Ron Paul: America's Most Dangerous Nazi

ByMr. A. J. Weberman

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
robin marie
This guy is a self proclaimed "garboligist" That means he studies garbage... Which would explain why he has written such trash. Just as a zoologist would write a book about animals. This clown wrote a book that belongs in the garbage. Serioulsy where the hell do people come up with this s***?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ken white
If you're looking for unbiased, educated and impartial facts, this is not the place to look. This is nothing more than a smear piece. It's sad we can print these lies about a man's character. Blatantly untrue.I just wish I could give it a zero.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
emily kramer
There are hundreds of pages worth of crap waiting for a good wiping. The pages are a little rough when pressure is applied but I think that's the best way to absorb all the artful words this author lays down. I wish there were more authors out there to inspire me to ditch the 2-ply for a good ol' single-ply, John Wayne-brand, paperback. Thank You!!!
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Obviously written by a statist who doesn't understand the true meaning of freedom and liberty. Dr. Paul is the champion of both. Nice try with this lame book. Even if the store paid me $10 plus shipping, I wouldn't read this book of rhetoric and inconsistent banter.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
christopher berry
Well another author that does not understand right and left political scale. Hitler was a national socialist, he falls to the left with the communists (extreme left) and other socialist governments. Hitler was a diehard socialist, National Socialist German Workers' Party, Left wing period. Why do people have such a hard time figuring this out.
If you are right wing you fall towards less government with an anarchist being the extreme right, no government.
When you head left you sacrifice your liberty and responsibility to others. If you go to far to the right and have anarchy that is also extreme and works against our own human nature.
Ron Paul's government would fall in the category of a constitutional republic, which is what our nation was at it's founding. That would fall towards the right, less government with more personal responsibility and more liberty. Obviously this book is a political attack with poor research.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
caleb ludwick
ironic, a man who has fought for this countries freedoms and the support of free speech not "free speech zones" has now been labeled a "nazi". even he i believe would support this writers "freedom of speech". You know how they say "bad publicity is better than no publicity"

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Someone finally figured out this piece of trash called Ron Paul.

Well written and researched expose of the perennial nut job Klandidate.

The earnest sounding pseudo-libertarian pork barrel spending flip-flopping phony finally gets his comeuppance for years of racism and cozying up to Wall Street plutocrats.
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