Ignite (Midnight Fire Series Book 1)

ByKaitlyn Davis

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah south
I thoroughly enjoyed Ignite. Ms. Davis did a wonderful job of combining the day to day journey of being a teenager with the supernatural. She made it very easy to slip into the skin of the heroine. I'm looking forward to the second book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
loretta davis
At first this book was a total Twilight. New girl coming to school, fallen in love with the bad boy every other girl was in love with, he loved her, she even almost drowned, he and his friends are the weirdos, everyone at his table doesn't like her. I could go on, then you find out a secret and it isn't like Twilight anymore. A totally new story. I would recommend this, is it the best book I ever read? No, but definitely not the worse. Age wise I would say 5th grader all the way up to may be sophomore highest, middle school best age, um definitely for girls. It has just the right amount of romance and action. In all it is a pretty good book, that is worth reading and I am excited to read the next book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Ignite, the Midnight Fire series book 1, by Kaitlyn Davis, has me a little mixed. The storyline is a mix of unique and overdone elements, but somehow the two come together well. The plot was well thought out, but maybe a little predictable, but the characters are funny, bright, and well written. If you make me fall in love with the characters, then you have a fan. Luke was the stand out in this story and I suspect he will continue to hold up this motley crew of characters as the series goes on with his wit and light no pun intended conduits (you’ll get that joke after you read the book). I was not a huge fan of Twilight because it painted Bella as a whiny protagonist and a little weak until the end when she has no choice but to be strong. I can honestly say this book had more substance and soul than Twilight and Kira while a little unfocused on reality is strong, driven, and confident. Which is what you want in a female lead.

Ignite: After spending the last few years away from home Kira Dawson finds herself back at home in South Carolina. The new kid in the local high school, she is ready to get day one over with. On her first day she is helped out by her new knight in shining armor Luke, who quickly befriends her and shares her with his little group of misfits. Luke quickly becomes her best friend, but thoughts of him becoming something more are squashed when the resident bad boy catches her eye. Kira can’t understand the pull she feels toward Tristan, but in the moments they share she has a hard time reconciling the gentle, tortured artist and the man who lusts for blood. Almost killing Tristan is the moment Kira’s own unrealized path comes to light and Luke is at its center, so are the secrets kept by her mother and the community and ancestry from which her new powers come. Her powers and her new responsibilities make her realize she may have to choose between love or the friendship and community she belongs to.

To add to her troubles, loving Tristan means making enemies with his kind and she soon finds herself in the cross hairs of a very pissed off vampire who wants her blood, literally. The path then becomes learning to use her powers, controlling them before they consume her, not hurting Luke along the way, all while loving Tristan. Luke forever a light even when his heart is breaking is a true hero in the making and it is not hard to see this role blossoming in books to come.

Final Thoughts: What I didn’t like about these book was a certain level of predictability that maybe is just a product of my own reading adventures allowing me to understand how the story will unfold. More than that though and the biggest reason I had to give it only three stars is readability. There are a lot of mistakes in this book, ones that jerk you out of the story because you have to reread lines missing words or whole phrases. A few time, I could only shake my head and guess at what was supposed to be written. That being said I enjoyed the story, I especially enjoyed the characters, some more than others. I am looking forward to the next installment, Simmer hopeful the editing will get better.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa kelly
Another good book I've had downloaded for awhile. After reading it, I had to by the whole series. I was ready to get back into a good vampire story! So you'll have to excuse me so I can start the second book! You have to read this book to decide for yourself!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ira pahila
Soo, the conduits kill vampires by harnessing the sun.. nice! Too bad for Kira, who just happens to be a hybrid conduit, that her oh so delicious boyfriend, Tristan, is one of said vampires. And to top it all off, her bestie, Luke just might have feelings for her after all.. and the plot thickens. Loved this book and can't wait fir the next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan williams
I enjoyed the book. I think the author Kaitlyn Davis did extremely well for her first book. It brought a little different piece of the puzzle that other vampire love books did not, though there were similarities. The only thing I would have wanted to change was I wished it was first person instead of third person I think it would have flowed better, other than that it was a good read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Blatant copycat YA fare. That would be fine, but the grammatical errors that riddle this book are appalling. Even if you're self-publishing, you owe it to your readers and your dignity to pay a professional (or for goodness' sake, even an amateur) proofreader.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I really like the book, reminded me of twilight. However I don't like books that end on cliff hangers. They each should stand on their own merits and make you want to buy the next one because it was so good, not because you have to find out what happened. You already know it's a series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I read Kaitlin's other series (Dance of Dragons) and loved it, so I thought this one would be great too. Totally wrong. This reads like a first draft for an author's first ever work. I don't actually know if it is her first novel, but geez, even during the writing process, newbies study and learn about the craft of writing to at least improve upon the basics. Not even close.

The middle of the novel picked up to the point where I thought I could rate this four stars. I was actually digging the steamy relationship going on between the human and the vampire. Oh, but the end. The scene was so messed up. Not very well thought through. Just unbelievable.

Spoiler alert here:
I was pretty sure the conduit was using her powers at night, right? Uh, when the sun, which gives Kira her powers is on the other side of the earth. So why the heck would an eclipse make her lose her power? The moon is only blocking the sun, it's still on the same side of the earth. Just not believable.

At least I had a good laugh. Cause that's what you'll get.

My three star rating means, reading the sequel is not worth my time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
An entertaining read, plot is good though slow at first. Main female heroic blossoms into her true potentials, has a great supportive counterparts in a form of forbidden love triangle. Characters were lovable, nice action fight towards the end with a surprising glint of hope also.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
chris wells
This story seemed like an echo of Twilight which features a girl in love with a vampire and even the lunch room scene where the misfits or vampires are seated on their own and the other kids look on longingly at them is the same. There were subtle differences and then typical love triangle happens which was predictable. I thought that Kira was a pretty cool character who was not fazed when her secrets were revealed and took the news much better than most people would have. Tristan is the typical bad boy who wants to be good. It was a fun read on a rainy day, nothing too heavy or disturbing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amanda srygler
The book is aimed out the younger generation, which I'm not. The story started slowly but the last half was a page turner. I will read the next book in the series and hope that it to will be a page turner. The theme of the book has great potential as shown in the last third of this book showed.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
janice napoleon
The summary sounding interesting and it was free...so I thought, why not? However, I only got to about chapter 7 or 8, and after that, I just couldn't finish it. Too many stereotypical YA subplots and themes for me. The dialogue at times seemed stilted and unnatural and the main character got on my nerves to the point that I no longer wanted to read anymore.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yet another vampire story...Good thing I like vampire stories...Another different twist, though it kind of reminded me of Twilight without the sparkles. Still really good, however. It was worth the 5 stars I gave it. Give it a read, you might like it. Thumbs up. Can't wait to read more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kira is a normal teenage girl..... or so she thinks.

This book is captivating and easy to read. Kaitlyn Davis really knows how to make the characters come alive. I already bought books 2-4 and I am going to go start reading 2 now.

So get this book, you will enjoy it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoy this book. I had my reservation at first, hoping it wasn't an imitation of the Twilight Series. It sort of is but isn't. I can't wait to read the rest of the series. I recommend this book to all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eileen lennon
Liked the story and the characters! Can't wait to get the next book in the series!! Lots of drama which leaves never a dull moment in the story! Couldn't wait to find out what happened next involving the characters!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was absolutely enchanting. The plot was particularly interesting creating a new spin on vampire mythology. While vampire books are quite popular now and I despise all of the ruckus over them this one was very interesting and I was intrigued from the beginning. This is a great read and I can't wait to read the next one and the one after that and the one after that until I'll have to beg Kaitlyn Davis for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
but it was little too much like twilight.... she definitely has a different writing style in a good way but I guess it's the whole teenager vampire thing. but I love the fact of how she mad kira. xoxox can't wait to read book two!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kalvin roberts
This is an interesting take on the vampire story. The history and heritage of the conduits, their warring belief systems, and their ethno-cultural survival tactics are really well thought out and inventive.

Luke and his friends are the perfect balance to the more dark and serious tone of the story. They have so much heart, defined personalities, and bring wonderful banter and comic relief.

Kira is not the stereotypical wallflower in a vampire world. She makes the story her own, has passions, friends, and strong convictions but also has flaws. She is just as confused and insecure about boys as any high school girl. Kira is relatable and someone who the average reader would grow to love and respect as a heroine.

The easy way Tristan and Kira love each other despite internal conflicts and external protests from their friends is beautiful and just feels so right.

The action scenes are graphically bloody, and the suspense throughout is certainly nerve-racking.

It was a little slow to start but picks up after a while. Some readers may lose interest.

A vampire insight on their origin would have been a good counterbalance.

More of Tristan and Diana’s past would have helped to understand their natures and deviations in character, especially why Diana is so evil.

All in all, Ignite was an enjoyable read, uncomplicated, flowed smoothly, and had a similar tone as Aprilynne Pike’s Wings. If you liked Wings and are not apprehensive about vampires then give this a try. Warning: A bunch of reviews on Goodreads really slam this book as slow and boring, honestly, I really don’t know where that came from but to each their own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann tamimi
I really enjoyed this book. The plot was unique and captivating, as were the characters. I didn't just hear the characters, I saw them and related to them, their struggles and feelings. The story offered just the right amount of action and romance, even though I am very excited to read about how Tristan and Kiras relationship develops. The author has a great imagination, compelling me to read page after page. I'm about to buy the next two books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kira, Luke, Emma, Miles and Dave started out reminding me of the way, Twilight started. It kept me interested and it lasted for a whole day! I was able to figure out and then anticipating each of the author's moves. Good but predictable.
Wouldn't read it again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brittany richards
I personally disliked Twilight so when I saw this book I was very skeptical. I'm so glad I downloaded it!! This book is way better than Twilight and I love the creative approach to the `loving a vampire` plot line. Only criticism I have is this book needs a better editor. Other than that, I give this five stars!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I usually like YA paranormal novels because they are an easy read after a long day at the laptop. I am also usually pretty forgiving of errors as I think the benefits of self publishing far outweigh the negatives it brings. I understand that no writer can ever pick up all their mistakes, and it's far easier to proof read someone else's work than your own, but this one really pushed the boundaries for me on acceptability. It is riddled with errors and if this is off-putting to you, I would suggest avoiding this one in the hopes that the author takes the comment on board and releases an updated, corrected version.

The story line does follow a tried and tested format, so don't expect too much originality, although the way there was obviously something different and special about the main character which intrigued me enough to keep reading to find out what. She wasn't the most likeable girl in the world and seemed to have a real chip on her shoulder about many things, but this is actually typical of many teens so didn't concern me as much as it has concerned other reviewers.

With some polish and some correction of continuity errors, I think this serious has a lot of potential to go somewhere.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book and well written, I would recommend you buy this book today. It is a sequel but it never loses your attention throughout the book. The arthur did a great job, please write more books. Can not wait for the next book. Can not wait for the sequel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
becky schmidtgall
Started out like Twilight but quickly saw differences in the story and this new race of people. Found it intriguing to read about something different from just vamps. There were some editing and proofing mistakes but all in all a good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book because it shows an impossible love between a vampire and his enemy that can potentially end his life with her power, in twilight shes a human and she could turn into a vampire to be with him forever but this book is different it leaves you wondering because their love is forbidden and she cant just turn into a vampire to be with him for all eternity (sorry for giving some of the book away)i dont know i just loved this book so much i got the whole series because i became so obsessed after just reading the first book i highly recommend it ^.^ read it to see for yourself how awesome it is ...and its FREE......
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This was an okay book. The idea is interesting and kept my attention all the way but I feel like it still needed some work. For one, there were TONS of typos. I understand that every book has a few but this is just ridiculous. I've been reading a lot of self-published books lately and it's sad to see these authors being lazy when it comes to polishing them.
I also wasn't impressed with the characterization that much. I kept getting Kira and Emma confused. They acted too similar. Luke and Tristan were pretty similar, too. Just because one has black hair and the other has blonde, isn't enough to differentiate them. Especially since they both said "Penny for your thoughts" within about ten pages of each other. (Who says that anymore??)
The in book time was kind of off, too. During the eclipse scene, she was only supposed to lose her powers for five minutes but it felt much longer before she got them back. And it wasn't very believable that she lost control of time when using her power. The author probably could've figured out a better way to make time pass...

Overall, the story is interesting but I don't think it's written as well as it could be. I don't think I'll be purchasing the rest in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
astrid haerens
What a book!!! This series ranks up there with the Twilight Series only with a very unexpected twist. Who knew there could be more para-normals out there aside from vampires / werewolves / witches / fairies / and humans --- or seems like humans. Great 1st book in the series. I'm already tearing into the second one. I think Twilight Fans should give this series a try!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathryn rose
Excellent book. Looking forward to the next book. Yet another series my daughter hooked me on. Very similar to the Twilight saga books. Just a few differences. Anyone who enjoyed Twilight would love these books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very easy read - just long enough, but the whole book seemed to fly by. Well-written, with very few typos. Had a good flow to it, and I really like the story line. Looking forward to reading ALL of the other books in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maya walker
How this book would make my heart race is amazingly, the best but when I read how Tristan acted got me freaking out I thought she was in so much danger. That drove my to believe every little detail that Diana was going on about. I LOVE IT BEST BOOK I'VE READ BOUT VAMPIRES AND CONDUITS.
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