The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror

ByPhilip Marshall

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria anna
Obama or Cheney had this guy murdered along with his kids. Michael Hastings, Andrew Breitbart all journalist whistleblowers. If he could OBAMA would murder Edward Snowden also. These DICTATORS ARE MENTALLY DERANGED.
America is a mafia Stasi. WHAT A NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book sheds more information from the pilot's point of view regarding what is required to handle big Boeing 757 and 767 jet planes and the apparent level of disinformation that our government proffered regarding events surrounding the 9/11 episode. The author has a varied background of insider information acknowledging what black operations are all about and he connects the dots for the purported government players from the Iran-Contra events through to the 9/11 setup of government lies and coverups. A valuable book on the nature of false-flag operations and connections to 9/11 and should be read by every American!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chien chung
The connection to Barry Seal is very interesting as well as the Yale graduate Porter Goss. The Company Man! The picture on page 153 alone is the subject of a book length study of black programs and the small teams of people that carry them out, often turning up again and again as the need arises. For those who have read the book "Compromised", many of the same characters are active or their roles in this cadre revisted. Is it a mere coincidence that Marshall just went mad and killed his family and then himself or is there something bigger and more sinister at play here? After seeing that picture on page 153, I would say without a doubt that Mr. Marshall was touching on something that people in sensitive positions did not want discussed. Philip Marshall obviously knew he was playing with fire and willing to jepordize his safety to bring this information to the forefront so that we could add it to the collective piece of the puzzle.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cyn coons
Marshall proves that he knows that of which he speaks of, presents documented facts, and puts them together in this book to end the wild conspiracy theories and expose the truth that the 9/11 commission and the executive branch swept under the rug.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a shocking and eye-opening account of what really took place on 9-11 and the huge hoax that has been pulled on our entire country. Captain Marshall takes you step by step through his 10 year investigation, driven by his first hand knowledge of what is possible and what is not with huge airliners. You will put this down with certainty that you now know the horrific truth and that there are no limits to the greedy pursuit of power. This should be read by every adult in this country!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
senaya morgan
I was very positive about this book after hearing the author on Coast to Coast a.m. until I talked with a friend who is a retired TWA 747 captain. In his opinion, the 9/11 hijacker pilots would not have needed actual flight time in a widebody airliner to be able to crash their planes into their targets without co-pilots, contrary to what author Marshall claims. On p. 159 the reader is told detailed chapter notes and "two-way communication between the author and readers" are available at the book's webpage. I have not been able to locate this capability at the URL given. Besides a few typos, four factual errors are noted: John Kerry ran for president in 2004, not 2000 (p. 64), Indianapolis Center was to the west, not "east" (p. 87), "40,000 tons of fuel" should be 40 tons (p. 93), and "5 tons of jet fuel" should be 40 tons (p. 96). Despite this criticism, I am prepared to believe "The hijackers had been supported, in every conceivable way, by agents of the Saudi Arabian government as they prepared for the attack" (p. 15), which has been suppressed in official government sources, because of the continuity of government personnel from Bay of Pigs in 1962 to Iran/Contra in 1987, in which government deception was rife, to 9/11.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
d p mcabee
Many years ago I read The Painted Bird by Kosinski. I would read a few pages and then I felt compelled to put it down because I was traumatized by its depiction of the horrors of war and its parallel components of human degeneracy. The book is considered fiction but then again I was left with the question; Was this really fiction?

Marshall's book is excellent yet it was equally as disturbing to me. As the trauma of the 9/11 tragedy sank in, I was left with a distinct yet unique questions; Can this be real and if so how on earth have we evolved to this state?

There is no doubt in my mind that Marshall's unique perspective as a pilot exposes a dimension of the entire 9/11 episode that requires great consideration. His exploration from this vantage point opens many issues that are disturbing to any American and for that matter to any human being.

The "9/11 perspective bias" is fully exposed as Marshall chips away at the walls that have contained our field of vision for a critical exploration of the "facts".

Like The Painted Bird, we see human degeneracy in our government at its lowest levels as cigars are being smoked at the White House within hours of this tragedy, legal depositions and testimony are rigged to accommodate power, and federal investigations are obfuscated.

These acts of hubris rise above contempt for our rule of law and are treasonous.

His thoughts are well established and the development of their implications are logical and sound. It allows the reader to not only reflect upon the essence of his argument but to extend his thesis to new areas of concern.

Our three branches of government have become infested with a fourth branch - a "shadow intelligence-operative-policy" branch that has components and players of all three yet operates with an impunity, fueled by the corridors of historical power politic dynamics.

This new and toxic branch can coordinate an agenda among all three and the extended power politic dynamic.

The Big Bamboozle is its case study.

The fourth branch has been around since the establishment of the CIA, growing and evolving in its illicit actions from simple assassinations like that of Arbenz, to the Gulf of Tonkin deception, and now to components of 9/11.

Like all viruses it has mutated to more disturbing and invasive forms that make it more lethal and resistant to corrections that our original form of government could have addressed.

It has penetrated and contaminated the other three branches of our government with a ready cadre of players who play multiple roles in and out of this fourth dimension. It has also co-opted elite sources of power in society such as the media and others in an "Eisenhower farewell speech"type fashion.

The abnormal has become normal; as the shadows in the "Platonic" cave of 9/11 reflect a manipulated reality.

The chains that have been placed upon the exploration of the truth and thus justice are at the core of Marshall's work. Marshall certainly removes some of these chains and offers us the ability to establish a more natural field of vision in our unnatural world.

Our prisons are not the appropriate place for those responsible for this tragedy.

These crimes are unprecedented and monumental. If Marshall's compelling thesis is true; Dante's hell now has a tenth level; a combination of the previous nine.

The various protagonists in The Big Bamboozle would be honored guests there. Yet,even this may not be justice for the crimes they have engaged our nation in.

Marshall provokes the final questions; How can we use our institutions and their remnants to escape this living hell and thus prevent it from ever happening again? Or, has this virus become so repulsive and penetrating that we as citizens, are chained to a cruel and inhuman reality of shadows that becomes impossible to escape?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex v
this is what the government does to people who spread the truth,,they kill you and your family in a murder suicide..the government murdered scores of individuals and witnesses who dared to tell the truth about 9/11..

America is headed down a dark road of tyranny lead by a maniacal murderous government..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leilani housego
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having read Susan Lindauer's Extreme Prejudice and Sibel Edmonds Classified Woman, I read this astounding, concise and succinct book not once but twice. I knew about the shenanigans of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Pearle, Libby and the rest of the nut bags and their ideological call for an invasion of Iraq in the late 1990's. If you read this short well documented book, you will come away appalled at the conspiracy of Junior, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld and company to recreate another "Pearl Harbor" to further their dream of a new police state. I will remind readers again about the interview in October 1967 in Playboy magazine in which District Attorney Jim Garrison said: "In my own experiences, Fascism is coming to America in the form of National Security". How prescient. Thirty four years later, that is what we have become. Forget the main (lame) stream media, do your own homework. I think Mr. Marshall's call for a trial of KSM is absolutely critical and one has to wonder why the "Intelligence Community" and the extreme right wing fear this trial. We can't try in open court a defeated, tortured man whom the government claims masterminded this horrific crime? I did read Compromised by Terry Read, and Iran-Contra is important to this story. Bush 41 has been running a shadow government for over 30 years. Many of the same players and tactics were used to create 9/11.

When three of the four commissioners write books rejecting the 9/11 investigations and as usual are ignored, you have to be too preoccupied to ask why, or are part of the "Fleecing the flock" group. The investigations were as big a joke as the "Johnson Commission" which white washed the murder of the last change President, President Kennedy in November 1963. Since that time the power of the CIA and many other "Intelligence" groups has completely controlled the media and our foreign policy. It will not change. Americans do not deserve the liberties we sacrificed to fight "terrorism". Boilingfrogs and Veteranstoday as well as the Bigbambozzle are places to start if you want to know the real truth. Don't expect to get it from the six corporations that control our press. I am disgusted by what has happened to our constitution and our liberties. With the exception of Patriots like Susan Lindauer, Sibel Edmonds and Phillip Marshall, I would just quietly go about my day to day life, but they are exceptional heroes who need our support to get the real truth our. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld and company should be standing trial for the war crimes they committed. Instead convicts are promoted from Bush 41 to important positions in Bush 43's policy circles, given Freedom of Medal honors and Presidential Pardons. I have to commend this group of traitors for pulling off one of the most horrific crimes in our nations history without a single person seriously questioned much less charged and convicted for treason. Stalin and Hitler would get a good chuckle from this gross lie to the American people.
Stephen Courts

June 9, 2012
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Former airline pilot seems to know what he is talking about, and goes thru details. Reason I rated low is he insists on accepting official story about amazing pilotage and how WTC's 1, 2, & 7 came down. Went to his web site to ask him, but he, his children and dog all succumbed to a 9mm.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marisa sanchez
Many years ago I read The Painted Bird by Kosinski. I would read a few pages and then I felt compelled to put it down because I was traumatized by its depiction of the horrors of war and its parallel components of human degeneracy. The book is considered fiction but then again I was left with the question; Was this really fiction?

Marshall's book is excellent yet it was equally as disturbing to me. As the trauma of the 9/11 tragedy sank in, I was left with a distinct yet unique questions; Can this be real and if so how on earth have we evolved to this state?

There is no doubt in my mind that Marshall's unique perspective as a pilot exposes a dimension of the entire 9/11 episode that requires great consideration. His exploration from this vantage point opens many issues that are disturbing to any American and for that matter to any human being.

The "9/11 perspective bias" is fully exposed as Marshall chips away at the walls that have contained our field of vision for a critical exploration of the "facts".

Like The Painted Bird, we see human degeneracy in our government at its lowest levels as cigars are being smoked at the White House within hours of this tragedy, legal depositions and testimony are rigged to accommodate power, and federal investigations are obfuscated.

These acts of hubris rise above contempt for our rule of law and are treasonous.

His thoughts are well established and the development of their implications are logical and sound. It allows the reader to not only reflect upon the essence of his argument but to extend his thesis to new areas of concern.

Our three branches of government have become infested with a fourth branch - a "shadow intelligence-operative-policy" branch that has components and players of all three yet operates with an impunity, fueled by the corridors of historical power politic dynamics.

This new and toxic branch can coordinate an agenda among all three and the extended power politic dynamic.

The Big Bamboozle is its case study.

The fourth branch has been around since the establishment of the CIA, growing and evolving in its illicit actions from simple assassinations like that of Arbenz, to the Gulf of Tonkin deception, and now to components of 9/11.

Like all viruses it has mutated to more disturbing and invasive forms that make it more lethal and resistant to corrections that our original form of government could have addressed.

It has penetrated and contaminated the other three branches of our government with a ready cadre of players who play multiple roles in and out of this fourth dimension. It has also co-opted elite sources of power in society such as the media and others in an "Eisenhower farewell speech"type fashion.

The abnormal has become normal; as the shadows in the "Platonic" cave of 9/11 reflect a manipulated reality.

The chains that have been placed upon the exploration of the truth and thus justice are at the core of Marshall's work. Marshall certainly removes some of these chains and offers us the ability to establish a more natural field of vision in our unnatural world.

Our prisons are not the appropriate place for those responsible for this tragedy.

These crimes are unprecedented and monumental. If Marshall's compelling thesis is true; Dante's hell now has a tenth level; a combination of the previous nine.

The various protagonists in The Big Bamboozle would be honored guests there. Yet,even this may not be justice for the crimes they have engaged our nation in.

Marshall provokes the final questions; How can we use our institutions and their remnants to escape this living hell and thus prevent it from ever happening again? Or, has this virus become so repulsive and penetrating that we as citizens, are chained to a cruel and inhuman reality of shadows that becomes impossible to escape?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tehilah eisenstadt feil
I thoroughly enjoyed the first book written by Philip Marshall that was published 2008 "False Flag 911." As others had said as well, I just couldn't put the book down when reading it. This book published in 2012 had a great deal of content that was taken from his first book with no change in the wording. There were frequent places in the reading where I just turned the pages, one after another, to find something new to read.
I will comment though, I don't think Philip should put down what he might not be as familiar with. I still believe the smoking gun to the three buildings falling on 911 in New York will continue to be building 7. The manner it fell in free fall on 911 has no sensible explanation except a controlled demolition. Only a foolish American would think a well thought out plan on 9/11 would involve ramming a craft into the Pentagon where the paper trail for the misplaced 2.3 trillion dollars of taxpayer money can be traced. Would terrorists outside this country want to help our govt hide secrets buried in the Pentagon involving our money? Not!
It seems we have too many with genuine puzzle pieces to a conspiracy puzzle. There's too much of an interest and motive to voice how much more important each puzzle piece is than acknowledging it's the puzzle's complete picture we as Americans need and should know. When someone sees a puzzle piece it surely can't be as valuable as seeing the pieces put together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesse gavin
9/11 "Conspiracy Theory" author and leading aviation expert on 9/11 found dead along with entire family. Marshall believed and informed friends shortly before his death that his life was in danger because of the allegations involved in his recently released book. This is not some kook or suicidal maniac. He loved his family very much and would never harm them. This is a very well educated and trained pilot, author and activist that has been killed by the government. In Plane Sight.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
'Bamboozle' book. The author gives us a lot of information about big airplanes, flight training and airports. He named names, a lot of them. He named people who would rather not be named!

The book meanders all over the place. He wanders from political stuff to CIA, to the wars in the Mideast, and Central America and on and on it goes.

He makes no attempt to hide is bias for all things Jewish, and all things Republican. He especially hates Fox news.

Revealing himself to be an Obama sycophant at the end of his book, he exposes himself as a typical liberal, dyed in the wool-commie . The book is a fast read and very informative if you can ignore the sickening bias.

Do I recommend it, no, not really. It's OK, informative, but does not tell us anything we don't already know or strongly suspect. He obviously pissed off the wrong people with this book since he and his kids were murdered,(in my opinion, as the result of publishing it) in a seemingly 'professional way'!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A powerful indictment of the neocons and their criminal involvement with 9/11. If only there were someone in government who could put these people on trial for murder and treason, but sadly there isn’t. The cowardly Obama administration seems to have been subverted by this same group and is now going after journalists with a vengeance. Still, it’s a worthwhile read if you want to know what happened to America and how democracy was destroyed by the enemy within—Bush & Cheney, et al—and the enemy without—the Saudis.

The only complaint I have is that the author sometimes resorts to sarcasm instead of argument—a minor flaw when the story is taken as a whole. And certainly understandable.

Finally, I’m not at all surprised the author was assassinated, though too bad they had to kill his kids and dog. The assassins must have taken some heat for that, for they did a better job five months later with Michael Hastings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathryn dilleshaw
You can see why he was murdered. People who discover who was behind 9/11 take very big risks if they go public. This corrupt cabal has no morality. The book could have used more editing but the facts are so astonishing that one can overlook that shortcoming. Extremely credible. Will upset readers who do not want to know the truth. Future historians will find it valuable for the first hand revaluations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rebecca douglass
There has been an intentional disinformation campaign surrounding the events of 9/11. If you consider the information to be data points it makes no sense. Marshall sorts out the good info from the bad. When he connects those dots you will know who did it and why. His call to action is the right thing to do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
seth k
Philip Marshall wrote a compelling, convincing book about why he believes the terror attack on the twin towers was allowed to happen, and in fact aided by agents of our own government. He names names. The conclusions he reaches in his book are admittedly, very hard to swallow. The scenario he proposes is almost unthinkable, but the facts he presents that add up to the horrific conclusion are in fact credible, and in fact checkable. Some of the book details what was ignored or not investigated that should have been. He was recently murdered, along with his two children and dog. His web site, where he had some documentation for the kindle edition, is now gone. I also point out that paper copies of this book are rare. It is with great sorrow I give this book five stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stuff included you may not have known from a United pilot
in the know. Anyone who puts this all together can only
reach one conclusion.....false flag and treason. But perhaps
the greatest story of this book is the one that exposes Fox
News and Murdoch, who millions have been deceived into
believing they could rely on for accurate information. The
sexy ladies are the only thing that is real about this double
crossing network. Just another treasoning government pawn.
Don't waste your time......
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany crawford
Awesome, captivating read. Mr. Marshall's resume alone make it a distinct possibility our Government was responsible. It astounds me the number of people that believe their Government could not do such a thing. Keep your heads buried in the sand and continue to drink their
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne arthurs
$1,000 for a NEW paperback book?!? Damn they really don't want the people to get their hands on this one. This is how you prevent it from getting around, jack the price up so that it isn't affordable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sherri moorer
All those dead souls that were killed pre and post 911 are on the Bush people. If this book is even somewhat close to correct pure evil has taken over this country! May God watch over the good folks in America and help us to rid this country of this saturated greed in power. Amen
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Marshall is obviously a great airline pilot and extremely dedicated to his cause. I hate to take away from his hard work and tremendous experience, but his book was erratic and disconnected--not written well enough to keep my attention and contunity of thought.
Conspiracies theories with built on speculations are shattering the faith and confidence of this country. We have far more than we need of liars with agendas with the intention to warp our minds to fit theirs.
Indeed, we should be shaken where these theories are based on good intentions and facts. The "facts" Marshal presents certainly need scrutiny by experienced, credible, and truthseeking investigators. But Marshall's extreme bias against the GOP prevents him from staying with the naked truth; he should let the facts speak and let us form our on bias, if we are so inclined.

So if the author is giving us the unvarnished facts here, he needs a good editor to deliver this info to us. One thing we cannot ignore is that the world is a bomb with a sizzling fuse. We'd better disarm it and soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katherine sturrock
It is important to understand that this author was murdered for bringing you this story. His entire family was murdered as well. There is no higher price than this to be an American patriot.

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
katie garcia
Philip Marshall should have stuck to what he's an expert on: How to fly a Boeing 767. His assertion that the hijackers couldn't have flown those planes the way they did without very extensive training is convincing. He lost me when he went on to develop out of that fact an elaborate conspiracy. That, like the truth behind the Pearl Harbor attack, will have to wait for years to either be confirmed or proven wrong.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andy dowling
The govt. trolls are already busy trashing Marshall for "alleged" mental illness." Social engineering tends to be more successful when the sheep think everyone else buys the "official" MSM story. Anyone gullible enough to believe the "official" story obviously wouldn't have bothered to read Marshall's book anyway... so let's not pretend to actually be writing a review. Perhaps you should go back to more important stuff... like making sure your flu vaccine's up-to-date, watching NFL, NASCAR, DWTS & the Keeping up w/the Hipp'hos.

Strange how the lobotomized masses don't connect the dots: As if "Fast & Furious" didn't say enough about how far the U.S. Govt.'s willing to go for an excuse to disarm its citizens... for its central banking bosses who intend to institute global utopia. Yeah, its a stretch for Americans to ponder anything other than T.V. programs they'll watch after slaving away the day to pay "tribute" to the central banking powers that own the US Govt., but can't anyone see a pattern here? Perhaps a checklist of groups being targeted...stigmatized if you will, for disarmament... like veterans, constitutionalists, anyone ever using an SSRI... & now nut-job conspiracy theorists, (perhaps the nxt will be an apocalyptic Christian or heaven forbid, a tax protestor--for any FBI minders reading this, that wasn't intended as a suggestion!). So what do all these random targets have in common? Ever heard of "Patcon"? Recent FBI docs released in the Trentadue case through FOIA reveal "OKC" & Elohim City were part of FBI/Mossad operation Patcon... to stigmatize militias (read the transcript or listen to Trentadue's interview w/Lew Rockwell) in the minds of lobotomized Americans (i.e. those consuming diet coke while watching NFL), in prep. for disarmament & the coming police state (i.e. "coming" as in past sense, since its now here--time to wake up from your fluoride, Aspartame, GMO induced comas).

Ever ponder why the US Govt. & Mossad wld create & fund "Radical Islam" & what benefit they get out of it (hmmm.... phony "War on Terror" & "911" come to mind, + uber profits for central bankers & military industrial complex). Why is the US & Israel currently funding, training & arming communists posing as "Rebels" in Syria? Why did they fund communist "Rebels" posing as the so-called "Muslim Bro-hood" throughout the "Arab Spring"... & where did the name "Arab Spring" even originate? Ever heard of the European Spring of 1848 & the `48'ers (the same 48'ers kicked out of Europe for attempting to overthrow various govts.--who then found Marxist asylum in America & went to work in various newspapers, sowing seeds of Marxism to help Marx incite Revolution right here--in a very uncivil war). BTW, that's the same Marx who worked as a corresp. for Horace Greeley's NY Tribune--the "official newspaper" of the Republican Party--founded on the very "un-American" principles of highly Centralized Fedl. Govt. or anti-Jeffersonian principles of elitist Hamiltonian Federalism (i.e. the same principles espoused in Marx's Manifesto). These same 48er's then went to work for Marx's fave. President, Lincoln, raping pillaging & marauding all over the South, while serving the Union in its very uncivil war to suppress the U.S. Constitution & its campaign to erect a new unconstitutional form of govt. alien to the one formed by the founders.

Who were the 48ers...& who were the majority of commies in Europe in the 1800's? The majority were from a particular religious background w/a knack for funding communism--& they're not Muslim)! The most import. question is why the main financial supporters of commies are almost exclusively from this religious background--that's again far from Muslim, yet it's the same group that claims to be threatened by "Radical Islam"? Here's a clue, it's the ONLY group that actually benefits from the "War on Terror" & BTW it's not the group of clueless patsies who actually live in Israel--it's the group that doesn't live there but FUNDS the madness. Ever wonder why Christians are ignorant of the fact Sharia actually comes from the Hebrew Bible (i.e. 1st 5 books/Torah)... & Jewish law called Halakhah, based on the Pharisees' "Oral Law," is far WORSE than Sharia--basically like Sharia on steroids?

What possible benefit could the US, ISRAEL & Central Bankers that control both get from funding "Radical Islam" throughout the Middle East (hmmm... perhaps WWIII to precipitate GLOBAL disarmament... think "Patcon" on a global scale, where they make lots of $$ fomenting war to disarm the slaves... & the war they create facilitates the creation of U.N. Utopia a/k/a the global police state necessary to keep the slaves subdued & oppressed in inescapable peonage to the New Central Banking Order). Marshall was on the right track about the Saudis--but stopped short of exposing the whole truth behind 911. Saudi Arabia was just a front to hide the real wizard behind the curtain... kind of like the Muslim Brotherhood's just a front for Israel's backers: The same International Banking Cabal that has the entire world poised on the precipice of global collapse (i.e. the same cabal that owns the Fedl Resrv. & gives marching orders to the US govt.). If you want the real truth behind where this originated, who started it, & where this is going, look no further than Douglas Reed's The Controversy of Zion, then reflect on words of the worlds most infamous revolutionary crucified for exposing the awful truth about of the Synagogue of Satan.

FYI, killing the dog was a dead give away this was a "hit"--1st thing an intruder w/a silencer would do is take out the dog--to keep the family from being alerted what was going down. The houses in this neighborhood r purportedly very close together & neighbors didn't hear anything (out of 4 gunshots!). The 2 kids were both asleep on the couch when shot meaning the last 1 shot was still asleep & didn't try to run w/all the commotion(i.e. likely more than one perp.), + all killed w/1 gunshot to the head & Marshall was found face up with gun behind his back (explain that one). Many gunshots in the head don't even result in death... so it would seem the shooter(s) knew what they were doing (i.e. professionals w/silencers?)... & from statements made by alleged friends, Marshall didn't fit that descript. at all--esp. since a friend said he'd admitted to not even having bullets for his gun. Doesn't sound like he hung out the local gun rage...
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
gary daly
Saudi Arabia was not involved, it was the OTHER country in the middle east that starts with an I and ends with L that was too blame. They get this guy to write a book then kill him and his family. This makes truth seekers think he was killed by black ops to silence him and thus it gives the story credibility. Don t fall for this, you know who was behind 911. As more people get laid off, they will stop playing the game of "Believe the News" and start getting mad. This is precisely why you are going to see drones in the air, gun grabbers going crazy and the police state tightening up ( "Its for the Children"!! of course).
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
cady ali
Starting out with the Reagan administration to paint a picture of his version of crimes committed during Iran Contra and Ollie North and all of the involvement Bush senior allegedly had in it went on and on.

This author hates Reagan, both Bushes, that he indites as criminals nearly all three of their various cabinet personal told you where he was with republican administrations.

The drug trades with the Contras were in this because he wanted to show that these people were bad people--from Reagan on. When he got to Clinton, there was only a paragraph about a drug deal--but those eight years were not otherwise spoken about--even though terrorist ops took place during that administration--e.g., USS Cole0. (yNote, I know, he mentions the Cole but nothing about that administration at that time--(as an an example, as far as I am concerned THAT ACT was an ACT OF WAR--and it was sloughed off). Nothing said. Clinton good. Bush bad.

Same with the current administration---he writes that bin laden was killed in 2001 but the current administration was not held to account for a recent 2011 "faked" assassination(if he's correct) and their contribution to this entire "Bamboozle." Nothing.

And Fox News--Now here's a guy that HATES Fox--he'll let you know it over and over and over again.

Finally, to ask readers to support the current president and Eric Holder---well--I wish he would have STARTED with that line...I could have saved myself several hours...maybe waxed my car instead.

A heated and very obvious bias ruins the credibility in my opinion.

Otherwise--as others have pointed out, his obvious skill and knowledge of aircraft ops could have made this a good book--had he stuck to the subject.

(Now many of you lefties will accuse me of bias in my review--but since this book clearly is--I think I can be too.)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
steve bornstein
First of all, this book was written with hate and vitriol that obviously blinded the author. Secondly, He entices you to read the book by explaining how he can show problems with plane number and identification which might help understand 9/11. Then he uses a bait and switch to ramble on and on about Iran Contra in the 1980's. I don't think he ever got to any meaningful explaination re: 9/11. His footnotes were not. Most of his information comes from reporters or bloggers and is hardly verifiable or trustworthy. The book hit my trash bin the same day I read it. I would'nt even try to resell it back to the store.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
"The Big Bamboozle" is a big bust. It's unfortunate because of the author's special expertise, his extensive private and commercial pilot experience, which he fails to fully exploit. Instead, he attempts to cover too many topics most of which lie well outside of his area of expertise and are marginally related to his central thesis, Saudis are the 9/11 masterminds. And, his obvious distaste for the two Bush administrations significantly diminishes his otherwise well reasoned speculations and conjectures; Dispassionately present the facts and let readers form their own opinions.

While the Saudi connection to two hijackers while they were in Southern California is discussed, nothing connecting the remaining seventeen (17) hijackers to Saudis is ever presented. This is a gaping hole which needs to be filled for the author's central thesis to be credible. Especially disappointing is the absence of any mention of the hijackers movements in Florida more of which finally came to light in September of 2011 which connected them to a well-heeled Saudi couple. And we hear nothing of their movements in other places where they spent time, such as Paterson, New Jersey, Falls Church and Arlington, Virginia, and Delray Beach, Florida

The best questions the author asks are: i) How do terrorists whose only demonstrated expertise before and after 9/11 is crude car and truck bombs and failed shoe and underwear bombs make the leap on 9/11 to defeating what was supposedly one of the best airport security and air defense systems in the world using an absolutely brilliant tactical plan which fully exploited the fatal flaws of airport security, commercial airline practices / procedures, and U.S. military homeland "defenses" at the time; And ii), how and where were terrorists, most of whom spoke no English and had never been to the U.S and who, with one exception, had no prior flight experience, turned into skilled kamikaze pilots flying highly sophisticated Boeing 757s and 767s in just eighteen months?

While the author, who is in a unique position to address these particular questions, begins the process, he never delves into the minutiae to answer these questions. If he had instead focussed on the movements / preparations of all of the hijackers prior to 9/11 and, on 9/11 itself and followed all the hijackers from the minute they walked out their doors to the minute they died on that fateful day, adding along the way his insights gained from his extensive private and commercial pilot experience, this would have been an excellent read. Throw in a few graphics showing flight paths annotated with time lines highlighting critical actions and events and this would have been a superior read.

And, in the case of the two hijackings which did not go according to plan, graphics could show both actions and events as planned and as they actually transpired, the former to illustrate the brilliance of the tactical plan, the latter, the ineptness of leadership at the time to comprehend and forcibly respond. Also, a sequence of maps overlaid with the triangular area which the author believes contains facilities and aircraft that could have been used to give the pilot / hijackers actual flight experience with Boeing 757s and 767s followed by maps in which identified facilities are winnowed for various reasons would also have been especially helpful. And finally, the author could have spent more than just two days scouting out from perimeter fencing his educated guess at where the pilot / hijackers received their flight training. How about going undercover as a worker bee for a few months to gather some hard evidence to confirm suspicions?

When the author at times chooses to structure passages as suggested, it makes for fascinating reading. His expert aviation insights and expertise help the uninitiated, in which I include myself, appreciate the significance, skill, and cunning of the hijackers and their tactical plan. Unfortunately, such passages are too few and too far between. While "The Big Bamboozle" contains the seeds of an excellent read, those seeds and not nurtured. And so, sadly, I would recommended not spending your money this book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lily bond
Marshall should stick to flying. Marshall has flipped his mind to say the least. His book is disconnected and erratic as a previous reviewer has discussed. I truely do not believe much he has to say.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kathryn berko
All these conspiracy books on 9/11 are nothing more than recycled insanity and authors trying to make a buck off of gullible people. Susan Lindauer is a perfect example of this. She was judged incompetent to stand trial because of mental illness and being highly delusional twice in New York Courts. Philip Marshall is widely known as being a great storyteller and wrote a novel on Iran-Contra affair. His book exhibits he has lost touch with reality.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
stacey hoover
From a recent news report: Philip Marshall, 54, a career airline pilot who claimed to have once served as a contract pilot for the CIA and DEA during the Iran-Contra affair, shot and killed his two teenage children, and the family dog, then killed himself. The apparent murder-suicide was discovered at the family home in an upscale gated golfing community in Murphys, California.

According to local news reports, teen friends of Alex Marshall, 17, and Macaila Marshall, 14, noticed the siblings had not been active on social media since Thursday and went by the house on Saturday to check on them. The friends told police that when they arrived, they found Phillip Marshall, 54, "lying in a pool of blood inside the home," his 9mm Glock nearby.

Deputies believe the children were shot while sleeping on a couch. The dog was found in a bedroom. His estranged wife Sean Marshall, the children's mother, was out of the country at the time.

Philip Marshall has been identified as a former pilot for Eastern and United airlines. He self-published a number of books, including at least two about his 9/11 conspiracy theories: "The Big Bamboozle" (February 9, 2012) and "False Flag 911: How Bush, Cheney and the Saudis Created the Post-911 World" (July 29, 2008).

In his books, he claims to have served as a contract pilot for the US government during the Iran-Contra affair, flying shipments to and from Nicaragua. He appeared on "outsider truth" shows like Coast to Coast to promote his ideas.
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