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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ziad adnan
Three exceptional children, one feisty schoolteacher, a bounty hunter turned “retriever,” an unscrupulous man, and a jealous man make for one interesting book. Kidnappings, acting, gorgeous piano playing, inventions, romance, and all out brawls (from the schoolteacher no less) are all involved in this story. Will Charlotte convince Stone to let her keep Lily? Will they be able to keep Lily safe?

Characters: 1/1
The characters were diverse, amazing, and well developed. I felt like I was right there with them, witnessing everything they saw and seeing them in the flesh.

Dialogue: 1/1
At times the dialogue was hilarious, and at other times it was more serious. No matter the mood of the speech, I never felt pulled out of the story by unrealistic, or inaccurate dialogue.

Plot/storyline: .75/1
There were a couple of times during the story, that the plot dragged a little or seemed a little off. One of my personal pet peeves is when romance authors have two characters meet and they fall in love super fast and get married even faster. This particular storyline isn’t as bad as some I have read, but it does still seem a little fast to me.

Over-all writing quality: 1/1
If there has been anything about Karen’s writing that has stayed the same in all of her books, it’s been her excellent writing quality. I know I can pick up one of her books and it will not be a fluffy piece of junk. It’s work the money you spend on it.

Un-put-down-ability: 1/1
This book is 341 pages. I received it on Saturday afternoon, started it Saturday evening and finished it Sunday morning before church. I didn’t want to put the book down Saturday night, but since I had a long day and wasn’t sure if I was coming down with something, I forced myself to. And I was really glad our church starts later than most.

Conclusion: 4.75/5
Except for my personal pet peeve, this book is excellent. I highly recommend it to anyone who has an afternoon to read. It’s easy to read and well worth it to see justice done for little Lily. The children were so well written, I could almost hear them playing the piano, reciting the book, and taking apart the clock. Karen did it again!

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Anyone who has been reading my book reviews for a while now, will know that Karen Witemeyer is hands-down one of my favorite authors, and has been for some time. So obviously I was rather thrilled when I learned she had a new book coming out, and eagerly read it as soon as I received it in the mail! I'm so glad that I did, as this book is a very exciting one that I'm glad to be adding to my collection of Karen's books, in their designated place on my shelf.

Karen Witemeyer is known for her fun-loving, western themed novels, full of strong female characters and a humorous western feel, and this book didn't fall short of those standards! This book definitely had those traits that I've come to love in Witemeyer's writing style, and I absolutely enjoyed every page of this novel! Due to a very busy schedule with my work, I wasn't sure how quickly I'd be able to finish this book, but I quickly found that I had the hardest time putting it down, which is always a plus! The story was very funny, and moved along at a steady pace, making me not want to close it!

As always, I fell in love with Witemeyer's characters. I loved how she included some children as main characters in this book, and enjoyed the aspect of the other character's personalities that they brought out. The story itself was very engaging and quite an adventure, sure to please any proud Texan with the western theme!

I'd highly recommend this book to all fans of Witemeyer's novels, or fans of western historical fiction, as this one is sure to not disappoint!

D I S C L A I M E R :: I received a complementary copy of A Worthy Pursuit from the publisher, for the sole purpose of this review. I was not paid to write this review, and all thoughts expressed are completely my own and unbiased.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristi staker
Don't start this book like I did, around midnight, thinking I would just read a few pages. Not Possible! I read way into the wee hours. The book is interesting, exciting, and well-written. I suffered from the old cliché - I could not put it down.

Charlotte is a school teacher who loses her job when the boarding school she works for, closes unexpectedly. Charlotte has a problem. Really, three problems. Eleven year old Stephen, nine year old Lily, and seven year old John. Stephen's parents are on an extended trip and won't be able to pick him up. Charlotte, herself, had rescued John from a foundling home and has been paying his tuition for the past three years. Lily's mother had made Charlotte the child's legal guardian before she passed away. She definitely had not wanted Lily's grandfather to gain custody. So Charlotte flees in the night with the three children. Stone Hammond is the retriever hired to bring Lily back to her grandfather. He is determined to succeed ...... until he meets Charlotte.

I loved this story. It had a beautiful and kind heroine, a strong, handsome hero, a dastardly villain, adorable children, and plenty of danger and thrills. Not to mention, a beautiful love story. Get the book! I'm sure you will love it, too.

I borrowed this book from Kindle Unlimited.
A Refuge Assured :: At Your Request (Apart From the Crowd) - An Apart From the Crowd Novella :: Where We Belong :: A Light on the Hill (Cities of Refuge Book #1) :: The Lost Heiress (Ladies of the Manor Book #1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Charlotte Atherton will do anything to keep her beloved students safe, even if it means taking them across the country away from those that would do them harm.

Stone Hammond is a legend, a retriever, known by his reputation for always collecting his reward and finding what he was sent for, but will this determined teacher change his mind about what he once thought was black and white?

When I first started reading this book I was a bit skeptical of the premise, but as I read the pieces started to fall into place, making for an exciting, and heartwarming adventure!

I was thrilled to get the opportunity to read and review this amazing book, from the very beginning the children captured my heart. I loved how they had their special talents that were being nurtured, and how Charlotte praised them, yet at the same time kept them humble.

I loved each of the children, and how though they were so different, they worked well together, and all blossomed under Charlotte's loving encouragement. One of my favorite characters had to be Mr. Dobson, nicknamed the "gnome" by Stone, he has a gruff exterior, but inside has a heart of pure gold and will do anything to protect Miss Charlotte and the children from harm.

Action-packed and full of mystery and taunt with suspense, this well written romance was well worth the read, and definitely brought a smile to my face, throughout. I loved how well developed each of the characters were, as well as how the story came together. I'm definitely hoping for a companion/sequel, maybe with Dan and Marietta? A fantastic read from beginning to end, that will capture your heart.

I received a copy of this book from the author in return for an honest review. Thank you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Worthy Pursuit is larger than life in more ways than one. Miss Charlotte Atherton is happy in her role as headmistress of Sullivan’s Academy for Exceptional Youths in Austin, Texas—at least until Dr Sullivan announces the school is closing. The students will be returned to their families … including Lily Dorchester, an orphan for whom Charlotte is the legal guardian. So she does what any sensible 28-year-old woman would to in 1891: she kidnaps Lily and two other parentless students and takes them to a remote farm where she hopes they won’t be found.

Stone Hammond is the best retriever in Texas—he always gets his man. Or, in this case, his girl. He’s been hired to find little Lily Dorchester, who was kidnapped by her teacher. Only when he finds her, he finds the teacher claims she is Lily’s legal guardian, and she has the papers to prove it. Awkward. The two settle on an uneasy truce while Stone looks into Charlotte’s claim, and he finds the whole experience unexpected: the relationship Charlotte has with the children, the unique talents each child has, and his reaction to Charlotte. Especially his reaction to Charlotte.

I’ve enjoyed every single Karen Witemeyer book I’ve read, and this one is no exception. The only problem with her books is that she doesn’t write them fast enough – it’s usually the best part of a year between releases. Her plots and characters are both excellent, and she manages to inject a lot of humour into her novels without ever going over-the-top or descending into cliché or cringe. His is illustrated by one of my favourite lines out of A Worthy Pursuit:
Shoot. He could fit what he knew about women in a bullet casing and still have room for the gunpowder.
Despite the light humour, this was also a story of two wounded adults doing their best to follow God and protect the children in their charge from similar wounds. While the Christian aspects of the novel weren’t overpowering, they were powerful:
There are few guarantees in this life. The few that do exist come from God.

Overall, an excellent novel. Recommended for fans of historical fiction from authors such as Jen Turano and Carol Cox.

Thanks to Bethany House and NetGalley for providing a free ebook for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daphne cheong
Amazing. Superb. Fantastic. Fabulous. Her best yet. I would (and probably will) use all of these to describe Karen Witemeyer’s, A Worthy Pursuit! I had high expectations for this story, after having loved her previous books, and I can happily say that it surpassed every one of them!
A Worthy Pursuit grabbed my attention from the very first page and never let go! Even when I had to put it down for work and to sleep, the characters and story stayed in the front of my mind, prodding me back to find out what would happen next. The suspense was awesome, though it didn’t overpower the story. I loved the chase and the moments where I was on the edge of my seat, but I also loved the slower moments, where I got to meet the characters and have them scramble off the page and into my heart and mind. I was trying to read slowly, so that I would have more time with them, then I’d look up and realize I’d been reading for two hours straight and was almost late for work!
Karen does a fantastic job with the details and bringing each setting to life. Her descriptions are almost poetic at times and paint a broad, sweeping picture, filled with bright colors and little details. Before you start to picture a copy of War and Peace, this isn’t like that. The awesome part is, she manages to do that in just a few lines, not multiple pages. So this story is much shorter than a tome and is never bogged down by the details or descriptions. The story never lagged for me and I never wanted it to hurry up. In fact, I was mourning the fact that it wasn’t longer - I didn’t want to say good-bye at the end! I need at least another book, maybe two, before I would be even close to that point.
May I also say how much I loved the characters?! I’ll try not to be too long, but they are awesome! Stone Hammond and Charlotte Atherton are such vivid, realistic characters that they immediately felt like lifetime friends. Both are flawed, but strong. They butt heads more than once, but also try to compromise and do what’s best for the children. I loved getting to know them! Stone’s strong faith is something of a counterbalance to Charlotte’s shaky trust. She’s been hurt before, so she masks everything behind a calm façade. I enjoyed following her as she learned to let down her guard and be honest with others.
Stone is just like his name - strong, stubborn, steady, but with a gentleness that touched my heart. It’s a wonderful author that can create a character so real that you fall in love with them, and I did with him. I confess to being slightly jealous of Charlotte and I may need therapy now, after having to let him go. His faith is what sets him apart. He strives to live a godly life, even in the midst of the worst the world has to offer. He has a moral code that stops him from following greed or chasing after what he thought he wanted. I loved watching him put Charlotte and the kids first, even when he barely knew them.
And the romance! Whew! There are a few steamy moments, typical of Karen’s books, but as always, they are respectful and don’t cross a line. I think what I loved most about it, is how Stone loves Charlotte. He keeps chasing after her, winning her trust, and just loving her, until she had no choice but to love him back. He’s just so honorable, but is also realistic in his struggles, but respects her too much to hurt her. I loved watching her slowly come to trust him, then figure out what it meant to love him in return.
The spiritual aspect of the story was extremely well done, as well. It focuses a lot on forgiveness, trusting God in the hard times, and giving control to Him. Or maybe that’s just what I got out of it. I’m always a little curious about that. Maybe that’s what I saw, because that’s what I needed to hear. Either way, I loved how it was woven throughout the story. Even though God isn’t mentioned on every page, I could still see Him there, in the words and expressions. Karen handled things with such finesse. It never overwhelms the story, but is constant throughout. There are a few discussions about faith and the characters seriously consider it. My biggest cheering moment is when they cross the line to fully believing. There is a difference in the characters by the end of the book - for me, that is what makes a book great: characters that grow and change throughout. They aren’t the same from beginning to end.
As the five star rating probably already informed you, I had absolutely no complaints about this book - it is definitely one of my all-time favorites, and it will definitely be staying on my “keeper” shelf to be read again and again!
I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves historical romance with fantastic characters, great suspense, and a romance that will make you sigh.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for my honest review, which I have given. I was not required to write a positive review and have not been compensated for it in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liesbeth van
This was my first book ever written by Karen Witemeyer and it did not disappoint me in the least. The story was so relate-able, and I could see myself in the main characters attitude and heart. I enjoy novels that I can see myself in, especially when they are so inspirational and heartfelt.

"A Worthy Pursuit" is a loving tale about how a teacher became a mother to three children in order to save their lives. Just because someone has money, that doesn't mean that they should be responsible for a child, and this loving teacher knew that better than most and was determined to keep her charges safe at any cost.

Sometimes life throws you curve balls and things can be more difficult than expected, but the only thing that anyone can do is to continue to move forward one step at a time. This story tells of this and more, a morally upstanding novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samaneh karami
This is my kind of math: Witemeyer's stellar wit + action galore = one very happy reader!

Where do I begin? Stone Hammond leaps to the forefront of my mind. The epitome of a cowboy hero straight from the pages of young Lily's action-packed dime novels. Charlotte can't help but admire the gruff tracker. Especially when he rushes to the rescue a time or two -- well constantly throughout the story actually. Sparks fly between Charlotte and Stone even with all that danger afoot. Important to note: if you laugh and gasp at the same time it gives you the hiccups. That happened to me a lot during this read. Who knew action scenes came with 'punch' lines?

And it isn't long before a smitten Stone applies his exceptional retrieving skills to pursue Charlotte. Prepare the fainting couch now, please. A retriever with an impeccable record, he isn't about to fail when it comes to this romantic pursuit. Talk about a great title tie-in. Not only is it a worthy pursuit, it's a toe-curling one as well!

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After reading this book, I was pulling up the book cover online and stumbled across some pictures from the photo shoot from the cover. Those led me to the author’s website. Interestingly, she addressed something that I had thought about while reading this book Several times, I would flip to the cover and think “That’s not what I picture Charlotte looks like”. In fact, I believe I’m in the minority when it comes to people on book covers. I prefer to create my own image of what the characters look like. But, I’m off topic here, let’s talk about a really fun and entertaining book.

This book was hard to put down. I actually picked it up Friday night after a long work week and relax before bed. Yeah, the next thing I knew it was one in the morning and I was forcing myself to turn off the light and get some sleep with the promise of finishing it when I awoke. And finish it, I did. The attraction between Charlotte and Stone is almost instantaneous. Both feel the pull, both try to resist. In addition to his tough exterior and swift mind, Stone’s protectiveness of this little group he’s stumbled upon makes him more swoon worthy. Charlotte’s nurturing personality, her willingness to give up everything to help three children, and her own heartbreak make her someone you will cheer for. Now if only the two can overcome several obstacles (Charlotte’s past, Lily’s grandfather, a lack of trust), they can get on with their HEA.

What I like about Witemeyer’s books is that while they are considered historical fiction because they are not set in the past, they are not bogged down with historical facts and figures. Her stories carry themselves. This one had the fun addition of the three children, each special in their own way. Lily’s love of dime store novels and her infatuation with One Eyed Dan (who I’m hoping gets the Witemeyer treatment) is contagious. John’s quiet and shy manner is sweet. Stephen’s big brother protectiveness of those around him is cute. There was one plot twist regarding Charlotte’s grumpy caretaker that I imagined happening that never came to fruition. But, I can pretend it did.

***Bethany House provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review. All opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hussein el ghorory
Charlotte Atherton is disappointed when the school she works at closes its doors unexpectedly. Having been given guardianship of Lily, one of the young students, Charlotte is afraid that Lily's grandfather is behind the closing of the school. Charlotte is determined that Lily's grandfather not be able to get his hands on Lily. Charlotte sets out to protect Lily and two other students in her charge by disappearing in the middle of the night.

Stone Hammond is a retriever/bounty hunter. Hunting down Charlotte and Lily has taken some time, but he finally has them in his sights. Expecting a ruthless kidnapper in Charlotte, Stone is not prepared for the way Lily and the other two children care for her and how much Charlotte cares for them. Stone has a reputation to keep as the man who always gets his quarry, and this is his last retrieval before he settles down with land and a home of his own. Despite what Charlotte says about Lily's mom giving custody to Charlotte, Stone refuses to be taken in by her and must find out for himself if her claims are true. What Stone doesn't count on is his heart becoming involved with Charlotte and the children.

I really enjoyed this story. I loved the characters from the beginning. Lily is hysterical with her love of dime store novels and excitement at meeting one(or two) of her heroes. Charlotte is likeable even though she has a lot of issues with trust. And I absolutely love Stone. He starts out a little gruff, but it isn't long before his soft side shows itself. I think that is what makes him loveable, he's tough enough to protect Charlotte and the kids, but yet confident enough to show his soft side to them as well. Of course there is also the element of suspense that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. I'm definitely a fan of Karen Witemeyer's writing and always look forward to a new book from her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stone Hammond is in pursuit of a child kidnapper. He finds his prey, but soon begins to be uncertain as to if his employer is on the up and up. He must be sure of his evidence before he makes a decision as the welfare of a young girl hangs in the balance. She seems well-cared for by the teacher who took her, but Stone can’t trust how things appear. He makes a deal with the teacher to stay around, help with chores and get to know the children under the tutor’s care until he receives the proof he needs. Just as proof arrives, so does trouble. Stone and the teacher must leave immediately with the children to find safety with a friend. Will trouble follow?
Charlotte Atherton has just lost her job due to her employer suddenly closing the school where she has worked for ten years. She is not about to lose the young girl who has been put in her care by the girl’s mother. Charlotte just knows that if the girl’s grandfather takes her away, she will suffer. Charlotte decides to take action before it is too late. Two months later her groundskeeper captures a man lurking about her property. She discovers he is after one of her former students and wants to return her to her grandfather. Charlotte knows she is in the right, but can she convince this man of her innocence? Soon she and the children are forced to flee again, but this time they have a strong protector. Will Charlotte allow him to become something more?
I thoroughly enjoyed this historical romance by Karen Witemeyer! The character of Charlotte was so admirable in her treatment of the children under her authority/tutelage as well as Stone when he first arrived and was a known enemy. She exemplified some great Christian qualities with her advice/instructions as well as with her actions. Stone was also a good, strong, Christian man in the story as well, showing his love through his actions by protection, reassurance and steadfastness. This is a great book to read for a wonderful afternoon of entertainment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Karen Witemeyer must have a magical golden pen she's not telling anyone about. The prose throughout this novel was a treasure trove sure to delight readers.

The characters: I fell in love with every single character, except the baddies, but I sure loved hating them! I'm still trying to figure out Karen's secret for creating such real-to-life, masculine heroes. My lands, but this one is swoon-worthy. *blushes* His steady, determined pursuit of his love interest as well as his raw honesty and candidness make this leading man one to remember. He's the ultimate, rock hard Wild West hero, but where other novelists have tried to portray him, the effect has been a bit larger than life and too amazing to be real. Not so with Stone. No matter how many baddies he can take down with his impressive skill set, he still bleeds red and has a limit to his invulnerability, which softens the heroine's heart right up.

The plot: Alas, my copy of the book fell open to a pivotal scene and I glimpsed a spoiler early on, so I wasn't as surprised by some of the plot twists. But I think others who guard their first-read eyes will find the plot to be a rousing page-turner.

The setting: Engrossed in the story, I only remembered the overall setting being somewhere in the "West." Probably Texas. Scenes were easily visualized and the important components of "close up" settings were effectively conveyed without encumbering the reader with too many details--a talent within itself.

The romance: Oh my. You'll have to read it yourself. The breaking down of walls comes very naturally but not without pain on both sides. These two hearts have waited a long time to find their match and their hesitance makes the wooing so much sweeter, especially when Stone recognizes the heroine's weakness and makes it his heart's mission to fight through her pain and lead her to healing.

Karen's books are always a treat. If you've never tried any of her novels, you won't regret doing so. If you have, I don't have to tell you, you'll already know this one is worth every penny. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew carter
Packed with the perfect blend of romance, emotion, faith and action, plus twinkles of humor, A Worthy Pursuit is a more than worthy read. The characters – main and supporting alike – are lifelike and skillfully developed with a depth of heart and history that feels like they are part of a series rather than merely a stand-alone novel. The message of orphans (of all ages) finding a place to belong and be loved resonates sweetly and subtly. The fast-paced action drives through the book with all the drama of Lily’s beloved dime novels but without the cheese, and the romance…. ohhhhh be still my heart, the romance!

Before I get all distracted from swooning, let’s discuss the great characters. The children will win your heart immediately, their exceptional abilities and understandable insecurities making them endearing supporting characters. “Dead-Eye Dan” and “the gnome” are nice foils-as-friends and add comic relief – plus they give Stone the opportunity to grumble which we all know we love in our heroes. (Why do we love that?) Charlotte Atherton has been burned too many times – enough that she hides behind a stiff, schoolmarm exterior instead of risking her heart again to anyone but the child prodigies in her care. And haven’t we all been there? Maybe not those exact details but the gist of it – being hurt and walling ourselves off. In Charlotte’s case, thank goodness for Stone who decided that if she was going to build a wall he was just going to have to build a door. Speaking of Stone – *dreamy sigh times 1000*. Larger than life, he is able to fight off a bobcat with his bare hands and later tenderly hold his woman with those same hands and watch the Texas sunset.

At the core of A Worthy Pursuit is a message for orphans of all ages and walks of life. No matter who else has given up on you or walked away, there will always always always be One who calls you beloved.

I received this book for free. No review was required, favorable or otherwise, and all views expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely adored this book! I was not ready for it to end! I read all of Karen's books and hesitate to choose a favorite because I love all of them for different reasons but so far this one IS my favorite! Each character was fantastic for different reasons. I especially love books with children and this book has plenty of them! Young Lily is the main focus of the book and she is such a firecracker! I enjoyed everything about her, especially her youthful exuberance! She was delightful! The main character, Charlotte, was the headmistress of a private school that got closed and I loved how she snuck 3 kids out of the school in the dead of night to "rescue" them from fates that would be detrimental to each one. That took a lot of guts and she continued to stand up for them and fight for them through all of their adventures in the book. We discover in the book that she had a childhood which caused her to want to stand up for children and be their advocate. She'd been terribly hurt by those close to her so she wanted to be there for those children. When Stone Hammond, a bounty hunter/retriever, comes along to take Lily from her to return her to her unscrupulous grandfather, Charlotte will not let that happen! Stone is world-weary and a loner but he can immediately see how much the children love Charlotte. After he discovers the truth about Lily, he doesn't waver in his allegiance to Charlotte & the children! I loved the relationship between Charlotte and Stone. Stone was so up front about his feeling for her and she didn't know what to do about that! It was great! There was great action & adventures to keep the story flowing and the pages turning. I didn't get a lot of sleep or a lot done at my house while I was reading this book! The ending was very satisfying and enjoyable.
*** I received this book from the publisher for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

This book could only get me halfway there. So "satisfying" or "unsatisfying" depends on what you want out of it, or what you compare it to. It's a good match, a good companion, to her other books, so if you're a fan, I think you'll enjoy this one too. But for me, it just didn't stand out and I needed something extraordinary.

*slight spoilers ahead*

There were a couple of lines that had me laughing out loud. And the storyline was interesting and definitely suspenseful. In return, I had to overlook the insta-love, our heroine's breathtaking beauty, and some poor choices; I think kindness and integrity can be portrayed without sacrificing intelligence and wisdom. For example, if a strange man was caught on my property spying on me and my children with binoculars, especially when I was in hiding in a remote location, you can bet that I would not invite him into my home to personally care for his wounds in a show of charity and good faith.

On the whole, this book felt half baked. It seemed like the carefully woven lessons didn't hold up to pressure and it just unraveled.

There were heavy doses of scripture applied well- I loved the use of proverbs and Charlotte facing the fact that she had a control issue. I loved the way lending spiritual strength was portrayed, especially in light of the circumstances. That had to take strong faith and I thought it was a great example. Charlotte's choosing positivity and gratitude when it would be so easy to slip into fear and doubt and negativity was a great example as well: "God's blessings were so prevalent, a person could always find a reason to rejoice."

But then, characters' actions didn't hold up to their professed virtues. I had warning bells going off in my head when Stone pretended he'd been deceiving Charlotte; I thought for sure this was going to turn into an epic misunderstanding. Though I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't, I was still disappointed in Stone for going there. I've certainly gotten backed into corners and the natural instinct to tell a clever lie bubbled to the surface. But God doesn't need us to lie our way out of things. He's bigger than that. Of course we still slip up, we still make mistakes, but I felt like this deception was passed off as something to admire, rather than a flaw of human nature. As if, because we knew his true feelings, no harm done. Stone's fear of his enemy's power was stronger than his trust in his God. I'd have preferred to see an example of what God could do with bold faced honesty and unswerving faith.

I loved Stone's firm personality. His determination and openness is not something that is usually seen in this genre, and it was so refreshing. I loved that he responded to her need to learn how to trust with straightforwardness and solemn vows. I loved Charlotte's unyielding personality too. She acted with decisiveness and confidence.

But then, moments of doubt would come out of nowhere. For example, Stone has just declared his intent to pursue her until he gains her or dies, but a few pages later, Charlotte tells herself that she has no right to expect anything or make demands of him. What? For someone who exudes strength and confidence, her random boughts of unfounded insecurity seemed to exist only to drive the suspense and the thrill at the eventual resolution. Why? It's not like readers don't know where this is going to end up; you can't have it both ways- characters who are so in love that they openly declare their intent, but then uncertainty as a driving force of suspense.

And, as always, this book would have been so much better if we were only privy to one character's thoughts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
angel walk

Charlotte Atherton is on a mission! She has three children in her care, one in particular that she is determined to keep safe. Before Lily's mom passed away, she entrusted the little girl into Charlotte's guardianship. Lily's grandfather, however, wants her for his own selfish reasons and Charlotte must flee town to get away from him and start a life on their own. She feels they are safe until one day a bounty hunter comes looking for Lily - on his own mission to rescue the little girl from her supposed kidnapper and get her back to her grandfather.

Stone Hammond is the best tracker in Texas and always gets the job done! When a wealthy man pays him to bring his granddaughter back, he happily accepts the challenge. But to his surprise, Lily does not appear to have been kidnapped at all - in fact, she seems to be right where she belongs. Can Charlotte, her assumed guardian, be telling the truth? Will he take a chance on her and switch roles from retriever to protector? And will he stay around long enough to change his pursuit to winning Charlotte's heart?


Charlotte and Stone both have wounds from the past. Charlotte has sadly been hurt by men and, because of it, has a hard time trusting or allowing herself to depend on others. She has settled on being alone, without a man by her side, and will give her all to these children in her care. Stone, having been orphaned when he was younger is very independent and keeps to himself. The lovely teacher has now caught his attention and he longs to open her heart and do what he can to protect her. Will they stay on the path they both have come to know, or will they open their hearts to more joy and love than either of them expected in this life?


The author did a great job weaving faith into this story. We loved how both characters prayed throughout the book, asking the Lord for guidance, help and strength. Both had to grow in their faith and trust in the Lord, especially Charlotte, who must overcome past fears and pain. She learns to not only trust Stone, but the Lord for the path he has chosen for her. It was an enjoyable faith journey to read through!

Squeal Factor

A teacher and a bounty hunter - what's not to like? Stone and Charlotte have a relationship that builds throughout the story. As the two move past simple attraction to one another there are quite a few scenes that are cute and sigh worthy! You'll enjoy seeing the path the author takes them on and you'll be content with the conclusion.


This book is a great summer read. Fans of historical, western romances are sure to enjoy this one. Relax and prepare for a fun, lighthearted story that will whisk you away for awhile!

I was given a copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ms. Karen Witemeyer has done it again! She has written another wonderful historical fiction full of adventure, great characters, love, compassion, and a novel that shows us how God works in our lives. What is this book? This book is "A Worthy Pursuit."

From her first novel, "A Tailored-Made Bride" to her recent novella, "Love on the Mend", Ms. Witemeyer has linked our hearts to her characters, especially the heroine of each novel. "A Worthy Pursuit" is no different. Charlotte (Miss Lottie) Atherton is a women of strength, patience and character. A worthy personality to be a beloved teacher (and headmaster) of a "special school" for the gifted. Her love and dedication for her students leads to our story, where she takes two orphans and one boarding student on an adventure of hiding for their protection. Not knowing who she is, a tracker by the name of Stone Hammond was hired to retrieve her. And of course, that's when fireworks alight.

I truly love this story. I love Miss Lottie's brilliance, her love for the kids and her vulnerabilities. Who hasn't had a past or something in their past that shaped who they are today? Miss Lottie's story-line teaches us, with God's help, we need and will overcome our own prejudices. Stone's quite the "cowboy" and the hero one always dreams of growing up. He's not only one of physical strength, but one of integrity. Well, shouldn't two people as such learn and embrace their differences and be together?

Not only the main hero and heroine of the story captures me, but all supporting characters, including the three adorable kids, Stephen, John and Lily, along with Dan and Marietta and don't forget the ever funny Mr. Dobson (whom, I had guessed he was a person in Miss Lottie's past, that came back in disguise of a sort - but I was wrong). The dime novel books about Dead-Eye Dan and Hammer Rockwell was a hoot and how it integrated into the story-line was hilarious.

Ms. Witemeyer gave us a novel to enjoy, love and laugh with. She gave us "A Worthy Pursuit" worthy of pursuit. So go and get your copy today, laugh, cry and just enjoy Ms. Witemeyer's humor and prose.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review, and have not been compensated for this. This is my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
keith soans
This is not the first Karen Witemeyer book I have read but it is the first one I have reviewed. In fact, I have read four of her other books. So when A Worthy Pursuit came up for review, I was so excited! Sometimes I like to read books that are completely new to me but sometimes I need something that I know. Something about reading books from an author that I have read before and enjoy is just so comfortable and calming for me.

Charlotte is a music teacher at a boarding school for gifted students. She is also the guardian to Lily as Lily’s mother did not want Lily’s grandfather to have custody when she died. So when the school closes unexpectedly and Charlotte’s boss says that she needs to take Lily to Lily’s grandfather, Charlotte and Lily (and a couple other students who have no other place to go) leave during the night to go into hiding.

Stone is a bounty hunter hired by Lily’s grandfather, Mr. Dorchester, to bring Lily back from her supposed kidnapper. When Stone finds Charlotte and the children, he is in for a shock. Lily legally belongs to Charlotte. That isn’t going to stop Dorchester. He has a reason for wanting Lily back and it isn’t for love.

Charlotte and Stone must learn to work together to protect Lily but will it be too late? Will they find love in the process?

As I had hoped, I loved this book. I generally like historical fiction, especially when it involves a bit of romance and mystery too. This book did not let me down. Witemeyer writes believable and likeable characters. Even though I pretty well knew what was going to happen by the end, there were still a few times where I was honestly wondering how things would turn out. I also loved how Witemeyer wove Christian threads into the story without that being the whole point of the story. I love that as it mirrored real life closer than if every other page was a prayer or a Bible verse.

I loved this book. I didn’t find any negative aspects of this book. I would recommend it to anyone who likes historical fiction and romance.

(I was given a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jolene riordan
Another great story by Karen Witemeyer! This story, for me, is special because of the great contrasts that are throughout the novel, but is made even better by the common desires of our two main characters.

The cover has a whimsical feel to it, like several other covers of Witemeyer's books, and there are some fun moments in the story. But I took away even more from the more serious aspects of the novel. Charlotte and Stone have suffered in their past, which causes them both to have emotional walls built up. Although both have been wounded, they are also resilient, showing courage in different ways. Charlotte isn't afraid to stand up to Stone, even though he could physically overpower her. Stone is taken back by this prim, yet strong little woman who doesn't seem to be afraid of him.

Stone shows up in Charlotte's life as basically a bounty hunter, believing he's serving justice and doing right by bringing her in. But as he gets to know her, sees how she loves the young children she's basically adopted, he realizes there is more to the story than he was told. Stone is hard and tough, Charlotte is prim and proper, but these two opposites find common ground in their mutual desire to have true justice served. I loved watching the progression of their firmly constructed emotional walls being torn down. Stone lives up to his name as he is a rock for Charlotte physically and emotionally, but Charlotte was able to break through and get to the soft parts of Stone's hardened heart. Good stuff!

And last, but not least, I loved the children in the story! They were each given amazing talents and gifts and those gifts each played a part in the story. Charlotte loved each child for who they were but she also encouraged their giftedness and helped develop it. As a gifted person herself, Charlotte was able to rediscover her own love of her special gift through the people she loved in the story. I appreciated that aspect of the novel just as much as the romantic parts.

*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in order to give an unbiased review, which I did."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Charlotte Atherton , headmistress of Sullivan’s Academy for Exceptional Youths, is very upset when the director of the Academy tells her he is shutting it down. She knows that the Academy is what has kept her charge, Lily, safe. If the Academy closes, Lily’s grandfather will insist on Lily returning to him. Charlotte promised Lily’s mother she’d keep the girl away from her unscrupulous grandfather, and nothing will stop Charlotte from fulfilling that pledge. Not even the handsome bounty hunter with surprisingly honest eyes who comes looking for them.

Stone Hammond is the best tracker in Texas. He never comes home empty-handed. So when a wealthy railroad investor hires him to find his abducted granddaughter, Stone eagerly accepts.

When the teacher he’s after produces documentation that shows she’s the little girl’s legal guardian, Stone must reevaluate everything he’s been led to believe. Is Miss Atherton villain or victim? She acts more like a loving mother than an abductress, and the children in her care clearly adore her. Should Stone break his perfect record? Or will he start a new pursuit: winning Charlotte’s heart?

I loved this book! Charlotte and Stone are great characters. Charlotte is strong and determined to keep her charges safe. She's also really loving and great with the three children. She encourages their individuality and helps them channel their talents. Because of past abandonment and betrayals, she has a hard time opening up and trusting Stone. But Stone proves himself trustworthy and pursues her with gentle determination.

Stone is a big, burly, rough around the edges man who has lived on the road for years and is the best at what he does. But he's also honorable, trustworthy and willing to put his life on the line for you. He proves this more than once to Charlotte and in the process breaks down her defenses and endears himself to the children.

Action, adventure, and sweet romance will keep you entertained and turning pages in this newest romance from Karen Witemeyer!

*Thanks to Karen Witemeyer and Bethany House for the complimentary copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions stated are my own.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peter leonard
Type of book: Inspirational, Texas 1891

Why I chose this book: Karen Witemeyer is one of my go-to authors that never fails to give a great message through solid writing and storytelling.

Message/plot: What do you do when life doesn't go the way you planned? How do you trust when no one has proven trust-worthy in your life?

Favorite characters, quotes/lines:
* Ok, let's be honest: we all love that perfect hero. Well, look no further than this story. Stone Hammond is THE ideal hero. *sigh* And Charlotte? I adored watching her on her adventure. What a woman.

* "No one has the right to take another's gift. Not out of greed, or jealousy, or even self-pity."

* Karen gives one of the best example I've yet seen of what "The joy of the Lord is your strength" really means.

When I finished this book I felt: Such a perfect, beautiful ending. LOVE!
What another wonderfully told story by Mrs. Witemeyer. She truly has a passion for people and their stories which translates into her books in a way that transports the reader and gently teaches lessons we all need to either learn or be reminded of. I adore, and am so very thankful for, her heart and passion. May God water the seeds that you sow through your stories, Karen, for they truly are gifts that will bear fruit.

Overall: Mrs. Witemeyer has such a natural way of describing characters and building tension; nothing ever feels forced. She is a master of showing, not telling which makes you feel a part of the book instead of someone is just telling you a tale. Karen will intrigue you with questions that the characters have in order to build tension and uses naturally occurring plot conflicts to grab and keep you. There were many times I meant to read to the end of the chapter only to HAVE to keep reading into the next.

Excellent; 5 star read. Pick it up for a light, fun, adventuresome summer read.

In fact, let's give on away!

Tell me in the comments section:
*your favorite scripture
*Bonus point if you go to Karen's the store Page and follow her. ;-)

(Contest ends June 7th 9pm pst) www (dot) BreathPerfumed (dot) com
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stone Hammond is the best tracker in Texas. He never comes home empty-handed. So when a wealthy railroad investor hires him to find his abducted granddaughter, Stone eagerly accepts.
Charlotte Atherton, former headmistress of Sullivan's Academy for Exceptional Youths, will do anything to keep her charges safe, especially the orphaned girl entrusted to her care. Charlotte promised Lily's mother she'd keep the girl away from her unscrupulous grandfather, and nothing will stop Charlotte from fulfilling that pledge. Not even the handsome bounty hunter with surprisingly honest eyes who comes looking for them.
When Miss Atherton produces documentation that shows her to be Lily's legal guardian, Stone must reevaluate everything he's been led to believe. Is she villain or victim? Then a new danger forces Charlotte to trust the man sent to destroy her. Stone vows to protect what he once sought to tear apart. Besides, he's ready to start a new pursuit: winning Charlotte's heart.

BRAVO! What a great story; I enjoyed every minute of it. Not only are Stone and Charlotte outstanding people all on their own but Lily, Stephen and John as well. They are children but each one had such unique personalities and skills. There are interesting people who surround both Charlotte and Stone. They add to the story without adding any confusion. There was also adventure to be found as Charlotte and the children fight to outwit their enemies. When Stone finally realizes Charlotte is telling the truth, he comes on board to help them. He is not only drawn to Charlotte but the children as well. Both Stone and Charlotte lean on their faith in God as Charlotte tries to find out if she can really count on Stone. She's had a long history of hurts and betrayals and she has a long way to go before she can really open her heart to another man. She loves those kids though; freely and fiercely and will do just about anything to protect them. She'd do just about anything she needed to do to protect Lily; even learn to trust Stone. Some of the coping skills that Charlotte used were easy to believe. I love the cameo touching and skirt smoothing to name a few. He just keeps chasing her (pursuing) gently breaking down the barriers. She also managed to be quite helpful in many different dangerous situations even when she often thought that there was little she could do. The kids and Charlotte worked well together as a team. Something that made me smile was Lily and her enthusiastic relish for the novels about Dead-Eye Dan. The romance between Stone and Charlotte was charming, as I watched it develop. A clean story, with faith in God, romance and plenty chances of good to overcome evil.

I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jay hartwell
A Worthy Pursuit by Karen Witemeyer is the perfect read when you want something light and fun. As soon as I started reading, I was like oh, no! It's one of those. I'll never be able to stop reading now. haha Even though some parts were unbelievable it was still a good read. Sometimes you just need something lighthearted! Her characters did have depth, and I loved how God was in the story so naturally.

Charlotte Atherton loves her job at the Sullivan's Academy for Exceptional Youths, but when the head of the school decides to abruptly close down in the middle of the school year, Charlotte is sure something is very wrong. Miss Atherton is also the legal guardian of Lily, one of the children boarding there, and Charlotte has the sinking feeling that Lily's grandfather paid the headmaster handsomely to have the school closed so suddenly. Determined to keep her promise to Lily's mother, Charlotte leaves the school in the middle of the night with Lily and two boys in tow and makes her way to a secluded ranch.

Stone Hammond was hired by Lily's grandfather to find out where Miss Atherton hid his granddaughter. Working on the case for a couple months, Stone finally tracks Charlotte down, but what he finds is completely different from what he was told. Working to protect Charlotte and Lily from her scheming grandfather, Stone comes up with a risky plan. Can he save Lily and win the heart of Charlotte at the same time?

Like I said this is a fun book with never a dull moment. I really liked how unique Charlotte's backstory was, and I loved that she was an accomplished pianist. I honestly don't see a lot of books where the woman is a musician or anything in the arts really. I guess because everyone wants to write women accomplishing things men normally do, but I love music and am an artist so it was wonderful to read of a heroine like that. I felt swept away in the music just by how the author described a particular scene. Such depth of emotion and so well written I was almost certain I felt and heard it. Hands down the best scene in the book.

If you are looking for a lively, engrossing book, try this one. It's good enough to ignore the implausible parts. ;-)

I was given this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Worthy Pursuit

by Karen Witemeyer

Karen is among my favorite Christian authors and I was so excited to get the opportunity to review her ebook! A Worthy Pursuit is every bit as good as all of her other books - but perhaps even better!

I really enjoyed the characters in this one. A teacher/musician and a bounty hunter? I have no idea where she comes up with the ideas but she always has interesting characters! I really enjoyed getting to know Lottie and Stone in this book. The children in the story were also quite remarkable. They all have talents that were fun to read about. I especially loved how Karen used music as a theme for much of the book and talked about how different songs played by different people can evoke different reactions.

I'm not sure if I enjoyed the adventure or the love better in this book. It was full of action but it was also full of wonderful swoon worthy romantic scenes. I really loved watching the love story unfold in this one! The kisses exchanged in this book truly wanted to make me melt!

Typical for Karen's books this one moved fairly quickly but not in a rushed sort of way. I couldn't stop turning the pages and didn't want it to end. I lost sleep reading this. I just didn't want to stop reading! Karen is superb at making the setting, people, and action come to life in a way that no one else can.

This story is wrought with more tension than some of her books since children's lives are on the line. I found myself nervous at more than one point in the story because i was so worried about the kids. And true to form there was also tons of romantic tension. I loved how at first Lottie tried to avoid looking at Stone and how he was constantly having to re-focus his thoughts on something other than her!

If you are looking for a great love story with some action thrown in this is the book for you. And if in addition to that you want something that hasn't been done before then I especially suggest Karen Witemeyer's books. She comes up with excellent, unique characters with interesting professions.

Now I just have to wait for her to come up with another great idea and get it published!!!

Thanks to Bethany House for the copy of the book in exchange for my honest review!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zinab shemy
Karen Witemeyer once again blends the troubles of the old west with the perfect balance of humor and romance in A Worthy Pursuit!

I have only read one of Karen’s books before I got this one. And I highly enjoyed her book Head in the Clouds. But something about this one pulled me in even more. Maybe it was the way Charlotte risked everything to keep three young children under her care safe.

All three of the children have special gifts, but Lily, Charlotte’s adopted daughter, possesses the talent that has sent them all running. Stone is the bounty hunter, or retriever, as he likes to call himself, which is after Lilly. He’s the best in the business, and he had no idea what he was stumbling into. Certainly not a young former schoolmistress turned into a mother to all three children.

I’ve noticed Karen focuses on something which is the most common of sins yet isn’t focused on as much in the more contemporary books today; Greed. Money is the source of many sins and I think this verse sums up our villain very well.

“Those who have money will never have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness!” Ecclesiastes 5:10 NLT

Lilly’s grandfather wanted her for nothing but his own personal gain, and he was willing to do anything to get her. It sent shivers down my spine to see a man so consumed by greed he would put his own granddaughter in harms way to get what he wanted.

After reading this book I picked up Stealing the Preacher from our local library, and now I know I am a full Karen Witemeyer fan, through and through. So I suggest to anyone reading this review to pick up any one of Karen’s books if you’re in the mood for some good ole’ west fun!

Until next time folks, I hope you have a blessed day!

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review, which I have given.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vanessa baish
As usual, Karen Witemeyer’s newest book, A Worthy Pursuit, is a pure joy to read with outstandingly real and loveable characters!

The two main characters have lived through heartache and have managed to make lives for themselves, and I couldn’t help but feel sad for their setbacks and cheer for their triumphs. Their relationship forms gradually, and they are both dedicated to helping the children in their care despite the many dangers that cross their paths and throw them closer together. My favorite character, though, was little John, an incredibly talented Chinese boy who is shy, sweet, loyal, and a piano prodigy. All of the characters are drawn very believably, and their lives are tied together through the action-packed plot.

This is the story of Charlotte Atherton, a school’s-headmistress-turned-woman-on-the-run, and Stone Hammond, a tough, dedicated, and experienced tracker who’s been hired to track down a kidnapper: Charlotte.
The school for exceptional children, where Charlotte works as music teacher and headmistress, suddenly and mysteriously closes mid-term, yet she refuses to abandon her students, particularly the three whom she feels are in the most danger. Concerned for their safety, she leaves with them in the middle of the night and brings them to a small, isolated cottage given to her by her distant parents.

Still, she is no kidnapper. The boys, who would have been sent to a local orphanage where one would have been bullied and the other would have run away, are her charges at least until the end of the school year. Furthermore, the little girl’s dead mother had named Charlotte as Lily’s legal guardian.

Charlotte is a mother to all three children, and they are truly happy with her, but they are being pursued, and Charlotte fears that the people who seek them will not listen to reason, her legal arguments for guardianship, or even the happiness and security she has provided for the children. Despite all her precautions, the fear of her pursuers is ever-present, for they will stop at nothing to find her.

Stone is the best tracker around, and he has finally found the kidnapper and child he was hired to find. However, when circumstances place his life in Charlotte’s hands, he finds himself questioning his job. Although he was hired by Lily’s grandfather to bring the girl home, he cannot help but acknowledge that the children are happy with Charlotte, and she seems to have some valid arguments in her favor. He only took the job to help innocent children and earn enough money to retire, but he begins to wonder if finishing the job might actually hurt the children he sought to save.

Stone is torn between doing what he thought was right and what his gut is telling him is true. Should he return Lily to her rich blood relation and collect the money he needs to acquire his dream, or should he help Charlotte, give up his old dream, and find a more worthy pursuit?
All Stone knows is that he must make up his mind quickly because he is not the only man who has been hired to find Lily, and the other men are following his lead and closing in to lay claim to Lily and the reward her grandfather has placed on her head.

Wary of each other but determined to protect the children, Stone and Charlotte embark on a dangerous but necessary journey to find answers, safety, and even love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe chouinard
When the school for exceptional children that Charlotte teaches at is unexpectedly closed, she takes three of the students in the middle of the night and hits the road. Fearing for the safety of the little girl, Lily, she covers her tracks and hides her away. Charlotte doesn’t know why Lily’s mother didn’t want the girl in the care of her grandfather, but she’s determined to honor those wishes.

Stone has been hired by the grandfather to retrieve the girl. He’s always believed he was good at what he did, but his arrival at the house Charlotte and the kids are staying at is not very convincing. The caretaker gets the drop on him, but the real surprise is Charlotte herself. Stone discovers that she’s not a heartless kidnapper, but a caring guardian willing to do what it takes to protect the children in her care.

Charlotte has the paperwork to prove her guardianship, but Stone wants to verify the facts before deciding how to proceed. Even after he’s convinced of her right to the child, they still have a problem. The grandfather has connections in high places and can always just hire another retriever to grab the girl. Charlotte is going to have to trust Stone with her children and her heart to make it through the trials that are waiting for them. It’s a good thing Stone is dedicated to winning her over.

I loved so many aspects of this book and read it in two days. The author’s ability to inject so much personality into her characters always amazes me. The depth given to Charlotte especially really impressed me. I was able to read about her background and understand her trust issues without her dwelling on it and bringing it up all the time. Stone was also a great character. I loved each of the children with their unique talents. Even the minor characters, like Dead-Eye-Dan, had depth and personality. All in all, this is a wonderful tale and I highly recommend it.

*I received a copy of this book from Bethany House through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Karen Witemeyer’s latest novel, A Worthy Pursuit, follows Charlotte Atherton, a teacher at the Sullivan Academy for Exceptional Youth. When the school unexpectedly shuts down, she heads to her family’s home with her adopted daughter, Lily, and two other children who have nowhere else to go. When Lily’s grandfather discovers her disappearance, he sends tracker Stone Hammond across Texas to find his granddaughter and the teacher who stole her away from him. However, Stone never anticipated Charlotte and the legal proof she holds that confirms her guardianship of Lily. In a high-stakes race against time and a series of bounty hunters, Stone and Charlotte take the children on a journey to evade discovery long enough to finally find the evidence required to keep Lily safe for a lifetime.

Overall, I was exceptionally pleased with A Worthy Pursuit. Ms. Witemeyer consistently depicts independent and intelligent female characters, particularly within her last several novels. Likewise, she presents increasingly complex, outside-the-box stories and subjects that push the boundaries of traditional Christian historical fiction. A Worthy Pursuit relies on Ms. Witemeyer’s ability to develop a fast-paced, yet elaborate, story that feels realistic, while exploring the oftentimes humorous aspects of her characters and their interactions with one another. All together, the novel illustrates the continued evolution of Ms. Witemeyer’s storytelling, while revealing numerous possibilities for further development of characters and settings for use in future novels.

Special thanks to NetGalley and Bethany House Publishers for the advanced copy of A Worthy Pursuit!

Brittany at
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nahid khassi
Some people have comfort food; I have comfort authors. When I need the comfort of a well-written, entertaining, inspirational romance, one of the authors guaranteed to provide that for me is Karen Witemeyer and her new book A Worthy Pursuit is worth picking up. (Disclaimer: I received a free e-copy of the book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my review.)

Witemeyer creatively places her heroine and hero in situations that cause conflict and stand in the way of their feelings. In this one, Stone Hammond is a tracker sent to find the woman who kidnapped the granddaughter of his wealthy client. He's the best in the business and the clues lead him to the Texas homestead of Charlotte Atherton, the girl's former teacher. Charlotte claims she was acting as the girl's legal guardian and produces paperwork to prove it, placing Stone in the position of wondering if he's trusted the wrong person in this circumstance. When danger threatens Charlotte and her charges, Stone vows to protect them. Both of them have to decide if it's worth the risk to trust.

Though it's an inspirational romance set in the 1800s Texas frontier, Witemeyer rarely casts her heroines as damsels in distress. They are strong women capable of taking care of themselves and making decisions but who find themselves in situations where they need the help of a good man. Charlotte is fiesty and independent but scared to trust. Stone is as hard as his name sounds when he's in pursuit of his prey but fiercely determined to protect the innocent and win the heart of this woman.

Danger and romance combine for a story I could hardly step away from. Another solid story from Witemeyer and just what I needed for the mood I was in.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sabrena edwards
With plenty of action and adventure (and let's not forget romance of course) to keep you glued to the pages, "A Worthy Pursuit" is sure to please longtime fans of Karen Witemeyer. The plot is definitely a unique one, as I've never before read of a teacher forced to take her charges and hide-out from a bounty hunter before! Stone and Charlotte are each fun, strong characters in their own right, and I have no doubt that female readers especially will enjoy the way that love sparks between them. Each battles some insecurities that make them wonder if they are worthy to be loved, and I think that readers will definitely relate to this theme throughout the book.

But probably my favourite aspects of the book are the gifted children with the unique talents that God has given them. This is definitely the first time I've stopped and thought about what it would be like for children in that era to have such special talents, talents that unfortunately make them vulnerable to be exploited. But it's not only their abilities that make them intriguing - it's also the troublesome situations they can stir up as well! There were a few laugh out loud situations in this book that endeared these characters to me.

On the whole, this was a solid story that was easy to read. I didn't love it as much as some of Witemeyer's earlier works (like the Short-Straw Bride) partly due to the unrealistic nature of some of the plot points, but it was certainly an enjoyable book. I award this book a rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Karen Witemeyer is an author who quickly became a favorite of mine with her multidimensional characters and charming storylines. If I had to choose a favorite from her books, there would be several at the top of the list. Among those books would be A Worthy Pursuit.

Charlotte is a former headmistress who is willing to do what she has to to protect the children in her care, especially Lily. Lilly's grandfather will do anything to get her back, including hiring the best bounty hunter in the state of Texas: Stone Hammond. Stone soon finds out that what he thinks he's looking for is not
what he discovers.

Karen Witemeyer amazes me with her storylines each time. She creates characters that are believable and relatable to the reader. Her characters are so deep and multidimensional, it's easy for the reader to get snagged by the story. I know this is the goal of every writer, however few manage to do it as well as Karen Witemeyer.

A Worthy Pursuit kept me enthralled. After reading the prologue, I was hooked. I started reading in the early evening and did not finish until around 2 AM. It has the right mixture of romance, adventure, depth, and humor for a great read. Woven throughout is the theme of trusting in God's faithfulness. It's refreshing to be reading a book for pleasure and also be reminds of spiritual truths I need to apply to my own life.

If you've read books by Karen Witemeyer in the past and loved them, read this book. If you've read her books and didn't love them, read this book. If you've never read her books, read this book. I promise: you won't be disappointed.

*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. My opinions are my own.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Karen Witemeyer is no doubt one of my favorite historical fiction authors to read. She writes novels that are well-paced, full of charming characters, and story lines that leave you turning the pages long into the night. A Worthy Pursuit is another wonderfully written story that reminded me why I love reading her books.

In A Worthy Pursuit, Charlotte Atherton is headmistress of a prestigious school and caretaker of several of its pupils. When the school suddenly closes, she fleas in the middle of the night to protect one of her charges from a less than desirable relative. With two other students in tow, Charlotte goes into hiding. It doesn't take long for a former bounty hunter( Stone Hammond) hired to find one of students to locate Charlotte. However, Stone quickly realizes he is on the wrong side of the fight.

I loved this book for several reasons, but mostly for the strong and likable characters of Charlotte and Stone. While Stone is super masculine, he doesn't fit into any stereotypes often found in fiction. Charlotte is feminine, but she also is independent and intelligent. I really enjoy the way Witemeyer gives her would be pair plenty of page time and dialogue to form a believable relationship. Further, this story is full of action and offers more than just a love story.

I am so glad I had the opportunity to read another Karen WItemeyer novel. I have never regretted reading one of her books! I was given a complimentary copy of this book by its author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and I have not been compensated.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve caresser
I'm normally not the biggest fan of romance novels but "A Worthy Pursuit" by Karen Witemeyer was lovely. In fact, I'd say the worst part about it is the cover. It doesn't match the main lady character at all. Not that it matters.
Author Karen Witemeyer spins an endearing tale of a teacher accused of kidnapping three students and the bounty hunter hired to retrieve one of them. As luck would have it, the teacher is in fact the legal guardian and the bounty hunter now has a dilemma on his hand. Cue romantic music. Of course he has to prove his worth by getting hurt defending her and the kids a couple of times and she has to nurse him back to health. I won't say too much because I don't want to ruin the plot for you.
What pleasantly surprised me was that there were a few plot twists I didn't see coming. Well, maybe that's an exaggeration. There were a few plot points I didn't see coming. That's more truthful. But, the writing was easy to read - meaning I didn't find myself skimming page after page of descriptors or inner contemplations. The characters were endearing and the dialog flowed. One thing that this book lacked (and I mean this as a compliment) was the usual mind numbing emotional roadblocks most romance novels use to bulk up their page count. Sure, the main characters have a hard time telling their true feelings in "A Worthy Pursuit" but it doesn't take up much air time.
All in all, well done Ms. Witemeyer on an enjoyable novel. You've earned my recommendation which, in this genre, is far from frequent.

BTW, I got a free copy from Bethany House Publishing in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe hansen
A Worthy Pursuit
By Karen Whitemeyer

“A monster horse crashed through the trees a few yards in front of Lily. The dark figure on the animal’s back let out a war cry the nearly set the earth to rumbling. Then a gun exploded. Everett jerked backward. Tumbled from his horse. Lily screamed. Halted. Covered her ears with her hands and bent over into a ball.
Until the newcomer shouted her name and ordered her into woods.
Charlotte gasped. Then blinked. Hammer Rockwell, just as the dime novels had described him. Brown duster whipping back and forth in the wind, hat pulled low, gun in one hand as he steered his mount in front of Lily, guarding her retreat. Merciless, dangerous, and the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen……”

Karen Whitemeyer’s latest book has it all:
A beautiful teacher who will do anything to keep her promise.
A bounty hunter seeking a kidnapped child.
A grandfather willing to do anything to get his granddaughter back.
Who is telling the truth? Who is on the side of right? What will happen when a prim and proper teacher meets up with a dime novel legend?

Once again Karen has produced a completely captivating western that is the essence of great storytelling. This was a five star, “can’t put it down until I’ve read the whole thing” book that will satisfy anyone seeking a good clean western love story. Karen’s books are wholesome, exciting, uplifting and soul satisfying. So grab a glass of iced tea and your favorite chair. You won’t be disappointed.

Thanks to Bethany House Publishing for a free copy in exchange for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennie rains
Until A Worthy Pursuit, I hadn't read Karen Witemeyer's work in awhile. The premise of this novel engaged me and I'm glad it did. Charlotte is a worthy and likeable heroine, caught between doing what is legal and what is right for the students in her care. She has all the elements of a good Christian fiction heroine, such as intelligence and kindness. But she's also strong and determined, without having to break the "proper lady" mold too much. That's not a combination you see often in Christian or secular fiction; these days strong and determined seems to equal "no more feminine than necessary." Thus, Charlotte was a nice change.

Stone Hammond, too, is far from your typical bounty hunter. Oh, he has some of the traits--his rugged name, for one, is delicious. But he's also uncertain around women and kids, combines brains with his brawn, and allows himself to grow into a gentleman who can be tender despite necessary hard edges.

Finally, I absolutely fell in love with Charlotte's students, especially Lily. She reminded me of myself as a kid, minus the love of dime Westerns (although that's more a time period thing). :) Hearing what Lily's grandfather forced her to do broke my heart, and I nearly cried for real when I heard he had threatened her cat. In my view, any villain who would willingly hurt children or animals deserves everything he gets, and Karen delivers with an action-packed climax. However, the real satisfaction is seeing all this danger, all these internal and external threats, end with the creation of an unconventional yet warm and loving family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sitting down to read a Karen Witemeyer book is like settling back on the couch and chatting with a friend or loved one who I haven't seen in awhile over a cup of coffee. Exciting, comfortable, and over way too soon!

What a great cast of characters! Charlotte, aka Miss Lottie, former headmistress who creates her own family of abandoned students. Lily, an orphan entrusted to her care by Lily's mother, Lottie's best friend. Stephen, left behind by parents who travel extensively in Europe, and John, an orphan with musical gifts. Stone calls himself a "retriever," hired by Lily's grandfather to bring her back. And the gnome gave me laughing fits!

The plot moves along at a fast clip. Romancing man-shy Charlotte takes a little longer, but the sigh-worthy hero vows not to give up. A gentle faith thread addresses topics like discerning God's path for our lives and choosing joy over our circumstances, and music lovers will appreciate the musical theme. A Worthy Pursuit is definitely worthy of a few hours of your time. :)

Disclaimer: Sending my thanks to NetGalley and Bethany House Publishers for the privilege of reading and reviewing A Worthy Pursuit. I was provided a free copy of the book in exchange for my fair and unbiased review. I was in no way compensated for my review.
Dora Hiers, Fiction Faith & Foodies Blog
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny rhodus
A Worthy Pursuit is another winning historical romance by one of my favorite authors. Author Karen Witemeyer creates characters with life and spirit and realistic foibles, and it's always a pleasure to watch their emotional arc from the story's start to satisfying finish.

Karen's fictional heroes are among the most memorable and likeable I've read on the page (Levi Grant from To Win Her Heart is my all-time favorite). A Worthy Pursuit's Stone Hammond--a tough, rough, and determined retriever--fits in nicely with her previous heroes.

Stone is honorable and honest, while heroine Charlotte is a prim and proper schoolteacher desperate to save her beloved students from harm. The tentative friendship struck up between Charlotte and Stone is humorous and tension-laden.

There were several laugh-out-loud moments, and the nod to old-school, gun-slinging, lawman-turned-fictional fanfare added a fun twist threaded through the story.

Each year I look forward to a handful of authors' new releases, and Karen Witemeyer's books are among them. They're sweet, full of romantic chemistry and adventure, as well as page-turning stories that honor the Lord.

For historical romance fans, I can't recommend Karen Witemeyer's stories enough. A Worthy Pursuit is definitely worth pursuing, readers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When Charlotte Atherton, headmistress at Sullivan's Academy, finds out the school is unexpectedly going to close midterm she knows she must do something. So she takes the 3 vulnerable children who have no other safe place to go and leaves during the night.

But someone who can not be trusted is looking for one of the children. So bounty hunter Stone Hammond is hired for the job. He has a perfect record of always finding what he is looking for. But when he finally tracks them down he finds out that things may not be as simple as he thought.

This was another wonderfully done book by Karen Witemeyer! The characters were very well done and easy to relate to. The plot was wonderful, and had some twists and turns along the way. Charlotte and the children were very likable, and it was easy to connect with them and to see the hard life some of them had lived through. And I loved the exciting western parts with Stone. I also really enjoyed how the author added some humor in just the right places in the story. This was a great book and I highly recommend it!

I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers for my honest review. The opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ruth suehle
Charlotte is a headmistress of a school for exceptional youth. After being told they are shutting down midterm, she must do everything she can to protect 3 specific children left in her care. Dodging trackers, bullets, and seedy men-Charlotte bravely fights to keep her "kids" in her care until she meets tracker Stone Hammond who is determined to take Lily away from her. Will faith, love and the truth get her through?

This story was set in Texas in the early 1890's. I loved Charlotte's personality-brave, loving, determined, loyal. I loved reading her determination from day 1 of protecting her school kids regardless the costs.

The descriptions of Texas and events going on were very vivid that I felt I was there along side Charlotte and Stone.

I loved the character Stone and how he fought to see justice through, all the while protecting Charlotte and the kids, whom he barely knew.

I really enjoyed all the action, drama, and romance in this clean, christian book! I would highly recommend it!

I was given a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group, in exchange for an honest review on my blog and social media-all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karn kher
I enjoyed this book. It was very well written and I really enjoyed the characters, especially the children. Any scene with the children I liked. Each child had their own special gift and it was fascinating. John and Charlotte's gift for playing piano stuck out to me because I have played since I was six years old. Granted, I am no expert like they were, but I enjoy piano music very much. In a way, I was slightly envious of Lily's photographic memory. It sure would make studying or remembering things easier. I also enjoyed how Stone and Dan were made into dime novel characters was a really funny part of the story.

At first I thought the story line might be a little predictable, but there are some nice twists and turns to the story that don't make it as predictable as I expected.

The only thing I wasn't that big a fan of was how fast the love story moved, time wise. Charlotte and Stone spent less than a month together, if I remember correctly. Yes, you can learn a lot about a person in seeing how they handle situations like what happens in the book. But you really should spend more time with that person when not in a dangerous situation like that when all emotions are already high. Get to know them in the day-to-day moments. Yes, I get that it's a fictional book but I like to think that stories have a touch of reality in them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dennis eucogco
This was a sweet story.
It had thrilling action, and awesome adventure, and sweet romance. I very much enjoyed this story by Karen Witemeyer, which was expected. I love everything she puts out.
I would give the cover 3.5 stars. It's cute, though not quite as charming as hers usually are. And the model doesn't look like Charlotte. Long blond hair, not mid-length auburn.
If you like romance and adventure, you will enjoy this novel.
Charlotte was great. She was strong and independent, and brave. I loved how she was so devoted to Lily, Stephen, and John. That was sweet. And Stone too. I do wish she didn't have changing moods though. It was a bit annoying. She would trust him and then her trust would wane again and she'd block him out. I understand it's simply natural human nature and I can't really blame her for her doubts, especially after her father and Alexander, but I didn't care much for it.
Stone was older than I liked. I know it's not that big of a deal, but still, I wish they hadn't told me. I picture the heroes in their early to mid twenties, not mid thirties. It didn't help that they both brought up their ages as if they were older, which made me think of them as older than I wanted. They were awesome though. I loved how Stone said he was going to “retrieve” Charlotte. So sweet and romantic.
Lily was a sweet girl. She was really brave and independent. I thought she was younger when she first entered the scene. Her memory was amazing. That's so neat! Reminds me of Cam Jansen. Her love for dime novels and infatuation with all things Dead-Eye Dan was hilarious.
Stephen was a clever little guy. The take-charge type that I'm sure will grow up to be a dashing hero himself. I have a feeling he and John will be inseparable when they grow up. So opposite and yet definitely brothers, in the way that counts.
John was so sweet. Little and fragile in ways, and so passionate with music. I could practically hear him pouring his heart and soul into the piano keys. So beautiful.
Dan was great. Calm and collected and yet ran from anything wearing a skirt. He was too funny. I loved his indignation at “Dead-Eye Dan” and the adoration of his fans. That was hilarious when he first met Lily. She sure had him running.
Dobson was a fierce old guy. Strong, loving, and kind. Well, except for when he knocked Stone over the head. “The gnome” was a sweetie though, with his protectiveness and gruff love and humor.
Dorchester was jerk, yes, but not the meanest guy on the block. He was manipulative and self-serving, but once you quake in your boots at a gun to your head, you aren't very fierce anymore. He seemed more accustomed to hiring others to do his dirty work than doing it himself.
Franklin was bad. A sneaking scoundrel bent on getting his money more than being kind. I was unsatisfied with his ending. It gave me the impression that he didn't really end up with a sentence and went free. After him getting a shot in Stone, I wanted more justice than that.
All-in-all, it was a great book and a fun read, though not my favorite by this author.
Thank you, Karen Witemeyer and Bethany House, for a free copy of this book in exchange for my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley roth
Ever since I read Karen Witemeyer's first book, I have loved her writing. She has a way with injecting humor into her writing that makes reading her work much more enjoyable. A lot of her humor is understated, but it shines throughout the novel.

A Worthy Pursuit is Karen's latest offering and is absolutely un-put-down-able. One thing I like about my kindle is that it tells me how much time it will take me to finish the book. Usually a book of this length will take me a couple of sittings to read, but I finished this one off in one sitting.

Charlotte is the headmistress of a school for exceptional children. A few of the children are orphans, and others are placed because of the wealth of their families. Stephen, John, and Lily are three of the students who have captured Charlotte's attention and affections. Stephen's parents left him at the school so they could travel, John is a Chinese orphan, and Lily is Charlotte's ward as directed by Rebekah's (Lily's mother) will. Each of the children is gifted in different ways--John is a piano prodigy, Stephen is very mechanically minded, and Lily has a photographic memory. The only problem is that Lily's grandfather, Mr. Dorchester, wants her back to use her in his nefarious business dealings. So he convinces the owner of the school to close it down. Charlotte takes Lily, Stephen, and John with her to the cabin her parents bought for her in Madisonville, Texas. In order to get Lily back, Mr. Dorchester has hired Stone Hammond to find Lily and return her to him. Stone Hammond has the reputation for never coming in empty-handed, and when he finds Charlotte and the children, he gets bonked on the head by a rifle butt in the hands of her property's caretaker. Because Charlotte is a tender-hearted woman, she takes care of Stone's injuries and then explains why she has the charge of the three children, with papers to prove her stance.

This is the premise for the whole book that includes surprises at every turn--kidnappings and attempts of kidnappings; bounty hunters, former Texas Rangers, scofflaws, and general nuisances populate the book's plot and keep the reader involved until the very last page. Karen has done a masterful job of weaving all of these elements into a most enjoyable Sunday afternoon read.

Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and a special talent to help you through the day.

My thanks to Bethany House for allowing me to read and review this book in exchange only for my honest review.
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