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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There are some books that you keep reading because you are curious what will happen next. then there are the books you continue reading because you can't put them down, because you are sucked right into the story. This is one of those. Not quite a 5 but worth rounding up for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zeneefa zaneer
Once again, Amy Harmon has provided me with a reason to read! Her writing is flawless, imaginative and informative. I always learn something new when I read her books. Compassion, love, and empathy are themes you will find in her novels. She takes you on a journey of the human spirit and you find yourself privileged to have been along for the ride.

"Cages come in lots of different colors and shapes. Some are gilded, while others have a slamming door. But golden handcuffs are still handcuffs."

Harmon's writing is so magical you feel like there is a movie unfolding before your eyes and you are a part of the process. You feel the bumps in the road, the anguish and elation, finding yourself laughing and crying right along with the characters. And this book wasn't any different in that way.

"He pinched himself, just to make sure he'd actually woken up this morning to a pop star in his arms, a Bear on his front steps, and now, God in his backseat."

Yet it was a different book from the others I have read from her. It was more gritty, yet still clean enough that my "young adult" child could read it. It was a crossover just like Bonnie's music; this book doesn't fit into one literary category.

As with all of her books, you will be forced to think when you read this. Because there are underlying messages. It's not preachy so don't be scared away by that, but it is impossible to read it and not come away with questions. Questions about yourself, and others.

"People like to throw words like crazy and emotionally unstable around when people are just ... different. It's a way to shut people up. It's a way to control."

Bonnie Rae Shelby, is a 21 year old self professed hillbilly, and super star pop/country singer. She's been singing for her family's dinner since she was 10. And she's had enough. Enough of people taking advantage of her, enough of giving all of herself to her fans, and enough of feeling like she's missing out on what's real in life. She's exhausted and depressed and is looking for a way out.

Infinity James Clyde, is a 24 year old, mathematically brilliant, out of work ex-con. He went to prison for a crime he didn't commit. No one believed his innocence. He is a misunderstood soul. His brilliance and fascination with numbers keeps him locked in his head. People can't or won't take the time to understand him. So it's easier to be on his own, than worry about someone getting bored with his fastidiousness and leaving him.

These two characters couldn't be more opposing, but it works, beautifully. Call it kismet, call it fate, or call it chance, but these two were perfect for each other. She was yin to his yang. She was reckless, he was thoughtful.

"When you kissed me, Clyde? I felt more in that one, pissed off kiss than I felt in those three or four attempts at making love. And I realized it wasn't a lie, after all. That was the best kiss I've ever had. By far. So tell me what I have to do to earn another one, because embarrassingly enough, I always seem to be the girl begging for affection, and even with a broken give-a-damn, I don't know how much humiliation I can take."

Her drive for self-discovery was a bumpy, careless one and Finn was always put in danger during the trip. But while I was angry with Bonnie's seeming disregard for Finn's welfare, it became evident to me that he wasn't being taken advantage of. He enjoyed being carefree and I think needed the spontaneity that it provided. This became his self-discovery ride as well.

"What's Infinity plus one?" - Bonnie

"It's not infinity after all. It's not even two. It's one, Bonnie Rae. Didn't you tell me? You and me? We're two halves of a whole. We're one." - Clyde

Infinity + One will be added to my favorites of 2014. This was a 5+ star read for me!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris vetter
Cannot say a single negative thing about this book. I.Loved.It. Amy writes stories that I want everyone to read, my girls, my friends, strangers. Infinity + One is no different. And math! If math was taught the way Finn explains it, I think more people would be hooked on it. Amy Harmon remains the author that I will never hesitate to recommend to someone looking for a good book!
Seek :: More Than Words: A Love Story :: In Harmony :: Grays Anatomy :: The Paper Swan
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The first book I read from Amy Harmon was Running Barefoot, which was such an emotional journey that I knew I had to read her other books that were out at the time, the Purgatory serious. Since then I make a point to check back for new books from her and to pre-order because I know a book from her will rock.
I own all her books now and am ok with waiting for new ones just because I feel like I have been fed something wonderful when I read her books as they are all very well researched. I always wonder if she has a specialty in a different area, such as math in this case, and a book from her lasts longer, in my mind than most of the fluff you can get these days, although I wish there were about fifty more of her.
Her books do have some mild language and some PG to PG-13 romance (everything is very tasteful), but it is clear that they are about more than boy-meets-girl, boy-hooks-up-with-girl, they always have a strong and meaningful story line and the development of the relationships between characters is heartwrenching; you will keep the characters from her world with you long after you turn the last page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wanda johnson
Another great book by Amy Harmon. Finn and Bonnie are both missing something, they think it's their first half but they couldn't be more wrong, so they start a hearth breaking journey together and find everything they were missing and more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the moment I read the synopsis of Infinity+One I knew this was going to be one of those books that I would not be able to put down. So before reading I prepared the mood, pouring myself a glass of Moscato and settling into a hot bath in a room dimly lit only by my reader, my favorite way to start a book. Two hours later I was already half way done. I tried to put it down for bed at midnight but picked it back up again, finishing it by 3 am. I wasn't wrong, it was a gem!

Infinity plus one is not your average boy meets girl , boy dumps girl, boy gets smart and gets girl back novel. There is no Alpha male nonsense bordering abusive and the main character’s , though damaged, are not so ridiculously over done that you feel like pulling your hair out from all the drama. It is a pretty straight forward, classic love story, IE: the kind you don’t often find these days but so often yearn for.

With this book I was able to relax and enjoy the beautiful fated romance of Bonnie and Finn, otherwise known as Bonnie and Clyde, enjoying their cross country adventure almost as if I were sitting in the seat next to them. There were moments where I cried from sadness, moments I cried from joy and many beautifully written moments where I literally laughed until it hurt.

This book is the whole package and I truly cannot wait to read it again. Maybe one day there will be an Infinity + two because I really want more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I finished this book yesterday and ruminated on my thoughts for a while, wanting to provide the best review possible of a book that has rekindled my faith in romance novels and reminded me why I resumed reading after a decade hiatus. But, no matter how I try to plan, I just can't seem to get my thoughts in order so I'm just going to ramble and hope it serves as testimony to how utterly breathtaking this book was for me.

I love romance. All genres, sub-genres, and sub-sub-genres. That said, it seems as of late that I've fallen into a pile of surface-level romance. Ones where I have to suspend so much reality that it almost seems ridiculous. I still enjoy them, don't get me wrong, but I found myself longing for a book that went deeper than that basics. I wanted characters that I could see myself in, in some way. A storyline that sucked me down to a place where I couldn't get enough. I wanted connection. I wanted honesty. I wanted imperfection. And Amy Harmon delivered that and so much more.

I was hesitant to read this book at first. A little skeptical of the premise and a little fearful because I was certain that no book could top the way Making Faces made me feel. I've re-read that book multiple times and each visit is just as powerful as the first. Infinity + One has demolished my fears, surpassed my hopes and has found a home right next to Ms. Harmon's other works in my all-time favorites collection of novels. This book is an absolute work of art.

Amy Harmon has a way if writing a story I want to believe in. She gives me characters that I can love despite all their imperfections. Her words are magic, creating this universe that I feel a part of, like I'm right there beside the people I'm rooting for. I'm the third wheel but in the best possible way.

For me, Infinity + One is a story of being lost. Of being sad. Of being lonely. Those are emotions that we can all relate to at some point in our lives and she has eloquently given them a home in this novel. She's shown us that it's okay to feel this way. More than that, it's normal for anyone, anywhere. It also shows you that you can't judge someone's life by what you see. Because most of the time, it's only a fraction of the truth that's hiding beneath the surface. Everyone's pain is different.

This book is enchanting. It weaves a tale of two lost and lonely souls trying to find their way, their own happiness, in a world where pain, sadness, and sorrow seem to always outweigh the good stuff. Books like Infinity + One are the reason I read. It is a shining example of the novels I long for.

So, thank you Ms. Harmon. You make me think; you make me feel. And those are the two things I long for in books I read. My life is enhanced by books like this. And for that, I am forever grateful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved this book. .... Amy did not disappoint!!!
I LOVE that it took place as a road trip across the US. I love the struggles Bonnie and Clyde face. I fell in love with these characters! I even love the math/geek humour :) The reason I gave this 4 stars and not 5 is because there is more swearing in this book than I typically like. But it did not detract from it at all. .... in fact Clyde character would have lacked without it!
Ps......I stayed up all night reading this book. ...I literally could not set it down! It is that good!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely loved this book. Although the base idea of the story line is little realistic, a rock star and and an ex con, Amy Harmon can write brilliantly and amazingly a true story about two common people with the same troublesome of anyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
n r lines
Just incredible. I was hooked from the get go. Couldn't put it down! I loved how flawed the characters were and how deeply traumatized they had been, and to transform so perfectly was just satisfying!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm completely obsessed with Amy Harmon stories in a good way. I now have read 3 of her books a n d fallen completely in love with her stories. Infinity + One is not just a love story is a story of redemption and new beginnings. It made me cry and it made me mad sometimes but bottom line it made me feel deep inside my heart for these two broken people. I will continue hoping for more stories like their story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well this book covered most of my favorite things......Love story, great hero, family, and country music. I really enjoyed this one, couldn't anticipate the next turn, the turns were sad, happy, romantic, or fun. Thanks again great story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris hollenberger
Who would have ever thought that math can be sexy?!? I didn't... and yet this book makes it all possible. Sparkly and witty dialogue, seasoned with good music and the strong belief that love shines through daily acts of kindness! I believe in numbers and they reveal in the most unbelievable moments in life as long as you pay attention.
Amy proved once more she is a talented and creative author that can knot a love story around MATH and MUSIC, around theories, paradoxes and country rimes ... as incredible as all this sounds!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I’m pretty sure my very favorite thing about all of Amy’s books, and I’ve read 5 of them so far is, the character development.

After all, what is a story without dynamic characters? It’s just a story and most of Amy’s books fall into that category. They are stories but … the characters are … so,… darn,… delicious!

Her characters are so rich, colorful and completely believable. She does her research and when she creates a character, she does the research that grounds them and gives them substance. They are created by digging into the life, the dynamics and experiences of others in order to get a grasp on creating not only an intriguing character, but also a believable character. When you dive into their story, the reader feels like they’ve met someone real and on some level, we understand them because they fit into some part of ourselves. I would dare say that we get to meet parts of ourselves through her characters and really … I fall in love with myself even more.

The good, the bad and the ugly … they’re all there including the one who sweeps in and saves the day!

I don’t need to say anything more about this book because it has already been said. And so … I’m off to pick up book #6. I aim to read all of her books. They’re just that good! ♥
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought this because Making Faces just resonated with me. And it did not disappoint!
Numbers, numbers everywhere. I LOVED this.
What an adventure Finn & Bonnie Rae took me on. Wonderfully written, and certainly a must read for everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsey swan
Characters whom you care about, a story that keeps you reading, late into the night......that's what is great about this book, and all of Harmon's works. In Infinity, Harmon explores love and human connection between imperfect, yet amazing people. Before today, I never noticed the romanticism in numbers and the beauty in mathematics. Thank you, Amy Harmon, for reminding me that quality books can still be written under in the romance genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every so often I'll read something so enthralling that I get annoyed when interrupted (you things like having to feed my family, sleep, or play taxi driver). So I forego sleep, read in the car at the pickup line, and very begrudgingly attend to the necessities of life. Thankfully, I finished this in short order, and I absolutely loved every single word. I can't decide if I like it more or less or equal to Making Faces (which was one of my top 10 favorites of the last year) because I've read at least 200 books since reading it, but I know that Infinity + One will be in my top list for this year. Thanks for sharing your remarkable skill and beautiful prose. Flawed characters are my favorites, so Bonnie and Finn really resonated with me. The symbolism (both through math and Bonnie and Finn's actions)...perfect.

I give my very highest recommendation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jose blanco
I love how true and unique the characters are. The pain they carry is genuine. the way the accept and deal with it is human. I love how Bonnie Rae keeps reaching out to people. Such a giving soul. Will not say more. It is a very satisfying read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica clark
Amy Harmon is becoming one of my favorite authors. Her stories have believable characters that draw you in and story lines that make you think. I appreciate the underlying spiritual element to her stories. Each chapter of this book kept my attention. The closer to LA they got, the more my heart thudded because I didn't know for sure what was going to happen!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great story about 2 broken people brought together by chance and their journey towards healing and finding love, redemption and happiness. I loved all of the layers to this story and loved the characters. Another beautifully written book by Amy Harmon!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark enoch
I went into this book without any expectations. Just a simple summer read to pass the time on my road trip, but WOW! Absolutely loved it. The story is creative, well written and the characters are people you genuinely want to spend your time with. I found myself wanting to stretch it out just so I could live in the world of Bonnie and Clyde as long as possible. I'll definitely be coming back for more from Amy Harmon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peter gerdes
Where do I start from, I've already confirmed myself to the fact that I'm an addict of Amy Harmon books. Her books are gripping very life changing and altercating. I always benefit a lot from them, because I don't know somehow someway her books impact me. Damn, she makes love to you with the words of her books.
So this book is a romantic story about Bonnie and Clyde(and no not the ones you're thinking of), the characters were brought to light in such a way that I never tire of them, I just wanted to know what was going to happen next, it was that good. Ok back to Bonnie and Clyde, two complete strangers whose souls just bonded by life, family and love. And they are just so similar in more ways than one and that's when you see the transformation, the growth and awesome power of love.
Also this book had stylishly woven elements of faith incorporated into it, and it was an awesome sauce for me, it was not overly graphic with the sex scenes which I loved. So if you love clean books you would be appeased and if you also love a little action in your love story, you would also be appeased. That being said I duff my hat to you Mrs Harmon, write so much more. 10++++++++infinity stars!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just finished reading Infinity+One! I absolutely loved it! I stayed up late two nights in a row to finish it! It was definitely worth it! Amy Harmon is such a brilliant writer. I fall in love with her books and all of her characters! Infinity+One hooks you from the 1st page. I couldn't stop reading it!! I can't wait for more! By the way, this would make a great movie!! Bravo Amy!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kalvin roberts
Amy does such a great job of describing her characters. Her books are fast paced and never let you down. I couldn't help picturing certain celebrities in her characters. I never review book, but I highly recommend this one. I read several books a week, and I am so happy to find this author. She brings the romance genre depth and dignity. I also appreciate her Christian attitude by omitting curse words and sex without love. Keep the books coming!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
haley bush
"The events of our journey seemed unavoidable and pre-destined, almost as if Finn and I were being pulled against our wills toward an inevitable conclusion. "

When it comes to Amy Harmon, I have huge expectations. Simply put, I adore her storytelling. She always offers unique and fresh characters. In a book world inundated with the same story lines told over and over again. I can always count of Amy to step out of the box, deliver something new, teach me a lesson or two, and make me want to be a better person.

"Rich, poor, sick, healthy--we're all just drowning in dreams and hoping someone else will make them come true."

Bonnie and Finn are an unlikely pair who seem destined to cross paths - a hillbilly country star and ex-con with a passion for numbers. They are struggling to find a way out of their current situations and end up embarking on a journey to find a better life.

"We really aren't anything like Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow."

"I've decided that the media doesn't care, Bonnie Rae. They want us to be . . . and so that's the story they'll tell."

Bonnie is consumed with grief, and it has left her exhausted. Everyone wants something from her, especially her controlling grandmother. She is looking to escape.. Finn has had a rough few years and all he wants is to move forward and let go of the past. He is finally free and a new, better life within reach.

Bonnie and Finn find each other when they least expect it, but needed someone the most. Will they be each others saving grace or ruin?

"We're Bonnie and Clyde! Wanted and unwanted. Caged and cornered. We're lost and we're alone. We're a big, tangled mess. We're a shot in the dark. We're two people who have nowhere else, no one else, and yet, suddenly that feels like enough for me! I'm sorry if it's not enough for you."

Infinity + One is a slower paced story, it's complex and well written. It will not be for everyone. I personally enjoyed it, even though my eyes may have crossed a few times with the math lessons. It's a story of hope, love, second chances and faith. At 99% I had chills. 'I BELIEVE IN BONNIE & CLYDE' - To Amy, Thanks for another lovely story ♥

"Infinity plus one does equal two, see? Me and you."
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
maria dozeman
About a year ago, I stumbled upon, A Different Blue and I was blown away. The story and characters touched my soul. I read it twice because there was so much to reflect upon that at least two readings were required. I read Making Faces and found it to be sweet, tragic, funny and even joyful. However Blue is still my favorite. Infinity + 1 doesn't measure up to the other two I have read. The constant reference to Bonnie & Clyde was off-putting to me. It also lacked the profound and thought provoking prose found in Blue & Faces. Infinity is readable but the story did not evolve in a believable way and at the end I can't help but wonder how long this young couple would last when the day-to-day loving and life emerges from the heat of first love. Amy Harmon is a fascinating and insightful writer and I look forward to future books with a more mature and believable story line with the beautiful characters that she creates for us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kervin paul
Amy Harmon, brilliant! I can't get enough of this author. Every book of hers I have read I think,they just get better and better. The way she intertwined the characters and music and numbers and fate and divine plans...Genius! So romantic and heartfelt, every time!!!
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