An Urban Fantasy Fairy Tale (Fairy World MD Book 1)

ByTamara Grantham

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marisa misron
I certainly recommend this book to all who have loved Lord of the Rings, Narnia, the Shanara Chronicles, Star Wars, Star Trek, The Martian Chronicles etc.. Great characters and story line. Written well. An easy fun adventure read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ga lle
I certainly recommend this book to all who have loved Lord of the Rings, Narnia, the Shanara Chronicles, Star Wars, Star Trek, The Martian Chronicles etc.. Great characters and story line. Written well. An easy fun adventure read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kept me up reading all night! Definitely the best book I've read in a long time. Tamara Grantham weaves an enchanting tale about fairy land with a modern twist, and a splash of romance. Psychologist Olive Kennedy will stop at nothing to find the cure for her patients - even if it means going on a quest to another world to find it. If you love fantasy, you'll love Dreamthief!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book was a quick fun adventure read. I loved the characters and the plot was not predictable. The authors ability to misdirect you into thinking the villain is someone else was done very well.

Olive is a really dynamic and well rounded character who proves to be an extremely strong female lead. I loved the world building, and I especially loved the hunky Kull. He was a perfect Viking hero, full of humor, bravery, and stubborn warrior mixed with kindness.

The plot drives you along with a perfect amount of pacing and suspense and builds to a fantastic climax. It leaves it open for the story to continue but not in a frustrating way.

I think the only thing lacking in this book is the writers ability to flush out the internal conflict with Olive. It is apparent that she is lonely and wants to open her heart. It would have been nice if this had been a little more developed. I would have liked to have seen more internal dialog going on in reference to this to make it more clear. It would have given me even more to root for with Olive's character.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the perfect story for those who like magical creatures and a good adventure. A great read for most ages, but there is some violence. There is nothing past a 'G' rating in the romance department though.

Olive, the main character, is a feisty woman who will do anything to save her godson. Being a half breed (half human, half elf) has a number of advantages and disadvantages, which we are shown. I loved how the author chose a twenty-four year old, independent woman to be the heroine instead of the typical teenager. I also appreciate how she did away with mythical creature stereotypes and made each creature uniquely hers. I wish that the book came with detailed illustrations of each species, or at least of the main characters. Maybe in the next book?

This is a fast paced adventure that doesn't leave any time for boredom. There aren't any passages or chapters that you'll want to skim over or skip; even the ending is uncertain until it is read. Enough questions are left unanswered and enough story is left untold for me to have plenty of interest in the second book! A prequel wouldn't be a bad idea either.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tristan olson
*I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

Get read for a story full of action, adventure, mystery, romance and magic. Olive is not your ordinary psychiatrist. She takes the unusual cases. She's a fairy psychiatrist. Half human, half fairy to be exact.

She is asked to take on her godson Jeremiah's case. Strange things are happening with him. He stays in a dreamlike state and he is slowly getting weaker and weaker. In her quest for answers, Olive must travel to the fairy kingdom where she was raised.

This was a fun read with a very interesting plot. One of my favorite characters, besides Olive, is Kill the Wult prince. He is snarky and cocky but really funny. Definitely a must read for anyone who enjoys magical stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Everyone has a vague understanding of fairytale lore. Whether it is of fairies, elves, dwarfs, or those like them, tales of these creatures has permeated our literature for centuries. These stories have always been dismissed simply as works of a superb imagination. So having the world that we know, and the world we dream of intersect, has always been unfathomable.
Until now.
Olive is what Faythander, an enchanted land of sorts, would classify as a “half-breed”. Being born of both elven and human decent, Olive is the only being with the cognition of both realms. While it is possible for the inhabitants of one realm to cross into the next, they cannot carry their memories back with them to the land of their origin. Usually one visits the other realm while in their sleep or as a small child. Unlike everyone else, Olive is not only able to cross over from one kingdom to the next when she wants through her magic mirror, she can carry her memories from each plane with her. So when catastrophe strikes and the link to Earth Kingdom and Faythander is a huge link to the problem, it falls to Olive and Olive alone to save both realms from utter disaster.
Along her quest, Olive encounters many unique characters. The Sky King, the dragon that raised her and her elven father were already fixtures in her life. But she also came across many new persons, including the crowned prince of the Wults, who are the descendants of the Vikings and now reside in Faythander. Each of these characters is an integral piece of a mosterous puzzle that demands to be solved. Without even one of them the task at hand would be impossible, dooming them to a fate much worse than death.
This story is full of originality. From the fanciful creatures to the lands they inhabit, each detail is perfectly planned to serve the purpose of the plot. The intricacy with which the tale is weaved is stunning, and that mastery does not go unnoticed by the reader.
Tamara Grantham has penned and exquisite work that is just as unique as her characters. The way she combines the different factions of Faythander and describes the reality in which they exist in intriguing. She has successfully combined fanciful beings that have never been paired together before, and the result is a story that will stick with you far after the final page is turned.
There are so many components to this story, and at times I was worried that some details would go unresolved as there were so many occurrences of importance. I was thrilled to find that not only where each of these details addressed, but they were resolved in the most unpredictable of ways. A feat of this magnitude is quite impressive, and one that does not happen often. Grantham should be thrilled with what she has accomplished and continue along this path of elite storytelling.
I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. Everything about this book was so imaginative and it makes me wish I could peek into Grantham’s mind. I have not been so anxious for the next book to be released in a series of this genre in a very long time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pris alanis
Disclosure: I am a member of the Clean Teen/Crimson Tree Pub street team and part of the smaller team of reviewers who agree to review at least one book per month from CTP. I received an e-copy of this book for purposes of an honest review. This rating/review represents my honest opinions about the book, irrespective of the fact that I received a free copy.

Okay, now that I have the disclosure out of the way, let me tell you about the book: I. LOVED. IT!! I admit, when I first saw the AMAZING cover for this book many months ago, I immediately wanted to read it because, well, the cover is gorgeous! And no matter what they say about not judging a book by its cover, well, I DO. Most of us do, let's be honest with ourselves. So, I'd like to give a shout-out to the amazingly talented in-house cover designer at CTP, Marya Heiman (who is also an author herself). She is incredibly talented and I love every single cover she creates for this awesome indie publishing outfit!

Anyway, I'd wanted to read this book for so long, and I finally got my hands on a copy this month. I was kind of worried that my reading experience wouldn't live up to the hype I'd created in my own mind for this book, based on the stunning cover and the excitement I felt whenever I read the summary, but I should not have ever worried. I don't give 5 stars all that often, but this book deserves all 5 of them! Dreamthief is the epitome of what I love in a book! It has excitement and adventure, real tension and crisis, a great heroine, chemistry between the heroine and the luscious main male character that feels REAL, sexual tension simmering at a slow boil with a potential relationship that develops over the course of the book (NO insta-love here!), fully-drawn supporting characters that were anything but cardboard cutouts, and so on. You find yourself rooting wholeheartedly for Olive, despite the fact that she has a ... "prickly" personality at times. I love the idea of her being a half-human, half-Elven psychiatrist - I don't think I've ever read a paranormal book with a therapist as the heroine! But I loved it, it was such a unique idea. I even loved the fact that just when you thought Olive would find a resolution to the trouble her godson is in, she'd discover there was more to her quest. It was fine by me, because I didn't want it to ever end!! And yet, there is always an end... and I think Ms. Grantham ended the book perfectly. We had a clear resolution that *wasn't rushed* (it's a pet peeve of mine to go through a book with lots of tension and excitement and then come to a climax that is over in one page!), this story was tied up neatly, and yet there is setup for the next book to come. AND I CANNOT WAIT TO GET MY HANDS ON IT!!

I absolutely loved this unique, fun, exciting paranormal novel! The world that Ms. Grantham created for us is fully realized, with five distinct types of Fey creatures that are each introduced throughout the book. Her world-building is, in my opinion, absolutely incredible, and the explanation behind why we have two different worlds existing next to each other (Earth and Faythander) is so creative! I've never read anything quite like it. I love the idea that at some point the two worlds, which had been one, split apart, one world (Faythander) developing WITH magic and the other (Earth) without. Therefore, in Faythander dinosaurs become dragons, Vikings become Wults, and so on. It all kind of blew my mind, and seriously exceeded my expectations. Ms. Grantham's first novel in the Olive Kennedy, Fairy World MD series is a stunning creation, and I absolutely cannot wait to read more of Olive's adventures! Thank goodness Spellweaver drops in November!!!

I would *highly* recommend this to any reader who loves all things "Fey." Also, if you like your romance to give you butterflies and yet be clean, you have nothing to fear from this book. There is nothing explicit, there is just an attraction set at a slow burn that may or may not be realized in the end. You'll have to read for yourself to find out! Pick this one up today - you won't regret it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ga lle
I was hesitant- the premise of a doctor, a psychiatrist no less, for people who had been to a fairy world seemed strange to me. I am so glad I read on! I am MORE than happy I made this purchase. I occasionally find myself in book ruts where everything I read is the same- dystopian, vampires, dystopian vampires, etc. This was a refreshing change that I didn't even realize I needed as much as I did. This was a GEM. The storyline is well thought out, and a modern approach to a somewhat ancient, and lore riddled genre. I am definitely not an expert on anything fairy or faerie, but I know enough to recognize a good novel when I find one and this is it! Dreamthief is approachable, honest, and smart. I loved the wit, the geeky and slightly awkward Olivia, the Cro-Magnon but not really prince and so much more. REALLY, I loved all of it. The author fleshed out standard stereotypes with character development that was humorous and dangit- realistic. That alone made the book worth my time. We are all slightly neurotic and off in our own ways and it was fun to read into Olivia, literally, and discover her as a person. The novel didn't read as cliché, and was a good, great, solid novel. I didn't realize this book would be up my ally until I actually sat down and read it but I am so glad I did. So worth it. So, if you are in doubt- it is only 10 bucks, it is well written, and it is completely fun and entertaining. It's a good read plain and simple. That's all you need to know eh? Oh fine... if you want my motherly approach- It isn't for 1st graders. I wouldn't freak out if I saw a 6th grader reading this, but it is for the young adult in all of us. It is appropriate for several age groups. I loved it and I am in my 30s but I can think of several teenagers I know that I plan on giving this to as well. I can't wait for the sequel. There will be one, right? Right? Because I am already excited!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gail dragon
I received this book in exchange of an honest review.
I absloutley loved this book. I thought Olive was a great main character for various reasons but the most important were: sha wasn't a silly teenager, she's a young woman, and another is that she is a psycologist who helps people by being half breed. In a lot of books I have read (but not all) when the characters are half breed they are portrayed as week, whereas Olive uses this to her advantage!
And Kull don't even get me started! He is an infaturaiting, stubborn handsome character who I love.
The descriptions of the world are amazing and so are all of the breeds we meet there, most of whom are a little different to what we are used to.
I for one can't wait to continue reading this amazing series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As the only Fairy world medical doctor in existence, Olive Kennedy gets some pretty interesting patients to deal with. Most of the ones that are referred to her are the ones that spent time in Faythander as a result of overwhelming emotional, physical, or mental stress in their childhood. Their memory of it doesn't return to this world with them, hence the sense of loss, and other mental side effects. When Olive's godson goes into a coma she determines that the root of the problem lies in Faythander, where the boy's spirit is lost – possibly to an entity called the dreamthief. When she makes the journey to rescue him she finds a deep well of strength and courage within herself. The Prince of the Wults and his sister go with her. Along the way they solve some old mysteries and face great danger. She learns how to fight, and how to love, even if she won't accept the possibility. This story has a a lot of strong and capable female characters that are not dependent on men, but are willing to accept help when necessary. Olive is a very strong role model for young women who think they can't be strong and still be feminine. Another thing about this story is that it is seriously fun to read. Humour and lighthearted banter are present throughout. I really liked this book. I look forward to reading the next one in the series – Spellweaver.
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