50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom - Liberty Defined

ByRon Paul

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thanks, Dr. Paul, for writing this book. It explains most of the important political and economic issues that affect the United States today. Further, the issues are presented in a succinct, interesting fashion. As a retired military officer, I applaud your courage and honesty. You've always been true-blue!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ron Paul discussed 50 hot topics in today's world and applies the principles of personal Liberty. His discussions are cogent and surprisingly persuasive. Most importantly he helps the reader envision how Liberty looks in daily life. Something that can be rare in the modern world of regulation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book details fifty of Dr. Paul's positions on relevant modern political topics and describes the reasoning behind how he came to how he views each topic.

Frankly, I'd like to see every member of congress create a similar work explaining the reasoning that backs their political ideas.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeffery hess
Similar to his last election cycle book, The Revolution: A Manifesto, Ron Paul gives a great overview of the issues we face today. As he predicted when he ran for President in 2008, the country has become worse and less free in the process. How hard is it to follow the Constitution?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Eye opening and mind changing book which applies the ideas of Rightful Liberty to today's common issues. Easy to read out of order. More of an encyclopedia than a book. Hard to put down; very interesting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ilene miles
Having read nearly everything Dr. Ron Paul has written, I would say, that if you want to understand Ron Paul, this book does it. It may help those unfamiliar with libertarianism and Austrian Economics, to read up on some of that to truely understand where Dr. Pauls philosophies come from. Reading through the book, it is obvious that personal liberty and maximum freedom for individuals to live their lives is where Dr. Paul would like this country to be once again. I think it clearly defines where we are in this country and what the discussions of the upcoming election should be about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Notice how many of these one star reviews crop up on the same day.
Notice how they fail to substantiate their claims.
Notice how they all sound the same.

These individuals are scrambling to salvage the remains of an ideology, namely neoonservatism, which Dr. Paul has thoroughly debunked in an evidenced based fashion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin smith
Liberty Defined is a great read and can confirm what libertarian minded people already know and would be a great way to introduce someone else to the ideas of limited government and how it will work better than the bank controlled sociopathic authoritarianism we are headed for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

Ron Paul, if nothing else, is truthful and sincere. In a time of rampant corruption, disingenuous politicians, dwindling liberties, crony corporatism, endless wars, and economic disaster, Ron Paul is a beacon of truth. Unfortunately this makes his views extremely unpopular by those dependent on the status quo and by those who are subject to their influence. Don't believe anyone, even me, but honestly research his rationale on your own. It just may be awakening.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharon k farber
Yes. On June 30 I finished the translation of Liberty Defined. Someone possibly will ask why could Ron Paul be of interest for Brazilian people. Yes, when I was reading the 50 issues, for most of them, I've seen astonishing similarities (mutatis mutandis, of course) between Ron Paul's views and our freedom conditions (regulations, for instance) and government practices (terror and lies). Also, the pertinence and usefulness of Ron Paul's recommendations were noticeable. Now I am looking for an editor - Hachette has already given the OK for this step. But it is quite amazing to observe the fear that some applicant editors felt. Apparently they are threatened by the well-known government brigades - their techniques include assassination without previous alert. Well informed people that has examined the translation advised me not to publish it because of "inconsistencies", but, I said that there could be translation slips, and that I was going to fix them, they added that the translation was OK. So I must say that the author indeed tells some worldwide useful truths.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yes. On June 30 I finished the translation of Liberty Defined. Someone possibly will ask why could Ron Paul be of interest for Brazilian people. Yes, when I was reading the 50 issues, for most of them, I've seen astonishing similarities (mutatis mutandis, of course) between Ron Paul's views and our freedom conditions (regulations, for instance) and government practices (terror and lies). Also, the pertinence and usefulness of Ron Paul's recommendations were noticeable. Now I am looking for an editor - Hachette has already given the OK for this step. But it is quite amazing to observe the fear that some applicant editors felt. Apparently they are threatened by the well-known government brigades - their techniques include assassination without previous alert. Well informed people that has examined the translation advised me not to publish it because of "inconsistencies", but, I said that there could be translation slips, and that I was going to fix them, they added that the translation was OK. So I must say that the author indeed tells some worldwide useful truths.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
d u s child
I love Dr. Paul, and watch nearly all his speeches, but I am not usually a huge fan of his writing. I feel that most of his books are a labor to get through... with the exception of Liberty Defined. I found it thoroughly engaging, and written direct and to-the-point. In his previous books, I do not believe his points came across very strong, but it seems that writing 50 short explanations of common problems is the way he should continue to write. I highly recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wish we could turn back time, when government was small and tidy - Before we turned into government addicts- we need to detox and fast, regain our INDEPENDENCE, especially if you live in a state like Maryland !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cait reynolds
This book is the ultimate argument resource. Someone claiming we need government controls to keep businesses from taking advantage of consumers? Flip to the chapter. Someone claiming unborn fetuses are not life? You'll find brief, well written and sourced arguments from Congressman Ron Paul. A must have.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you have any interest in what the liberty movement is about, this book is the guide. It is filled with historical facts and quotes bout how America should be putting Liberty first, and all else will fall into place. It's a quick read, and it's brilliant.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Over the last ten years, and finding myself more and more disillusioned by the Republican Party, I started down the road of Libertarianism. Ron Paul, in his book, Liberty Defined, provides one of the better modern treatises on the Libertarian Philosophy. He touts freedom, liberty, morality - saying they would all be benefit from more freedom, more liberty, and less government.
Of all the Presidential Candidates, he is probably the most consistent in his beliefs and practices. Moreover, he is probably the smartest Republican Candidate in regards to government, the Constitution, history, and especially economics. I have become more of a fan not only of his common sense and wisdom, but also his ability to present these ideas in a language every reader can understand. I think his biggest appeal is that he is NOT a traditional Republican who touts love of God, Country, Guns, and Jesus. Another strength for him as an embrace of the religious and faithful, who are often viewed in a dim light by Libertarians.
His biggest strength is his concept of economics. He points out how the Fed bypasses Constitutional authority, prints money on a whim, and hurts the value of our dollar. He has a keen insight on sound monetary policy. Paul also is keen on what makes wealth, and on how our continual use of Keynesian Economics has driven our nation to the precipice.
However, there are some flaws in his reasoning - mostly because of his striving for a pure form of Libertarianism. This is evident in his views on bipartisanship, which he scornfully disdains. Also, his views on Islam are a bit naive, probably more so than many of the right-wing critics of that religion. Paul fails to mention the Sha'ria law which makes most Muslim states a theocracy, and treats women like second-hand citizens. He fails to mention the warring splits between Persian and Arab Muslims, as well as the fighting going on between the Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims.
This is not to disregard his foreign policy ideas of non-interventionism, and resistance to nation building. Paul brought me around to that line of thinking - although the fiasco in Iraq had a lot to do with it, too.
I find disagreement with his his chapter devoted to torture and terrorism. True, I do not advocate it, but Paul always wants to take the moral high road in regards when dealing with enemy combatants and terrorists, and that is not always possible. While neo-cons far too often settle for the lesser of two evils, Paul will never settle for it at all. Sometimes, that is all we have. I often use the analogy of an exterminator who has to deal with a sewer rat: to get the rat, you have to go into the sewer.
On the other hand, he hits the nail on the head in the chapter of Moral Hazards. As the government has expanded it's insurance on failure in this nation, he paints an accurate picture of Americans who want the freedom for everything - except failure. This has lead to the adding of our massive welfare state.
He also paints an accurate picture of our military forces stretched so thin throughout the world like the Roman Empire. Why should South Korea, Japan, and Germany get free defense from us - especially with the Cold War over?
Other Libertarians like John Stossel and Gary Johnson have also brought me to the idea of ending the war on drugs. Paul continues this idea, however I wish he would have pointed out that as a society we can restrict them, instead of prohibiting them. I also wished he would have addressed health care more from the Libertarian perspective.
This leads to the one major flaw in Libertarianism: the idea that human beings are capable of handling freedom responsibly.
I also think Paul is a bit naive on trade sanctions against nations. I agree that our military providing blockades can be considered an act of war. However, trade sanctions is a tool that can, that is the one thing we have against nations that have terrible human rights violations.
Paul reminds me of Thomas Jefferson, who was a great thinker and someone who tried to be consistent in political beliefs. I worry that if he does become President, he will face the same dilemma as Jefferson: leaving his Utopian ideals in order to deal with the real world. At most, I would like to him as President, but I really hope he at least becomes Secretary of Treasury.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather luczak
This was an outstanding book. It has almost every issue that is of somewhat importance to the United States. Ron Paul views everything from an Austrian perspective rather than a Keynesian perspective. He mentions everything from monetary policy, to slavery, to zionism. He gives a correct analysis of how keynesians caused the recession, failed to see the housing bubble, and austrians were able to see it but were ignored, and once it happened the keynesians still ignored the austrians but continued their failed economic policy. If you are looking to read a book that is pro-freedom, i recommend reading this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thirteen years ago I was introduced to Ron Paul as I made a personal conversion to liberty. A friend of mine opened my eyes to the philosophies of liberty through the writings of Bastiat, Hazlitt, Mises, and Hayek. In looking for the personification of these viewpoints amongst modern politicians, there was only one; a solitary voice crying in the wilderness. This book might be the greatest legacy and contribution of the American statesman and patriot, Dr. Ron Paul. He has now spent over three decades preaching the gospel of freedom to a public desensitized and acclimated to legal plunder, government thuggery, and welfarism. He is the last great hope of this nation. He is a man without guile who speaks from his heart and mind; and, has the integrity to live by his words. Fortunately for us, he is now properly vindicated, if not respected, and a new generation of young people are awakening to the cause of liberty he has championed his whole life.

Here are the facts. Not only did he predict all the multiple economic shocks that have beset us since the seventies, but he actively fought against the causes, primarily monetary meddling by the Federal Reserve in the free market. Beginning with the dire warnings of his gold commission report in the seventies and culminating is his prescient speeches on the house floor in the early 2000's, he has been a rare example of reason and consistency amongst a corrupt body of opportunistic politicians.

I wish I could give this book 10 stars, not because it is profound or even groundbreaking, but because it carries the genius of simplicity, which has always been the hallmark of truth. I can however give him and this great nation something more valuable than any rating...MY VOTE. God Bless Dr. Paul.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike t
Dr. Paul has scored a masterpiece with this book. He codifies his positions in well-written prose with plenty of examples to underscore the thoughts. This book is a PERFECT gift to give those folks who "don't know who Ron Paul" is nor do they understand the concepts of liberty. Additionally, it is a perfect primer for ALL people who associate themselves as "Tea Partiers." No direct offense to anybody in that crowd, but Dr. Paul does a great job to show how anybody professing "limited gov't" and "returning to the Constitution" cannot support some of the positions that MANY Tea Partiers support (such as the endless "war on terror" and more "fair" taxation [if this can be accomplished]).

Get this book. Get multiple copies of it and share it. Dr. Paul wrote in the Afterward that is up to us--all liberty lovers to spread the principles of liberty and change hearts and minds--ONE AT A TIME if necessary. Therefore, the responsibility is ours.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
steve romero
This book was great, although not as good Revolution. Dr. Paul backs up his positions with plenty of references for independent verification while his writing style is smooth and easy read.
A drawback for me was that this book, written for our present crisis, does not show how we really got to where we are. It uses some brief historical references but does not get to the nitty gritty of the why and hows of where the present problems arise from. Perhaps he was trying to give a brief on all of these issues; he couldn't delve deeper into each subject, I don't know.
All in all, a great book though. Buy it and read it for yourself, then buy it or borrow it out to your friends to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine tochihara
Ron Paul provides guideposts for his ideals in this book. It shows you the rationality of his stances and some of the major issues affecting people in these times. It's not preachy. If you're interested in sharing ideas and looking at various points of view, this book would be an essential in understanding Libertarian principles.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noura alabdulkader
Ron Paul outlines 50 issues affecting our liberty as Americans. His book is a treatise, philosophically grounded in the cause of freedom. Unlike the typical politicians of our time, who lick their finger, hold it in the air, and determine which way the political wind is blowing, Ron Paul's 30+ years of consistent stances gives his latest book the credibility of integrity. His views on topics from Abortion to Zionism are not espoused as separate, unrelated issues, but as a package deal, each rooted in the concept of liberty and the document that guarantees liberty, the Constitution. Whether speaking of U.S. intervention or the Federal Reserve system or the welfare state, each issue is tied together by a common movement, either moving towards liberty or towards tyranny. For anyone who is serious about keeping freedom, enjoying the fruits of their labor, and shrinking the size of government to its proper size, this book is a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam m
This book makes a fantastic case for individual liberty and a vastly smaller and less-intrusive government. Paul goes down the line explaining the pro-liberty position on fifty different issues. Very informative book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marina skiles
This book covers so many topics and gives you perspectives you would never have thought of on your own.

It changed my opinion on many because of how well explained the positions are, and what logic is used to arrive at those conclusions.
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