Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Three)

ByCameo Renae

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aminda gailey
What an incredible continuation to this series. I couldn't put it down!!!

This is my favorite book in the series so far...so much went on here it kept my mind reeling with emotions! Just WOW. I can't wait until the next book comes out!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pamela bond contractor
Tethered Wings was just as enthralling as the last two books in the Hidden Wings Series and totally worth the wait!

I am in love with these characters and can't wait for more. Please don't make us wait too long Cameo, we need Gilded Wings A.S.A.P!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
megan malone
After reading the prior novels, I had such high hopes for Book 3. However, I found this to be very predictable, somewhat boring, and not up to par when compared to the prior novels. I won't be continuing with this series.
An Urban Fantasy Fairy Tale (Fairy World MD Book 1) :: God of the Sun (Stella and Sol Book 1) :: The Flame and the Arrow (The Annika Brisby Series) (Volume 1) :: Spellbound Trilogy #1 (Spellbound series) :: Hidden Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book One)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When I first started reading this series I was intrigued and enjoyed the books but by the time I got to Broken Wings (which I also gave 5 stars too) I was so glad I could read this book straight away, and so I did...and I kept reading, housework- hubby ignored...I laughed, I cried, and then I was AGGGHHHH I need the next book (So Ms Renae - when is the next book out I WANT IT NOW!!!!!)

The series main character is Emma Wise, Just back from a Mission to Hell, she's home exhausted and has to tell Kade some unfortunate news! (I don't do spoiler reviews) so lets just say that those RED EYES from Broken Wings is finally revealed, its BIG news, and a plot line that is going to prove to be very interesting in the future.

She also finds out her two Mortal best friends are on their way to visit... so she not only has to deal with the extra baggage she brought back from Hell, but keeping her friends safe and in the dark about the Supernatural world! All very exciting stuff and makes for a great intriguing plot line, the fight scenes are good, your imagination has plenty to work with in this book.

Emma also has to deal with the grief of her parents burial, and also the loss of Daniel who died on the quest to see Lucifer, with her dead mothers wisdom to fall back on she musters up the strength and courage to carry on forward, dealing with each crisis as it comes. She makes the odd mistake as all young girls can, but all in all she tries her best to do whats right.

Her Birth Mother Alaine is there to support her, along with her Birth father Samuel, and it was great to see the relationships develop between the characters.

The Guardians are in full form, boy my imagination was in full swing imagining these guys interacting! Dom is his usual comedic self and it was good to see that Kade still is a kick ass Guardian even though he is now Mortal, the connection is still there with Emma, just not that all consuming Electric Angelic Bond. I still cling to the hope that he will earn his wings back (so to speak in the next book)

Ms Renae writing style has grown in leaps and bounds in this series and I have her on my watch list now. She surpassed herself in the plot twists in this book, I wonder how she will top them in Gilded Wings!

So its "Over to you Cameo Renae" - please hurry up with Gilded Wings... I need to see what Emma has to deal with next.

***Review has been done in conjunction with Nerd Girl Official. For more information regarding our reviews please visit our Fansite***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lauren picho
The series is written pretty well from a story line point of view. However her time frames make no sense. The first book starts before Emma would have started senior year which means it started in Aug at the latest. So a week later in human time and 1 week in hell (4 months in human time) its gone from winter (in aug?) To spring in dec? And everyone is wearing bikinis and swimming? In alaska... in dec. But then in the last book, less then a week after the dec bikini thing they say aug is in 4 months making it april. But if the story has only been taking place for 4 months and 2 weeks and the school year in LA hadnt started yet that means its only JANUARY!!! Im really not sure what the author was thinking. I loved her concept but the time of year issues are just driving me nuts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha peterson
The story of Emma and her Guardians continues with new twist and turns. The read is very consistent with the drama and excitement which makes for a very easy and quick read and you want to see what happens next.
After the last book, the addition of Ethon complicates the relationship between Emma and Kade. Reading the push and pull between the two boys adds to the story as Emma is torn due to circumstances beyond her control. All the while, Emma is still fighting to stay alive. With heaven and hell literally fighting for her, there is never a dull moment.
All of the Guardians are fun, almost comic relief characters - Dom, Malachi, Alex, Thomas and her mortal friends from LA (Caleb and Lia) join in the fun.
Loved the ending as it sets you up for the next book and the challenges Emma and the rest of the group will face.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tam b
INTENSE!!! I LOVE THIS SERIES! Cameo Renae never ceases to amaze me! Her ability to create this kaleidoscope of emotional turmoil with suspense, horror, romance, & comedy all in a wonderful bundle of awesome that works so well without one thing suffocating the other truly astounds me! As always I laughed, I cried, & I may have jumped up screaming a few times as well. Hey, I'm not above admitting how crazy those intense scenes affect me. Cameo has a knack for doing this to me. ;*) This has been a journey indeed causing everyone to grow, adapt, & mature. Do not be fooled into believing you have it all figured out either, because right then is when you realize you do not!

BTW...I have faithfully been Team Kade all along, but I have to say it is hard to not feel the Team Ethon pull! How do you choose?!? Aaaarrrrgh!!

Each book in this series surpasses the last on the scale of awesome, & Tethered Wings is now my favorite! And then there's that ending!! Seriously, Guilded Wings can not get here fast enough!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just when you think Cameo can't possibly beat Broken Wings, she goes and leaves you with a decision that makes you want to wind up to slap Emma but quickly decide not to since she has a plan. Cryptic much??? Why YES!!!

Book 3 picks up right where Book 2 drops us: at the house, smelling like Hell with Ethon and the goons in tow. Then Emma is hit with some news: Lia and Jeremy are coming for a visit! From here, with the added protection of Ethon and his goons, Emma tries to relax and enjoy her friends company. But as we all know, there is no rest for the wicked. The Fallen are relentless and Emma's heart is being pulled in opposite directions.

Join Emma, Kade, and Ethon in this non-stop swoon worthy addition to the Hidden Wings Series. My only advise...be ready for laughs, thrills, hot make-out sessions and a few tear jerking scenes....YES I cried!

Be sure to pick up this incredible read and join Team Ethon...or Kade
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
INTENSE!!! I LOVE THIS SERIES! Cameo Renae never ceases to amaze me! Her ability to create this kaleidoscope of emotional turmoil with suspense, horror, romance, & comedy all in a wonderful bundle of awesome that works so well without one thing suffocating the other truly astounds me! As always I laughed, I cried, & I may have jumped up screaming a few times as well. Hey, I'm not above admitting how crazy those intense scenes affect me. Cameo has a knack for doing this to me. ;*) This has been a journey indeed causing everyone to grow, adapt, & mature. Do not be fooled into believing you have it all figured out either, because right then is when you realize you do not!

BTW...I have faithfully been Team Kade all along, but I have to say it is hard to not feel the Team Ethon pull! How do you choose?!? Aaaarrrrgh!!

Each book in this series surpasses the last on the scale of awesome, & Tethered Wings is now my favorite! And then there's that ending!! Seriously, Guilded Wings can not get here fast enough!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
courtney shaw
The their book followed along the same lines of the first two. Emma is not yet near transformation and struggling with being twice bonded. Totally sucker punch by lucifer at the end but I like that even at her weakest, Emma doesn't give in. She wants to control her destiny no matter how bleak it seems to be. I honestly don't know how it's going to end but I know who I want her to choose in the end. The thing about this series is, it's all abit too cheesy. The dialogue is so mushy at times and I get that everyone loves each other but it's all a little to cut and dry for me. And where's the danger? I don't really get that heart pounding reaction even while the action is happening.

I gave three stars because the story just doesn't seem to moving along at a good pace. Most of the story seems to be about Emma and her coping with the bonds and emotionally getting over the death of her parents. I guess I'm bits getting a little bored with the story. Hopefully the next book will amp it up abit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved it! Tethered Wings was a wonderful third book to the Hidden Wings series. It was fun, action packed, full of romance, and hilarious! Cameo Renae just keeps getting better and better at this!

There was definitely way more romance and conflict in this book compared to the first 2 in the series. It was well done and kept me wanting to keep reading throughout the whole book. The action was well written too. There was more happening, and that definitely made the book amazing.

I am 3 books in, and I still can't get enough of these characters! They are hilarious and entertaining. Cameo had a way to make you feel like you were right there with them, laughing with them and at them.

The ending of Tethered Wings was incredible, and left me wanting more. I absolutely cannot wait for the next book in the series. This story is amazing, and I have to give it 5 out of 5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
easwar chandran
This was my favorite book of the series this far. There is a lot of action, a lot of unexpected moments, and a whole lot of frustration!! The story twisted and turned so many times and I honestly don't know where it is going to go next. I am

Emma's very being is the focus of this book, her heritage that makes her who and what she is. And it manifests itself in some pretty interesting (and frustrating) ways. As much as I want to believe that things are going to go in a particular direction, this little twist (no spoilers!) puts all of that in question and really amps up the anticipation.

Although Emma, Kade, and Ethon are really the center of this book, I can't help but love Dom. He is so funny and so unexpetedly sweet that he is impossible not to love. I truly hope he gets a bigger story in future books.

My Recommendation: This is a great addition to the series and not to be missed if you are a fan of the series! I gave it 4.5 mugs!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
darryl knudsen
Awesome end to the Emma and Care saga. Very sweet. I live how these books although short still leave you filled. I never understand why digital books have typos, but they aren't too distracting. 4 stars because at times it was a bit too sweet and all their passion was glossed over. Other books were more passionate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG! This book was absolutely amazing! I loved the last book in the series and I was really excited to read this book! Plus, the cover is just like ah-ma-zing! This book exceeded my expectations so much! And lets just say that I had high expectations lol! The plot of this book was about the characters coming to terms with things that had happened in the last book and about them trying to stay safe! I just loved the plot! There was action in it, it showed the value of friendship and it had plenty of romance! The plot also developed on nicely from everything that went down in the last book! I wasn't really sure where the author was going to take it all, but it was amazing! I can't wait to see how it's going to progress in the next book! I also loved the that there were some twist and turns in the plot too! Some I can honestly say I didn't see coming! The characters were also again amazing! Emma was again the main female character and I just loved her in this book! She was in a bit of a difficult position in this book because she had two guys trying to win her heart and she was finding it hard to have to pick between them! I loved how she acted with the guys though! She had more of a relationship with one of the guys and then she had only really met the other guy, but I loved that she didn't really flirt with both guys! I mean, she did a teeny tiny bit, but who could blame her ;) Emma again went through a lot in this book, but I found that she handled it all brilliantly! As I said, there was a love triangle in this book between Emma, Kaden and another character from the last book, Ethon! I loved the love triangle because it added so much to the plot and it was such an anxious wait to see who Emma was going to choose lol! I personally couldn't believe how it all went down with the love triangle though! I do have to admit that I found it to hard to pick between the guys! Kaden in this book, and the last two books, was always super protective of Emma, but then so was Ethon in this book! Both guys were hot, which was a given! Plus, I've known Kaden for two books and had only really met Ethon in this book! I came to the conclusion though that I was Team Kaden by just a smidgen! I sort of had a sneaky suspicion that Ethon was up to something in this book and well, let's just say I was right! I also loved that all the secondary characters from the other books were back in this book! The secondary characters added so much to the plot and they're all just so amazing! I'm so excited to read the next book in this series! This book was amazing and I can't wait to find out what's going to happen next! I also didn't know that there was going to be a fourth book, so I'm excited that there is going to be! As I said, the cover is ah-ma-zing! It's just absolutely stunning! It suits the other covers in the series perfectly and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it too! Big thank you to Cameo for a copy of Tethered Wings!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mary ess
So I loved the second book because Ethon was thrown into the mix and I really liked his character. I think ever since Kade became mortal, I really have lost my draw to him and have been hoping for Ethon to be the one. The reason for me wanting Ethon probably has to deal with he is pretty much the ultimate bad boy, but he still seems to be good and would never let anyone harm Emma. I also like him more because there is that draw/attraction between the 2 of them and I'm selfish wanting Kade out of the picture. With that being said, my heart still goes out to Kade because his flaw of being mortal now was all done for Emma. Ugh! Kade truly has shown his love and he is definitely the safe choice. I regret how this story ended. I've gotta read on to find out more about this epiphany she had.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
michele zapf
After reading this book I felt the author could have spent more time developing the story. I would have loved if I could have gotten to know Ethon better. The role Kade plays in Emma's life is very clear and we have seen this in the past two books, but what about Ethon. The tug of war the bond created was awesome to read about but there wasn't any other scenes to develop any of the characters. I felt the information received in the book could have been combined with the last or possibly the next part of the series. The addition of her friends in this book meant basically nothing. It created a much more long and drawn out feeling. However, the author did a good job in creating the emotion Emma experienced with both boys.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
angela aguigui walton
Great characters and an absorbing plot...the story continues...good vs. evil. Unfortunately, this novel has very serious editing issues. It's frustrating to fumble along correcting sentences in order to keep the story going. The story deserves a better rating but the distraction caused by broken and muddled sentences was frustrating.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I wish that being pulled each way never happens to me. I think that Emma has a tough decision ahead of her, but in my opinion I would choose Jade because he comes from a less intense family. I didn't realize that this series was more then 3 books! I can't wait to see what happens next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alan butler
This book wasn't quite as eventful as the previous, but it was still action packed (just not as intense.)
But do you want to know what was intense? THE ANGST.

I freaking love love-triangles. Love them.

Oh, and for the record? #TEAMETHON
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharonloves cookies
The series keeps grabbing me in...pulling me in as my hope for Kade and Emma grow dim and evil pushes to win..but our Emma will prevail...the series is hard to put down..rushing to book 4 before my work week starts!
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