Pies and Prejudice (A Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery)

ByEllery Adams

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily rae
Pies, charmed pies, what a great idea. Ella Mae LeFaye bakes pies when there's a crisis, however, hers are charmed. She left her husband when she found him in the elevator cheating on her with twins. She left the big city and went home to Havenwood, Georgia with her tail between her legs, back to her loving family. When she learns that the pies she makes can influence other peoples moods and actions, she's shocked, but learns how to use her gift. Her family wants her to open a bakery, her old enemy Loralyn Gaynor wants the building and will stop at nothing to get it, and when she sees her old crush Hugh Dylan she might have to rethink the old part. When Loralyn's fiance' dies, killed with Ella Mae's rolling pin, she becomes the prime suspect. I loved this book, the beginning of a new series. It has recipes too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Recipe for the perfect Southern cozy: Start with a cast of strong, sassy women; mix in delectable dollops of mystery, magic, mayhem, and mouthwatering descriptions of scrumptious sweet and savory pies; add in a dash of romance. Grab a tall glass of iced cold sweet tea, head out to the sunniest spot in your yard and let Ellery Adam's charming town of Havenwood, Georgia whisk you away to the genteel south.

Women's relationships are a hallmark of great Southern lit (think Fried Green Tomatoes and Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood), and Ella Mae has surrounded herself with a special group of women: her mother, aunts, and special friends. (Her aunt Dee is my favorite with her menagerie of pets, and how I'd love one of her specially crafted with love metal sculptures of dearly departed pets.) I loved the process of Ella Mae discovering her magical powers as she strived to learn more about herself (especially the scene where the uninhibited townsfolk started taking their clothes off!) I also enjoyed the horse racing element to the mystery, and was saddened, but not shocked at the extreme measures greedy owners and breeders will take to win the big bucks, putting their animal's safety and well-being on the back burner.

Any new release by Ellery Adams is cause for celebration in my book, and this first Charmed Pie Shoppe mystery is a winner right out of the starting gate!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeanine baker
Pies and Prejudice by Ellery Adams is a cute & cozy mystery that contains a fair number of laughs. Ella Mae LeFaye leaves New York and her husband after finding him in a situation that no wife should have to see. She returns to Georgia planning to open a pie shop and file for a divorce as soon as possible. Things are going exceptionally well except for run-ins with the woman who was the class bully and still holds an unexplained dislike for Ella and her family. Of course, there has to be a murder or two for Ella to solve but the book is a quick, light read, a light & tasty cream pie of a book.
BlueBuried Muffins (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 1) :: Death in the English Countryside (Murder on Location Book 1) :: Murder in the Mystery Suite (A Book Retreat Mystery) :: A Killer Collection (Antiques & Collectibles Mysteries Book 1) :: Metamorphoses
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
phil gladden
Sugar and spice and everything nice always managed to get into Ella Mae's pies, but apparently not in the men she chose. She thought she loved Sloan Kitteridge, but in hindsight only used him to get out of Havenwood and into the Big Apple. When she caught him diddling around ... well, frankly he wasn't even worth a memory or hanging onto his name. Seven years away from home and the Georgia peaches who'd loved and raised her was too long. Far too long. Ella Mae LeFaye pensively rolled out some dough for a blueberry pie as she thought of Reba and the three LeFaye sisters who raised her. A single tear and heartbreak drifted into the pie along with the berries.

Ella Mae's aunts, Verena, Dee, and Sissy nibbled on her pie and chattered about their past loves and shattered dreams as indigo-colored teardrops speckled their fingers and napkins. Joy emanated through the room as Dee reminisced about "blueberries and heartache." Was Ella Mae missing something? She certainly didn't miss Sloan who was making a valiant attempt to make amends. The only amends she was willing to make was with her estranged mother, Adelaide. her childhood nemesis, Loralyn Gaynor, who was was chasing after Bradford Knox, was another thing sticking in her craw. The Hatfield's and McCoys hadn't cornered the market in the feud department in their neck of the woods.

Shattered dreams would be a thing of the past and with the help of her Georgia peaches, Ella Mae was planning to open The Charmed Pie Shoppe. She would enchant the residents of Havenwood, and possibly her old love, Hugh Dylan, with her pastries. Loralyn was none too happy when she snatched a storefront out from under her bouffant business and began throwing insults and making threats. Ella Mae let her have it. "Stay away from my dog and my family! If you don't, Lord help me, I will KILL YOU!." Now she'd done it. A homecoming bust was all she needed. Another thing Ella Mae didn't need was the bludgeoned corpse of Bradford Knox found in the ashes of Loralyn's frou-frou beauty shop. He was lying next to a rolling pin that just happened to have her fingerprints on it. And then there was the one face down sucking up her creamy lemonade pie ...

This is a unique, utterly divine start to a new series that will magically enchant its readers. The blend of mystery with a touch of magic gave this tale a delightful twist that kept me wanting more. I loved the beautiful literary touch this cozy had to offer in a sweet, southern Georgia peach pie way. Ella Mae and her magical mother and aunts are definitely women I'll look forward to seeing again. Murder, magic, a touch of romance, greed, drugs, and an odd assortment of chicanery wove its way nicely through these pages. The little magical nest of loving, mystery solving women surrounding Ella Mae is definitely a cozy series I'll look forward to following!

This book (ARC) courtesy of the author.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The Good: This was a sweet little mystery. Some good inter-family issues, a heroine stronger than she thinks she is, some magical abilities, lots of baking and a hint of romance all mix well with the murder mystery at the core of the novel. I loved Ella Mae's baking and her obvious love and excitement over her new business. I hated Loralyn and crushed on Hugh right with along with her.

The Bad: How could Ella Mae not know? Maybe not knowing about her own abilities, but the rest of her entire families abilities? It was just so far-fetched and any time she began to question anything (many, many years after she should have) it would disappear from her mind almost immediately.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amani bahy
Like A Crafty Killing (Victoria Square Mystery), this is the first volume in a new series by an author already well known to fans of Berkley Prime Crime's cozy line. And like its counterpart, it works well enough as a mystery, yet seems to be lacking something. Seven years ago Ella Mae LeFaye married a man she'd known all of 10 days and moved to New York City with him. Now, having discovered him cheating on her with a pair of redheaded twins, she's packed a change of clothes and her Jack Russell pup Charleston Chew (aptly nicknamed Chewy for short, because he does) and moved back to Havenwood, GA, where her mother and aunts live. Determined to pay her own way, she decides to use what she learned in a not-quite-completed culinary course and start a specialty bakery focusing on quiches and dessert pies. With a little financial (and publicity) help from her well-to-do and well-connected kinfolk, she establishes the Charmed Pie Shoppe, so named because--although she has no idea why--she seems to be able to pour her emotions into her pies and make others feel what she feels. Unfortunately Loralyn Gaynor, an enemy from girlhood, still lives in Havenwood, and soon after Ella Mae is overheard loudly declaring she'll "kill you," Loralyn's fiancee is found dead in the burned ruins of her nail salon. With police interest slanting her way, Ella Mae in self-defense begins snooping for clues.

Ella Mae's peculiar powers--which seem to differ only in expression from those of her mother and aunts--are definitely intriguing, and I'm curious to know more of how they work and where they came from. And of course there's a hint of romance--her husband is begging her to come back, while a handsome village fireman (her first-ever crush) and a young equine vet (the victim's son) both attract her attention. But somehow--perhaps because Havenwood itself isn't as well drawn as many cozy venues--the book somehow didn't quite satisfy me. I haven't decided whether I'll add it to my permanent collection or seek out the next volume in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Prolific author, Ms. Ellery Adams has once again proven that her imagination is stellar!

Ella Mae LeFaye faces some of life's worst challenges with a strong resolve and a loving family waiting to help her heal. We soon find that those lovely women each possess a special power that makes life that much sweeter. Ella Mae and her faithful pup, Chewie manage to get themselves into a fine mess. With her girlhood nemesis, Loralyn waiting to make life even more challenging Ella Mae opens her Charmed Pie Shoppe facing long lines of eager customers along with the possible charge of murder hanging over head. Add to that her unrequited love Dylan making her head spin Ella Mae takes us along on a terrific ride.

Ms. Adams has written a book that will keep a reader engaged right through to the last page. She is able to introduce characters that make the reader feel a gamut of emotions. We roll our eyes at the nasty antics of Loralyn, we love the warmth and strength of each of her aunts, and we root for the reconnection between Ella Mae and her mom.

This book is a wonderful introduction to a great group of characters that we are anxious to visit with again. Not to mention the pies...oh the pies!!

Pack your bags and get on down to Georgia...the Pie Shoppe is open and waiting for you!

5 crumbly crust stars!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I eagerly awaited the release of "Pies and Prejudice" by Ellery Adams as I enjoy Ellery Adams/J.B.Stanley's writing. Ella Mae LeFaye returns home to Havenwood, Georgia after finding her husband of seven years in a compromising situation in an elevator with red headed twins.

A murder occurs soon after Ella Mae returns home and her rolling pin was used in the murder. So Ella Mae gets involved in finding out who murdered the town's vet to clear herself. I did not have the mystery solved until it was revealed in the story.

I really enjoyed the secondary characters who love and support Ella Mae. She has three fabulous Aunts who each have their own skills and talents. They are fun to read about too. Probably my favorite secondary character is Reba who has worked for Ella Mae's mother for many years. She is spunky and fun. Enjoyed the scenes where she decided to work with Ella Mae in the Charmed Pie Shoppe. They are a good team together even when breaking and entering. I liked the care and love that was shown by Ella Mae towards her dog Chewy (Charleston Chew). It rang very true.

It was a fun and enjoyable book. My favorite humorous moment was when the town's people lost inhibitions after eating Ella Mae's shoofly pie. I am not a paranormal or magic fan in my readings but it worked well in "Pies and Prejudice."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
SUMMARY: Ella Mae LeFaye is a thirty-something New York culinary school student who specializes in pies and pastry. When she discovers her husband has been baking with others in her metaphorical kitchen, she flees the city with her puppy in toe, racing back to her hometown of Havenwood, Georgia, to reconnect with her mother and beloved aunts. Once there, Ella Mae attempts to start over in the one place where everyone knows her name and her story. As she tries to overcome expectations - those that others have for her, as well as the ones she has for herself - she begins a magical new life, quite literally, riddled with possibilities and problems.

WHY YOU'LL LIKE IT: Ella Mae is a worthy protagonist. She's strong and capable - in no way a milquetoast - but undeniably feminine and accessible. She is a true steel magnolia. She's relatable. You know this woman. You are this woman. Her journey, if not the circumstances, is yours, and you can't help but root for her. Her family is a delightful mishmash of every possible personality archetype you can name, but they're not monolithic or static. They will remind you of your own mother, of your favorites aunts and/or cousins, and of your best friends. The characterization is exquisite.

The plot is tightly focused, complex yet straightforward, and the denouement is surprising and satisfying. The pacing is swift yet not rushed.

Most lovely is Adams' use of language, which is sophisticated without being stifling. Each word is specifically chosen for maximum impact. It is precise and uncompromising; there is no pandering to the audience. There are no throwaway passages, no unnecessary filler. The prose itself is lush and sensual, allowing the reader to identify more fully with the characters. You experience what they do. You see, smell, and taste what they do.

The magical aspect of the story enhances it; it doesn't detract from it. It's reminiscent of parts of "Chocolat" and "Like Water for Chocolate."

WHY YOU WON'T: Some readers are simply uninterested in elements of fantasy blended with mystery. If that's not your cup of tea, perhaps this book is not for you. However, those elements are clearly stated in the book's description, so there should be no cases of "buyer beware." You know what you're getting, and that's a good thing, as it can be very frustrating to invest time in a book which shifts genres with no warning. Some readers might feel that Adams' powers of description are simply too much, but for those of us who prefer redolent character-driven, introspective works, this is a book you should definitely consider.

Finally, those who purchase the book expecting Olivia Limoges (the heroine from Adams' Books by the Bay series) with nifty magical powers, you'll be disappointed. Ella Mae is not Olivia, and we're all the better for it. Not only does this highlight Adams' deft ability to create resonant characters, how boring would it be to read the same character, just with a different name in a different plot? While Ella Mae shares some characteristics with Olivia - namely strength and determination - she stands on her own. Perhaps the greatest difference between them is that Ella Mae acknowledges her emotions and uses them to fuel her, while Olivia remains standoffish and sometimes unapproachable, which makes her just as much a mystery as the crimes she investigates.

BOTTOM LINE: Adams is a superlative author with a gift for language, and Ella Mae is a welcome new heroine in her stable. I look forward to reading many more of her adventures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
benjamin ferrari
When Ella Mae LeFaye catches her husband in the act of cheating on her, she dumps a few baking ingredients on the guilty parties, picks up her Jack Russell terrier, leaves New York, and heads home to Havenwood, Georgia. There she reunites with her aunts and tries to work out things with her mom. Her mom was not happy when she got married and moved to New York and their relationship has been strained ever since.

Ella has a gift for baking the most delicious pies. Her aunts convince her that her dream of having her own pie shoppe can still come true and help her open The Charmed Bake Shoppe right in Havenwood. Ella soon realizes that baking delectable pies is not her only gift, her pies are actually charmed. They have magical effects on the people who eat them.

All is not magical though in Ella's life. The thorn in her side from the old days still lives in Havenwood and she is making trouble for Ella. Loralyn had plans for the storefront that now houses The Charmed Bake Shoppe and she vows to ruin Ella's business. Then Loralyn's fiancee is found dead. Apparently from a blow to the head. A blow delivered by a marble rolling pin. A rolling pin owned by Ella. It may take more than magical pies to get her out this mess.


A well written plot set in the Georgia that includes horse racing, greed and corruption is the flaky crust of this enchanting story. Surprising what some people will do for money.

This story has a group of very strong "gifted" women readers will immediately fall in love with. Ella learns about her gift gradually as she tries to find herself, the new and improved Ella, without the cheating husband. A husband that is not quite ready to just let Ella go. Her aunts are there to support her as is her mother. There is also the beloved Reba and her licorice twists. The woman who raised Ella with her aunts while her own mother was busy at Derby parties and Junior League events. Ellery is a master at character creation, even the supporting characters are complex. Some extremely likable, some we love to hate.

This first installment is a nice slice of what I know will be a delicious series. Romance is set to bloom, the aunts have more secrets to reveal, Ella will start to really understand her charm, and murder and mayhem will be stirred into this fine mix. Peach Pies and Alibis will be served in March and I can't wait for the first bite.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
art prapha
Pies and Prejudice is the wonderful first book in the A Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery series from Ellery Adams.

Ella Mae, after catching her husband in a comprising position with a set of twins in their apartments elevator, she leaves him. She leaves with just the clothes on her back and Charleston Chew, her Jack Russell terrier, well, she did stop by the ATM machine before she headed for the small community of Havenwood, Ga, the town she left just a few years ago.

Having attended culinary school while she was in New York, Ella Mae knows her way around the kitchen. She sets to work, with the help of her mother's cook/housekeeper Reba, to make a blueberry pie. After they sat around eating their pie, it is noticed that aunt Dee is crying indigo colored tears. The aunts realize that she has added "charm" into her pies and they suggest that she open a pie shop. There is a shop that just happens to be available, but they find out that Ella Mae's nemesis from childhood days, Loralyn Gaynor, also wants the shop. But good prevails and the shop is Ella Mae's. While in line at the drive-in window of the bank, Ella Mae replies to barrage of threatening words from Loralyn, that she better stay away from her family and dog. But before the words were out of her mouth the only person it appeared she was talking to was Loralyn's fiancee, Bradford Knox. The next day, Veterinarian Bradford Knox in Loralyn's other nail salon. What with the threat that appeared to made to Dr. Knox and the murder weapon appears to be a rolling pin that belongs to Ella. Dr Knox is a highly respected Thoroughbred vet whose clients have an amazing winning record. As Ella goes into sleuthing mode see finds that Knox may not be as professional as he should be.

The Charmed Pie Shoppe has a very successful opening, with everyone loving everything in the shoppe. Ella Mae is meeting is going to meet with someone at the shoppe, But as she is preparing a special treat the person is murdered. But this does help point her in the right in the right direction for learning who killed Dr. Knox.

This is a wonderful new series with a well written story and at the same time makes the reader aware of how far some might go to have a winning race horse. The aunt's are absolutely adorable and there are a couple of possible romantic interests for Ella introduced. And Adams' is dead on with the the description and antics of Charles Chew.

Very much looking forward to the next book and a long running series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
one fly chica
Once again Ellery Adams has made magic. This new series was filled with fun and mystery. The LeFaye women are engimatic and you only want to learn more about them. The story is woven beautifully with elements of surprise and romance. All of the character jump off the page and you thrust into the middle of Ella Mae's story. Ella Mae can make magical pies and is thrown into turmoil when she is accused of murder. Throw in the gorgeous fireman Hugh Dylan, aka Ella Mae's childhood love and this is a story you can't put down. I hope I can hold on till the next book and all the LeFaye women's next adventure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
xiang qin
I loved this book! I really enjoy this author. Can't wait for the next one to come out. My recommendation to those who are fussy and so serious and critical of books like this is...lighten up! Her books obviously are supposed to be fun! Kick back, read it, enjoy it, relax...they are awesome entertainment and enjoyment. Don't be so serious. Again,I absolutely love her books,I will continue to read them AND enjoy them! :) They are a fun read! Many kudos to the author, and my thanks for writing such great stories.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is the third series I've started recently that are about magic foods created by magical means that change people's lives. Of the three series, this is my least favorite. It seem as if the author was struggling to get enough pages so there are incredibly over-detailed descriptions of food, of flavors, of about everything. Ella Mae's hair color was mentioned at least ten times. Every food she thought about was described in overwhelming detail. The effects on those eating the foods were over the top, almost as if the food caused such intense feelings that the eater could scarcely stand it.
I bought this book partly on the basis of the author; I've read the Books by the Bay series with enjoyment. Those books are much more restrained and, therefore, more enjoyable to me. Actually, I got disenchanted right around the blue tears and only kept reading because I had bought the book and didn't want to waste the money it cost. The unbelievable amount of detail and description got in the way of what was, at heart, a good plot line. I was, obviously, disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sara ash
Happily married to Sloan Kitteridge, Ella Mae LaFaye was shocked to find her husband cheating. A sad, Ella Mae leaves him in New York and returns to her hometown of Havenwood, Georgia with the clothes she is wearing and her puppy Chevy. Her mom and her maternal aunts welcome home the prodigal daughter who they have not seen during her marriage. Not one to sit idly moping, Ella Mae opens up The Charmed Pie Shoppe, which proves successful as Georgians love her pastries that contain an extra magical "ingredient".

The police question Ella Mae over the death of her longtime adversary Loralyn Gaynor's fiancé equine veterinarian Bradford Knox; as the murder weapon is one of her baking rolling pins. Soon afterward, a second murder occurs. Concluding someone is diabolically framing her, Ella Mae investigates the homicides before the cops arrest her first.

A Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery is a fun rural fantasy amateur sleuth with part of the enjoyment comings from knowing Ella Mae and her family possessed different paranormal gifts. The heroine is likable while the secondary characters like her high school crush Hugh Dylan, who is attracted to her, add local flavor and eccentricity. With a nod to the movie You, Again readers will enjoy this regional mystery although the motive for investigating is typical of the sub-genre; as the paranormal elements bring the fresh magic to this enjoyable Georgia culinary whodunit.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie laurenza
I absolutely love Ellery Adams' books and this one is on the top of my list of likes. I do not understand at all any reviews under 4 Stars. Believe me when I say, it is well written, well edited, fully fun to read and you won't be disappointed at all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paula wallace
This cozy has a refreshing whimsical tone. I read roughly 50 different cozy series and I think this one is special because it is mystical without being over the top. If you liked the Charmed series on television, it has a similar vibe. You will root for Ella Mae throughout the book. I like the style of the writing as well. I look forward to the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A CHARM-ing new series by the talented Ellery Adams! Enticing writing style, great characters and a storyline that keeps you wondering, hoping and leaving you pleasantly happy...and waiting for the NEXT book! :) (P.S. If you haven't read them already--check out her Books By The Bay mysteries as well....strong main character; Olivia...centered in a town that you want to be a part of!)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
leslie mudd
Pies and Prejudice was enjoyable, even if it had some flaws. I kept waiting and waiting for Ella to realize she was magical and it just really took too long. The nemesis bully of EllaMay's youth, Loralyn, was one-dimensional and cartoonish. I like the Southern setting and the descriptions of the pie recipes were divine. I hope the second one improves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just finished reading pies and prejudice. It was one of the best mysteries I've read. I love the way the author describe the pies. It makes you feel like you can taste them and smell them. The magical parts in the book are very intriguing. This is a lot different then other mysteries I've read. I can't wait until the next book!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
eric m sheffield
I could not get past the first several chapters. Finding the husband in the elevator was too unbelievable ... he is with two women in an elevator with his naked butt in the air??? I switched over to reading the reviews. Too silly of happenings to make me read further.
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