A Date with Fate (The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod

ByTracy Ellen

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
susan warner
Story started of with a BANG . Then I (probably my fault) I had difficulty keeping the characters straight. Then the story line had me on the edge of my seat. And POOF! It ended, didn't realize it was first of a series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a great read. Just loved all the characters and purchased the two sequels to the adventures of Annabel Axelrod. Will definately read more by Tracy Ellen. Just the right amount of zany crazy and steamy sex. I enjoy escaping in my books and these were wonderful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scotty scarberry
and this author is funny!! She isn't stingy with her funny and didn't limit her funny to only her main character, there is enough funny to go around! I love the dynamics of not just the Axelrod family but also their circle of family friends. Anabel's relationship with Luke is relatable to the relationship of Dug, the dog in "Up", when he sees a squirrel. He's a big distraction for her, in a sexual way, which she questions for a second and then goes after. She is a woman who has never had an attention span past a first or second date with a man prior to Luke. He's rockin' her world and she's rockin' his. Anabel is a strong, independent, smart, sexy, resourceful woman that is the master of creative name calling but in a lovable, funny way. I LOVED this book for the funny, but I stayed for the story line.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diana horner
I absolutely loved this book. It has a little something for everyone: romance, mystery, adventure and laugh out loud humor! The main character, Anabel, is quirky and sarcastic. Luke is her somewhat tall, dark and mysterious new love interest that she is breaking all of her dating rules for.....and she is not too happy about it. She finds herself in all sorts of crazy situations, but seems to come through it all ok in the end. I love the snarky comments, and banter between Anabel and her friends, as well as the hilarious teasing between siblings. There is a lot of back story involved, but it really helps you to understand Anabel and what she is all about. I definitely recommend checking this one out, you will not be disappointed. I am looking forward to more of Anabel 's adventures, and can't wait to get more of Luke. Hot, Hot, Hot!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
phillip rosen
Anabel Axelrod’s character is as cool as her name. I absolutely loved the first installment of her story. Tracy Ellen is a master of dialogue, and the witty banter between Anabel and Luke always had the goofiest of smiles plastered across my face. I actually enjoyed the hook of the ending, I understand where some readers would have liked more closure, but this is a series. Most series that I read (and really enjoy) leave on cliffhangers. That is how it is and what makes them so much fun to read. I absolutely hate that I have to read three ARCs before I can continue with the next book, but I know Anabel and Luke will be in the back of my mind while I quickly plow through them! I must know what is in that letter!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jodi lipper
and this author is funny!! She isn't stingy with her funny and didn't limit her funny to only her main character, there is enough funny to go around! I love the dynamics of not just the Axelrod family but also their circle of family friends. Anabel's relationship with Luke is relatable to the relationship of Dug, the dog in "Up", when he sees a squirrel. He's a big distraction for her, in a sexual way, which she questions for a second and then goes after. She is a woman who has never had an attention span past a first or second date with a man prior to Luke. He's rockin' her world and she's rockin' his. Anabel is a strong, independent, smart, sexy, resourceful woman that is the master of creative name calling but in a lovable, funny way. I LOVED this book for the funny, but I stayed for the story line.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha quinn
I absolutely loved this book. It has a little something for everyone: romance, mystery, adventure and laugh out loud humor! The main character, Anabel, is quirky and sarcastic. Luke is her somewhat tall, dark and mysterious new love interest that she is breaking all of her dating rules for.....and she is not too happy about it. She finds herself in all sorts of crazy situations, but seems to come through it all ok in the end. I love the snarky comments, and banter between Anabel and her friends, as well as the hilarious teasing between siblings. There is a lot of back story involved, but it really helps you to understand Anabel and what she is all about. I definitely recommend checking this one out, you will not be disappointed. I am looking forward to more of Anabel 's adventures, and can't wait to get more of Luke. Hot, Hot, Hot!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Anabel Axelrod’s character is as cool as her name. I absolutely loved the first installment of her story. Tracy Ellen is a master of dialogue, and the witty banter between Anabel and Luke always had the goofiest of smiles plastered across my face. I actually enjoyed the hook of the ending, I understand where some readers would have liked more closure, but this is a series. Most series that I read (and really enjoy) leave on cliffhangers. That is how it is and what makes them so much fun to read. I absolutely hate that I have to read three ARCs before I can continue with the next book, but I know Anabel and Luke will be in the back of my mind while I quickly plow through them! I must know what is in that letter!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tony hulten
I love the character Anabel Axelrod. She truly makes you laugh. I wasn't so sure about the beginning of the book, but then I really enjoyed it! It takes you on many adventures that take place in a small town south of Minneapolis/St. Paul. I wanted the adventures to keep going and then the book comes to an abrupt end and oh was I mad!! You are left out on a cliff and are just dying to know what happens! Thankfully the next book is published so I can find out what happens next! I can't wait:)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sary fairchild
Annabel is quotes character. I love the way she thinks. Her manners are correct even while her mind is thinking of all the possible ramifications of being deliciously incorrect. It makes me giggle inside. I totally would recommend this book to any of my friends and even read quite a lit of it out loud to my man. ? He liked it too.!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reading the first chapter, I almost stopped reading...not because it wasn't written well, but because I didn't like the subject matter. Spoiler Alert! While Anabel's secret fantasy was to be dominated, the chapter read more like an assault with intent to rape. Big difference between that and domination. That said, I'm glad I continued on to the subsequent chapters as I really enjoyed this book. I really like Anabel, love her verbal interactions with everyone, and also enjoyed every other character and events in this book. Glad, too, that this is a series. Looking forward to reading the next two books and more of the sassy Anabel and her just-as-sassy family and friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I grabbed this as a freebie not really sure whether I would even like it. It started out with a bang and never let up. The dialog was unbelievably funny and had me laughing out loud at the gym as I attempted to read on the treadmill. It is irreverently sexy and totally for mature audiences, but such a fun read. The characters were very well written and rounded. I was totally hooked right off and have already bought the next book. BTW, the author describes a cliffhanger ending, but don't let it keep you from reading the book. The major issues are all resolved even though there is a bit of an interesting kink thrown in at the end. I totally loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janine caldwell
I will admit the first chapter had me confused as to the tone of the book. I also noticed quite a few typos and did find some parts to be overly descriptive. However, I forgot all that as this was the most fun I've had reading a book in a long time! I finished this book in a day and immediately bought the second book.

I think Anabel is a great heroine, faults and all. I couldn't get enough of the sarcastic and witty banter between her and Luke. It's refreshing to focus on a love interest's best qualities as being smart and quick-witted rather than rich and handsome. I love all the secondary characters as well, her family and friends are all integral to the story and bring out the best (and worst!) in Anabel. I can't wait to continue with this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca walker
The main chapter and narrator in this story is extremely well developed both mentally and physically it seems. The story doesn't have a boring moment In it and captures the reader from the first page. Warning tho - even tho the reader knows that this is a series with a sequel to it, you will not be able to forget about getting the next book. There are missing answers at the end that the reader will not be able to ignore, mean, mean, mean! I've read other books without getting into the follow-ups, but not this time around!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
verenize torrez
Full disclosure: I am NOT related to Tracy Ellen nor have I met her, but I sure would like to. I bet she's just as smart, funny and down to earth as Anabel Axelrod. I loved this book so much that I wrote my first fan letter! Not counting those angry letters to Mr. Rogers when I was little. But that's a whole different story.

I was surprised to note that Tracy Ellen is a new writer. I love her voice and found her characters charming.

My confession: I had to work late to make up the time I spent reading this with my kindle propped up against my work monitor. I didn't want to stop until I'd finished. Well worth it.

I know people use LOL a lot but I really did laugh out loud. This book was the perfect combination of funny and romantic that I look for when I want to escape my own life for a few hours. I like that the ending made me want more. I can't wait for the next book.

A Date with Fate was a joy to read and Tracy Ellen is my new favorite author.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jen dolan
This is one bizarre story. Admittedly, I started reading this and then stopped. The characters thoughts are all over the place and I swear she needs ADD meds. After awhile, I came back and started the story from the beginning. Once you actually get to the story it is actually quite entertaining. I chuckled along with the characters and love Anabel's antics when her employee is attacked. Once you get into the story you can actually appreciate and understand the weirdness of the beginning.

The mysterious death keeps everyone on their toes and when it is solved it is quite amusing as to whom the killer is ~
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ashley herbkersman
The story was jumbled with too many over described characters and details that weighed down the flow of the story. The main character,,Anabel, didn't seem to have any depth....tough, smart and 'I don't give a s***' attitude and she liked to wear pink and frills. I found it hard to care about life. Her light porn romance with Luke seemed thrown in just to give the book some sex. The book had possibilities but just didn't make it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
patti margarita
I love stories about smart confident funny women. Women comfortable in their own skin. Women that are honest with themselves about who they are as people. I love junior's honesty her bravery and her humor. I love her girl power sisters and friends. And, my gawd Luke! What to say about Luke? In Bel he has encountered his female equal and score ten on the sexual tension. With a little crime scene mixed in for more spice and a surprise ending makes this book a great read. Thank you Tracy Ellen, job well done. I'm a fan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love Love Love this series!!! One of the best stories I've read to date. Bel is an awesome leading lady who is not your typical heroine - she's funny, intelligent with such strong (and sometimes strange) convictions or point of views. She didn't whine or pine away for her man. I liked her independence and strong sense of self, as well as being so thoughtful of her friends & family. The romance aspect of the book was incredibly enjoyable to read - I love Luke. Just the right amount of bad boy meets definite keeper all rolled into one hunky package! Would definitely recommend reading this book and the series! I already want to read it again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
paulaletsympatico com
This book was very delightful and not all at predictable. Just when I thought I knew the plot and what the next turn of events would behold, I was caught off guard. However, the ending did not thrill me. It ended without ending and only one of the "problems" was solved for the reader. Too many other things were still yet to be known and would require reading additional books. If it were not for the never ending theme, I would have given it five stars.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jamie makis
The book starts off with a rape fantasy scene that does not clarify until Afterwards that it was a pre-planned fantasy role-play. I was definitely not expecting that based on the book summary and couldn't bring myself to go further with the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lonna cunningham
The beginning of this book was decidedly uncomfortable. I was wondering why I was reading this. But I kept at it. I am glad I did.
Anabel is a multidimensional character. She kept me hooked. Luke was so veiled that I was sure that he was some secret agent or something.
I liked the mysteries, I liked the twist. I liked the family interactions. I hated the ending.
Its a long book but not bloated. My main complaint is the lack of motive for some of the villains, and did I say I hate the ending. Well I did. Hated it.
You better write more about these characters because we need to know more.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Cute read, likable characters. However, the heroine rambled on unnecessarily for pages and it got very old. It improved more in the second half, but she still had a tendency to go off on tangents about inconsequential things. It's kind of hard to fit this book into a category. I guess it's a romance, but the guy is missing in large chunks, and we never get to know him, he's just Mr. Mysterious and for me it made it hard to care about their romance. But if you can get past the incessant rambling, it's a decent read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gail aftergood
I loved this book! It was so entertaining to have a female character who is extremely feminine and yet, strong and feisty. No shrinking violet this one! Anabel is a wonderful character full of humor and intelligence in her very frilly outfits. It is so refreshing to see a strong, intelligent woman who needs a man just as intelligent and strong as she is. My only criticism is that the language could be toned down some. Otherwise, a wonderful, entertaining read. I'll be reading more by Tracy Ellen.
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