Colters' Daughter (Colters' Legacy Book 3)

ByMaya Banks

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zach copley
The baby with three older brothers Callie is head strong and independent. When she hit a brick wall she returns home to the family who loves and dotes on her. Hiding her hurt and pain from her three brothers and three fathers. When the cause of this hurt shows up she pulls on family love to survive.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was so very disappointed in this particular book. I had such expectations for Callie's story based on the others in the series. I found myself not liking Callie at all in this story. The plot/story line just seem to come out of left field based on the other story lines.. Guess I was hoping for something more along the other plot lines. Not a favorite of mine for this author.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
zara aimaq
I really enjoyed the first book in the series Colters' Women, the second book really didn't have much meat to it-Colters' Wife- I could have skip it, this 3rd book Colters' Legacy didn't do anything for me. I could not relate to the female lead Callie Colter, I found myself almost not liking her. The Dom/Sub scenes are what make this worth 3 stars there well written.
Brazen (Brazen & Reckless Duo Book 1) :: Giving In (The Surrender Trilogy) :: Hidden Away (A KGI Novel) :: Seducing Simon :: Sweet Persuasion
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I agree this book was a disappointment. There is no story line it is just about the sex between the Max and Callie. You do not feel the love or any relationship in this book like the other stories. This is not a book I would recommend to anyone that enjoyed the other books about the family. I recommend "skip it"......
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel long
I loved how raw the emotions were between the characters. Maya has a way of drawing you into her world and letting you feel the passion, pain and joy. She always does so well with the drama and you can't wait to see how things will unfold. I know I couldn't stand to put this one down and you probably won't either : )
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
eric shinn
My Thoughts:
Unfortunately, Colters' Daughter was my least favorite book in the Colters' Legacy series.

Callie started out this story and the others in the series as a firebrand. She was an in-your-face kind of person and didn't take mess from anyone BUT this book (minus the very beginning) has her being weepy and docile when Max entered the picture. It was like she was a completely different I did not care for.

And speaking of Max, *sigh* he wasn't in Callie's presence for two seconds before he was demanding her compliance. I'm sorry but you don't get to demand anything from a person you left in Europe and didn't even apologize for doing it. Oh sure he provided an excuse...a valid reason, as his mother was dying, but, in my opinion, he offered Callie no real remorse for leaving her. At least not at the beginning of the story. He did redeem himself at the end but "day late and dollar short" seemed more than applicable to him throughout the entire story. Especially with the "big revelation". Callie told him how protective her family was so he really should have expected and prepared for one of her family members finding out "the secret". I really and truly liked him even less at that moment. For a Dom he totally flubbed at it. He ravaged Callie's emotions and demanded her submission. And I was kind of irritated with her because she gave it too easily, even when it was apparent that there were issues with trust in their relationship. And trust is one of the most important tenets of a D/s relationship.

Frankly, I just didn't connect with Callie or Max and I don't think they connected well with each other. Sure, they had steamy passion, as Maya writes those scenes excellently, but their connection was a drop in the bucket compared to their passion. As I read I grew to care less and less if they even got a HEA...which is kinda sad because I generally love Maya's HEA. She definitely did a wonderful job crafting one for Lily and Holly. Callie and Max's? Not so much. Colters' Daughter felt a bit hollow for me.

Will I continue the series in spite of my feelings for this book? Probably at some point but I won't be rushing to read them anytime soon.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jodi goldberg
Third in the Colters' Legacy erotic romance series and revolving around the Colter family in Clyde, Colorado. The couple focus is on Callie Colter and Max Wilder and their version of D/s.

My Take
This was somewhat disappointing in the tone of the writing. It didn't read like a Maya Banks. It, well, it felt too juvenile and whiney. Too much melodrama. Especially with that "noble gesture" Callie makes. I understand how she feels, that it could never be a comfort. But, lord, so overly dramatic...*eye roll*...

I did like the twist in that it's Max doing the chasing, acknowledging that he's in the wrong. A position that will make a lot of women pump a fist in the air, LOL. Amazingly, Banks managed to combine a contrite Max with his dominating personality and have it work. Banks certainly did keep the suspense of what Max was up to in Europe quiet. I can't blame Callie one bit for her reaction. If anything, she was too easy on him!

As for Max's reasons. Dope. Excuses, excuses, excuses...

Callie is straightforward and open about her feelings and how weak Max makes me. It was uncomfortable to read, even as I appreciated her strength in coming right out with it.

There is a lot of truth in this story from Callie, Max, from her mother and from Lily.

As for the Dominance/submission, it's different. Max prefers a kinder, gentler version of D/s with lots of caring. I do have to confess that I thought some of it was rather silly. As if Banks had thrown it in to be sure we could tell it was a D/s situation. But that reaction from me could simply have been my discomfort with it.

If Max made a promise he had no intention of keeping, why did he pursue Callie so hard at the start? Why did he dump her like he did?

Oh, crack me up! Wait'll you read that last's just too funny!

The Story
Callie's been callously dumped in Europe and retreats home to lick her wounds only to encounter the jerk who dumped her. No. There's no way she's opening herself to yet more humiliation!

The Characters
Callie Colter is the only daughter amongst three sons, and she's a free spirit with a lust for travel. Her mother, Holly, married her fathers: Adam, Ethan, and Ryan ( Colters' Woman , 1). Lily, an artist, is her sister-in-law who married her three brothers: Seth, the town sheriff; Dillon owns a bar, The Mountain Pass where Callie works when she's in town; and, Michael is the veterinarian ( Colters' Lady , 2). Carl is the bouncer. Paul Woodrow is a part-time bartender.

Max Wilder is something of a jerk and a dominating one at that.

The Cover
The cover is a shock of light versus dark, purple versus orange and yellow with a suggestion of Callie's Meadow at the bottom, a horse foraging near a fence line while above in the sky is a close-up of Callie and Max kissing. The yellow-orange is what separates top and bottom in a bright sunset.

The title is to the point, for the story is all about the Colters' Daughter.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
anna l
Callie Colter has a world wind romance with Max Wilder while traveling over seas. She falls head over heels in love, while learning to submit to Max. Called back home, Max promises to return, but never does. Callie returns home to lick her wounds & months later Max shows up determined to re-claim her.

I've read & enjoyed the previous Colter entries. Brother polyamour isn't for everyone, but I take them at face value. The Colter books are pure romantic escapist smut. A little bit of angst, some hot sex, with a dash of suspense to keep it interesting. This entry had loads of angst, the sex was bland & the «suspense» was contrived at best.

I won't spoil, but the reasoning behind Max's abrupt departure from Callie is almost eye roll material. Callie is a doormat & whiny. I didn't like Max much better. He was an alphahole & IMHO Callie should have gotten drunk with her friends, cried and moved on. I read quite a bit of BDSM romance & this was pretty vanilla. I would have like to see some of Max & Callie's relationship before he left. Without it I was scratching my head over the attraction. All in all this was flop in an otherwise decent series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
candice sanders
You would think growing up with three fathers and three brothers wrapped around her little finger would help Callie Colter know how to handle a man.

I've been enthralled by the whole Colters' series and it was exciting to read Colters' Daughter to see the woman Callie had become. After all, when you are hooked on a series and fall in love with most of the characters it's hard to stop until you know how their lives turn out.
Callie Colter is the baby girl of a family with one mother, and a whole lot of testosterone, so when Max Wilder -- the man who ran out on her in Europe -- shows up in her home town, fists fly starting with Callie's.

What bothered Callie the most was that Max had made her need him, and then he had walked away with her heart. Now he's back and hoping Callie will never learn the true reason for their meeting in Europe because it could destroy the one goal he has in mind and that is to claim Callie as his.

I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about the plot because I think the excerpt says it all. However, let me add this: when a girl has so many alpha males around to protect her it cannot bode well for the man who broke her heart. I will guarantee a lot of "he-man" action, hot sex, and laughter as you watch Callie's story unfold.

Just a warning though: I'm betting that once you've started this book, you won't be able to set it down, so set aside a good block of time to read it when the lack of sleep will not kill you the next day.

If money were no object, I would buy all three books in the series for all my friends because they are worth reading. Even though this book is a stand-alone story, after completing it I wanted to pull out the first two and read them all over again.

Yes this story is most definitely worth keeping and one that I will read again in the future because the plot and characters are so riveting. It is not surprising that this book made it to the USA Today Bestseller list because it has a well-written scheme and loveable characters that will make you want to read more books by Maya Banks.

Originally posted at Whipped Cream Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily biggins
Callie Colter is the youngest in the family and perhaps the most loved. She is a free spirit and yearns for the time she will have saved enough money to begin her dream home in the meadow in which she was born. In Europe working jobs to save money, she meets the man of her dreams - Max Wilder. He is the sexual dominant to Callie's submissive and the desire each feels for the other makes sparks fly. And then Max disappears from Callie's life. He promised to return to her but as months go by, Callie realizes that the trust she placed in Max was abused. So she returns home to her family and her meadow - heartbroken and sad, but no less determined to someday have her dreams. Only this time the dreams don't include the man she loves.

Max Wilder has finally found Callie Colter once again. While he had an agenda in Europe, he no longer is torn between his promise to his mother and Callie's happiness. She is everything to him and he will do anything to keep his original purpose for meeting Callie a secret, but she finds out anyway. And she runs. Determined to give Callie her dream, Max must ask her family, the same family who blames him for Callie's unhappiness, for help. Because when Callie Colter decides to return, Max intends to be waiting - and he will wait forever for the woman he loves.

JOYFULLY RECOMMENDED JOYFULLY RECOMMENDED JOYFULLY RECOMMENDED! I can't begin to express the complete contentment I feel after reading Colters' Daughter. I knew Callie was special - I knew she was strong and independent. I never imagined her yearning for a man like Max Wilder. The more I read, the more I realized that Callie and Max were a perfect fit - like yin and yang. As a couple, the intensity of their love was fiery and passionate. Max's dominant ways and Callie's innate submission to him made me shiver with wide-eyed pleasure.

Once more Maya Banks and her talent shine! I laughed, cried and might, MIGHT, have been a bit ticked at Max. But when a dominant man shows his woman just how much he loves her, as Max did, I turn to complete goo. Max did and so I melted. A beautiful story for striking characters I .dare you to read it just once!

Reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrew bertaina
I liked Callie's story even the dominant and submissive roles. It was a nice follow-up to give Callie her story. I even liked Max. I think her parents were too forgiving. It did seem a little close a couple of places to 50 shades of gray. I certainly didn't think of Max as a snotty little kid but a couple of his lines lead you to believe that way.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mallory whiteduck
I enjoyed the story but wish there could have been more to it and less dominant/submissive extended sex scenes. They were hot, but got boring after a while. If there had been more to the story, this book would have gotten four or possibly five stars. I really hope the next carries more story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adrienne gagnon
I totally love the spirit of the love story. The words which were too hard and easy as well to say - Love and Trust. She was totally willing, but got hurt twice, it still forgave. WOW! Great read. Need the author to elaborate more on the brothers lives and on Callie's as well. Love "The Colter's Legacy".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew fries
When the book starts out with Callie decking Max, I knew I was in for a good read.

Unlike Lily and Holly, Callie is a completely independent spirit who liked doing things her own way and in her own time, which makes her submissiveness all the more shocking and integral to the plot. Because let's face it, if I'd read that either Holly or Lily had been submissives, there would be no shock value there. Neither one of them ever had jobs and always relied on the men in their lives to take care of them.

Callie is different. She relies on noone. Which makes the dynamic with Max all the more fascinating. As he said, she has a say in everything and he never wants to crush her spirit. She had to be strong enough to submit while still retaining her independent personality.

This book had shades of Wicked Ties (by Shayla Black) in it, in that there was a strong willed woman becoming submissive to a D who demanded trust, yet did things that were untrustworthy. Also in that both men were too cowardly and afraid of losing their women to admit the truth. It's the one thing I still don't get. How they can demand trust, live for honor, and yet perpetuate dishonesty.

However, we needed that deception in this book in order to appreciate the end. Just when I was starting to root for Callie never forgiving him or for her family beating the crap out of him again, the dominant male submits to his submissive so poignantly, it made me want to cry.

All in all, an enjoyable read. The book itself probably deserves 4 stars, but I added an extra star just because we finally got a Colter woman who was strong, independent, and who had loads of moxie. She may have been labeled the submissive, but she had the dominant wrapped around her little finger. Who can complain about that?

I loved Colters' Woman, didn't much care for Colters' Lady (seemed like just a watered down version of Colters' Woman), and I enjoyed Colters' Daughter. Maybe we can get a story for Max's sister and that way get more of the Colters. Just throwing it out there.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I really enjoyed Maya Banks other books, but this one, I just didn't care for at all. I hated Max even after he kind of redeemed himself I still disliked him immensely. Callie being a submissive was just wrong and even if she was, she was also very weak and just a sad character. So bummed out by the end of the book and wish I'd never have bought it. Oh well.. looks like this is the end of the Colters anyway.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed the first 2 books in this series and this one was just as good. The relationship between Callie and Max was like a stormy sea which made the steamy love scenes that much better!!!!!!! I could see myself reading this book again!!! Can't wait for the next one!!!!!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
atef zaher
Reading other reviews, I don't get it. Callie isn't independent and strong. All she did was cry. She pines for Max. Then takes Max back and agrees to his terms. She even gets the cuffs. All claiming that she loves him but when she finds out that he initially seeked her out in Europe because of Callie's Meadow, she bails for months and doesn't even let her family know where she is. She then loves him again when her dream house is built. What the Heck! The sex scenes were poorly written. The didn't connect to the characters. I didn't feel the love. The first book was the best.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda stone
WOW!!!! A GREAT ENDING to the Colter Legacy....An incredible story the emotions were so real, an ALPHA to die for and a woman who is strong and fights for what she wants and the smoking hot sex is great too!!!! If I wouldn't have already read some books about D/s I may have felt a little weirded out by Max.

I LOVE me some Colters' hate that there are more siblings, but glad that Callie got her HEA. I did feel the end was a little abrupt, I always like an epilogue, especially at the end of a series.

This morning I read a post by Maya on her facebook that she will not write about future generations, but that there will be one more book about the family as a whole. I think of it as a "where are they now book", this makes my little pout over the abrupt ending go away.

As much as I LOVE the Colter's, I personally am glad that Maya won't write future generations, because I would hate to see the passing of Ethan, Adam, Ryan or Holly. It's hurts just thinking about the pain the remaining members of the quad would go through after losing one of them after all their years together. Not to mention the pain the Colter "kids" would go through.

I want the Colter's to live in my memory with Adam, Ethan, Ryan and Holly being surronded by their Kids and grandkids, with the guys cooking, the women being spoiled, the kids being wrapped in all the Colter love and Holly still being MAMMA BEAR.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
teresa law
The other books in this series are such amazing stories, that I guess I expected more of the same from this book. I didn't get it. I struggled with the characters from the beginning and I think the D/s theme detracted from the story. I grew increasingly frustrated as the story unfolded because the characters' words and actions seemed so implausible. I expected Callie to be a strong woman but she was so weak, and Max was just annoying. Instead of getting lost in the story, I was rolling my eyes. It was great to revisit the rest of the Colter family again, but it's a sad sign when the reader is more interested in the secondary characters than the leads.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this book. I just recently started reading Maya Banks and have been waiting to see how she would handle Callie's story. I was blown away at how well she was able to show how strong Callie was, even when she was being submissive. Max is the perfect match to Callie - able to be dominant, while still making everything he does about her. Even when Callie's family confronts them about what Max had done and she leaves, instead of making a large deal about them being wrong about him he turns it into how they handled the confrontation in such a way that they hurt and humiliated Callie. Max then sets out to prove to Callie and her family how much he loves her and does in a very believable way.

The only thing I wished for in this book and didn't get was an epilogue letting me know how things were going for Callie and Max (and also the rest of the family - especially Lily and Callie's brothers). Hopefully that means maybe we will get another short story in the collection that will give us an insight on how their lives together turn out like Maya Banks did with Callie's parents.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca thornburley
The baby of the Colter family, Callie has always been headstrong, independent and a tad rebellious. When she returns from a European trip despondent and non-communicative her family is anxious about her well being. When Max Wilder shows up out of the blue, Callie rebuffs his attempts to rekindle their romance. Max is, however, very persuasive . Soon Callie is floating on a cloud of love only to crash and burn when she finds out what Max's real motives are. Once again, she runs leaving behind a devastated Max who only wants to prove his love. He comes up with the perfect solution but will she give himeyet another chance.

Maya Banks characters and storylines always well written, thoughtful and provocative. Colter's Daughter is no exception. Max and Callie together are white hot. The way the Colters rally around a loved one is heart warming. Good book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book. I understand why some might not. D/s relationships are not for everyone. Having known a few, this was a good insight. I enjoyed Max but he is not a taste of the norm, yet oh so yummy.
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