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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy pescosolido
No Less Days was so interesting and unpredictable I could not stop reading. The believeability factor was rather low, but I think this is what the author intended. It certainly does make one think. The characters are people who cannot die because of a mysterious serum in their blood. Their unending lives are spent hiding their secret from 'mortals' and seeking to appear normal in a world where they are anything but. Their longevity creates many problems, not the least of which is lack of close relationships. When the 5 longevites find each other, they finally have 'family', however, different personalities within their group cause complications none of them know how to manage.
The thing I found most interesting in this book is that David, a Christian man, seeks to do the Lord's will regardless of his unique circumstances. He has no idea if or when he will ever get to heaven, but still he seeks to strengthen his faith. David is beginning to fall in love with one of his young employees, but fights his feelings in order to keep the wall erected between his long life and the things he knows will hurt him when his relationships come to an end, as they always must.
The book ends rather abruptly with many unresolved issues, and yet the story line does not allow for resolution. Amanda Stevens has penned a novel that will keep me thinking about deeper issues brought up in this book, long after turning the final page.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
David Galloway is a character you can’t help but sympathize. Years (decades and centuries) of living a solitary life while closely guarding his secret haven’t deterred him from living as a man of integrity. A man who is willing to do the right thing, to seek justice, no matter the difficulty.

Even when David finds others like him, he continues to stand on the fringes, often alone in the crowd.

I read Amanda G. Steven’s Haven Seekers series and enjoyed it, but this book has so much more depth to it. Each of the characters is well developed and interesting.
With a hint of nostalgia for the way things once were with references to classic books and movies, and the possibility of something David has given up on edging in. No Less Days is a story that is unique and timeless, one that explores many spiritual topics such as right vs. wrong; listening for (and obeying) God’s voice; and relationship and community without preaching to the reader.

In essence, it’s a book that is worth the time it takes to read, one that left me both satisfied and itching to learn more about the others in this group. Here’s hoping there are more books to come

Disclosure statement:
I receive complimentary books from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including NetGalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This novel is an unusual combination of contemporary fantasy and Christian fiction. There are a few somewhat immortal people alive today because of an experimental serum used by a doctor in the late 1800s. When one of these immortals experiences a life threatening accident, something in the blood kicks in and accelerated healing takes place.

The story is told from the view of the long lived David, a used bookstore owner. He sees a television report of a man unscathed after a deadly fall. That is the beginning of the adventure as a few of the immortals come together.

There are several interesting and thought provoking issues contained in the plot. One is the concept that death of the body is a mercy from God. David says, “The soul can't bear endless years in this realm. In this evil.” (Loc 2451/3757) Another issue is what it really means to be human. And another, is it ever right to take a human life to prevent further evil?

The Christian aspect of this novel is strong. David and his girlfriend are strong Christians and they both struggle with issues while firmly trusting in God for their future.

I do recommend this novel to readers who enjoy speculative fiction with a clear Christian presence. The end of the plot is not conclusive so I will be looking for the sequel.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.
The Prophet (The Graveyard Queen) :: The Haunting of Gillespie House :: Sight Unseen: The Haunting Of Blackstone Manor :: The Visitor (The Graveyard Queen) :: The Way Things Ought to Be by Rush Limbaugh (1992-10-01)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
holly katz
David Galloway runs a book store in Northern Michigan. He keeps to himself only interacting closely with the people, like Tiana, who work in his shop. David has a secret that keeps him apart from others. He’s over hundred years old and unable to die although he must rejuvenate.

David thinks he’s alone with this phenomenon, but when he reads about Zachary Wilson, a daredevil who survives a fall that should have killed him, he begins to wonder. He finds Zachary and learns that there are other like him. Suddenly, he has a community, but he’s not sure how to react to the closeness. This becomes a problem when the group is forced to band together to solve some ancient crimes.

I enjoyed the book. It starts slowly with David in Michigan, but after he meets up with Zac the tempo speeds up. Although there is action, much of the book is character development. This is particularly true of David trying to come to grips with his attraction to Tiana.

This is a Christian fantasy. The characters in the books are believers and in the course of the story they must grapple with what God wants them to do. The choice is not always easy.

The book is well written. The cadence pulls you along making this an enjoyable read. If you like serious fantasy, this is a well done book.

I received this book from Barbour Publishing for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
colby droscher
I was first introduced to this unique story through fellow readers who kept gushing about it's unique story. The more summaries I read, the more intrigued I was to check out the novel as one of my favorite but unfortunately short lived shows was a series called "Forever." It was a captivating series who's main character was a man who could not die and had also lived through many decades. I'm also a big fan of the movie " The Age of Adaline." One key piece from both of these: how many times have we maybe wished we could live forever or be immortal and I loved how thought provoking both the above were to all the complexities and downsides to that type of ability. Enter "No Less Days"
David Galloway has lived for over a century but is eternally stuck at the age of 35. He has spent the years assuming he was the only one until headlines explode with a young death-defier who should have perished in a tightrope accident and yet survived. David goes on a search for answers only to discover he's not alone in this unnatural long life.
A unique read that will tug at your heart, this is a thought-provoking story of life and death, the reality of sin, the blessing of love. The Spiritual piece was well woven throughout, not over the top and a good reminder of the rest we can only find in Christ.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james oswald
No Less Days is difficult to define by genre. The publisher lists it as Suspense, and it is that; the author's bio states that she writes Speculative Fiction, and it is that too, though it is also Contemporary (small town) Fantasy. But at the heart it is the story of a man who feels alone but for his faith in God, a man who finally learns that he is not the only one of his kind after a century of living and losing those he loves.

It is that discovery, and a new openness to relationship, that engenders reader sympathy for David Galloway even more than his love of books, his attempted denial of his attraction to his employee Tiana, and his sensitive handling of another employee's difficulties. So, as he discovers the existence of more of his kind and becomes embroiled in the situation that lends this story the element of suspense, an air of impending peril, and a great deal of tension, the reader is swept along and does not always know what to expect.

This is a novel that leaves the reader wanting to quietly, with calm sincerity, suggest that though it might not be your usual cup of tea, give this one a read. It is good.

This review refers to an e-galley read through NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher. A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I had something of an up and down relationship with this book. I was so drawn in by the title and the first line of the blurb, I didn't read past that before diving into the novel. I found the first quarter of it or so to be intriguing as all get out.

Yet, most of the read was slow for me, and I didn't get a sense of a focused, driving point or purpose in the plot. It was almost as if stuff was just...happening, and I couldn't tell how much a particular subplot was even necessary. The novel stops with loose ends, so I trust there's a sequel coming, but I do wish the conclusion could've brought more cohesion to the whole. It's not often I'm this unsure about exactly what I'm taking away from a story.

Still, this author demonstrates a knack for not overstating or spoon-feeding everything to the reader, which I can appreciate. Oh--and how the cover grew on me! The "Old & Rare Books" bookstore and the lighting that's equally soft and bright in the pouring rain at night is pretty perfect.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hania gamal
What if you couldn't die? Those around you could (and did), but not you. How would that impact your day-to-day life and your relationships with others?

No Less Days intrigued me from the back cover, but I found myself even more intrigued the further I got into the story. With realistic characters who grapple with this strange truth, the ramifications keep you thinking, wondering not only what the characters will do, but "what would I do?"

In some ways, No Less Days is not an easy read. I wouldn't recommend it to a younger reader without parental input. But it is one story that, while obviously hypothetical, will keep you thinking long after you've finished. My book club friends chose to read this one with me, and I look forward to the discussion we'll have!

I don't read a lot of speculative fiction, but I'm glad I picked this one up, as it's been interesting food for thought!

(I received a complimentary copy of this novel. The thoughts expressed here are entirely my own.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Barbour is best known for their sweet historical romances and novella collections so my curiosity was piqued when I read the blurb for No Less Days and, even though it is marked as suspense, it sounded like it was a Speculative fiction book.

In the tradition of authors like Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker, Amanda G. Stevens takes readers on a wild and imaginative ride, delving into some of mankind's deepest thoughts and darkest questions. Just a note for Barbour fans, like the other authors I mentioned, this book is quite gritty in places and even has a couple of words that may or may not bother some readers.

No Less Days was such a different story from what I ordinarily read that I had a hard time putting it down. Amanda G. Stevens kept me interested to the end and left me wondering what might happen to David and the others like him. It seemed like the author left it open to the possibility of another book, so, here's hoping...

(I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I found this book very interesting from the Biblical quote of 1 Timothy 1:17 KJV on one of the opening pages to the main character’s name David. David Galloway appears to be a very stable character who has the undercurrent of being a warrior for the protection of others. I am remembering that King David of Biblical fortune was quite a warrior.
As the fictitious characters are introduced we become more and more aware of mortals and those characters who seem to be immortal. Therefore, I found the book alluding to the dimensions of heaven, earth, resurrection, etc.
Lone wolf of a man, David, while establishing a relationship with a mortal female, Tiana, also becomes aware of another who has the qualities of immortality as he does. Having isolated himself from meaningful relationships with social contacts, he is careful in developing new relationships.
As the plot develops, the author makes us aware of the restrictions of living beyond death in this dimension. The uniqueness of all the individuals in this plot are the essential qualities that make ‘No Less Days’ a arresting book to read.
"I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jaffer alqallaf
This novel is an unusual combination of contemporary fantasy and Christian fiction. There are a few somewhat immortal people alive today because of an experimental serum used by a doctor in the late 1800s. When one of these immortals experiences a life threatening accident, something in the blood kicks in and accelerated healing takes place.

The story is told from the view of the long lived David, a used bookstore owner. He sees a television report of a man unscathed after a deadly fall. That is the beginning of the adventure as a few of the immortals come together.

There are several interesting and thought provoking issues contained in the plot. One is the concept that death of the body is a mercy from God. David says, “The soul can't bear endless years in this realm. In this evil.” (Loc 2451/3757) Another issue is what it really means to be human. And another, is it ever right to take a human life to prevent further evil?

The Christian aspect of this novel is strong. David and his girlfriend are strong Christians and they both struggle with issues while firmly trusting in God for their future.

I do recommend this novel to readers who enjoy speculative fiction with a clear Christian presence. The end of the plot is not conclusive so I will be looking for the sequel.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
David Galloway runs a book store in Northern Michigan. He keeps to himself only interacting closely with the people, like Tiana, who work in his shop. David has a secret that keeps him apart from others. He’s over hundred years old and unable to die although he must rejuvenate.

David thinks he’s alone with this phenomenon, but when he reads about Zachary Wilson, a daredevil who survives a fall that should have killed him, he begins to wonder. He finds Zachary and learns that there are other like him. Suddenly, he has a community, but he’s not sure how to react to the closeness. This becomes a problem when the group is forced to band together to solve some ancient crimes.

I enjoyed the book. It starts slowly with David in Michigan, but after he meets up with Zac the tempo speeds up. Although there is action, much of the book is character development. This is particularly true of David trying to come to grips with his attraction to Tiana.

This is a Christian fantasy. The characters in the books are believers and in the course of the story they must grapple with what God wants them to do. The choice is not always easy.

The book is well written. The cadence pulls you along making this an enjoyable read. If you like serious fantasy, this is a well done book.

I received this book from Barbour Publishing for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mallory kasdan
I was first introduced to this unique story through fellow readers who kept gushing about it's unique story. The more summaries I read, the more intrigued I was to check out the novel as one of my favorite but unfortunately short lived shows was a series called "Forever." It was a captivating series who's main character was a man who could not die and had also lived through many decades. I'm also a big fan of the movie " The Age of Adaline." One key piece from both of these: how many times have we maybe wished we could live forever or be immortal and I loved how thought provoking both the above were to all the complexities and downsides to that type of ability. Enter "No Less Days"
David Galloway has lived for over a century but is eternally stuck at the age of 35. He has spent the years assuming he was the only one until headlines explode with a young death-defier who should have perished in a tightrope accident and yet survived. David goes on a search for answers only to discover he's not alone in this unnatural long life.
A unique read that will tug at your heart, this is a thought-provoking story of life and death, the reality of sin, the blessing of love. The Spiritual piece was well woven throughout, not over the top and a good reminder of the rest we can only find in Christ.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margaret arvanitis
No Less Days is difficult to define by genre. The publisher lists it as Suspense, and it is that; the author's bio states that she writes Speculative Fiction, and it is that too, though it is also Contemporary (small town) Fantasy. But at the heart it is the story of a man who feels alone but for his faith in God, a man who finally learns that he is not the only one of his kind after a century of living and losing those he loves.

It is that discovery, and a new openness to relationship, that engenders reader sympathy for David Galloway even more than his love of books, his attempted denial of his attraction to his employee Tiana, and his sensitive handling of another employee's difficulties. So, as he discovers the existence of more of his kind and becomes embroiled in the situation that lends this story the element of suspense, an air of impending peril, and a great deal of tension, the reader is swept along and does not always know what to expect.

This is a novel that leaves the reader wanting to quietly, with calm sincerity, suggest that though it might not be your usual cup of tea, give this one a read. It is good.

This review refers to an e-galley read through NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher. A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
brittany cavallaro
I had something of an up and down relationship with this book. I was so drawn in by the title and the first line of the blurb, I didn't read past that before diving into the novel. I found the first quarter of it or so to be intriguing as all get out.

Yet, most of the read was slow for me, and I didn't get a sense of a focused, driving point or purpose in the plot. It was almost as if stuff was just...happening, and I couldn't tell how much a particular subplot was even necessary. The novel stops with loose ends, so I trust there's a sequel coming, but I do wish the conclusion could've brought more cohesion to the whole. It's not often I'm this unsure about exactly what I'm taking away from a story.

Still, this author demonstrates a knack for not overstating or spoon-feeding everything to the reader, which I can appreciate. Oh--and how the cover grew on me! The "Old & Rare Books" bookstore and the lighting that's equally soft and bright in the pouring rain at night is pretty perfect.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lawrence ampofo
What if you couldn't die? Those around you could (and did), but not you. How would that impact your day-to-day life and your relationships with others?

No Less Days intrigued me from the back cover, but I found myself even more intrigued the further I got into the story. With realistic characters who grapple with this strange truth, the ramifications keep you thinking, wondering not only what the characters will do, but "what would I do?"

In some ways, No Less Days is not an easy read. I wouldn't recommend it to a younger reader without parental input. But it is one story that, while obviously hypothetical, will keep you thinking long after you've finished. My book club friends chose to read this one with me, and I look forward to the discussion we'll have!

I don't read a lot of speculative fiction, but I'm glad I picked this one up, as it's been interesting food for thought!

(I received a complimentary copy of this novel. The thoughts expressed here are entirely my own.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rachel cherenzia
Barbour is best known for their sweet historical romances and novella collections so my curiosity was piqued when I read the blurb for No Less Days and, even though it is marked as suspense, it sounded like it was a Speculative fiction book.

In the tradition of authors like Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker, Amanda G. Stevens takes readers on a wild and imaginative ride, delving into some of mankind's deepest thoughts and darkest questions. Just a note for Barbour fans, like the other authors I mentioned, this book is quite gritty in places and even has a couple of words that may or may not bother some readers.

No Less Days was such a different story from what I ordinarily read that I had a hard time putting it down. Amanda G. Stevens kept me interested to the end and left me wondering what might happen to David and the others like him. It seemed like the author left it open to the possibility of another book, so, here's hoping...

(I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carolina bueso
I found this book very interesting from the Biblical quote of 1 Timothy 1:17 KJV on one of the opening pages to the main character’s name David. David Galloway appears to be a very stable character who has the undercurrent of being a warrior for the protection of others. I am remembering that King David of Biblical fortune was quite a warrior.
As the fictitious characters are introduced we become more and more aware of mortals and those characters who seem to be immortal. Therefore, I found the book alluding to the dimensions of heaven, earth, resurrection, etc.
Lone wolf of a man, David, while establishing a relationship with a mortal female, Tiana, also becomes aware of another who has the qualities of immortality as he does. Having isolated himself from meaningful relationships with social contacts, he is careful in developing new relationships.
As the plot develops, the author makes us aware of the restrictions of living beyond death in this dimension. The uniqueness of all the individuals in this plot are the essential qualities that make ‘No Less Days’ a arresting book to read.
"I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
caroline cunniffe
This was definitely an intriguing read. I enjoyed the speculative twist to it with some of the characters being apparently immortal, and I especially appreciated that it didn't come about in a supernatural way. That made it more believable for me.

I really liked David and Tiana and the used bookstore locale. It was fun to think about having a first edition with a book for every year that spanned more than a century! That seems like a fabulous thing to do if one were immortal!

The story did get pretty intense at times but it kept me turning the pages. I'll be looking forward to more in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy krivohlavek
What a wonderful story! Though the idea of a never-ending life here on earth is not new or unique, Amanda Stevens approaches it in a clever and refreshing way in No Less Days. The main character, David Galloway, sees his life as an eternal challenge, wondering what purpose God has for him and why he was give this particular burden to bear. But suddenly, David discovers that he is not alone! And he begins to open up his heart and life to others and to more adventures than he has experienced in the last half of a century. Along the way, David finds that by truly living the life that God gave to him, he can discover more of the purpose God meant for him, and answer the question that all of us have asked at one time or another: “What am I here for, Lord?”.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for something different to read. The ending seemed to have left an opening for a sequel, which I hope Ms. Stevens is considering!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Happy Publishing Day to No Less Days!

First, I want to thank Bookish first and the publisher for giving me a copy of this galley in exchange for my honest review.

The book was something I normally don't read. It had a theme of Christianity in it and I typically stay away from these kinds of books. However I decided to give this one a shot. I think that the story has real potential, I'm just not sure the writing flowed as much as I had hoped. I think the concept of the story is very interesting: Can you live forever or at least longer than expected? Can religion have a role in this? I think the characters are relate able in some way.

Overall I would say if Christian Fiction is your thing you may really enjoy this. If it isn't I would say maybe put this on your TBR but it wouldn't necessarily be my first pick. Again, that is just my taste and preference, I'm sure others will love this one.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
No Less Days is not usually the type of Christian Fiction that I read, but I was very intrigued by the cover, and the fact that the story was for the most part set in Northern Michigan. There were many things I loved about this book: the references to the older novels, the places, and things that are unique to only Michigan like Petoskey Stones, and Leland blue.

However, I found that this book was WAY TOO graphic in parts, and I was very uncomfortable with the detail in which some of the events were described. None of these things are mentioned on the back cover, so I found this very misleading to someone who would just randomly pick up this book!

The other problem I have is the way the book ended. There are many unanswered questions, and I was led to assume that there will be a sequel but this is not mentioned anywhere. Also, if there is going to be a sequel, I would have to recommend that this book not be read until you can read both together because I don’t believe it would be possible to remember everything that happened by the time the next one is released.

“I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoy choosing books that are outside my normal reading genres. This book appealed to me from the opening chapters because it appeared to be much more than a mystery or general fiction. The story did not disappoint! It was a combination mystery, romance, sci-fi/fantasy (which I never read) and inspirational fiction.

The story of David Galloway and the 4 people who he meets who cannot die, like himself, was fascinating. Although this was the fantasy aspect of the story, it was told like it could happen in real life. The story touched on many aspects including morality and race that I found very appealing. I also enjoyed the religious aspect of the story and found it very uplifting.

All the loose ends at the end of the story are not tied up which leads me to believe there will be a sequel which I will gladly read. Amanda Stevens has a new fan!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paige wakefield
David Galloway is the owner of a bookstore in northern Michigan specializing in old and rare books. He had always lived a quiet life, until the day he heard the name he had discarded in 1973. He was one of only five individuals in the world who were called Longevites." They were ageless, a condition David had prayed God would take away from him. David himself was 167 years old but appeared to be 35. There are so many twists and turns involving these five, then it turns sinister when they realize one of them is a killer.
Several truths are established regarding the importance of relationships, commitment to friendships and family, and that life is much richer when we serve together and worship together.
The best in the Contemporary Christian Fantasy/Suspense genre!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The premise, never dying, is intriguing. The characters are complex, deeply emotional and inviting.
This story hooks you in the first few pages and after many chapters, the Christian subtext starts to show itself. Unlike most "Christian" fiction, the story is what is important and the religious aspect simply a part of the bigger story. God doesn't hit you over the head in this tale, he is just there, an important part of the story but very justified in the plot-line. This is fiction as it should be. The internal struggles of each person rise and fall as you get to know each one. David, with so much to hide, Tiana with so much to offer and to accept, Zac, Moira, Colm and the others and their shared history add up to an unbelievable story of love, acceptance and unending life.
This book will hold your interest from front to back and then you will wonder who they will cast in the movie version!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was not my normal genre of books. That being said, there were many parts of it I did like. I found myself reflecting on the lessons that could be learned from each characters actions and reactions; especially concerning God and sin. David's avoidance of people to protect himself from hurt was realistic, even if the reason why wasn't. Jayde's refusal to accept help is seen so often. Zac's crazy, adventurous way was really a way of hiding from himself. Moira's decision that she wasn't worthy of forgiveness shaped every aspect of her life. Stevens wove a story line that developed each character as they interacted within the larger story. I felt she did a great job with that. I was confused toward the end with the introduction of the more longevites and how that fit within the greater story. I'm not sure what the purpose of that was....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a thought-provoking story and I love books that make me think! I may not agree with parts of the story, but neither can I offer a better solution. I actually read this book in 2 sittings in a 24 hour period. I believe it will be one not soon forgotten. I hope there's more of the story coming soon.

I intend to read more of this author. I've got her book Seek and Hide sitting on the shelf beside my reading chair. I will be buying No Less Days for our church should spark some interesting discussion. It would be great for book club.

At my request, I received a free electronic copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not required to give a positive review. This review reflects my honest thoughts and opinions on the book, and I received no compensation for this review other than getting to keep the e-book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tara bush
This is a great entry into the Christian Fiction genre. I thought it would be somewhat similar to the old "Highlander" series with a guy living for centuries without knowing why, but Stevens creates her own path here. The story does take a very long time to really develop and there are a large number of characters here that probably could have been trimmed down substantially. David isn't really the main character as much as he should be at times, and the ending is a little weak, but there is a lot to like here as well. The concept of the ever-living characters (Longevites) is a unique perspective because you never consider how hard it would be to watch every family member and friend you have grow old and die while you never age. Maybe there will be a sequel to this in the future to finish their story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an interesting, thought-provoking book. This book is different from many of the books I normally read. I was interested in the book from the description and it did not disappoint! Ms. Stevens provides the reader with a story of the impossible. Throughout the entire book, it was hard to guess what was going to happen next. This book examines David Galloway who has been alive for over 100 years. He is all alone, but discovers there are others who share the same secret as him. Can together they form a family or are there more secrets to discover? I highly recommend this book! You will not be disappointed!
***I was given a free electronic copy of this book from the publisher. This is my honest opinion. Even though I received this copy free, this is my own opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alexander duncan
This was a unique topic and theme for a Christian book. I enjoyed the premise, and liked most of the character development. I loved the beginning and flew through the first half of the tale. However, the second half of the story was full of one intense situation after another without much relief such as comedy, or soft moments to serve as a break away from multiple intense circumstances. Several serious revelations and conclusions all seem to occur too quickly and in succession of each other. Finally, the book closes as if it’s a cliff hanger, or the first in a series. If the author chooses to continue this as such, I hope the pacing will improve. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys science fiction.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
No Less Days
Amanda Stevens has written a very mysterious book about a man who has lived for over a century. From the first page to the last I was hooked. The plot kept me riveted to my chair until the very end. David does not understand what God expects from him. Along the way he meets several other people who are like him, and shares some of his experiences with them. But not all is at it seems, betrayal occurs; tough decisions have to be made. David has to learn to trust God for strength rather than depend on himself. Just when the reader has things figured out a new twist occurs.
The book is well written and flows at a good pace. It is a different kind of who-done-it. I thoroughly enjoyed the book.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
julie parr
This is a BookishFirst book.
I have mixed feelings about this one. I struggled a lot in the beginning to get interested. I kept reading hoping for something to happen because when I read the synopsis it sound like it would be a great book. I was disappointed. Nothing happened until David found more of his kind and even then it only became slightly more interesting for me. The only reason I have this one 3 stars instead of 2 is because of the exceptionally well developed characters. I think the author tried to do to much in this story, take it in to many directions, it makes the story seem...cluttered, jumbled.
I didn't like the ending, it left to many unanswered questions for me. I realize it left an opening for him 2 and an unanswered questions or 2 is normal, but this book leaves so, so many. I will not be reading book 2 if there is one.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
** Thank you BookishFirst for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review ** No Less Days is, to quote the author, "a collision of Christianity in the real world with a fantasy story". The first 50% of the book is a good introduction to the supernatural characters with a very light touch of religion. For the remainder of the book the Christian theme is predominant and overtakes the narrative. This was unfortunate because the storytelling went off the rails and became boring and cluttered. There were too many story arcs going on with too many characters. And the most important part of the story - how this small group of people from the same town were made immortal - was never explored in any depth. I found this book hard to finish simply because the strong introduction was lost amid a hodgepodge of characters exploring a wide variety of issues beyond the fantasy set up.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mike w miller
Originally, the premise behind this book was what drew me in. However, overall, I just couldn't get into it. For the first half, the book was well done. It gave the characters a good introduction with just a touch of religion. It gave me hope that the rest of the book would be as good. Unfortunately, it seems to pretty much go off the rails after that. The plot just felt overtaken by the religious side of things and the writing just seemed to drop in quality overall. It sucks that something that started out strong became so weak after the character's were introduced. I wanted to like this book so much more than I wound up liking it. I could definitely see the promise in the plot, the characters, and the writing but it just went flat.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
diana hyle
No Less Days by Amanda G Stevens
Intriguing book! This is a new author for me. I enjoyed her writing style. It flowed smooth and was fairly easy to follow. The content of the book itself is also very well written. I enjoyed it very much and am looking forward to the sequel. I’m not a fan of loose ends. And while I understand the need to set a segue for the next book there were too many smaller issues going on that bugged me. You can’t have a dramatic scene with blood in the back of a bookstore, go home and arrive back at said bookstore the next morning AFTER staff without mentioning that somewhere along the line the mess got cleaned up. That’s the type of missing element that drives me batty. It also felt like there were way too many unnecessary side plots going on. The whole Jayda story easily could have been scrubbed. There was no need at all for it. All in all though, I would recommend the book to read. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
How does David, a bookstore owner, react when he hears there is a daredevil who lives after a failed stunt that should have killed him? He tracks him down and finds that there are others like him that do not age. What do they go through as everyone around them is getting older? What mysteries will be uncovered?
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zoe mcduncan
David is a very likable protagonist and Tiana is a beautiful foil for his character. You can really feel his plight as a longevite as well as how much he has to share with humanity. I loved his relationship with Tiana and her loving encouragement as a sister in Christ. What disappointed me was the clutter of the others that were like David who suddenly surface in his life and cause much disruption. There were just too many plot threads and it was really difficult to know the others like we knew David. As Tiana's influence on David grows he is making very positive choices and I would have loved to see those explored further.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andy huffaker
I really enjoyed this story. The main character, David, can't die and the reader gets to see how this affects his faith. The author has a strong voice and the story is unique. I would love to read some other books by this author.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lucy powrie
I've enjoyed reading No Less Days by Amanda Stevens. I've not heard of this author before this book and I always find it exciting to find a new author to read. This book is unlike any I've read before and that kept the story fresh as I meandered through it. It kept my attention throughout it and the action didn't let up until the end. Very good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A unique reading experience. Very well written and compelling book which can be enjoyed on many levels. It has a page turning plot, with likeable characters facing very intriguing dilemmas, and is also a spiritual book where the characters consider life and challenges from a Christian perspective. Really great read!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kristin perry
Nowhere does this book say it's Christian fiction. EDIT: Ok on the the store page it does but as I got an ARC, I didn't know it was. I don't mind reading Christian fiction but I do like to be warned beforehand. This is considered speculative fiction and that's all I've seen for genre. So I will warn other people outright.

Going into this I liked it. I liked the concept a lot and thought it was pretty interesting. Then we got too religious for my taste but I'm actually surprised it didn't get MORE religious because I saw where it could have gone. When I told my husband the premise of the book he immediately said angels. And that's where I thought this was going. And maybe there will be a sequel in which it does go that far. I won't be reading that though. There were some surprising parts. It got to be a crime novel as well and I was VERY surprised that they were so nonchalant, except Moira, about who was committing the crimes. It didn't feel like they put enough weight into their decision and I was also VERY surprised Tiana was just like ok yeah do what you gotta do. As she was a god-fearing woman, I thought for sure she would be very upset and try to reason with them like Moira did. I definitely agree with their decision but as a Christian fiction book, I thought there would be more moral quandaries and asking god what to do. Not my cup of tea but interesting story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anjana basu
Entertaining story and intriguing philosophical set-up. Three family members finished it quickly. I can't really talk about it without giving away plot treats. Be aware that this is a set-up for a series - not all the loose ends are tied up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alan butler
This book was hard to put down! Wonderful read! The ending leads you to think there's more to come!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I thought this book would be very interesting and in a way it is, but it has been very difficult for me to really get into this one and stay into it. I am not sure if it is the writing style (not that the author is not a proficient writer, it is just that it did not and does not "catch" me as some other books and authors do). The idea of a man who cannot die is an interesting premise and I like the idea that this book has a Christian theme with no worry of adult language or situations. Overall, this book gives food for thought.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Interesting premise. Some humans are Longevites, or, immortal. Dave can not die. Dave is the main character. He did not know there was anyone else like him. Then he found out that there are others in a community. In the community, one of the Longevites is a danger to mortals. The group have questions they need answers to and not all tell the truth. Not all believe in God. As they get to know more about each other. Eventually, the small community dissolves. The story makes you question your existence and your relationship with God.
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