The Mistake (Off-Campus Book 2)

ByElle Kennedy

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda napier
Elle has done it again!! After falling in love with The Deal, I knew I wanted to read Logan’s story as soon as it was released and I loved it! Logan proved to be everything I thought he would be but yet nothing I thought him to be too. He is the manwhore we saw in The Deal but when Grace comes into his life, what a turnaround! Poor Logan had his life mapped out for him but it wasn’t what he wanted, it was what his family expected of him. Grace makes him re-think everything he has believed in and I loved seeing her make him such a better guy. A few times I would have loved to punch him, but I quickly fell in love with him and he ended up being the perfect book boyfriend. I love this series and can’t wait for the next one!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
cylon mistress
Liked the story of Logan and Grace. Logan is conflicted wondering if he's in love with his best friend's girl. He realizes with the help of said girl that maybe he's not in love with her but more in love with their love...anyway he finds out he made a mistake with Grace and tries to fix it. Grace didn't like hearing she was being used as a distraction. There is drama with Logan's family which adds to the angst in the book. I enjoyed these characters and read the book in 2 days. Still, I liked the first one in this series better and it was fun catching up a bit with Garrett and Hannah from time to time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joyce dale
Miss Kennedy can write one sexy as hell romance book. I'm not sure how old our author is but she excels at writing modern slang and banter between her characters where you really feel like it's a college kid narrating from their perspective AND when the hero (Logan)
Is explaining the relationship from his perspective it really feels like your hearing the story from an actual guy.
The last thing I want to give the author kudos for is leaving infidelity out her stories and DBR's (douchebag beyond redemption) although Grace's roommate, Ramona was a DBR and definitely did not deserve forgiveness but John Logan definitely redeemed himself into perfect boyfriend material.
Loved the book and highly recommend it.
The Hook Up (Game On Series Book 1) :: The Score (Off-Campus Book 3) :: Firelight (Darkest London Book 1) :: Play Me :: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle (Dover Children's Thrift Classics)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a great addition to the off-campus series!! I loved Logan in book one and I'm glad he got his own book!
Logan had it all going on for him, campus stud in love with his best friends girlfriend how do you fix that? Well if you are John Logan you screw anything in a skirt, just to forget about Hannah. Then his luck changed when he went to the wrong dorm room and met a person who would change his life.
Grace's sophomore year is going to be better than the mistake of her freshman year! She almost lost her virginity to a guy who was using her to get over someone and that won't be happening again!

This was an amazing way to tell Grace and John's story and I can't wait for Dean's next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The mistake is the second in the Off-Campus series and features two minor characters from the first book. I am always a big fan of series where each book features a different couple so I was immediately drawn to this book. I pushed through the 3/4 of the book at a steady pace but I lost interest towards the end. I felt the relationship between Logan and Gracie became stagnant and I too easily put this book down and forgot about it. I picked it back up around 6 months later and finished it. I think it came down to my preferences in a new adult book -- I like consistent angst and I usually lose interest once the couple gets together and any tension melts away. However, just because I lost interest at the end of this book did not discourage me from immediately downloading the next book in the series, which I plowed through and finished later that afternoon. Ultimately, the Mistake is a good, light read. It just didn't grip me in the way I hoped.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I after reading book one I had extremely high hopes for this one. But I think my pedestal might've been to high. I didn't love nor hate this story. But it just wasn't the same. I think maybe the cha actors were to wonky for me. It was like each one was missing something vital that would've hit this for a round two hat trick. Eh besides the characters feeling off I just wasn't feeling the storyline I guess. It seemed a bit rushy, or lacking in certain parts. My thoughts are still kinda scattered on how I feel so Ill revise this at a further time once I've regained my book funked mind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tosha y miller
I absolutely hate when ppls give away way to many spoilers so I am.only going to give you three quick reasons why I definitely reread this book more than I care to share.... I love how Grace has a backbone and spitfire, personality ,but still does not come off bitchy or domineering. And even though Logan made a huge blunder ,his heart was definitely in the right place. The chemistry between the two of them was off the charts!! But the best part besides the steamy sex scenes ,was how Elle included real life difficult scenarios into the book and how smoothly in transitioned from the fist book into the second .This book was definitely worth the wait and I can't wait until the next installment comes out ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another solid five stars for this authors work in the Off Campus series. I loved Logan from the first book and love him even more in his book. Grace was a great character and totally perfect for Logan. The author continues with great dialogue and chemistry. I laughed, I got upset at some parts and I was doe eyed swooning during other parts. One of the most memorable moments for me was the conversation between Hannah and Logan. I'm so happy that worked out and opened his eyes to the truth. So far I'm still loving the series and look forward to the next installment. This one is a must read series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Logan and Grace meet on accident when Logan knocks on her dorm room door, expecting someone else to be there. They fall into a relationship but Logan can't seem to commit to her because he thinks he still has feelings for someone else.

When he realizes the feelings weren't actually FOR someone else but for what his friends had, he realizes how badly he screwed up.

Well written story that keeps readers intrigued. I can't believe it took me this long to read it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
genie hillen
Elle Kennedy, did it again! Another steamy, swoon worthy, romantic comedy from Elle Kennedy. I'm really enjoying this series so far. Logan and Grace were great characters and they shared some wonderful moments and are great together. The dialogue in this book was so realistic and funny it was so natural. I loved that the drama wasn't overly done but more realistic to college-life with everyday gossip, cliques, and parties. I nearly wet my pants LOL over the red boudoir chair scene or the importance of taking a good cock pic HILARIOUS!!! Another awesome read! I can't wait for Dean's story and I hope it's Sabrina, she seems like she'll be able to bring him to his knees.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amelia elizabeth
Logan is Garrett's best friend and fellow team mate that we met in book one. He is a huge manwhore who fancies himself in love with Garrett's girlfriend Hannah.
Grace has a crush on Logan despite his reputation, which she's witnessed with her own eyes.
They start a pseudo friendship with fooling around benefits. But Logan's harsh confession right after he nearly took her virginity sends her running.
He of course realizes his mistake and fights to get her back.
The thing I really liked was he stayed true to her, a lot of books have the H still screwing around after he professes his feelings for the girl, it was refreshing to not have it happen here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam flint
This story pulled on my heart strings especially in the beginning. The rejection like the one Logan gave Grace was a brutal one, bu she didn't let it put her down though. I think I was more devastated by Ramona's betrayal than Logan's rejection though. To witness how your supposed best friend hurts you time and time again and blaming it on jealousy, it breaks my heart. I'm glad Grace didn't allow herself to be manipulated by her anymore. She really grew through out her trip to Paris. Loved hire Grace made Logan prove that he wanted to be with her by completing ridiculous tasks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan coffman
What a fun, sexy, hilarious easy read.
Logan is dead sexy and he knows it. He can get any girl, except the one girl he wants.
Grace is feisty and not about to fall at Logan's feet. She leads him on a merry chase and is really not sure if she wants to be caught.

I read this book in one sitting. Could not put it down. Funny banter, super sexy scenes (like for reals, dry humping has NEVER been hotter) and some surprising tender moments. If you are looking for great chemistry, laughter and wet panties.....I would recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessie garnett
I really love this series! Logan and Grace are so great together! They have a sweet, innocent quality about them, when they first meet and start hanging out. Lots of laughs and flirting. Even when Logan messes up and things go wrong, he is still so endearing and lovable. Grace is inexperienced with guys, but she has a certain level of confidence and independence that makes her a great match for Logan. Logan's home life with his dad is heartbreaking. It was tough when he had to face what his future held for him. I love all the characters in this series. They are so much fun to read about. I hope there will be more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have to agree with what another reviewer said: this is one of the best NA series out there. I loved The Deal, I loved The Mistake, and I can't wait to read Dean's story next. Sometimes when the males are such "players", I find myself disgusted to a degree or annoyed, but Elle Kennedy does such a great job of endearing the reader with the hero that I didn't feel that way in either book in this series. Logan and Grace were such a great couple, and I really enjoyed how different they were from Garrett and Hannah. All the sports talk was great, and I finished the book wanting to get back into watching hockey! 5 Stars. Can't wait for the next one!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
harrison freeman
Another great read by Elle Kennedy. I love how she makes it so the reader feels a real connection with the characters. She highlights/discusses issues so many of us have faced in our lives. Logan and Grace come from very different backgrounds but somehow they find a real connection that is fun to watch develop into more than just the jock & the quiet reserved girl.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vickie jager
The characters had a great natural humor, and depth of character. I liked that all the hockey players didn't take their masculinity too seriously.
This was also really well-plotted, and while I enjoyed all the fun...the moments of depth were well-handled too.

Side note: can we start calling men's tank undershirts *not* a "wife beater" because seriously. Would John Logan say, "excuse me, gorgeous, got to pull on my wife beater, then I can dress for our date"?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim hart
I loved The Deal so immediately snatched this up upon publication. I really like this authors writing style. This is a NA college romance novel with well developed, mature and extremely likable characters. Grace is a strong no nonsense woman but at the same time a young girl experiencing firsts in college, sex and love. Logan is an acknowledged player who knows when it's time to grow up and acts accordingly. Logan has family issues that bring depth to the plot. The book is warm, funny and very romantic and sexy. I really like that the plot is completely different thanThe Deal. Not a carbon copy. Very enjoyable read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
craig duff
The second installment of the Off-Campus series didn't wow me like the first one did but it was a good addition. It was good to see Logan finally become a great man and to see how he deals with the demons of his past and looming future. Grace on the other hand is hilarious. Her constant babbling when she's nervous and her constant talk of Ted Bundy had me legit laughing out loud throughout the entire book. They both made for a great couple in the end. I can't wait to read Dean's story. I wonder if he would ever give Ramona a chance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jaco myburg
Sometimes you just need an easy, fun, no-brainer and that's what The Mistake (Off-Campus Book 2) is. Grace, the heroine, is likable, honest and smart. Definitely not a doormat and definitely not a whiner. Logan is a strong hero-good looking (obviously), not one of those unrealistic alpha male from other romances, and has some struggles. It's Logan's struggles that I find most interesting in The Mistake, although that's where the my 4 star review comes in (possible spoiler alert): I didn't really understand why he was sacrificing his entire future for his brother and father. It just didn't add up for me financially and logically. I felt like his issues with his family were magnified for drama purposes. What I did really enjoy: believable dialogue, steamy sex scenes, likable characters with good personalities. My favorite hero with real struggles is Wes from Deeper by Robin York. I would have liked a hero with more realistic conflicts. But maybe that would not have made it the light, easy, enjoyable read that The Mistake is!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
After reading The Deal and falling in love with the connection between Hannah and Garrett I was very excited to read the sequel and fall in love with another one of Elle Kennedy's love plots with Garrett's roommate Logan. It's unfortunate that Kennedy rushed this book to where none of it is even believable. Logan goes from bagging four girls in a week to not in one in six months over a girl he knew for a few days and barely went past dry humping? Also, why is Logan always sporting a hard on? It's like he can get one just by Grace looking at him for two seconds. Logan goes from womanizer to just pathetic over a girl he barely knew for a week. C'mon Kennedy you can do WAY better than this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin smith
I really enjoy Elle Kennedy, and she's quickly becoming a one-click buy for me. Her stories are fun and steady, sometimes emotional, but always well-developed and have characters that show growth and dimension. I picked this book up after enjoying the first Off Campus book, and it didn't disappoint. Just the right amount of story development, steam, and new adult angst. I enjoyed having John Logan as my book boyfriend, and I look forward to the next book in the (stand-alone but interconnected) series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved The Deal. With that being said, The Mistake was off the charts A-Ma-Zing! John Logan is a beast on the ice and between the sheets, but one tiny girl named Grace knocked him on his well defined a$$!!! The dynamic between the two was sweet, funny and sometimes disastrous. Grace is NOT a "puck bunny", and Logan doesn't do relationships. Little did he know just how much Grace was going to get under his skin! This book is laugh out loud funny, but also deals with real issues. I can't wait to get Deans story, although this one is going to be hard to top.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
robin hudson
Logan and grace. Being so desperate to have someone to rely on, and love, Logan misperceived his attachment to his best friends girl friend as love. Trying to push her out of his mind, and the black destiny, which is his ill drunk father, awaiting him when he finish university, he stumbled into grace's dorm, where he met love for the first time in his life and didn't realize it until he lost grace on false pretenses.
Their love story is inciting and unique, makes u want to know more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After reading the less than positive reviews, I was leery about the book. But wow I think this one was better than the first..The Deal! Not sure why the negative reviews focused so much on Logan wanting his BBFs girl when that wasnt it AT ALL. Logan is endearing with his "quests" to prove his serious intentions for winning Grace back and I loved that Grace didnt hem and haw about wanting to give him second chance. That crap drives me cray cray. And this story had TONS of truely laugh out loud moments! I swear my fam thought i was loosing when I seriously laughed so hard I had tears. So people browse the reviews but take a chance and decide for yourself as I did.. I sure dont regret it ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It was an enjoyable read. I liked the banter between Hannah and Garrett in “The Deal” more but nonetheless, there were really funny moments between Grace and Logan. Logan really had to grovel and display his sincerity by fulfilling items on the list when trying to win Grace back after humiliating her. Aside from the romance and humor, Grace and Logan were good people who cared for their family and friends unconditionally. I liked how Grace gradually understood Logan’s obligation to look after his alcoholic father and loved him more for it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series just gets better and better. This book was just as great as the first one and I have to say, this one kind of threw me off a little because usually the "major drama moment" happens about 70% into the book (in my experience) but with this book it actually happened much sooner than that - which was a welcome change. I loved getting to know Logan better and being introduced to Grace - they were such great characters. Add this one to your reading list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
siddhesh ambhire
After reading the first book, The Deal and actually really liking it, I was worried after reading some of the reviews for this book. But I was worried for nothing. Kennedy does the college story quite well. College experiences range so much from person to person and I think that this story shows just that. The set up of the story worked well. The chemistry was great between the H & h. The side characters are funny. This has been a great college series so far.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The beginning ... meh. The novel started to pick up for me midway through when the new and improved Grace returns to campus. I loved the banter between Grace and Logan and loved the challenge and characters. Then, after the great middle of the novel, the story seemed to draw out and become anitclimatic. It should have ended on the high note.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sandy later
I really enjoyed the writing this time around. The comedy woven in definitely makes it feel just like college.

Logan is a real sweetheart and isn't afraid of the grand gesture.

Grace is his perfect match. She definitely knows how to simmer his ego.

I didn't really connect with Logan and Grace as much as I had wanted to. They were nice characters, but I felt like I was missing something through out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Make no mistake about it, John Logan is adorable. I enjoyed seeing him finally find the happiness that he deserved. Grace was indeed amazing with Logan, and the progression of their relationship journey was fun and flirty. Even though some serious topics were presented in this story, it was still light and upbeat. It was also fun to get glimpses from out other friends in this Off Campus series. Can't wait to see what happens next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emily booth
4.5 stars

This was an ebook and audio listen, dual POV, single narration. The narration was decent but didn't blow me away.

The story was hugely enjoyable and a wonderful escape. I was surprised at the emotion in this story, alongside the depth in Logan's character. Great addition to the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
John Logan and Grace Ivers are perfect for each other. John is very sexy and hot. Then you have Grace that keeps to herself and lets people walk over her til she meets John. Everything happens for a reason. Logan knocks on the wrong door and whines up meeting the girls of his dreams! I loved that Grace made him jump through hoops before going on an official date with Logan. Especially the poem he write for Grace is epic lol. I can't wait to read up more on these characters!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melinda caric
I loved getting to know Logan after reading about his best friend Garrett in The Deal. The Mistake was a nice complimentary book and it was fun to see player Logan find his soul mate in Grace. I love the dialogue in these books. They are laugh out loud funny and very sexy. I enjoyed how Grace had Logan jumping through hoops to get a date since his earlier mistake in hurting her. She's very creative. I look forward to crazy Dean's story next! It should be epic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I stumbled across the Off-Campus series from a Goodreads friend and am so glad I've gotten to know the boys of the Briar hockey team. John Logan is tough, but he's tired of the college party scene and seems to meet Grace at the right time. My only hiccup in this book was that the timing with Grace seemed too right - did he fall for the idea of her, or her? I'm still giving it 5 stars because the author did a great job with their chemistry, but that's the only concern I had.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh wow!! That book was amazing!! Elle Kennedy was able to keep the magic alive that she created in her first book, if not making this book better!! Grace has to be one of my all time favorite book characters now! I loved how she was strong and knew her own strengths. She had a few cute quirks but was overly weird. I loved watching her grow and her relationship with Logan change into something serious.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gail monique
After reading Elle Kennedy's The Deal, I could not wait to get this one downloaded. Logan is a blast and the relationship unfolds in a realistic way. Not to fast and not to slow. There are some parts I laughed out loud, others I nearly cried. Overall, if you're looking for a light-hearted romance, Elle Kennedy's Off Campus Series is a perfect read. Each can be read as a standalone, but the characters do intermingle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the story of Grace and Logan meeting, dating and eventually falling in love. Ms Kennedy did a great job writing this story. She incorporated fun, humor, emotion, humor, sports, humor, loyalty, humor, dreams, humor, fighting, humor, love, and did I mention humor! I actually enjoyed everything about this story - I highly recommend this book if you like romance and don't mind explicit sex scenes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Book two of the Off Campus Series. I would recommend reading book 1 first. This one was awesome! John Logan comes across as cocky and a man whore. He pursues Grace and she puts him through the paces. She won't give in to him easily and makes him work at a possible relationship with her! It was sweet, funny at times and they have a lot of chemistry between them. I loved it and couldn't put it down. This book is a must read and is one of my favorites so far this year.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome book. This one has been my favorite.
I love this series. I love the storyline and the characters. Can't wait to read more. This is about Logan who is a happy go lucky heartland kind of guy. Till Grace.
Grace is a freshman and a virgin. Logan decides he likes her and wants to get to know her. Loved the book
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This author really focuses in singularly on her main characters (at least in the books I've read). So you are in deep with them, though they feel like they are in a bubble. It was a good read which I consumed in one setting, didn't want to put it down. Which doesn't happen often for me.

I no nothing of hockey, since I'm from Florida, haha, but I was able to follow along and understand the book and enjoy the hockey references in it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
april flatto
What a roller coaster. I laughed (cause let's face it the author is funny), I held my breath, cheered for the girl, cheered for the guy. It was great. The best part for me though was the ending. This really is something every ROMCOM lover should read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eva warner
This was my least favorite in the series because honestly I did not connect to Hannah as a relatable character....she just seemed kind of void of the depth I like in my leading ladies. Also I found Logan's sacrifice weird as his brother was so heartless toward him but not his dad. Not as believable as the otter two in the series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The synopsis of this book made me believe Grace was a really strong character who would make John work hard for her but it didn't read that way to me. Grace came across as needy to me and gave in way too quickly to John. Don't think I'll be reading anymore in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh my goodness gracious! When I went looking for a new book to read, I did not expect to find this beautiful gem.

Logan first meets Grace when he knocks on the wrong dorm room door. They start hanging out and watching action movies and this eventually leads to more.

Logan and Grace's relationship is my ideal. Their relationship is fun and sexy and full of witty banter (God, how I love witty banter!). They're both so adorable.

I simply cannot stop raving about this book. I can't wait to reread it and I so look forward to the next novel in the series.
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