King Cave (Forever Evermore Book 2)

ByScarlett Dawn

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james bertoia
This is a phenomenal series. I read King Hall and King Cave back to back because I could not put them down. This author can seriously write. King Cave starts rightwhere King Hall left off, with the four prodigies on a new adventure. KC leaves you with happiness, sorrow, anger and longing for the next book.. Love this series!!!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
helsy flores
While many aspects of this book were intriguing, more were just plain "bleh." I can't stand books that put on a fantasy/supernatural farce, when their magic systems are lacking in explanation, or simply don't make any sense. Many times while reading this book, I wanted to scream at the author. I will give one example that isn't a spoiler: the prodigy mage in the book isn't given any limits for what she can and can't do magically. But what she chooses to do doesn't make any sense. When she needs to kills someone? She THROWS THEM IN THE AIR and lets them fall to their deaths. If magic is some sort of energy force, wouldn't there be a thousand other ways to kills someone other than lifting 200lbs hundreds of feet into the air? Like maybe breaking their neck, crushing their skull, blocking their air passages so they suffocate, etc.? Come on! This is pure lazy writing. The author just wasn't able to come up with anything else.

Now, I'll jump of my rant about the magic system. This wasn't the only reason I gave the book 2 stars. This was just the one thing that really bothered me. Other things like the obsession with sex, lack of character consistency, and lack of plot outside sexual interests... those were just the icing on the cake.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After reading King Hall and King Cave, you feel like you have been on the same emotional roller coaster as the characters - your heart clinched with their tragedies, you laughed with their antics, and smiled with their victories. You know the characters, you care for the characters. Which makes King Cave all that more engrossing.

In King Hall we saw Lily, Ezra, Pearl, and Jack form close, unique friendships. They were supportive of each other and verbally shared their love for one another. In King Cave, their bond was the shelter for the storm - the imminent war with the commoners, social upheaval amount their own people, and ever present threat of discovery by the elders.

Some events came out of left field but after reading King Hall I learned to trust Ms. Dawn and have faith that everything will come full circle in the final novel. As Ms. Dawn demonstrated, she has a unique ability to weave all these seemingly random events and bazaar character behaviors in to a magnificent story.

I cannot recommend this trilogy enough - just be warned it is highly addictive!


I love how the Lily and Ezra/Pearl and Jack relationships developed! The Lily and Ezra scenes were HOT, HOT, HOT and totally INTENSE!

I also enjoyed seeing Ezra interact with his family and his families take on Ezra and Lily's relationship. I was very touched by Lily's take on what makes a father.
Chosen Thief (Forever Evermore Book 4) :: Evermore (Mer Tales) (Volume 4) :: Chosen Fool (Forever Evermore) :: King Tomb (Forever Evermore Book 3) :: Twilight's Serenade (Song of Alaska Series - Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
traci dziatkowicz
Wow what an emotional roller coaster this one turned out to be. And what a cliff hanger. Great follow up to King Hall. I love the way the characters all get into the action. Great love story that rips at your sole and the action isn't bad either. Great read. Looking forward to the next one. I am hooked!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love paranormal fiction but try to steer clear of the vampire/werewolf/shifter characters because I feel like they tend to be overdone versus other paranormal characters but I'm so glad I read these books. Definitely a new twist on character types that have be written about to death (or so I thought). The characters are fun, quirky, and as real as you can get for being fantasy. Their experiences are easy to imagine and the author's writing style makes you feel like you are part of the experience. Definitely take a chance on these books! I don't want to give the plot away so read for yourself and see.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael webster
King Cave is the second book in author Scarlett Dawn's Forever Evermore series. The first book King Hall is on my favorites list and I was so excited to continue these characters' journeys with them. I did not expect anything that King Cave threw at me, which made me so happy! I love it when stories remain unpredictable. When I realized the overall direction this book was taking, I slowed my pace and intentionally read little by little because I didn't want it to end. It was a test of my control for sure but I was determined to make this reading experience last. So much transpires in this story. Lily, Ezra, Jack, and Pearl remain bonded and with everything that is thrown at these characters, they need each other like never before. There is humor, heartbreak, action, suspense, love, conflict, you name it King Cave has it. Lily and Ezra's story takes the lead in this installment and their experiences brought both smiles and tears to my face. I viewed the ending of King Cave as a cliffhanger and it left me feeling anxious for these characters and yet somewhat hopeful. This book is not perfect, but the story is perfect for me: a reader who loves to lose herself in an engrossing noncontemporary story. King Cave provides everything that makes my favorite books...favorites, and I need the next installment King Tomb right now!!! Scarlett Dawn please keep writing, you're great at this storytelling thing!

The Forever Evermore series includes the following installments:
#1: King Hall
#2: King Cave
#3: King Tomb (yet to be released)

My favorite quotes:
"It's hard to believe beauty can still exist when the world is so bleak...It's the beauty that helps us return from the harshness. If it wasn't there, we would have nothing to live for."

"Most relationships are odd at some point."

"I'm all disgusting and stinky. If I'm going to," Christ, "have a meal with your parents, I would prefer to be clean." I paused. "And possibly drunk."

"I've learned, Lily, that in this s***hole of a life, each person has to live with the costs of their own actions. Someone may tell you to do something, in fact, order you to do something, but in the end, it's always your choice how you handle the situation."

"Live Hard or Die Bored."

Note: This series falls in the paranormal/new adult genre. King Cave includes adult content and is not for young readers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tanya train
The first book took me for spins and twirls ripping through the pages I couldn't finish the book fast enough so intent on finding out what was going to happen I read King Cave in record breaking time! The characters are visual living breathing people the plot and story line fresh and invigorating and the originality is mind blowing. I'm left overwhelmed and anxious for the next book to come out I will be counting down the days......
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
As another reviewer already stated, the author really dropped the ball on this one. The first half of the book is pretty much only romance and sex, the conflict between "coms" and "mysts" all but forgotten. Second half only marginally moves away from this, and the book ends with the lamest plot device there is.

King Hall was awesome and managed to balance romance and the conflict really well, both were always present. It always felt like the plot was moving forward, the friends training hard and getting closer to becoming the "Kings" so my expectation was that they would grow up to be strong leaders in their own right, dealing with both the war and any "challengers" from their own factions.

Anyway, it's still an entertaining read in many aspects - but all the promise of depth from King Hall is abandoned.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I found this very juvenile. While the plot promises war and strategy, it provides rather boring sex. The main characters were totally self-centered. Their forbidden sex was more important than preparing for leading their people in all out war.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
t n traynor
Hold on to your seats people because this book takes you through both emotional highs and lows as the book progresses. I loved King Hall but I feel that King Cave is so so so much better! Loved it - loved every word! Now I just had to patiently wait for Book 3 - it can not come quick enough for me!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With the exception of this book being more explicit, which doesn't take away from the story, this book is just as amazing as the first. The story was captivating and the characters continued to develop, while strengthening their relationships.

Several new characters were introduced, but the plot revolved around Ezra and Lily, which made me fall in love with them all over again.

Please please please release the next book ASAP!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trey piepmeier
Great second book. The sexual tension is hot....the actual sex is hotter (although I do have to say...if he's going past your cervix you need medical attention). Loved the plot and the cliffhanger nearly killed me!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
subha varshini
Loved the first one.....totally fell hard for this one! Laughed,cried,got upset, and had to put the book down before I threw something all while reading this! Scarlett has done it again and I have to say she is one of my favorite authors! Waiting impatiently for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Because I wanted the story not the sex crap. King Hall managed to tell the story without the pages and pages of details that do nothing to move the story on, so I am pretty sure the details were not needed in King Cave. I HOPE THE NEXT VOLUME SKIPS THAT CRAP
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brent dixon
Stellar!!! I love these books. That simple. The pace is wonderful, you get drug into them so quickly and there is never a dull moment. Scarlett Dawn continues to out do her last book with every new one. Please don't miss out!!:)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mik hamilton d c
King Cave delivered what I wanted and more! I am addicted to this series!! I can't get enough! Lily and Ezra together brought about more emotion, turmoil, love, lust and suspense than I could have ever expected. Scarlett's writing grew stronger with the second book and I can't wait to read King Tomb. By far the best fantasy series I have read. Nothing else compares...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jimel paras
I am a bookaholic...seriously I love to read books. There are a lot of good books out there but this book is better than good. This book had me up reading ALL night (I have a 3 yr old, am in school and work) never mind the consequences. It is also the first book that made me literally laugh out loud in a long time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt sacco
So much action ( bedroom action and fight action), and i love it!!!
I just started re-reading this books because i am afraid i had missed something...
Scarlett Dawn, please give us the next book now!!
Jkd. I love your books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dr abd el rahman baiomy
This series has me completely enraptured. I have already reread both novels, but I must say Ms. Dawn out did herself in King Cave. The world she creates molds fantasy with reality in a believable way. And I must say that Ezra tops the charts in fictional male characters. Mmmm just give me some more of that sexy vampire please! I have told all my friends to read this series. So if your into romance and badass females definitely dig into this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa runge
This book will make you love, laugh, cry and yelling mad from page 1 to the last page. Simply wonderful all around and picks up right where book 1 King Hall left off. These characters are now among my absolute favorites with all their sassiness and charm. I am so looking forward to the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book certainly delivered. If you enjoyed King Hall, then you will certainly enjoy the thrilling ride that is King Cave. I preordered this book and read it all in one day when it came out. Enjoy!

Also, if you are familiar with Dawn's first book, then you will know that she is fond of cliff hangers. Can't wait for the next book in the series to come out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brent willett
I absolutely loved this book! It was so good that I am having trouble finding the words to express how great it is. This book was filled with so much emotions, I would go from laughing to crying in an instant! And even though I read King Cave the second it came out, I'm still thinking about it weeks later! I cannot wait for the next book so I can find out what happens! :) i would highly recommend if you love supernatural books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha epp
I honestly loved this book. I read "King Hall" first in a day and then got the next book "King Cave" right after. Only after I finished did I see that the next book was not out yet!!! The book grabs you and drags you in from the very beginning. It starts off right were "King Hall" ends so you don't miss a thing. I can hardly wait for the next book. This is a must read!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I really enjoyed King Hall and was looking forward to reading the continuing story. But about a third of the way through the book turned in a sexcapade. I have no problem with sex in the books I'm reading especially when it is written well and in context with the storyline and the characters. In this case it felt like 100 pages of no stop sex explicitly detailed and totally unnecessary. The detailed plot, the relationship between the four main characters and their individual relationships with each other and those around them was what made the first book so fascinating. In the second book once the sex started all of that disappeared and turned into one big teenage angst story. Whereas in the King Hall the sex was mentioned and acknowledged there was no need to go into massive details because it was just part of the relationships. Ms. Dawn turned that aspect of the story on it's head in this one and turned the book into a trashy romance novel instead of the amazing fantasy story it could have been. Don't get me wrong i do enjoy a trashy novel now and then but that was not what I was expecting or interested in here. I finished the book but i skimmed most of the second half. This series had such great potential but for me it just failed miserably to live up to that potential. Sadly I will not be buying the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely LOVED this book. I'll be honest.. By looking at the cover I thought it was gonna set in the oldies.. But I was totally wrong! Now I'm checking FB everyday to find out when King Tomb comes out!! Thank you Scarlett!! Great book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz hearne
What I loved about this book? EVERYTHING!! I laughed, I cried, I ignored my piles of laundry and dishes in the sink because I couldn't sit my kindle down!!! The plot, characters, and writing are fantastic! This is truly an amazing series and I cannot wait for the next book to come out!! If you have looking for a great paranormal romance for adults this is the series for you! :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristall driggers
Need. More. Now!!!! I love how this series has progressed, and I CANNOT FREAKING WAIT to read the next book!!! Seriously, 5 stars are not even enough to convey how much I loved this book. I was completely upset when I finished it because I know I'm now going to have to wait a LONG time for the next one.
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