Steadfast (True North Book 2)

BySarina Bowen

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dan burton
Love it when a book and characters surprise me, and Steadfast did just that! Jude's story just rings true - it's not pretty, it's not sugarcoated . . . it's REAL! Jude lost everything when he was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to three years in prison. He was high on drugs and believed to be responsible for the death of his girlfriend's brother - the police chief's son. It's been three and a half years since that fateful day. Jude has returned to his hometown to face his demons of which there are many. His saving grace is the Shipley family from book 1. They have become his surrogate family and Thursday night dinners at their house are what keeps him sane...and sober from drugs.

Sophie has loved Jude forever. She tried to stand by her man when he went to prison, but Jude refused her letters & spurned her attempt to visit. Her family fell apart when her brother died, but now . . . now she wants answers to what really happened that night and no one - not even Jude will give them to her. And so Sophia turns investigator and the results will forever change lives.

As this story plays out, Jude and Sophie reconnect, realizing their passion and love still burns HOT. Have I mentioned yet how HOT this book is?? It is steamy, smokin', burst into flames HOT! The chemistry sizzles and crackles between these two even as they know a future together is impossible for so many reasons. When Jude's return and Sophie's attempts to learn the truth starts to rattle the wrong cages, things suddenly turn ugly. Who will be left standing? Will the truth ever come out? Can Jude ever forgive himself?

Steadfast is a heartfelt, second chance romance - second chance at life story that is so much "more". I applaud the author for the realistic view of a drug addict and the long, hard, continuous road to stay clean while battling the preconceived, prejudice notions of the public. I felt every long, tortuous step that Jude took toward reclaiming his life and cheered him on every step of the way. A good story of hope and love...A Must Read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Whereas the first book in this series was more lighthearted and fun natured, this second edition was heavier, with pain and betrayal finding their way in the midst of recovery and healing. I fell for Jude in book one, and I knew that his journey would be emotional and heart wrenching. I so wanted for him to find joy and happiness in his life, while maintain sobriety and recapturing love.
I don't wait to go into too much about this story as getting to experience this one first hand is part of the enjoyment. I was nice to see the Shipley's continuing to look out for Jude, and getting to spend time with our old friends. I am looking forward to Zach's story and May's quest for love. Great work Sabrina, and looking forward to more.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
STEADFAST is the second book in Sarina Bowen's steamy romantic series surrounding a group of farmers in Vermont. This is Jude's story. You don't have to read Bittersweet to start with this one, as each book can be read as a standalone.

Jude worked on the Shipley farm after getting out of prison, but his seasonal job ended. Now he's back in his hometown, continuing to fight for his sobriety and placing him close to the only girl he's ever loved, Sophie. His past haunts him, struggling with guilt over his involvement in Sophie's brother's death. His heart still belongs to Sophie but will she ever forgive him?

This book is a second-chance romance. Readers who were intrigued by the mysterious Jude and his inner demons will enjoy getting a glance into his past, his mind, and his heart. I liked how Jude and Sophie reconnected and felt like Sophie's conflicting inner turmoil felt real.

I didn't feel like there was anything in this story that made the book unique or memorable to me. I'm very picky with writing style and quality. This book left something to be desired in terms of the writing. The book is written in dual point-of-view, which seems to be very popular these days. But so often I see that the chapter breaks and changes in point-of-view is arbitrarily chosen, which was the case here. In Sophie's opening chapter, she refers to her purse as her "pocketbook" twice, which is a term I've heard my great-grandma use but not any 20-something I know, unless they were impersonating an elderly woman. Also, Jude refers to drugs so many times as "smack" and after the first 5 times, I longed for a different word for drugs to be used.

* I borrowed this audiobook from my local library.
The Fifteenth Minute (The Ivy Years Book 5) :: Rookie Move (A Brooklyn Bruisers Novel) :: Us (Him Book 2) :: The Year We Fell Down :: I Flipping Love You
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 this book is life stars

Jude's book!!! YESSSSSSSS
Sophie's his original love... yesssssss...

I recommend reading Bittersweet book 1, first, this could be read as stand alone but why would you do that! Start at 1, the character development continues through this story with all the characters. Join me in the apple picking, cider making, world of the Shipleys...

I dont want to be a spoiler on this book.
Let me say,
1) You get lots of the Shipley's in this book.
2) There is a happily ever after. Even when you think how could there be, there is, this author is that talented.
3) I will say, you find out in book 1...

Jude was previously in jail for 3 years for wrecking a car in it while under serious opiate influence, killing the sheriff's son (which was also the love of his you life's brother)

You will swoon and fall in love with Jude. You will feel his pain and want him to succeed so much.
He is 8 months sober and of jail at this start of this book (or there abouts) and he is hanging on with both nails to his sobriety. He lived with the Shipleys for 1st months to get back on his feet, make some money, and be sober a little longer. Prior to going back to his hometown 20 mins down the highway.

Sophie, Sophie, gotta love Sophie. She is trying to hold her broken family together with paper straws and a glue stick. And her parents use and abuse her, specifically her dad. Her mom is just physically present but mentally absent.

Jude and Sophie together seems impossible.
I adore the way this author portrays very difficult subjects and makes you feel for and cheer on her characters to succeed.

I highly recommend book 1 and 2 in the true north series...
I should mention, all the book are smoking sexy hot... The plot is so great, this is a bonus, but if you want a book that is panty-melting and puts you all in your feels, Ms. Bowen is the author for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.9 stars

We all remember Jude from BITTERSWEET. Griff hired him to work on the apple farm.
And we also remember that he had just got out of prison back then. He spent three years in there for driving a car while drugged up and killing his passenger in an accident. His girlfriend's brother. The son of the police chief.

Now that apple season is over, Jude goes back home to work in his dad's garage.
What he didn't expect was to see the love of his life Sophie on every corner in town.
And she's not disgusted by the sight of him. She seems to be interested to learn everything that happened to him these last three years. And all their passion is still just as present!

Sophie. She quit college after her brother died to come back home and take care of her mom. Her mom just kind of checked out of life after her son died. And Sophie's bully of a dad doesn't seem to care about anything anymore either.
Dad has always hated Jude, hated that she was dating this trailer trash guy. Not allowing her to be with him.

But now she's all grown up and her dad doesn't have that power anymore. Or does he?

Can an ex-con, ex-druggie and the police chief's daughter get their happily ever after with everything that happened in their past?

What will happen to Sophie & Jude?
Will there be a second chance for a HEA??
Or will there be a huge Cliffy??

Eeeeep finally Jude's book.
I LOVED LOVED LOVED the first book in the series. Griff will forever be my all time favorite apple cider farmer hottie!
And we already got to know Jude a bit in the first book. And even though he was supposed to be the mysterious addict ex-con, we really liked him.
And we like him even more now.

He tries so effing hard to keep his cravings for drugs under control. It's a daily fight. Or rather a fight that he has to fight every second of every day.
But he's doing good so far. Running the garage for his drunk dad. Having dinner with his apple farm friends... Keeping busy.

But then Sophie enters his life again and he's afraid to hope. To hope for a future that was once possible.... But he doesn't want to destroy her a second time.
Ugh - it was so heartbreakingly sad and adorable and moving and sexy and full of hope...
(Full of hope not only for the people in the book - I hope some readers will take away some positive things for their own lives!)

I really enjoyed Jude & Sophie's story.
I loved that the whole Shipley-Farm-Family appeared a lot! #GriffinIsMine ☺

I'll give it 4.9 stars - what stopped me from giving the whole BIG AND FAT FIVE STAR rating, like I rated the first book... There's too much religion in it. It's not really religion ... it's just that the priest of the church appears a lot - he's not talking religion, he's a cool guy running the local soup-kitchen, but still. The priest guy and Jude's NA meeting taking place in the church-basement. Also, those american NA meetings are always based on prayer :/ NOT MY THING AT ALL!!! I wonder what non-religious or mega-anti-religious addicts do in America? I hope they can find some non-religious help!
BUT - even though I'm totally anti-religious in life and in my books, it didn't bother me much!

I still loved Jude & Sophie's story!

►►►STEADFAST was a heartbreakingly beautiful & sexy & adorable second-chance love story about two lost and lonely souls fighting for their HEA!!! Buy the book to find out if they'll make it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sophia was a good girl. Local cop’s daughter with dreams of Juilliard and a singing career. Jude was the bad boy. A year older with a drunk for a father and an absentee mother, he had no prospects and a drug habit he tried to hide.

They loved each other fiercely, until the night that changed everything. Jude went to prison and her family was shattered. It was all his fault.

Sarina has done it again. Jude and Sophia, small town Vermont, a second change with hope, pain, chemistry, and baggage, these characters and this story kept me riveted from the very beginning. These two seemingly opposite characters had such a great connection, wanted to fight for each other, but didn’t always know how to fight for each other rather than against everyone around them.

Jude’s return home after leaving prison, rehab, and recovery time on the Shipley farm is filled with struggles as he works to put his life back together. I couldn’t help but admire his determination to fight his cravings, and avoid the temptations he found around every corner. He had very little support from home, but he was determined to keep himself clean, for no one but himself.

I loved these characters. From the bits of Jude that we got in Bittersweet, I was intrigued by his story. That he just wanted Sophia to be living her dream showed such selflessness that I couldn’t help but love him more. Sophia made the best of the hand she had been dealt, finding joy where should could and working to keep her family together as much as she could.

I loved their connection. Despite what should have been (and really was) painful history, they were still drawn to each other. He still thinks he is no good for Sophia, that she shouldn’t have to be with someone who will battle addiction continually. She just wants to make sure he’s ok.

This book kept me up until 2 am unable to sleep without knowing the whole story. Because it isn’t just about Jude and Sophia reconnecting. There are secrets that neither are fully aware of, and though I was able to predict some of the twists, the ending was certainly eye opening.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marianne barone
Ok so I read Bittersweet because Steadfast was being released and I had to read the series in order and I freaking loved it. But then I didn’t read Steadfast, even thought I had one clicked it and been dying to read it. So it’s sat in my kindle all judgy like waiting for my weird brain to decide that was what I was in the mood for until suddenly I realised Keepsake was being released and I had to read it and to top it all I got an ARC.

So why didn’t I read Steadfast when I one clicked it you ask? Well obviously because I am a hugamungous idiot. Well that and having been exposed to addicts I was scared. I really liked Jude but I felt his struggle in Bittersweet and I had this idea in my head of how I thought the book was going to read and I just was never in the “right” mental place to read it (don’t ask me where the right place is because I have yet to visit it).

Then I sat down and read Steadfast and it was entirely not what I was expecting plot wise. I knew the writing was going to be perfect, Sarina Bowen doesn’t know any other way to write. And I knew the story would give me all the feels and I would love the book. I just figured the pain and suffering Jude was going to go through would have me in a sobbing mess.

What I didn’t count on was the pain and suffering Sophie was going through. I always figured Jude was the one affected by it all, again don’t ask me why. So being introduced to Sophie and hearing her side of the tragedy that broke them apart and seeing how his incarceration and drug addiction had affected him was heartbreaking. But damn was she one of the strongest heroines I have read in a while.

Seeing more of the amazing Shipley family was a very welcome addition to this book as well. I loved the interactions they had with Jude and Sophie and I am seriously hoping May will be getting a book soon.

This book was filled with such strength and love I feel like just reading has helped me to walk away a slightly better person. Ok maybe not but for the few hours it took me to read it I wasn’t making sarcastic comments so I will still count that as a win.

I loved everything about Sophie and Jude as a couple and getting the flashbacks to them before their separation was awesome. And now I can sneak off and read Keepsake because I am dying to get more of Zach even thought I am pretty sure his story is going to break me a little I have complete faith in Sarina Bowen to put all the broken pieces back together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stasha barger
Sarina Bowen wrote in one of her newsletters that someone told her no one would like Jude because he wasn’t “heroic” enough. No, Jude is most definitely not your typical romance novel hero, but he is one of the best I have ever read. If not, THEE best.
He’s far from perfect. He’s done bad things. He’s contaminated his precious body and life with harmful drugs.
BUT he managed to dig himself out of the massive grave he constructed for himself. His story is heartbreaking and dark, but it’s also very beautiful and inspiring. With every dark thought comes an illuminating petal of hope.

I was intrigued by Jude when he was introduced in the first book of this series. However, I had no idea how invested I would become once I started reading his story.
The topics involved in this book were written so tastefully. I felt every single second of Jude’s pain and withdrawals. The emotions, while devastating, were so powerful and breathtaking. I loved the creative way the author showed us Jude’s cravings and in turn gave us Sophie’s “internal playlist”.

I wasn’t really sure what to expect with Sophie at first, but the more I read about her past with Jude, the more she snuggled into my heart. Her life isn’t so joyous either. I rapidly grew an enormous amount of respect for all that she was doing and putting up with. It was plain to see that she not only lost Jude the night he was arrested, but she lost herself too.

Seeing the Shipley farm and family make appearances brought such warmth into my own heart, much as it did for Jude. To him, that’s his place of solace, and the author has done a beautiful job of making it feel like that for the reader, as well.

I implore you to purchase this book as to not miss out on this glorious story of faith and survival. Survival of manipulative and abusive family members. Survival of drug addiction. Survival of being torn away from the love of your life. Survival of life itself and its many misfortunes.

The first book in this series was adorable and sexy, the second, steamy and dark, yet uplifting, the third…I can only imagine what Bowen will conjure up for Zach’s story. I have a feeling it’ll be just as intense and magical.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bryan rivers
Yep, it’s another foray by this gay reviewer into the land of hetero romance. But I’m a sucker for Sarina Bowen’s stories, so I’m always happy to dip my toes in. This time, it’s Steadfast, the follow-up to last month’s Bittersweet, and reading only the blurb had me looking forward to see how she had decided to handle such a potentially gritty story.

After three years in prison and a season working at an apple orchard outside the town where he grew up, Jude Nickel has no choice but to return to Colebury, Vermont. It’s a place he would rather not be, but a recovering addict with a record doesn’t have a lot of options, especially when that record comes from killing his girlfriend’s brother in a car crash while high on painkillers. Sophie Haines’s life hasn’t turned out how she thought either. She didn’t plan to be back in Colebury to care for her mother, who is more zombie than human since her son’s death. She certainly didn’t think she’d ever see Jude again, but he’s back, and it’s hard for her not to notice. And it turns out not much has changed since Jude was sent away: Sophie still wants him, her father would kill her if they got back together, and their forbidden love cannot be denied, even though everything seems to be standing in their way.

Unlike its relatively light and breezy predecessor, Steadfast starts off somber and keeps that emotional turmoil going for much of the novel. Jude’s addiction affects him every minute of every day. Since being released from prison, he’s been through a treatment program and attends weekly meetings, but the struggle is constant. His cravings were easier to control when he was working on the Shipley’s farm because he couldn’t get away to do anything about them. But all that has changed now that he’s back in Colebury. Even if you haven’t read Bittersweet, it doesn’t take long in this novel before you can sympathize with his plight and admire his desire to be better than he was, to atone for what he did. As his past with Sophie is revealed in the story, I quickly found myself hoping for good things to happen for him, as it’s clear their love for each other was strong back then, even if he was making terrible decisions. Unfortunately, the previous years have beaten most of the hope out of Jude’s mind. He can’t picture himself as anything other than being bad for Sophie; they cannot have a future together. All he can do is focus on not sliding back into his old ways. The portrayal of Jude’s struggle with addiction recovery felt spot on here. Chapter after chapter, I could feel Jude’s pain, his near hopelessness, and his “itch” for a fix. The author doesn’t pull any punches to make the story lighter, and the effect is perfectly raw.

Overall, Steadfast is another beautifully executed example of Ms. Bowen’s skill in storytelling. She’s a master at creating a realistic setting and populating it with characters you can’t help but love as you watch them get to their happily-ever-after. Jude is definitely the star of this one, but I also enjoyed witnessing Sophie’s tenacity as the story went on. But in addition to the their story line, we also catch more than a few glimpses of the fantastic cast of secondary characters first introduced in Bittersweet, and more than that, we get to see their stories progress without it feeling like a distraction from Jude and Sophie’s story, yet another example of good storytelling.

In fact, the storytelling is so good that if I were to list the things I thought could be improved, the list would not only be very short but also contain only minor, nitpicky things. I think there will be some readers who feel like the ending to the story is a little rushed, particularly as it pertains to the climactic interaction between Sophie and her father, but I think the author handled it well, making the shock factor just right, realistic and emotional. The only thing I feel like the author left out was the resolution of the secret we learn very close to the end about the secondary character who appeared most in the book. Perhaps we’ll get a whatever-happened-to mention in the sequel, but I’m not sure how that would work into the next story, so I guess we’ll see. Or we won’t, and that’s fine too. Like I said, only minor complaints from me for this otherwise flawlessly executed work.

Steadfast is an emotionally charged second-chance romance behind a poignant redemption story that could honestly be pulled from real people in nearly any town. Having read six novels by Sarina Bowen now, I’m no longer surprised to find her storytelling satisfying, but this one was particularly good. It’s a perfect example that while I enjoy her lighter, fluffier stories, she really shines in telling those that have a deep emotional issue behind them. And this is why I always look forward to whatever the next story is she wants to tell, even if it doesn’t have two hot hockey hunks getting together in it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather unwin
Steadfast is the second book in the True North series. When we meet Jude Nichols in the first book, Bittersweet, his character is quite an intriguing one. He shows up at the Shipley’s farmhouse fresh from prison where he is to spend six months working as extra help on the farm. The time spent there is a daily struggle as he fights his addiction with honest hard work.

Now that the season is over he’s reluctant to head back home where one night of bad judgement changed his life. He also left behind his girlfriend, Sophie. He never thought he’d see her again thinking that she’d left town for college, but surprised as their paths cross. Sophie feels angry and betrayed that Jude kept his addiction from her, but she never stopped loving him. Though Jude is deeply flawed, his determination to redirect his life for the better is admirable. He’s ready to earn Sophie’s trust and be a better man. And Sophie never gives up on Jude’s behalf, her curiosity and persistence in questioning the inconsistencies of the police report. She needs the answers to the mystery surrounding the night her brother’s murder was pinned on Jude.

Steadfast is a great read filled with emotion, heartache, and a bit of suspense. Betrayal and secrets revealed you never saw coming. I listened to the audiobook version of the book and this story really came to life. Seraphine Valentine made a great Sophie. Great story all around and highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lati coordinator
Jude Nickel is a man trying to rebuild his broken life. After battling addiction, a fatal accident, and prison time, he has lost everything including his love, Sophie. For the past six months he began his life after prison and recovery working at Shipley Farms and Orchards. But now it's time to return to his small hometown of Colebury, Vermont where no one will really welcome him.

The accident also caused Sophie Haines to lose everything. She has struggled not only with loss and changes in her family dynamics, but also losing of Jude, dealing with his betrayal, and subsequent silence.

But now they are thrown together and neither know how to deal. Jude is trying to make better choices and survive clean day by day. She is working towards her own goals and doing what good she can. No one thinks they should be in contact. But they were always the only person who really knew and could talk to the other. There is a pull that neither can deny.

Soon the sexual tension and passion will be too hard to avoid. But the can they scratch an itch and leave feelings out? It seems there is no hope for them to be anything more due to their circumstances.

I really felt for both Jude and Sophie and what they were going through. They both suffered and continued to struggle. They each knew what they wanted and needed, but there was no easy way to get there.

Jude was quiet, humble, lonely, and caring. He was a hard worker, but felt unworthy. Every day was a struggle to avoid temptation and trouble. He would sacrifice anything to protect Sophie even if it was from himself. Sophie was tenacious, loving, inquisitive, but overwhelmed. They really needed each other, but any contact was forbidden by circumstances and could have serious consequences. I could feel their ache not only for what used to be, but also for a chance to go back and make better choices. They had so many regrets and missed opportunities, and now were facing such a different, desperate present with no clear resolution and little hope for a future.

Jude was proud and hated to ask for help. He did not trust himself, so it was hard for him to trust others. He felt hopeless and tended to think negatively about any chance of a happy future. But Sophie liked to think more positively and had some hope. But Jude had to be willing to grasp hold of it if there was chance of moving forward. She was not willing to sit idly by and accept defeat. And her analytical mind never stopped questioning the events that ruined both of their lives.

This book had a totally different feel than book one, Bittersweet. It was darker, grittier, emotional, and intense. It did not have the humor and easy banter. I was already interested in Jude's story after reading Bittersweet so I was immediately drawn in by Jude from the beginning of this one. Sometimes I shy away from books with drug addicted heroes, but Jude won me over with his humility, vulnerability, and regret. I connected with his voice and his inner torment. This felt like a real, honest struggle of a person dealing with addiction and it was treated as such. Sophie was easy to like too. I admired how she handled the issues surrounding them with grace even during difficult times. I enjoyed getting both of their points of view and really getting an understanding for them in the present as well as their past.

Even though this technically could be read as a stand alone, it fits in with the series because we get to visit with the Shipleys and their friends as side characters. They blend perfectly into Jude's life and story and I realized how attached I was to them. I loved what an impact this one family has on so many lives. There are so many intriguing, likable characters with potential for more stories especially Zach, May, Zara and her brother Alec, and Kyle.

I really cannot find anything to fault with this book. The writing flowed well with multiple layers, twists, and surprises. It felt like a deeply personal story that I lived with these characters. My heart hurt. Sometimes the tension was almost too much. I felt the pain, the need, the want, the passion, and the little rays of hope as they started to show in the darkness. I was curious, angry, and disappointed at times. But I was invested and felt everything along with these characters.

This was a poignant, raw, second-chance love story layered with tragedy, mystery, and suspense. But it was also a beautiful display of hope, faith, forgiveness, healing, redemption, and the power of love. It exceeded my expectations and I cannot wait for Zach's story in Keepsake.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aubrey harms
After Bittersweet, the first book in the True North series, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Jude’s story.

In Steadfast, Sarina Bowen has crafted a beautiful second chance love story against the backdrop of opiate addiction and recovery, a very timely problem that touches so many lives and often doesn’t end well. Jude and Sophie have a difficult path ahead of them, and Steadfast is at times gut-wrenching and had me grabbing at every moment of hope in their journey. I couldn’t put this book down.

Jude has returned home after leaving the Shipley farm and finds himself in a bit of trouble. There’s temptation all around him while he deals with his drug cravings and his feelings for his ex-girlfriend, Sophie. Their history is a difficult one and Jude knows they shouldn’t be together, but Sophie and Jude are like moth to flame. I loved these two, especially the determination that runs so deep in both of them. Even so, I wondered for a good part of this book how they were going to be able to make it.

There’s a great cast of secondary characters, including the Shipley family (I’d like to adopt Ruth Shipley as my mom -- can I do that?) and some darker local characters too. Steadfast is not a fluffy sort of romance, but it’s well worth the ride, especially if you like writing that will make you feel things.

From the very first pages of Sarina Bowen’s introduction, I knew this was going to be a special book. Addiction and recovery is not an easy topic, and Sarina does a perfect job of making you feel just how hard recovery is. That’s not to say it’s a downer either but it does depict some of the harder moments in life, which only make the good ones all the more beautiful.

I adored Steadfast. It’s definitely a contender for my best read of 2016. Overall, this is a well-written series with good writing, finely developed characters, great emotional content and romance that runs the full gamut of emotions. Oh, and did I mention steamy? Yes, this series has it all. Definitely recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tia nash
Steadfast is a sweet and touching read. It’s also a very important book about drug addiction and loss. The story is emotional, the characters are layered and flawed, and the plot deals with some pretty heavy themes. There is sweetness, but there is also pain and hurt.

Sarina Bowen delivers another great novel. This one is a little darker than Bittersweet, but just as good. The great writing and incredible set of characters all make a comeback, stronger than ever. There are still smiles, but also a few tears this time around.

Once again, I read this in one sitting. I mentioned in my Bittersweet review that I loved the characters and couldn’t wait to read the next installment. Well… I didn’t wait! I’m happy to say Steadfast hooks you in just like its predecessor, with witty dialogue and an engaging plot. There is more drama in this one, but the conflicts and struggles of the characters still feel grounded and real.

The novel is also told in dual POV, and we get to know Jude and Sophie’s stories. It’s heartbreaking at times, and I did tear up a little. Jude’s story and his struggle with addiction are written extremely well. Bowen is respectful about the theme, and handles it very well.

All characters continue to have very different and unique voices, and this installment only adds more depth to each of them. We do see a little less of the Shipley gang, though, which is a little sad. But we still get some awesome new people introduced, like Denny and Karma. :P

One thing that I had a little trouble with was the shifts in timeline from past to present. The flashbacks disrupt the pace and flow of the story a little, breaking the nice momentum between a few chapters. It’s used to give us glimpses into Sophie and Jude’s relationship, but they still felt a bit abrupt.

Overall, Steadfast is a great addition to this cute little series. It keeps the sweetness from the previous installment, but adds some darkness to it. It’s a very fast and enjoyable read, and once again leaves me wanting more. Highly recommend it to all Romance fans, especially those who like a little bit of emotional pain with their love stories! Now, onto the next one. :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan mandell
I thought the first book in this series was amazing. Well, this one was even better. To me, this series is Bowen's best work.

Again, we have an unconventional hero - a addict, but Bowen did such a fantastic job crafting this complicated character with so many layers, I just could not help but feel everything for him. She also surprised me a lot in this book. After reading the first book, I was shocked that there could be anything left for Sophie and Jude, but there was, and the path there was so excruciating! It was such a rollercoaster. My heart would fill with hope, just to be deflated, and then it would happen again and again. There were so many times that I yelled and fought with this book. The pain! The anguish! But also the joy. The Shipley family continue on their path to awesome. The love and support they gave to Jude was inspiring and so beautiful. My love for them tripled as I read this book.

This book was told with alternating POVs. Sophie's POV started with her internal DJ song, which set the mood, and Jude's starting with his craving meter. I thought that was an inspired decision by Bowen, and thought it worked well with the story. This story is not your typical love story. It had an air of mystery due to the circumstances surrounding Jude's accident. First, there's this one twist that I didn't see coming, then there was another, and another. It was crazy and perfect!

Overall: a beautiful story of second chance love, forgiveness, and strength of character which left me with so many feels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Steadfast is the second novel in Sarina Bowen’s True North series and it doesn’t disappoint at all. From the second-chance love story to Jude’s continuing character development to a little bit of suspense thrown in because of Sophie’s continued perseverance to find out what happened to her brother, Steadfast lived up to all my expectations.

When Jude was first introduced in Bittersweet I knew I wanted to learn about him. He’s an ex-con fighting a drug addiction, and while that might not be for everyone (and I know because it’s slightly triggering for me), his story is something that I found compelled to read. Steadfast opens with Jude returning to his hometown of Colebury, Vermont, to his old job working at his father’s garage. He never expected the journey home would be easy, and he never expected to see his old girlfriend still in town either.

Jude was Sophie’s first love, and really, only love. They started dating in high school and he was always there, helping her realize her dreams, until the day he wasn’t there anymore. But Sophie never really knew what to think after her life fell apart. With her family in shambles she took on the role of caretaker for her zombie-like mother while her father became more distant than usual. She gave up on her dreams of Broadway to go to school to be a social worker, to help those who need help. But she never gave up trying to figure out what happened that night her brother died, the night Jude was taken from her. It never made any sense.

Jude and Sophie were lovely together. It was so obvious how much they cared for each other and always would. They just got each other. Learning about each of their stories was heartbreaking and made it that much sweeter as they got their second chance at love. Their journey was definitely not easy to read though. Jude fights his addiction daily and that will never change. I do think Sarina captured it in a thoughtful way that will help people to understand what addiction is like, to help others see that it truly is a disease. I cannot sing enough praises for this story. We also get to see more of the Shipley’s, Zach and their friends. The Shipley family is and will always be an integral part of Jude’s sobriety and I’m glad he has their support.

Steadfast may not have been the light read that Bittersweet was but it’s just as sexy. It’s full of strong, hardworking characters that I cannot help but fall in love with the more I read about them. Sarina Bowen’s True North series just gets better and better with each novel. I never want it to end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elisha lishie
There are second chance romances and there are second chance romances and Jude Nickel and Sophie Haines very much fall into the latter. Steadfast is one of the best I've read and, with the perfect balance of angst and passion; this story broke my heart, put it back together again, and in a completely realistic, believable way.

"When I was seventeen, I thought Jude was sent to me from heaven. When I was eighteen, I let him take me there. When I was nineteen, he broke both my heart and my family."

Jude was a superbly portrayed character; very quiet and unassuming, he owns the fact that he's a recovering addict, owns his past mistakes and refuses to let his past regrets bury him. And as the story progresses he shows incredible strength despite fighting his weaknesses; he very much he stole my heart from the start.

"I count down the days until Wednesday. Keeps me sane, knowing that if I stay strong all week I get to see you."

Sophie was equally well portrayed. The volume of loss she has experienced would test the resolve of even the strongest person, but she refuses to be defeated and I had a huge amount of empathy towards her as she comes to term with Jude's re-entering her life. But the love between this couple is something else.

"You own me. You always have."

Whilst the second book in the True North series, Steadfast can easily be read as a standalone. However, it was lovely to be reacquainted with the Shipley's, they do add real value to Jude and Sophie's story and I'm looking forward to seeing the journey Sarina Bowen takes Zach on Keepsake.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
We first meet Jude in Bittersweet, where he was employed as a farm hand to help with his drug rehabilitation. After harvest season is done he decides to come back home to live with his alcoholic father and all too reminiscent town in which his addiction was formed. Jude's past is pretty dark, and his regrets run deep. Not only did he ruin his own life but he also devastated a whole family, including his Ex-girlfriend Sophie. This poor guy has been through so much, and the beginning of this book will absolutely put you in his shoes and make you feel his struggles and feel his strength through his vulnerability.

Jude and Sophie’s journey together is not an easy one, there are so many insecurities leftover from when Jude was gone, so many unknowns. The love was always present but Sophie felt abandoned and confused by Jude’s decisions, and Jude carried the huge weight of guilt on his shoulders from a life that was so precarious. So when these two see each other for the first time since their separation, sparks weren’t flying all over the place, in fact I think nerves were more present than anything. The chemistry was obvious but you just knew that their road to reconciliation wouldn’t be an easy one.

This is where I really connected with the story, Jude’s unlikely new relationship with Father Peters and his current friendship with my beloved Shipley family really brought the story together for me. I loved the camaraderie they shared in the first book, and I absolutely loved it again in this one. I think Jude needed them so much, and it was obvious the impact that they had on his healing process. The hardest part of the story was watching poor Sophie being stuck in time, ever since Jude left and the tragedy that left her family crippled, she just seemed to be stagnant and living her life without really living, and when her and Jude finally decided to be together they had to hide it from her hateful father.

The revelations towards the end of the book and some of the interesting twists and turns had my jaw dropping at some parts, and they brought so much to the story! I really like Sarina’s writing and the depth she brings to her characters is amazing! The ending had me smiling from ear to hear and I can’t wait to read more about these loveable characters AND Zach’s story in book 3, Keepsake!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
roger haber

Have you ever picked up a book with zero expectations about how you think the story will play out and yet finish it thinking WOW! That is so not what I expected?? Now I know I probably sound crazy, but the thing is I didn't really have any idea how Ms Bowen would craft a story about a recovering addict, from the first book in the True North series I expected laugh out loud funny, I expected steamy sex, I expected those swoony moments that Bowen writes to perfection, what I didn't however expect was to read a story about a recovering addict and all the pain and regret he experienced, all the hurt he left behind, but most of all I didn't expect a story to capture so eloquently the destruction addiction causes. From Jude's introduction in Bittersweet I *knew* that he would be something special, addiction isn't only hard on the addict, but on those that love and care for them.

Even knowing very little about the man Jude Nickel was before he went to prison for vehicular manslaughter, it was easy to see how much his time incarcerated changed the man he is now. Three years in prison and six months in rehab is an awfully long time to spend reflecting the choices and mistakes you made, even the least repentant person would struggle under the weight of that kind of solitude. Beating addiction might have been the one of the hardest things Jude ever had to do, but returning to his hometown, of Colebury Vermont , confronting the ghosts of his former life, the ghost of the only woman, the only person who ever loved him.

"Keeps me sane, knowing that if I stay strong all week I get to see you."

Sophie Haines was once the perfect stepford daughter, she did exactly what she was told, she played along with whatever her Sherriff father wanted, she lived her life in the shadows, a quiet but lonely existence, Jude Nickel was the badboy she'd lust after from afar, a boy like him would never go for a good girl like her, meeting him, changed her, their teenage romance changed each other, in him she found wild and crazy, lust and romance, support and love. At seventeen she thought their love was invincible, but one night changed both of their lives and she was left heartbroken and alone, trapped with a mother who still hadn't mourned her son's passing and a father who blamed her for his death.

"He didn't keep me sane - he made me crazy. Until he'd shown up I hadn't realized how lonely I was."

Two people's lives changed irrevocably one night, one man died, and two families were left broken, addiction is insidious, it breaks trusts, damages lives, shatters families, I know this from personal experience, addiction leaves gaping holes in it's wake, rehabilitation is never an easy fix, it's a statistic universally proven that the rate of return use amongst users is extremely high, as a society we seem to believe that the hard part is admitting you have a problem, is rehabilitation, either forced or voluntary, but the simple fact is that that is the easy part, staying sober while in a regulated treatment program isn't hard, it's returning to your life once your out that shocks the body, that challenges that heart and soul, it's the cravings that tempt you, while all the things you once found so hard to deal with are back breaking down your resolve, it's the knowing how easy it would be to find your drug of choice, Reading books that deal with addiction is difficult because I've heard the I'm sorry's, the I won't do it agains, the I didn't mean its, the I'm tryings, I've heard them so many times that they lost their meaning, they became blank words, a void, and yet the more I read of Jude and Sophie's story the more I let go of some of the anger I didn't realise I was still holding onto.

"Those are just bullsh*t labels. And since when are you interested in other people's opinions."

Jude and Sophie's story isn't one of your typical addict, nor is it one of your typical badboy tempting the good girl, it's multi layered feel left me clutching my chest, it often left my heart feeling heavy, and my soul in need of support, it dealt with a topic that is a trigger for so many and dealt with it with sensitivity and respect, without demonising or sugar coating the reality of it. Steadfast isn't only about drug addiction and recovery, nor is it only about young love, it's paints a beautiful message about forgiveness and redemption, of others and yourself. Steadfast was raw, heart wrenching and utterly addictive in the best possible way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lucia rosati
Title: Steadfast
Author: Sarina Bowen
Series: True North series, Book 2
Reviewer: Kathleen
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance
Page Count:313 pages
Heat Level: 3.5 flames out of 5
Rating: 4 stars out of 5
Jude lost everything one spring day when he crashed his car into an apple tree on the side of the road. A man is dead, and there's no way he can ever right that wrong. He'd steer clear of Colebury, Vermont forever if he could. But an ex-con in recovery for his drug addiction can't find a job just anywhere.

Sophie Haines is stunned by his reappearance. After a three year absence, the man who killed her brother and broke her heart is suddenly everywhere she turns. It's hard not to stare at how much he's changed. The bad boy who used to love her didn't have big biceps and sun-kissed hair. And he'd never volunteer in the church kitchen.

No one wants to see Sophie and Jude back together, least of all Sophie's police chief father. But it's a small town. And forbidden love is a law unto itself.

Sarina Bowen didn't bother to sugar coat the truth about the devastating effects of addiction and the consequences it could have when one person makes one stupid mistake while under the influence. I hadn't had the chance to read the first book in the series, Bittersweet, and I know that it would have given me a better insight on what had happened between Sophie and Jude before the accident. Three years have passed since the end of Bittersweet and Jude is left having to find a new job now that the apple picking season is over, and considering his criminal record and that the chief of the police department happens to be the father of his ex girlfriend, he can only turn to his father's garage. The last thing he ever expected was to come face to face with Sophie at every turn and not to have her treat him as everyone else has - with disgust, hate and accusation, and realizing that she has had to give up on her dreams since that one fateful day. Although they had to leave one another those many years ago, as the couple reconnected, they find out that their love never extinguished and only grew stronger. As I've mentioned earlier, Sarina Bowen shows the reality of what addiction can have as a consequence on the person and those around them. She's included the fact that support groups and their advantage doesn't just terminate at the end of the program, but can continue on until the need is not longer felt or justified. How many times are people being sent away on their merry way without knowing that other groups exists to help them? In Steadfast, readers find out that it's possible to find that help just about anywhere and in the most unlikely person. I enjoyed reading Jude and Sophie's story as they rediscovered themselves and fought through all the obstacles to be a couple once again. Their relationship was awe inspiring and the emotional tug was one that I couldn't ignore when I was being pulled further into the story and wanted to know more about each individual and their past. Steadfast was a novel that I'd recommend, but I'm sure that my experience would have been even better if I had had the chance to read Bittersweet.

Review Copy of Steadfast provided by the Author, Sarina Bowen for an honest Review
Reviewed by Kathleen from Alpha Book Club
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
wendy j
I am a sucker for a second chance romance story. Also from the moment I met Jude in Bittersweet, the first book in this series, I knew I needed to read his story so I jumped at the chance to review it. And must say I was not disappointed with this second book.

Jude’s life has never been easy, his home life wasn’t great and he had always been labeled the bad boy. But for three years he dated and loved Sophie,the good girl, with all of his heart. They had plans for a life together. But all that changed one tragic night, both Sophie and Jude’s lives were torn apart, never to be the same again. So now three years later Jude has served his time and is back in town after spending the past six months drug free and working on the Shipley’s farm. But Sophie and Jude live in a small town so it doesn’t take long for paths to cross and emotions, that never died, to come back to the surface. But that’s not the only thing that comes to light after three long years.

This book like the first one is told in alternating POV’s and we truly get inside both of their heads getting to see the emotion and the struggles from both sides of this story. We get to feel the full effect of their emotions and heartache by getting both POV’s and cannot not feel connected to them both.

I fell in love with Jude in Bittersweet. Even though we only small pieces of him in the first book, I knew his story was going to be emotional and heartbreaking, but I also knew I needed to read it. I truly loved and admired Jude’s strength and determination that he had to stay clean and not go down that dark path again. My heart broke for him so many times, he truly was a good person that got led down the wrong path and could not find his way back and it ended up causing tragedy.

I really loved Sophie’s character as well. She too had such amazing strength. After her brothers death, she ended up becoming the parent in the relationship she had with her mother while at the same time working full time and finishing her degree. I loved her determination as well. She was so determined to get the full story of what happened that fateful night and have all her questions answered and she wasn’t going to stop until she found them.

You could see right from the very start that the love these two shared had never died nor was diminished over the past three years. Their love was the kind that lasted for all of time and I couldn’t help but hoping that they could find a way of getting back to what they once had without those around them stopping them.

Overall a very emotional read that was quite enjoyable. The characters were well devolved and the story engaging. The story was beautifully written from both POV’s. The only downside I found with this one was that there were a few spots in the story it flipped to the past, and if done well I don’t mind the time flip. I am glad we got pieces of their past, I just found though that when it did change to the past it was very choppy and due to the past parts being written in third person, it really pulled me out of the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brilliant! It’s the first thing that comes to mind when I think about Steadfast. It’s just brilliant. I loved every second of it. And just like with Bittersweet it has become an insta-favorite of mine. I guarantee those farm boys will steal your heart.

“When Jude and I were alone together, the rest of the world didn’t exist.”

I’m definitely a Sarina fan, and so far pretty much every Sarina book I’ve read has been amazing. She’s such a smart writer; her books are so real and also well balanced. They are usually the perfect combination of passion, angst and even humor. Better yet, she can achieve all that without having over the top drama or stupid misunderstandings in her books. And those are the kind of books I love. The kind of books that speak to me, and the kind of books I usually crave. And well, this is also a second chance romance, and if you follow my reviews, you know that second chance romances are my weakness! But this book, this book is so much more. This is a redemption story of the best kind. A book about accepting your mistakes, growing up in every sense of the word and moving forward with life. A second chance, not only at love, but at life in general. Like I said, it’s just…brilliant!

“When I was seventeen, I thought Jude was sent to me from heaven. When I was eighteen, I let him take me there. When I was nineteen, he broke both my heart and my family.”

That right there is pretty much all you need to know about this book. If you read Bittersweet, you met Jude as Griff’s new employee, who is an ex-convict and who is struggling to stay clean after going to rehab. If you haven’t read Bittersweet (why haven’t you? It’s a must read!) this can still be read as a standalone.

Jude and Sophie loved each other since they were teens. Unbeknownst to Sophie Jude’s other love was drugs. Their relationship abruptly ended one night and that night changed their lives forever. Now a few years later, Jude comes back to town and eventually runs into Sophie. This is a truly forbidden romance, Sophie’s dad is the chief of police and he hates Jude. Not to mention, the events of that night years ago, make it almost impossible for them together. Almost. Cause Jude and Sophie’s connection is incredible.

“But even a glimpse of him had given me palpitations. As if my subconscious had recognized a piece of my soul before my brain got a chance to speak up.”

Jude struggles to remain sober were so raw and real. He was such a great guy is such a bad situation, but the way he persevered was admirable! Sarina has created an amazing world where the supporting characters are as amazing as the main characters. The Shipley’s are super present in this book and their support for Jude is incredible. I so want to be part of that family!

“This made a huge difference to my outlook on life. If I didn’t show up next week, they would wonder why. And if I relapsed, I wouldn’t be able face them.”

Soon Sophie realized that his Jude was even better than the version of Jude she used to know.

“It was hard to be here with this oddly sanitized version of Jude. The wearer of flannel. Diet Coke in his glass. This was a Jude from an alternate universe. But I knew if I slid into his arms he’d feel so achingly familiar—broad and warm and strong and so very mine.”

I loved both Jude and Sophie. Sophie was so likeable and such a trooper. I love that Sarina writes such amazing heroines. And Jude, well, there are no words to describe Jude. He was just so special, such a great guy. And the chemistry between them was so palpable. That, combined with the gorgeous writing, made for some swoony scenes.

“Kissing her wasn’t a decision I made. It was just inevitable, the way a clap of thunder follows lightning. We leaned in at the same time. I closed my eyes so that I didn’t have to see the little spark of shock on her face. But my blindness changed nothing. Sophie. Our lips brushed together on a sigh. And then my mouth melted onto hers. I kissed her so slowly. Once. Then twice. Even in my haze of yearning I knew I should memorize every second.”

The angst is off the charts with this one. The love is also off the charts. Also, there’s also an air of mystery throughout the whole book that keeps you guessing until the end. I also loved the flashbacks to when Jude and Sophie were teenagers. I wholeheartedly recommend Steadfast. It’s a beautiful, beautiful book. You will love it from beginning to end. I’m truly hooked on this series and I can’t wait for Book 3 of this series, Keepsake, which is Zach’s book. And if you haven’t read Bittersweet, pick that one up too, you will not be disappointed!

“All we can do is listen harder, hug harder and hope for the best.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heartbreak and addiction: two things that countless people never truly get over. You struggle to get through each day without the need--the craving--to have that one person who meant the world to you to still be by your side or to have one hit of your drug of choice or preferred alcoholic drink. In Steadfast, the second novel in bestselling author Sarina Bowen's Vermont-based True North series, Jude Nickel suffers from both. His addiction led to him getting charged and convicted on vehicular manslaughter, leading to the death of his then-girlfriend's brother. After three years in prison, going through drug rehabilitation, and having spent time working on a farm and orchard, twenty-three-year-old Jude returns to his hometown of Colebury, wanting nothing more than to earn a living and keep his head down. The last person he expects to see is his ex-girlfriend, Sophie Haines, believing she had gone off to study in Julliard. He already struggles with his addiction but his need for Sophie could be the one thing that will crush him.

On the day her brother died, Sophie Haines not only lost him but she lost her boyfriend as well. Jude Nickel is the only boy she's ever loved since she was seventeen, and his refusal to answer her letters broke what little was left of her heart. Life became even more intolerable in the home she once again shares with her parents and she bears with her father's terrible treatment of her because she can't leave her mother. So, twenty-two-year-old Sophie focuses on finishing her degree, getting a permanent position as a social worker in the local hospital, and not making her father angry. And then she spies the boy who stole her heart and continues to lay claim over it. Only Jude is no longer a boy. He still stirs in her feelings she knows will only bring them both trouble. But resisting the pull to Jude has always been an exercise in futility, and maybe with him back, she'll get answers to the questions that have plagued her for over three years. The odds were stacked against them before; now, those same odds may be all too insurmountable.

This book. It had me in tears at several points in the story--so not good when you're battling the flu--and had me happily squeeing in others. There's nothing glamorous about addiction and Sarina Bowen presents Jude's addiction in a painfully honest and gut-wrenching light. He knows what being an addict means and he recognizes the fact that he still craves that one hit that'll stop the twitch under his skin, but each and every single minute is a battle in an ongoing war for him. From the moment he was introduced in Bittersweet, I had a feeling Jude Nickel's story would not be an easy one to read, and it isn't. His journey is an ongoing and often difficult one and he doesn't like feeling needy, not even when the help is offered without any strings attached. He gets a second chance at life and he grabs it; however, with his second chance at love, he's far more hesitant, convincing himself that he doesn't deserve to be with someone like Sophie Haines and that being with him would taint her. Ah, Jude, you broke my heart time and again here.

I loved Sophie's perseverance, not just in keeping at Jude but in other things (which I will not go into since I suspect those could prove to be very spoilery--that's a word...I think) as well. She listens to both her heart and her head and that balance serves her quite well. Her friendship with Denny had me a bit wary in the beginning, but by the end of the story, my heart broke for Denny as well. Damn it, Sarina Bowen! Was it not enough that we had one man who we so desperately wanted a happily-ever-after? Did you have to give us another one? Gah! I know there's one more book that follows this one--Keepsake, due out in October--but that hopeful, wishful part of me has its fingers crossed that we'll get more because this series just has so many memorable supporting characters that are itching to get their stories told (stories which, naturally, I'm itching to read). I'm eagerly encouraging you to read Steadfast, a story of a love that's exactly that--steadfast--both for oneself and others and how it can overcome life's hurdles. Five-plus stars. ♥
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gary winner
Steadfast is the second book in Sarina Bowen’s True North series, set in picturesque Vermont. When we met Jude as a secondary character in Bittersweet (book 1 of the series, and also a standalone story), he had just been released from a three year prison term for manslaughter, and had gone through a detox program to help him with his drug addiction. He worked on the Shipley’s farm for several months, gaining some friends and a step hold in his recovery but the job is not finished, and he’s gone home. Home – to his alcoholic father, a town that eyes him with wariness and suspicion, and the hurt and betrayed eyes of his ex-girlfriend Sophie, sister of the man he killed in a drug fueled car accident. It’s the last place Jude wants to go, but you know the saying ‘Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in’.

Jude’s plan is to work for his father at his auto garage, live with him until he’s made enough money to find his own place and then …well… he’s not sure what after that, just that he’s determined to continue with his recovery. He doesn’t expect to encounter Sophie, the girl whose family he destroyed on that horrible night three years earlier. They had been young and in love and he’d been hiding his drug addiction from her until things got out of control. He’d always assumed she had picked up the pieces of her life and gone on to follow her dreams of music school. When he encounters her again, he’s as startled as she is. But like moths to a flame, they are drawn to each other, no matter that the consequences could be disastrous. Can two damaged souls find healing and forgiveness in a second chance at love?

Where Bittersweet was a lighthearted and sexy romance, this story definitely takes an emotional turn into the realities of drug addiction and its consequences. There is no magic healing for Jude. He started his addiction with prescription meds, learning from friends how to snort them, and upgrading to more and dangerous drugs until his life revolved around his next hit. He hid this all from Sophie, his high school sweetheart, ashamed of his habit but unable to stop. Then it all came crashing down on him. Prison was no help with his addiction, instead fueling it with easily available heroin. After his detox program, he made his unsteady way to the Shipley farm, where they took a chance on the ex-convict, to his eternal gratitude. The farm was the perfect place to stay clean – hard work from sunrise to sunset, and no time or desire to search out local drug dealers. But with the end of the harvest, Jude returns home, not particularly hopeful but taking things one day at a time.

Sophie’s family has operated in a dysfunctional state since the death of her brother. Her father, the police chief, is prone to fits of rage and violence. Her mother exists in a mostly catatonic state, barely acknowledging the life going on around her. Sophie spends her time taking care of the household (cooking, cleaning, like a modern day Cinderella), while attending college classes to finish her social work degree, working part time at the hospital, and volunteering every Wednesday night preparing meals for the homeless at her church. Her life is busy, but empty of any meaningful relationship. Jude’s return to town is a shock. Though she’d known he’d gotten out of prison, she never expected him to come home. When he starts volunteering at the Wednesday night meal, brought in by the kindly parish priest after his narcotics anonymous meetings, they have the chance to interact in a safe place, though it’s not long before Sophie takes the bold step of following Jude home and persuading him into bed. They may have been apart for three years, but their feelings for each other have never died. Once Sophie initiates sex with Jude, he is not going to refuse her advances. Indeed, when he wasn’t in a drug induced haze, Sophie was all he thought about. Though his feelings of love for her are also wrapped up in guilt and shame, Sophie’s pure feelings for him and her forgiveness are a balm to his soul. They get into the habit of her visiting him Wednesday nights after their volunteer work and their love scenes are passionate and intense. While Jude might seem quiet and composed, he’s got a wickedly sexy streak that comes out with Sophie and makes for some very steamy encounters between them. Though Jude makes it clear to Sophie that this is a temporary arrangement (if her father found out there’d be hell to pay), he can’t resist the chance to be with her again, even if it’s only a few hours a week.

While Jude works hard to take each day as it comes, Sophie starts to investigate the accident that caused the demise of their relationship. She never found out what really happened, losing her brother and her boyfriend on the same night. She befriends one of her father’s officers and he helps her dig into the buried files. The tension waiting for someone to find out about their relationship made the second half of this story a real nail biter, especially as Sophie starts to uncover some disturbing details about the accident.

The realities of drug addiction are key to this story and will be heartbreakingly familiar to readers who have experienced this in their own families. Jude’s fight to stay clean is a day to day work in progress, some days easier than others. While his goal in part is to prove to Sophie that he is worthy of her, it’s really his own worth that is his motivation. He never wants to go back to that state of addiction that he used to live in, and will fight with everything in him to keep his recovery on track. His weekly meetings with Sophie and the friendship of the Shipley family keep him looking towards the future. This story will break your heart and stitch it back together again as Jude and Sophie find their way back to each other against the odds. 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reviewed by Rachel & Sharon Thérèse

** Arc generously given in exchange for an honest review, with thanks. **

Okay, we may have done a little happy dance when this book arrived on our Kindles because we couldn’t wait to read more about Jude! We first met him in Bittersweet, book one in this series, and as we were so desperate to read his story, we ditched our current read! This book can be read as a standalone but we highly recommend reading them in order to meet all these great characters. This book really enlightened us in the world of drugs and to read about it in rural Vermont is quite unexpected. If you have ever been to this beautiful state, you wouldn’t believe such activities would take place. Naively, people generally associate drug taking with big cities, so to hear this story set in this stunning place is refreshing.

“Everybody is sometimes comfortable. It’s what you do about it that defines you.”

Jude has now left the farm where he was working after his release from prison and is trying slowly but surely to rebuild his life. Even though he’s a truly broken man, his determination to get his life back on track made us proud of him. He would have dearly liked to make a new start in another town away from all the reminders of his past. However, he has little choice but to go back and make some money before he can move on. The only person he can turn to is his alcoholic father for a roof over his head. Jude has a plan to get out as soon as possible, but he is beyond surprised when he sees the love he lost three years ago, Sophie. He was sure she would have left Colebury, Vermont and forgotten all about him. At times our hearts broke for Jude! He really believes he deserves no happiness but is willing to take snatched moments with Sophie; anything she is willing to give him. He’s realistic about his future and as a convicted felon, he knows he can’t offer her what he thinks she needs.

“Don’t run away from me again, Jude Nickel.”
“I won’t. It doesn’t ****ing work, either. You own me. You always have.”

Sophie. Such a loyal, brave but lonely girl. Her family had been destroyed by the death of her brother. He was always the favourite sibling and could do no wrong. Her father, the local Police Chief has ignored Sophie since the death of his son and her mother, too. She didn’t just lose her brother, she lost her boyfriend too and has no one to talk through her feelings with. Instead Sophie, whose friends have all left for college, is making a new life for herself as a social worker at the local hospital. When Jude suddenly appears, all those feelings she felt come rushing back. There is no denying the chemistry between her and Jude is still there but they both know these feelings cannot lead to anything.

“All we’ve had were stolen moments. I wish I could hold you all night.”
“You will.”
“Not likely.”

The contrast in their upbringing is night and day. While Sophie’s life was strict and somewhat privileged, Jude brought himself up. Jude’s mother abandoned him and his father when he was a child who turned to alcohol to cope. All Jude knows is abandonment both literally and figuratively. Therefore, he knew Sophie wouldn’t stay in their small town with him but will spread her wings and follow her dream of being a singer in New York. Sophie is all that is good in Jude’s life but even she couldn’t prevent him from a life of drugs.

“Why are you here? Serious question.”
“Why was I ever here? Because we want each other.”
“Not all the things we want are good for us.”
“No kidding. But who does it hurt.”

We really did think we had this storyline sussed; however, there is a fantastic twist which we hoped would happen and subsequently prayed for! All we are saying is that things aren’t quite what they seem. This is where we really fell in love with Sophie! She risks everything she has left to discover what happened when her life was changed forever three years ago.

“There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.”

Once again, Sarina delivers a heart-breaking but uplifting read. The character development is beyond excellent and the story well balanced and brilliantly constructed. One thing we thought different and quite refreshing were the occasional flash backs from Jude and Sophie’s past. These scenes shed some light on their relationship before their lives imploded. These parts showed us just how much Sophie and Jude loved each other. The reason why it is so unusual is that it isn’t told from either Jude or Sophie’s point of view. It’s told in third person which at first we doubted, but then it totally won us over.

“When our tongues slid together, it only confirmed what I already knew – she tasted like the sweetest gift I’d ever been given.”

We do love a book that gives you all the feels and this book delivered! Jude and Sophie story for us, needed to be told. To hear the gritty tales about drugs and what they can do to lives is both heart wrenching and shocking but on the flip side, lives can be put back together again when people are given second chances. Ms Bowen, as you can see we truly loved this instalment in the True North series and look forward to Zach’s story in Keepsake. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait too long! Bravo!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lorraine trudeau
I loved this book :) where "Bittersweet" (book #1) was fun, this one was very emotional... but don't worry, if you haven't read the previous story, because this one works perfect as a standalone :) although you should read that first book because... well, because it was fantastic ;) but since this is the review about "Steadfast" let me go back to all the praises I can tell you about this amazing gem :)

Let me start with our main couple... *sighs* their story broke my heart so many times... it is a hard and emotional story after all... they are both in their early twenties, and actually were a couple when they were younger... Sophie is the sheriff's daughter, and Jude was the bad boy... well, he still sort of is... but it's much more complicated now... ok, let me try to explain without actually spoiling you anything :) so... they were together for a few years, until about four years ago... when he was convicted of driving under influence and being responsible for a car accident that killed her brother... he spent three years in prison, and now, after a few months on Shipley's farm, he comes back to his hometown... he is a recovering addict, and it's a daily struggle to stay clean... Sophie still lives in that same town, because the death of her brother really affected her family, and she does what she can to help her mother... it's of course much more complicated than these few sentences, but I want you to discover all the details for yourselves, so no spoilers from me...

What can I say to you about Jude and Sophie... *sighs* oh, how my heart was breaking for them... so many times... they were together before and throughout the whole book we get glimpses and flashbacks of that time between them... and during those scenes we can see how both of them had changed... how much different they are now... there is so much history between them... it's such a complex situation... so many feelings between them... some of them dead and buried, and some of them very much alive... all I'm gonna say here is that the book takes place over a few months... which is only natural, because theirs is not a situation that can be resolved in just a few days... I don't really want to say too much about how everything between them was before and how does it look now, because I think that you would enjoy their story the most without many details before you actually read the book :) but don't worry, even though it's a very emotional and absolutely sad book at times, it has many beautiful and heartwarming moments as well... not to mention a lovely ending ;) and most of those lovely and lighter moments are connected to...

The secondary characters :) mainly the whole Shipley family :) like I said before, this book can be read as a standalone, but if you read them in order, all the scenes with that amazing family will have much more meaning :) we met all of them in the first book, so I won't introduce all of them here, but they are such a lovely bunch :) I love them all and was very happy to see them in this book as well ;) but from the brand new set of characters introduced in this story, I think it was Father Peters who stole my heart :) Jude meets him after he attends an NA meeting in the church and they bond over something very yummy... ;) but I will let you discover all other details for yourselves... :)

I absolutely loved this book :) time and time again, the lovely Sarina Bowen proves, that you can write an entertaining book that also touches upon much more serious topics... each of her book I read just reminds me that for every few mediocre authors out there, you can find a beautiful gem like her :) an author that writes honest and raw stories... stories that are not only emotional but also hopeful... books that will make you laugh out loud and cry... and this beautiful gem is just one more example... written in 2 POVs, showing us in the most perfect way how both Jude and Sophie are affected by the past... how they struggle with what happened... but also how they overcome obstacles and find happiness again... :) I cannot recommend this book enough... :) it was a stunning, emotional journey that will forever have a piece of my heart... I will never get it back... it belongs to Jude and Sophie now...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kasturi dadhe
I absolutely fell in love with Jude and Sophie’s story from the very first page! This second chance romance is filled with emotion and real-life problems. The writing is wonderful and the addiction storyline was handled with care and with realism. There’s no surgar-coating here…Ms. Bowen helps the reader understand that overcoming addiction is very difficult but, through Jude, she shows us that with much hard work and determination it can be possible.

Although at it’s core this is a love story, it’s really Jude’s story to tell. A recovering drug addict who has just been released from prison because a car accident resulted in a fatality, he’s looking to rebuild his life. We first met Jude when he worked at the Shipley farm in the first book in this series. His determination to turn his life around was evident even then but, when he returns to his hometown and finds that the love of his life is still there, things become that much more real and that much more difficult for him.

Dealing with his alcoholic father, trying to revive the family business, and getting a handle on local police who would rather have him leave, makes for difficult days…especially on top of his struggle to overcome his addiction. But Jude is a fighter and wants to conquer these obstacles. I loved that even with all of this on his shoulders, his kind heart and his feelings for Sophie are evident from the very beginning. The fact that he’s willing to stay away from her for her own good is both wonderful and heartbreaking. But it’s his willingness to do anything for her, even if it hurts him, that makes him irresistible. The love story here is filled with happiness, sorrow, angst, fear, determination, and, of course, romance. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. These two characters and their story won my heart!

I really liked Sophie’s character as well. I admired her desire to know the truth around the night of the accident and the way she supported her family, even if they didn’t deserve it. The fact that she couldn’t resist Jude and, at times, didn’t even try was what made her so human. I could easily put myself in her position and know that I’d probably do something very similar. Of course, part of the fun in this story is to see the Shipley family again and bask in their amazingness. The support they continue to provide each other and to Jude and Sophie is heartwarming. Everyone should have a Shipley family in their lives. I can’t wait for the third book in this series where the main character will be Zack, another employee at the farm.

This is one of my favorite books by Ms. Bowen. But, in reality, all the books I’ve read by this author have been great. I always know that when I pick up a book by her I will enjoy it. If you haven’t read anything by Sarina Bowen you’re cheating yourself out of wonderful, thoughtful stories, fantastic characters, and great writing. So, don’t wait, you can read Jude and Sophie’s story as a stand alone…so go get it now!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
catherine murton
You know, I fell happily in love with Bittersweet, the first of the True North books. There's just something so inviting about the setting. While reading it, I became curious about Jude, one of the farmhands who carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. Steadfast brings his story to life.

After spending time at the farm, a place that had become a safe haven for him, Jude finally makes the return home to Colebury. Everything that could and did go wrong happened here. Before he left, he was involved in an accident that left one man dead who was his girlfriend Sophie's brother. The accident also revealed Jude's drug addiction that he'd been hiding from everyone including Sophie. When he went away to prison he cut off all ties. Returning to his hometown is a precarious undertaking because he has to face all his demons head on while attempting to stay clean. Sophie who was left completely shut out and bewildered is unprepared to see him again. The accident changed her life dramatically. Now that Jude's back in town he can no longer evade her and she plans on getting answers whether he likes it or not. What she doesn't expect is just how much she still loves him despite all the things that went wrong.

I have a personal reason for reading this: I have known someone in my life who suffered from addiction and in reading Jude's story I hoped to develop some understanding of what it was like for this person. Even a small glimpse into this world spoke volumes to me. Steadfast, though not the type of book to go in-depth into drug addiction and rehab, does give you a good enough sense of the daily struggle of staying clean. Jude wages an internal war every single day, a war that's fought by his mind repeating mantras telling him that he can stay healthy and his body that will forever crave that bliss. Bowen presents his struggle in an accessible way by headlining each of his chapters with a craving meter. There's no going with the flow as sanity is a premium. As for Sophie, I have to admit I was a bit perplexed by her. A part of me couldn't get over that she would still be in love with him and that's only because of the dynamics involved. Their relationship has the ultimate baggage which is why their attraction felt a bit uneasy for me. Then again maybe they're the only two people in this town who get each other and with a history as intense as theirs, it would be hard to ignore their feelings. The subplot dealing with the accident is more than intriguing and I found myself getting excited about where that was leading.

I'm amazed by the endless ideas Sarina Bowen comes up with for stories. She is seriously talented. As with Bittersweet, Steadfast features other characters that add richness to the story such as the warm and welcoming Shipley family. If only we could all have the Shipley's as neighbours and friends! There's also the unexpected kindness that Jude receives from a stranger showing that not everyone will hold his past against him. Steadfast is heavier but it's terrific none the less. You want to champion the guy who's making inroads in repairing the damage he has caused, redeeming himself in the process. Who doesn't love a second-chance story where forgiveness heals and one feels worthy of people's love again? Here's to you, Jude and to the many others who are also rebuilding their lives one day at a time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sierra shultz
Before I started on Steadfast, I thought this is going to be one hell of an angsty read and I'm scared. From what I knew of Jude's background from Bittersweet, he was a junkie and he indirectly gotten his girlfriend's brother killed. It sounds like some heavy baggage and drama looming in the horizon. So I was quite surprised that although Steadfast is a much heavier and serious read compare to Bittersweet, it isn't fill with angst.

What will happen when the ex-convict is back in town and reunite with his first love?

Sophie, is the daughter of the local police chief and her family is wrecked after her brother passed away. Her father blaming Sophie for dating the wrong guy is making matter worse. But no matter how much her life su@ks, she didn't blame Jude for her misfortune. She is angry at him, simply because he cut her off from his life after he was incarnated.

I like Sophie from the get go. She seems so forgiving, kind and compassionate, even to the man who everyone painted as the bad guy. She is willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, understand his situation and being supportive of his road to recovery. Despite his father obvious hatred, she doesn't have it in her to shun the man she once loved and still do.

Jude is an admirable hero. Even though he is an ex-junkie, who will be forever be label as an ex-con and a recovering addict, he never once attempt to shift any blame. He totally owned up to his mistake, which make him such an admirable person and he is ready to make amend. Though sometimes he did throw a pity party on his unworthiness for Sophie.

At first, I find it hard to understand why isn't Sophie hating Jude's guts. Hello, the guy killed your brother. It just seems strange to me. But once I get the little flashback on their time together before everything that happened, I finally understand. They have this special bond between them that had me swooning with the way young Jude treated his girl. Is no wonder his girl want him back, he totally deserve it.

I don't want to give away the juicy part of the story, which is the main plot that surround both Jude and Sophie in their way for their HEA. Let's just say there is a good twist in the horizon filled with suspense and I love the way Sarina plotted it. Is pure genius.

A special mentioned to the Shipley's clan. I just missed them so much, especially Griffin. I'm glad Jude has a bunch of supporting friends who are there for him when he needed them most. I can't wait for Zach's story and not knowing who will be his special lady/man is making me even more intrigued.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Steadfast is book 2 in Sarina's True North series and its just as amazing as Bittersweet. Steadfast brings us a story of second chances, second chance romance, yes, but also so much more.

Jude is just months into his sobriety, months into starting over and trying to find who he is without his vices. But its a long hard road, and not just the temptations of falling back under the lure of drugs. Jude returns home after the work he was doing thins out and he's no longer needed. He's going to stay, hopefully, with his father and try to figure out what will come next for him. He knows its not going to be easy being home, between the temptations of the past, and the hurt and pain left over from the accident he caused.

Sophie. Oh Sophie, she made me hurt for her. Her pain was visceral and so was the tugging she felt towards Jude, knowing that nobody else could understand that tug. She suffered a loss that was great and everyone shared in the grief of that, but she also suffered a loss that no one could help her with and she didn't quite get herself. I loved this girl. She was someone I'd have as a friend, someone I'd love to hug, and just talk with.

I enjoyed this story, and not just for the usual reasons, but because it was different. Steadfast brought to life real complications, real issues we as humans can face, and it gave us a look from another angle, a rare glimpse into the suffering of someone with a shall we say shady past who wants to move on from it, wants to be better. Jude is one of those chracters that you just fall in love with, he pulls emotions out of you often, and you feel a deep connection to him, in rooting for this character. The fact that this was a second chance romance story also made me happy as its one of my favorite tropes, and these two had a lot to work through, not counting the fact that nobody else wanted it to work out.

Steadfast broke my heart, but also mended it. It hit me right in the heart often, and pulled me further into the story, into the heart of the matter between not only Jude and Sophie, but a lot more. This story showed a man who wanted to own his past, but also overcome it, a man who thought his worth was less than because of the things he had done. And the story of a woman who was helpless to stay away from the man everyone thought she'd be better off without.

Their story is raw and emotional yet endearing as well. Their connection is palpable, and the chemistry between them undeniable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ever since I read Bittersweet, I wanted to know more about Jude. He was a character that kept to himself and had a lot of mystery around him. We finally get to dive into his mind in this one and I LOVED it! There are so many emotions playing throughout this book, and it really plays into the theme of second chances, whether it be in life or in love.

When Jude was younger he fell in love with Sophie. She was the “good girl” falling in love with the “bad guy from the wrong side of the tracks.” Her father was the police chief and didn’t approve of their relationship, but it didn’t matter, because nothing could keep Sophie away from Jude. A few years later, Jude gets into an accident with Sophie’s brother in the car and her brother is killed. It turns out Jude had been addicted to pain killers and now he ended up in jail because of it. Jude had kept his addiction well hidden from Sophie, and when she found out after the accident it shattered her.

When Jude got out of jail he ended up at the Shipley farm working with them for the apple picking season, but when it’s over, he has to go home and face his demons head on. He’s terrified to see Sophie, because he knows he still loves her but doesn’t think he deserves her love after what he did to her brother. When he runs into her at the church he goes to for AA meetings, his world gets turned upside down by her.

Is love strong enough to conquer the demons? Can Jude find a second chance in love and life even though he feels he isn’t deserving? Read Steadfast to find out.

This book was AMAZING!!!!! Sarina Bowen brought so much emotion into her characters. The way she handled Jude’s addiction in the book really let you into his mind and you wanted Jude to overcome his demons. You could feel how hard it was for him at certain points throughout the book and you just wanted him to be happy and see that he is deserving of love even when he thinks he’s not.

The book was set in a small town in Vermont, which is different from Bittersweet, which is set at the farm, but we still get to see Griff, Audry, and the rest of the Shipley clan (including Zach). Which made me really happy, because I LOVE the Shipley family!

I don’t want to give anything away, but I absolutely loved the ending of the book. I think Jude and Sophie just topped Griff and Audry for me. Jude really has become my favorite Sarina Bowen character. We will have to see if I change my mine when Keepsake (Zach’s book) comes out
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 Redemption and Second Chances stars

I’ve recently started to read Sarina Bowen’s reads. Almost every book I’ve read from her has been an instant hit for me, including this series. Steadfast is a standalone and is part of the True North series. This is Jude’s story!

I will admit and say I wasn’t overly excited for Jude’s story. Remember, he’s the one that came on the farm and he just got out of prison. I’m not a fan of drug addicts but to my surprise, I REALLY REALLY REALLY liked how Sarina Bowen wrote Jude’s story.

Steadfast is a book about changing the way people think of you and doing what’s best for yourself. It’s about pursuing love and letting the negativity go. It’s a super sweet, romantic book and I love second chances romances.
Sophie and Jude were high school lovers. Jude was the bad boy and Sophie was the daughter of the town sheriff. Jude became a drug addict and even though Sophie wasn’t aware of it, everything went out of control one night which landed Jude in prison for three years.

The story will break your heart! When Jude gets out, he tries everything he can to stay on the straight and narrow path. He is coming back home from working on the farm and now he needs to build up money to eventually get out of the town that hates him so much. He works at his father’s shop and that’s all he does.

I really loved Jude’s story. I loved how strong he was and I LOVE reading about his inner struggle and believe me, he had tons of it. I didn’t think I would like reading about a struggling addict, but I found it really eye opening and addictive to read. Everyone hates Jude because of what he did and you can’t help but feel for the guy.

Sophie doesn’t know what to make of Jude being back. She stays out of his way but there are so many residual feelings. I really liked Sophie. I found her so strong and so smart. I wanted to squeeze her because she is an awesome Heroine. The chemistry between Jude and Sophie is crazy wild, can you imagine the tension?

So much more goes on in this book and it becomes kind of a mystery book, which I also love. Sarina went in a completely different written direction with this one and it paid off in my opinion. It was written well, the characters were super developed and I felt an emotional attachment to the story.

AN ARC was provided
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My love affair with this writer's books, though new, wasn't completely unexpected. I'd heard nothing but good things, but TBR lists are endless and there's never enough hours in the day. Well, when I heard she had books coming out with bearded bad boys who worked on a farm, I couldn't get those beauties in my hands fast enough! Fell completely head over heels in love with Griffin and Audrey and all the secondary characters. But I because increasingly intrigued by Jude and Zach. Zach's story is next, but now it was all about Jude and Sophie and the circumstances that found their love ending way too soon.

I was blown away with how realistic this story was told. Even though I personally have never done anything harder than an occasional (very occasional) joint, it was impossible not to empathize with Jude and his inner demons. The rawness in which his emotions and cravings were portrayed darn near brought me to my knees. It was almost like there were three main characters in this book; Jude, Sophie, and Jude's drug addiction/recovery. Even though there was a constant battle between the three, it was the scenes between Sophie and Jude that really stole my heart. Their basic human need for each other was heartbreaking the more Sophie fought it and the more self-deprecating Jude was. These two were magnets fighting a never-ending battle to stay away from each other, but like the magnets they were, couldn't stay far for long. It was in these quiet moments of true desperation that we really became privy to their characters. The selflessness of their love for one another; their ability to forgive and move forward. The road wasn't easy and was most certainly paved with land mines, but the harder they fought, the more I held out hope.

There were definitely some twists and turns in this book, but not enough that I didn't suspect they were coming. Well, maybe I held out hope for them coming true was more like it. There are always little clues, breadcrumbs if you will, and you're left hoping upon hopes that what you believe will eventually come to fruition. I loved that we got more of the Shipleys. I fell in love with that family in the last book and I can only imagine we'll get even more of them with Zach's upcoming story. At this point, I'm ready to pack it all in and move to Vermont to live in the bunkhouse. Apple picking anyone?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jaime's Review
4.5 Stars
I loved Jude in Bittersweet and when I found out we were getting his story I was ecstatic. I couldn't wait to learn all about how he ended up in prison and what was in store for him after leaving the Shipley Farm.

This book was a sweet second chance romance but, beyond that, it was an honest glimpse at the struggles of addiction and regret and how easily bad choices can alter someone's life so much.

It was easy to fall in love with Jude as you watch him struggle with trying to move on from his past mistakes and his current struggle with staying clean. He made a lot of bad choices in his past and lost everything that he loved because of them, but watching as he worked endlessly to become someone better than he was before prison proved that he was so much more than a few bad decisions.

Sophie kind of amazed me. The way that she stuck by Jude, even when he wouldn't let her, and she never doubted that he was more than his addiction was impressive. If she'd done the same for anyone other than Jude, I might be discussing how naive she is but it just wasn't the case this time around. I hated how she was treated by her father and felt sorry for her for having to watch her mother continue to live in a zombie-like state and just couldn't wait for her to break away from that toxic environment.

You could feel the connection between Jude and Sophie like there was an actual rope tying them together. It seemed impossible that they would ever be able to be together because of Sophie's family and Jude's role in breaking them.

I wasn't expecting there to be an element of mystery and intrigue to this story but it ended up being my favorite part of the story. Somehow this story managed to have me swooning and laughing one minute and screaming the next. I loved trying to fit all the pieces together to get a complete picture of what was to come but never expected how it all turned out. I was pleasantly surprised.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the True North series and can't wait for Zach's book next. I have a feeling he might have some good surprises in store for us, it is always the innocent ones you have to look out for right?

*I received and ARC from The author/publisher in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
i b g wiraga
I absolutely loved every single second of this. It was a beautiful and emotional story with very real characters dealing with hard situations. It was so touching, heartwarming, and full of hope, I couldn't stop reading. An excellent piece of work!

I loved Jude and Sophie so much. But Jude, wow, he really touched me. He was trying so very hard to be a better man and there is just one thing after another that could hold him down but he keeps moving forward and picking himself back up. It was just so incredibly up lifting. Sophie was great, trying to do the right thing in the midst of a hard situation but there were just so many things she had to deal with and face. Jude and Sophie together, their love for one another, the pull they have, their chemistry and heat, is so, so fantastic. There are so many ups and downs as they fight their way back to each other, it was really awesome.

I thought the writing was stellar. The author really created a full picture, elaborate and detailed. I was so pulled into all the emotion and pain that these characters were feeling and yet there was so much hope and love interlaced. The story line was excellent. There was drama, conflict, tension, and turmoil. I thought the pace was perfect, I got just what I needed at the right time. Excellent build as all these great details were learned. I loved the hints of foreshadowing that was happening as the story progressed. I can't find one single thing I didn't enjoy.

There were all these wonderful little side stories with great characters happening that really brought it all together. I totally lost it in chapter 30 and then I read it again because I thought it was such an excellent part! Let’s not forget the Shipley's. Oh the Shipley's! I wonder if this family would adopt me because they're amazing. It was great getting to see them again. I love how it was all laid out and everything was woven together.

Really just a remarkable read. Hope and love. That pretty much covers it all! It's was so compelling. 5 incredible stars for this must read!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bookworm amir
STEADFAST was an amazing addition to the True North series. I loved the story, the romance, the push/pull and the daily struggles faced by both Jude and Sophie. This was a story that could not be put down.

I really liked Jude, which you probably think would not be possible given that he's a convicted felon and a recovering drug addict. He considers himself to be weak because he struggles with his cravings, but every time he passed on those cravings, it showed how strong he really was. He knows that life is all about choices, and in the here and now he chooses to stay clean and to surround himself with good people that reinforce his desire to be a better man. You can't fault a man who only wants to be worthy. I really liked Sophie too, who has gone through a lot since the accident. She lost her brother and her boyfriend in the same day, her father has placed some of the blame at her feet, and her mother has mentally checked out. I liked that she recognised that some battles couldn't be won and that sometimes it's more important to let go than to keep fighting. I liked her resolve to take back her life and her determination to get to the bottom of that fateful day. Jude and Sophie both had their strengths and weaknesses but when they're together, they compliment each other perfectly.

STEADFAST is told in dual POVs and while it's part of a series, it can be read as a stand-alone. Jude and Sophie get their HEA so there's no cliffhanger. We also get to reconnect with the Shipley's from BITTERSWEET, which was nice. Zach gets his story told in book 3, KEEPSAKE, and after the very tiny snippets we've been given, I'm definitely looking forward to hearing his story.

I was given an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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