American Intelligence in the Age of Terror - Playing to the Edge

ByMichael V. Hayden

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeremy smith
Personal integrity is difficult to maintain when working with the Nation's secrets. General Hayden strikes me as a man of integrity whom I should continue to trust. His narrative is factual, painful and illuminating. I hope his exemplary service to this country continues in positions of National importance.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
abby shumacher
Some new and useful information, but if you follow what is going on around the world with regard to the position that the USA has presently, then this does not lend to learn a lot of new and valuable information
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mariam blanc
An in depth look at the workings of the intelligence community from someone who knows. A look at how the current White House views intelligence. Having been involved in the use of intelligence, the book confirmed some of my suspicions and confirmed some things I already knew.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth ferry
We owe Michael Hayden a debt of gratitude for his service and for this enlightening record he has provided here. He clearly articulates the issues facing the Intelligence Community during this troubled era. He effectively explains the tension between maintaining freedom in a democracy and the necessity of protecting secrets that are necessary to sustain this democracy. In some ways, his exasperation and frustration are clearly evident as he explains the self-serving rationale of some politicians, journalists, and self-promoting and often arrogant critics of the intelligence profession and those who serve. I applaud this well-written and illuminating account..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elisha lishie
One compelling story after another of how and why the Intelligence Community (IC) operates as seen through the eyes of the person leading and directing the two most important intelligence agencies---the NSA and CIA. A very readable and entertaining book that sets the record straight regarding the role the IC played in many critical international situations. A must read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fascinating look at a long distinguished career and the many high visibility chapters of that career - from modest beginnings to modern day. I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in history, military or agency service. I am putting politics aside in this review, as the general did in his book.

Agree or disagree with politics, policies or practices, there is no question Hayden did the best anyone could do and probably a fair bit more, given the extraordinary world events post 9/11 to balance rights and responsibilities.

General Hayden did not say this, but it occurred to me several times during my reading that what he describes is the healthy give and take, open debate in the open public court of a democracy. The USA is not unlike a natural organism that grows, evolves, has setbacks and successes.

I think the only thing I would change... is I would add an "S" to the title ... these service of our United States have to Play to many Edges.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a "heavy," a great one. Stunning in scope, depth, detail. A great look into the intelligence world of NSA, and a bit less, CIA. Rich in everything, including personalities, decisions in the organization and in politics outside. Just plain fascinating coverage of targeted assassinations, drones, targeting, renditions, black sites, "techniques" (here's the NSA director demonstrating them physically on his 2nd in command--proving that things not as bad as some claim!) and intel benefits realized, especially from one hard core detainee. Amazing to find the head of NSA visiting heads of foreign govts, and even heads of foreign intelligence agencies whose govts are not entirely our friends, and the visits done without, apparently, much danger; and having them visit the US and even NSA--even the director's home. And he theirs. This one should be read by many in govt., and generally.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sunnie johns
Very thorough discussion on the workings of the intelligence community and great insight on what really happened. This book will motivate me to seek the truth when government issues arise in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mykel x simmons
Revealing perspective of a premier intel patriot, giving real insights on the threats to our country. Michael Hayden delivered the goods on his time as he lead in a time of what was a new battleground for America.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An interesting look at some of ways the security of the U.S.A. (which too many citizens take for granted) is maintained while balancing information-gathering against the privacy rights of its citizens.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The memoirs style is very appropriate for the material and time -range. Also it is a good course OER resource. I used the 10% copyright rule for college texts and had several chapters put on eReserves. UMUC.
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