Omen of the Stars No. 6) - The Last Hope (Warriors
ByErin Hunter
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the saddest book of the entire collection of warriors this was an amazing book (SPOLIER ALERT!!!!) It was sad that Firestar and Spottedleaf passed but it(the book)wouldn't be as great if they hadn't. I hope that they decide to do another series about the clans but I know they probably won't but I would be nice to involve a different clan this time like Shadowclan but Thunderclan would still be best.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan martinson
This is an amazing boom guys seriously it's worth every penny it costs. This is an amazing book. I suggest this book to you warrior fans out there. Drama, tension, horror, secrets, skill, and tests of loyalty in this book.
No. 5 - The Forgotten Warrior - Warriors- Omen of the Stars :: The Fourth Apprentice - Omen of the Stars #1 :: Flower Power! (DC Super Friends) (Little Golden Book) :: Cooking with Love: Comfort Food that Hugs You :: Fading Echoes (Warriors: Omen of the Stars, No. 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The story was well written until the battle. My two biggest questions are how did Firestar die and how did Bramblestar get his nine lives. Erin did a great job but left out important details she made me cry and laugh but i hope that next time she will take her time to write an even better story. Overall it was a great ending to the omen series and Firestar's grand life. I will miss him in series to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mrs sarah
I cried almost through the entire book. I couldnt believe some of my favorite characters died. Tigerstar finally got what he deserved which made me very happy. I wish Erin Hunter would come out with a series following this one but not all wishes come true.
RIP Firestar you will always be in my heart.
RIP Firestar you will always be in my heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book brought both drama and excitement, as well as closure. Alike the other books in this series, drama and adventure are the largest traits. Many secrets come out, and a battle will be fought and the clans will have to come together to face their worst enemy (personal and general) th closure is satisfying and made me feel thas if I know life will go on with the clans.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joanna otten
(Before we begin, this review will be narrated as if the reader is a StarClan cat, and the reviewer is a ThunderClan kit. Enjoy...)
*Fanfare plays in background. (You are in ThunderClan's camp, in the clearing alone. You are a StarClan cat called Duskleaf. A small, black, white, and orange she-kit with a scarred front paw steps into the clearing softly. She notices you, and is surprised.) "Oh! I didn't think anyone was in the clearing. Are you dreaming too?" She gasps. "You're a StarClan cat, right? I'm Scorchkit, of ThunderClan! I'm dreaming, but I'll tell you about the Great Battle! So, a bunch of dead cats who did bad things during their lives lived in a place a little bit like StarClan. Its called the Dark Forest! So these cats went into living cats dreams, and trained them to fight with them in the Great Battle. It came, and it was filled with killing and bloodshed! Many cats died! I know some of their names... Firestar, BlackStar lost a life, Applefur, Sorreltail, Ferncloud, Redwillow, Breezepelt, Hollyleaf, Mousefur, Shredtail? Also most of the bad cats dies again forever! Well, I'm waking up....Bye!" Scorchkit vanishes.
That is my review! I loved this book!
Tell you more in my dreams,
Scorchkit of ThunderClan, two moons, scarred, has four littermates!
*Fanfare plays in background. (You are in ThunderClan's camp, in the clearing alone. You are a StarClan cat called Duskleaf. A small, black, white, and orange she-kit with a scarred front paw steps into the clearing softly. She notices you, and is surprised.) "Oh! I didn't think anyone was in the clearing. Are you dreaming too?" She gasps. "You're a StarClan cat, right? I'm Scorchkit, of ThunderClan! I'm dreaming, but I'll tell you about the Great Battle! So, a bunch of dead cats who did bad things during their lives lived in a place a little bit like StarClan. Its called the Dark Forest! So these cats went into living cats dreams, and trained them to fight with them in the Great Battle. It came, and it was filled with killing and bloodshed! Many cats died! I know some of their names... Firestar, BlackStar lost a life, Applefur, Sorreltail, Ferncloud, Redwillow, Breezepelt, Hollyleaf, Mousefur, Shredtail? Also most of the bad cats dies again forever! Well, I'm waking up....Bye!" Scorchkit vanishes.
That is my review! I loved this book!
Tell you more in my dreams,
Scorchkit of ThunderClan, two moons, scarred, has four littermates!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Erin Hunter is already an awesome writer. This book just blew me away. With it describing how evil can be "a whisker length away" and that they did not know who to trust, was awe inspiring. This series is a must read for cat lovers EVERYWHERE!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joshua sawyer
I get early notifications on the Clan books , my grandaughter loves them and as she grew up the books grew with her ,this I liked . and of course she always enjoys the books and can hardly wait for the next new book. Because I place the earliest possible order I get the hard cover for her at the soft cover price. Give this the highest Stat rating because she looks up to me when I get her the books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah chrosniak
kids I'm n
kids I'm n
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kenghis khan
I have read every single Warriors book up to date and I just finished this one today. I have to say, THAT WAS THE BEST BOOK EVER. I don't want Warriors to end and I hope the rumors about a new series about the Clans after the battle is true! <3
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Overall, the book was good and held my attention, but it has too many problems. Spoilers follow!
1. Jayfeather found out in the beginning that he needed to find Flametail, but it takes until half of the book for him to finally go find him. He knows he needs to do that and forgets it like it's nothing. Yeah, he's taking care of his Clan and everything, but he can take the time to dream himself into StarClan for a night.
2. All of the main antagonists were practically killed all in the same chapter, on the same page. All the cats, who were destined to kill them...all they had to do was pin them to the ground, and then they all died instantly as if they weren't the ones who came up with all of the highly advanced battle tactics of the Dark Forest. Did the Erins ever hear about Ken Follett's page-turn? Their deaths needed to happen at different times!
3. Spottedleaf really should not have died. She was, after all, killed by another cat in the first Warriors book ever written. But it's even worse this time around, since none of the warriors believe in another form of the afterlife. Honestly, there needs to be something after StarClan. The cats can't disappear into nothingness. They should have beliefs like Native Americans where people live on in the earth, the rain, the wind, etc.
4. The good warriors who died weren't the ones who I expected to die except for Firestar. Mousefur, Ferncloud, Spottedleaf, elder, a queen, a dead medicine cat, a character we haven't seen or heard of forever...are you kidding me? I expected half of ThunderClan to die! I mean, it is the biggest and most dangerous battle for the Clans cats both dead and alive. Every time character names showed up, I shuddered and thought: "Oh no, Brambleclaw and/or Squirrelflight are going to die for sure! Or even Graystripe or one of his kits. Or a mixture of the senior warriors and younger warriors along with one of the apprentices. But none of them died.
5. And really...all of those times that the Dark Forest Warriors were attacking and intimating Jayfeather...why didn't they just kill him? In fact, why didn't the Dark warriors plan a really fatal battle strategy that included killing off all of the medicine cats at the beginning of the battle and prevent their wounded enemies from recovering and being able to charge back into battle?
6. I really hate the part when the Three are telling the Clan leaders their story about the powers. I can understand the leaders believing their medicine cats about the battle and the Dark Forest rising, but...all Dovewing does is tell them what she is hearing inside the Dark Forest. And then she is "backed-up" by Jayfeather who says he can read her mind and see exactly what she's sensing. The leaders are supposed to take their word for it? Honestly, Jayfeather, surely you had the power to share your sight with other cats.
7. I didn't expect the deadliest battle in the history of the warriors to be so disappointing. Like I said before, it didn't seem like the good guys suffered severe losses (except for the loss of Firestar and Spottedleaf), considering the situation. The Dark Forest obviously had the upper hand of having the most deadliest skills ever and could appear invisible to their enemies (it's funny how they are invisible to them earlier in the book and then don't use it as a battle strategy). And the characters who did die, I didn't feel devastated...I was more than ready to say goodbye to Firestar and I could care less about Ferncloud. The ones I really felt sorry for were the ones who died their second deaths. Surely, they shouldn't have been erased from existence without a single trace. Maybe if the Three found out they had a hidden power--one that would banish all dead bad cats to a kind of underworld where they can't reach StarClan or living cats and even their dreams?
8. I didn't fancy the last paragraph. All it did was recite the prophecy, slightly rewording it. "This is how it's always been and how it will always be." Give me a break! None of the characters knew how this battle would end. Plus, it sounded too preachy which is unlike the Erins. Would it kill the them to end their story with simple words like the ending of Harry Potter: "His scar hasn't pained him in many years. All was well"?
9. It didn't really matter that the Three had their powers. Firestar asked Dovewing for battle reports twice during the battle and then that was it. She then fought like any other warrior. Jayfeather...he wasn't using any of his powers at all. All he did was act as a typical medicine cat, at the sidelines. I wanted Jayfeather thrown into a situation where he had to fight alongside with Half-Moon, or put his dream-sight to good use in a totally new way like going into a Dark warrior's mind and distracting them. And Lionblaze...he's the cat who can't die in battle. He probably should have died by refusing to fight for some reason and then resurrected as a normal cat without his 110% too convenient power of totally being alive and well and actually learned how to fight fiercely and cleverly like any other warrior.
Still, I love the Warriors universe, and I thank the Erins for getting me into reading books for fun. Let's hope this next Warriors series is worth reading. And return to the good old days when there were no special powers. Don't get me wrong, powers are exciting, but when only a select few have them, there is an uncomfortable imbalance.
1. Jayfeather found out in the beginning that he needed to find Flametail, but it takes until half of the book for him to finally go find him. He knows he needs to do that and forgets it like it's nothing. Yeah, he's taking care of his Clan and everything, but he can take the time to dream himself into StarClan for a night.
2. All of the main antagonists were practically killed all in the same chapter, on the same page. All the cats, who were destined to kill them...all they had to do was pin them to the ground, and then they all died instantly as if they weren't the ones who came up with all of the highly advanced battle tactics of the Dark Forest. Did the Erins ever hear about Ken Follett's page-turn? Their deaths needed to happen at different times!
3. Spottedleaf really should not have died. She was, after all, killed by another cat in the first Warriors book ever written. But it's even worse this time around, since none of the warriors believe in another form of the afterlife. Honestly, there needs to be something after StarClan. The cats can't disappear into nothingness. They should have beliefs like Native Americans where people live on in the earth, the rain, the wind, etc.
4. The good warriors who died weren't the ones who I expected to die except for Firestar. Mousefur, Ferncloud, Spottedleaf, elder, a queen, a dead medicine cat, a character we haven't seen or heard of forever...are you kidding me? I expected half of ThunderClan to die! I mean, it is the biggest and most dangerous battle for the Clans cats both dead and alive. Every time character names showed up, I shuddered and thought: "Oh no, Brambleclaw and/or Squirrelflight are going to die for sure! Or even Graystripe or one of his kits. Or a mixture of the senior warriors and younger warriors along with one of the apprentices. But none of them died.
5. And really...all of those times that the Dark Forest Warriors were attacking and intimating Jayfeather...why didn't they just kill him? In fact, why didn't the Dark warriors plan a really fatal battle strategy that included killing off all of the medicine cats at the beginning of the battle and prevent their wounded enemies from recovering and being able to charge back into battle?
6. I really hate the part when the Three are telling the Clan leaders their story about the powers. I can understand the leaders believing their medicine cats about the battle and the Dark Forest rising, but...all Dovewing does is tell them what she is hearing inside the Dark Forest. And then she is "backed-up" by Jayfeather who says he can read her mind and see exactly what she's sensing. The leaders are supposed to take their word for it? Honestly, Jayfeather, surely you had the power to share your sight with other cats.
7. I didn't expect the deadliest battle in the history of the warriors to be so disappointing. Like I said before, it didn't seem like the good guys suffered severe losses (except for the loss of Firestar and Spottedleaf), considering the situation. The Dark Forest obviously had the upper hand of having the most deadliest skills ever and could appear invisible to their enemies (it's funny how they are invisible to them earlier in the book and then don't use it as a battle strategy). And the characters who did die, I didn't feel devastated...I was more than ready to say goodbye to Firestar and I could care less about Ferncloud. The ones I really felt sorry for were the ones who died their second deaths. Surely, they shouldn't have been erased from existence without a single trace. Maybe if the Three found out they had a hidden power--one that would banish all dead bad cats to a kind of underworld where they can't reach StarClan or living cats and even their dreams?
8. I didn't fancy the last paragraph. All it did was recite the prophecy, slightly rewording it. "This is how it's always been and how it will always be." Give me a break! None of the characters knew how this battle would end. Plus, it sounded too preachy which is unlike the Erins. Would it kill the them to end their story with simple words like the ending of Harry Potter: "His scar hasn't pained him in many years. All was well"?
9. It didn't really matter that the Three had their powers. Firestar asked Dovewing for battle reports twice during the battle and then that was it. She then fought like any other warrior. Jayfeather...he wasn't using any of his powers at all. All he did was act as a typical medicine cat, at the sidelines. I wanted Jayfeather thrown into a situation where he had to fight alongside with Half-Moon, or put his dream-sight to good use in a totally new way like going into a Dark warrior's mind and distracting them. And Lionblaze...he's the cat who can't die in battle. He probably should have died by refusing to fight for some reason and then resurrected as a normal cat without his 110% too convenient power of totally being alive and well and actually learned how to fight fiercely and cleverly like any other warrior.
Still, I love the Warriors universe, and I thank the Erins for getting me into reading books for fun. Let's hope this next Warriors series is worth reading. And return to the good old days when there were no special powers. Don't get me wrong, powers are exciting, but when only a select few have them, there is an uncomfortable imbalance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim giddens
a lot of characters died fighting in the battle. it was so sad. firestar died and so did spottedleaf. my 2 favorite characters!!!! Overall I loved it. I also think that the warriors series is so much better than the seekers and the survivors
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lacey priest
As many readers know the dark forest is seeking revenge on all the clans for a deadly after life in the dark forest . But if it's not bad enough cats are being trained in their sleep for the dark forests army
Will the clans be lost forever?Which cat will die and which cats will turn dark?
Will the clans be lost forever?Which cat will die and which cats will turn dark?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love The Warrior Series and look forward to reading each one even though i am an older person....But..I was disappointed in this one cause the cat who was the basis of the whole series was killed. Why? Is EH not going to write anymore of these? I do not mean the book was not was fantstic! I finished reading this book and sat there looking dumb struck for a few I could not beleive it....I know EH is starting a dog series......but i much prefer the cats...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharon kaufman
During the battle I was shaking with worry and excitement at the end I cried with tears of joy a must read. So many broken relation ships mended and love confessed and revng taken. ***spoiler***you need a box of tissues if your an emotional person _Moonclaw_<3
Please RateOmen of the Stars No. 6) - The Last Hope (Warriors