The Hot Damned Series - Fashionably Dead and Wed - Book Seven

ByRobyn Peterman

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
FINALLY! A story of Ethan and Astrid getting hitched..and it was SPECTACULARLY fun! I fell out of my chair laughing so hard at times. There was some seriously outrageous things that will make you cringe (and ok, giggle) and have you shaking your head and definitely some things that will leave you needing a fan to cool down. Ethan and Astrid are just a fantastic couple. I love their sizzling chemistry and their many HOT sexcapades. But in Fashionably Dead and Wed they need to abstain and the horror of that will just make you laugh so hard, you just might pee yourself!

I loved who and where the wedding took place. So many things went wrong yet I was completely captivated by how the wedding turned out. Robyn Peterman created a unique, beautiful wedding. To finally see Ethan and Astrid getting married was just the icing on the cake..speaking of I will let you read the book to find out what I possibly could mean.

Fashionably Dead and Wed gets a WITTY AND SNARKY AND SERIOUSLY OUTRAGEOUS FIVE SHOOTING STARS! You will laugh, you might shed a few tears, but you will DEFINITELY love this story..NO doubt about it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
fran ayre
Fashionable Dead and Wed
Book 7 Hot Damned Series
Robyn Peterman

4 Bookgasums

Vampyres, demons, a baboon named Blobbityflonk, Candy Land and marathon closet sex.
Now that is the way to start a book

Oh, by the way, did I mention that Steve Perry is a unicorn. Its true because Mother Nature said so.
I know, right. It just blows the mind. Ms Peterman starts the book with a bang and just keeps it going throughout the entire story. There is humor, mystery, family drama, and love. All the bases are covered in this story.

I laughed and I cried. Let’s face it I went through many tissues through the last third of the book. Most were happy tears but there was that one time where they were tears of fear and worry. If you are needing a positive, upbeat love story for the ages then this is a book for you.

Even with the fast pace of Ms Peterman’s stories she is able to draw the reader in with her vivid descriptions and her wonky, yet realistic characters. There was a electronic formatting issue in the beginning of the Kindle version I read but that just gave me a chuckle. No real spelling issues but there were numerous added or wrong words that made me have to stop reading and re-read the sentence a few times to figure out what was going on. Due to the number of these errors I have had to give the book only 4 bookgasums.

I enjoyed the story and was glad to see the wedding take place. I cannot wait for the next installment to find out if the other members of the Royal family can be saved and to find out what a half Hellhound and half baboon will look like.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mlle m
Another great addition to the Hot Damned Series, lets get to the good stuff.

- Martha and Jane are punished - they have to be completely covered, all the time. This was a ticking bomb...

I’d like to suggest that you all pray with your rosemary and ask Astrid’s Uncle God and Cousin Asian Female Jesus for forgiveness for doubting the existence of the Second Coming of Buddha Jones,”

- Satan was mentioned at 5% and I'm an ecstatic house elf.
Satan wants the wedding to be held in the Devil's Den and he knows how to make it happen.
Satan tries to be a father to Astrid, he was sincere in his own way. He offered advice and sent a spy to stay on top of things. Even with the manipulation and bargains, he was there when she needed it.

No, Astrid,” Ethan cut me off. “We are not keeping Charles. He’s Satan’s spy.”
“But he cried,” I reasoned, sounding like an idiot even to my own ears. “All three of his hideous heads sobbed and I felt bad.”

- The Royal family is cursed and the siblings are taking it seriously.

- Vampire politics, mischief maker running around opening portals and crazy demons. I thought I knew who did it; I had a clear suspect, motive and I couldn't have been more wrong. The twist was crazy, I approve.

- The Immortal family is back and wants to be involved in this Supernatural wedding. But is The Wedding a sure thing?

- Robyn Peterman is at her best with Ethan and Astrid. They are learning on the job and its lots of fun. This book was light, funny and fast.

The only flaw I can think of - The Prophecy was forgotten at some point and I hope it makes an appearance soon.

I would love to read a book revolving around The Prince of Darkness, he's my favorite in this series and I can't get enough. He deserves to find his mate soon.
Hell On Heels (Hot Damned Series, Book 3) :: Pirate Dave and his Randy Adventures (Career Ending Romance Spoof) (Handcuffs and Happily Ever Afters) :: A Fashionably Dead Christmas - Hot Damned Series - Book 5 :: A Date with Fate (The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod :: Witch Glitch: Magic and Mayhem Book Two
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just another day in my undead paradise… HOLY KNOCKERS MCCHESTICLE, BLOBBITYFLONK!!! HOW IN THE EVER LOVING HELLHOUND NAMED BAMBI DOES ROBYN DO IT!?! Honestly, every time I read her newest release I pee myself laughing at her ALWAYS new & uber creative sayings, situations and antics of The Gang! Of course I ALWAYS fall more in love with the characters, and am blown away by how IMMORTALTACULAR it is and this one is no different!! And like always, I have to say this is the BEST. BOOK. EVER!!! I ABSO-VAMPIRE-LUTELY love, Love, LOVE Astrid & Ethan!! As much as I adore all of her characters, books & series, The Hot Damned Series is my FAVAMPORITE! FANGS DOWN!! We all know that there is more humor than you can shake a stripper pole at but before I get to that I want to emphasize that there is oh so very much more than that to the story! There is also a LOT of delicious naughty stuff, super tender, touching moments, surprises, shockers, Demons, Uncle Satan, Mother Nature, the Seven Deadly Sins, and even some unholy Nuns! Trust me, you need to read it all to believe it! There are so very, VERY many, MANY parts that had me hysterical that I want to mention – without spoilers, of course! It started with chapter 2's girlish scream (Who knew Satan could scare so easily?). Then in chapter 4 - OH ASTRID'S UNCLE GOD!! I all but hyperventilated when Astrid helped Ethan out with his *ahem* monster problem!! PRICELESS! ABSO-SHRIVELING-LUTELY PRICELESS!!! And who can forget chapter 8 & an Angel named Jeff... Or when chapter 12 came along bringing Astrid's shot at a hobby... Seriously! *wipes tears form eyes, cheeks, chin and tablet* I read this in bed at night (*sad sigh* alone), like I do the bulk of my reading, and I seriously was laughing so hard at some parts I was literally hysterical crying!! Sometimes a gal needs a good cry and there a lot of books that make this romantic sap do just that, but never had I ever needed a good hysterical laugh-so-hard-I-almost-puked moment.. or at least I didn't until Astrid & Ethan and their wedding came along! Thank you from the bottom of my exceptionally sore lungs & gut and very dehydrated eyes! Robyn? Will you promise to visit me once a week in my nice new padded room my parents booked for me? Robyn was in her bestest fine form writing this one and it completely makes up for having to wait for soooo long for this book! I mean, I'm not immortal, you know! wink Once again Robyn's FANGNOMENAL talent and motherhumpin Ship aspirins gift has me laughing, crying, panting, groaning, moaning & oh so much more, while having my heart burst with pride & love as I fully experience life as a Vampire named Astrid beside our very sexy Vampire husband Ethan, our preciouslicious son Samuel and the rest of the nutty club aka The Royal Family!! Robyn is ABSO-AUTHOR-LUTELY THE BEST!! Oh Robyn I bow to you *bows* every day and 5 times on Tuesday.. *bows* because that's when I read this book... all of it... *bows* in one go... even though I was exhausted & had a migraine... *bows* both of which were quickly forgotten with all of the Sweet Jesus on a tractor with a farmer’s tan bull-honkey that was going on.. *bows* so THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY (UNFORTUNATELY) STILL (NON-VAMPIRE) BEATING HEART!! MWWUUAAHH
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
craig blois
It’s here! The most dysfunctional, amazing, long-awaited wedding ever is happening and boy was it worth the wait. Tons of our favorite characters from the series make an appearance in the book. The side stories are action packed and full of hilarity. Now, really, who really believed the wedding of Astrid and Ethan was going to go off without a hitch and as planned? This latest edition to the Hot Damned series is trademark Robyn Peterman. No author comes close to this unique style that is a mix of creative, funny, and steamy all rolled into one. I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holy mother of all things hilarious! This book certainly cranked my funny bone. The rule of do not eat or drink while reading this series, well choking/spraying is a real danger here. I'm sure the book provided the same stomach muscle exercise as situps.

Astrid and Ethan is getting married, in Hell no less. The whole crazy family is involved, so you can imagine the poo storm of epic proportions they can whip up. Too friggin hilarious!!

I highly recommend this book/series despite the dangers posed by reading it. You won't be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Finally the big day is close. Ethan and Astrid are in the final days leading up to their marriage. Astrid wants to have a human marriage even though they don't need it. Ethan is determined to give her what she wants even with all the problems still surrounding them. Throw in Mother Nature being the caterer. A child who has untold magical abilities that need to be kept under wraps, being blackmailed into having the service in Hell, and of course all the demons coming through the portals and you have another uproarious read. Everything that can go wrong does, but the wedding must continue. I can't wait to see what happens next on the honeymoon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meghan pinson
Finally Ethan and Astrid got hitched. There is way too much funny stuff in this book to mention all of it. Let's just touch on a few, Steve Perry, the love that Satan has for him is ridiculous, so why does Mother Nature say he's a unicorn, you'll have to read the book to figure that out. The hotness of this book is rated on FIYAH! I laughed so hard I had tears rolling down my face and my Hubby and kids thought I was crazy.

In short, this book is really worth reading and if you are sneaking at work wear some depends so you won't be embarrassed when you wet your pants laughing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this book. Some of the twist and turns that Robyn puts in her stories are unexpected and this story was no exception. When you think one thing will happen something else does. I have always loved Martha and Jane, the baby demons and the rest of the group and now I have added Charles to my list. I did find this story funny and I am very happy I read it, the pace did seem slower than the previous books. I love Robyn making fun of this series however the best part were the vows at the wedding.

*ARC was given in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In true Robyn style, Fashionably Dead and Wed keeps you totally occupied! As you embark on the journey that is Astrid and Ethan's wedding, from the outlandish humor to witty snarks, nothing is complete without a little family drama. Not to mention the location to die for...Hell. It is anything but easy peasy, especially getting to the alter with baby Samuel, politics and butt-kicking, Astrid and Ethan are thoroughly occupied. Astrid's family, Vampire Kings, and Unicorns make the story complete. I received an ARC of Fashionably Dead and Wed for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex birchard
This was another AMAZING read! I laughed so hard at times that my husband looked at my like I was nuts. I honestly cannot get enough of this series. It puts you in this magical world you wish you could be in as well. This book (as all of Robyn's books) was so beautifully written could picture every word in my head.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Finally Ethan and Astrid got hitched. There is way too much funny stuff in this book to mention all of it. Let's just touch on a few, Steve Perry, the love that Satan has for him is ridiculous, so why does Mother Nature say he's a unicorn, you'll have to read the book to figure that out. The hotness of this book is rated on FIYAH! I laughed so hard I had tears rolling down my face and my Hubby and kids thought I was crazy.

In short, this book is really worth reading and if you are sneaking at work wear some depends so you won't be embarrassed when you wet your pants laughing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this book. Some of the twist and turns that Robyn puts in her stories are unexpected and this story was no exception. When you think one thing will happen something else does. I have always loved Martha and Jane, the baby demons and the rest of the group and now I have added Charles to my list. I did find this story funny and I am very happy I read it, the pace did seem slower than the previous books. I love Robyn making fun of this series however the best part were the vows at the wedding.

*ARC was given in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karen merullo
In true Robyn style, Fashionably Dead and Wed keeps you totally occupied! As you embark on the journey that is Astrid and Ethan's wedding, from the outlandish humor to witty snarks, nothing is complete without a little family drama. Not to mention the location to die for...Hell. It is anything but easy peasy, especially getting to the alter with baby Samuel, politics and butt-kicking, Astrid and Ethan are thoroughly occupied. Astrid's family, Vampire Kings, and Unicorns make the story complete. I received an ARC of Fashionably Dead and Wed for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was another AMAZING read! I laughed so hard at times that my husband looked at my like I was nuts. I honestly cannot get enough of this series. It puts you in this magical world you wish you could be in as well. This book (as all of Robyn's books) was so beautifully written could picture every word in my head.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess dang
Vamps, baby demons, Steve Perry, Mother Nature and more! Only Robyn can get all these characters into one, sexy, funny tale! Her command of the English language, particularly curse words, is remarkable. Her crazy cast jumps off the pages; seriously, this would make a fabulous movie. I enjoy every moment I spend in Robyn's insanely imaginative world, and would have loved to be a guest at the wedding of all-um-eternity?!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an amazing read! So glad this book is finally out. There were tons of laugh out loud moments as well as a few that made you want to cry towards the end. Several surprises as well. With what I hope is a lead up to a new couple in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Only Astrid can get God, Jesus, Satan, Mother Nature, Demons, and Angels in last place anyone would want to be at the same time! I Couldn't put it down! From the bachelor party to the reception we get to have fun with the whole gang!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of my absolute favorite authors. She brings it Everytime and never disappoint. I have literally read each of her books five+ times and wait on pins and needles for the next one. I loves me some baby Sammy and the geriatric nannies????
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
simon innes
Love love this author and series!! What do you get when you combine vampires who are going to get hitched , Satan , mother nature , demons.. I'll tell you you get one awesome book. Love it
I am already jobeing for another new one from Robyn.
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