unravel. With the legacy of his ruthless business partner hanging in the balance, Beck stands to lose everything: his fortune, his family, his freedom. But each touch of Sela’s mouth on his skin, her nails down his back, makes it harder to let her go—and it might not even be his choice to make.


Loved Beck and Sela!

What an exciting conclusion to this trilogy!

I am going to start out by saying you must read these books in order. If you have read this series, start the series now since this is the end and it is really good. Now back to this book, it really is the perfect ending to this series. It was full of tension, especially the way the story starts off as Sela has just killed JT in self defense. The tension and drama does not stop there as JT's death is investigated and hard truths come out that hurt everyone. In the heart of it all Sela and Beck are in love and try to protect each other and those they care for. Sela and Beck's romance in this book as the others is red hot. Ms. Bennett writes some great titillating and scorching scenes. I loved the way the story is resolved and how the Author gives us glimpses into the future of of Beck and Sela.

Awesome ending! I hate to see this couple's story come to an end.


*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.*
Hard For My Boss :: Sugar Daddy: A Sugar Bowl Novel :: Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-1945 :: Forsaken (The Forgotten) (Volume 2) :: Sugar
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Be sure to read the first two books before reading Sugar Free as this is the ending. Once you start reading, you will not want to put the book down. I am the type reader who is part of the book, so I got a little down when reading it. But it was so good, I had to keep going to find out what was going to happen.

It starts off with Sela coming home with blood all over her. Beck and Caroline are shocked and ask her what happened. Sela is in shock and can’t really talk at first. Beck asks her if she killed JT and she shakes her head yes. Sela explains how JT called her and wanted to talk to her about helping him talk Beck into letting him keep part of the club. Sela ends up pulling a gun on JT, but she can’t use it and JT pushes the gun away. He then takes his arm that is in a cast and pushed Sela over his desk while suffocating her. He tells her things that she does not want to hear. She is about to lose consciousness when her had touches an envelope opener. She stabs JT in the neck, but it doesn’t do much. She then stabs again and blood starts spurting out of his neck. He falls over and Sela can tell he is dead. She grabs the envelope opener and leaves the house. Sela and Caroline think she should go to the police and tell them what happened as it was self defense. Beck disagrees and says they will ask why she would be dumb enough to go to her rapist house alone. Beck wins and they clean Sela up. You need to read the book to see what happens. There are many twists and turns in the book. I was on the edge of my seat thinking they are never going to get out of this or that. We learn some more secrets that hasn’t come out until this book. I really wanted to strangle the Assistant DA as well as Beck’s parents. There was definitely a strong bond of love between Sela and Beck. Beck was also so great with his sister and niece. I loved the book and encourage you to read the series. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
o ouellette
After putting my self through not one, but two cliffhangers from this couple, I definitely deserved the best ending this author could give us. And that is exactly what she delivered. I had my theories on how the story of Sela and Beck would end, but Sawyer Bennett shocked me with what actually happened. Sugar Free went in a completely different direction than I thought it would, and I love that this author could astonish me so much with this one.

The Sugar Bowl series has put me through some intense reading with the angst, suspense, and mystery that jumps off of every page. Through three books we're taken on this crazy journey of a girl determines to get her revenge, and somehow finding love in the middle of her mission. And not just the simple kind of love, but the crazy passionate kind of love that makes your heart skip more than one beat.

Most times the end to a serial will slow down, give you the big conclusion you wanted early on and then show you all the happiness that comes after. Well not this book. No, with this one the author decided to make all of her readers go insane and gave us the craziest part of Sela and Beck's story as the ending.

I was on edge while reading this from the beginning to the very end. There was no part of this reading that I could settle down and and just be happy with the story. Instead I became crazier than normal and was threatening to murder anyone that interrupted my reading. I was just captivated and had the most intense urge to know how she would finish this couples journey. I had to stop myself on multiple occasions from skipping to the back because I was going bonkers from not knowing.

My one piece of advice for anyone going into this book, is to prepare yourselves. Make sure you start this when you have absolutely nothing else to do and no one around you that you could potentially harm for interrupting you. And whatever you think is going to happen, let me just say, you're wrong. I promise you that this author will surprise you, so again, just be prepared.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mark robards
This third book in the Sugar Bowl series starts exactly where we left Sela & Beck in the 2nd book.
Sela just came back from JT - all bloody and a total wreck. And yes, JT is dead.

And what Sela, Beck and Caroline do next will probably be the most important hours of their lives. Go to the police? Tell them it was self-defense? Hide in Mexico? Pretend nothing happend? What?

Lots of very important decisions have to be made before there can be a happily ever after.


Finally the 3rd book in this sexy & suspensy trilogy! Did we get all our questions answered??? Mayyybe ☺☺ I'm not spoiling anything!
I can only tell you that it was a really exciting book. Very suspensy and scary and frustrating and ugh... I just wanted them to fast-forward and live happily ever after.
But of course by killing JT - even if it was self-defense - Sela does have to face some problems with the law.... And because Beck and his sister know all about everything they might face some problems of their own!

I really enjoyed reading this final book.
I just had to know if and how Sela and Beck would finally get through all those horrible things in their past towards their HEA!

►►► SUGAR FREE was the perfect finale to Beck & Sela's story! Get ready for some sexy edge-of-your-seat suspense!!!

And now for the reason for my 3.9 star-rating... what I didn't like... The whole book would've been only 3 chapters long if they would've just gone to the cops in the very beginning. I almost stopped reading at 10%. How can people be so stupid? Thinking that they can make it on their own? Everything always comes to light in the end and then you look ten times as guilty for not having gone to the cops in the first place. I was really furious with Beck for not calling the police. I get that he just wanted to protect Sela. But that was not the right way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gina lorax
The heavily anticipated conclusion to Beck and Sela’s story is here!!! This sizzling, suspenseful, and powerful romantic suspense had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough…I couldn’t catch my breath quick enough…my heart wanted to beat right out of my chest. I freaking LOVED every second of it! The Sugar Bowl series is an absolute favorite of mine!

Beck’s love for Sela is astounding! No matter what choices Sela makes, he is right by her side, loyal to a fault.

The cliffhanger that Bennett left us with in the previous book had my heart in my throat. SUGAR FREE jumps right back in to the chaos that Sela has created. She may have thought she was ready for the consequences, but now that Beck has embedded himself in her heart, she second guesses every choice that she has ever made. Beck would follow Sela through hell and back and the guilt of bringing him into her plan tears at her every single day.

When vengeance is had, the reward is empty. She wasn’t prepared for it and neither was Beck, but he will do whatever it takes, even risking himself, to keep Sela whole. This book…this series hit me HARD! I ached for these characters on every possible level. I rooted for them every step of the way. There are so many obstacles in their way…and after the main one is eliminated, the blowback is substantial and their love takes a hit. How far will Beck go for the woman he loves? The answer is…pretty **** far!

If you’ve never given Sawyer Bennett a try, the SUGAR BOWL series is a great place to start! You will be enamored by her writing and you will fall in love with her characters instantly. The intensity…the passion…the explosive chemistry is just the tip of the iceberg with Sela and Beck. Experience their story from the beginning and FALL IN LOVE with the SUGAR BOWL series!

*ARC provided by the publisher*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexis collins
"This has gotten so g*dd__ned complicated, I'm terrified that there's no way out for either of us."

Actually, for me, it's not so complicated. Because whoa, whoa, WHOA! This book and series have been intense, erotic and AMAZING. I don't even know where to begin, and I am going to try to keep it brief... Try being the operative word. Because I have feels and thoughts and AHHHHH, things to say.

Sela and Beck... They are incredible together. Their love is palpable, their heat level off the charts and their misdeeds... well, those are something else. To say I was intrigued and a little desperate to get answers after the end of book two in this series, Sugar Rush, would be an understatement. Because HOLY CLIFFHANGERS, BATMAN, this series has actually kept me guessing since page one of Sugar Daddy.

The answers we get here in Sugar Free? Did I mention WHOA?!

This book is a roller coaster ride of questionable decisions, heartbreak, fear, delicious and deserved comeuppance, and it managed to make me feel ALL THE THINGS. A series about murder—based on the assault of a young girl, no less—shouldn't be funny. Shouldn't be sexy. Shouldn't make you smile. But this one does. It's a dark, sparkling humor, and a deeply intense kind of sexy, and it all equals a damn, DAMN good book.

And a book that kept me guessing. I kept expecting... I won't say, just know that I never quite knew what was going to happen next and that made it an even wilder wild ride. And an even more AMAZING series.

“Don’t ever doubt that you are mine and this p___y is mine and that I’m never giving it up. I’m going to do whatever it takes to protect what’s mine.”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The final book in the Sugar Bowl trilogy where all the questions and resolutions are finally answered and met. Before that happened though there was a whole lot of soul searching, heartache and secrets flung far and wide to get through. It was emotional let me tell you.

Sela and Beck are severely tested in Sugar Free which only stands as testament to the strength of their love and devotion for each other. Yes there were plenty of times I was screaming at the kindle with frustration and then not wanting to read further as I was scared to find out something went wrong and it would all end in tears (which it kind of does but in a good way)

The attention to detail and the suspense was intense and enthralling. I was right there in the thick of the action, head swivelling from one scene to another trying to make out where this was all leading. This is one series that has had my heart and head all over the place, the emotions were unravelled for sure!

I am so devastated that the series has ended and have been in a book slump trying to find something to grab my attention like this series has. It has been a wild ride of passion, lust, greed, murder, secrets, lies and redemption. So exhausting but so wonderfully rewarding. The ending just gave me the ultimate feels and I shall never look at old tired linoleum in the same way ever again.

One thing that did leave me pondering though was Dennis and Caroline. Is there more to come from these two? They definitely need their happy ending too after all they have been through. Please?

I cannot recommend this series any higher and it was an ultimate five mega star read for me. Amazing. Must one click and read. Fabulous.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sugar Free is the third book and conclusion to the Sugar Bowl series. It’s one of the best series I’ve come across in a long time, definitely in my keeper shelf, and I want to re-read this entire series again soon.

This book is sooo good, and just brings everything together. It’s a gut-wrenching, tumultuous ride of emotions as Beck and Sela navigate through the overwhelmingly stressful ordeal of JT’s demise. I won’t give any spoilers, but it was a nail biting, suspenseful, thrilling read, wrapped around steamy, loving goodness from Beck and Sela.
At one point, my heart ached for our lovers as their devotion and spirt is definitely tested beyond its endurance, and Caroline’s fortitude pushed to the limits, as well. It was emotionally draining with lots of reveals, secrets and heartache, but I enjoyed every word.

Wow. I was in disbelief when I thought all was lost, and Beck and Sela were not getting their HEA. Stroke of genius what Dennis did from what happened in book 2, and I was delirious with happiness. I hope Dennis and Caroline get a story, I think there is much to tell.

Sawyer Bennett uses her craft to weave a story that will grip you until the end, filled with characters you can love, lots of steamy goodness, and emotional depth. I love that Ms. Bennett includes a wonderful extended epilogue that brings everything full circle for Beck and Sela, and finally, closure for Sela on that tragic episode of her life. The Sugar Bowl series is a must read, and I recommend it for all romance readers who love steam, suspense, emotions in their stories.

Copy provided by Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept via NetGalley. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa laughlin
Well, this book was a roller coaster for me.....really this whole 3 book series was one roller coaster ride, and I have a feeling that is exactly what Ms. Bennett was doing when she wrote it. First of all, it was 3 books, the first two ending in cliffhangers, and I think that is unusual for Ms.Bennett because I have read nearly every one of her books and have never experienced what I did with these books. As always, the writing is superb and the plot very well thought out. And at the end of this journey, I once again can say I love her writing and her books. But, I didn't feel that way for the entirety of these 3 books. In fact, my feelings are very much a roller coaster ride. Loved the first book until the cliff hanger ending, then hated it, loved the second book and although I was prepared for another cliffhanger, I never enjoy them. Then, this book comes along, and truthfully I didn't enjoy the first of this book. It was dark, and felt wrong! I can't explain why with giving away the plot, but it just left a bad feeling and I was worried that for once I was going to have to write a review saying that I didn't like one of her books, and that would have killed me because I love her books. But, halfway through this book, my feelings changed and although I didn't see the conclusion coming I was very happy with the ending and overall with the entire 3 books. In all fairness, I hope she doesn't do this again any time soon. If she wants to write a lengthy book where I can read it all at once, I heartily approve. But I still don't like books with cliffhanger or as serials, but that's just my preference. Read these books! They are so much more than a romance! I read this book voluntarily for an honest review!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
laila bigreadinglife
This is the much anticipated conclusion to the Sugar Bowl trilogy. You must have read the first two books prior to picking up and reading Sugar Free. After being left with one hell of a cliffhanger at the end of Sugar Rush, I could not wait to dive into this one however this was my least favorite of the series. I had very high expectations after the first two books, but Sugar Free seemed to drag and I was bored for most of the book. The ending was predictable and made sense although it seemed very rushed. I have not read a Sawyer Bennett book yet that I haven't loved, but I had a really difficult time finishing this one, even going so far as skimming through it at times.

Beck and Sela's story starts off right where they left us at the end of book 2. They are forced to decide how to handle the latest matter JT has gotten them into. Their relationship is definitely tested in every way possible. I didn't really connect with Sela too much in this book and I was pissed at her for what she was putting Beck through. I felt more for Beck and his sister, Caroline, for what JT and their parents put them through. I can't really say much more without giving spoilers so I will just say that although the story dragged for me all the loose ends and questions that the first two books leave you with are tied up and answered in this book. This was just not the book for me but I still love Sawyer Bennett and cannot wait to see what she brings to us next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sawyer Bennett has delivered the perfect conclusion to her Sugar Bowl series. I was blown away by this compelling legal suspense! This book was a real nail-biter, keeping me hooked until the very last page of the epilogue. Sugar Free was such an intense rollercoaster ride of emotions and angst, with many twists and turns, gut-wrenching revelations and scorching sensuality! This is definitely a testament to Sawyer Bennett’s excellent writing and characterization.

Even in the most difficult and painful circumstances, Sela can count on Beck’s support and help. He is always there to save her and I loved him even more for it. Sela tends to be reckless and her mistake could cost them everything. They are caught in a trap of lies and deceit by a fame-hungry assistant district attorney. As a result, Beck will have to use all his considerable resources to attempt to save them both.

Sawyer Bennett’s books are an auto-buy for me, I love her stories, but this series is definitely my favorite by her. The writing, the characterization, the pace were flawless. The story was intense, riveting and utterly addictive. The author did a wonderful job of tying up all loose ends and giving me the happily ever after I wanted for Sela and Beck! I can’t recommend this thrilling series enough! If you haven’t started it, do yourself a favor and read it!

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristel poole
This review is going to be short and sweet because I need to recover from my sugar addiction…and I don’t want to give anything away.

I was tempted from almost the beginning to do status updates for this book but I was worried about giving away key plot points. As I went further along in Sugar Free, I’ll be honest and admit that I started to lose faith. I though Beck and Sela had lost their minds. I was so peeved at them for the decisions they made. Sela’s immaturity and Beck’s stubbornness was getting them into a whole bunch of strife.

How will this end?

Will their love survive?

Who will suffer the most?

Is there a chance that it will all work out?

Can they be free?

The journey was bumpy and at times hard to take. I was scared to keep going but also desperate to know how it will all play out. I’m sorry to say but I doubted Sawyer Bennett would leave me happy in the end but of course the proof is in the rating.

For the angst lovers, you will be in heaven.

For the angst haters, all I can say is persevere because the epilogue will be worth the heart stutters.

The Sugar Bowl series was addictive. The characters were interesting, the storyline compelling and the smexy times left me squirming. I’ll be sad to say goodbye to Sela and Beck, but I have a feeling we might get a glimpse of them in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill fitzpatrick
My Review:
What an absolutely fabulous end to this great series. The entire way through this final book things kept getting worse and worse for Beck and Sela. I honestly couldn't see how Sawyer Bennett could possibly write them out of this hole they found themselves falling deeper and deeper into. But she did and she did it brilliantly. I did not see the twists and turns coming, and that's exactly why I didn't move out of my chair the entire time I read this book. It was fabulous!

I highly recommend this one, but you HAVE to read the entire series. This is NOT a book you can read as a standalone. Each book picks up right where the last one left off (i.e. a cliffhanger) except for this one where everything was tied up into a nice neat little package. And OMG, can we talk about the ending for this book? With no spoilers, I thought it was brilliantly done. I love how the author wrote it. Definitely highly emotionally satisfying.

Overall, I definitely recommend this entire series. It's been a rollercoaster ride from book #1 and I've loved every moment of reading it.

Note: this is a short review, but that's just because the books build on each other and I don't want to talk about the story line specifics because that would give you spoilers and I don't want to do that.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in return for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marissa greenwald
The Sugar Bowl series by Sawyer Bennett has proven to be one intense, mysterious, and sexy trilogy. Sugar Free is the highly anticipated conclusion.

The stakes are high in this one and so is the suspense. There’s a saying that the truth will set you free. It’s a motto that Sela and Beck have difficulty embracing in this book, and their problems just keep mounting right along with the tension.

The story evolves into a legal drama primarily, and it has a very different feel from the previous books. Most of the scandalous revelations have already occurred, so this story is more about exploring the depths of relationships between all the characters than about plot twists and seduction. It’s quite lovely, even though Sela makes some truly dumb decisions, and she and Beck aren’t always on the same page. It can be a bit repetitive, but I never stopped loving the two of them together. Beck’s swoon rating is off the charts!

Sugar Free isn’t my favorite book in the series, but it’s a fitting conclusion that I enjoyed very much. The extended epilogue is one of the best I’ve read in awhile, and it left me feeling extremely content on every level. I highly recommend this series if you’re a fan of romantic suspense, and you enjoy a bit of steam to go with it.

**ARC received from the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deyel fallows
Well, Sawyer Bennett have done it again, I swear this woman just keep on getting better and better. All I have to say is Jonathon and Sela went out with a bang. I couldn’t wait to read “Sugar Free” after I was done with “Sugar Rush.” I read both books in one night, I got with the first book around 11pm and quickly started the next one, and I just couldn’t wait to read it. I was hooked, line and sinker when I started this series and I didn’t want to have my attention back until I was done. I swear this time around my eyes grew big majority of the time because there were so many twist and surprises that you will not want to miss. We get to see Jonathon try to save the woman he fell in love with while trying to find a way to bite his tongue when I came to his best friend. A person who he thought was his friend but ended up being a total stranger. Then we have that prosecutor, oh what a b@#ch, she was trying her best to do anything she could to have a case and to win that case, even if it means to cheat. I didn’t realize how sad I was going to be once I was done with reading the third and final book in the series, but the best thing is I get to be on the lookout for what’s next from Sawyer Bennett.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michael smit
Hours after finishing Sugar Free, the last installment of the Sugar Bowl series, I’m still a little speechless. From the moment I started reading, I was captivated and could not put it down. How was Sawyer Bennett going to pull it off? Would all my questions finally be answered?

It’s rare that a series can hold my attention through its entirety and maintain a fast paced and believable story. The Sugar Bowl series managed to do just that. For me, the success of the series as a whole, but this third installment particularly, comes from the expert blend of deceit, suspense and heartfelt emotion.

Throughout most of Sugar Free, there’s a whole lot left to figure out and some tough choices to be made. Through all of that, the glue that holds the story together are the feelings Beck and Sela have for one another. The beauty of the series stems from the fact the romance element never got lost and that the drama ended up strengthening it instead.

I loved every minute I spent with Beck and Sela but beyond that, I’m thrilled the story as a whole lived up to my expectations.

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review>
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
slater smith
I was seriously salivating for this book after the cliffie at the end of Sugar Rush! Once again I have to be very vague here to avoid spoilers.

Sela is reeling from what just transpired and she definitely didn't expect the firestorm of emotion she is currently experiencing. Beck once again proves exactly how far he will go to protect those he loves, and tensions are running so high everyone is in danger of snapping. Circumstances just continue to deteriorate, and it looks like drastic measures will need to be taken unless someone can pull a rabbit out of that proverbial magic hat. Fortunately for them, Dennis is the magician that is so desperately needed. Vague enough for you? :-) Trust me, you want to read this series!

The Sugar Bowl series is a nail biter at times but I loved every second of it and it's well balanced with the romantic and steamy parts too. One of the things I love about Ms. Bennett's books are the epilogues, and she gives a lengthy and satisfying one to wrap up Sela and Beck's story. All in all, you should be sure to add this series to your TBR, and when you are ready to dig in, be sure to clear your schedule for some binge reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jason williams
Okay so remember when I said that cliffhanger in Sugar Daddy was a doozie, ya well it had nothing on the cliffhanger in Sugar Rush lol!!! Ms. Bennett certainly knows how to leave you hanging until she is ready to give you the ending you so desperately crave. I could not wait to dive into this book to see what the hell exactly happened! Did Sela really kill JT? If so will Beck take the fall? Does Sela tell Beck what JT confessed right before he was about to kill her? I’m not telling lol…

It is difficult to write this review without giving away any spoilers. Just know that you will get all your answers and will not be disappointed in the ending. While I absolutely floved the first two books in this series, this book was my least favorite out of the trilogy. It was a little too drawn out and Law and Orderish thrown into book format for my liking. That being said, my love for Sela and Beck did not diminish one little bit. I loved the characters hard and was just as invested in them during this book I was with books one and two.

I loved the ending and loved being a part of this roller coaster ride! It was such a great series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ehren cheung
Wow, what a perfect ending to a fantastic series!

Sugar Free picks up exactly where Sugar Rush left off. Not waiting to give anything away, things are bad for Beckett and Sela and it doesn't look like its going to get any better. Between the hot romance and huge conflict that risks breaking them up forever the story unfolds quickly. The writing is fantastic especially the dialog between the characters, which I love from Sawyer Bennett books.

As the story unfolds; told from dual POV's you feel the pain and the deep love Beckett and Sela feel for each. I also loved that these two characters are flawed in their decisions thinking they are helping each other. Another thing that Ms. Bennett does so well. I loved the secondary characters from the first 2 books (namely Caroline and Dennis); I hope someday we get to find out what happens with them as all.

This in my opinion by far is my favorite series written by the prolific author. We get a great love, intrigue, and a huge payoff and an HEA at the end of 3 solid books. If you are looking for a new series to enjoy don't look any further than the Sugar Bowl series
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nahid khassi
Hours after finishing Sugar Free, the last installment of the Sugar Bowl series, I’m still a little speechless. From the moment I started reading, I was captivated and could not put it down. How was Sawyer Bennett going to pull it off? Would all my questions finally be answered?

It’s rare that a series can hold my attention through its entirety and maintain a fast paced and believable story. The Sugar Bowl series managed to do just that. For me, the success of the series as a whole, but this third installment particularly, comes from the expert blend of deceit, suspense and heartfelt emotion.

Throughout most of Sugar Free, there’s a whole lot left to figure out and some tough choices to be made. Through all of that, the glue that holds the story together are the feelings Beck and Sela have for one another. The beauty of the series stems from the fact the romance element never got lost and that the drama ended up strengthening it instead.

I loved every minute I spent with Beck and Sela but beyond that, I’m thrilled the story as a whole lived up to my expectations.

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review>
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was seriously salivating for this book after the cliffie at the end of Sugar Rush! Once again I have to be very vague here to avoid spoilers.

Sela is reeling from what just transpired and she definitely didn't expect the firestorm of emotion she is currently experiencing. Beck once again proves exactly how far he will go to protect those he loves, and tensions are running so high everyone is in danger of snapping. Circumstances just continue to deteriorate, and it looks like drastic measures will need to be taken unless someone can pull a rabbit out of that proverbial magic hat. Fortunately for them, Dennis is the magician that is so desperately needed. Vague enough for you? :-) Trust me, you want to read this series!

The Sugar Bowl series is a nail biter at times but I loved every second of it and it's well balanced with the romantic and steamy parts too. One of the things I love about Ms. Bennett's books are the epilogues, and she gives a lengthy and satisfying one to wrap up Sela and Beck's story. All in all, you should be sure to add this series to your TBR, and when you are ready to dig in, be sure to clear your schedule for some binge reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicole mcneil
Okay so remember when I said that cliffhanger in Sugar Daddy was a doozie, ya well it had nothing on the cliffhanger in Sugar Rush lol!!! Ms. Bennett certainly knows how to leave you hanging until she is ready to give you the ending you so desperately crave. I could not wait to dive into this book to see what the hell exactly happened! Did Sela really kill JT? If so will Beck take the fall? Does Sela tell Beck what JT confessed right before he was about to kill her? I’m not telling lol…

It is difficult to write this review without giving away any spoilers. Just know that you will get all your answers and will not be disappointed in the ending. While I absolutely floved the first two books in this series, this book was my least favorite out of the trilogy. It was a little too drawn out and Law and Orderish thrown into book format for my liking. That being said, my love for Sela and Beck did not diminish one little bit. I loved the characters hard and was just as invested in them during this book I was with books one and two.

I loved the ending and loved being a part of this roller coaster ride! It was such a great series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow, what a perfect ending to a fantastic series!

Sugar Free picks up exactly where Sugar Rush left off. Not waiting to give anything away, things are bad for Beckett and Sela and it doesn't look like its going to get any better. Between the hot romance and huge conflict that risks breaking them up forever the story unfolds quickly. The writing is fantastic especially the dialog between the characters, which I love from Sawyer Bennett books.

As the story unfolds; told from dual POV's you feel the pain and the deep love Beckett and Sela feel for each. I also loved that these two characters are flawed in their decisions thinking they are helping each other. Another thing that Ms. Bennett does so well. I loved the secondary characters from the first 2 books (namely Caroline and Dennis); I hope someday we get to find out what happens with them as all.

This in my opinion by far is my favorite series written by the prolific author. We get a great love, intrigue, and a huge payoff and an HEA at the end of 3 solid books. If you are looking for a new series to enjoy don't look any further than the Sugar Bowl series
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ardeshir tayebi
This book was simply AMAZING!

This is the third and final book in the Sugar Bowl series. If you haven't read the others, you need to in order to understand this book but since they're all out now, I would run and grab them. I can't say it enough, but Sawyer Bennett has a way of writing that grabs you in and keeps you flipping the pages and wanting more. There are twists and turns and you never see them coming. She takes you places you'd never thought the book would go and just WOWs!

This book picks up from book 2, Sugar Rush. If you remember, Sugar Rush had the ultimate cliffhanger and this books starts with a bang and keeps going from there. I don't want to give away any spoilers but this book was phenomenal.

I even love how the epilogue just doesn't show where they are after at then end but over several different time periods (3 weeks, 4 months, etc, etc) making you just want to keep going and never have this book end. I hope there's a book for Dennis in the future!

A fantastic ending to an amazing series! If you haven't read the others, go out and grab these books! They won't disappoint!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shannon barrett

You think you're ready for the epic conclusion of Beck's and Sela's story? Yeah, well, so did I. And now I'm left with the most amazing book hangover that there ever was.

If you thought the first two books in this series were great, well, you haven't seen anything yet. Sawyer Bennett has created an entire series that can only be described as a masterpiece. Page after page continues to weave a story of pure magic, with twists and turns, lust and love, and drama and suspense. With surprises around every corner, you may think you've figured out what happens next, but don't be surprised when you get smacked in the face with a development you never saw coming.

I've read many books written by this author and have never been disappointed by a single one. For me, this trilogy is one of the best groups of books that she has written. Sugar Free is a five star book in a five star series!

Take my advice, if you decide to read anything at all this year, pick up this series. You'll be highly glad you did. And then, when you become a instant fan of Sawyer Bennett, you can come back and thank me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
donna levin
4.5 stars

After reading the first two books in the Sugar Bowl series, Sugar Free has been a highly sort after and anticipated book, and for me it was a very satisfying end to this amazing series.

The story continues from where Sugar Rush ends and it's not lost any of the tension and excitement from the previous books.
You'll find yourself turning the pages and getting lost in the characters and everything they go through.
I loved how deep and strong the love between Sela and Beck is and with everything they have to endure it never wavers.
And that epilogue was everything, I could not have asked for a better ending for them.

Sawyer Bennett is a very talented author who will take you on a emotional rollercoaster with her words and just when you think it's coming to an end off you go on another emotional run.
I have a serious girl crush on her and her beautiful words, can't wait to see what she has next for us :D

I've loved the Sugar Bowl series, each book has been exciting, thrilling and very emotional and I highly recommend you read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teagan d
Having been left with an immense cliffy, and Sela being the main focus of my irritation, I couldn’t wait to dive into this finale.

Not wanting to spoil Sawyer’s unique account, I’m just going to report my reaction rather than divulge.

I was hooked on Beck and Sela’s predicament and how they would navigate themselves towards any sort of successful conclusion. As we were aware in Sugar Rush, droplets of the story had been scattered, whilst the main characters became more ingrained in each others psyche.

I adored Beck’s commitment, his loyalty. It didn’t waver one tiny chunk. His fierce devotion, whilst battling his way through their entanglement was the cat’s pyjamas.

Sela grated on me a little, but I guess that was the idea. Her bad decisions made great reading!

This series has been an absolute treat to read, and I did so incessantly, delighting that I could slip into the next one immediately.

Sawyer has pulled out all her guns for this story, ensuring a compelling storyline to slip into.

ARC received from author in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
**Arc in exchange for an honest review**

Sawyer Bennett has done it again. What a fantastic way to end an amazing trilogy. I loved every moment of these novels, and Sugar Free was no exception.
Sela & Becks story continues where Suagr Rush left off, and what a cliffy it was. I really had no idea how this book was going to go, and Sawyer kept us guessing right until the very end.
Sela & Beck are still as loved up & sexy together but are now faced with a lot more to contend with the death of JT.
Beck immediately takes charge of this situation & try's to cover up for Sela but unfortunately JT's body is discovered before he can do anything. What ensues is an emotional roller coaster ride for both our characters trying to deal with feelings of guilt, love for one another, whilst also trying to make sure all their 'loose ends' are taken care of & they can be together forever. It's a heartfelt journey That will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. The epilogue wraps this trilogy up beautifully and was a perfect way to end this amazing series. Well done sawyer!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer hall
**I received this book from Random House-Loveswept through NetGalley for an honest review.**

For me this was the best in the series. Not just because of the closure but because I had a lot of things that I wanted out of this series that finally happened. The action started right from page one. No games, just right to the point. The pace was great for me. I kept telling myself one more chapter when I knew I needed to put it down. It has been rare that my attention has been kept the entire story so I relished the 200+ pages of Sugar Free. I loved the suspense of it. I didn’t try to overthink things, I let the story develop. There are of course moments where I questioned a lot of the decision making but that made things better. Of course I was nervous and hanging on by a thread but again I liked the journey of it. I really liked the epilogue. At first I thought it was going to be rushed but the breakdown of it all was good. I wouldn’t mind a follow up story for Caroline but we shall see.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristopher jansma
What an ending! I tore through this series and couldn't wait to see how Beck and Sela's story ended. Beck and Sela are so in love with one another and all they want to do is protect the other, no matter what the cost. Sela has been through so much trauma and Beck just wants to take away this traumatic event for her. Unfortunately, there isn't much anyone can do and both Beck and Sela stand to lose a lot if they can't clear themselves.

I love these characters. From the first Beck had my heart. He loves with everything he has and will stop at nothing to protect those that he loves. In the same respect, he has no use for those that have wronged him and has no problem cutting them out of his life. Sela is a warrior. She has been through battle and has risen from the ashes. She seems like she should be this fragile person, but she isn't. She has taken back her life and Beck has completed her. She is stronger with Beck by her side, but she is strong on her own, too. These characters are fighters and so perfect for each other. I loved how their story ended. Great series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holy moly – this book stressed me out! I had to take breaks from it because the urge to smack some sense into Sela & Beck was so strong. I was so frustrated and when someone asked if I was “good frustrated” or “bad frustrated” – I truly didn’t know. But I had to answer “good frustrated” because I was feeling it. And I’m pretty sure I was supposed to feel stressed out and frustrated which means that, once again, Ms. Sawyer nailed it.

This series has been a wild ride. The twists and turns kept on coming and even as my heart sank and my blood pressure rose, I couldn’t look away. I had to know what was going to happen. And, in the end – it was a fully satisfying conclusion. Scintillating, sexy, twisty, and more than a little dark – Ms. Bennett kept me on the edge of my seat while also delivering a solid emotional and rewarding love story.

Seriously – I need a nap after this book. I’m wrung out and still coming down off the adrenaline rush of this book. Looking for something to accelerate your heart rate (in every way imagineable)? Look no further!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joshua barsi
This third installment in the Sugar Bowl series is the conclusion to Sela and Beck’s story. This has become one of my favorite serials to date and the ending certainly didn’t disappoint. I know that a lot of people have issues with cliffhangers, but I have always been someone who loves them because they make me want to read what happens next even more.

I was on the edge of my seat throughout the whole book and I just couldn’t put it down. How would the two of them work through JT’s death? The writing was completely addicting and the characters’ chemistry was as strong as ever. I enjoyed every bit of this novel and I’m very satisfied with how everything was resolved.

I strongly hope that we will be getting more books set in this world. Dennis’ character intrigued me, and I will be reading his story without any doubt if it ever comes out. Sawyer Bennett has managed to deliver a captivating tale full of suspense and romance. If you’ve been waiting for the whole series to come out before getting into it, wait no more! It’s definitely worth it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
farah nadiah
'Sugar Free' by Sawyer Bennett is book three (and the final installment) in the "Sugar Bowl" series.
This continues the story of Sela and Beck. I strongly suggest you read the previous books: 'Sugar Daddy' and 'Sugar Rush' before this one.
This was a bitter sweet read for me. I have enjoyed this series so much and wanted to see the end but at the same time I hated to leave this story. It wraps you in so much! It keeps you on a roller coaster ride for sure. For us that have read the previous book know there were some pretty big cliffhangers in this series. This started up from the last cliffhanger and took you further into their lives and working through to their happy ending.
Sela changed so much through out this series...she was defiantly a different person from one seeking only vengeance to how she ended in this book. Beck was always a caring person I thought and did a lot of things to try to protect Sela.
This has been one of my favorite series so far!
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great conclusion to this series! You have to read the entire series in order, as they are not meant to be stand-alone books.

This book was different from the previous two in that it had a lot more suspense and plot twists. There is still that amazing sizzling chemistry between Beck and Sela and sexy times are included, but there is such a depth now to their relationship. An unselfish, deep abiding love. There is a lot of feeling and emotion in this book. At times, I was angry, frustrated, sad, moved, my heart burned with their pain and soared when things were good! Everything a good book should have in it! I was on the edge of my seat half the time.

I really enjoyed this series and it was brought to conclusion beautifully! I loved the epilogue! I am not going to give anything away because I want you to read this series and find out for yourself that this is an intense, but terrific ride!

If you like to read intense, SEXY romantic suspense, then this is the book series for you! Read the series, you won’t regret it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elissa hoole
In this conclusion of the series, Sela and Beck must deal with the consequences of Sela's meeting with Jonathan after things go very badly. It's Beck to the rescue as he tries to protect her against her wishes. Sorry, no spoilers here!

There are many secrets exposed in this last part of the series, and I was completely engaged in how Sela and Beck were going to navigate the very difficult situation they were in, starting with an uncomfortable funeral and even more revelations about Beck's parents that just made for a super messy circumstance.

I loved this series, mostly because it really felt fresh to me. It's not your typical romance. Even though I did see some of the reveals coming, I didn't see them all. It's a "love conquers all" story that really kept me on the edge of my seat as the heat gets turned up as the cops move to solve Jonathan Townsend's murder.

If you are looking for a steamy revenge story with a good touch of suspense and mystery, this might just be the series for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book series... Wow! I loved it. Much different than her other books but so well written. The cliff hangers were killer, but all three books are now OUT and ready to be read. Beck and Sela's story who would have thought it would turn out like this. The twists and turns were kind of crazy, but oh so believable with what real families go through....

I loved the final book in this series. Beck and Sela both get to face their demands, together... There is a bit of revenge in this tangle of sex and lies that run deep... But what happens when the trust the whole truth comes out.... Will Beck be able to stand by his woman? What will he do to protect her? Will protecting her mean the end for his life as he knows it? Will they find sir happy ending? Or will the sex and lies win?

Pick up these books starting with Sugar Daddy, then Sugar Rush and then read Sugar Free. Fall in love with Beck and Sela as they fall in love and find each other only to find out there is so much more they have to figure out than love.....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberlee madison
A sexy, brilliant and addicting read!!! Sawyer Bennett once again has readers on the edge of their seats as she took us on one sweet revenge!!! Sugar Free was the perfect conclusion to wrap up this trilogy that was high on romance, revenge, suspense and intrigue.

Since this book is a continuation, I cannot fully review this book without giving away spoilers. And so, I can only explain to you why this book is brilliant. As always, Sawyer never fails to deliver a story that will hold us hostage. Her writing was wickedly sinfully as she engages readers to feel the suspense, the hurt, the anger, the revenge, the lust, and most importantly the passion brewing between Sela and Beck. With her vivid prose and raw characters, this is one sinful treat that beautifully weaves steam, a darker romance undertone and a sticky molasses of love. So if you are looking for a wickedly sexy read, then I would highly recommend you to read this trilogy. It was intoxicating. Sinful. Addicting. And most importantly highly entertaining.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Disclaimer: ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

Sugar Free is a fitting conclusion to the wildly creative and extremely exciting Sugar Bowl series by Sawyer Bennett. Sugar Free wastes no time, the reader immediately placed back in the thick of the action and conflict that have propelled the story forward since its start, and Bennett does the most fantastic job juggling all the moving parts and players pertinent to the saga. She's constantly several steps ahead, always laying the foundation for whatever curveball is going to be hurled at unexpecting readers. Every character, every action, every line of dialogue is carefully and artfully crafted for maximum impact. And the tension emanating from the characters, and throughout the novel in general, tangibly radiates from just beneath the surface always on the verge of spilling over, until it explodes into a denouement so surprising and masterful, yet still so incredibly satisfying to the reader. Sugar Free is a sweet, tasty, delightfully delectable dessert that caps off this highly-recommended explosively sexy series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
After the cliffie to end all cliffies, we’re back in the Sugar Bowl and wondering just how Sela and Beck will manage overcome this latest turn of “JT” events?!

Sela and Beck are faced with the unexpected and together, with Beck’s sister, they must decide how to handle the latest matter involving JT. We always knew he was scum but JT manages to go a step further than we could have ever imagined in this book. Despite finding their happiness again, they are facing a possible permanent separation courtesy of JT.

Whilst an enjoyable plot and theme to this series, I found the story deviated from from I hoped it would be from book one. The Sugar Bowl concept was left behind and we were left with a complicated love story between Beck and Sela. Whilst I enjoyed reading the series, I found that their story started to drag slightly, despite the drama added by JT. That said, this was, as always, a fantastically written story by Sawyer Bennett and one that people will love, if they can survive the cliffies!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paula michelson
Sugar Free is the conclusion to a three part series and cannot be read as a stand alone book.

Wow, oh wow, oh wow. I have absolutely loved this series. From start to finish it has been a suspenseful, knuckle biting, edge of your seat read.

I would not dare ruin this series by revealing spoilers but this was a great conclusion to a fantastic series. Once again, Sawyer Bennett leads the mind one way, only to take you somewhere completely different. While reading I was continually stopping, looking at my kindle and saying "No" or "What!".

This is a series that is full of lies, secrets, deception and vengeance and lets not forget it's also a romance with characters that will have you crying out for their HEA, while you're never really sure whether that's the outcome you're going to get.

This is most certainly a series that I would recommend.

I was provided with a copy of this book from the Publisher via NetGalley umder no obligation or inducement.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy rollo
What a great wrap up to this fantastic trilogy. Full review to come.


Sela and Beck’s dark, riveting love story reaches its epic conclusion in the final chapter of Sawyer Bennett’s Sugar Bowl trilogy that began with the novels Sugar Daddy and Sugar Rush.

Another great series by my-to-go author, Sawyer Bennett. She did a great job wrapping up this highly anticipated story of Sela and Beck. All t’s crossed, nothing left unsaid, so much anxiety I experienced reading this, I was on the edge of my reading chair, nail bitting, gripping my kindle for dear life.

I am partly sad that this came to an end because I will miss these fictional characters that were not fictional in my head, but hoping that maybe a spinoff will be written because I developed a great liking to Dennis and would truly enjoy reading his back story and have him get an HEA.

Great conclusion to Sugar Bowl, I highly recommend this series.

***ARC provided for honest review***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What a crazy conclusion to the wild series. I really enjoyed reading these books and this one is no different. I love how it picks up right where the last book ended. This is the book where secrets go to die, left out in the open where everyone can see. Sela and Beck must fight to stay together when the ramifications of Sela's actions get her an Beck into trouble they aren't sure they can shake. But they are a united from through the whole ordeal. Fighting to be each others savior.

I will say that the only thing I didn't like were Sela's bad decisions that always tend to affect Beck. But nonetheless I really enjoyed this series and I loved the ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kareem mohammed
Sugar Free was a great conclusion to the trilogy. The previous book, Sugar Rush ended with a cliffhanger and this picked up right from there. I was instantly back with Sela and Beck. I had my own assumptions about how the story would go and some of them were right. The story was filled with suspense and the chemistry between Beck and Sela was still smoldering hot.

I liked how strong Beck and Sela's love was. They wanted to save one another and didn't care about the consequences as long as one of them was safe. Also Beck's love and support for his sister was remarkable and beautiful. He had been her only constant throughout her ordeal when she was raped.

The last thirty percent were a little predictable and I kind of lost focus. All the questions I had were answered. I enjoyed the epilogue although I thought it was too long but it definitely gave every character closure.
4 BadAssDirtyInTheSackStars

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heidi pollmann
4 Stars

Sugar Free is the culmination to the Sugar Bowl trilogy and third book in this series.

This series, has had so many twists and turns, decisions and consequences are finally revealed in this drama filled ending.

Sawyer Bennett, keeps you guessing right to the end, with you glued to your kindle, on the edge of your seat. Sugar Free is an emotional roller coaster ride, full of incredible highs and lows and picks up where Sugar Rush, finishes off.

This story line is the perfect ending to this powerful series. I have loved Beck's characters since Sugar Daddy, Sela on the other hand is a different person and so much more mature, like-able and endearing. I have loved watching characters grew and developed so much over the course of the three books.

Their connection and chemistry continues to grow with this book and the intimate scenes are just as intense and steamy.

Another wonderful read from Sawyer Bennett
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
teri martin
Outstanding conclusion the the Sugar Bowl Series by Sawyer Bennett.

Sugar Free picks up right where we left off with Sugar Rush, knee deep in the cliffhanger. We have watched Beck and Sela fall in love and that love has grown at a super fast pace. This book will now test that love to its very core. Will these new finding pull them apart or make them stronger?

Secrets building on secrets. Is this any way for someone to live. Beck comes to realize that most of his life as been built on secrets. The more secrets that are uncovered the deeper they are into the middle of the disaster. Can Beck's money and his love for Sela pull him from the web of secrets? Or will the secrets pull them apart in the worst way.

It is very hard to review without spoilers but know that once I started I couldn't put it down. I had to keep reading to find out what was going to happen next. And I loved every word of the epilogue. Completely finished off the series perfectly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been anxiously awaiting the conclusion to this series and Ms. Bennett did not disappoint!

We pick up right where we left off in the second book, Sugar Rush, and there is just so much drama that I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.

"It's the worst feeling to cause pain to someone you care about, but there's nothing I can do to take it back."

We got all of the answers and truths, but not before there were a few more secrets and lies and twists and turns thrown in.

I absolutely adore Beck! What a strong, swoon-worthy man! And Sela went through so much. You have to read this amazing series that was so different from what Ms. Bennett normally writes. It was a page turning, unputdownable book - and series - that kept me guessing the entire time. And don't forget it was hot, hot, hot too! (4.5 stars)

Reviewed on Behalf of Give Me Books ~ ARC received in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow. I have no clue what to say without releasing any spoilers.'s my best effort. I love Sawyer Bennett's writing, and this book and series is up there with my favourites. Told in dual POV, my favourite (because I love getting in the character's heads). The story follows on directly from book 2, Sugar Rush as Beck and Sela try to solve the mystery that is JL. A true who done it. Even though we know who done it, so it's more a 'how the hell is this going to pan out'. I normally see the end in plain sight, but with Sugar Free I did not have a clue how Beck and Sela could ever find their HEA. I loved the solidarity between Beck and Sela, and the super duper hot chemistry between them. All the characters in the story add to the intrigue and suspense and I love them all. Beautifully written and a fitting end to a truly wonderful trilogy. I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
**Received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.**

"Sugar Free" is written by Sawyer Bennett, and it is the 3rd and final book in her Sugar Bowl series. This is not a stand-alone book. It features Beck North and Sela Halstead.

If you have read "Sugar Rush" or will read it, reader are left wondering what will happen to Beck and Sela after what happens at the end.

With "Sugar Free", there's so much at stake for the two of them. You see how their love for each other will be tested, and yet, it makes them stronger. There's a lot going on against them. "Sugar Free" had suspense, drama, and of course, romance. Will Beck and Sela have their happy ending?

Sawyer outdid herself with "Sugar Free" and this entire series. I can honestly say this is one of my favorite series of all times! The Sugar Bowl series is a must read!
Please RateSugar Free: A Sugar Bowl Novel
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