Foreplay: The Ivy Chronicles

BySophie Jordan

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
As I am getting caught up with writing book reviews, I have a vague recollection of this story and the characters having read this book two months ago. It is an okay read. The story is about Pepper who approached a hot bartender, Reece to teach her about seduction when the guy she had a crush on became available.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved it. Pepper, Reece, Emerson and Georgia were all great characters and were fun to read about. I read the first book in Sophie Jordan's Firelight YA series, and this one was nothing like it. This one is for the mature reader and is scintillating, romantic and captivating. I read it in one sitting and found myself comparing it to After Math (Off the Subject #1) by Denise Grover Swank and Left Drowning by Jessica Park.

Pepper has been in love with her best friends brother, Hunter for seven years and he is finally available after breaking up with his girlfriend of two years in college. Pepper feels inadequately prepared to entice Hunter since she has never had a boyfriend and only one bad kiss experience to her name. Pepper's hilarious and gorgeous roomates convince her to hone her skills on an experienced man-whore and they have just the bartender in mind for the job. When 19 year old Pepper sees 23 year old Reese, the targeted bartender, she realizes he is the nice and gorgeous guy who had helped her the night before with car trouble. Already attracted to him, Pepper decides he is the manwhore she wants to practice with and is determined to get his attention.

Reese is tired of all the floozies that come into his bar trying to entice him into a one night stand. Unlike his manwhore 18 year old brother Logan, Reese is looking for a NICE GIRL. When he sees the red headed Pepper come into his bar and act interested, he finds that he is interested too, until he finds out she only wants to use him for practice. Deciding he is okay with that for the present, he finds himself wanting her more than he should and both of them getting more emotionally involved than just a physical relationship would require.

Both Pepper and Reese have had difficult childhoods and, while life has not always been fair, they find that what they are looking for and what the need might be two very different things.

This was a beautiful love story with just the right amount of intimacy and mystery to keep the reader wanting more. I love that Reese was not that manwhore his brother Logan was, and though I am guessing Logan's story will be next, it will be hard for Sophie Jordan to come up with something that hasn't already been done with the immature manwhore stereotype. I always feel sorry for the girl who ends up being the manwhore's "ONE". She is in bed with a lot of other girls!

There is descriptive sex, kissing, and some profanity (f-word, SH**T, )

Would I/Did I buy it? Yes
Would I read it again? Yes
Would I recommend it to friends? Yes,
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michael pagendarm
Pepper—perpetually dubbed a "nice girl"—knows exactly what she wants. She wants a place to call home, a stable marriage, two-point-five children, and a white picket fence. Intelligent, kind, and newly single Hunter, whom she's loved from afar ever since her adolescence, can provide all these things—if she can even get him to notice her. But that's the thing with nice girls... they typically go unnoticed, especially the plain-Jane wallflower V-I-R-G-I-N-S like her. To get Hunter to fall for her, she needs a game plan: she needs to tease out her inner bombshell. But in order to do that, she'll need experience, and at her level of desperation, she'll look anywhere to get it.

Pepper's search for a purely physical relationship, particularly with her lack of experience and sexual maturity, in order to achieve the idealistically domestic life she's always wanted, creates a complicated jumble of a romance story—a not-quite love triangle, with a few fatefully belated realizations tangled in. This is an entertaining twist on the typical We Agreed to be Eff-you-cee-kay Buddies But Ended Up Falling In Love and the Honey, It Was You All Along! plots, but you can't really expect it to knock anyone's socks off.

The biggest thing that contributed to my enjoyment of this novel was the emotional depth within both Pepper and Reece. I'm not talking about the troubled pasts trope here, because I really felt it wasn't necessary to the development of the book, but rather, the reluctance and self-control both characters are forced to demonstrate when thrown into their sticky situation. Reece's mysterious, bad-boy-with-exceptional-morals vibe will make you want to probe him and get to know him, and Pepper's insistence on having Hunter while simultaneously falling for Reece, is a painful and conflicting issue.

Jordan's characters are intricate and very lifelike—that, I can't complain about—but Pepper as a whole, I had a problem with. As kind-hearted and easy to sympathize with as she is, for her age and circumstance, she seems like a loser—and not the adorable, klutzy kind of loser either, but a complete and utter square. I know that makes me sound like a turbobitch, but her lack of social awareness (about everything and anything, not just with sex!) and very not-cute naïveté are so exasperating. She's a genuine, determined person, I'll give her that, but she's the kind of girl who doesn't understand sarcasm and innuendos, or is deluded enough to actually believe that one guy will give her everything she's ever wanted but never had (happiness, a perfect family, a large house, etc.). AND she's foolish enough to refuse Reece, who's right there in front of her practically ripping his heart open for her to use, because she's so fixated on this dream she's had. I accepted her as the narrator, but really had trouble liking or even relating to her.

Reece, as with most NA heroes, is absolutely delicious—the kind of guy girls lose their heads over. Despite the fact that he seems perfect (has icy blue eyes and a flawless body; is a soccer-player-turned-bartender, as well as sex god), what readers learn of him beneath the surface is what will really made me swoon. Tall, dark, and troubled fans, you will go wild with this bad boy—such a catch!

Pros: REECE! Jesusfreakinchrist // Pepper's initial mortification with Reece is hilarious // All the characters are well written; I'm intrigued by Pepper's friends because they seem so two-dimensional, but I'm sure they each have their own stories (possible future books in the series??) // Great writing that flows smoothly and steadily // Easy, mindless read // Pepper and Reece make an unexpectedly good pair // Contemporary college setting

Cons: Predictable // Unimaginative storyline: "Average girl and super hunk fall in love in an initially no-strings-attached relationship"—doesn't this scream contemporary romance? // Pepper is a consistent narrator, but an aggravating character // Hunter didn't seem that great to begin with; Pepper's "love" for him is unconvincing

Verdict: While the familiar synopsis of Sophie Jordan's debut contemporary romance didn't get my hopes up for a completely exceptional or mind-blowing read to begin with, I couldn't help but be charmed by her effortless, intriguing execution of the overrated plot. The cast of lively characters, steamy chemistry, and entertaining, endearingly awkward relationship that only comes with the college experience—or rather, college inexperience—make Foreplay a breezy, party-like new adult novel, but Pepper's encounters with intimacy of an unwarranted connection, as well as release from repression to confront true desires, both add depth and complexity. I wouldn't call this an urgent must-read, but it's definitely a promising start to an exciting new university-set romance series.

Rating: 7 out of 10 hearts (4 stars): Not perfect, but overall enjoyable; borrow, don't buy!

Source: Complimentary copy provided by publisher via tour publicist in exchange for an honest and unbiased review (thank you, Harper Collins and TLC!).
How to Lose a Bride in One Night - Forgotten Princesses :: Glamour :: Vanish (Firelight) :: In Plain Sight (Joe Pickett series) :: The Hellion and The Heartbreaker
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I already know what negative reviews of this book will say. They will say they've read this story before and that it's not unique and I am going to say...whatever. Not a very strong argument, I know, but I enjoyed this book. When I opened Sophie Jordan's FOREPLAY, I was really stressed out. It was 48 hours before an intense deadline and I needed a break. I tried other books, but I could not get into them. FOREPLAY pulled me in right away. Why? Because I understood Pepper more than I have understood a character in a long time.

Pepper is a girl who has made up her mind. In fact, her mind has been made up most of her life. She loves Hunter Montgomery. In fact, she loves Hunter so much that no other guy exists. She has spent her life in love with an idea and a hope. She is so focused that she allowed relationships, experience and most of the years regulated to being wild, to pass her by. When Hunter is suddenly available, Pepper freaks out. She doesn't have the experience of other girls her age and the last thing she wants to do is turn off her dream guy with her lack of ability.

Enter Reece, the hot bartender with the even hotter reputation. The hot bartender from the local bar may not be the one, but he is definitely the one to train Pepper in the art of Foreplay.
FOREPLAY is one of the most emotional books I have read this year, because it is subtle. I say subtle, because I did not cry, but I felt Pepper's journey. I know what it is to have a tough life and pull yourself up by your bootstraps. I know what it feels like to see a life that you want and work endlessly until you have that life. For Pepper, that life is family dinners, vacations to Disney world and Hunter Montgomery.

What's great about this book is that you think you know how it's going to end. If you have seen enough movies or TV you know that the guy being used, becomes the guy. The issue with FOREPLAY is you understand that he may not and you get why. Pepper's reasons for being attracted to both Reece and Hunter are very real. They are both perfect, charming and handsome in their own ways.

With all that, I can't really call this story a love triangle, because from the very start one of these guys never stood a chance. It becomes pretty clear early on who Pepper's true love is and it is really just waiting for her to get the guy.
So yes, FOREPLAY has elements we have seen before. Many heroines have had pretend boyfriends and many heroines have used a guy to grab the attention of another, but none of those Heroines learned the art of Foreplay from Reece. He may not be the one for her, but Reece is HOT! So, so, very HOT. Their scenes roll of the page with literal steam. Reading this book you understand sexual attraction. You understand what it is to look across the room and see someone you want. Reece sets a fire to Pepper that she didn't know she was capable of.

FOREPLAY is funny, it's awkward, sexy, romantic and filled with drama. There's a moment so stressful, that I screamed and threw my nook across the room to get away from it. Honestly, it is that well written and executed. Just great. Absolutely fantastic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nineteen years and never been kissed…being kissed in the 10th grade by a sloppy boy does not count.

Pepper has had a crush on Hunter since she was in grammar school. He is the epitome of everything she wishes she had in her life. How can she seduce him if she is so inexperienced?

Pepper is so naive and sweet. I felt for her and her inexperience. She is also shy, so taking the steps to find someone who will train her on foreplay and seduction is a courageous step. Enter Reece, totally hot hunk. Their relationship is both emotional and stimulating. At first glance, you might think Reece is a Bad Boy. As the story progresses, I became his fan. He is a strong male influence on his brother and treats Pepper with respect and kindness. Above all, he is a man of his word.

After reading this story, I realized the main theme in this book is that what you wish for may not be what is right for you. Life requires that you evaluate circumstances and not be obstinate and keep an open mind for opportunities. As the old saying goes, you also cannot judge a book by its cover.

Originally posted at Long and Short Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Virgins seem to be a theme in books again lately. What makes this one stand out is that this virgin is ready to take on more. What I found with Foreplay was a truly steamy read, but there was a bit more to it too. Jordan created two characters that have been wounded in the past and brought them together to find unexpected love.

I liked Pepper. I think she was a bit disillusioned at times, but I liked her. Pepper is looking for love. Not just from anyone, but her best friend's brother, Hunter. Pepper's life hasn't been exactly easy, but Hunter's family provided her comfort and showed her what a loving family could be like. And now, Hunter is finally available. He's broken up with his girlfriend and Pepper wants to take the chance. She fears that she may be too inexperienced for Hunter though, so she recruits her friends into helping her find someone that will show her the ways of seduction. So, naturally this virgin goes after the town and campus bad boy, Reece. But what she thought she wanted with Hunter, is actually what she has with Reece. Her heart knows it, but her head takes a little longer to figure it out.

Here's the thing about Reece though, he's not a manwhore. He's a really good, honorable guy. But, he plays along with Pepper's plan, because well...he's a guy who's attracted to a girl. He's not looking for anything serious, but he's also not the kind of guy that goes through girls easily. Pepper isn't like other girls either. Reece senses that there's more to this girl than she let's on. She hasn't really let any of her friends into her life. Not only does Reece show her moves in the bedroom, but he really shows her that it's ok to be loved unconditionally. I really loved the relationship that they developed.

Overall, I really enjoyed Foreplay. Pepper and Reece were characters I became attached to. I also enjoyed the supporting characters, so I'm looking forward to seeing where the series goes from here. Especially Logan, who is Reece's brother. He made me laugh and I think he'd have a great story. At least, I hope he gets a story. Pepper's roommates are great too and I look forward to seeing how their stories play out. If you're looking for a steamy NA, check this on out!

~There was just his mouth, his hands gripping my face, my head. His tongue stroked my bottom lip. I gasped and he took advantage, sweeping inside, and I was full of the taste of him. I leaned forward, melting into him. His hard length against me made me feel giddy, boneless. Sensation overwhelmed me. There was no mistaking his power, his strength. It radiated from him in waves, and as heady as all of that-all of him-was, it also frightened me a little. Like one of those rides at the amusement park that dropped you from the sky and then jerked you back up a second before smacking to earth. I felt far from safe right now.-Loc 2048/ARC

~"Now you tell me that. If that's the case, why were you in such a hurry to hook me up with the hottest guy you could find then?"

"Did you want to hook up with somebody homely with no skills in the bedroom? I thought the point was to get you some experience."-Loc 2865

~It was though my body lived and breathed for this. For him. I wanted the ache satisfied. But, I wouldn't be the one to say the words. I couldn't do that. I couldn't go that far. And there was always the fear, the desperate need to choose the safe path.-Loc 3881
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew gustafson
A Mundie Moms Guilty Pleasures Review:

Sophie Jordan knows how to write that perfect sizzling character chemistry where you just want to shove the main characters together and keep them together for the entire story. You know a guilty pleasures author has done their job when you find yourself yearning for the two main love interests when they're not in every seen together. Okay, maybe that's also called being greedy, but I can't help it, I loved Reese and Pepper.

Pepper is a character I totally love. She's that sweet, innocent, girl next door that you'd love to be friends with. She's that responsible one who's doing all that she can to support herself, and in doing so has a set of great friends who urge her to have a little fun. Well that, and Pepper's best friend's brother is now on the market and she wants him to notice her as Pepper, and not his little sister's best friend. Enter the hot, local bar tender who just so happens to also be Pepper's knight in shinning armor. What is there not to love about Reese!?! Not only is he extra swoon worthy, he has manners, is respectful and he's not afraid to say it how it is. Yeah, hot.

Innocent Pepper just met her match! Reese isn't afraid to show her what it's like to be desired sexually, and boy does Reese have the touch. He easily breaks down Pepper's shy and unsure what to do in the bedroom walls, but does so in a way that doesn't make her feel pressured or embarrassed. Reese is Pepper's perfect, patient teacher. I loved how Reese made Pepper feel, and I liked seeing how Pepper owned that she wasn't an experienced person in the bedroom, and I loved her for that, as did Reese (snickers). Talk about hot charter chemistry! Pepper and Reese have that and then some. As a reader, I love that Sophie made Pepper a relatable realistic character in that way. I feel that books often times gloss over what it's like the first time and Sophie Jordan made it real in this book.

Aside from all the hotness, I enjoyed watching Reese and Pepper slowly fall in love. These two definitely have chemistry, and care for each other, but there's so much more to a relationship than that. They both had a rough up bringing, which makes it hard for both of them to let someone else in and to trust someone else. I loved seeing the two of them slowly put their guard down, and let the other in. When Pepper and Reese started doing just that, it totally changed the dynamics of their relationship, and I loved watching how they allowed themselves to fall in love with each other. I thank Sophie for slowly allowing their relationship to develop and build. It was sweet, sensual and totally swoon-worthy! Had it been rushed it would have ruined the story for me.

This book is a guilty pleasures book in every sense! It's a hot, swoon worthy book that you can easily spend the afternoon reading. Trust me, you'll want to. I'm a huge Sophie Jordan fan and I highly recommend picking this book up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gustaf alstromer
The new adult genre seems utterly saturated with the same overdone tropes. Honestly I love what new adult books stand for—people who are forging their way into being adults, making adult decisions, and have adult relationships, but I also get so freaking annoyed with this genre and the way everyone is suddenly all over the NA trend.

This must’ve been what it was like when chocolate was first discovered.

But every now and then you find these diamonds in the lumps of coal. These glittering, sparkling stories that give you hope and make you fall in love with falling in love all over. That is Foreplay in a nutshell. Sophie Jordan utterly blew me away.

Pepper is a fantastic character because she’s just so ordinary. She isn’t a spectacular beauty and she’s been crushing on her bestie’s brother for years. And we all have those feelings of unrequited love, or that one crush we always thought, If they could just see me in this light…. Pepper finally gets her shot to do just that, but has to enlist the help of Reece.

I enjoyed Pepper, but I loved Reece. He’s that enigmatic blend of boy next door with a heart of gold and a dash of danger thrown in. But Reece is not an overdone, overly dramatic guy. I love that he knew what Pepper’s plans were regarding Hunter (eventually) and he was OK with helping her.

I think the best romances are the ones where a couple genuinely brings out the best in each other, and that’s what Pepper and Reece do—they bring out the absolute best in each other. They weren’t saving each other or helping each other heal from tragically broken pasts … It was a real relationship. Definitely one of the most tangible (and hottest) romances I’ve read in a while.

If you were like me and starting to feel exhausted by the NA genre, I’m telling you to give Foreplay a shot. Jordan will absolutely blow you away with these characters. I cannot wait for the next book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Actual rating: 4.5 stars

This is another one of those books that you finish and ask yourself why you put it off for so long? It's not that I didn't want to read it, it's just that I couldn't find them time. Or more correctly, I wouldn't make the time. It's a problem when you have too many books to read and never enough time, choosing becomes a tougher project that you can imagine. But I wanted something quick, fun and great so I chose this. Best decision I've made in awhile. Not to mention I finished it in one sitting but I fell in love with it.

You know when you read a story and in the beginning, you're all for the protagonist and one of the love interests ending up together, like really into it happening but then . . . the more you read, the more you question yourself? This was one of those stories. I really liked the idea of Hunter and Pepper in the beginning but then I was asking myself why would someone want to be with someone who never really noticed her before? Why would you rule out any other guy just because you've had your heart and your head stuck on this one guy for the past seven years? Basically, just why? I liked Reece the moment we met him even before we knew his name. He may appear to be dark, dangerous and mysterious but really, he's a gentleman and you learn that the very first time you meet him.

Pepper was tough to love sometimes but when you came across the way she thought, you just had to put yourself in her place. When you father dies at such a young age and your mother abandons you, not to mention the lifestyle she had before abandoning you. You probably have a different outlook on life and especially on how you want your future to look. So while it's hard to understand her way of thinking yourself, putting yourself in her shoes makes it much clearer. She's a good person with a rough past but she's more concerned with building her future and hats off to her for that.

I read Sophie Jordan's YA book, Uninvited and knew I wanted to read more of her work. While I've been told to read her other YA series asap, it was this book I wanted to read more. I've been on a New Adult kick and this sounded right up my alley. It was a quick, fun, sexy read. I couldn't help falling in love with all of these characters (sidekicks included) and I can't wait to read about more of them. Thankfully, I don't have long to wait for TEASE and I can't wait to dive in to that.

I loved this book something fierce but I'm struggling to put my feelings in to words which explains my semi-short review (if you've read a lot of my reviews, you know I gush and gush and ramble a lot). Don't judge a review on it's length :-P - if you like New Adult, you'll want to read this book. If you're looking to give this genre a chance, start here.

Reviewed by Jessica @ Step Into Fiction
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joseph jowitt
My Thoughts: I really loved Pepper and Reece! Two great characters who just went together so well!

I’ve only read a handful of New Adult but I find myself trying out more new ones.

We are introduced to Pepper who is always kind of the safe one in her group of friends. She goes to school, does her homework, and rarely hooks up with any guys. She is safe. But she has a crush on her best friends brother and finally wants to get his attention so her friends devise a plan to get her some action, and some experience. That way, she’ll know what to do with the crush.

She gets way more than she bargains for. She goes to the bar with her friends looking for the experienced bartender everyone raves about. There, she meets Reece. He’s behind the bar looking sexy as hell! She’s instantly attracted to him, and she thinks he is to her as well. But, she knows he’s a player so she just wants his attention to get some experience.

Man, this one was so good. It was sexy but also very heartwarming. I loved the little moments between Reece and Pepper. He was so cute and adorable. I also loved the way they got along. He understood her like nobody else did.

So much happened in this one, yet I raced right through it. I stayed up late just to finish it. I had to know what was going to happen between Reece and Pepper. It had me laughing out loud at times.

Overall: What a cute little novel! I really enjoyed this one. Great NA story! I can’t wait to read more of this series, since each book focuses on one of Pepper’s friends! I’m so excited to know what happens to each of them!

Cover: Its cute! I’d pick it up in the bookstore and buy it! Makes me wonder what its about!

What I’d Give It: 5/5 Cupcakes
Taken From Princess Bookie
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn gosselin
I heard only praise about Foreplay from some of my favorite YA and New Adult authors. Even still, I was slightly apprehensive. The title alone makes the book seem decidedly more adult than NA, which kind of scared me off. I was also not that excited by the whole stereotypical bad boy/ good girl vibe that the synopsis alluded to. Here comes the huge but – but my pre-judgment was ridiculously wrong. Foreplay represents why I love contemporary novels. This novel has loveable and relatable leads, a swoon worthy romance, and a cast of thoroughly entertaining and developed secondary characters, all in addition to a perfectly paced storyline.

One of the things I loved the most about this novel was how subtly the baggage that Reece and Pepper bring into their relationship is included. I find that so much of NA is character's learning to move past the extraordinarily damaging things they have experience in the past. Reece and Pepper are in no way unrealistic - they do have definite baggage - but their pasts don’t overshadow, or take precedence over the ridiculously adorable relationship that they are building in the present. I found this lighter approach to be really refreshing. I felt I actually got to really enjoy the characters and their relationship, without constantly wondering when their pasts were going to come back to take a bite out of the good thing they had going.

I definitely prejudged what I expected to be a bad boy/ good girl thing, and what I especially loved about this novel, was that my prejudgment was triumphantly thrown back in my face. These characters are the exact opposite of stereotypical. Reece and Pepper are different and exciting, and their relationship is realistic, while being swoon worthy from the first page. I personally connected with Pepper’s character in a way that I connect with very few characters. Her steadfast belief that she knows exactly what she wants out of life, while actually having no idea what she needs, is something I think a lot of readers are going to relate to. Reece on the other hand threw me for loop. He is pretty much my favorite. I didn't expect to like him anywhere near as much as I did. I am not a fan of the whole "book-boyfriend" thing, but if I were to ever claim a "book-boyfriend", it would without a doubt be Reece. The combined level of cute and sultry that pours from the pages is something you’ll be hard-pressed to find anywhere else. Reece and Pepper’s relationship has become the relationship I'll judge every other against.

This is one of those books, that if you were to hear about the relationship not knowing it was from a book, you'd start believing in things being kismet, and that soul mates do exist. It’s impossible not to fall in love with the characters and their relationship. Cora Carmack, J. Lynn, and Chelsea M. Cameron lovers are going to be clamoring at the bit to get their hands on Foreplay. I cannot wait for Book 2!

Rating 4.5/5

** I received a copy of this novel from the publisher to read and honestly review. I was in no way compensated.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth robinson
Pepper has wanted Hunter, her best friend's brother, for a long time. When he suddenly becomes available, Pepper is determined to go for it. But she doesn't have any experience. Thanks to some advice from her roommates, she decides to gather some knowledge. That's when she meets Reece.

But Reece offers more than just an opportunity to develop her skills. Pepper becomes torn. Does she want what's she's always dreamed about? Or, is it time to consider a new future?

Initially, I was going to start by calling this a guilty pleasure. But there's nothing to feel guilty about. This isn't just some hot romance, although there is plenty of heat. Instead, this is a story with some real meat and characters who grow on you way before the pages start to sizzle. Both Pepper and Reece are struggling with disappointments in their past, and both start to find their own strength.

Foreplay lives up to its title with sexy scenes, but it goes beyond that. At its heart, it's a story about discovering the difference between what we think we want and what will bring us the most fulfillment. I highly recommend it.

Note: I received a complimentary copy for review purposes. A positive review was not requested or guaranteed; the opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeffrey robbins
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales.

Quick & Dirty: Great sexy book with relatable characters, steamy romance, and a good life lesson. I would recommend it for any fans of new adult contemporary reads.

Opening Sentence: ALL MY LIFE I knew what I wanted.

The Review:

Pepper has always known what she wanted in life. First she wanted to be nothing like her mother, who was a drunk and abandoned her when she was a child. Second she wanted Hunter, her best friends older brother. He is everything she has always wanted, but until very recently he has had a girlfriend. Now is Pepper’s chance to make a move, but she has very little experience when it comes to guys. She has only kissed one boy and it was a long time ago. Her friends convince her that she needs someone to show her the ropes and they have the perfect boy in mind.

Reece works at one of the local bars that all the college kids go to. He is hot, sexy, and very experienced. Perfect for Pepper to get some practice in before she goes for the real prize. But Reece turns out to be a lot more than just a pretty face with a hot body. With his troubled past and kind heart, he becomes so much more than just a practice run. Pepper has always known what she wanted, but now she’s not so sure her dreams of being with Hunter are what she wants in reality.

Pepper is a sweet girl that I found myself easily connecting with. She has a sad troubled past, but she hasn’t let that stop her from getting what she wants. She is in her second year of college where she has decided to hopefully get a degree that will allow her to work with children. Ever since she was twelve years old she has been madly in love with her best friends older brother, so her dating experience is very limited. One of my favorite qualities of Peppers’ is that she is very honest, even when things are awkward or uncomfortable she still tries to tell the truth. I really respected that about her. She has a hesitant side to her personality because of her upbringing, and at times she runs instead of letting people in. It was fun getting to experience all of Peppers’ firsts with her, it made her easier to relate too. She was a fun character that I ended up really liking.

Reece is totally yummy and easy to fall for. Not only is he completely gorgeous, he is sweet, great with kids, and loyal. He turns out to be so different from the player Pepper first thought him to be. He has some sad secrets from his past that have made him the man he is today. He is so adorable with Pepper. The patient and gentleness he expresses towards her while she gets experience is very endearing. I love that he encourages Pepper to try new things, and he never pressures her to do anything she doesn’t want. I loved watching their romance unfold throughout the pages. Pretty much everything about Reece was perfectly done, he is a totally swoon worthy guy.

This was a very fast, enjoyable read for me. From the moment I picked it up, I flew right through it without taking any breaks. I thought that the idea was unique and fun. Surprisingly, there were a few plot twists that I wasn’t expecting. Which for me was a big plus; in most contemporary books it is really hard to surprise me. I loved the whole cast of characters and I am really hoping that with the rest of the series we get to know some of the secondary characters stories better. The romance was steamy and full of yummy goodness. I have read some YA books written by Sophie Jordan, but this is the first New Adult I have read by her. She has a wonderful engaging writing style that always seems to captivate me. I am a huge fan of hers and I am excited to see where she goes with the next book in the series. I would highly recommend this book to fans of NA contemporary novels, it won’t disappoint.

Notable Scene:

I reminded myself that I would not be hooking up with anyone tonight . . . especially a bartender with a reputation for swapping DNA with the entire female population of Dartford. Thanks, but no. I couldn’t imagine myself with someone so undiscriminating. I had standards. There was no way I could contemplate messing around with someone like that. Even if it was to gain some much-needed experience to win over Hunter.

And then I saw him.

The air froze in my lungs. He stepped up in front of the two girls, bracing his arms against the bar top. I heard his voice, low and deep, over the steady drone of the bar. “What can I get for you?”

I gawked, unable to blink. I had an unobstructed view of him in the space between the girls. The blood rushed in my ears, and suddenly it was last night all over again and I was on a lonely stretch of country road, the acrid smoke of my overheating car filling my nostrils as I stared at his familiar face. That dark blond hair cut close to his head. The tall, lean body that had bent over the engine of my car less than twenty-four hours ago. I could see him even more clearly now, but I hadn’t been mistaken in my initial assessment. He was hot. His jaw square and strong. His features like something chiseled from marble. There was a shadowy hint of stubble on his face, and his eyes were so piercing a blue they looked almost silver.

He looked just a few years older than me. I could see that now. It was probably just the way he held himself. Experienced. Capable. He wore a well-worn cotton T-shirt with MULVANEY’S stretched across one of his impressive pecs. Dimly I wondered if his shirt looked as soft as it felt? If his chest was as solid?

The girls were tittering like seventh-graders now. Gawking at him, too. I felt like someone sucker punched me. My rescuer. My bartender. Mulvaney’s man-whore. One and the same.

FTC Advisory: William Morrow/Harper Collins provided me with a copy of Foreplay. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ms simek
PJV Quickie: In Foreplay, Sophie Jordan has taken the bad-boy/good girl trope and given it a nice little twist. It was a quick read and I stayed interested in the story - normally I read by switching between two books at a time but I didn't touch my 2nd book the entire time I was reading Foreplay.

Pepper is a 19-year-old college student who has been pining for her best friend's older brother, Hunter, since she was 12 years old. We're talking serious longing, as in - she chose her college because Hunter goes there. When her BFF calls to tell her Hunter has broken up with his girlfriend of two years, Pepper is ecstatic...then petrified: she has absolutely no experience with dating and the other physical aspects that go along with dating. How is she going to catch Hunter's attention and make him see her as a love-interest, and not her kid sister's best friend, if she has no idea what she's doing? Her roommate, who knows about Pepper's obsession with Hunter, has decided they need to get Pepper some experience, so they pick a local bartender with a reputation as a man-whore to give Pepper some experience with the opposite sex.

Reese works at the local college bar, Mulvaney's, and is attracted to the cute co-ed who's been flirting with him. When he finds out she's looking for dating experience, he's more than happy to help. What he doesn' t count on is that he genuinely likes her, which makes it that much more difficult to give her "lessons" that she plans to use on another man.


Where to start? I am a fan of Ms. Jordan's Young Adult Firelight series, and when I saw she was doing a New Adult series I was thrilled. I was right to be excited; I really, really enjoyed reading Foreplay.

I immediately liked Pepper, you get the impression she's book-smart, and maybe street-smart (not by choice), but in spite of, or maybe because of, those things, she's not very experienced in the ways of dating and sex. Because of her bleak childhood, she is trying to ensure a happy, secure future, and she knows that future involves being part of her best friend's 'perfect' family. She's loved Hunter for 7 years, and all she wants is to make him fall in love with her. I was a little bit frustrated on this point, that she wanted Hunter to 'save' her from her past, instead of saving herself, and yes, the author works around it, but bothered me a bit.

And Reese, oh Reese! What a great, swoon-worthy hero. He's not your typical (what I feel is typical, anyhow) promiscuous NA hero, he's a genuinely good guy in unfortunate circumstances, trying to do right by his younger brother and a difficult father. (I know I describe him as a man-whore in my recap above; there's a funny thing about that...)

I loved reading the relationship between these two - it was backwards, if you will: they started out with the physical stuff and as they got to know each other it got more emotional and complicated. The story had no outside conflict, it was all character driven, and although I found myself frustrated with Pepper at times, her choices were understandable given her history and her idealization of Hunter's family. Even when she started to think maybe Reese could be the right choice for her, once she knew his history she knew he wouldn't be able to give her the 'perfect' life that Hunter could. The scenes between Pepper and Reese later in the book just tore at my heartstrings.

There is a big scene near the end that was a little over-dramatic, but the ending left this reader sighing (in a good way!). I did not realize this is a series when I started reading Foreplay, and I am happy to say there is no cliffhanger here. All in all, Foreplay was a engaging read with likable characters and an interesting premise. I've already added the second book in the series, Tease, to my wishlist.

Recommended for fans of New Adult, swoony bad-boy heroes, moderate angst, and happy endings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5 Stars
~Reviewed by FRANCESCA & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

FOREPLAY by Sophie Jordan was an unexpected and absolutely enjoyable read. You know when you get immersed in a book that you absolutely can’t put it down? That was this for me. I couldn’t stop reading every second I had and quickly devoured the whole thing.

Pepper is an innocent nineteen year old college student, who comes from a broken family and has wanted to follow a completely different way of life than what she grew up used to. When her mom dumped her with her grandmother to raise her, she met the Montgomery’s. She became best friends with the daughter Lila, and madly in love with the son Hunter. Hunter has been her ideal guy to marry. THE GUY. Since she was a young girl.

Now they’re away at college and Lila is back home. And Hunter stops dating his girlfriend of two years. Inexperienced Pepper wants to make the best of her one and probably only chance with Hunter. So her friends find a suitable candidate to teach her everything in the foreplay department. Except she wasn’t expecting things to get messy and complicated when her heart becomes involved.

Then there’s Reece. He’s the one chosen to be the foreplay teacher. I loved him! He was such an amazing guy, the sweet and responsible bad boy. The guy that has all the sex appeal to keep you interested. The guy you WANT to end up with. I loved and adored him! And sparks flew every time Pepper and Reece where together.

Innocent exploration, sweet and spicy, FOREPLAY was one of the most consuming reads I’ve had in a while! Loved it! Can’t wait to see where the series goes next.

*ARC provided by publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel barkley
I had not been overly enthused with the New Adult novels I had read until Foreplay.Maybe because I am older than the target audience; I don't know. Ms. Jordan is a wonderful writer, her How to Lose a Bride in One Night was one of my 5 favourite books of 2013, so I was a bit reticent about this one as well, in spite of the raving reviews. I was lucky enough to win a copy in a giveaway (and this fact has absolutely not influenced the way I feel about the book), and although I was just about to read Uninvited (by Ms. Jordan as well), I decided to go ahead with Foreplay first, since the second installment of The Ivy Chronicles is coming out soonish. Well. Girl has been in love with boy, girl meets another boy. Seems banal, doesn't it ? Not in the hands of the fabulous Ms. Jordan. Our heroes are 19 and 23, and if you are younger, older or much older, you will adore this book. If you have never experienced true love, you are living it, or if you have lived it in the past, you will love this book. Words fail me. It's spectacular: I laughed, I cried; from the very first pages, I was hooked. If you buy 2 books in 2014, make it Foreplay and Tease - which is the second book and comes out in May. Just get them; it is an investment because they will not be read just once. In my humble opinion, if there is justice in this world, Foreplay will one day belong to the classics; it's that good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
adam davis
Well, Foreplay pretty much sums it up. *nods* There was an abundance of it as Pepper sets out to get her some smexing experience with a hot bartender so she can win over the man she really loves and has wanted for years. And it was pretty damn steamy!

Okay, putting the logic in Pepper's choice aside (because really, chickie?!) I enjoyed Foreplay and watching these two explore each other. The hero was flipping HOT and sexy as all get out and just lickable in his serious-man-of-few-words ways. And the heroine, well, Pepper grew on me. Coming in at 19 years old, I think she was just a little too young for me. But I did like that she went for what she wanted. Even if it was a touch misguided.

Pepper and Reece were good together. I mean, between the sheets, they were goood. It's definitely one that'll get you squirming. But outside of that they fit nicely too. There were some really sweet, tender and just common life moments between them that warmed my heart towards them each.

While I wasn't completely wowed by the heroine and her choices (I so would have preferred her just going out wanting to get some life experience without the guy as the catalyst) I did enjoy the easy writing style Jordan brought to the table. She writes a damn fine hero that'll leave you all hot and bothered and that'll keep you turning the pages to get just a little more of him. I'm curious to see what will happen next with Pepper's friends and how they'll find their happily ever afters. Not a bad start to a series at all. Not at all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sonne lore
Pepper has been hopelessly in love with her best friend’s brother, Hunter, for like, ever. He’s the key to everything she’s always craved: Security, stability, family. But she needs Hunter to notice her as more than just a friend. Even though she’s kissed exactly one guy, she has the perfect plan to go from novice to rock star in the bedroom: take a few pointers from someone who knows what he’s doing.

Her college roommates have the perfect teacher in mind. But bartender Reece is nothing like the player Pepper expects. Yes, he’s beyond gorgeous, but he’s also dangerous and deep-with a troubled past. Soon what started as a lesson in attraction is turning both their worlds upside down, and showing them just what can happen when you go past foreplay and get to what’s real…

What an amazing book. I had a blast reading it. I almost wish that it had not ended. The book was so well written that I got lost while reading it, in a good way. The characters were explained in such great detail that you could imagine what they looked like and what they were doing.

There were many great parts of the book. I really liked the part where Pepper is kissing Hunter and she is not feeling the same way as she did when she kissed Reece, it really shows that when you are with the right person it feels good. I also felt scared for Pepper when she went back into the burning house to rescue Jaz the Campbell’s puppy and she fell and was not able to get out and then she heard Reece’s voice and kept going and then he rescued her. I definitely would read this book again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
monica millard
This book was unputdownable for me!

Plot: The story is pretty straightforward, Pepper comes from a dysfunctional family and has been crushing on her best friend's older brother for over 12 years. When he becomes single, Pepper and her friends decide that she needs some more "experience" in order for Hunter to see her as anything more than "my little sister's best friend." In walks Reece, the sexy bartender. I liked the flow of the story, Sophie Jordan gave enough insight about each character to make this love story seem realistic. My only complaint would be the melodramatic ending, but still, it was adorable.

Characters: Pepper and Reece make my life! They are both 3-dimensional characters with obvious flaws and insecurities. I loved the development of the relationship, from purely sexual to hanging out and getting to know each other. Jordan also introduces us to Pepper's friends who are also the stars of the upcoming Ivy Series novels.

Setting: Pepper is a university student, but I don't think there is a single time that she was in class! Haha, I swear, she went from the coffee shop right to the bar. The only times I was reminded that Pepper was a 19 year old girl was her talk of Halloween parties and RAs.

Short N Sweet: Foreplay is a sweet love story regarding insecurities and getting what you need, not what you want.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The wave of "New Adult" novels that have swept through the romance genre has left me sometimes intrigued, sometimes entertained, but very often annoyed. The heroes tend to be "bad boys" who just need some love to fix them up and lead them to perfect lives. They tend to be hotter than hot, and they tend to be cheaters. And their stories tend to be serialized cliffhangers.

In truth, I generally skip right past NA titles when looking at books because I just don't find them believable. I decided to give this book a chance because I needed something light and easy and totally escapist, and because I've read and enjoyed Sophie Jordan's other romances. It was a good decision on my part.

While Reece at first typifies the NA "bad boy," we see that he's not exactly typical. I thought he had more depth, and I loved that he wasn't afraid to really lay it all out there for Pepper. Pepper, for her part, didn't annoy me like so many NA heroines do. She had a real (as far as a novel can go) life, and I thought her feelings and her internal conflict were believable.

Perhaps what surprised (and thrilled) me most about this book was that it wasn't simply erotica couched in a romance. There was a lot more romance than I expected, and I got to the end of the book really believing that this couple could make it last. I'm looking forward to reading more in The Ivy Chronicles.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
miss penelope voyage
4 Stars - Medium Steam

This lovely new adult romance kept me up half of the night! I couldn't rest until I'd read all of Pepper's saucy adventures!

Pepper is a strong heroine with mountains of self respect. I love that she never settles. Instead, Pepper bravely goes after what she wants and deserves. I cheered as Pepper boldly pursued the very best "experience" a girl can get her eagerly studious hands on, Reece.

Reece is a super sexy heart-stopper. He's a commanding sex-pert with a heart of gold. With mounting desire he accepts the conditions of Pepper's proposition. But, lines begin to blur as their connection and chemistry becomes undeniable. Lucky for Pepper, Reece sets his heart on her.

Foreplay is a feel-good and youthful New Adult romance and a refreshing shift from other NA titles laden with angst and overly aggressive males. And it sizzles! Foreplay is loaded with deliciously intense and passionate moments. While not overly detailed or lengthy, Foreplay's steamy bits are just spicy enough to suit the blossoming innocence and goodness of the characters to perfection.

This was such a fun read. I look forward to the release of TEASE (The Ivy Chronicles, #2) the next book in this great new NA series!

Complimentary copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
orbi alter
With the combination of the title, the cover and the blurb, I expected Foreplay to be a sizzling hot adult story with not a lot of substance. Instead, what I got was a very sweet love story in the new adult genre with the just the right amount of heat. Frankly I once I started reading I couldn’t put it down. No gut wrenching story here instead I found Foreplay to be a easy read full of twist and surprises that kept me pleasantly entertained.

Pepper and Reece are simply great characters. The both have drama in their lives growing up but instead of being buried by the details in the story, the author hits the point and moves on, thank goodness because I just hate it when authors beat that horse to death. Their interactions are very honest and their sexual encounters come across as very age appropriate. Seriously, it can be a bit much when the MC is a 19 year old virgin who knows it all the trick. Thankfully, Pepper is written with the right amount of innocence. Reece, oh Reece, you are probable one of my favorite leading males in a book. The blurb stereotypes him as a bad boy but as you read his story you will find out he’s…nope, not going to give it away. This is one hot guy you have to experience for yourself. Actually, I do have to give props for the excellent cast of supporting characters. Truly, all the characters are great and thoroughly enjoyed them all but what would really make my day is if Emerson gets her own story. (Hint-hint to you, Ms. Jordan).

Recommended reading? Yes! In my personal opinion Foreplay is an excellent entry in the new adult genre. This is definitely one I'll be suggesting my friends to read.

I received this book from JeepDiva for the express purposes of an honest review. The opinions and rating of this review are solely mine and in no way was I compensated.

Stars – 4 Flames - 3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie jaffe
Sophie Jordan has solidified her place on my favorite authors list! Foreplay was brilliant!

I'm gonna show my age here but do any of you remember Garth Brooks' song Unanswered Prayers? (it came out when I was in high school ;) That could be Pepper's theme song. Pepper's life, especially her childhood, was never normal and definitely not safe. When she ends up living with her grandmother, she is befriended by the Montgomery siblings. Lila becomes her best friend and Hunter becomes the man to whom Pepper hopes her future is tied. The Montgomery family is normal, stable, and they're good people, in Pepper's eyes. That's what Pepper believes she needs to escape the nightmares of her past.

Pepper is a smart, hardworking girl. She's spent so much time fixating on Hunter and school, she's never given another guy the time of day. She's never really dated, much less done anything else with a guy. So when the opportunity for dating Hunter presents itself, Pepper decides she needs a few lessons on seducing a man. And that's where Reece Mulvaney comes in.

Reece is a bartender at a local bar. Pepper's friends believe he's who she needs to practice with because he has quite the reputation as a ladies man. However, Pepper sees him as a gentleman, a knight in shining armor and he's really pretty dreamy. *sigh* When Reece and Pepper meet, he immediately knows she's not like every other girl. So when Pepper makes her proposition, he's taken aback. But he takes her up on her offer anyway.

Pepper is a doll. She's loyal and compassionate. She thinks she has it all together. The picture of her future she has in her mind is so solid -- but all the pieces have to fall together. I understood Pepper's desire for safety and security but it sure was fun watching her realize that what she'd thought she wanted wasn't necessarily what she needed. And I can't tell you how much I giggled at Pepper's awkward-ness when it came to any dating-related interaction. The things she blurted out to Reece...oh my goodness.

Reece was very thorough in educating Pepper in the art of foreplay. And he was always a gentleman. Reece has a tortured past too. As he and Pepper spent more time together and learned more about one another, he starts to realize -- well, they both do -- that maybe they need each other. Pepper fights it with everything she has though.

Pepper's friends, Emerson and Georgia, are two characters I'm anxious to get better acquainted with. We learn a few things about them but mostly see how loyal and supportive they are of Pepper. Luckily, I'll get to see more of them in future books. :)

Ms. Jordan created very real, relatable characters in Foreplay. And yes, Ms. Jordan, I could definitely see Texas A&M in your Dartford. I'm gonna admit, too, that despite being set in Pennsylvania, Pepper had a soft Southern accent in my head. The writing is excellent and I thought the pacing was as well. Foreplay was sweet and fun and I loved it!

Foreplay is a story about thinking you know what's best for you - and fate stepping in and saying 'yeah, you don't know as much as you think you do'. And it's about realizing that taking a chance sometimes is the safest bet. I've said before that one of the things I love most about the New Adult genre -- perhaps my favorite thing -- is watching these young people figure out life and their place in it. In Foreplay, we get to watch as Pepper realizes she doesn't have it all figured out. Reece threw a monkey-wrench in all her carefully cultivated plans. And it was a beautiful thing. ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
**I received a copy of this book from the publisher, but that did not influence the review**

First Thoughts: 4.5 stars I LOVED the story, I loved the characters (Reece = GAH smoking hot), and I loved the romance. I didn’t totally love the rushed ending, it felt a little forced…if not for that it would have been full 5 flashing stars. But seriously… don’t focus on my nitpicking because I LOVED this book.

Plot, Pacing and Style: Well, yes, I know what you are thinking but hear me out…yes, we have heard this story before (the inexperienced girl and the brooding bad boy) but when it’s told right and sucks you in… well, it never, ever, ever gets old.

The pacing was perfect, I was never lost, my head wasn’t spinning, yet I read the entire book in one sitting so you know it was still exciting enough to suck me in. I was up into the wee hours of the night churning through the pages like it was my job.

The style was Pepper’s POV and I loved it. I loved her honesty and how open she was about her innocence. It made me really respect her.

The MCs: Pepper and Reece. Where do I start….I loved both of them. Pepper is beautiful but lacks confidence. She thinks she knows what she wants, but then when she meets Reece she questions it all but doesn’t fight it. That is what sealed the deal for me. I wasn’t sure if the whole book was going to be Pepper battling with herself; could she allow herself to fall for him? YES, yes she could and she did. We got delicious sexy kissy time. (More on that in the next section)

Reece is my favorite kind of book boyfriend. Sexy, tattooed, confident and let’s not forget the most important: DIRTY TALKER. oh mah gawd. He is so controlled, yet then he gets a little excited and says things that made my eyes pop out of my head because I didn’t expect it. LOVED.

Romance /Chemistry: Unfreakingdeniable. Scorching hot. *cough the dirty talk from Reece killed me cough* Now I feel all worked up just thinking about all those quotes I highlighted from Reece. le sigh It wasn’t like the book was blatant sex, but the chemistry was off the charts so the whole thing was UST UST UST.

I was so scared there was going to be a major love triangle and I was prepared to throw my kindle, but thank you so much Ms. Jordan for not really going there. It all worked out brilliantly!

Title/Cover: I don’t love the title. Yes, it’s good, but eek, it sounds like an erotica novel and erotica makes me cringe. So no, the title didn’t work for me at all. The cover is awesome though, so pretty and smexy.

Ending: This is the only part of the book that I had an issue with. It was rushed, like the author had a deadline to meet so she went to one of her “go to” endings: the characters have a major crisis, characters have their revelations, then characters wrap things up, “the end”. While it was happy ever after, it wasn’t believable or really that juicy where I could sink my teeth into it. I guess I would have liked it to have happened a little differently, but I guess the ends justify the means and I was glad it all worked out.

Gripes/suggestions: See above, but I also think one other bit could have been left out…there was a story from Pepper’s childhood that traumatized her, and honestly, I don’t think it needed to be in the story at all. I think she was damaged enough and there’s no need to go there…..Luckily it wasn’t a huge focus of the book so I glossed over it.

Final Thoughts/Rec It? Yes yes yes. I thought this was a stand alone novel and I am so very excited there’s going to be more! Emerson’s book is next and MAYBE Logan’s story. I CAN’T WAIT. I will read them all the second they are released!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tato gurgenidze
First Impression ....Foreplay seems like the "typical" New Adult story. But my friends swear it's great, so I'm hoping they're right.

The Story... Pepper has waited her whole life - saved herself - for one boy, Hunter. The brother of her long-time best friend, Hunter only sees Pepper as family. In an effort to learn the art of attraction, of getting and keeping his attention, Pepper seeks out Reece, a man with a reputation for satisfaction. As Pepper and Reece get to know one another, it's clear they have something special. But Pepper refuses to let go of her dream of Hunter. As the time to make her move comes, Pepper must decide if she wants that old dream, or find a new one with Reece.

The Characters ... Pepper and Reece, though different in many ways, both have a painful past, and have built necessary walls. Pepper, though she has friends, is lonely. She definitely has abandonment and trust issues. Though it's clear from the get-go that she's totally barking up the wrong tree with Hunter, it's really easy to see why she's wanted him for so long. It's almost enough to see why she is so, so blind, even with the handsome, sweet, charismatic, and caring Reece right in front of her face. While I liked Pepper, Reece is what made this story for me. It was his personality, the way he let Pepper be who she wanted to be, make her own decisions, and waited for her to wake up and see what she could have with him. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a handsome guy, but the hot book guys are a dime-a-dozen. Give me a good guy any day of the week.

Foreplay also had a nice cast of secondary characters. Peppers suitemates, Emerson and Georgia were fun, though Em could be a bit much at times. You know, that quirky, crazy BFF? I'm having thoughts, though, that maybe Emerson has a story to tell, too. Hunter, the object of Pepper's affections, was in the story very little, but he also seemed like an interesting -very good- guy. And Logan. That boy was something else!

The Writing .... Sophie Jordan is widely praised for her writing, and now I know why. Though Foreplay was over three hundred pages, it was a very fast read. It got off to an interesting start, never lagged in the middle, and the ending was fairly strong, and not rushed. I will say that though I really did like her writing, the physical descriptors, in regards to Reece, were too much. I was well aware that the dude was way hot from the get-go. It was not necessary to repeatedly remind me how carved/cut/sculpted he was and that his muscles rippled and bunched every time he moved. That issue, combined with the overall predictability, are the only aspects that took my overall enjoyment down a notch.

The Heat ... was just the right amount, considering the story. Pepper's education was thorough, but Foreplay was never taken over by the physical.

Could I Put Foreplay Down? .... The story got off to a good start, never lagged in the middle, but I wasn't consumed. The last one-fourth of the book, though, really picked up in emotional intensity and I could not put it down. I didn't cry, or become overwhelmed, but I had to know how what was going to happen between Pepper and Reece. Who would she pick?

In the End ... Foreplay, though not completely new and fresh, was a very, very enjoyable story. Good writing, good story, great characters.

Favorite Quotes:

"I can spot you a mile away with this hair. It's like candlelight. A thousand different colors."
"A poet bartender," I murmured, settling my hand against his upper chest.
"Sweetheart, every bartender is a poet."
"I guess you get to see quite a bit of the world from behind the bar."
"I see enough. I saw you."

"I like your laugh, too," I whispered, feeling pulled in, cozy in the cocoon of his bed.
I flattened my palm over his chest, enjoying the sensation of the firm flesh, even warm as it was. He sighed, like my cool hand offered him some relief.
"I laugh more since you came around," he said quietly, his lips barely forming the words.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After finishing Foreplay, I look forward to reading Sophie Jordan's other books. I really liked her writing style, as well as the overall story. And Reece (melts)....

It goes without saying that this was a very sexy read. But it also had a few tender moments, like when Pepper came over to take care of Reece when he was sick. Of course I wanted to do that job for her, but I have to admit, she did it well.

I did feel like the ending was a bit rushed, and the jump to "I love you" felt almost forced, considering the situation. My only other complaint revolves around Pepper and her actions/decisions throughout the book. I couldn't understand why she would continue to push for Hunter after she began to have real feelings for Reece. This made me frustrated, and I hated her for hurting Reece like that. In the end, of course she picks Reece, but I felt like this was dragged out to play up the often used love-triangle, and that only served to annoy me. I understand that she thought Hunter was the safe bet, the brother of her best friend, the one with the perfect family, something she had always dreamed of having since her own childhood was anything but perfect. But I thought she was smart enough to realize that she was grasping for Hunter for no reason at all, and that Reece was the better choice. I quickly grew tired of this.

However, Foreplay was very enjoyable, and I am glad that I was able to read it. It is a sexy story that I quickly devoured. I will be looking into the next book in this series, and I'm curious about a few of the other characters introduced in this book.


~ * ~ * ~

For my full review, including favorite book quotes, please visit my blog, TBQ's Book Palace.

Complimentary copy provided by author/publisher for an honest review

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mike scherrer
When I found out that Sophie Jordan was writing a New Adult novel, I was super excited. I knew she wrote adult novels, so her NA would more than likely be reallllly good! And I was right. Sophie Jordan did not disappoint.
"'There is more to a relationship than just sex." "Yes, but a relationship sure is better when the sex is good."
pg. 73
I'll be honest. when I first found read the synopsis, I wasn't exactly thrilled. I thought it was a weird concept. I thought she was going to be doing different hook-ups until her roommates found her "the perfect teacher." It wasn't exactly something I would have wanted to read. But then I saw the reviews start coming in and saw that that wasn't the case at all. It got me excited for it all over again. And then, the book trailer came out. And let me just tell you, that book trailer made me put this to the very top of my TBR. I NEEDED to know who this Reece was.
"'What did you tell them? His breath fanned from my lips. "That you're staying the night with me."
pg. 105
And then I finally met Pepper and Reece. With Pepper, I HATED her name. (Sorry I just couldn't get over that.) And a lot of the things she did. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't like the fact that she was so scary. But at the same time, I understood it. She was so innocent and didn't know how to go for what she wanted. I wanted her from the very beginning to leave Hunter alone because I felt like he was just there. The first time Reece asked why it HAD to be Hunter and she couldn't answer, I just felt like she was stupid for still pursuing it. And then at the part where she first chose, I thought that was just crazy. By then it was obvious what they felt for each other and she still chose to fight it. Even with all that happened to her, I thought she was nuts to still push him away. But I understood that too. She was just scared. Which is why I loved Emerson. She was the exact opposite and just what Pepper needed to bring her out of her shell. They had a great friendship.
"'I glanced down and winced at the white cotton panties with tiny yellow kittens on them."
pg. 132
And then there's Reece. OMG he was super hot. He had a pierced eyebrow, tattoos, and muscles on top of muscles from what I'm picturing in my head (along with what I saw on the book trailer). And he always knew exactly what to say. Whether to get Pepper all hot and steamy or just to make her feel wanted. And what I loved the most about him, HE WASN'T THE STEREOTYPICAL MAN WHORE that's in ALLLLLL of NA. I really enjoyed that he was really just a normal guy and all he wanted was a normal relationship. His character was more than just the embodiment of sex. He had a bit of a dark past as well. And when the situation finally arose in the book, I hated that I had to see it. I wanted nothing more than to make him understand that it wasn't his fault.
"'Even sick, he was seducing me. He probably didn't even realize it. It's just what he did. Who he was. How he affected me."
pg. 145
As for the romance, it was exiting and super hot. Of course since she's "learning" foreplay, its a slow burning romance between the two of them. And every time they're together, it only gets hotter. I'm not exactly sure how they avoided it for so long, but in the end, when they finally got to it, it definitely set their worlds on fire.
"'It was as though my body lived and breathed for this. For him."
pg. 181
This was a book that I was anticipating for a long time. And although I had some discrepancies, I'm so glad I decided to look past them. Pepper and Reece are wonderful characters and Foreplay will definitely leave you wanting more. Pun intended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ruth ann
I really enjoyed Foreplay because it's REALLY funny! It's also sweet and sexy and full of misunderstandings and drama.

Pepper is my kinda gal; hilarious clumsy, awkward and sassy. She's naive and innocent yet beautiful and clever. She's also totally clueless when it comes to guys and romance. Pepper's image of the perfect man is her best friend's brother Hunter and when he splits with his girlfriend Pepper is determined to make him see her as more than his little sister's friend - it's time to sex it up and learn the art of foreplay.

Pepper friends decide she needs help from a local sexy bartender with a man-whore reputation. Enter Reese (well sort-of)! Reese is mysterious, sexy and has mad skills. He's a more than willing and extremely patient teacher (seriously the guy deserves a medal for putting up with Pepper's whining about Hunter). Despite Pepper's innocence and lack of experience they have awesome chemistry.

I loved watching them build a relationship and try to figure things out. Sophie Jordan does a great job combining humour, fun and sexy times with real romance and deeper feelings - swoon!!

4 Stars in my Sky!

My fav non-spoilery quotes:

"You can’t even see it. I’m the safest thing you’ll ever find."
"I wouldn’t have waited this long for you. I would have already showed up at your dorm the minute I decided I wanted you. I wouldn’t leave until I convinced you that you were mine."
He was like the dark vampire in movies that girls obsessed over. The one who was torn between eating the girl and kissing her.
"It's softer than I thought it would be." [...] "Sweetheart, I'm hard as a rock."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
barbara mccord
I’m still in that “unsure” category when it comes to NA books: I’ve seen really good and really bad, and often I find that the characters are far more immature than their age would suggest. Sophie Jordan has managed to give her characters in this story maturity that is beyond a hormonal teen and created characters that although damaged are working to rectify their issues.

It starts, however, with an overused trope and love triangle, with two damsel in distress issues that tended to drag the plot into familiar territory and almost mask the quality written into the characterizations. Fortunately, those early issues resolved themselves quickly, and the plot becomes a very sweet story with characters who are often working double time to prove themselves different from their reputations, often to good effect.

Pepper is determined to avoid all of the mistakes she has seen others make, and has set out a foolproof plan (insert laugh of the knowing here) to avoid entanglements and distractions as she works toward bettering herself and her life. With some misguided advice from her roommate on how to catch the man she has lusted after from afar, she takes a chance on the bad-boy.

Reece is tattooed, and a ladies man, but not nearly to the extent that some credit him with. Dealing with his own trust and relationship issues, he is not averse to Pepper’s attentions, but he also is surprised when emotions intrude, and the safety he feels with her results in his opening up beyond what he is comfortable with.

While these two have a plan, neither expects their plans will intersect and open to include something more than a moment. Jordan manages to give these characters depth and moments of vulnerability that are as unexpected as they are clever and unique. Neither wastes energy on what might have been: yes they have regrets, but their goals propel them forward and move them TO something, rather than sitting and whinging. Secondary characters are mostly well-developed, if some are more typical to typecasting, they each have something unique and special to offer that fits them into the story in a way that works and keeps the reader intrigued. Far more than what I expected, this sweet and slightly spicy story has something for the romance fan in all of us.

I received an eArc copy from Edelweiss for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
blake soule
My previous experience with Sophie Jordan extended to her Firelight series, which is a YA about dragons. So, I was surprised to learn that she wrote a new adult contemporary novel next (nevermind that I didn't realize at the time that she previously has written a score of historical romance novels - in that light, it makes a bit more sense). The description of Foreplay sounded great, and I had recently read a few pretty heavy books in a row, so I was in need of something a little on the lighter side. Turns out, Foreplay was exactly what I needed at the time.

Pepper has been saving herself for a guy who only sees her as a little sister of sorts. Now, she's nineteen and finally has a real shot at him and has absolutely no idea what to do with a guy. So, her friends encourage her to hit on a hot bartender, and even though it takes her so far out of her comfort zone, she feels like she's in orbit, Pepper finds herself deviating from the plan she thought she had for her life. And, it's all because of a guy. Just, not the guy she always imagined it would be.

I'm not really sure what it was about Foreplay that engaged me so much. It's a story that's been done before - the sweet, virginal girl employs a supposed man-whore to show her the ropes and claim her v-card, only to fall for him in the end. I don't necessarily mind that so much. I mean, how many NA stories can be written before the plots start to be recycled a bit? As long as it's done well, I can read the same story over and over again.

Thankfully, Foreplay was done well. Very well.

Reece - goodness, was this dude prime book boyfriend materials. He was a little bad, a little good, a little damaged, a little whole. He was a little of everything, which makes him a lot of one thing - AWESOME. Pepper's first meeting with him and her second meeting with him were completely and totally different, and I was left wondering which version was the "real" Reece. Turns out both of them were. And, I loved that about him.

Pepper was frustrating beyond measure. She had been going through her sad life not really living it because she had it bad for her BFF's older brother. Why would someone do that? There were tons of guys I pined over in school. For some, the pining was embarrassingly epic. And, yet, I didn't really stop living. I had boyfriends and went to parties and had fun. Yet Pepper doesn't. Until Reece. Once Reece starts breaking down her walls, she went from annoyingly frustrating to fascinatingly frustrating.

And, Reece and Pepper together was fun. Their banter was adorable. Their chemistry was off the charts. I liked who they were when they were together.

I already liked the Firelight series. I'm definitely sold on Sophie Jordan now after Foreplay. Her writing is clean and tight with almost no editing issues. The pacing was perfect with the right amount and frequency of highs and lows. I was never bored - which is probably how I was able to read Foreplay from cover to cover in 12 hours.

Bring on the second Ivy Chronicles book (Hunter? Emerson?). I'm sold.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joanna dignam
Foreplay is another brilliant addition to the New Adult genre from one of my favourite YA authors. It's addictive and well written, not to mention hot. So hot! It's the first book in The Ivy Chronicles trilogy, which I think will focus on a different girl for each book.

Foreplay focuses on 19-year-old Pepper, who has been in love with her best friend's brother for years. He only sees her as a friend, leading Pepper to go after some much-needed boy experience from someone who knows all about it. That's when she meets bartender Reece, and sparks fly. This is such a fun story and I can see it being the plot on a teen show... in fact, I think it probably has been! It also allows for some very hot scenes not suitable for younger readers, though they're quite tasteful and not particularly graphic.

I loved all the characters, especially Pepper and Reece. They both have problems and pasts, but they help each other and become better people for it. Their relationship is on and off throughout the book, which kept me on my toes. I was hoping they'd end up together, but whether they do or not is something you'll find out when you read the book. Pepper has a great personality, she's funny and not at all sure of herself. It's refreshing to read about an NA character like that, as more often than not they're super confident and know exactly what they want. Reece is lovely too, as are Pepper's friends, Emerson and Georgia. They're all well-rounded and realistic and I hope the next books in the series are about them.

One thing I've noticed about NA books is that the main characters always seem to have deceased parents, tattoos and perfect bodies. I'm not saying that's a bad thing -- it isn't -- but a little variation wouldn't go amiss. Still of all those NA books I've read, Foreplay is definitely my favourite after Losing It and Easy. It's so hard to put down and literally kept me up all night to finish it.

I know NA is a genre that people seem to either love or hate, and not every book is a good fit, but I really do think Foreplay will be enjoyed by a lot of YA readers. It's fast, fun and leaves you wanting more from Sophie Jordan, which thankfully will be happening. I'm not sure when the next Ivy Chronicles book is being published, but I hope it's sooner rather than later. Oh, and don't let Foreplay's title put you off reading it, it's not as sex-fuelled as it may sound!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ryan crowther
This was a pleasant surprise. With a title like <i>Foreplay</i> I was expecting something very heavy on the sex and not so heavy on the characters or emotions. I was wrong about that which I am very grateful for. There were interesting characters and definitely substance to the story that was nice. There were a few things that I wish were better or had a bigger part of the story than some of what was featured, but overall I did still enjoy it.

Pepper was a pretty good girl-never really did anything bad. She is also in love with her best friend's brother, Hunter. Of course when he becomes single, she wants to try to win him over. As a result, she tries to meet a guy who can educate her on all things sexual and basically flirtation. There is a case of mistaken identity and she meets Reece. I enjoyed everything about Pepper except her fixation on Hunter and becomes so oblivious to Reece and what she really feels. As a result, more people get used and I considered there to be some cheating. I'm not entirely a fan when that happens in novels, but it was handled well here.

Reece was awesome. He was a better guy than he was first portrayed. He took care of his family and took care of Pepper. He was really able to step up at times and he really cared for her even knowing her intentions. Pepper's best friend didn't seem to be that good of a friend. Pepper seemed closer to those in her dorms. They were pretty funny as well. It was definitely a good group of girls.

There were touching moments throughout this that revealed the hidden secrets and biggest issues each character has. There were definitely some tough topics introduced and touched on. I wish there was more about how they each overcame these problems, but that is potential part of the sequel-if it focuses on the same characters, but who knows! Overall this is a bit beyond the typical new adult and was a really quick read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
phil park
E-galley received unsolicited from publisher for review on my website and from which this is excepted. No remuneration was exchanged and, except as noted, all opinions presented herein are my own unless noted.

This is essentially a coming of age story, filled with bittersweet tang of being a college girl and a local guy who have both grown up with difficult circumstances.

Not at all well-off, Pepper has never dated and her good study habits and hard work have helped her get to a good school. It starts with her sounding like she thinks of herself as heavy and unattractive – but she isn’t. And of course she is really beautiful, if inexperienced. She’s maybe a little like Bella in Twilight with too much hair, shapeless clothes, no makeup,…

Pepper’s suitemates are not terribly well-developed characters – they provide a spectrum of sexual constancy and experience. One “dates” a lot (or talks a good game) and one is in a steady relationship. One is brash and the other is kind and more serious The main male character in the story, Reece is the somewhat angry young man. He is almost typical but with a tenacious streak. I could see him being played by Alex Pettyfer. The secondary male character is Hunter, who Pepper has loved for many years. Or is it the idea of Hunter she loves?

What is going to happen is obvious from the beginning of their relationship. But then, you know, I wasn’t sure if it would. Would the author break the mold and not do the expected; there was a point where I wasn’t sure what direction the story might take and even thought this story could run into the second book.

It was a nice read and edgy, even in its predictability. The situations were interesting and somewhat different than I have seen recently,. There are a few scenes that I really enjoyed, and the tale of sexual discovery brought back memories of how that felt so very long ago – scared, embarrassed, nervous.

I would say this is in the line of a fable with a sexy streak. It was very competently written with a compelling story line. If you like New Adult coming of age, with a little sex and a lot of teen-type angst then this is for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sabrina leblanc
Foreplay by Sophia Jordan was a wonderful surprise. I knew I was getting a tattooed bad boy, and a flawed heroine but Foreplay delivered so much more than I expected. Jordan gave me a hot romance, wrapped in a coming of age tale that completely swept me away. Both of our main characters come from troubled, dysfunctional families, and while Pepper is very naïve, she also has her shit together and doesn’t follow a lot of the typical stereo-types associated with her social class. Jordan made her vulnerable, sweet and unsure. She gave Pepper depth allowing me to identify with her emotions, desires and uncertainty. She could have come off as a player, and at times, I didn’t approve of her actions but Jordan fleshed her out and made her believable. Reese besides being seriously yummy, has a plan and at twenty-three, he has a lot of responsibility thrown his way. I loved how the author made him strong, noble and yet vulnerable which totally made me fall for him. Pepper’s college friends fall into standard clichés but had their moments to shine. Hunter was the least fleshed out, but truly represented Pepper’s dream life.

Foreplay surprised me, since, on the outside, the characters represent typical characters for new adult. Hey, I am not complaining, keep the tattooed bad boys coming! I love how Jordan gave us what we wanted but made them more. Characters that have idyllic dreams or come up with plans are always enjoyable since we all know those plans never work completely the way they expected. The romance was slow to build, and started from passion which built slowly to friendship and respect. There was so much sexual tension the air cracked and sizzled. The tale was not without bumps, but the authors approach kept angst and drama out of the plot. This is the first in a series, and I am anxious to see whose tale the author gives us next. ARC provided by publisher in exchange for unbiased review and originally published at caffeinated book reviewer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arwa al dossari
I didn't just like Foreplay: the Ivy chronicles-I LOVED IT. Sophie Jordan has written a spicy, hot romance novel with characters that you care about and a plot that is slightly unbelievable but fun. And romances aren't even my thing!

The lead female character, Pepper, has always loved Hunter, the brother of Lila who is a friend of hers. She is afraid that she does not have enough "experience" (wink wink, nudge nudge) between the sheets to keep him interested. She is told about a certain bartender whose reputation precedes him in the bedroom, and who gladly gives anyone experience who asks. Reece as the rival romantic interest to Hunter, is great looking and great in the category of "foreplay." Pepper gives in to lust, and gets more than she bargained for by the end of the book.

The characters are well thought out, sensitive, and seem to be attractive too (although you don't see pictures of them anywhere). The story is tight, well thought out, and has an expected but wanted conclusion. I finished this book in under two hours, because I wanted to see what would happen. The sexy scenes are nicely done, and there is not BDSM or kink, just normal sex scenes (which is nice nowadays, you don't see that often anymore). I can't wait to read Vol 2 of the Ivy chronicles, which stars one of the minor characters in this book Emerson which comes out in May of this year. It's cold now, but this book is ideal for summer reading on the beach, or for vacation reading. A great book if you like romances-or don't.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really loved this story of two people with troubled backgrounds who found each other. The title and the cover of the book give the impression of erotica, but while there is certainly sexual activity, it is all very romantic and emotional - not at all sleazy. Pepper's father died when she was very young. Afterwards, she lived with her unstable junkie mother in a bunch of motel rooms, where her mother would hide her while she entertained men. She was abandoned to her grandmother at age eleven, and grew up determined to succeed and live the American dream. To that end, she is determined to become part of a stable, warm, family like that of her best friend, and is convinced that her friend's brother Hunter is the love of her life. Unfortunately, he has never seen her as anything but his sister's friend. Scarred by her early life, she is shy, bookish and somewhat dowdy. One day she discovers that Hunter has broken up with his girlfriend, and decides to make a play for him. To get the confidence to do that, though, she needs to get some practice attracting a man, and comfortable with getting physical - but not intimate. She goes out to a local bar with her friends, and becomes attracted to the bartender, Reece, and makes her play. It is obvious to Reece that she is a nice girl, and he, in turn, is attracted as well. He has a troubled background of his own, and this sweet girl's attraction has him unsure of what to do. Pepper is torn between her dream for her life and her passion for Reece, and Reece has to deal with his passion for Pepper while knowing that she may only be using him to get to someone else. They are both believable characters that get the reader completely involved.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theresa grdina
4.5 Stars

I thought I had a good college experience....Pepper's takes the cake! I love that Sophie Jordan takes the college and losing your inhibitions to a whole new level. You feel like you are sitting back in college chatting with your girlfriends with Pepper and her friends.

I love that Pepper looks at losing her V card as a task to check off her list and not something to be enjoyed. The fact that she is fixated on Reece to be the chosen one is hilarious. Every girl that went to college had a least one bartender that you swooned over. Reece is that guy. Of course, there is more to him then an incredible body, outstanding bartending skills and a quick tongue.

The dialogue between Pepper and friends on the dos and don'ts of foreplay made me laugh out loud. I enjoyed the moments where the girls are getting ready, throwing clothes around and trying to look their best. We all remember nights like that.

In the beginning, I loved that Pepper judged Reece only from his appearance and idle campus gossip...haven't we all done that. What Pepper finds underneath the rough exterior is something that she can relate too. She ignores the similarities between her and Reece because she spent her entire life loving her best friend's brother. She believes she just wants to be part of their "perfect" family.

Pepper soon realizes that the ideal she created in her head of what "perfect" is and what is actually "perfect" in reality are different. Watching her come to understand her feelings is the exceptional part of this book. But of course, I can't say the actual foreplay scenes weren't steamy and worth reading twice!

Reviewed by Candace for Cocktails and Books
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5 Stars

I thought I had a good college experience....Pepper's takes the cake! I love that Sophie Jordan takes the college and losing your inhibitions to a whole new level. You feel like you are sitting back in college chatting with your girlfriends with Pepper and her friends.

I love that Pepper looks at losing her V card as a task to check off her list and not something to be enjoyed. The fact that she is fixated on Reece to be the chosen one is hilarious. Every girl that went to college had a least one bartender that you swooned over. Reece is that guy. Of course, there is more to him then an incredible body, outstanding bartending skills and a quick tongue.

The dialogue between Pepper and friends on the dos and don'ts of foreplay made me laugh out loud. I enjoyed the moments where the girls are getting ready, throwing clothes around and trying to look their best. We all remember nights like that.

In the beginning, I loved that Pepper judged Reece only from his appearance and idle campus gossip...haven't we all done that. What Pepper finds underneath the rough exterior is something that she can relate too. She ignores the similarities between her and Reece because she spent her entire life loving her best friend's brother. She believes she just wants to be part of their "perfect" family.

Pepper soon realizes that the ideal she created in her head of what "perfect" is and what is actually "perfect" in reality are different. Watching her come to understand her feelings is the exceptional part of this book. But of course, I can't say the actual foreplay scenes weren't steamy and worth reading twice!

Reviewed by Candace for Cocktails and Books
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm going to have the biggest Reece hangover. Err, I mean book hangover. Nope, I definitely meant the first. I'm officially in love with a sexy, tatted, bad boy bartender. Now if only I can snag one of them in real life.... Seriously, you guys. I just devoured this book in the span of a few hours and I currently have butterflies in my stomach. I'm in total swoon-mode. Now, I've read the first two books in Jordan's YA Firelight series, so I already knew she could write some pretty awesome kissing scenes. I have not read any of her adult novels, but after this- I need to rectify that! Not only can she write some seriously steamy scenes, but gosh she can WRITE. This story flowed so seamlessly in my opinion and I really enjoyed the build up between the main characters- the tension between them was palpable and off the charts hot! She has also created an awesome secondary set of characters and I'm quite curious to see who the next book will focus on!

Our main character Pepper is desperate to get her best friend's brother Hunter to notice her. She's stuck in that 'oh, she's my sister's best friend' zone and she wants him to see her in a different light. She enlists the help of her two roommates, Georgia and Emerson, to find a way to do this now that Hunter is back on the market. Their solution? Hook her up with a hottie who will rock her world and teach her the sexual ropes. Pepper is our tried and true virgin and is NOT sexually experienced. Now, I know I've said I'm completely over the whole virgin girl/bad boy cliché. And I am. I'm telling you- Sophie is able to pull this off and I didn't find myself rolling my eyes. I rolled with it and it didn't bother me. (Personally, I think it's because Sophie's just that GOOD of a storyteller! You don't get caught up with little nuances like that. You're 100% engaged in what's going on and how Pepper is going to land her man.) I liked Pepper's character for the most part. There were a few times where she really angered me because her naivety was causing her to handle situations poorly. She has grown up with her grandmother, as her parents are no longer in the picture. Yet, Pepper has memories of being with them both and those memories play a larger role in her present than she would like to admit. She's been in love with Hunter for a long time- she knows he's the one she wants and she is determined to get it. Nothing can break the illusion that Hunter is the perfect fit for her. Yet, she never in a million years counted on meeting Reece.

Oh, Reece. It's pretty clear from my opening paragraph just how much I love him. He was hard to get a read on at first because he was brisk and a bit gruff, but he does have a vulnerable side, it's just not one he shows very often. Life has made him hard and as much as he makes you think he's the ultimate bad boy- he has one of the best hearts Pepper will find. What starts as a lesson in sexual foreplay turns into so much more....

I loved Pepper and Reece together. They just had that white, hot passion that everyone wants to have in their relationships. I was rooting from Reece from the get-go. He saw Pepper long before Hunter did and he wanted her- all awkward and clumsy and sexually inept. I don't ever like a guy who just magically sees the girl in a different light because she's been seen with someone else. That's not cool to me. I did like that Reece called Pepper on her crap. He wasn't going to let her play him and string him along. They had a lot of tender, sweet moments together and I wanted to smack Pepper upside the head. How could she be so blind to what was standing right in front of her?! I get it though. Hunter is the safe, predictable choice. She can see what her life would be like with someone like Hunter. Reece is unpredictable- he is mysterious and closed off when it comes to talking about his home life. Still- there's something pretty incredible about a man who's willing to teach a girl how to land another guy and not ask for or expect anything in return.

I enjoyed Emerson and Georgia, Pepper's roommates. I definitely want to find out more about Emerson, because as Pepper stated- she's not just the party girl she leads everyone to believe. There's definitely a story there that I want to read about. Georgia was a bit more level-headed than Emerson- she has a steady boyfriend that she's been with for awhile, so I'll be curious if she gets a story. Pepper confided in these girls and they were there for her when she needed their advice and I really liked that. I am also curious to read more about Logan, Reece's younger brother. He's a total player and definitely makes his rounds with the college girls. We know that Reece and Logan's family life isn't the best- their father is a piece of work and we get to see how he has affected Reece, but I am curious as to how Logan has been affected by him.

Overall, this was such a good read and I didn't want it to end! I am definitely continuing this series and I can't wait to see what's next in the Ivy Chronicles!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Um , is it getting hot in here?

Inexperienced Pepper has been in love with her best friend’s brother for as long as she can remember. Now that he’s finally single, she wants him to notice her. Really notice her. But then what?

Enter Reese, gorgeous and strong, she wants Reese to be her boytoy and teach her foreplay.

But of course, things go horribly wrong. Because Reese seems to be a better match for her, even though he’s just as broken as she is. And all of what Pepper thought she wanted begins to slip away…

First Sophie Jordan and won’t be the last.

Hot, fun and addicting. I read it in one day. Couldn’t put it down. Pepper is innocent, but not annoying or naive. Reese is hard to read, but manly and charming. I mean, it had enough heat to keep the air conditioning on and a great plot. It’s not something that has never been done, but Jordan writes in a way that keeps you wanting more. Sure, it’s predictable, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy every second of it.

Pepper’s friends are a lot of fun and I’m really interested in reading future books in the series. I’m hoping they all get their own stories!

Rating 8 Cookie Worthy
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I started reading Foreplay late on a Tuesday night, and finished it Wednesday morning. I could not put it down.
I absolutely love Pepper and Reece. Both are so completely damaged, but they both have to put some things aside to figure out who they are. Pepper changed so much throughout this book. Just because you make a plan, doesn’t mean that’s how it’s going to work out. I love how protective Reece is. He’s also strong, and determined.
The smexy scenes were great. It was fun seeing Pepper’s reactions to Reece. I like how she was able to open up to him when she couldn’t with her friends. The things that Pepper went through made me hurt for her. The same went for Reece. I do like that while there were some dark things that happened that overall the storyline was still fun.
Foreplay is a fast paced read that you won’t want to put down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan ovans
FOREPLAY by Sophie Jordan is without a doubt one of the best books I've read in the New Adult genre—or any genre—this year!
Pepper has been in love with her best friend’s brother forever. When he breaks up with his girlfriend, she hopes she’ll finally get the chance to make him fall in love with her and allow her put her horrible childhood behind her. But her experience with guys consists of exactly one kiss. If she’s going to have a chance with Hunter, she needs some experience and Reece, a sexy bad-boy bartender, is more than willing to teach her about foreplay…and much, much more.

I loved the characters. Pepper starts out awkward and self-conscious, and Reece, contrary to his bad-boy image, treats her with such gentle kindness and protectiveness it was easy to fall in love with him. Even the secondary characters—especially her roommates--were complex people any reader could relate to and care about. The relationship between Pepper and Reece is sweet and hot and sometimes confusing to them both—perfect for the New Adult genre. Their issues are far more complicated than just dating or finding a relationship, and ultimately both Pepper and Reece have to face their painful pasts to discover the path to a happy future.

Sophie Jordan is one of my favorite historical romance and YA authors, and FOREPLAY may be her best book yet! Even if you aren’t between 18 and 25, this story has such engaging characters and so much heart, anyone will enjoy it. Can't wait to read the next two in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikki morse
I read Foreplay right after reading A Little Too Far and I was in NA heaven. Foreplay was so GOOOOD and it's high on my list of favorite NAs ever.

Pepper had a rough childhood but she thinks she knows exactly what she wants and needs to avoid the same fate as her mom and to live a secure, happy life: her best friend's brother Hunter. The only problem is Pepper does not have a lot of experience with guys and have no idea how to flirt with Hunter (who is newly single), let alone make him see her as someone other than his little sister's best friend or see her as a potential girlfriend/future wife.

Enter hot bartender Reece. He's the perfect guy for Pepper to test her flirting skills on. But there was a case of mistaken identity that led Pepper and Reece to have a very rocky start. But as Pepper gets to know Reece, she learns that there's more to him than meets the eye and he becomes a true friend--a friend that tutors Pepper how to flirt and seduce in a very hands-on way.

Reece is smokin' hot! **fans self** Whew! He was the perfect blend of bad/nice/smart/hot/protective/gentle/funny/sexy--my kind of book boyfriend! I fell for him right along with Pepper. And I love Pepper's character. She's a sweetheart but she does not back down when Reece shows his growly side. My favorite scene with them was when Pepper was babysitting and he comes over with his tool belt to fix the plumbing. The scene happened early on and the chemistry between them was palpable.

The plot and characters of Foreplay are familiar and typical NA but it's so well-written (love Sophie's writing style!), so engaging, so fun and the characters well-developed that it felt fresh. I quickly flew through the book but at the same time wanting to slow down because I didn't want my time with Reece and Pepper to be over yet. The steamy scenes between the two of them burn up the pages!

Sophie Jordan is a seasoned writer (she wrote a number of historical romances and the YA dragon series Firelight) and you can tell in terms of the writing, pacing and character development. New adult cannot get any better than this. Seriously. If you're into NA or contemporary romance, Foreplay is a MUST-read.

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**Originally posted on Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks book blog on 11/7/2013**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
FOREPLAY is a novel that fits nicely into the New Adult genre. Pepper has had a goal for years to win the affections of her best friend's older brother Hunter. Hunter represents everything she has always wanted in her life - a close, happy family; a handsome, polite man. Her own family was pretty dysfunctional. She was dragged from place to place by her drug-addicted mother until she was eleven. She spent a lot of time hidden in closets and bathrooms while her mother "entertained" various men. When one of the men came near to abusing her at age eleven, her mother decided she couldn't protect her any more and dropped her off to live with her grandmother. She was raised by her grandmother in an old people's home. It seems natural that she would fall in love with Hunter and Hunter's family.

Pepper has moved on to college - the same college Hunter is attending - and, now that Hunter has broken up with his long-term girlfriend, she has decided to take her opportunity to make him see her as something other than his sister's best friend. That is where Reese comes in. Her roommates have been telling her about this hot bartender at a local joint. Pepper decides to ask him to teach her how to be with a man. After all, she has been waiting for Hunter all her life and has only kissed one guy.

Reese isn't quite what Pepper thought. He is certainly hot. But he is also kind and caring and protective. His childhood was almost as dysfunctional as hers. His mother died of a medicine overdose when he was eight, leaving him with a foul-mouthed, verbally abusive father and a younger brother to raise. After the father has an accident that leaves him a paraplegic, Reese drops out of college to run the bar which has been in the family for 50 years.

Reese and Pepper have a great relationship but it takes way too long for pepper to realize that what she is doing with Reese is love not practice.

This was a quick read. I enjoyed the characters and the romance but wished that Pepper would have had her realization about which man was right for her faster. I think she hurt Reese way more than she needed to and more than most men would tolerate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
syarif budhiman
***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

Foreplay by Sophie Jordan
Book One of the Ivy Chronicles
Publisher: William Morrow
Publication Date: November 5, 2013
Rating: 4 stars
Source: eARC from Edelweiss

Summary (from Goodreads):

Before she goes after the life she's always wanted, she's about to find the one she needs.

Pepper has been hopelessly in love with her best friend's brother, Hunter, for like ever. He's the key to everything she's always craved: security, stability, family. But she needs Hunter to notice her as more than just a friend. Even though she's kissed exactly one guy, she has just the plan to go from novice to rock star in the bedroom--take a few pointers from someone who knows what he's doing.

Her college roommates have the perfect teacher in mind. But bartender Reece is nothing like the player Pepper expects. Yes, he's beyond gorgeous, but he's also dangerous, deep--with a troubled past. Soon what started as lessons in attraction are turning both their worlds around, and showing just what can happen when you go past foreplay and get to what's real...

What I Liked:


I think one of the reasons why I am so harsh with New Adult novels (especially the contemporary romance ones) is that I'm actually in college... so I can pick out completely unauthentic parts of this type of novel. I mean, I know all colleges and universities are different, and I also know that Johns Hopkins is soooo not the same as, say, the University of Maryland. But there are some aspects of college life that some New Adult authors get totally wrong, and some aspects that these author hit on the head.

I think that overall, Sophie Jordan does a good job of portraying a certain TYPE of college student's life. Not all college students go to bars - not all UNDERAGE college students go to bars. Yet, this is the type of lifestyle that New Adult authors portray, over and over. I mean, most of the college students that I know explore the city, or go paint-balling, or rollerblading, or rock-climbing. The adventurous ones, anyway. The non-adventurous ones stay indoors all day, in their dorm or in the library or so on.

But anyway. Pepper is a quiet student who occasionally goes out with her suitemate and roommate - and by goes out, I mean to places with alcohol and dancing and so on. Not like, bowling, or something. But I had no huge problems with Pepper. Usually, I HATE the heroine in New Adult contemporary romance novels. But Pepper was okay. She didn't have some gigantic, soul-eating, mind-consuming secret from the past, that she had to work through, with the aid of a super-yummy hunk of a man, like most New Adult contemporary romance novels feature.

Not that this book didn't contain a super-yummy hunk of a man. Reece definitely fits that profile. But I like Reece a lot. Instead of insipid and arrogant, he is quiet and thoughtful, but also very direct. It is his idea for Pepper and him to practice foreplay, in order for her to score the man of her dreams - the guy she's been in love with for like, EVER.

I know, the plot seems kind of silly. And New-Adult-y. But somehow, the plot ended up being very engaging. I enjoyed the interactions between Pepper and Reece - even the sappy secret-delving conversations that usually make me want to roll my eyes. The difference with this book is that Reece actually seems like a grown MAN, and not a silly and stupid and BRAINLESS teenage boy/young man.

Romance. LOVE. IT. Sophie Jordan does an excellent job of constructing the romance in this book. The growth of the relationship between Reece and Pepper is simplistic and progressive. There is a lust connection at first sight, but it's not insta-love. It's hard to explain, but trust me, it was different in this book.

So, I suppose you could say that there is a love triangle in this book, since there is Pepper and Reece practicing foreplay, in order for Pepper to snag Mr. Perfect. But... it's not quite your traditional love triangle. The romance dominates this book, but I like the presence of this love triangle, and the romance in this book. Not telling you how things end. Not even HINTING.

I liked this book. I'll gladly read the second book in this series. We'll see from there!

What I Did Not Like:

I still think that most New Adult contemporary romance books that are traditionally published/self-published are pretty formulaic. This book wasn't as bad, in terms of the New Adult contemporary romance skeleton, but bits and pieces were still evident. The "good girl", the "bad boy", intense chemistry... it seems like most New Adult contemporary romance novels feature these aspects, whether on purpose or not.

But it wasn't as bad, in this book. Maybe because Sophie Jordan is an adult romance writer, and has a fantastic command on the romance aspect of the novel. Somehow, the repetitiveness of the New Adult contemporary romance genre was present but not overwhelming in this book.

Would I Recommend It:

This is so strange - me recommending a New Adult contemporary romance book. You all know my track record with NA contemporary romance books. But I would recommend this book to New Adult fans or non-New-Adult fans! I mean, I disliked most of the NA books I read, but I liked this one. That must mean something!


4 stars. I know, I know, a New Adult contemporary romance that I actually enjoyed! It MUST be pretty good, right? I thought so!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sean archer
Pepper and Reece are definitely suited for each other, she needs someone to redeem, he needs to believe in himself. I was not looking forward to the inevitable love triangle that was hinted in this book, but I was pleasantly surprised it never happened. Hunter the man Pepper in her naivete wanted never really appeared to be a threat, Pepper's own fantasy of a perfect life with him was more the hindrance than Hunter himself. Pepper's friends Emerson and Georgia are nicely introduced and look to be the next heroines of the Ivy Chronicles. The foreplay between Pepper and Reece is smoking and is definitely worth the anticipation
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
r m gilmore
Loved it! The characters are engaging and down to earth! The only thing Pepper ever wanted was a "normal" family, not that horror of a childhood her selfish, drug addicted mother dragged her through. Pepper believed that Hunter Montgomery could give her that "normal" family. Of course, she had been in love with Hunter since she was 12 years old and he was perfect in her eyes. So Pepper asked Reece, the hot bartender at Mulvaney's, to teach her how to seduce Hunter. Well, what happens next is hilarious, eye-opening and too hot to handle! It involves two kids, a puppy and a fire! Great story!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jon bernstein
Pepper has always idolized her best friend's brother. But sadly he views her with no romantic interest. when he finally breaks up with his long term girl friend, Pepper decides it is now or never. With the help of her college roommates she embarks on a crash course of seduction. Enter Reece, the darkly handsome bartender. He however is sick of being considered just a sex object and longs for a nice girl to appreciate him for his less obvious talents. Still he agrees to tutor Pepper in the romantic arts. Pepper soon learns that you can't always get what you want but you can get what you need.

Pleasantly written, this is a fairly predictable tale. There are plenty of steamy scenes and the occasional expletive. But my issues are more with the message. While Pepper's need for security and safety may be justified, I find it problematic that she sees her only option as snagging Hunter. Equally questionable is the perception that only sexually adept seductresses are deserving of the prize catches. She obviously can't conceive of being loved for herself or that a caring and thoughtful partner who actually knows and loves her would guide her to sexual satisfaction. Is she in college only for a MRS degree? I can't say I liked the name "Pepper" It reminded me of the old Angie Dickinson series Police Woman and seems more appropriate for a little fuzzy dog or a budget stripper. In any event, this is an easy read with likeable characters and an enjoyable entry in the genre.
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