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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen dale
Passion. Desire. Fear. Truth.
This novel was absolutely stunning.
I couldn’t put it down. I had trouble trying to pace myself and not devour it in one sitting, because I also wanted to be sure to savor each word. I can say without any hesitation that this is one of my top reads of the year.

I didn’t know what to expect from David Romanov. I’m always hesitant when I see cover models dive into the world of writing. But it’s clear Romanov has some literary talent that has been waiting to be explored. Nearly four years after discovering Melanie Harlow, and I still get wow’d by her work with each new release . This is so different from anything else she’s ever done. However, it still contains all of the wonderful components of Harlow’s stories, but the M/M romance really takes it to a whole other level. I really loved this writer duo, and I hope they continue to work together in the future.

The characters were distinguishable enough, yet the flow from one chapter to the next was seamless. This was quite an emotional story and the messages within it were so powerful. The connection between Derek and Maxim was unlike anything I’ve ever read. They had something special, rare, and incredibly intense. I teared up from the passion that was deeply engrained in every one of their words. This story felt so authentic to the characters and their backgrounds. They didn’t have an easy journey, but they helped each other find themselves. They showed each other a world that could be, and give in to truth.

STRONG ENOUGH is an M/M romance with a great deal of heart. Now I now M/M isn’t for everyone, but I think this particular story can reach and capture the hearts of many new M/M readers. Steady pacing, the right amount of angst, and sensual scenes… This book is unforgettable!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A beautiful love story with so much heart and soul.
Let me just start by saying I absolutely adore Melanie Harlow. Her books always give me all the feels and leave me satiated. I could read her books all day, every day, for the rest of my life and be completely fulfilled.
When I heard Melanie was joining forces with David Romanov to write a M/M romance, I was beyond ecstatic!!
I loved every moment of this book! This is a story about the real obstacles that people have to overcome, the demons that weigh on them, and the freedom that comes with accepting themselves first and foremost. This is a story about learning to live for yourself, not for everyone else.
There is a hard lesson in this story that needed to be told and I commend Melanie and David for creating the characters to tell it.
Maxim is new to the US traveling from is home in Russia to follow his dream of being a screenwriter in LA. He's reserved, quiet, and such a pleasant soul. So when he lands in the US and has his bag stolen right at his feet, the owner of the bar, Ellen, swoops in and comes to his rescue.
Offering up her brother Derek to take Maxim in for the night, no one expects the outcome one decision could have.
Derek is clean cut, all business, and firm in his beliefs. He's built his world around trying to please his parents and desperately seeking their approval in all aspects of his life.
So when Derek picks up this unknown Russian guest for the night, the last thing he expects is to feel a pull towards this person that outweighs every feeling he's ever felt.
A person who is the opposite of what he's been told and ingrained to believe he should want.
Derek tries to deny the chemistry. He tries to stay firm on what he's been told is right and wrong but when Maxim gets through those walls that Derek's built so high, he can't deny the acceptance that he's been longing to find.
Now that Derek's let his guard down and opened himself up, he's vulnerable and confused and drowning in decisions.
He can't deny his feelings. He's tried and he's tired of living a lie.
Maxim understands Derek's reservations and wants to support him any way he can. But he won't be a secret and he won't live a lie. He's tired of hiding and is proud of who he is. He's determined and strong and not looking to move backward.
The ball is in Derek's court and it's time to make a decision.
Do you want to be happy or do you want to pretend so that you can make everyone else happy?
This story!! Wow, this story!
It's so heartfelt and passionate. So raw and relatable.
The characters are incredible. They're all good souls facing life's challenges and learning to grow through them.
The writing is flawless. The dialogue between characters is meaningful and intense.
I laughed and swooned. I even shed a few tears and felt the tightness in my chest.
I loved this book so hard!!
Congratulations Melanie and David!!! My words can't do this book justice the way you did for Derek and Maxim. Beautiful.

I received an ARC for an honest review and my review is simply that...honest!!!

Loved it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Strong Enough is Melanie Harlow’s first M/M and David Romanov’s first fiction book, and with the exception of a couple of very minor elements of Maxim’s situation that were not addressed by the end of the story, I thought the authors did a spectacular job of crafting a captivating story that delivers on heat, drama, tension and emotional impact.

Maxim is pretty laid back, calm and easygoing, and is very ready for his new adventure in America. He’s determined to make it on his own, and is willing to accept and make the best of his situation to do so. Derek is a successful businessman, but not so successful in his personal life…he just can’t seem to find that certain someone with whom he feels that spark. At least not until he meets Maxim—which throws Derek for a loop since he has suppressed that side of himself, tucking those types of feelings far into the back of an ultra deep, dark closet. No matter though…the attraction and chemistry is still there, and ultimately breaks through even as Derek tries to deny it.

The conflict comes into play when Maxim is ready to strike out on his own in his quest to fulfill his American dream, but Derek wants to keep Maxim with him—privately. But Maxim had to repress his sexuality back home in Russia, and now that he can truly be himself, he doesn’t want to be hidden away. Derek’s not ready to come out—far from it actually—and might not ever be able to accept that aspect of himself, no matter how much he feels for Maxim. The impasse this creates between them seems unsolvable unless one of them gives in to the other.

I understand both sides, and giving in on either side may seem unfair to either man. Derek giving in is terrifying for him since he’s been brought up to believe being gay is a sin, and it’s been drilled into him by his parents. He doesn’t want to lose favor with his father and possibly lose his chance at his continued professional success in the family business. No one should have to feel like they have to come out of the closet before they are ready.

Maxim comes from a country where being gay is just not safe, regardless of acceptance elsewhere in the world. In coming to America, he’s finally free to be who he is and doesn’t want to have to hide it. Derek and Maxim’s situations are in direct opposition to each other’s, and either one giving in to the other goes against their own personal feelings. So I see the issue through both their eyes; why should Maxim give in and hide to be with Derek when he can finally be free, and why should Derek come out to be with Maxim and risk his family, professional success and maybe his soul?

This story stirs up plenty of emotions, and it certainly had my complete attention from start to finish. Strong Enough was a 4.5-star read for me, and I highly recommend it to any M/M romance fan. This story is for readers 18+ for adult language and M/M sexual content…regardless of the conflict, the heat between Derek and Maxim is undeniable and their physical intimacy is scorching!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leah mcmanus
This book captured my attention from the first page and I did not want to put it down. I will admit that I have several Melanie Harlow titles on my kindle, but this is the first one that I have read. And I obviously need to rectify that. Melanie and David Romanov have written a beautiful and emotional story as their first foray into M/M romance.

Maxim Matveev takes a risk and impulsively leaves Russia to follow his dreams to California. But his American welcome was not all that he hoped. Luckily he makes the acquaintance of a helpful woman named Ellen and she manages to find a place to stay for the night...with her older brother, Derek Wolfe,

Derek is fastidious, dependable, and all about order and control. He is a planner and knows just what his future is supposed to look like. He is lonely and trying to rectify it, but he just does not really feel much and is stuck in a rut. He has always done what is expected, but there is a void in his life.

Maxim is genuine, optimistic, appreciative, and funny. He is ready to live his life as a gay man out in the open now that he is in the U.S.. He is younger, but mature. He is willing to work hard and wants to be independent, and does not like having to rely on Derek or Ellen for help. I adored Maxim from the beginning.

These two have an attraction that at first neither knows what to make of. Derek is used to living in denial and repressing his own needs. He was raised in a strict religious, intolerant home. So he has never really allowed himself to entertain his urges. But they begin to develop a rapport and trust, but also desire. Derek runs hot and cold as he internally struggles and begins to lose his control. He cannot resist and is plagued by guilt and fear. He wants to explore the short term with Maxim, but is not willing to derail his big picture goals. And as things get heated, their connection, intimacy, and intensity grows. But Derek is a man terrified of what truly coming out would mean. And Maxim does not want to be a dirty little secret, and he wants to be in it either all or nothing.

Will Derek find a way to be strong enough to fight his fears, instilled beliefs, and public scrutiny? If not, will Maxim be strong enough to walk away from him?

These guys broke my heart at times, but had me swooning at others. Their vulnerability, fears, confusion, sensitive feelings, jealousy, and conflicting ideas made them feel like well rounded characters. Their chemistry, need, and passion was hot, but also intimate. It was not only about them building a relationship, but it was also about each of their personal growth. Maxim literally started his life over in a new place with a new attitude about life. He wasn't expecting Derek, but was willing to take on a new relationship too.

Derek was now facing up to feelings that he had been avoiding for years. He needed to accept himself before he could demand acceptance from others. Derek was a man at a crossroads and so scared of both outcomes--losing Maxim or having to allow others to pass judgment on who he really wanted to be. But he felt hopelessness that he would ever be allowed to truly be happy. Maxim needed to feel equal, truly wanted, and for them to really mean something. And at times they had difficulty effectively communicating their needs or were afraid to be the first to admit what they wanted.

This book was so full of feels. It was engaging, funny, sweet, hot, intense, emotional, and heartfelt. My kindle may have even blurred a bit a few times as I was swept up in the emotions and swoons. I loved getting the dual points of view and felt that the authors did a good job making them individuals with two separate and distinct voices. The characters were well developed, complex, and likable. Their minds and hearts were totally exposed to us and I appreciated the depth of their feelings and their internal struggles. The story had enough conflict and issues to keep me interested, but not so much that I wanted to throw my kindle. I loved these guys and felt everything along with them. I was totally invested in their outcome. My reason for not giving it five stars was that there were a couple of things that I felt needed to be addressed more towards the end of the story.

It had good messages about taking risks, fate, trust, conquering fears, acceptance, and being true to yourself. This story flowed well and kept me captivated. I hated to have to put it down, and I was kind of sad when it was over. This is one of my favorite reads of the year, M/M or otherwise. I hope that these authors bring us more collaborations in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Strong Enough…

For Derek Wolfe and Maxim Matveev, those two words have multiple meanings, some contrary to one another and others that demonstrate the effort it takes to get through difficult ordeals in order to reap deserved rewards.

At the beginning of the story, for Derek, being strong enough means to keep his dark sexual urges repressed, fighting them and ultimately controlling them so that no one truly knows just how abnormal he is because Derek’s upbringing has programmed him to believe that anything that is not socially acceptable is disgusting…wrong…even sinful.

These two men seem as opposite as they can be, especially because Derek uses all of his strength to suppress who he really is, fighting to be the man his parents and society wants him to be, not the one he truly is down to his core. And, even with the attraction that Derek feels for Maxim, Derek still torments himself with a code of conduct and traditional values that will lead him to become the perfect family man - one with a wife and kids, not a man who is 12 years younger than him and represents everything he’s worked his entire life to ignore and adamantly deny.

Maxim illustrates his strength and courage when he leaves his home in Russia for a life in the States, not knowing if he can make it here but driven to try because what he wants out of life he cannot acquire in his homeland. Maxim’s optimism and fortitude guide his life and his choices and even though everything seems to go wrong for Maxim as soon as he steps off the plane from Russia, perhaps it’s fate that guides his journey and allows him to help a man understand that despite his upbringing love doesn’t have to be a perfect, quintessential image - it just has to be perfect for the two people who feel it.

The fact that this story is semi-autobiographical adds intrigue and depth to the story line. Both men are fully characterized, which means that readers can truly understand what their words and actions illustrate about them and why they’ve grown to be the men that they currently are.

Derek is portrayed in such a way that readers can’t help but feel heartbroken for him; he’s lived his entire life programmed to believe that there’s only one way for him to live his life, so it makes sense that he fights his true nature and has a difficult time dealing with his feelings for Maxim. It’s clearly not Derek’s fault and while it was a bit frustrating to hear his misguided thoughts, the fact that, that is what he felt and must contend with is devastating not only for him but for those individuals like him who can’t be who they’re meant to be from the very beginning.

Maxim is a breath of fresh air in Derek’s otherwise controlled and tortured world and Maxim allows Derek to understand that there’s not simply one path or one way to live, and even though it’s difficult for Derek to face his reality, he’s strong enough to do so with Maxim by his side.

Strength is defined in varying ways throughout the story, and when Maxim becomes a part of Derek’s life, Derek ultimately needs to decide if he’s strong enough to go against everything he’s been told to believe and experience the kind of love that he could only dream of or if he cares too much about what other people will think and ruins any chance he may have to live the life that he deserves.

“You were given this life because you’re strong enough to live it.”

As long as Derek and Maxim can remember this idea throughout the highs and lows they’ll face in the lives they chosen to live, then they’ll always be strong enough to get exactly what they want and need!

I voluntarily read an early copy of this release.

4.5 Poison Apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Strong Enough couldn't have been any more perfect. Melanie Harlow and David Romanov not only show how brave and strong people must be to be embrace who they are but they also to show the world who they love. Maxim and Derek's story is inspirational and filled to the brim with love, of others and of self, and I couldn't put it down!

Both of the men in this novel are fantastic characters. Maxim has that exuberance for life that just oozes off of the pages. Other characters and readers cannot help but succumb to his positive energy and endless optimism for the future. Additionally, Maxim is a hard worker, someone who knows good things won't just come to him, and he is willing to sacrifice to achieve his dreams. The one thing he won't sacrifice, though, is his happiness and who he is, and for that, readers respect this charismatic hero. Maxim's love interest in this novel, Derek, couldn't be more opposite than him. Derek has suppressed who he is in the pursuit of the "perfect life," and while not all parts of him are hidden, one of the most important parts of him is. Watching him struggle with this part of himself, while at times hurting Maxim in the process, is hard to witness. It doesn't always leave readers with the best feelings toward Derek. Melanie Harlow and David Romanov, however, depict his internal struggle and self-loathing in such a way that readers end up sympathizing with the war raging inside of him. It also helps that the authors chose a dual point-of-view, showing that Maxim, although hurting, understands the war he faces.

What is absolutely clear from the moment they meet is that these two have undeniable chemistry; it radiates from every page of this book, emotionally and physically. With each passing day, it becomes harder and harder for them, but even when they finally give in it isn't smooth sailing. These moments are so emotionally charged that readers live for the moments when Maxim and Derek ignite again, each moment becoming hotter and more tender.

The pacing of this story is spot on. Melanie Harlow and David Romanov balance not only a romance but also the story of man looking to achieve his goals in a new country as well as a man trying to find his happily-ever-after. The three components of these stories work so well together and act as an impetus to drive the plot forward, allowing for the development of their relationship as well as them individually as characters. Like any great novel, this story is more than just a romance. It chronicles the struggle of someone coming to terms with who they are and who they love and being brave enough to tell the world. It encapsulates what all LGQBT romances show - love is love, and when Derek and Maxim are together there is no better example. Seeing these two come together, fall apart, and achieve their dreams is truly one of the best stories I've read.

I am such a fan of MM romances in general, but this one is really special. A lot of MM romances that I have read deal with characters who are open and out to the public, but watching the struggle for those still coming to terms with their desires and fear of exposure is one I do not see often. It however is important as many still struggle with this. This novel speaks to that and gives those fighting a voice, someone to look to and to give them hope that they, too, can find happiness with who they are and who they love. Because at the end of the day, everyone deserves happiness, love, and acceptance for who they are.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew stanger
*I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book.* As a first M/M book for me, Strong Enough was sheer perfection. From all the wows, to all the gasps and awes, I was left emotionally sated. There wasn't an emotion left in me that hadn't been awakened.

I truly enjoyed each character. Derek's long fought struggle had my heart mostly aching for him . At other times, I willed my exasperation to simmer. His emotional turmoil was gut wrenching. I wanted to be a friend and help him so often. His confusion and frustration were tangible. All I could do for him was hope that he'd find happiness and peace of mind.

Maxim, Maxim, MAXIM! How refreshing was he?!?! Abundantly, apparently! I had such admiration for this character. His zest for life and ability to care for others melted off the pages and into my body. Positivity exuded off of him. He was charming, honest, and so lovable. But my favorite thing about him? His heart. His cultural upbringing highlighted an innate innocence about him when it came to interacting with others. I felt like it was ingrained in him to see the good in others. I didn't doubt that his own struggles often brought about his willingness to believe in others the way they could not for themselves.

To take a page from Ellen, I too was left feeling that fate had its hand in what was to come of Derek and Maxim. It was as though they were eachother's cure or salve.

Although Derek's struggle, was often times the focus, my heart often sunk to my stomach for Maxim. I couldn't help but feel angry for him. His strength endured and allowed for the inevitable to unravel.

Strong Enough was REAL! You can feel each sentiment at your core because you're constantly holding out hope for these two. You want them to find complete acceptance, but often times doubt sullies what you'd hope to be a breakthrough of sorts.

At the center of this story, for me, was love. Who someone loves should be of no consequence. Many times finding a solid and true love, or someone that completely understands you while accepting your flaws is like "finding a needle in a hay stack." Everyone has the right to find happiness; and Strong Enough encapsulated this aspect perfectly and genuinely.

This collaboration between Melanie Harlow and David Romanov is nothing short of remarkable. As a first time M/M reader, it was the quintessential introduction. It allowed me to ease into a genre of the unknown. I truly couldn't be conceivably happier with how I feel about this book. Melanie and David should be proud to have this story as a consummate example of what love is, and can have the potential to be. I offer my standing ovation and round of applause for such a well written, candid, and heart warming story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly jarosinski
Reviewed for Kindle friends Forever by Klaire Sutherland

This was a late addition to our review schedule so there wasn’t really much time to think about the blurb before reading, however within the first chapter it was abundantly clear that Strong Enough was a book that I was going to enjoy. Now, I prefer my books with some grit - a lot or a little - it doesn’t particularly matter, especially with a M/M book, as long as I can sink my teeth into it. Strong Enough is not that kind of book, there’s no dark, gory details within the pages, there’s no rough around the edges alpha males competing with one another but what there is here is a beautiful story that captivates the reader and with each chapter the compulsion to keep reading was there in spades. I loved the ‘easy’ read that this book seemed to be. The words carried me, the story held onto me and didn’t let go. I was sitting with two other bloggers over the weekend trying to explain what it was that hooked me about Strong Enough and I simply couldn’t find the words to explain why. In hindsight, having thought about the book a long time, I think perhaps the fact that it feels like a ‘real’ read, something true to life, is what had me hooked. My understanding is, from the Q&A with the authors at the back of the book, that Strong Enough is somewhat part autobiographical. For me, the writing captures the realism of the story and it’s most likely why I found it so appealing and loved reading it.

The characters had a fantastic depth to them, tremendously likeable even when things were not quite ideal. Derek and Maxim were made for each other, neither expected on another but boy did they have something that we all wished we could find. The chemistry between these two men sizzled from the very beginning. I loved how they met and I loved how they ended up. The secondary characters fell into place pleasantly, complementing the story in all the right places and extremely affable.

I’m not familiar with Melanie Harlow’s writing but I felt that she nailed this. Angsty in all the right places, some serious steam and lots of reflective voice that never bored me. I can’t really say that much more about this book in all honesty, there’s nothing I would change, nothing that bothered me, nothing that made me think twice about awarding this book the 5 stars it so thoroughly deserves. Beautifully written, full of emotion, richly descriptive and perfectly balanced. What I will say is this - Strong Enough surprised me. It’s not the kind of book I read and enjoy, yet this bowled me over. Find a cosy corner somewhere and grab a glass of wine, give yourself a few hours to get lost with Derek and Maxim’s story, you won’t regret a second of it. I promise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
derek boeckelmann
This....this was so beautifully written and executed so flawlessly. In typical Melanie Harlow style, once again she has given her all in an emotional journey proving that love is love is love.

David Romanov, you amaze me! Not only have you jumped off the cover of Man Candy, but now you've brought to life a character that is you in the fictional world and proven that you are so well spoken and beautiful on the inside and the outside. I was so touched by this journey of spontaneity and this was beyond what I was expecting. I loved everything about this story. The only thing missing - recipes! The syrniki - sounds amazing! Thank you for sharing so much of you and your story.

This romance is driven by fate, aura's, and being at the right place at the right time. It's about missed opportunities and what happens when one door closes and the best door opens. Maxim comes to America with hopes and dreams that are so simple. He sees beauty in the smallest things. He doesn't need a fancy house, car, clothes or even a new laptop. He finds joy in just being. Maxim thinks he's unworthy and lacks the confidence in himself to take the initiative and make the first move on someone that takes his breath away. His life is driven by Russian values, traditions, superstitions, sayings and cuisine. All he wants is to share it.

And then there is Derek. The OCD control freak that keeps denying that this electric current that keeps pulling him to Maxim is anything but an attraction. He fears that he is sinning and continues to punish himself for the thoughts that he has hidden away in his heart and mind since he was a teen. He thinks that Maxim is confident, fearless and spontaneous whereas he is the complete opposite of that as he is cautious and is far from being a free spirit. Derek's mind is fixated on stereotypes that he has of Russia - its people, its culture, its environment. He thinks they are cold. What he finds is that Maxim is the opposite- he burns hot and he totally melts his frosty heart.

The chemistry in Strong Enough is off the charts. I would not change a thing. From the singing of Russian lullaby's, to the making of breakfast Russian style and American style, Strong Enough is about being the one to almost walk away, but also being Strong Enough to stay and take a chance because fate has stepped in. Its about taking a leap of faith and running with it. It's charming, so steamy, written oh so stunningly beautiful, pulls at your heart strings and reinforces the fact that love is love is love....Nostrovia!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vicki m
This standalone marks three milestones. Strong Enough is bestselling author Melanie Harlow's first foray into the sub-genre of M/M contemporary romance, it's the debut release from David Romanov, and it's the first time Harlow has co-written a novel. On all three points, this book has done remarkably well, and this is coming from someone who makes no secret of how much of an M/M romance fangirl I am. There's a great deal of emotion, and that's to be expected when it comes to Harlow's novels, but there were also thought-provoking moments, though I'm not sure if having those was intentional or not. With one main character being in denial about his sexuality and raised to believe that being anything but straight was wrong, his issues gave me pause and had me contemplative.

With thirty-six-year-old Derek and twenty-four-year-old Maxim—whose journey to happily-ever-after was anything but easy—I felt a lot of frustration, more towards the former than the latter. Yet I also felt empathy, because who the heck wants to be in the same situation as him, confused about what it was he truly wanted. But then Derek first had to make up his mind about who he was and everything else (okay, maybe not EVERYTHING but the most important ones) will fall into place. Maxim was extremely likable and falling in love with him was inevitable. With Derek, there was more of a struggle, mainly because he was in such denial and the way he was handling everything come off as selfish and thoughtless at times. Did he win me over? Oh, yes he did...though he still faltered at times.

I loved Derek and Maxim's story, and part of what made it such a wonderful read was the cast of characters these two were surrounded with and supported by, especially Carolyn, Derek's not-quite-yet girlfriend, Ellen, Derek's younger sister, and to a slightly lesser degree, Gage, Derek's best friend. Harlow and Romanov did a fantastic job putting their own spin on the whole struggle regarding family acceptance, choosing to make it a point of contention for Derek but not making it overtake the rest of the story with its resolution. This may be their first endeavor as a writing duo, but I sincerely hope it won't be the last. They struck a good balance as a team, with one giving voice to the other's ideas. Strong Enough is more than enough as an M/M debut. I'm giving it five-plus stars. ♥
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan kart
This book captured my attention from the first page and I did not want to put it down. I will admit that I have several Melanie Harlow titles on my kindle, but this is the first one that I have read. And I obviously need to rectify that. Melanie and David Romanov have written a beautiful and emotional story as their first foray into M/M romance.

Maxim Matveev takes a risk and impulsively leaves Russia to follow his dreams to California. But his American welcome was not all that he hoped. Luckily he makes the acquaintance of a helpful woman named Ellen and she manages to find a place to stay for the night...with her older brother, Derek Wolfe,

Derek is fastidious, dependable, and all about order and control. He is a planner and knows just what his future is supposed to look like. He is lonely and trying to rectify it, but he just does not really feel much and is stuck in a rut. He has always done what is expected, but there is a void in his life.

Maxim is genuine, optimistic, appreciative, and funny. He is ready to live his life as a gay man out in the open now that he is in the U.S.. He is younger, but mature. He is willing to work hard and wants to be independent, and does not like having to rely on Derek or Ellen for help. I adored Maxim from the beginning.

These two have an attraction that at first neither knows what to make of. Derek is used to living in denial and repressing his own needs. He was raised in a strict religious, intolerant home. So he has never really allowed himself to entertain his urges. But they begin to develop a rapport and trust, but also desire. Derek runs hot and cold as he internally struggles and begins to lose his control. He cannot resist and is plagued by guilt and fear. He wants to explore the short term with Maxim, but is not willing to derail his big picture goals. And as things get heated, their connection, intimacy, and intensity grows. But Derek is a man terrified of what truly coming out would mean. And Maxim does not want to be a dirty little secret, and he wants to be in it either all or nothing.

Will Derek find a way to be strong enough to fight his fears, instilled beliefs, and public scrutiny? If not, will Maxim be strong enough to walk away from him?

These guys broke my heart at times, but had me swooning at others. Their vulnerability, fears, confusion, sensitive feelings, jealousy, and conflicting ideas made them feel like well rounded characters. Their chemistry, need, and passion was hot, but also intimate. It was not only about them building a relationship, but it was also about each of their personal growth. Maxim literally started his life over in a new place with a new attitude about life. He wasn't expecting Derek, but was willing to take on a new relationship too.

Derek was now facing up to feelings that he had been avoiding for years. He needed to accept himself before he could demand acceptance from others. Derek was a man at a crossroads and so scared of both outcomes--losing Maxim or having to allow others to pass judgment on who he really wanted to be. But he felt hopelessness that he would ever be allowed to truly be happy. Maxim needed to feel equal, truly wanted, and for them to really mean something. And at times they had difficulty effectively communicating their needs or were afraid to be the first to admit what they wanted.

This book was so full of feels. It was engaging, funny, sweet, hot, intense, emotional, and heartfelt. My kindle may have even blurred a bit a few times as I was swept up in the emotions and swoons. I loved getting the dual points of view and felt that the authors did a good job making them individuals with two separate and distinct voices. The characters were well developed, complex, and likable. Their minds and hearts were totally exposed to us and I appreciated the depth of their feelings and their internal struggles. The story had enough conflict and issues to keep me interested, but not so much that I wanted to throw my kindle. I loved these guys and felt everything along with them. I was totally invested in their outcome. My reason for not giving it five stars was that there were a couple of things that I felt needed to be addressed more towards the end of the story.

It had good messages about taking risks, fate, trust, conquering fears, acceptance, and being true to yourself. This story flowed well and kept me captivated. I hated to have to put it down, and I was kind of sad when it was over. This is one of my favorite reads of the year, M/M or otherwise. I hope that these authors bring us more collaborations in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Strong Enough…

For Derek Wolfe and Maxim Matveev, those two words have multiple meanings, some contrary to one another and others that demonstrate the effort it takes to get through difficult ordeals in order to reap deserved rewards.

At the beginning of the story, for Derek, being strong enough means to keep his dark sexual urges repressed, fighting them and ultimately controlling them so that no one truly knows just how abnormal he is because Derek’s upbringing has programmed him to believe that anything that is not socially acceptable is disgusting…wrong…even sinful.

These two men seem as opposite as they can be, especially because Derek uses all of his strength to suppress who he really is, fighting to be the man his parents and society wants him to be, not the one he truly is down to his core. And, even with the attraction that Derek feels for Maxim, Derek still torments himself with a code of conduct and traditional values that will lead him to become the perfect family man - one with a wife and kids, not a man who is 12 years younger than him and represents everything he’s worked his entire life to ignore and adamantly deny.

Maxim illustrates his strength and courage when he leaves his home in Russia for a life in the States, not knowing if he can make it here but driven to try because what he wants out of life he cannot acquire in his homeland. Maxim’s optimism and fortitude guide his life and his choices and even though everything seems to go wrong for Maxim as soon as he steps off the plane from Russia, perhaps it’s fate that guides his journey and allows him to help a man understand that despite his upbringing love doesn’t have to be a perfect, quintessential image - it just has to be perfect for the two people who feel it.

The fact that this story is semi-autobiographical adds intrigue and depth to the story line. Both men are fully characterized, which means that readers can truly understand what their words and actions illustrate about them and why they’ve grown to be the men that they currently are.

Derek is portrayed in such a way that readers can’t help but feel heartbroken for him; he’s lived his entire life programmed to believe that there’s only one way for him to live his life, so it makes sense that he fights his true nature and has a difficult time dealing with his feelings for Maxim. It’s clearly not Derek’s fault and while it was a bit frustrating to hear his misguided thoughts, the fact that, that is what he felt and must contend with is devastating not only for him but for those individuals like him who can’t be who they’re meant to be from the very beginning.

Maxim is a breath of fresh air in Derek’s otherwise controlled and tortured world and Maxim allows Derek to understand that there’s not simply one path or one way to live, and even though it’s difficult for Derek to face his reality, he’s strong enough to do so with Maxim by his side.

Strength is defined in varying ways throughout the story, and when Maxim becomes a part of Derek’s life, Derek ultimately needs to decide if he’s strong enough to go against everything he’s been told to believe and experience the kind of love that he could only dream of or if he cares too much about what other people will think and ruins any chance he may have to live the life that he deserves.

“You were given this life because you’re strong enough to live it.”

As long as Derek and Maxim can remember this idea throughout the highs and lows they’ll face in the lives they chosen to live, then they’ll always be strong enough to get exactly what they want and need!

I voluntarily read an early copy of this release.

4.5 Poison Apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diana s
Strong Enough couldn't have been any more perfect. Melanie Harlow and David Romanov not only show how brave and strong people must be to be embrace who they are but they also to show the world who they love. Maxim and Derek's story is inspirational and filled to the brim with love, of others and of self, and I couldn't put it down!

Both of the men in this novel are fantastic characters. Maxim has that exuberance for life that just oozes off of the pages. Other characters and readers cannot help but succumb to his positive energy and endless optimism for the future. Additionally, Maxim is a hard worker, someone who knows good things won't just come to him, and he is willing to sacrifice to achieve his dreams. The one thing he won't sacrifice, though, is his happiness and who he is, and for that, readers respect this charismatic hero. Maxim's love interest in this novel, Derek, couldn't be more opposite than him. Derek has suppressed who he is in the pursuit of the "perfect life," and while not all parts of him are hidden, one of the most important parts of him is. Watching him struggle with this part of himself, while at times hurting Maxim in the process, is hard to witness. It doesn't always leave readers with the best feelings toward Derek. Melanie Harlow and David Romanov, however, depict his internal struggle and self-loathing in such a way that readers end up sympathizing with the war raging inside of him. It also helps that the authors chose a dual point-of-view, showing that Maxim, although hurting, understands the war he faces.

What is absolutely clear from the moment they meet is that these two have undeniable chemistry; it radiates from every page of this book, emotionally and physically. With each passing day, it becomes harder and harder for them, but even when they finally give in it isn't smooth sailing. These moments are so emotionally charged that readers live for the moments when Maxim and Derek ignite again, each moment becoming hotter and more tender.

The pacing of this story is spot on. Melanie Harlow and David Romanov balance not only a romance but also the story of man looking to achieve his goals in a new country as well as a man trying to find his happily-ever-after. The three components of these stories work so well together and act as an impetus to drive the plot forward, allowing for the development of their relationship as well as them individually as characters. Like any great novel, this story is more than just a romance. It chronicles the struggle of someone coming to terms with who they are and who they love and being brave enough to tell the world. It encapsulates what all LGQBT romances show - love is love, and when Derek and Maxim are together there is no better example. Seeing these two come together, fall apart, and achieve their dreams is truly one of the best stories I've read.

I am such a fan of MM romances in general, but this one is really special. A lot of MM romances that I have read deal with characters who are open and out to the public, but watching the struggle for those still coming to terms with their desires and fear of exposure is one I do not see often. It however is important as many still struggle with this. This novel speaks to that and gives those fighting a voice, someone to look to and to give them hope that they, too, can find happiness with who they are and who they love. Because at the end of the day, everyone deserves happiness, love, and acceptance for who they are.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book.* As a first M/M book for me, Strong Enough was sheer perfection. From all the wows, to all the gasps and awes, I was left emotionally sated. There wasn't an emotion left in me that hadn't been awakened.

I truly enjoyed each character. Derek's long fought struggle had my heart mostly aching for him . At other times, I willed my exasperation to simmer. His emotional turmoil was gut wrenching. I wanted to be a friend and help him so often. His confusion and frustration were tangible. All I could do for him was hope that he'd find happiness and peace of mind.

Maxim, Maxim, MAXIM! How refreshing was he?!?! Abundantly, apparently! I had such admiration for this character. His zest for life and ability to care for others melted off the pages and into my body. Positivity exuded off of him. He was charming, honest, and so lovable. But my favorite thing about him? His heart. His cultural upbringing highlighted an innate innocence about him when it came to interacting with others. I felt like it was ingrained in him to see the good in others. I didn't doubt that his own struggles often brought about his willingness to believe in others the way they could not for themselves.

To take a page from Ellen, I too was left feeling that fate had its hand in what was to come of Derek and Maxim. It was as though they were eachother's cure or salve.

Although Derek's struggle, was often times the focus, my heart often sunk to my stomach for Maxim. I couldn't help but feel angry for him. His strength endured and allowed for the inevitable to unravel.

Strong Enough was REAL! You can feel each sentiment at your core because you're constantly holding out hope for these two. You want them to find complete acceptance, but often times doubt sullies what you'd hope to be a breakthrough of sorts.

At the center of this story, for me, was love. Who someone loves should be of no consequence. Many times finding a solid and true love, or someone that completely understands you while accepting your flaws is like "finding a needle in a hay stack." Everyone has the right to find happiness; and Strong Enough encapsulated this aspect perfectly and genuinely.

This collaboration between Melanie Harlow and David Romanov is nothing short of remarkable. As a first time M/M reader, it was the quintessential introduction. It allowed me to ease into a genre of the unknown. I truly couldn't be conceivably happier with how I feel about this book. Melanie and David should be proud to have this story as a consummate example of what love is, and can have the potential to be. I offer my standing ovation and round of applause for such a well written, candid, and heart warming story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick donald
Reviewed for Kindle friends Forever by Klaire Sutherland

This was a late addition to our review schedule so there wasn’t really much time to think about the blurb before reading, however within the first chapter it was abundantly clear that Strong Enough was a book that I was going to enjoy. Now, I prefer my books with some grit - a lot or a little - it doesn’t particularly matter, especially with a M/M book, as long as I can sink my teeth into it. Strong Enough is not that kind of book, there’s no dark, gory details within the pages, there’s no rough around the edges alpha males competing with one another but what there is here is a beautiful story that captivates the reader and with each chapter the compulsion to keep reading was there in spades. I loved the ‘easy’ read that this book seemed to be. The words carried me, the story held onto me and didn’t let go. I was sitting with two other bloggers over the weekend trying to explain what it was that hooked me about Strong Enough and I simply couldn’t find the words to explain why. In hindsight, having thought about the book a long time, I think perhaps the fact that it feels like a ‘real’ read, something true to life, is what had me hooked. My understanding is, from the Q&A with the authors at the back of the book, that Strong Enough is somewhat part autobiographical. For me, the writing captures the realism of the story and it’s most likely why I found it so appealing and loved reading it.

The characters had a fantastic depth to them, tremendously likeable even when things were not quite ideal. Derek and Maxim were made for each other, neither expected on another but boy did they have something that we all wished we could find. The chemistry between these two men sizzled from the very beginning. I loved how they met and I loved how they ended up. The secondary characters fell into place pleasantly, complementing the story in all the right places and extremely affable.

I’m not familiar with Melanie Harlow’s writing but I felt that she nailed this. Angsty in all the right places, some serious steam and lots of reflective voice that never bored me. I can’t really say that much more about this book in all honesty, there’s nothing I would change, nothing that bothered me, nothing that made me think twice about awarding this book the 5 stars it so thoroughly deserves. Beautifully written, full of emotion, richly descriptive and perfectly balanced. What I will say is this - Strong Enough surprised me. It’s not the kind of book I read and enjoy, yet this bowled me over. Find a cosy corner somewhere and grab a glass of wine, give yourself a few hours to get lost with Derek and Maxim’s story, you won’t regret a second of it. I promise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Strong Enough by Melanie Harlow and David Romanov was a beautifully written M/M romance. This novel was their first collaboration and they did an excellent job at it.
Told in first person dual point of view, we were given in depth insights into each character thinking and feelings, in such a way, that it made the story so much more relatable.
Derek was the older more mature man, looking to settle down with a wife and kid. He was meticulous, neat and always taking care of others. Maxim on the other hand was the young, open, honest, younger Russian man looking to create a new life for himself in America and willing to work hard to achieve his dream.
Maxim and Derek were two entirely different individuals, both at different points in their lives and both wanting different things. But they met and everything changed. These two had instant chemistry from the moment they met and when they came together it was smoking hot.
As we go through the novel I loved that the authors gave us both men's thoughts and feeling at each stage of the story. I loved the build-up of their relationship. We see their insecurities come up making them seem so real and you can't help but love them both.
This is more that just a story about love. It is about courage, honesty and acceptance of oneself inspite of what others will have to say. Its about choosing to live the life you want, the life that makes you happy instead of living a life doing what will please other.
Strong Enough was a touching, intense, riveting page-turner that I would highly recommend. This was an excellent read.
**I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this novel**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
true weber
This....this was so beautifully written and executed so flawlessly. In typical Melanie Harlow style, once again she has given her all in an emotional journey proving that love is love is love.

David Romanov, you amaze me! Not only have you jumped off the cover of Man Candy, but now you've brought to life a character that is you in the fictional world and proven that you are so well spoken and beautiful on the inside and the outside. I was so touched by this journey of spontaneity and this was beyond what I was expecting. I loved everything about this story. The only thing missing - recipes! The syrniki - sounds amazing! Thank you for sharing so much of you and your story.

This romance is driven by fate, aura's, and being at the right place at the right time. It's about missed opportunities and what happens when one door closes and the best door opens. Maxim comes to America with hopes and dreams that are so simple. He sees beauty in the smallest things. He doesn't need a fancy house, car, clothes or even a new laptop. He finds joy in just being. Maxim thinks he's unworthy and lacks the confidence in himself to take the initiative and make the first move on someone that takes his breath away. His life is driven by Russian values, traditions, superstitions, sayings and cuisine. All he wants is to share it.

And then there is Derek. The OCD control freak that keeps denying that this electric current that keeps pulling him to Maxim is anything but an attraction. He fears that he is sinning and continues to punish himself for the thoughts that he has hidden away in his heart and mind since he was a teen. He thinks that Maxim is confident, fearless and spontaneous whereas he is the complete opposite of that as he is cautious and is far from being a free spirit. Derek's mind is fixated on stereotypes that he has of Russia - its people, its culture, its environment. He thinks they are cold. What he finds is that Maxim is the opposite- he burns hot and he totally melts his frosty heart.

The chemistry in Strong Enough is off the charts. I would not change a thing. From the singing of Russian lullaby's, to the making of breakfast Russian style and American style, Strong Enough is about being the one to almost walk away, but also being Strong Enough to stay and take a chance because fate has stepped in. Its about taking a leap of faith and running with it. It's charming, so steamy, written oh so stunningly beautiful, pulls at your heart strings and reinforces the fact that love is love is love....Nostrovia!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This standalone marks three milestones. Strong Enough is bestselling author Melanie Harlow's first foray into the sub-genre of M/M contemporary romance, it's the debut release from David Romanov, and it's the first time Harlow has co-written a novel. On all three points, this book has done remarkably well, and this is coming from someone who makes no secret of how much of an M/M romance fangirl I am. There's a great deal of emotion, and that's to be expected when it comes to Harlow's novels, but there were also thought-provoking moments, though I'm not sure if having those was intentional or not. With one main character being in denial about his sexuality and raised to believe that being anything but straight was wrong, his issues gave me pause and had me contemplative.

With thirty-six-year-old Derek and twenty-four-year-old Maxim—whose journey to happily-ever-after was anything but easy—I felt a lot of frustration, more towards the former than the latter. Yet I also felt empathy, because who the heck wants to be in the same situation as him, confused about what it was he truly wanted. But then Derek first had to make up his mind about who he was and everything else (okay, maybe not EVERYTHING but the most important ones) will fall into place. Maxim was extremely likable and falling in love with him was inevitable. With Derek, there was more of a struggle, mainly because he was in such denial and the way he was handling everything come off as selfish and thoughtless at times. Did he win me over? Oh, yes he did...though he still faltered at times.

I loved Derek and Maxim's story, and part of what made it such a wonderful read was the cast of characters these two were surrounded with and supported by, especially Carolyn, Derek's not-quite-yet girlfriend, Ellen, Derek's younger sister, and to a slightly lesser degree, Gage, Derek's best friend. Harlow and Romanov did a fantastic job putting their own spin on the whole struggle regarding family acceptance, choosing to make it a point of contention for Derek but not making it overtake the rest of the story with its resolution. This may be their first endeavor as a writing duo, but I sincerely hope it won't be the last. They struck a good balance as a team, with one giving voice to the other's ideas. Strong Enough is more than enough as an M/M debut. I'm giving it five-plus stars. ♥
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Everyone has different views when it comes to books about M/M or F/F, some people enjoy them and others aren’t exactly comfortable with them. I on the other hand, find these types of books pretty interesting to read about. When I heard that Melanie Harlow was going to be writing an M/M, I was literally so excited for her because this is a new genre for her, normally she writes just romance. However, I have to say for someone who has never written M/M before they have done an amazing job. David Romanov is a brand-new author and honestly, I am so lucky to have been able to have been given the opportunity to read this book because it’s been written amazingly by both authors. I was drawn in from the very first page and I couldn’t put it down until I got to the end. I am so hoping that Melanie and David co-write together again or even David carry on with writing as I would love to read more of their work. They are both talented writers and should just keep living the dream as this is what they are good at.

Whilst reading this book, I found myself wanting to yell at Derek because even though the answers to all of his problems were right in front of him, he chooses to be stubborn and not realise things before it’s too late. However, I do understand that life and its choices aren’t exactly simple for Derek, as he’s been living one way for so long. I do think that Maxim brings out a care-free side of Derek and that’s a good thing for him because Derek is way too stuck in his ways. I loved how Maxim wanted to live his dream and even took the plunge by moving to a brand-new country, one that he’s never been to before, just so that he can follow his dream. It’s not often that you see many people go out of their way to go and live for their dream, but the fact that Maxim does touches my heart. There are a lot of complications along the way, but honestly I think that this book gets the ending it deserves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My Review:
Overall: 3.5
Performance: 3.0
Story: 3.75

I need to state right up front that I think I would have enjoyed this book more if I hadn't listened to it in audiobook format. Sometimes the dialogue could get a little cheesy and that always sounds worse when listening to an audiobook than it does silently reading it. Also, Maxim's Russian accent sounded very different between the two narrators and that was extremely hard to deal with on the audiobook. I think both narrators did a fine job with the just sounded so different. I think this is a case where a single narrator would have been better (and I never feel like that). And one more thing...Maxim was supposed to be 24, but the narration made him sound so much older. I don't know if it was the narration or the inflections or what? But I never could get his character grounded in my head as someone younger than Derek.

So, yeah...all the way around, I think this book would have been more enjoyable to me if I had simply read it rather than listening to it.

Because the story was pretty good. I just never seemed to sink into it well or the characters as much as I like. The premise was interesting. I liked Maxim's reason for coming here, even if a few things felt a bit far-fetched. The whole setup of how he needs so much help was very well done, and I could totally see a theft happening like that especially after an overseas flight where you're simply not functioning anymore because of pure exhaustion.

And I liked the build up of tension between the two guys. It was really well done. So, a bit of a mixed bag review, but it boils down to...if the book interests you, I'd recommend you read it outright and skip the audio.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emali steward
What a lovely collaboration between author Melanie Harlow and David Romanov!! This was Melanie's first co-authored book, and David's debut novel! I can tell from the Q&A section in the book (at the very end), that these two had a blast giving us a sweet, sexy, and fiery read between Derek and Maxim!
I would call Strong Enough the perfect book to introducing readers who are not familiar with M/M protagonists. M/M is not everyone's cup of tea, however, I truly feel this book could be a turning point for many.
There are several reasons: 1) It is sexy, but not too-in-your-face-sexy that many would be uncomfortable with. Although it is pretty hot, so fair warning ;). 2) This book is about acceptance. It's about acknowledging how you really feel, and seeing there is more than just the "perfect family." 3) And lastly, these two men give you the feels. And as a woman, getting the feels from the characters that you are reading (getting entranced with their world) is a complete and utter turn on. Its what we strive to feel.
So, the moral of the story focuses around on Maxim moving across country and having some pretty crappy luck once he lands on USA soil. And Derek (sweet and protective Derek), comes to the rescue and they live happily ever after with some obstacles to go through before they can get to that part.
If you are a fan of Melanie Harlow's books than I would without a doubt recommend this. It is Melanie with a great touch of Male perspective.
oh! And let me not forget the sexy accented Maxim and his Russian phrases.
Happy Reading!
4.5 stars
*ARC was generously provided by author in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin ruff
What a beautiful story!!! I fell in love with these characters! Maxim & Derek took me on an emotional journey full of love and warmth.
I am a huge fan of M/M books because I trully believe that...well, love is love and that everybody should be with the person that fills their life with meaning and happiness.
Derek is a man that loves order; he likes to plan ahead and he wants the perfect family. A wife and kids. He likes to take care of others and that opportunity comes when Maxim comes into his life.
Maxim, oh Maxim. What a lovely, heart warming character this guy was! I fell in love with how open and pure Maxim was. I wanted to hug him.
He stormed into Derek 's life and turned everything upside down. Everything Derek thought he wanted and needed evaporated the minute our lovely Russian came into his life.
Their chemistry? Scorching hot!
Their relationship? A beautiful connection that made me swoon.
I loved every character in this book! Especially Ellen, Derek 's sister. She was one of a kind and a trully wonderful person. Everyone needs an Ellen in their life!
The authors did an excellent job building our couple's relationship. They were the antithesis of each other but they completed each other. The transition between point of views was smooth and it flowed wonderfully.
This collaboration was one of the best I've read!!!! I cannot wait for more from both authors.
If you love a good romance story with relatable characters or If you are an M/M lover, do not miss this. I highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karle schmitt

This book has got all the feels. Beautifully written, it's got a very different vibe to it than Melanie's other books. You can really feel David's influence on the writing.

I adored Maxim, he felt so youthful with a really brave outlook. To move to another country with only a few plans seems crazy to me but worked for him. He's a very lucky man to find himself in Ellen's bar. She's such a fab side character, sets him on the path to true happiness.

I really felt for Derek from the very first pages, you could really feel a sadness in him. I think it must be so difficult to hold back your true self because of fear and self loathing. A true caretaker of others he was in a perfect place to help Maxim.

I loved the chemistry between these two, they just clicked from the very first meeting. Derek needed someone with such a strong sense of right and wrong to help him understand that sexuality isn't a choice. To break away from your upbringing isn't easy and without Maxims strength I don't think Derek would of achieved this. He had fabulous support from his sister Ellen and best friend Gage, I really enjoyed these secondary characters, they brought a lot of lightness and fun to the story.

The sex is hot! Loved Derek's passion and fire, loved how rough he got with Maxim. It's always fun to read characters that really let it all out in the bedroom, makes for interesting scenes.

Fantastic debut novel, brilliantly written and I really hope we get more stories from this collaboration.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
denise vasak
What a heartbreakingly beautiful book. A book of strength, courage, persistence and acceptance of who you truly are and going after what you want.

My heart broke for Derek. Growing up with a bigoted father and hiding his true feelings, thinking they were wrong. Denying his true feelings therefore denying himself true happiness. He craved what he felt was normalcy when in truth he was living a façade. Reading about his internal struggle was absolutely heartbreaking. I wanted him to stop thinking what he wanted was wrong!! I wanted him to be happy!!!

Maxim, oh Maxim! I loved how he went after what he wanted out of life. He didn't settle and did everything he could to make his dreams come true not matter the cost. Maxim was not afraid to show his true self. I felt he gave Derek the strength and motivation to reach for true happiness. He was the strength that Derek needed in his life. An example that Derek's true happiness was within reach if he was brave enough to reach out and hold on tight enough to it. He loved Derek but refused to sacrifice himself for him. He refused to go backwards, sick of hiding. He wanted their love to shine and would except nothing less.

Their relationship was a gift, a blessing. They brought out the best in each other. Love is love and that should never be hidden. This is a must read! A truly brilliant, beautiful and impactful love story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca walker
Usually when an author known to write M/F romance books jumps into the M/M genre I'm rather resistant and weary especially in this case of co-writing it with someone whose new to this business but after devouring Strong Enough within 24 hours I can safely say that this book was another Melanie Harlow hit and a great debut on David's part!

Sweet and totally captivating I loved this book from the get go! Derek & Maxim were super cute and not mention HOT-AS-HELL.

“I want you to come,” I rasped through clenched teeth. “I want to watch you. I want to feel it in my hand. I want you dripping down my stomach.”
Maxim is moving to US from Russia on a total impulsive move ,with little money and big dreams he decides to leave and go and get it. Of course the first few hours in the US are tough and if it were honestly myself in that situation the roof would be on fire and you'd be hearing me drop the F-Bomb every 60 seconds but Maxim?

Maxim in this situation made the best of it. He's probably one of the most well natured person I ever had the pleasure of reading about. Throw in the fact that he's Russian and has thee most gorgeous blue eyes Derek ever had the pleasure of looking into I'd say he's a winner.

Derek is a man struggling with himself ,he's going through something but just can pin point what exactly that problem is ,that is until Maxim walks into his life and everything changes.

One of the most beautiful tellings of a love story Strong Enough made my heart ache and tummy flutter.

Honestly writing this review is so hard because I feel my words can never do this book justice.
There were times this book broke my heart but in the end everything was so worth it! Definitely one of my top favourite reads of 2017 and a new M/M favourite!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One would never guess that Strong Enough is Melanie Harlow's first M/M book and David Romanov's debut novel. Absolutely stunning story of love so strong and perfect. Derek lives a perfect life, perfect home, beautiful girl friend yet he's truly unhappy. He knows something is missing between him and his woman but he has plans, he wants a future that includes a family. Then he meets Maxim, a handsome young Russian man that has just arrived in America and needs help, a place to stay. Instantly there is a connection but Derek refuses to give into his needs. Maxim is gay and seems to understand the difficulty associated with Derek admitting to himself that he to may be gay. The emotions run high, the chemistry is out of the world. They need each other more than either realizes.How can Derek come to terms with these feelings he is having. Can Maxim continue to wait for Derek or will he move on. I was so impressed with the deep personality of Maxim. Knowing David Romanov, it was like he placed a peace of his soul within the character. Maxim was so kind, so loving and so perceptive of Derek's feelings and actions. He was so life like and my heart bled for him. Derek was also a wonderful main character. I felt for him as he tried to deal with his deep guarded feelings. I have to say the steamy scenes were screaming HOT and I am sure anyone who reads this book will absolutely love it!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laurie lee
Strong Enough by Melanie Harlow and David Romanov was such an emotional, sexy and beautiful read about finding what you need when you least expect it. This is an M/M romance, but above that, it was a story about love, strength and courage.

Maxim Matveev came to America to follow his dreams, but somehow finds himself in need of some serious help. That helps comes via an unexpected stranger. And so begins his adventure. He was such a strong character, but also sweet and caring. Derek Wolfe was so sexy, smart and successful and so very straight, or so he wants to believe. His struggle and indecision was felt throughout the story.

Maxim and Derek are constantly drawn to each other, though Derek was so torn on what to do. But his attraction to Maxim was so strong. The emotions felt while reading this book was so powerful. I absolutely loved these characters. They were so real and easy to love, even with all the tension and back and forth they faced. My heart broke for them repeatedly.

I really enjoyed reading Strong Enough. It was a powerful story that showed how hard it is to be who you want to be. But sometimes you just need the strength and courage to break free of expectations and follow you heart. More than an M/M, but a story of love and hope that is so worth the read.

4.5 stars.

Happy reading
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
​I was really excited when Melanie Harlow announced that she would be co-writing a male/male novel. I love when authors decide to step out of their comfort zone and try something new. I thought Melanie and David Romanov did a great job writing Strong Enough. Maxim and Derek have a beautiful story. I admire Maxim for taking risks and doing everything in his power to achieve his dreams. Moving to a new country, not knowing what to expect is scary even if it can be a little exhilarating. I loved his demeanor and how easy going he was. He just came off as a real genuine person. I also loved the way that Derek grew throughout the book. He truly had to fight to not only find his true self but to also embrace it. He had to accept who he was as a person and be happy with it no matter what others thought. I admit that he was frustrating at times. Maxim was a saint for the way that he handled Derek as he fought his inner battles. They're total opposites yet they are so perfect for each other. I only wish we could have experienced some of the struggles that Derek had with his parents instead of being told about it. I think it would have given the story a little something extra, especially because it was a huge part of why Derek continuously pushed Maxim away. Otherwise, I really enjoyed reading their story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book just twisted my heart. The story of kind, organized, perfect, caretaker, Derek Wolfe, who works for his father, was reared in the Catholic Church and taught by nuns must face what he has denied for 20 years - that he is attracted to his same sex and that is why at 36 he has never had a passionate love nor been able to start the family he so desires. When Maxim lands in LA from Russia knowing that in the US he does not have to keep secret the fact he is gay, fate conspires that he failed to pack his phone charger and the person who was to pick him up fails to show he shows up at the Blind Pig, a pub owned by Ellen, Derek sister. When Ellen calls Derek to come get Maxim to put him up in his guest bedroom, Derek must face.feelings and desires he has never had to deal with before. With every new experience he has with Maxim, he swears he is 'not like that' and it will never happen again. But it does. However, after 2 weeks, the independent, hard working Maxim moves into his own apartment, refusing to be closeted with Derek! I highly recommend this book especially to someone who has not read MM before! I volunteered this review from an ARC.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Since this book was announced I was really excited to read it!! And let me tell you this book is AMAZING!!!!

The story between Maxim and Derek is so pretty, i mean as any romance it has drama, difficult situations, funny moments, but the most important thing a lot of ROMANCE! We meet two characters one of them who accept his sexual preferences and the other who try to denial until he meet this amazing guy and can't stop all the feelings that he has for him. I think Maxim and Derek are perfect for each other and you can say they help each other.

Maxim and Derek felt so much chemistry when they meet, but their moment doesnt look the correct one to start something, so they have to pass for a lot of difficult situations and fight for have their happy ending.

In conclusion this a beautiful story where two guys wasn't expecting to find love in that specific situation, but fate and the destiny show them that no matter the place or the moment you don't let go away the person who you love so much.

Congratulations Melanie and David, I really hope you wil write more books together because this one was FANTASTIC and is in my top 3 of favorites M/M!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate carpenter
So much emotion.
So much heart.
So much struggle.


Cover to cover, this book was amazing. There isn’t one thing I can think of that I didn’t like. These characters were beautiful. Life isn't always easy and watching them both go through their own struggles and deal with them in vastly different ways was a spectacular journey to watch.

Derek will break your heart. Maxim will help breathe life back into it. You're going to laugh. You're going to cry. You're going to swoon.

But most importantly you're going to walk away with a smile on your face and love in your heart.

Fantastic five-star, must-read book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa a
Where to start with this amazing book of finding your true self and true love...
This was my first M/M read and I was not disappointed. Melanie and David did an amazing job at the telling of this love story.
Maxim, just off the plane from Russia is having some really bad luck. But his luck turns in the way of a bar owner and her brother. Derek comes to the rescue for his sister (which seems like the norm) and is met with Maxim.
Maxim is openly into the same sex. Derek is feeling things he's never felt before for the same gender.

"I didn’t want his apology— I wanted his body, his attention, his permission to feel this way."

It's a struggle of love, or finding your true self, and not worrying about what anyone else things but yourself.

“I want you to say no. I want you to push me away. I want you to be the one to stop this because I f---ing can’t.”

The emotions are high. The love scenes are on fire. This is a love story for the times. Beautiful.
I hope this pair will write together again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
6 beautifully shiny stars!! I went into this one completely blind, I didn't read a single teaser or the blurb....I wanted to be surprised. And oh boy was I surprised. This was an amazing story of love, sacrifice, discovery and acceptance. Derek knew the direction his life needed to go and even if something was missing he was doing his best to make it all happen. That is until Maxim came into his life, fresh off the plane from Russia and down on his luck. With Maxim's help, and with the support of his friends and family Derek takes a leap of faith in a new and beautiful direction.

This book was given to me for free at my request and I provided this review voluntarily
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
liz thompson
I received a complimentary copy of this book through Crazy Cajun Book Addicts for an honest review.

I'm a big fan of M/M reads and I really enjoyed this one. It had good strong characters and a great flow to it.

Maxim wanted to live the dream so decided to up sticks from Russia and moved to America but when he arrives, has his belongings stolen and finds himself with no where to stay he has no idea he's about to meet the man of his dreams.

Derek is a great guy he's smart, successful and very very hot!!
He's ready to settle down and wants nothing more than to have a family but somethings holding him back. When he meets Maxim feelings he thought he had buried years ago bubble to the surface and when sparks fly one evening he finds it even more difficult to hold back his true feelings.

With all Derek's insecurities about having a relationship with Maxim is there really any chance for them or will he end up pushing Maxim away forever?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lili dias
I have read books from Melanie Harlow previously and when I heard that she'll be Co-Writing writing MM Romance with David Romanov I was So Excited. I have been waiting eagerly to read Strong Enough. It captured my attention even before reading it. I knew from before that this book is going to be one emotional ride.

Both Melanie and David have Done a Wonderful Job. I Loved their Writing.

Derek and Maxim touched my heart and their story Heart warming, soul touching love story which will melt your heart. It's about a person who is struggling to accept who He is after thinking that his life was sorted out but Maxim, a Hot, Kind, Beautiful and Handsome Man Changes Derek's Perspective. He has to accept what he wants and who he wants if he wants a future with Maxim.

I HIGHLY Recommend this Beautiful Book to all the readers. Everyone read it now. This Story will stay with you for a long time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
At 2:15 AM this morning I finished Melanie Harlow and David Romanov's Strong Enough. It is so emotionally riveting that I could not put it down. This was my first foray into the world of M/M romance and I was blown away by this novel in a way that I was not prepared for!

To say that this book is a pleasant surprise is an understatement. It is an absolute revelation.

Derek and Maxim's story carved its way into my heart and I feel forever changed after reading it. I highly recommend this book; this is the perfect introduction to the genre for any first timers out there who have never read M/M romance before!

I loved Maxim from the start. He is courageous, ambitious, gracious, kind and adventurous. He is wise beyond his years and also has a endearing, vulnerable side that makes you fall in love with him instantly. Experiencing the United States through Maxim's eyes added an additional prospective that made this novel even more genuine and real. I adored the inclusion of words and phrases from the Russian language and the facts about Russian culture and customs that are unique to David Romanov's native Russian experience. Without Mr. Romanov's point of view, this novel still would have been excellent, but it would not have had the same level of authenticity.

In spite of all of that it is Derek's character arc that makes this book unforgettable. His path to his own self- acceptance and self-discovery is expertly written and deeply poignant. I found myself rooting for this couple so hard, yet at the same time I was cursing Derek left and right for his stubborn nature and his fervent denial of what was looking him right in the face! *Cue the frustration!*

Although I don't typically read M/M romance I am so thankful that I went out on a limb and tried something new because I will never forget this book or these two characters. I encourage anyone who is hesitant to go for it and take the plunge because I can't imagine anyone being disappointed with Strong Enough.

This was a 5 star read for me and I would definitely read another collaboration from these two authors!

Hats off to Melanie Harlow and David Romanov for a job well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trong Enough is absolutely EXCEPTIONAL.
You know...
I actually went to google a synonymous word that could offer me a stronger impact than just "EXCEPTIONAL." will have to do, bc nothing can describe my emotions and thrills while reading it or how much I truly have enjoyed this book.
I confess that I didn't read the synopsis before i started. Melanie books are always 5 star, but i was blown away when i realized it was a M/M story . What a delicious surprise when I finally opened to chapter one... and BAM.
The only Mistake was when..
I decided to "just" take a pick and it was already 12pm. Needless to say I had to force myself to stop reading at 3am. It is intoxicating... so combustive... and filled with explosive sensations. I have not read a book that I couldn't put it down for ages. Most of them a find myself scanning through fast, and the story lines are either too predictable to me or I have heard most before. STRONG ENOUGH had me actually GOING BACK to reread some of the scenes. EITHER bc I was so afraid to miss something important or just because I wanted to relive what level of their passion did to my inside.

WOW!!! WOW!!!WOW!!!

The Chemistry between Derek & Maxim is epically electrifying...their interactions paced and created so beautifully. By far one of the the most faithful representation of reality I have read. The goosebumps were so intense that had the hair behind my neck tangled. Lol I felt this fervent heat sensation traveling through my body every time they as much as looked at each other... now imagine the vengeance of flashes I had to endure when they were actually touching each other. Sweet Jesus... what a remarkable love story and description of desire between two lovers.

The story is captivating.
What am I gonna do now? Melanie and David are simply a match made in heaven. I adore Derek & Maxim. I am still completely submerged into their love story...I don't want it to end... and i wish there were more. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rekha kini
Strong Enough, Melanie Harlow.

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre:  Romance, LGBTQIA

I've enjoyed some of Melanie's past novels and was delighted to get this for review - I do so like a good M?M romance, somehow there's so often the tenderness, the real romance side that's often lacking in hetero novels. And this book had bags of that, along with some very sensual heat. 

I loved Maxim, he's just such a true gentleman, loves his mum and little sister, opens doors for ladies, always polite, that sort of guy.
He wants more than the life waiting for him in Russia, with its anti-gay stance, and has taken a 6 month visa to the US to follow his script-writing dreams. Sadly though, like so many he's unprepared for the vicious, cruel world waiting to take advantage of an innocent.
The guy who's meeting him and showing him to his new home doesn't show up, then having a drink in a bar wondering what to do next his luggage gets nicked, and he's homeless, jobless, cashless all in one fell swoop.
Luckily Derek's sister has a penchant for strays, for helping people and animals and when she hears whats happened she invited Max to stay with Derek, then rings Derek and tells him ;-) 

Derek's kind of  a neat freak, a place for everything and everything in its place. His friends take the mickey but its how he is, along with his long held dream of wife and family. Times passing though, he's approaching forty and hasn't got there yet despite trying hard. 
Of course when we see him with Max its clear why, he's really not that into women, maybe he's bi, but its clear he wants Max. He's had an upbringing though that's taught him Gay Is Bad.

What a disservice parents do when they inflict their bias and views on their kids, and how hard it is to come out and go against parental dictates.
Its not good parenting doing that, but sadly for so many people its what they get. I get the feeling its not so much homophobia, as not really understanding it and fear that drives his parents.
Never the less Derek is not going to act on his attraction, it makes him angry with himself and Max, just knowing its there. And then it all gets too much and he snatches Max into one searingly sensual, erotic, life changing kiss that shocks them both. 

Gah, Derek made me so angry with his hot/cold, not-my-fault attitude, and poor Max was totally confused.
I did understand and sympathise with Derek though, he's repressed these feelings for so long, won't even acknowledge them to himself, so he's had his world turned upside down when he cant do that with Max. 
Max isn't going to be anyones dirty little secret though, had to hide himself in Russia, isn't doing that again...

So can they make it through, can they find a HEA or is their romance doomed?
Its heartbreaking at times wanting them to be together and yet seeing Derek's barriers fall down tight again.
I really enjoyed their story, the emotions, the sweetness, and of course the angst. 

Stars: five, a really emotional read, with a sweet and yet steamy romance. 

ARC supplied for review purposes by author
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy patterson
This is the first book this fabulous duo has written and I hope it’s not the last! The amazing cover should be your first clue it’s an M/M book for fans of this hawt genre. If you’ve never read this genre, but have been curious to find out what all the fuss is about, this is THE book to read! Okay, for you ladies with “delicate sensibilities” I’m giving you a fair warning. I’m including some pretty awesome quotes (that also include some Fbombs in them) in this review that have very descriptive narrative.

Maxim, 24 years old, decides to follow his dream to become a screenwriter. He’s taking a risk, leaving his mother and baby sister behind in Russia, to move to Los Angeles. A little naïve, he puts his trust in someone he met online that promised he’d find him a place to stay, so he blindly sends money for rent and is told he’ll be picked up at LAX. After arriving in the City of Angels he’s left waiting at the airport for hours for his ride that never shows up. His phone’s dead, and he has no way to contact his ride or know where he’s staying. Not knowing where to go he decides to take a cab downtown. With no destination in mind the cab driver drops him off at a local landmark, The Blind Pig . Unfortunately for Maxim things get worse. While at the bar, his bag containing his wallet and clothes is stolen. Now he’s without money or his bank card. Ellen Wolfe, the owner feels awful for Maxim. She feels responsible it was stolen in her bar and insists on calling her brother for help. She’s got three roommates and no room for a guest. Her brother has a house with extra bedrooms.

“You know what? I’m going to help you. I believe in fate, and there must be a reason why you came in here tonight and all this happened.”
“I believe in fate too, but this was probably just random bad luck.”
“Nope. Nothing is random. Now it’s getting late, and I can see how exhausted you are, so I’m going to find you a place to stay and charge your phone tonight.”

Derek is used to Ellen rescuing stray puppies, but even this goes beyond her normal bleeding heart. Yes, he owns a house with extra bedrooms. It’s a very clean house; he’s a bit of a clean freak with everything in its place. It’s beautiful but lonely. He bought it thinking he’d propose to his girlfriend, Gabrielle, but she broke up with him before he moved in. She claimed they’d grown apart, and she was convinced he didn’t love her. At 36-years-old, Derek expected to be married by now and maybe even have a kid or two. He recently started dating a woman, Carolyn; she seems like the perfect woman for him. Trouble is he feels nothing for her.

“She was exactly the kind of woman I’d envision for myself. Nothing about her turned me off. The problem? Nothing about her turned me on, either.”

Unable to refuse Ellen’s request, he picks up his unexpected houseguest, a very attractive young blond. Too bad he’s a he. Derek’s surprised he notices how handsome Maxim is or the attraction he feels, but refuses to acknowledge it. He was raised in a strict household, his parents aren’t from California originally, and his father has very openly homophobic views. Derek’s always been the pleaser, choosing the career his father thought best for him--to take over the family business. It's not what he wanted to do, but Derek hates disappointing him. It seems he puts everyone first, he and his needs are last. Almost like an afterthought. Besides, he can’t be attracted to a man. His dream is of a wife and kids.

After Maxim calls his mom in Moscow and asks her to wire his savings, Derek offers to let him stay the weekend. As they spend time together, getting to know one another, the attraction grows deeper when Derek finds out Maxim is openly gay. Oh, this can’t be good. After inviting Carolyn to dinner, to prove to himself and Maxim he’s into women, it backfires on Derek.

“I didn’t realize you had a girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
“Oh. I guess I misunderstood.”
“She wants to be my girlfriend. The problem is me. Sometimes I don’t know what I want.”

Bang! The fireworks go off as Derek decides he has to have him. They kiss, make out, rub each other and then…..

Oh, Derek! What have you done? Derek has so many issues to deal with. His hang-ups, the loss of his dream of having a perfect family, and knowing this is not something his parents will accept. Too bad it feels so good. Yet so wrong.

Maybe they can keep it a secret. But Maxim isn’t ready to be treated like a dirty, little secret. And Derek can’t accept what is in front of him. How can he? Maxim’s unwilling to settle for less. He’s so sure, with or without Derek, he’ll achieve his dreams. Someone will have to either accept or be left alone. Hmmmm…

I loved Maxim; he was so mature and focused on his goals. His enthusiasm for reaching his dream of living in LA, despite his harsh, rude welcome to America, is heartwarming. Maxim’s Russian upbringing gives us some insight on his steely character, and it helps explain why he might appear a little cold and reserved at times. It’s included in the story in endearing ways. I laughed at his superstitious quirks, and I loved how strong and sweet he is.

This book **sigh** is incredibly sexy! I fanned myself reading it; it’s definitely hot and yummy descriptive. I might get in trouble with someone if I include more quotes, I really want to, but don’t want to find out. You need to read it for yourself. I’ve read a few books in this genre, but none of them compare to the heat in this one. Read. It. That’s all I’m going to say. You can thank me later for telling you to read it and making a new convert. Welcome to the club, it’s a fun one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diane murphy
I only recently began reading M/M books, and even though I was a little apprehensive at first but I was hooked immediately. When I heard Melanie Harlow was going to be venturing into the genre I was really excited, and when I realized she was writing it with David Romanov I was even more intrigued. I definitely wasn't disappointed - this book was amazing, and I devoured every word!

"If you plan everything in your life, you might be so focused on the plan, you don't notice all the other possibilities."

Maxim is 24 years old, taking the biggest risk of his life and leaving his home of Russia for his dream of living in America. He boards a plane to a new life with no job, little money, and a dead cell phone (because going back for his charger would have been bad luck!) Stranded in a strange city when his only connection in LA doesn't show up he ends up in a bar planning on getting a meal, finding a hotel & starting his new life. But things don't always work out as planned, and Maxim finds out the hard way that America might not be as perfect as he believed.</p>

Derek is a successful 36 year old, seemingly content with life and searching for what he believes is the perfect happily ever after- a wife & kids. But how one portrays themselves on the outside isn't always true to what is in their heart. When he finds the perfect woman he can't seem to find any attraction to her, but continues to try and force a relationship in order to achieve his ultimate goal. A late night phone call from his sister leads him on a path he never expected.

Both men are determined, one to succeed and conquer his dreams, the other to fight his innermost desires and be the person he believes society wants. They are complete opposites, on different paths in life, but are exactly what they each needed without ever knowing it. As Ellen loved to say, "it was fate" that brought them into each others lives.

"Even if you chose the path that caused you to suffer, you could find beauty or nobility in it."

Melanie & David brought us such an amazing story, it flowed so seamlessly you would never know that she had never written M/M or that he had never written at all. The characters were complex, with off the charts chemistry and a fantastic story to tell. I loved their relationship, their individual struggles, the way the each grew and conquered their own worlds. And I loved Ellen! She was the perfect side character, and would love to get her story next (hint, hint!) I really hope we get more from this duo, and that Strong Enough isn't the last of Melanie & David working together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow Melanie Harlow and first time writer David Romanov give us a hot, honest love story that really is second to none. The story is beautifully written that tugs on all the emotions and is sizzling hot to boot. One of my favorite stories of the year.

Derek Wolfe wanted a perfect life and he had it all mapped out - the wife, picket fence, 2 kids and the perfect job. At 36 years old he thought he was going to get that once years ago until his fiance left him. Now on the dating scene he is not feeling the chemistry he is supposed to be feeling - that is until he meets Maxim a 24 year old Russian moving to the US trying for a fresh start. The way Maxim makes Derek feel is something that Derek has been trying to suppress since he was 12 years old - now its coming to the surface and Derek doesn't know what to do. How does he control his feelings when something so wrong feels oh so right?

Maxim's first day in American is not going well - his bag has been stolen and his ride from the airport doesn't show up. He meets Ellen who enlists her brother Derek to help Maxim out until he gets back on his feet. When Maxim meets Derek he knows that the sparks he is feeling is something he cant ignore nor keep a secret. But Derek is having a hard time dealing with his feels and Maxim came from a country where being gay is taboo. Is he strong enough to walk away from the man whom he can build a life with?

I first have to say an MM love story is one of my favorites and I love that this is autobiographical for David Romanov. Knowing that just ups the intensity for me. Then bring in Melanie Harlow who can weave a love story it is a powerful combination. The writing is dead on; the story is well paced with great dialog. Told in dual POV's (this kind of story should be) I was fascinated with both characters journeys. I loved the secondary characters - Ellen Derek's sister is fantastic as well as Derek's friends. We even get glimpses of Maxim's sister back in Russia. This is a true love story that is also a journey of finally being true to yourself and not being afraid to live your dreams.
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