Sinful Intent (ALFA Investigations Book 1)

ByChelle Bliss

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
matt kozlov
Based off this rating, I would like to make it known that I didn’t hate nor did I love this book. My thoughts veer towards the fact that Sinful Intent, was an enjoyable read, it wasn’t really my cup of tea, so it was hard for me to connect to it.

Sinful Intent is the second Chelle Bliss book that I’ve read, and I really hoped that my dislike of certain qualities of her writing was isolated to that first book, sadly it wasn’t. In no way am I slamming on the authors’ ability to story tell because this author can definitely tell a story, it’s just not done in a way that I enjoy reading.

Morgan’s character was so bland to me. To be honest most of the characters, with the exception of the mothers, were bland to me, nothing unique stood out to me about them except that they all like to have sex in particular places and ways. It’s funny that even the sex scenes were even bland to me.

Race’s character irked me something fierce. Who wants to still try to run the show when you’re forced to go receive help from P.I’s because you’re being blackmailed and you can’t find the culprit on your own? Race that’s who, and that TSTL (too stupid to live) moment very much solidified my complete dislike of her character. Race’s character didn’t add up, I felt that she was supposed to be portrayed as a tough, independent corporate woman but she just came off as a brat and irritating. She was very unlikeable and I almost felt sorry for Morgan (almost because he chose to continually be in her face) because of how irritating she was before circumstances came along and she got her head out of her butt.

Enough about the negative. The one thing I am grateful for is how steady the story flowed, and the cover of this book (which was hawt!). There was never a moment while I was reading that I felt confused or as if I missed anything, which seeing what I didn’t like about this book was a HUGE plus.

I really don’t know who I would recommend this book to, other than those who have read Chelle Bliss’ books before and loved them, because I can’t identify anything about this book that was appealing to me to recommend to anyone else.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Sinful Intent focuses on Morgan DeLuca and Race True. Morgan is home from the Army and part of the Gallo clan and Race is a big shot business woman. They meet when Race hires him to help her find out who is blackmailing her. I enjoyed how fast paced this book is, the characters are opposites which I liked and the story line was intriguing. I laughed several times at the banter between these two as well as Morgan's family. This book is safe, no cheating and has an HEA.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
christina esdon
This was my first book by Chelle Bliss, but I've heard and followed her for a while now.
Unfortunately, I couldn't connect to Morgan and Race who are the main characters in Sinful Intent. Their background story is a little low and most of their past is still in the dark.

The story held a lot of potential...a successful business woman getting threats and hires a PI to get into the problem. Hot ex-military guy takes a new job as a PI and his first assignment is Race True. Yes, that's her name. During the investigations they get closer and explore some chemistry.

For some reason, the story didn't had me on the edge. I was getting more and more interested in the story of the Gallos (the Men of Inked series) as their family connections were strong and had me wish I was their during family dinners.

I will continue to read this series and will also read the Men of Inked series, not giving up on the author yet.
Tough Love: An Anthology (An Ultimate Novel) :: Close Contact (Body Armor) :: Cooper's Charm: A Novel :: My Man Michael (SBC Fighters, Book 4) :: Holding Strong (An Ultimate Novel)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In true Chelle Bliss style, this was hot! I mean HOT! Like most fans and I'm sure Chelle herself, I was nervous about starting a new series, knowing full well I wouldn't be able to stop myself from comparing it to the amazing Men of inked series. I needn't have worried. This book delivers and this series is looking very promising!

And so it begins!

Morgans not having a great time, life's just meh since he's left the army so when he is offered a job with the ALFA PI team by Thomas and James *swoons over Thomas*, he takes it. His first case is Race, this woman who is basically being tormented.

They Meet.
Instant attraction!

And not the annoying kind, the sexy kind that makes you wish you were her!

They embark on their adventure and Morgan doubts his ability to deal with her situation, which is escalating. There's a whole thing which I wont spoil, but its good. REALLY GOOD!

It is full of suspense and drama, but it's also full of banter and passion.

And for the VERY first time in my book reviewing life, the female is my favourite character!!!!!
Congratulations Chelle Bliss. You have done what no author has done before you, you've made me love the girl more than the boy. Granted that may be because she reminds me of me. (Master of the resting b***h face, fiercely independent, but damn funny with the right people :) ) but still a wins a win, so go you!

And guess what, there are GALLO'S!! Yayyyy (This #teamthomas girl was so happy about that)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We’ve been lucky enough to follow Chelle and her books from the beginning and were so sad when the Men of Inked series came to an end. But when we heard that Chelle was working on something new, that still had some of our favorite characters involved, we couldn’t wait to start.

Morgan DeLuca, cousin to the Gallo’s has been given a second chance. Growing up with an overbearing mother who deep down only wants the best for her son, and a life of petty crime lead him to make a decision; jail or the military. Turning his life around for the better, Morgan has returned home to Chicago, just in time for Izzy’s wedding. One hell of a reunion with the family that he cares so much about leads to a job opportunity. Working with his cousins as a P.I. for ALFA investigations, Morgan is looking forward to a new life.

Race True is a fighter, a fierce, sassy, tell it how it is business woman. But when her career is being threatened by someone and she has no idea who it could be, she enlists the help from ALFA investigations. Organizing a time for a meeting, Race never expected her P.I. to be this attractive. But when Morgan enters the room, Race tries her hardest to keep her professional exterior. With every meeting and spending more time together, Race knows there’s something there with Morgan, he feels it too.

"You like this girl that much, huh?” James asked.
“I don’t know why, but I do. God help me,” I muttered, looking up at the roof and blowing out a long breath.
“It’s the magic of the tough chick,” James replied as he patted my shoulder. “I know it well.”
“I just can’t picture my cousin dealing with your bulls***.”...
“My bulls***?” He snickered, clutching his chest. “Have you met your cousin? That girl has more tricks up her sleeve than Houdini.”
“How do you deal with her?”
“You gotta break her.”
“What?” I asked, turning around with my mouth agape.
“James,” Thomas said, glaring at him, “you’re talking about my sister here. Choose your next words very carefully.”

Morgan can’t seem to stop thinking about Race, his need to protect her more than just a job, soon has him realizing his feelings for her are more than just a fling, he wants more. The chemistry between the two of them sizzles!

Before too long Morgan has discovered who is behind the blackmailing and the boys have a plan. But when Race finds out what is going down, she wants in. Morgan is in over his head, trying to protect her, but mistakes are made. And the plan that they had so well worked out, comes crashing down around them, Race’s life is hanging in the balance and there is only one man who can really save her.

Chelle provided us with so much Gallo love in this book, but not too much to over cloud the new feel of the series, it was a perfect mix of Gallo past a P.I. future. Mama Fran DeLuca was a riot! Between the constant banter between her and Morgan, and her stepping in when needed. We can’t wait to see what’s to come from from book 2 in the series, Unlawful Desire.

Kristy- The Men of Inked is one of my favourite series. When authors write a smash hit series and dive into another one it can go either way, Chelle smashed ALPHA P.I. I loved the new characters with the mixture of my favourites. Chelle has a gift with writing sexy as sin hot alpha males. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

Kayla- I’m about to make a very bold statement. Sinful Intent has most definitely knocked those Gallo boys off the top Chelle spot! Sinful Intent is my new favorite Bliss book! Although we are lucky enough to still get a glimpse into the life of many of Gallo’s, Sinful Intent takes us on a different route. I loved everything about this book, from seeing my favorite Gallo’s to meeting new characters that kept me laughing, swooning and begging for more with each turn of the page. Bring on the next book, I can’t to see where Chelle will take these ALFA boys.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brilliant start to a new series by Chelle Bliss! I have been waiting to see what Chelle had in store after Men of Inked and while this is a new series and can be read alone without having read the Men of Inked Series, I would highly recommend it. Some characters that had guest appearances or secondary roles now take the foreground in ALFA series.

Morgan is cousin to the Gallo clan that remained in Chicago when the Gallos moved to Florida. After running with the wrong crowd as a teen and young adult, Morgan joined the military and walked the straight road. Now with his tours of duty completed, Morgan returns to his home in Chicago to start his civilian life. His mother insists he escort her to a family wedding in Florida as Izzy and James tie the knot.

Thomas Gallo and his partner James own and operate ALFA investigations after leaving the DEA and have come in high demand. They cannot keep up with the workload and have resorted to turning people away. When Thomas offers Morgan a position, it's an opportunity for him to start over, away from Chicago's bad influences, in Florida. Not to mention much better weather.

Morgan's first case is a female workaholic being threatened and blackmailed. She is headstrong and stubborn but Morgan is going to do things his way. The attraction is mutual and Chase finds Morgan giving her a run for her the rest for yourself!!

I read this book in one sitting. I couldn't put it down. The story flows well and Chelle pulls you in to the characters' lives and you just want to know more and turn the page until there are no more to turn! Morgan is HOT. I can't wait to expand more on James' character! He has been one of my favorites and I love his kink. I cannot wait for Book 2 in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jp perelman
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Sinful Intent is the first book in a new series by the always awesome Chelle Bliss. If you have read any or all (like me) of her Men of Ink'd series, you will be very happy to see them have a big part in this spinoff.
Morgan DeLuca is a cousin to the Gallos from Ink'd. He is a recently released military man who comes back home to Chicago. No job, no siblings, overbearing but loving mother. He travels to Florida for his cousins wedding and ends up staying/working with the Gallos at their private investigation company.
Race True is a beautiful, blonde, corporate bulldog. Moving her way up in her company hasnt been easy and someone is determined to make her pay for the sins of her past. She hires ALFA PI to investigate and this is where her relationship with Morgan starts to develop.
The first few chapters of this book seemed very rushed and 2 dimensional. Like the author was in such a hurry to get to the characters meeting/relationship developing that she just rushed through the introductions and I didnt get a feel for their personalities until midway through the book. Once they meet the story starts to slow down and get deeper.
The editing was great, character development got better about halfway through. I really enjoyed the last half of the book and the epilogue.
My wish list for this book is.. I wish the author would have slowed down and introduced the characters the way she did in the Ink'd series. The read as a whole was enjoyable but if I could give different ratings to the first half and second half of the book, I would. Im looking forward to the next installment in this series. 3 1/2****wickedgoodstars -asw
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It’s always hard starting a brand new series from an author you love. I’m always worried about connecting with the new characters after loving the other characters so much. But with Sinful Intent, Chelle Bliss brought so much to this story that I fell in love with Morgan and Race from word one. ALFA Private Investigation Series has a lot of old favorites while introducing new characters that are going to worm their way into my heart. And Morgan and Race totally did that. And they did it in a way that a lot of characters don’t. And it makes them special.

After reading Chelle’s Men of Inked series, I knew I was going to love this. But I don’t just love it. Sinful Intent and especially Morgan is now my favorite Chelle Bliss book and character. There was just something about him. I can’t even put my finger on it. But I fell in love immediately. He had all the elements of an alpha male but there was something different about him. It was almost as if he was softer than the majority of other alphas. But that didn’t make him any less. And Chelle can write an alpha male like no other. She excels in the perfect combination of alpha.

Race was the perfect challenge for Morgan. Even though you saw and she saw their attraction to each other, Race didn’t want it. She felt it. She knew it was there. But there was no way she was going there. She didn’t want the complication of a relationship. She wanted her career. She wanted to advance. That was her goal. And then Morgan forced his way in.

Chelle Bliss has taken another couple, another series and has made me fall hard. And has made me look forward to so much more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Sinful Intent by Chelle Bliss

I was really excited when I first realized that Chelle Bliss was creating a new series that would be a spin-off to the Men of Inked series and immediately signed up for an arc so I wouldn't have to wait! Having said that, you don't have to have read the Men of Inked series to enjoy Alfa Investigations (although, you really should because it's an AWESOME series).

I really enjoyed this book and its characters. Morgan is a bad-boy gone good - but still deliciously bad - who has recently returned from serving in the military and moves states to work at his cousins PI firm. Enter his first case, Race - yes it's her name and has a beautiful story behind it. Strong, uptight, rigid with a soft side that not many get to see. Watching these two butt heads time and time again was pretty entertaining and when they got together, it was kinda explosive.
Being a PI story, one would expect some intrigue and suspense and that was delivered very nicely along with some LOL moments, and, if I'm being honest, Fran DeLuca is possibly my favorite character in the book!

I really did enjoy this book. However, I think some parts were a little rushed and I would have loved some more detail. But overall a great read and a fantastic start to a new series.

**arc received in exchange for honest review

Reviewed by Melinda from Jo&IsaLoveBooks Blog
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie mclean
I enjoyed every page!
When Morgan goes on a family visit his cousin offers him a job in their PI firm. After spending 8 years in the military, he decides to take it and start a new life.
His first assignment though is a beautiful woman who is more than he counted on.

Race needs help, but the PI they sent her is exasperating, she want's to keep her problem as quite as possible and she doesn't like to be told what to do even if she's been told it's for best.
Morgan likes to think she is being stubborn and above reason.

This is going to be a great spinoff series. We get to see the characters from the Men of Inked series which we love and have new ALFA stories, what more can you ask for. There were some great story lines in this book, and Morgan's mom was one of my favourite character's, she was a blast.
A great start to the new series, I'm looking forward to #2.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joshua magno
Chelle Bliss became a favorite author when I was first introduced to her Men of Inked series featuring one of my favorite fictional families, The Gallos. I fell hard and fast for her writing and how she easily brought you into this world that made this family so real that you wanted to crawl into the books and live there. As the series and family grew so did my love for her art of storytelling. She became an author who was able to capture all the perfect elements of love, passion, humor and a true sense of family all in the same book. I have a love for her books and will likely enjoy anything she dips her hands into. Naturally, Sinful Intent, the first book in her newest series (and Men of Inked spin-off ::happy dance::) – ALFA Private Investigations won me over instantly. Not gonna lie to Chelle or the readers and I mean no offense or disrespect when I say this because while I understood the choice to use the name Race True, it is quite possibly my least favorite named character of all the books I’ve read by Chelle thus far. However, as I got used to the name and got a better understanding of the choice I continued on with enjoyed the story as much as I did the Men of Inked books. This book had everything you look for in a good romance/erotic romance – love, passion, friendship, mystery, action and of course family – yup, that’s right, the Gallos are back and you will definitely get plenty of updates on the happenings of their lives as well as the introduction of some new faces which I absolutely love.

Sinful Intent introduces Morgan DeLuca and the story of how he came to join ALFA PI. His story is real enough where it could be someone you knew growing up, he’s a kid from the “wrong side of the tracks” that was fortunate enough to get his life together in most ways, but now he’s trying to figure out…what next? I love how he came to join the ALFA PI family and the story that leads up to him meeting Race True. We are introduced to Race True who becomes Morgan’s first client and after their initial meeting, it is clear they are both attracted to one another. Race suffered insurmountable loss in her life and it only made her work harder. Morgan is a distraction she isn’t sure she can afford to welcome into her life, but she feels hope when he’s around. Lines become blurred one night and their walls come down allowing the two to give in to the overwhelming need they’ve felt since their first encounter, but can they get beyond the reasons that initially brought them together or will everything fall apart before they have a chance to begin?

As much as I loved Sinful Intent, Chelle did what she does best – gives you a taste and makes you want more. I’m salivating for the next book in the series, Unlawful Desire. I am so curious about Frisco and I can’t wait for his story. This series, as with the Men of Inked series is perfect for Contemporary Romance/Erotic Romance/Erotica fans. It is the perfect blend of romance, intrigue and the steam factor, as always, remains off the charts! You won’t be disappointed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashlea bowde
When Chelle Bliss' Sinful Intent landed on my Kindle I may have done a little dance I was so excited. An early, early, early copy. What did I do to be so lucky? Ok.. not the time to question... just the time to dig in to the absolute deliciousness that is this new series ALFA Private Investigations. (Because really we all need a little more alpha in our lives!)

What a fantastic start to a new series! Morgan DeLuca joins Thomas and James (fans of the Men of Inked Series will be familiar with them ;) ) in their PI business, ALFA Private Investigations. Morgan's first case is Race True.. dun dun dun. Race has come to the firm to for help in finding who is blackmailing her, but the moment Race and Morgan lay eyes on each other the chemistry is undeniable. Will Morgan be too distracted by Race to protect her from what threatens her?

This book was one steamy, suspenseful romance. Seriously I wish I worked in an office like theirs! It puts new meaning into knock before you enter! (Trust me read and you will see why!) But Sinful Intent is more than just hot and steamy sex scenes (though you will love those). The relationship that builds between the characters is phenomenal, especially Morgan and Race. As always the characters and character building that Chelle provides is on display here. Once again I fell in love with them and can't wait to visit them in future books. She has a way if making me feel close them. And the mystery here!! Let me just admit... I did NOT see this one coming! It had me going right up to the end! Nice job Chelle!

I loved this new series. And loved that we also saw members of the Gallo family (from her Men of Inked Series). It was the perfect way to start a brand spanking new series and still give something to old dedicated readers!

Just like her Men of Ink Series this is shaping up to be another must read, don't miss, unputdownable (it's a word, trust me), automatic don't even think about it just one click series.

I received a Complimentary Copy of Sinful Intent from the author in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for honest review.

So I met the Gallo family last year and fell in love with each and every one of them (even Izzy, and she annoyed me lol). So I was super excited that even though this is a new series, we still get the Gallo family and all the love and insanity they bring to each book, and this one does not disappoint.

I wasn't quite sure what type of character Morgan was going to be; he's ex-military and most times in books ex-military are always all cynical and brooding and standoffish to the point you want to kick them in the knee with a stiletto. I'm happy to say that Morgan isn't like that. He's trying to figure out the next phase of his life after the military when he and his mom Fran journey from Chicago to Tampa for Izzy's and James' wedding. Lucky for him, Thomas and James are looking to hire for their firm ALFA PI and Morgan has the qualifications. So boom! Now Morgan is back in Florida with his family ready to start the next chapter in life.

His first case is figuring out who has been blackmailing Race True, a young woman who exudes a serious ice princess demeanor, since she is on the fast track to a big promotion in the corporate world. And while Morgan has every intention of not botching his very first job with the PI firm, that intention falls by the wayside the more time he and Race spend together. I enjoyed the interactions between Morgan and Race, it was interesting watching her learn to let go and let Morgan be there to help her. And their sexy times we classic Chelle Bliss: plenty of panty-melting sexy times, but just enough to balance out the story.

I wasn't surprised by who the blackmailer was, but the reason why they were blackmailing her was unexpected (at least for me). The resulting fallout from that is what caused the angst between Race and Morgan, and I loved who it was that came to the rescue to help patch things up between them. Of course, even though Morgan solved the case, he didn't really feel like a full-fledged member of the PI firm until the christening of his office lol.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kath masterson
Wow. I thought I loved Chelle Bliss before, but if that was love, I don't know what I'm feeling now.

I have read 125 books (approx) this year (2015), so that leaves little room for surprising me. After a while you feel like you know kind of how the book is going to go and even though you enjoy it, you were right. Well, Mrs. Bliss shattered me. Not only was I wrong, I was heartbroken over the twist in SI. Broken.

I want to tell you about Morgan DeLuca. This man is everything a leading man should be (yes I made a list, bite me):

1) He is unashamedly secure in his desire to love and be loved. Morgan is not some macho punk out to prove how awesome he is by never "needing" to settle down.

2) He loves his Momma. Wait, don't get your panties in a wad... Morgan is NOT a Momma's boy, he just loves and respects his mother.

3) He is ex-military. Go ahead, re-read that. It's hot right?

"My faith in humanity had evaporated while I'd been in combat, but the silence and calm of being a civilian had me climbing the freaking walls"

I loved this quote. It reminds us that while our soldiers come home, they don't always come back whole - and you may not be able to see it. Love is sometimes the only way back.

4) Morgan is not perfect. He does things because he feels it is the right thing to do - and you have to respect that - but sometimes he doesn't do it the best way. I still love him. His heart is in the right place.

5) Morgan knows how to talk to the ladies ;)

"Listen Ms. True. The only thing that matters to me is solving you case and having you walk away satisfied... A satisfied customer. That's what I meant."

Tee hee. Morgan you're so cute when you're out of practice!

Ok, I know you are curious about Race, and you should be. Race is something else. She had a tough childhood that only got way tougher after a devastating loss. She's worked her way up through her company (and maybe not in the nicest way, but you can't always do that can you?) and is on the verge of taking over the world - well maybe not, but close. Things I love about Race (yes another list :P )

1) Race is a very capable woman. She is smart, has a strong work ethic, and real goals for herself. I love leading ladies like this! They do not take crap and they aren't ridiculous.

2) She is broken. I'm sorry, I know this seems weird to love about a characters, but I do. Flaws are what make characters relate-able and lovable. We aren't going into what her flaws are though, just read the book.

3) She is comfortable in her sexuality without being a ho-bag. There, I said it! You don't have to screw around to prove you own your sexuality.

4) Her name. I can't tell you why. but her name.

Alright, back to the story. I loved it (did you notice) and I know you will to. And please do not think you need to read Men of Inked. Well, you do need to because they are awesome, but you in no way need to read them to appreciate Sinful Intent. I will say that SI makes you want to read the other books to find out the entire story about supporting characters, but it isn't necessary.

Oh, and the end - OH MY GOSH THE END! So heartfelt, so emotional. I just - I can't even describe it. I wanted to wrap Morgan and Race in a big hug and just breathe them in.

So grab this Sinful Intent as soon as you can. You wont regret it
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
***I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review!***

Chelle Bliss does it again! What a great way to start out a new series! Sinful Intent is everything that you could hope for, and I HIGHLY recommend it! It's not a secret that Chelle Bliss is one of my favorite authors! I completely fell in love with her Men of Inked Series, and this is just another example of her amazing talent!

This is a different series than we have seen before. Sinful Intent is the first book in the ALFA Private Investigations Series, so this book has a good bit of action and suspense, as well as romance. Of course, there are sexy times galore and the return of our beloved Gallos!

Morgan Deluca is cousin to the Gallos, and he returns to the family fold after returning from active duty. Moving to Florida, he takes a job with Thomas and James at their PI firm. Lucky for him, his first assignment is to figure out who is threatening the sexy Race True.

Race is a take charge, no nonsense, workaholic who has received some threatening messages. Working towards a big promotion at work, she doesn't have time to deal with someone taking her focus off of the job. Worried that her past will impact her future at her job, she hires the guys at ALFA PI to figure out who is threatening her. She expected someone to come in, fix the problem, and she'd go on her merry way. What she never counted on was the deliciously hot Morgan to take on her case.

Morgan is excited for his first case. He is happy to be back in the action, and eager to prove himself. When he meets Race, he is surprised to find at how cold and unfeeling she seems. Yet the more he gets to know her, the more her ice starts to thaw and things heat up between the two. Morgan is in a race against time to protect this feisty woman at all costs.

I loved the banter between these two. There were plenty of funny moments, serious talks and steamy scenes. Race and Morgan had incredible chemistry. They brought out the best in the other. Morgan burrowed his way inside Race's heart, finally allowing her the freedom and safety to find the person who she was meant to be. Race brought out the protective side of Morgan, allowing him to explore new things and test his boundaries.

This book made me laugh and swoon. I absolutely loved the PI initiation Morgan received. Too funny! I loved how tough and sweet Morgan was. I thought that Race's transition from stone-hearted b*tch to vulnerable yet incredibly strong woman was amazing. I loved the evolution of her character. I adored Fran Deluca and her overbearing mom traits. She was an integral part of this book. There were plenty of Gallos in this book, especially Thomas, Angel and James (of course). We also saw the return of some other fan favorites, including some Neon Cowboy regulars.

This book was well-written. I loved that the suspense built, and the twist was perfect. I had my ideas about who the bad guy was, but this was a nice surprise. Especially the reason why. Well played, Chelle! There were some dark moments in this book, and they definitely added to the story. It made the connection between these two that much more palpable, and Morgan made me fall in love with him that much more.

I can't wait for the next book in this series. It sounds absolutely perfect. There was a small snippet at the end of this book, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This book was an amazing read, and I am thrilled that I had the chance to read an early copy. I devoured Morgan and Race in one sitting, and was completely enchanted! I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this new series!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alison mcgowan
ALFA Private Investigation ~ Aggressive, Loyal, Fearless, and Accurate

That's the perfect name and description of what Thomas and James bring to the PI world when they open up their new business. Both of these alpha males are tenacious and know how to get the job done, which is why their business is in demand, and they need more skilled men to join their team, and Morgan DeLuca has the skillset they want and the fact that he's cousins with the Gallos only reinforces that he's the right man for the job.


Morgan knows that in order to solve any case, he needs to be forceful in tracking down evidence and protecting his client from anything happening to her, but he also finds himself aggressively denying his attraction to his client, Race True, and then once that doesn't have a chance of happening, he pursues her with his "Gallo" ways, forcing Race to give into her feelings as well.


Morgan's not used to being around family, but when he moves to Florida, he's surrounded by people who have his back, just like he has theirs, and Race falls into that category as well.


As a Marine, Morgan faced hellacious situations but went into each one knowing that he needed to remain focused and unafraid and that's exactly the same mentality he takes in his new job as a PI.


Facts are the driving force of any case, and Morgan does the work that needs to be done in order to provide conclusive evidence, investigating each lead for the truth.

Morgan's first case definitely doesn't go how he thought it would, but he can't deny that Race True just might be the woman for him regardless of her bossy, stubborn attitude.

Chelle Bliss' new spinoff series, ALFA Private Investigations, brings the Gallo family back into readers' lives and introduces them to new alpha heroes who are every bit as sexy, dirty talking, and protective as the Gallo men.

Morgan and Race's story is steamy and suspenseful, capturing readers' attention until Morgan solves the case and gets the girl. He has his hands full with Race because she seems to be a controlling and uptight woman, but the more he gets to know her, the more he wants to investigate the sizzling chemistry between them and find out what's behind Race's demanding facade.

Sinful Intent will have readers laughing at the Gallo antics, squirming over the hot scenes between Morgan and Race, and cheering for Morgan and Race to find what all of Morgan's cousins have with their women.

Can't wait for the next book in the series!

A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

4 poison apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rithika kancharla
Sinful Intent, by the amazing Chelle Bliss, is a raw, riveting, rewarding, and romantic roller coaster of a read that will swallow your heart and soul, and scorch your panties. Like with the Men of Inked series, Chelle Bliss takes you on an adrenaline adventure throughout the whole story, which is not only is sizzling hot, but on-the-edge-of-your seat thrilling too. You'll experience nearly every emotion while taking this ride into book bliss: happiness, frustration, anger, laughter, and sadness.

Just when you think, How can this Chelle Bliss top her marvelous Men of Inked series?!? Boom! Sinful Intent delivers a whopper of a brilliant book and lives up to the great Gallo name. Akin to the Men of Inked series, Sinful Intent is not just a story, but an emotional and enlightening experience that gives you a big case of the feels. With Chelle Bliss giving us a Men of Inked treat---the great Gallos---it makes you feel like you're coming home to a familiar and fabulous family, and you won't want to leave them or this powerful story behind.

Speaking of Gallos, the lines that Morgan DeLuca dishes about his over-bearing Italian mama are hilarious. Some of my favorites were:

"Hard-core nag and guilt-tripper extraordinaire, I cursed the gods every day for making me an only child."

"Oh God, was I going to be stuck with Ma as my plus-one for an eternity?"

"I swear she'd lurk in the shadows just to whack me."

Morgan DeLuca, an only child and younger cousin of the great Gallo family, is as hot , witty, and dominant as his cousins: gorgeous with brown hair and crystal blue eyes, tall, muscular, sexy, witty, and all alpha. He is used to women in his bed but not near his heart. Big cousin Thomas hired Morgan on to his security firm where he will use his detective and stealth skills mastered in the military to catch criminals and creepers. His first client may be his demise.

"Whoever she was, she was f**king gorgeous...I wanted to saunter up to her, ask her for her number, and beg that on our first date she wear the red stilettos she had on, which made my cock instantly hard...Race True was used to getting her way. I'd take every chance to remind her that I was in charge of this investigation."

Beautiful blonde and green-eyed, bold, and brash, Race True, doesn't need a man to get in her way of her successful career and life. She's been hurt too many times to let anyone else into her heart. Walls are up and no one is getting in or seeing the woman behind the walls to her heart and soul. Though she does need the help of a man to find out who's threatening and stalking her.

"He had the package. Strong, chiseled face lined with dark stubble. Lips so full that I'd feel them long after a kiss had ended. Muscles that bulged from places that shouldn't be legal...I liked them rough around the edges with a hint of beautiful underneath. Like Morgan."

When Morgan meets Race at the restaurant one night as she is new client and he is working on her case to nab her stalker who's threatening her, there were fireworks and he had an immediate insta-crush on this sinfully sexy woman.

"No matter what came out of her mouth, I knew that her attraction to me was as great as mine to her was. She was strong, independent, and self-assured, but there was more to her. Something sweet and kind that had been tamped down over time was hidden under the surface. Something inside me wanted to find out."

Race does not want to want this oh-so-hot but oh-so-arrogant Italian stallion of an alpha but can't help herself. From one meeting with chemistry from barely touching, Morgan has fixed himself in her head and won't leave. In just a short time, he's consumed her mind and makes her want to tear down the walls around her heart...well...almost.

"I knew loss. It was part of me...Everyone left me. I couldn't let myself feel anything for Morgan. I didn't think I could take another heartbreak without losing myself completely in the blackness."

Morgan must fight for Race and go to the finish line for her, convince her that he won't be one of the many who have left her behind. She needs to give him a chance to get that checkered flag.

While I cried over the end of the Men of Inked series and the great Gallos that felt and still feel like family, I was thrilled to read a new series by Chelle Bliss. Once I dove into Sinful Intent, I was even more thrilled to discover that not only is this book fresh and different , it also feels like coming home because it ties the Men of Inked series together with this new one. Gallo lovers still get a taste of that family we have come to love. The theme of Sinful Intent mirrors its Men of Ink counterparts: family and friends love each other, and always stick together through thick and thin.

I fell in love with the Gallos and anyone related or friends with their big clan from the very first book and was sucked deeper into the family folds with each new novel--and Sinful Intent is the same. I loved Sinful Intent, which is a book whore's dream, as it has it all or everything I want in a steamy read: hot tattooed alpha; beautiful, brainy, and bold heroine; dirty talk; sizzling sex; funny yet relatable lines; angst; mystery; thrills; and a powerful plot that is pure perfection. Like the title, Sinful Intent is filled with sex, sin, suspense, and everything sensational.

5 sinful, sexy, and sensational stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
wai yip tung
We’re back in the arms of the Gallo’s but this time the series focusses on Thomas and James’ new business venture, Alfa Private Investigations.

This first instalment features Morgan, cousin to the Gallo’s off-spring, a previous bad boy as he tries to carve a path into his new life after leaving the army. After agreeing, somewhat reluctantly, to accompany his Ma to Izzy and James’ wedding, he is surprised by the warm welcome he receives and even more surprised by the offer of a job with Thomas and James. Initially hesitant, Morgan soon realises that a fresh start in Florida is just what he needs but the chance to be rid of his ever present and, albeit sweetly, interfering mother is short-lived when she decides to move with him!

Things don’t exactly go to plan for Morgan when his first job involves the beautiful and fiercely independent, Race. Race is being blackmailed and has turned to Alfa PI to find out who is threatening her with a secret she had long hoped had been forgotten. Morgan and Race are immediately attracted to one another and soon become more than business associates and as the danger heightens for Race so do their feelings for one another.

We are treated throughout this book to true Gallo banter and wit as we realise that life at Alfa PI is never a dull moment, especially for poor, unassuming Morgan as he quickly realises that he needs to be wary of office liaisons!

If you’ve missed the Gallos then you won’t be disappointed in this story as we spend a great deal of time with them as a group as Morgan settles into their family unit. There is fun, mischief and humour as we witness Thomas being baited by James, especially about his BDSM proclivities with Thomas’s sister, Izzy. This is a mostly light-hearted read but with a small element of violence. It is moderately fast paced and entertaining throughout. Whilst it has the feel of a new series waiting to be bedded in, it also feels like an extension of the Men of Inked series and whilst I loved those books, I am ready to head in a different direction with Alfa PI and so I hope it quickly creates its own identity as an equally enjoyable series.

Chelle’s writing style is, as always, clean and clear and without angst and the stories are always welcomed by me when I’m looking for something less stressful and more carefree.

Next up is the latest Alfa PI recruit’s story, the delightfully named Frisco.

Copy provided by the author in return for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the first book in the ALFA PI series and is a follow on to the Men of Inked series about the Gallo brothers. Here we meet their cousin Morgan DeLuca, who joins Thomas Gallo in his new PI agency.

Morgan is fresh out of the military and back at home in Chicago. Struggling to find some semblance of a new life back on home turf as a civilian, he welcomes the invite to his cousin Izzy’s wedding. One downfall is the long travel with his nattering mother, the upshot is he will get to sample Ma Gallo’s cooking again that he remembers fondly from when he was a youngster.

It is whilst he is at the wedding that Thomas approaches him to join his firm. Well with his military skills this is a match made in heaven. On his first assignment he is faced with another match made in heaven – that with the beautiful Race True (that name is so kick A!)

Race is at first very standoffish and reserved. She keeps Morgan held back and puts the boundaries firmly in place. Unfortunately she didn’t reckon on this man’s alluring persona that has her fighting back the feelings of insta lust she has for him. Luckily for her Morgan feels exactly the same!

This was a great build-up of chemistry and passion between the pairing. I loved how in this storyline Morgan was the one so open and Race was the one holding all her cards to her chest. There was lots of sensual and erotic interludes and the fiery heat between them just sizzled off the kindle.

I liked how the passion was interwoven into the suspenseful plot looking for the perpetrator who was threatening Race. To be fair I clued in fairly early on who this was and for me it was the romance element that kept me hooked into the storyline.

I loved that the Gallo’s were included in the story, admittedly in a sub character role but none the less they made themselves known. I cracked up with James and Thomas not keeping it professional at the office and the ‘Knock before you enter’ banter. Morgan’s mother was also a hoot and the loving yet controlling way she was with her strapping alpha son was a great fun factor to the storyline.

Fabulous to see new character Frisco who we briefly met back in Joey Gallo’s story. I can’t wait to read more of him, he sounds lush! Oh and happy days but Flash is back, let’s see how that pans out and that James holds back from doing him harm!

Overall a great new series but even better that as a fan of the Gallo’s I still get to keep my mitts on my sexy alpha men. Five sinfully good stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the story of our darling Morgan Deluca and his tough sidekick Race True.
Morgan just left the military and has come to his cousin's wedding when they offer him a job with their security company and a place to stay in Chicago. At first, Morgan thinks about this offer and decides it's the perfect plan. He can get back to the real world and get away from his over protective ma. By the way, you will love his over protective ma, she is a hoot.
Race True is our heroine and is a career minded woman, who is getting weird messages and being threatened. Someone who has have info that Race won't want to go public and will cause her to lose her job. In a panic Race reaches out to the DeLuca services to get help with this problem, never dreaming she would meet Morgan.
Morgan isn't what she's needing at the time, but he is everything she could possibly want.
The story that develops between these two is full of steam and chemistry and the sex scenes get pretty hot at times They clash heads from time to time, but what do you expect from two tough as nails characters.
I think another aspect of this book that I found endearing and funny, is Morgan's mom. To read about a military hunk that is still controlled by his over the top mother, had me cracking up throughout the story.
The drama filled occurrence that happened had me totally believing on one person doing the threatening, only to find out I was completely wrong. It shocked the hell out of me. That's what I love in a book, the mystery and the element of surprise. Mrs Bliss nailed those two in this book.
The flow of the story was steady and to me never lagged. We also get appearances from previous characters which brought the whole book together for me.
Can not wait to read the next book.
Five well deserved stars to this book and author!

*** Review by Tammy ***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hilary carpenter
This was reviewed for Our Kindle Konfessions

4.5 Stars

Sinful Intent is about Morgan and Race. Morgan has just gotten out of the army and doesn’t quite know what to do with himself so when a change of scene, a job and the chance to get closer to his family again presents itself Morgan seems to finally find a direction he wants to go in. Race is a strong minded girl that goes after she wants but when something out of her control causes her to accept help off other people, she never expected Morgan. “I’d never let anyone get to me the way he did. I could see us burning out in fantastic fashion.”

Race is the target of someone who isn’t happy with her, but sadly for her in a male dominated job and being a strong willed as she is the list isn’t really that small of who it could be that is targeting her. Race doesn’t have time for friends and she doesn’t have a family, so trusting others is hard. So going to the private investigator office so she can save the career that she has worked her socks off for, seems like the perfect solution. Find the person responsible and then move on with her life. Simple right?....


Morgan has areas of expertise because of what he done is the army, so when he assigned the job of finding out who is after Race he thinks this won’t be too hard, he just doesn’t expect her and to become so invested in this job. Morgan and Race are both fighting the chemistry they share, they both want each other but are they willing to give in. “Race True was used to getting her way. I’d take every chance to remind her that I was in charge.”

A night out where barriers come down is the beginning of Race and Morgan. They are still navigating what they are, Race still isn’t sure if it’s just a fun time for Morgan, while Morgan wants nothing more than to catch the person that is after the girl he is falling for.

With a plan in motion and the end of the job coming, is Race finally going to be safe? Has Morgan found the right person? What does it mean for the couple after the case is closed?

This book had it all, there was twists in the story, it was gripping and you wanted to know what was going to happen straight away. I wanted to know who was responsible and why. Well done Chelle Bliss on another fantastic read.

“My world has never been the same since the day I was assigned to her case.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sometimes when your a book blogger, you read all these books, just taking them in, writing a review and then moving on to the next book. There aren't many times when I read a book, finish it and think "Holy Smokes" I need to wipe my memory so I can read that again for the first time - just to purely experience that epic-ness all over again.

Chelle Bliss, has once again written a story filled with sex, suspense & love - lots and lots of deeply felt love that only Chelle can pull off with her knack of writing the big family feel.

Some lines Morgan delivered were top swoon worthy material and Race's sassiness was perfect.

Can't wait for the next installment in the Alfa Private Investigations series!!

ARC Received in exchange for an honest review :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The start to this new series by Chelle Bliss gets you right back in the thick of it with the Gallos. We meet Morgan DeLuca, former Army, cousin to the Gallos, and sexy bad-ass alpha. There is a quiet assuredness about him, but a don't think for a minute that he isn't as blunt and cocky as his male cousins. Morgan relocates from his hometown of Chicago to take on a job with none other than Thomas and James. The cases they take at ALFA would of course not be your run of the mill cases. There is action and suspense throughout the book.

Morgan’s first case is a doozy and it will forever change him. Enter Race True. Race is a bad-ass herself in the business world. I love that she exudes power and control, but with Morgan that just flies out the window. The two just meld together perfectly. As much as she tries to seem tough and in control with Morgan she is defenseless. They sizzle on page and I liked it when Race was a little tipsy. Say bye bye to her filter! There are some laugh out loud moments. Chelle never ceases to amaze me with her skill for writing humor with sexy alpha males. It just works. The story is easy to follow, but developed in such a way that you don’t see just how dire the situation is right up until the end.

What I love the most about this book is the sense of family. You get it with the Gallos, but ALFA PI is an extension of that and the loyalty they have to one another and their close friends is intense. I would also like to mention whenever they have a Gallo family dinner I end up completely starved and in need of meatballs and pasta, so badly that my salivary glands kick into gear. Well they kick in whenever one of Chelle’s sexy men is on page (but I digress). This book is a fantastic read and I cannot wait for more to come with the ALFA PI Series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Panty Scorching- 5
Angst- 4
Overall Rating- 4
Reviewed by Joanna

I must start of by saying this was the very first book I have read of Chelle Bliss…and I want to know WHY HAVE I WAITED SO LONG???

So for those of you who are familiar with her MEN OF INKED series…you are familiar with how the author writes. Well, it is all new to me… and it is HOT AS HECK!

You have Morgan DeLuca, who is recently out of the army and living in Chicago and attending a wedding with his mom in Florida. His cousin Izzy is getting married and he hasn’t seen this side of the family for several years.
While he was at the wedding, his cousin Thomas has a PI business in Florida and he makes Morgan an offer to move to sunny Florida and work for him.

Morgan moves to Florida and his first PI client is Ms. Race True. Someone has been sending her threatening emails and she needs to find out who, and Morgan is the man for the job.

Even though when he first laid eyes on her, he was attracted to her, but he wanted to try to keep things “professional”, but that lasted a split second. The chemistry between the two of them are undeniable, but she is a “corporate woman” and he is “rough around the edges”.

Race tries to be the strong woman that she has felt that she was supposed to be. Things in her past has made her focus on work and only work, and not think of anything else. But one look at Morgan and her thoughts are different and he makes her feel like there is something else other than work. (well hello…having a HOT MAN around you, what else is there?)

What I loved about the story, is the guys are all, rough and tough, but they all still respect their ma’s.

You just know with all the hot men at ALFA PI, there are going to be some additional stories to come in the future, and I will be the first to say… I can’t wait for more. I just hope that the guys have learned their lessons, and put locks on those doors in the office. ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fernando p
4.5 stars
This is the first book in the ALFA PI series and while you do not have to read Men of Inked to enjoy it, I found that having read them all helped in my love for their family and antics.

Morgan is the Gallos’ cousin; he recently got out of the military and is attempting to fit back into civilian life. The problem is that in Chicago where his old ways are right around the right the corner he can’t seem to find a path. He is a self proclaimed a** with no desire to become attached to anyone.When he and his mother head to Florida for Izzy’s wedding an opportunity to be a part of something becomes available.

Morgan’s first case as a PI is about to get interesting when he meets his new client. Race is a force not to be reckoned with. She is cutthroat corporate executive who is being threatened by an unknown source. She stands a chance to loose everything she has worked for in her dog-eat-dog world and is skeptical that Morgan can fix it for her. She comes across as an uncaring b*itch who likes to keep her world locked up tight.

“I wondered if we’d be like a nuclear explosion destroying everything in our path, including ourselves.”

These two have an instant attraction and chemistry but one has the need to always be in charge and the other is just trying to do their job. Behind all the snarkiness and walls these two are pretty vulnerable especially to each other. Race isn’t used to having someone do things for her and Morgan isn’t used to being tested quite so much. This book brought a ton of smiles as well suspense to find out who is behind the blackmail. Race and Morgan had an intense and quick courtship but were a nice balance to each other. When they were together, things were explosively hot with a bit of attitude.

It was also nice to see the growth of the couples that I have become attached to in the background. I am really looking forward to the rest of this series because really what is hotter than a bunch of alpha males being brought to their knees.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam brunson
When I heard there was no more Gallo (Men of Inked series) books I was crushed. I love this family as irrationally as that sounds, I do.
Enter the spinoff series ALFA INVESTIGATIONS and Mr. Morgan DeLuca. Once again Ms. Bliss is giving us exactly what we want, a superb cast of characters that are deep ,rich and delicious.
Morgan and Race True (seriously a BA name) are fantastic! The chemistry these two share is explosive. With Race's Artic attitude and Morgans cock sure attitude, how could it not be?
With a new lease on life Morgan sets out to join his cousin Thomas (his cousin) and James (Izzy's husband) business, ALFA Investigations. The intertwining of family and a really sexy story is brilliant! As a reader, I felt as if I have known this family for my entire life, but i knew all the of their deep dark sexy secrets. It's not difficult to see why some refer to Ms.Bliss as "the Machine" She churns out these amazing stories in, record speed and they are always a joyride!
Morgan joins the lineup of super sexy, super alpha , super intense and completely devoted leading men in this author's gaggle of swoon worthy men. And Race falls in as one of her strong, fiercely independent and passionate leading ladies. She fits right in with all the ladies that love those Gallo men.
Twists and turns take you on a wild ride in this story. I would think I have this mystery figured out and then..BAM! "right turn Clyde," nope she hits us with a villain, I didn't see coming. I LOVE it when she does that!

I feel strongly that you should first read the Men of Inked series before you get you hands on SI. But one does not HAVE to. I think it makes for a more cohesive story and TRUST ME you want to meet the Gallos!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was really looking forward to this Alpha PI series and truly was not disappointed!! Chelle Bliss has to be the Queen of the Alpha, dirty talking guy types!! I absolutely love her Gallo men and I totally feel in love with Morgan DeLuca too!! It’s really awesome that Chelle has kept the Gallo family into this story and does it masterfully.
Meet Morgan DeLuca, he is every bit the hot, tatted and sexy Alpha as his Gallo cousins and true to form Chelle’s guys! He is recently out of the military, returning to civilian life, and adjusting to his new life as the newest member of ALFA PI. Morgan may be a really tough guy on the outside but you’re going to discover a different soft side of him too. SWOON!!
On his first assignment he’s assigned to Race True <---love that kick butt name. Race is a corporate executive who is being threatened/blackmailed via email. Oh, did I forget to mention that she is this feisty, green eyed blonde that pretty much captures Morgan’s eye …not to mention his attention on sight.
The attraction was immediate and it doesn’t take long for the sparks to fly between them! I loved and enjoyed the banter between Morgan and Race and it makes their story even more angsty. The chemistry between them felt like opening up a can of whoop a** but instead it’s instant lust. Oh, and there is this certain office scene and a certain desk…would love to tell you more but it would ruin it! Let’s just say that it would most likely cause you to remember to knock before entering next time!!
Sinful Intent has it all…action, suspense, mystery, panty melting sex, and even some laughs. Great writing and love how Chelle always shares her hot guys with us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fateme ahmadi
I just finished Sinful Intent and I really enjoyed it. This is a new series for Chelle and she didn't disappoint. This is a lot about ALFA Private Investigators founded by Thomas and James (they have their own books in the Men of Inked series). Morgan is cousins with the Gallos and has now come home from the army and is at a loss on life. When a family function brings them all together, it makes him realize what he was missing.

"Being around the Gallos kind of made my head hurt and my heart ache. They never stopped talking or teasing each other, but the amount of love in the house made me long for something I'd never had. "

He becomes apart of the ALFA team. His first case on the job brings him to Race. She is being blackmailed for something that to be honest is not bad but it is taken to the next level and she doesn't know what to do or who it is. She is a sweet, loyal girl but she has had to be a bitch to show she is a tough
chick in the corporate world. She doesn't want to lose her job so she will stop at nothing to find out who is blackmailing her. What she didnt expect was Morgan and how instantly attracted to him she is.

"Being near him had me feel something that I hadn't like to feel....vulnerable. "

Morgan is smitten and knows she is special. She a tough one to crack but he is wiling to do what he has to do to have her.

"She was strong, independent, and self assured, but there was more to her. Something sweet and kind hidden under the surface that had been tamped down over time. Something inside me wanted to find out. "

But he has to also protect her at the same time. The whole family will have to work together to find this blackmailer. What a roller coaster ride!! Trust me though, one of the things that Chelle can write is family so you do not want to miss out on this new series and can't wait to see what she does next!

Story 5
Sex 5
Overall 5

Reviewed by Shay from Mommys a Book Whore
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melinda ainsworth
It was supposed to be simple. Find the bad guy and save the girl. There is nothing simple with this book, not when you are the a cousin of the Gallo family.

That I loved about this book:

-Morgan is an alpha male that fits right in with the Gallo men. He has a mother who is always on his back but he loves her. He will lay down his life when he finds the women who will steal his heart.

“Let’s get a few things clear. Shall we? ... I had a simple life. Then this blond-haired woman walked into my world with her attitude, sassy mouth, and killer body, and wrecked everything..... I feel myself falling deeper, losing a bit of my heart with each kiss. I’ve never felt like this before... So don’t toss aside my feelings for you... I’m far from done with you, Race True.”

-Race is a tough no hold barred women who has busted some balls to make it in her career. She doesn't need a man, but will rethink that when she meets Morgan. Will he break down her walls and convince her to love.

"I'd never in a million years thought I'd be head-over-heels in love with the man who saved my life and also from the mundane existence I'd accepted as my reality"

-Secondary characters. Morgan's mom was hilarious throughout this story. The Gallo's constantly make appearances in the book and since I love the Men of Ink Series this was great.

-Steamy sexy scenes, danger, suspense, some moments that will have you laughing -hint- always knock first and did I mention some steamy sexy scenes.

-Chelle Bliss has a way of writing a story that draws you in, makes you fall in love with the characters, and keeps you turning the pages (so don't start one of her books late at night) until the very end. I highly suggest any book written by her, you won't be disappointed. Alpha males and strong heroines.

I received a gift copy in exchange for an honest review. Read and reviewed for Stories and Swag Blog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Favorite Quotes:

“It was going to be one of those weeks. Loud, loving, and sweet enough to make my teeth hurt.”

“I’d just have to find a way to break it to my ma. Leaving her behind was something she’d throw in my face for the rest of my life. She’d probably fall at my feet or hang on to my bumper as I drove out of the city, screaming for me not to leave her.”

“I’d like to think I was pretty levelheaded, but right now images of Texas Chainsaw Massacre kept playing over and over again inside my head.”

“We all have scars. Some we can see and others we can’t. Wear those with pride.”

“In all honesty, I hadn’t saved Race True. She’d saved me. Giving me a life full of love and everything I’d always needed but never knew I’d wanted.”

My Review:

I loves me some Chelle Bliss and Sinful Intent is one of her best… not that I’ve ever read anything from her that wasn’t stellar. Her long-time and faithful Men of Ink fans will love this new series as we get to continue on with the Gallo clan – a vibrant set of characters I want to follow until I take my dirt nap. But this series will be easy for new fans to pick up and run with without having read her previous works – but why not read them anyway? With Sinful Intent we meet a Gallo cousin Morgan. Morgan DeLuca’s life has turned a corner, new career, new town, new home, new attitude, and with his first official case - a new woman.

Chelle Bliss definitely has the writing gene, her books are well plotted, easy to follow, humorous, thoughtful, unfailingly entertaining, deliciously steamy, and they make this old cougar hum. I alternate between gasping, smirking, and gulping cool drink when reading her work. Given her creative sensual scenes, I believe Mr. Bliss must be a very lucky man, or is he the one providing her with these creative ideas? Hmm, either way, I imagine their neighborhood frequently registers seismic activity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zeinab badr
Let me start by saying that this is the first book I have read by Ms. Bliss. I have all her Inked Series books on my tbr list, I just haven't had the opportunity to read them. However, after reading this delicious book I have moved them to the top of my list. Now onto this one, Morgan and Race are both characters I connected with immediately and was drawn into their world. I love romantic suspense so this was right up my alley. Along with the HOT and I do mean HOT and steaminess this book really had it all for me. I sat down and started it and didn't stop until I finished. This book is had me hooked from page one and I honestly was so sad when it was over. Although I will say that if every book in this series is as good as this one, these should be on the bestsellers list for sure. I can not wait to read the next book! This book is a must read and one I will be buying in paperback and reading many times over. I rate this book 5+ AMAZEBALLS stars!! A copy was gifted in exchange for an honest review.

Review by Tabitha
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jo alston
I love Chelle Bliss and was so excited to read her newest series! If you’ve read Men of Inked, then you will fall head over heels in love with Morgan (NICE NAME!!) DeLuca, a Gallo cousin and Alpha male extraordinaire. He is just out of the Army and looking for direction in life when he gets an offer from his Florida cousins to join the ALFA PI agency. He picks up and leaves Chicago and his meddling mother to start over again with a new job.

I loved how the Gallo family is woven into this story. If you haven’t read Chelle’s Men of Ink series, you are missing out! They are filled with love, big families, snappy banter and lots and lots of mind-blowing sexy times. Get right on that!

Sinful Intent is a fast-paced, steamy story involving Morgan’s first job, investigating and protecting his first client, Race True, from harassing and threatening emails that have escalated. She is being blackmailed and he must find her tormenter. She is a buttoned-up, straight-laced corporate type, sexy but basically married to her job and she needs someone like Morgan in her life to add the spontaneity she has been sorely missing out on.

Chelle’s books are steamy, entertaining and have some of the most creative sex scenes I have ever read. Morgan is just, WOW. Race and Morgan together are just explosive. I liked the suspense and mystery along with the funny moments sprinkled throughout the book. I really enjoyed this book. It is overall a very enjoyable, sexy story and a great start to a new series by one of my favorite authors.

Favorite Quotes:

We all have scars. Some we can see and others we can’t. Wear those with pride.”

“In all honesty, I hadn’t saved Race True. She’d saved me. Giving me a life full of love and everything I’d always needed but never knew I’d wanted.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5 Stars!!! A new series from Chelle Bliss that features my two favorite characters from The Men of Inked Series......yes please! This book was amazing! Alfa Investigations is run by James Caldo and Thomas Gallo, some seriously intense, hot alpha males with a stong sense of family. When Morgan DeLuca came to town for his cousins wedding he had no idea he would be landing a new job and relocating to the Sunshine State from the Windy City.

You can tell that Morgan is cut from the same cloth as the Gallos. He is a strong willed italian who refuses to take no for an answer. When he meets his first client he feels a bit more than professional feelings. Race True, is a strong willed professional who is hell bent on control. But Morgan DeLuca seems to make her lose all control and shows her how to live again. You could definitely feel the connection between these two. As if finding one another gave them purpose and the desire to crave more than just being.

This book is the first in a new series from Chelle Bliss and although you do not need to read the Men Of Inked Series, for me having done so, it only enhanced my reading enjoyment. I loved catching up with the Gallo Family and their growing families. Sunday dinners, quick witted banter and insults. Over protective italian moms and the feeling of family never gets old.

Sinful Intent will take you on the professional and romantic journey of Race and Morgan. You will laugh at some of the "office" antics, you will smile at the sexual banter, you will blush with the down and dirty sexual relationship and find justice for Race and Morgan. I am looking forward to seeing what Chelle has in store for us in the second installment of this series, Unlawful Desire.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica miller
All the fans of The Men of Inked series take a deep breath, the ALFA PI series is going to leave you happy and definitely wanting more!!!
Morgan DeLuca has just retired from the Army and while in Florida for Izzy’s wedding he remembers the amazing family dynamic that the Gallo’s have and wishes to be part of the loving family that he remembers from his teens. He longs to do something new with his life and finally do what he wants.
After returning to Chicago he happens to be offered a position as a private investigator at the company started by his cousin Thomas and James, he jumps at the opportunity and the idea of finally having a steady job and family around.
Race True is in need of a good PI and wants to keep her situation as under wraps as possible. True is tough, determined, and has been a workaholic far too hard to let someone and something from her past take everything away from her. She hires the guys from ALFA Investigations and gets a little more than she bargained for when being set up to work with Morgan. They are perfect for each other in every way shape and form but will their joint stubbornness get the better of them and end things before they get started? For the answer to this you need to go grab a copy of this awesome book now!!
I love, love, love Chelle Bliss’ books!! The characters are always cohesive and mesh well together throughout the stories and well once you pick one up I can vouch that it does not get put down until it is finished! I can’t wait for more of this series and can’t give enough praise to Chelle for the impeccable stories she shares with us. I’m giving Sinful Intent 5 smoking stars because let’s face it, Morgan and True may both be hardheaded but the steaminess is off the hook!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
barri bryan
**I received an ARC for an honest review**

This is definitely different from the Men of Inked Series, but it is still a great read. I liked that we got to see more of the Gallo family and I love that the first book in this series is about a relative of the Gallo family.

I remember from Throttle Me that Joe mentioned that this family moved to Florida because of some trouble that they go into back in Chicago and it was pretty nice to see Morgan tied into the family. I loved his alpha male personality even though at times he could be a bit of an a-hole. I like that from right off the bat Morgan seemed to admire what his extended family had with their new spouses and families. I liked that he recognized that something may be missing and that he wanted what they had. I also liked that even though he constantly said what a pain in the ace his mother was he still shows her love.

Morgans love interest is such a fiesty alpha female and the interactions the two of them have are very entertaining right off the bat. Their personalities clash, but the sexual tension is off the charts. I really liked the upfront and very vocal side of Race's personality and I really loved the softer side once she let her guard down with Morgan.

I really liked the new direction this series is going. I like that Thomas and James make a pretty steady appearance and that they are successfully growing their business. I also like the authors ability to bring in characters that I was curious about from their appearances in the Men of Inked series. The suspense and mystery really made this book a good read. The twist in the plot was something that I didn't see coming and it really made the mystery factor all the better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joy cervantes
I am new to the world of Chelle Bliss. Though I’ve heard great things about the Men of Inked, I just have not read them. Sinful Intent seemed like a good initiation to Ms. Bliss, since even though it is somewhat connected to the Gallos, it is not necessary to have read the earlier books in order to follow this story.

Morgan is a Gallo cousin who joins the new family PI business after moving to Florida. His first client is Race, a strong-willed woman who is being threatened. There are sparks instantly, but Race is a stickler for not mixing business with pleasure, or more specifically, she’s much more interested in her career than any potential relationship. Of course things don’t stay that way for long. The threat against her might keep her from making any big life changes, for business or pleasure, unless Morgan can intervene and catch the culprit.

Morgan and Race had such great chemistry. It was a nice change to see the woman be the one who was resistant to the idea of a relationship. Morgan had to work to get past her defenses, but it was totally worth it once he did.

I loved meeting the Gallos, even if trying to keep them (and their spouses and their kids) all straight in my head was a challenge. One family member I had no problem remembering was Fran, Morgan’s mother. She is a pistol. She had me laughing in pretty much every scene she was in. And actually, even the big family get-together scenes where I was trying to keep track of everyone, the banter among the family members was great. Anyone who comes from a loud, oversharing family knows just how accurate a lot of the Gallo/DeLuca stuff was.

All in all, I really enjoyed this introduction to Gallo-land, and I’m looking forward to the next book in the series.

Reviewed by Laura for East Coast Book Chicks. ECBC was provided with a copy of the book in exchange for a review. A copy of this review will also appear on ECBC's GoodReads page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a fantastic start to the Alfa PI Series! Sinful Intent is sexy, heart stopping goodness mixed in with suspense and humour.

Alfa PI is owned by Thomas Gallo and Izzy’s Husband, James. When their business starts booming and they are turning away work, they decide it’s time to hire some new staff. Enter Thomas’ cousin, Morgan DeLuca into the mix. He has the skill set required and is looking for a change in his life after his Army career ended. He doesn’t want to go back to the lifestyle which forced him into the Armed Forces and when the job opportunity presents itself, he knows it’s time to make the move.

His first client is a successful, uptight, powerful woman who has not gotten when she has in the corporate world by being a wallflower. He has put many noses out of joint and when she starts getting threatening emails about a certain tape made years earlier with an ex being released, she knows she needs to find out who is behind it before everything she has worked for comes crumbling down in front of her.

The first meeting between Morgan and Race is hilarious. The fireworks explode right from the start and Morgan’s thinking had me laughing out loud.

Franny, Morgan’s Mum is also a cracker of a character. She is also straight to the point and a sharp shooter with her words which makes for great scenes between her and Morgan.

Our beloved Gallo family also make some appearances throughout the story and I loved reading about what they have been up to.

I cannot wait for the next book in the Series!

I was given a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Tanya.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
milca esdaille
So, yeah. This book has done it. It has actually dethroned the Gallos in the world of Bliss! How is that possible, you say? Well, once you meet Morgan DeLuca, you won't even have to ask. Now, don't get me wrong, the Gallo men (and ladies), all hold a huge piece of my heart, and are pretty damn hard to top. But something about Morgan is just so freaking good. Maybe it's the fact that he's part Gallo, I don't know- but whatever it is, it definitely works for him.

Not to mention Race, who is an excellent addition to the clan. I loved her right away. Not one to shy away from her life, she only turns to Morgan once things get increasingly dangerous, and possibly deadly, in her day to day living. Morgan, who has gone to work for his cousin Thomas (Gallo), and James (hubby to Izzy Gallo), is assigned to her case. Even though he tries his hardest to keep things professional between him and the beauty that he's sworn to protect- he cannot help but fall hard and fast for her. The same holds true for Race. She tries her best to avoid any further complications in her life (in her opinion- any romantic entanglements are complications), but Morgan is just simply to much for her to resist.

Their story packs plenty of heat, just as we've come to expect from Chelle, and also that awesome punch of suspense that we all love in the Gallo clan's books. It seems that in order to be rightfully accepted into the fold- you have to have some drama!! This is one of Chelle's best books to date, in my opinion, and I cannot wait to get Frisco's story in Unlawful Desire!! 5 huge stars!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chelle Bliss became a favorite author when I was first introduced to her Men of Inked series featuring one of my favorite fictional families, The Gallos. I fell hard and fast for her writing and how she easily brought you into this world that made this family so real that you wanted to crawl into the books and live there. As the series and family grew so did my love for her art of storytelling. She became an author who was able to capture all the perfect elements of love, passion, humor and a true sense of family all in the same book. I have a love for her books and will likely enjoy anything she dips her hands into. Naturally, Sinful Intent, the first book in her newest series (and Men of Inked spin-off ::happy dance::) – ALFA Private Investigations won me over instantly. Not gonna lie to Chelle or the readers and I mean no offense or disrespect when I say this because while I understood the choice to use the name Race True, it is quite possibly my least favorite named character of all the books I’ve read by Chelle thus far. However, as I got used to the name and got a better understanding of the choice I continued on with enjoyed the story as much as I did the Men of Inked books. This book had everything you look for in a good romance/erotic romance – love, passion, friendship, mystery, action and of course family – yup, that’s right, the Gallos are back and you will definitely get plenty of updates on the happenings of their lives as well as the introduction of some new faces which I absolutely love.

Sinful Intent introduces Morgan DeLuca and the story of how he came to join ALFA PI. His story is real enough where it could be someone you knew growing up, he’s a kid from the “wrong side of the tracks” that was fortunate enough to get his life together in most ways, but now he’s trying to figure out…what next? I love how he came to join the ALFA PI family and the story that leads up to him meeting Race True. We are introduced to Race True who becomes Morgan’s first client and after their initial meeting, it is clear they are both attracted to one another. Race suffered insurmountable loss in her life and it only made her work harder. Morgan is a distraction she isn’t sure she can afford to welcome into her life, but she feels hope when he’s around. Lines become blurred one night and their walls come down allowing the two to give in to the overwhelming need they’ve felt since their first encounter, but can they get beyond the reasons that initially brought them together or will everything fall apart before they have a chance to begin?

As much as I loved Sinful Intent, Chelle did what she does best – gives you a taste and makes you want more. I’m salivating for the next book in the series, Unlawful Desire. I am so curious about Frisco and I can’t wait for his story. This series, as with the Men of Inked series is perfect for Contemporary Romance/Erotic Romance/Erotica fans. It is the perfect blend of romance, intrigue and the steam factor, as always, remains off the charts! You won’t be disappointed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sophie rioux
When Chelle Bliss' Sinful Intent landed on my Kindle I may have done a little dance I was so excited. An early, early, early copy. What did I do to be so lucky? Ok.. not the time to question... just the time to dig in to the absolute deliciousness that is this new series ALFA Private Investigations. (Because really we all need a little more alpha in our lives!)

What a fantastic start to a new series! Morgan DeLuca joins Thomas and James (fans of the Men of Inked Series will be familiar with them ;) ) in their PI business, ALFA Private Investigations. Morgan's first case is Race True.. dun dun dun. Race has come to the firm to for help in finding who is blackmailing her, but the moment Race and Morgan lay eyes on each other the chemistry is undeniable. Will Morgan be too distracted by Race to protect her from what threatens her?

This book was one steamy, suspenseful romance. Seriously I wish I worked in an office like theirs! It puts new meaning into knock before you enter! (Trust me read and you will see why!) But Sinful Intent is more than just hot and steamy sex scenes (though you will love those). The relationship that builds between the characters is phenomenal, especially Morgan and Race. As always the characters and character building that Chelle provides is on display here. Once again I fell in love with them and can't wait to visit them in future books. She has a way if making me feel close them. And the mystery here!! Let me just admit... I did NOT see this one coming! It had me going right up to the end! Nice job Chelle!

I loved this new series. And loved that we also saw members of the Gallo family (from her Men of Inked Series). It was the perfect way to start a brand spanking new series and still give something to old dedicated readers!

Just like her Men of Ink Series this is shaping up to be another must read, don't miss, unputdownable (it's a word, trust me), automatic don't even think about it just one click series.

I received a Complimentary Copy of Sinful Intent from the author in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca albert
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for honest review.

So I met the Gallo family last year and fell in love with each and every one of them (even Izzy, and she annoyed me lol). So I was super excited that even though this is a new series, we still get the Gallo family and all the love and insanity they bring to each book, and this one does not disappoint.

I wasn't quite sure what type of character Morgan was going to be; he's ex-military and most times in books ex-military are always all cynical and brooding and standoffish to the point you want to kick them in the knee with a stiletto. I'm happy to say that Morgan isn't like that. He's trying to figure out the next phase of his life after the military when he and his mom Fran journey from Chicago to Tampa for Izzy's and James' wedding. Lucky for him, Thomas and James are looking to hire for their firm ALFA PI and Morgan has the qualifications. So boom! Now Morgan is back in Florida with his family ready to start the next chapter in life.

His first case is figuring out who has been blackmailing Race True, a young woman who exudes a serious ice princess demeanor, since she is on the fast track to a big promotion in the corporate world. And while Morgan has every intention of not botching his very first job with the PI firm, that intention falls by the wayside the more time he and Race spend together. I enjoyed the interactions between Morgan and Race, it was interesting watching her learn to let go and let Morgan be there to help her. And their sexy times we classic Chelle Bliss: plenty of panty-melting sexy times, but just enough to balance out the story.

I wasn't surprised by who the blackmailer was, but the reason why they were blackmailing her was unexpected (at least for me). The resulting fallout from that is what caused the angst between Race and Morgan, and I loved who it was that came to the rescue to help patch things up between them. Of course, even though Morgan solved the case, he didn't really feel like a full-fledged member of the PI firm until the christening of his office lol.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow. I thought I loved Chelle Bliss before, but if that was love, I don't know what I'm feeling now.

I have read 125 books (approx) this year (2015), so that leaves little room for surprising me. After a while you feel like you know kind of how the book is going to go and even though you enjoy it, you were right. Well, Mrs. Bliss shattered me. Not only was I wrong, I was heartbroken over the twist in SI. Broken.

I want to tell you about Morgan DeLuca. This man is everything a leading man should be (yes I made a list, bite me):

1) He is unashamedly secure in his desire to love and be loved. Morgan is not some macho punk out to prove how awesome he is by never "needing" to settle down.

2) He loves his Momma. Wait, don't get your panties in a wad... Morgan is NOT a Momma's boy, he just loves and respects his mother.

3) He is ex-military. Go ahead, re-read that. It's hot right?

"My faith in humanity had evaporated while I'd been in combat, but the silence and calm of being a civilian had me climbing the freaking walls"

I loved this quote. It reminds us that while our soldiers come home, they don't always come back whole - and you may not be able to see it. Love is sometimes the only way back.

4) Morgan is not perfect. He does things because he feels it is the right thing to do - and you have to respect that - but sometimes he doesn't do it the best way. I still love him. His heart is in the right place.

5) Morgan knows how to talk to the ladies ;)

"Listen Ms. True. The only thing that matters to me is solving you case and having you walk away satisfied... A satisfied customer. That's what I meant."

Tee hee. Morgan you're so cute when you're out of practice!

Ok, I know you are curious about Race, and you should be. Race is something else. She had a tough childhood that only got way tougher after a devastating loss. She's worked her way up through her company (and maybe not in the nicest way, but you can't always do that can you?) and is on the verge of taking over the world - well maybe not, but close. Things I love about Race (yes another list :P )

1) Race is a very capable woman. She is smart, has a strong work ethic, and real goals for herself. I love leading ladies like this! They do not take crap and they aren't ridiculous.

2) She is broken. I'm sorry, I know this seems weird to love about a characters, but I do. Flaws are what make characters relate-able and lovable. We aren't going into what her flaws are though, just read the book.

3) She is comfortable in her sexuality without being a ho-bag. There, I said it! You don't have to screw around to prove you own your sexuality.

4) Her name. I can't tell you why. but her name.

Alright, back to the story. I loved it (did you notice) and I know you will to. And please do not think you need to read Men of Inked. Well, you do need to because they are awesome, but you in no way need to read them to appreciate Sinful Intent. I will say that SI makes you want to read the other books to find out the entire story about supporting characters, but it isn't necessary.

Oh, and the end - OH MY GOSH THE END! So heartfelt, so emotional. I just - I can't even describe it. I wanted to wrap Morgan and Race in a big hug and just breathe them in.

So grab this Sinful Intent as soon as you can. You wont regret it
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rune bergh
***I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review!***

Chelle Bliss does it again! What a great way to start out a new series! Sinful Intent is everything that you could hope for, and I HIGHLY recommend it! It's not a secret that Chelle Bliss is one of my favorite authors! I completely fell in love with her Men of Inked Series, and this is just another example of her amazing talent!

This is a different series than we have seen before. Sinful Intent is the first book in the ALFA Private Investigations Series, so this book has a good bit of action and suspense, as well as romance. Of course, there are sexy times galore and the return of our beloved Gallos!

Morgan Deluca is cousin to the Gallos, and he returns to the family fold after returning from active duty. Moving to Florida, he takes a job with Thomas and James at their PI firm. Lucky for him, his first assignment is to figure out who is threatening the sexy Race True.

Race is a take charge, no nonsense, workaholic who has received some threatening messages. Working towards a big promotion at work, she doesn't have time to deal with someone taking her focus off of the job. Worried that her past will impact her future at her job, she hires the guys at ALFA PI to figure out who is threatening her. She expected someone to come in, fix the problem, and she'd go on her merry way. What she never counted on was the deliciously hot Morgan to take on her case.

Morgan is excited for his first case. He is happy to be back in the action, and eager to prove himself. When he meets Race, he is surprised to find at how cold and unfeeling she seems. Yet the more he gets to know her, the more her ice starts to thaw and things heat up between the two. Morgan is in a race against time to protect this feisty woman at all costs.

I loved the banter between these two. There were plenty of funny moments, serious talks and steamy scenes. Race and Morgan had incredible chemistry. They brought out the best in the other. Morgan burrowed his way inside Race's heart, finally allowing her the freedom and safety to find the person who she was meant to be. Race brought out the protective side of Morgan, allowing him to explore new things and test his boundaries.

This book made me laugh and swoon. I absolutely loved the PI initiation Morgan received. Too funny! I loved how tough and sweet Morgan was. I thought that Race's transition from stone-hearted b*tch to vulnerable yet incredibly strong woman was amazing. I loved the evolution of her character. I adored Fran Deluca and her overbearing mom traits. She was an integral part of this book. There were plenty of Gallos in this book, especially Thomas, Angel and James (of course). We also saw the return of some other fan favorites, including some Neon Cowboy regulars.

This book was well-written. I loved that the suspense built, and the twist was perfect. I had my ideas about who the bad guy was, but this was a nice surprise. Especially the reason why. Well played, Chelle! There were some dark moments in this book, and they definitely added to the story. It made the connection between these two that much more palpable, and Morgan made me fall in love with him that much more.

I can't wait for the next book in this series. It sounds absolutely perfect. There was a small snippet at the end of this book, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This book was an amazing read, and I am thrilled that I had the chance to read an early copy. I devoured Morgan and Race in one sitting, and was completely enchanted! I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this new series!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sf reads mod
ALFA Private Investigation ~ Aggressive, Loyal, Fearless, and Accurate

That's the perfect name and description of what Thomas and James bring to the PI world when they open up their new business. Both of these alpha males are tenacious and know how to get the job done, which is why their business is in demand, and they need more skilled men to join their team, and Morgan DeLuca has the skillset they want and the fact that he's cousins with the Gallos only reinforces that he's the right man for the job.


Morgan knows that in order to solve any case, he needs to be forceful in tracking down evidence and protecting his client from anything happening to her, but he also finds himself aggressively denying his attraction to his client, Race True, and then once that doesn't have a chance of happening, he pursues her with his "Gallo" ways, forcing Race to give into her feelings as well.


Morgan's not used to being around family, but when he moves to Florida, he's surrounded by people who have his back, just like he has theirs, and Race falls into that category as well.


As a Marine, Morgan faced hellacious situations but went into each one knowing that he needed to remain focused and unafraid and that's exactly the same mentality he takes in his new job as a PI.


Facts are the driving force of any case, and Morgan does the work that needs to be done in order to provide conclusive evidence, investigating each lead for the truth.

Morgan's first case definitely doesn't go how he thought it would, but he can't deny that Race True just might be the woman for him regardless of her bossy, stubborn attitude.

Chelle Bliss' new spinoff series, ALFA Private Investigations, brings the Gallo family back into readers' lives and introduces them to new alpha heroes who are every bit as sexy, dirty talking, and protective as the Gallo men.

Morgan and Race's story is steamy and suspenseful, capturing readers' attention until Morgan solves the case and gets the girl. He has his hands full with Race because she seems to be a controlling and uptight woman, but the more he gets to know her, the more he wants to investigate the sizzling chemistry between them and find out what's behind Race's demanding facade.

Sinful Intent will have readers laughing at the Gallo antics, squirming over the hot scenes between Morgan and Race, and cheering for Morgan and Race to find what all of Morgan's cousins have with their women.

Can't wait for the next book in the series!

A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

4 poison apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sinful Intent, by the amazing Chelle Bliss, is a raw, riveting, rewarding, and romantic roller coaster of a read that will swallow your heart and soul, and scorch your panties. Like with the Men of Inked series, Chelle Bliss takes you on an adrenaline adventure throughout the whole story, which is not only is sizzling hot, but on-the-edge-of-your seat thrilling too. You'll experience nearly every emotion while taking this ride into book bliss: happiness, frustration, anger, laughter, and sadness.

Just when you think, How can this Chelle Bliss top her marvelous Men of Inked series?!? Boom! Sinful Intent delivers a whopper of a brilliant book and lives up to the great Gallo name. Akin to the Men of Inked series, Sinful Intent is not just a story, but an emotional and enlightening experience that gives you a big case of the feels. With Chelle Bliss giving us a Men of Inked treat---the great Gallos---it makes you feel like you're coming home to a familiar and fabulous family, and you won't want to leave them or this powerful story behind.

Speaking of Gallos, the lines that Morgan DeLuca dishes about his over-bearing Italian mama are hilarious. Some of my favorites were:

"Hard-core nag and guilt-tripper extraordinaire, I cursed the gods every day for making me an only child."

"Oh God, was I going to be stuck with Ma as my plus-one for an eternity?"

"I swear she'd lurk in the shadows just to whack me."

Morgan DeLuca, an only child and younger cousin of the great Gallo family, is as hot , witty, and dominant as his cousins: gorgeous with brown hair and crystal blue eyes, tall, muscular, sexy, witty, and all alpha. He is used to women in his bed but not near his heart. Big cousin Thomas hired Morgan on to his security firm where he will use his detective and stealth skills mastered in the military to catch criminals and creepers. His first client may be his demise.

"Whoever she was, she was f**king gorgeous...I wanted to saunter up to her, ask her for her number, and beg that on our first date she wear the red stilettos she had on, which made my cock instantly hard...Race True was used to getting her way. I'd take every chance to remind her that I was in charge of this investigation."

Beautiful blonde and green-eyed, bold, and brash, Race True, doesn't need a man to get in her way of her successful career and life. She's been hurt too many times to let anyone else into her heart. Walls are up and no one is getting in or seeing the woman behind the walls to her heart and soul. Though she does need the help of a man to find out who's threatening and stalking her.

"He had the package. Strong, chiseled face lined with dark stubble. Lips so full that I'd feel them long after a kiss had ended. Muscles that bulged from places that shouldn't be legal...I liked them rough around the edges with a hint of beautiful underneath. Like Morgan."

When Morgan meets Race at the restaurant one night as she is new client and he is working on her case to nab her stalker who's threatening her, there were fireworks and he had an immediate insta-crush on this sinfully sexy woman.

"No matter what came out of her mouth, I knew that her attraction to me was as great as mine to her was. She was strong, independent, and self-assured, but there was more to her. Something sweet and kind that had been tamped down over time was hidden under the surface. Something inside me wanted to find out."

Race does not want to want this oh-so-hot but oh-so-arrogant Italian stallion of an alpha but can't help herself. From one meeting with chemistry from barely touching, Morgan has fixed himself in her head and won't leave. In just a short time, he's consumed her mind and makes her want to tear down the walls around her heart...well...almost.

"I knew loss. It was part of me...Everyone left me. I couldn't let myself feel anything for Morgan. I didn't think I could take another heartbreak without losing myself completely in the blackness."

Morgan must fight for Race and go to the finish line for her, convince her that he won't be one of the many who have left her behind. She needs to give him a chance to get that checkered flag.

While I cried over the end of the Men of Inked series and the great Gallos that felt and still feel like family, I was thrilled to read a new series by Chelle Bliss. Once I dove into Sinful Intent, I was even more thrilled to discover that not only is this book fresh and different , it also feels like coming home because it ties the Men of Inked series together with this new one. Gallo lovers still get a taste of that family we have come to love. The theme of Sinful Intent mirrors its Men of Ink counterparts: family and friends love each other, and always stick together through thick and thin.

I fell in love with the Gallos and anyone related or friends with their big clan from the very first book and was sucked deeper into the family folds with each new novel--and Sinful Intent is the same. I loved Sinful Intent, which is a book whore's dream, as it has it all or everything I want in a steamy read: hot tattooed alpha; beautiful, brainy, and bold heroine; dirty talk; sizzling sex; funny yet relatable lines; angst; mystery; thrills; and a powerful plot that is pure perfection. Like the title, Sinful Intent is filled with sex, sin, suspense, and everything sensational.

5 sinful, sexy, and sensational stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeff porter
We’re back in the arms of the Gallo’s but this time the series focusses on Thomas and James’ new business venture, Alfa Private Investigations.

This first instalment features Morgan, cousin to the Gallo’s off-spring, a previous bad boy as he tries to carve a path into his new life after leaving the army. After agreeing, somewhat reluctantly, to accompany his Ma to Izzy and James’ wedding, he is surprised by the warm welcome he receives and even more surprised by the offer of a job with Thomas and James. Initially hesitant, Morgan soon realises that a fresh start in Florida is just what he needs but the chance to be rid of his ever present and, albeit sweetly, interfering mother is short-lived when she decides to move with him!

Things don’t exactly go to plan for Morgan when his first job involves the beautiful and fiercely independent, Race. Race is being blackmailed and has turned to Alfa PI to find out who is threatening her with a secret she had long hoped had been forgotten. Morgan and Race are immediately attracted to one another and soon become more than business associates and as the danger heightens for Race so do their feelings for one another.

We are treated throughout this book to true Gallo banter and wit as we realise that life at Alfa PI is never a dull moment, especially for poor, unassuming Morgan as he quickly realises that he needs to be wary of office liaisons!

If you’ve missed the Gallos then you won’t be disappointed in this story as we spend a great deal of time with them as a group as Morgan settles into their family unit. There is fun, mischief and humour as we witness Thomas being baited by James, especially about his BDSM proclivities with Thomas’s sister, Izzy. This is a mostly light-hearted read but with a small element of violence. It is moderately fast paced and entertaining throughout. Whilst it has the feel of a new series waiting to be bedded in, it also feels like an extension of the Men of Inked series and whilst I loved those books, I am ready to head in a different direction with Alfa PI and so I hope it quickly creates its own identity as an equally enjoyable series.

Chelle’s writing style is, as always, clean and clear and without angst and the stories are always welcomed by me when I’m looking for something less stressful and more carefree.

Next up is the latest Alfa PI recruit’s story, the delightfully named Frisco.

Copy provided by the author in return for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nuno mendes
This is the first book in the ALFA PI series and is a follow on to the Men of Inked series about the Gallo brothers. Here we meet their cousin Morgan DeLuca, who joins Thomas Gallo in his new PI agency.

Morgan is fresh out of the military and back at home in Chicago. Struggling to find some semblance of a new life back on home turf as a civilian, he welcomes the invite to his cousin Izzy’s wedding. One downfall is the long travel with his nattering mother, the upshot is he will get to sample Ma Gallo’s cooking again that he remembers fondly from when he was a youngster.

It is whilst he is at the wedding that Thomas approaches him to join his firm. Well with his military skills this is a match made in heaven. On his first assignment he is faced with another match made in heaven – that with the beautiful Race True (that name is so kick A!)

Race is at first very standoffish and reserved. She keeps Morgan held back and puts the boundaries firmly in place. Unfortunately she didn’t reckon on this man’s alluring persona that has her fighting back the feelings of insta lust she has for him. Luckily for her Morgan feels exactly the same!

This was a great build-up of chemistry and passion between the pairing. I loved how in this storyline Morgan was the one so open and Race was the one holding all her cards to her chest. There was lots of sensual and erotic interludes and the fiery heat between them just sizzled off the kindle.

I liked how the passion was interwoven into the suspenseful plot looking for the perpetrator who was threatening Race. To be fair I clued in fairly early on who this was and for me it was the romance element that kept me hooked into the storyline.

I loved that the Gallo’s were included in the story, admittedly in a sub character role but none the less they made themselves known. I cracked up with James and Thomas not keeping it professional at the office and the ‘Knock before you enter’ banter. Morgan’s mother was also a hoot and the loving yet controlling way she was with her strapping alpha son was a great fun factor to the storyline.

Fabulous to see new character Frisco who we briefly met back in Joey Gallo’s story. I can’t wait to read more of him, he sounds lush! Oh and happy days but Flash is back, let’s see how that pans out and that James holds back from doing him harm!

Overall a great new series but even better that as a fan of the Gallo’s I still get to keep my mitts on my sexy alpha men. Five sinfully good stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m flores de marcotte
This is the story of our darling Morgan Deluca and his tough sidekick Race True.
Morgan just left the military and has come to his cousin's wedding when they offer him a job with their security company and a place to stay in Chicago. At first, Morgan thinks about this offer and decides it's the perfect plan. He can get back to the real world and get away from his over protective ma. By the way, you will love his over protective ma, she is a hoot.
Race True is our heroine and is a career minded woman, who is getting weird messages and being threatened. Someone who has have info that Race won't want to go public and will cause her to lose her job. In a panic Race reaches out to the DeLuca services to get help with this problem, never dreaming she would meet Morgan.
Morgan isn't what she's needing at the time, but he is everything she could possibly want.
The story that develops between these two is full of steam and chemistry and the sex scenes get pretty hot at times They clash heads from time to time, but what do you expect from two tough as nails characters.
I think another aspect of this book that I found endearing and funny, is Morgan's mom. To read about a military hunk that is still controlled by his over the top mother, had me cracking up throughout the story.
The drama filled occurrence that happened had me totally believing on one person doing the threatening, only to find out I was completely wrong. It shocked the hell out of me. That's what I love in a book, the mystery and the element of surprise. Mrs Bliss nailed those two in this book.
The flow of the story was steady and to me never lagged. We also get appearances from previous characters which brought the whole book together for me.
Can not wait to read the next book.
Five well deserved stars to this book and author!

*** Review by Tammy ***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was reviewed for Our Kindle Konfessions

4.5 Stars

Sinful Intent is about Morgan and Race. Morgan has just gotten out of the army and doesn’t quite know what to do with himself so when a change of scene, a job and the chance to get closer to his family again presents itself Morgan seems to finally find a direction he wants to go in. Race is a strong minded girl that goes after she wants but when something out of her control causes her to accept help off other people, she never expected Morgan. “I’d never let anyone get to me the way he did. I could see us burning out in fantastic fashion.”

Race is the target of someone who isn’t happy with her, but sadly for her in a male dominated job and being a strong willed as she is the list isn’t really that small of who it could be that is targeting her. Race doesn’t have time for friends and she doesn’t have a family, so trusting others is hard. So going to the private investigator office so she can save the career that she has worked her socks off for, seems like the perfect solution. Find the person responsible and then move on with her life. Simple right?....


Morgan has areas of expertise because of what he done is the army, so when he assigned the job of finding out who is after Race he thinks this won’t be too hard, he just doesn’t expect her and to become so invested in this job. Morgan and Race are both fighting the chemistry they share, they both want each other but are they willing to give in. “Race True was used to getting her way. I’d take every chance to remind her that I was in charge.”

A night out where barriers come down is the beginning of Race and Morgan. They are still navigating what they are, Race still isn’t sure if it’s just a fun time for Morgan, while Morgan wants nothing more than to catch the person that is after the girl he is falling for.

With a plan in motion and the end of the job coming, is Race finally going to be safe? Has Morgan found the right person? What does it mean for the couple after the case is closed?

This book had it all, there was twists in the story, it was gripping and you wanted to know what was going to happen straight away. I wanted to know who was responsible and why. Well done Chelle Bliss on another fantastic read.

“My world has never been the same since the day I was assigned to her case.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly beckwith
Sometimes when your a book blogger, you read all these books, just taking them in, writing a review and then moving on to the next book. There aren't many times when I read a book, finish it and think "Holy Smokes" I need to wipe my memory so I can read that again for the first time - just to purely experience that epic-ness all over again.

Chelle Bliss, has once again written a story filled with sex, suspense & love - lots and lots of deeply felt love that only Chelle can pull off with her knack of writing the big family feel.

Some lines Morgan delivered were top swoon worthy material and Race's sassiness was perfect.

Can't wait for the next installment in the Alfa Private Investigations series!!

ARC Received in exchange for an honest review :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sez n koehler
The start to this new series by Chelle Bliss gets you right back in the thick of it with the Gallos. We meet Morgan DeLuca, former Army, cousin to the Gallos, and sexy bad-ass alpha. There is a quiet assuredness about him, but a don't think for a minute that he isn't as blunt and cocky as his male cousins. Morgan relocates from his hometown of Chicago to take on a job with none other than Thomas and James. The cases they take at ALFA would of course not be your run of the mill cases. There is action and suspense throughout the book.

Morgan’s first case is a doozy and it will forever change him. Enter Race True. Race is a bad-ass herself in the business world. I love that she exudes power and control, but with Morgan that just flies out the window. The two just meld together perfectly. As much as she tries to seem tough and in control with Morgan she is defenseless. They sizzle on page and I liked it when Race was a little tipsy. Say bye bye to her filter! There are some laugh out loud moments. Chelle never ceases to amaze me with her skill for writing humor with sexy alpha males. It just works. The story is easy to follow, but developed in such a way that you don’t see just how dire the situation is right up until the end.

What I love the most about this book is the sense of family. You get it with the Gallos, but ALFA PI is an extension of that and the loyalty they have to one another and their close friends is intense. I would also like to mention whenever they have a Gallo family dinner I end up completely starved and in need of meatballs and pasta, so badly that my salivary glands kick into gear. Well they kick in whenever one of Chelle’s sexy men is on page (but I digress). This book is a fantastic read and I cannot wait for more to come with the ALFA PI Series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Panty Scorching- 5
Angst- 4
Overall Rating- 4
Reviewed by Joanna

I must start of by saying this was the very first book I have read of Chelle Bliss…and I want to know WHY HAVE I WAITED SO LONG???

So for those of you who are familiar with her MEN OF INKED series…you are familiar with how the author writes. Well, it is all new to me… and it is HOT AS HECK!

You have Morgan DeLuca, who is recently out of the army and living in Chicago and attending a wedding with his mom in Florida. His cousin Izzy is getting married and he hasn’t seen this side of the family for several years.
While he was at the wedding, his cousin Thomas has a PI business in Florida and he makes Morgan an offer to move to sunny Florida and work for him.

Morgan moves to Florida and his first PI client is Ms. Race True. Someone has been sending her threatening emails and she needs to find out who, and Morgan is the man for the job.

Even though when he first laid eyes on her, he was attracted to her, but he wanted to try to keep things “professional”, but that lasted a split second. The chemistry between the two of them are undeniable, but she is a “corporate woman” and he is “rough around the edges”.

Race tries to be the strong woman that she has felt that she was supposed to be. Things in her past has made her focus on work and only work, and not think of anything else. But one look at Morgan and her thoughts are different and he makes her feel like there is something else other than work. (well hello…having a HOT MAN around you, what else is there?)

What I loved about the story, is the guys are all, rough and tough, but they all still respect their ma’s.

You just know with all the hot men at ALFA PI, there are going to be some additional stories to come in the future, and I will be the first to say… I can’t wait for more. I just hope that the guys have learned their lessons, and put locks on those doors in the office. ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patti matula
4.5 stars
This is the first book in the ALFA PI series and while you do not have to read Men of Inked to enjoy it, I found that having read them all helped in my love for their family and antics.

Morgan is the Gallos’ cousin; he recently got out of the military and is attempting to fit back into civilian life. The problem is that in Chicago where his old ways are right around the right the corner he can’t seem to find a path. He is a self proclaimed a** with no desire to become attached to anyone.When he and his mother head to Florida for Izzy’s wedding an opportunity to be a part of something becomes available.

Morgan’s first case as a PI is about to get interesting when he meets his new client. Race is a force not to be reckoned with. She is cutthroat corporate executive who is being threatened by an unknown source. She stands a chance to loose everything she has worked for in her dog-eat-dog world and is skeptical that Morgan can fix it for her. She comes across as an uncaring b*itch who likes to keep her world locked up tight.

“I wondered if we’d be like a nuclear explosion destroying everything in our path, including ourselves.”

These two have an instant attraction and chemistry but one has the need to always be in charge and the other is just trying to do their job. Behind all the snarkiness and walls these two are pretty vulnerable especially to each other. Race isn’t used to having someone do things for her and Morgan isn’t used to being tested quite so much. This book brought a ton of smiles as well suspense to find out who is behind the blackmail. Race and Morgan had an intense and quick courtship but were a nice balance to each other. When they were together, things were explosively hot with a bit of attitude.

It was also nice to see the growth of the couples that I have become attached to in the background. I am really looking forward to the rest of this series because really what is hotter than a bunch of alpha males being brought to their knees.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberly wolf
When I heard there was no more Gallo (Men of Inked series) books I was crushed. I love this family as irrationally as that sounds, I do.
Enter the spinoff series ALFA INVESTIGATIONS and Mr. Morgan DeLuca. Once again Ms. Bliss is giving us exactly what we want, a superb cast of characters that are deep ,rich and delicious.
Morgan and Race True (seriously a BA name) are fantastic! The chemistry these two share is explosive. With Race's Artic attitude and Morgans cock sure attitude, how could it not be?
With a new lease on life Morgan sets out to join his cousin Thomas (his cousin) and James (Izzy's husband) business, ALFA Investigations. The intertwining of family and a really sexy story is brilliant! As a reader, I felt as if I have known this family for my entire life, but i knew all the of their deep dark sexy secrets. It's not difficult to see why some refer to Ms.Bliss as "the Machine" She churns out these amazing stories in, record speed and they are always a joyride!
Morgan joins the lineup of super sexy, super alpha , super intense and completely devoted leading men in this author's gaggle of swoon worthy men. And Race falls in as one of her strong, fiercely independent and passionate leading ladies. She fits right in with all the ladies that love those Gallo men.
Twists and turns take you on a wild ride in this story. I would think I have this mystery figured out and then..BAM! "right turn Clyde," nope she hits us with a villain, I didn't see coming. I LOVE it when she does that!

I feel strongly that you should first read the Men of Inked series before you get you hands on SI. But one does not HAVE to. I think it makes for a more cohesive story and TRUST ME you want to meet the Gallos!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
agustina maya
I was really looking forward to this Alpha PI series and truly was not disappointed!! Chelle Bliss has to be the Queen of the Alpha, dirty talking guy types!! I absolutely love her Gallo men and I totally feel in love with Morgan DeLuca too!! It’s really awesome that Chelle has kept the Gallo family into this story and does it masterfully.
Meet Morgan DeLuca, he is every bit the hot, tatted and sexy Alpha as his Gallo cousins and true to form Chelle’s guys! He is recently out of the military, returning to civilian life, and adjusting to his new life as the newest member of ALFA PI. Morgan may be a really tough guy on the outside but you’re going to discover a different soft side of him too. SWOON!!
On his first assignment he’s assigned to Race True <---love that kick butt name. Race is a corporate executive who is being threatened/blackmailed via email. Oh, did I forget to mention that she is this feisty, green eyed blonde that pretty much captures Morgan’s eye …not to mention his attention on sight.
The attraction was immediate and it doesn’t take long for the sparks to fly between them! I loved and enjoyed the banter between Morgan and Race and it makes their story even more angsty. The chemistry between them felt like opening up a can of whoop a** but instead it’s instant lust. Oh, and there is this certain office scene and a certain desk…would love to tell you more but it would ruin it! Let’s just say that it would most likely cause you to remember to knock before entering next time!!
Sinful Intent has it all…action, suspense, mystery, panty melting sex, and even some laughs. Great writing and love how Chelle always shares her hot guys with us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dianna wise
I just finished Sinful Intent and I really enjoyed it. This is a new series for Chelle and she didn't disappoint. This is a lot about ALFA Private Investigators founded by Thomas and James (they have their own books in the Men of Inked series). Morgan is cousins with the Gallos and has now come home from the army and is at a loss on life. When a family function brings them all together, it makes him realize what he was missing.

"Being around the Gallos kind of made my head hurt and my heart ache. They never stopped talking or teasing each other, but the amount of love in the house made me long for something I'd never had. "

He becomes apart of the ALFA team. His first case on the job brings him to Race. She is being blackmailed for something that to be honest is not bad but it is taken to the next level and she doesn't know what to do or who it is. She is a sweet, loyal girl but she has had to be a bitch to show she is a tough
chick in the corporate world. She doesn't want to lose her job so she will stop at nothing to find out who is blackmailing her. What she didnt expect was Morgan and how instantly attracted to him she is.

"Being near him had me feel something that I hadn't like to feel....vulnerable. "

Morgan is smitten and knows she is special. She a tough one to crack but he is wiling to do what he has to do to have her.

"She was strong, independent, and self assured, but there was more to her. Something sweet and kind hidden under the surface that had been tamped down over time. Something inside me wanted to find out. "

But he has to also protect her at the same time. The whole family will have to work together to find this blackmailer. What a roller coaster ride!! Trust me though, one of the things that Chelle can write is family so you do not want to miss out on this new series and can't wait to see what she does next!

Story 5
Sex 5
Overall 5

Reviewed by Shay from Mommys a Book Whore
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rose horath
It was supposed to be simple. Find the bad guy and save the girl. There is nothing simple with this book, not when you are the a cousin of the Gallo family.

That I loved about this book:

-Morgan is an alpha male that fits right in with the Gallo men. He has a mother who is always on his back but he loves her. He will lay down his life when he finds the women who will steal his heart.

“Let’s get a few things clear. Shall we? ... I had a simple life. Then this blond-haired woman walked into my world with her attitude, sassy mouth, and killer body, and wrecked everything..... I feel myself falling deeper, losing a bit of my heart with each kiss. I’ve never felt like this before... So don’t toss aside my feelings for you... I’m far from done with you, Race True.”

-Race is a tough no hold barred women who has busted some balls to make it in her career. She doesn't need a man, but will rethink that when she meets Morgan. Will he break down her walls and convince her to love.

"I'd never in a million years thought I'd be head-over-heels in love with the man who saved my life and also from the mundane existence I'd accepted as my reality"

-Secondary characters. Morgan's mom was hilarious throughout this story. The Gallo's constantly make appearances in the book and since I love the Men of Ink Series this was great.

-Steamy sexy scenes, danger, suspense, some moments that will have you laughing -hint- always knock first and did I mention some steamy sexy scenes.

-Chelle Bliss has a way of writing a story that draws you in, makes you fall in love with the characters, and keeps you turning the pages (so don't start one of her books late at night) until the very end. I highly suggest any book written by her, you won't be disappointed. Alpha males and strong heroines.

I received a gift copy in exchange for an honest review. Read and reviewed for Stories and Swag Blog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janice dunkley
Favorite Quotes:

“It was going to be one of those weeks. Loud, loving, and sweet enough to make my teeth hurt.”

“I’d just have to find a way to break it to my ma. Leaving her behind was something she’d throw in my face for the rest of my life. She’d probably fall at my feet or hang on to my bumper as I drove out of the city, screaming for me not to leave her.”

“I’d like to think I was pretty levelheaded, but right now images of Texas Chainsaw Massacre kept playing over and over again inside my head.”

“We all have scars. Some we can see and others we can’t. Wear those with pride.”

“In all honesty, I hadn’t saved Race True. She’d saved me. Giving me a life full of love and everything I’d always needed but never knew I’d wanted.”

My Review:

I loves me some Chelle Bliss and Sinful Intent is one of her best… not that I’ve ever read anything from her that wasn’t stellar. Her long-time and faithful Men of Ink fans will love this new series as we get to continue on with the Gallo clan – a vibrant set of characters I want to follow until I take my dirt nap. But this series will be easy for new fans to pick up and run with without having read her previous works – but why not read them anyway? With Sinful Intent we meet a Gallo cousin Morgan. Morgan DeLuca’s life has turned a corner, new career, new town, new home, new attitude, and with his first official case - a new woman.

Chelle Bliss definitely has the writing gene, her books are well plotted, easy to follow, humorous, thoughtful, unfailingly entertaining, deliciously steamy, and they make this old cougar hum. I alternate between gasping, smirking, and gulping cool drink when reading her work. Given her creative sensual scenes, I believe Mr. Bliss must be a very lucky man, or is he the one providing her with these creative ideas? Hmm, either way, I imagine their neighborhood frequently registers seismic activity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikki waite
Chelle Bliss has managed to do the impossible… She has created a book series that is even better than the Gallos Series. Good Grief woman!! Sinful Intent has absolutely everything Gallos fans need. While the Gallos we all know and love are present (THANK GOD, I NEED MY JOE!!!!), this book focuses on their cousin Morgan. He has recently left the army and is not settling back into civilian life. His visit to see his Gallos brethren turns his life into a chaos whirlwind of intrigue, sexiness, and suspense. Joining Thomas and James’ PI firm, Morgan’s first case is one for the record books. His client, Race, comes with a slew of strange problems. This woman not only pushes his every skill to the brink of exhaustion, but drives his dick crazy. Race is a ball busting career woman so we know that Morgan will have his work cut out of for him in more than one way.

Sinful Intent is honestly literary perfection. It will make you cry; shake with fear, curse, and even blush with sexually charged frustration and desire. Chelle Bliss has one of the best writing styles in the business. Her ability to comical describe things from her character’s perspectives never leaves readers wanting. I can’t WAIT to get my hands on the next book!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adrian diglio
Chelle Bliss is awesome! It's been a few days since I finished Sinful Intent. I had to sit on my review for a while because all I could think upon finishing it was WOW, OMG, WOW, HOLY F*#K. You get my drift?

Chelle is a really talented author. She pulls you into her story and literally drags the emotions out of you right alongside her characters. I laughed, snorted hysterically, cried, melted, swooned and all out loved this book! If you haven't read it yet, what the hell are you waiting for?

Race True is my kind of woman. She's strong, determined, sassy, beautiful and stubborn. She's having a rough time but she refuses to let it bring her down. Her determination to get through it is admirable. I'm definitely #TeamRace.

Morgan made me weak at the knees with his alpha mambo jumbo but at times I wanted to punch him. Although he's smart, loyal, protective, gorgeous and swoon worthy his way of going about certain things leaves something to be desired. But that's what made it all the more fun.

If you love action packed stories with a sexy alpha male and a strong headed heroine then this book is for you. I can't wait for the release of Unlawful Desire!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 stars isn’t enough for this sinfully sexy novel!

Race True, the most strong-headed, beautiful and sexy woman who refuse to let anyone near her and Morgan DeLuca, the hotter-than-sin man who’s attracted to her. I swear, their chemistry is literally burning off the charts! Like sizzling!

Sinful Intent is extremely amazing! It’s so well-written! The plot brings up the most unexpected twist, the life infused into the characters…everything in this novel is seriously amazing!

I have read my fair share of strong-headed and snarky women but Race? Race True brings the whole strong-headedness, snarky and sarcastic qualities up a whole different level!

Morgan DeLuca is one sexy-ass alpha male who will do anything to protect Race True. Seriously, Morgan with his don’t-mess-with-me attitude is just hot! Race usually don’t want anyone’s help but Morgan doesn’t care how mad she would be if it means he can protect her.

Let me just say this – Chelle Bliss is one of the rarest authors who can write a novel filled with action and emotional yet sexy-as-hell steamy scenes! Sinful Intent is my first novel from her but most definitely not the last!

Highly recommended for all readers!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Morgan is a member of the gallo family,hes tall,dark,sexy just out of the military hes looking for some work.When his cousin offers him a job with his PI company morgan moves to Florida.His first job is to find out whos blackmailing Race True and to protect her.As soon as they meet there is a red hot chemistry.Race is a successful career woman shes beautiful blonde and lives her life on her terms,being hurt too many times in the past she has a wall up around her heart and no one is getting past it….or so she thinks!!!Race doesn’t want to feel what shes feeling,she wants him she cant help herself and before too long hes lodged in her head and she cant get him out.Morgan must pull out all the stops to find out who is sending the emails and threatening Race, coupled with the building passion between them things are about to get explosive!!
This is book one in a new series from Chelle,The ALFA PI Series there are apparances from the Gallos but they aren’t the main characters.
This book is full of sexy hot moments,hilarious banter ,suspense, drama and twists.I love Chelles writing its always exciting to read,keeps you gripped with a fast paced stroryline and characters you just fall in love with.Cant wait for book 2!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara jones
Chelle Bliss, Chelle Bliss has done it again, what away to start out a new series. Sinful Intent was suspenseful, sexy, electrifying, and of course we get to see a little bit of the Gallos. I absolutely loved Race and Morgan’s story. Here we Race, she a career driven woman, no time for the nonsense gal, but once she hired Morgan Deluca has her personal security I bet she bargaining for her heart to get into it. Chelle knows how to deliver the right amount of sexy and suspense in a book. I don’t want to give anything away but this book holds a twist that not even I know was coming. I was so damn shock, but what I loved the most was seeing these characters come together as one. Morgan made Race a little bit stronger and he was able to let her see that she such live life as she should. I love the little snippets we get of the Gallos, because come on, they started it all. And let’s not forget the hot steamy sexy scenes, Chelle readers live for those and of course she delivers. I loved Morgan’s mom, she’s the typical Italian mother who lives for her child, seeing as though he’s her only child. I cannot wait to find out what else she has in store for her readers. I am ticking away at the time for “Unlawful Desire” to come out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chelle Bliss has done it again!!! So many of us were heartbroken when Chelle ended the Men of Inked series.  She introduced us to the Gallos and we instantly fell in love, feeling like one of the family.  Were we excited when she told us she was starting a new series? Absolutely!  But we were chomping at the bit when we found out it was the ALFA series featuring the Gallos!!!  Sinful Intent is the first book in the ALFA series and it features Morgan DeLuca, cousin to the Gallos.  A man with a questionable past, former military and just as hot as his cousins.  When he comes to work for Thomas and James at ALFA, his first case is for a Ms. Race True.  She's a woman who takes no prisoners and has fought tooth and nail to get to her position.  Sparks and clothes start flying!!Chelle's writing just keeps getting better!  Sinful Intent is a book you will devour in one sitting, I couldn't put it down.  Not only do you get to meet to super sexy Morgan DeLuca, the hella strong Race True, but you also get to visit with the Gallos (all of them!!)  Run, don't walk, one click Sinful Intent.  Meet Morgan, hang out with the Gallos and make sure you knock before you walk into a room!! You won't regret it! An absolute 5 star read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
flashlight press
God do I love it when Chelle Bliss puts the pen to paper, or the fingers to the keyboard. She creates an epic tale each and every time! As a forever fan of the Gallos (especially my love, Joey “City” Gallo) I was so excited when I found out that Chelle was going to include them in her new series. Even though Sinful Intent can be read as a standalone, it truly made my day to see the whole family again.

Morgan DeLuca….what can I say about him. He reminds me so much of the Gallo men!! Seeing as though he is a cousin, makes sense right. He is 100% alpha male, with the perfect mixture of jerk and sweetheart, all rolled into one!! I loved seeing him grow not only in love thru the book, but as a person and a son/cousin/nephew as well! He is seriously book boyfriend material!! He just has to learn how to knock!

I adored Race. She won’t be given the business by anyone, especially the sexy Morgan DeLuca’s!! She hired the PI’s because of a threat made against her, and she only intended on finding the person behind these threats, not a man that will turn her world upside down. I loved seeing her develop as a character thru the book, and I love her wit and sass!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a series that ties in with the Gallo family and Sinful Intent is centered around Morgan, a Gallo cousin. After years in the military, Morgan is having a hard time figuring out his place in civilian life. Thomas offers him a position at his PI company, Alpha PI. Soon after Morgan agrees, he is assigned a rather interesting case. Enter Race, a fiery blonde with a take no crap attitude. Race hires Alpha to figure out who is blackmailing her before they can destroy her career. After their first meeting, sparks explode between the two. After bantering back and forth, they give into their carnal desires for one another just in time for Race's blackmailer to make their move. Will Morgan be able to figure out who is after Race before it's too late?

Get your hands on the hottest read of the summer! Morgan is a reformed bad boy who is a giant teddy bear, but don't let that fool you he is all alpha. Race is a spitfire and reminds readers of Izzy. . Combine these two with an overbearing mother in Fran, frequent office sex (I won't say by who) and the air of mystery that keeps drawing you in and you can't help but fall in love with this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dee dee
If you loved the Men Of Inked Series. Then you going to love Chelle Bliss's new spinoff Alfa private Investigation Series.

Morgan Deluca and his mother, Fran, are coming from Chicago to Florida for his cousin Izzy and James' Wedding. While at the wedding reception Thomas ask Morgan to join the AlFA PI Business that he started with James. The first case Thomas assigns him is finding out who is blackmailing Race True.

Morgan and True have chemistry from their very first meeting and it doesn't take long before the give into their passion for one another. The chemistry between them is HOT! Can Morgan find out who is blackmailing True or will the information be leaked?

As a reader I don't want to give to much away in my review. I want to give you a chance to experience the excitement and thrill or reading this great story. This book has everything you want in a great book mystery, suspense, romance, drama, and family. Sinful Intent needs to be on your TBR List.

At the end of Sinful Intent we are introduced to Frisco, a new ALFA PI.

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review. Review by Melissa K for HEA Fanatics
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chelle Bliss blew me away with her first series Men of Inked featuring the Gallo brothers, If ever you want to read about alpha males and how loving, possessively alpha about their females they and that there HOT this first series is for you. Its the series that will leave you gagging for more.........

So onto the more...........

If i thought i was blown away with Men of Ink....................I feel like I've been through a twister with this one. For the love of all things ALPHA........
This book is a perfect new series with PLENTY of so nice surprises you will need a fan to take the temperature down.

My more came in the package of ALFA PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS............

So the more i will offer you is put this book at the top of your "TBR" list you seriously do not want to miss this........

Chelle, is book is full of everything we love HOT SEXY ALPHA MALES, DRAMA, HOT SEXY MALES, ANGST, ROMANCE.

I loved everything about this book it is flawlessly written, Its characters are well written, Its exceptional in its entirety. Its amazing.

I give this 5/5 stars and 5/5 for movie moments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Have you read all of Chelle Bliss’s Men of Inked books yet? If you answered no, you should deal with that soon! They are all great stories about an awesome family. And every man in each book is book boyfriend material. The ALFA PI series is a spin off of The Men of Inked series. Our H in this story is Morgan, a cousin of the Gallo’s. He joins their PI firm. He is Italian and prior military, need I say more? Each chapter has a funny title that fits with the theme of that chapter. I loved that!Our h comes in as his first client. Sparks fly quickly and it gets hot. I would have liked to see a little more sexual tension between Morgan and Race. But the sex was hot. So it’s all good! The author started this out from Morgan’s POV, which was interesting. I feel like most authors begin from the woman’s POV, which can sometimes make you feel as if you understand the woman better than the man. When I first started to read from Race’s POV, I almost didn’t like her. But hang in there. As you learn more about her, she becomes endearing. As the story progresses, we get into a little suspenseful action, nothing too dark though. This was a great beginning to another series! I can’t wait to read more
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edit shelves

Read from June 23 to 25, 2015


Thank you Chelle for another amazing book!!!!

Morgan Deluca served 8 years in the Army. He gets discharged and returns to Chicago. Hi Ma Fran is constantly on his ass about one thing or another. At this time it's about the invitation they received too attend his cousin Izzy Gallo's wedding. Fran is all excited cause she hasn't seen her side of the family in a really long time. Morgan can't wait for it to be over.
During the reception he shares some drinks with his cousins and wives. Thomas and James like what they hear, and offer him a job ( No spoilers)......They story that unfolds will at times make you laugh your ass off, may give you shivers and may or may not make you cry.
The thing I love the most about the story is that the Gallo's make appearances in the story. Morgan is a true Gallo through and through. He's got no filter and has a body that stops ladies in their tracks.
Race True is a bad ass, I really liked her. She has a no bulls*** attitude but is also soft....I highly recommend this book. (less)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abhiroop patel
A fresh new series by Chelle Bliss that will leave you reeling and wanting more. You will get so drawn into the story and fall in love with Morgan DeLuca. Oh and you can't forget about all our favorite Gallos. It was just enough Gallos but still Morgan and Race's story. Morgan and Race were drawn to each other from the start and even though they tried to fight the attraction there was no fighting the dynamic pull to each other. With Morgan the trouble teen who grew up into a respectable man and Race the tough as nails business woman what could happen? How about lots of passion, attraction with a air of suspense as you never knew who truly was behind gunning for Race. You will be taken on a journey of two souls that whether they realize it or not are destined to be together. As a reader you will see it and you only hope that they will realize it before their chance of happiness slips away. You can't forget about Ma. Boy she drive Morgan crazy but boy do I love that woman. If we could all be so lucky to be part of the Gallo clan. Congratulations Chelle on yet another amazing series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is different from Chelle's Men in Inked series even though it does have some of the characters. It starts out a little slow but once I kept reading it was hard for me to put it down. I read it in about two days but that was just because life got in the way. I would have read it a lot quicker. After Morgan meets Race it becomes a fast paced book and even though it's a romance, parts of it has you on the edge of your seat and you can't put it down. I loved Morgan from the beginning but Race had to grow on me. I wasn't to thrilled with her name until she explained why her name was Race. After that I started to like it and it seemed to fit her. At first she didn't seem like the right fit for Morgan but further in the story they started to fit together better. It is so hard to tell you everything I liked and didn't like (it wasn't much, I didn't like) without giving spoilers. So I'm going to say I love the direction this new series of Chelle's is going and I can't wait until I can read the next one. I will give this one 5 stars because I swear Chelle can not write a bad book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa nelson
Sinful Intent was everything I thought it would be and more based on the cover, synopsis and the author’s history.

You meet Morgan DeLuca who is single, a little rough and sexy as hell. Yes, you can visualize him. After spending time with his family, he imagines a love in his life. In walks, Race True who is a true firecracker. She is straight no chaser and wants what she wants how she wants it.
The two together makes quite the explosion while Morgan works on her case that has been assigned to the firm of ALFA Phi.

This book has a great mixture of suspense and a whole lot of EROTICA! The author does a great job of character development. You can distinctly recognize each character’s personality. You don’t feel like you miss something as the story flows nicely.

I cannot wait to get my hands on part 2. One click this hot story… you will not be disappointed. If anything, you will be searching to see if there is an ALFA PI firm in your area.

*** ARC was received in exchange for an honest review ***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
corrine brown
You know when you have a favorite author who has written one of your favorite series, they start a new series and your thinking no way is this going to be as good. Well that's what I was thinking when I picked up Sinful Intent. Well let me tell you folks I was wrong! I should have known that Chelle would not let us down.

This series is based on a private investigator firm called ALFA PI. One great thing about ALFA PI is it is owned by Thomas and James from the Men In Ink series and of course Thomas was my favorite Gallo. Sinful Intent is Morgan and Race's story. Race needs a private investigator and Morgan is the man for the job. What starts out as a job turns into to so much more. These two are explosive!! Their chemistry is off the charts.

Not only are Morgan and Race great characters the supporting characters are awesome to. The guys of Alfa PI are hot and Morgan and his mother are hysterical. This book has everything from humor, action, it will tug on your heart and it's extremely sexy. Absolutely loved it and can't wait for the next one!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill hart
Chelle Bliss has done it again and produced a series that leaves wanting the next instalment right now. For fans of the Gallo series, you will feel right at home with the family still featuring. This is set in James and Thomas' PI agency, ALFA PI. For new fans, you will be dashing off to find out more about this family. What Chelle Bliss does best is create an environment and characters that you can relate to or get into and then takes you on an awesome journey.

Morgan, cousin to the Gallo's, is the new PI in town and his first case is Race True. Race True is unlike any other woman he has ever met. She comes across as one tough, and possibly cold woman. Underneath that tough exterior is a woman who doesn't want to get hurt. Morgan is just the man to show her the way and to protect her...if he can convince her to let him in.

A fantastic edge of your seat read with more characters to fall in love with. I am definitely looking forward to the next instalment with anticipation.

***Reviewed for LBM Book Blog***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a sinfully sexy read that will have you devouring the pages as fast as you can turn them. Morgan DeLuca is pure ALFA through and through and from his very first glance at the sassy and fierce heroine Racy he was a goner. Racy is a client looking to find out who is harassing her and Morgan is the investigator given the case. Both have control issues but when it comes to Morgan he always comes out on TOP. There were such crazy banter between the characters in the book that is hysterical and was a treat to experience. The chemistry between the hero/heroine was HOT and when they finally come together it is explosive, passionate, and everything you thought it would be. To say I'm completely addicted is putting it lightly. The emotional and sexual connection between Racy and Morgan gets deeper and deeper with every page turned. This ALFA delicious book is full of intense heat, craziness, and mystery, I wanted nothing more than to bury myself in this ALFALICIOUS world and NEVER EVER leave! I'm so looking forward to the next book in this SIZZLING series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian hagedorn
I'm going to start my review by saying how pleased I was to hear that the Gallo story was not ending, just expanding. I LOVE Chelle Bliss as a writer and as a friend. She is amazeballs in my book totally. Now onto what I thought about Sinful Intent.
As the first book in this great series about ALFA PI, I loved Morgan. He was a sexy beast that needed a fresh start and lucky for him his cousin needed a new PI to work for the company. Morgan moves from Chicago to Florida and on his first case, meets Race True. Race, is a workaholic that is truly a hot mess. She hires them to find out who is blackmailing her and let me tell you there is plenty of suspense to come your way.
Morgan's mother Franny is so danged funny I found many moments where I was laughing out loud. She is so much like the Gallo clan. I also cannot fail to mention Elvira the car. That scene I think is one of my favorites when Race takes her out for a spin with Morgan. I can so picture it in my head. Thank you Chelle for another great book, keep them coming!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ab commendatore
Five Star Read
I was given a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

I tried to resist Race but the moment I saw her I wanted her.
But Race had other plans.
I could lose her forever if I failed at finding the person who is sending her threats.

This was an epic amazing spin off from the Men of Inked series. I thought all the men from that series was hot and alpha to the core but Morgan takes it to an all new level.
He sees something he wants he will stop at nothing even when the person he is falling for is getting threats to get what he wants.
Race honestly seemed like a bitch to me the first few times I read about her but then underneath all that cold hard exterior is a soft hearted woman who wants what she thinks she can't have.
Highly erotic the sex scenes were off the charts hot.
Obviously this series is going to be just as good if not better then the Men of Inked series and I'm looking forward to book two.
Reviewed by Heather S. for The Art of Romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex popa
This is the first book in a new series by Chelle and I have to say that she knocked it out of the park. I loved the concept, the characters, the story line, and the suspense! Hot men, sexy scenes, and all the feels…

There is an element of suspense in this book as it revolves around a Private Investigation firm. I adore suspense. And I can’t wait to read more of them. I love that though neither Race nor Morgan are looking for a relationship one kind of slams into them. They fit so well with each other. Over all it is a great book. You can really feel their fears and their apprehensions while you are reading and it is AWESOME!

Morgan ended up taking a trip with his mom and to Florida to be with the Gallo’s for Izzy’s wedding. He makes the decision to stay in efforts to get away from the bad crap that surely awaits him back home.

Race is learning how to deal with being one of the few women in management in her chosen field and she is super determined to not let anything affect her reputation at work but then boom she meets Morgan and while she doesn’t have time for a relationship on some level she definitely wants to start one of sorts with him… not that she will let it be known.

While the story itself started out a little slow, it definitely picked up within a few chapters and continued on action packed until the end. Can’t wait to read more about ALFA PI.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gerald fitzpatrick
It's very obvious from the beginning that Morgan and Fran are Gallos, or at least related to them, although let's get real they are Gallos. Fran gives so many laughs that it's not even funny but she's not just there for comedic relief. She plays a part in the story, and it's a crucial one not related to humor at all.

The sense of family is really what sets the series' written by Chelle Bliss apart from the others. It's not hard to get that feeling that they may be slightly frustrated with family but family is family and you stand with one another. And it's hard not to get all sigh-y over that feeling. It's what helps make these books so amazing.

I do have to admit that Race was one of those characters it took a while to warm up to. She could be a real witch. And yet when you get in her head, it's hard not to start liking her. Morgan is as alpha as they come and it's easy to fall in lust with him just from his description and the way he acts.

And there was a twist, but shhhh. It's an amazingly, somewhat unexpected twist. So I'll leave that be.

Overall Chelle Bliss has created a new series that draws you in, makes you laugh and yet gives you those warm, tingly feelings you crave...especially if you're ever far from home and need that feeling of home and family.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Find this review and many more at Reading Shy With Aly(
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt payne
Chelle Bliss has a way with words.  I have read E.V.E.R.Y. single book she has written and not one has disappointed me yet. So when I saw she was doing a spinoff series of Men of Inked, I jumped all over it.  While Sinful Intent was VERY different, the Gallos do make appearances. 

Morgan DeLuca is a cousin of the Gallos’ on his mother’s side.  He is lost after leaving the army and they visit Florida from Chicago.  The Gallos’ offer him a job in the new PI firm, and he takes the offer knowing that if he stays in Chicago Morgan will fall back into the same trouble that almost landed him in jail. 

Cue in Race (a ball busting female that works in the corporate world) that is needing help from the PI firm, who happens to be Morgan’s first case.  Race has this spitfire attitude, and the banter between her and Morgan that just cracks you up! I love seeing how Race and Morgan come together. 

Franny, omg!! Everyone get ready for the wonderful mother that will make you double over with laughter! I loved her! I can’t wait to read more about her through these books. She loves Morgan like every mother should love their children and gives them hell when need be. 

But all in all, this book has it all.  Great family, Sunday dinners, hot alpha males, strong women to handle them, hot steamy need to knock on doors scenes (LOL).  Way to go, Chelle.  You made me fall in love with a whole new group of men.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt wharton
Chelle Bliss has done it again. She has written a book that captured me from the very beginning and held me till the last page. Morgan is a young man who just got out of the Military and finding it hard to settle into civilian life. While in Florida at a cousins wedding he is offered a job as a PI at his cousins firm. So Morgan moves from Chicago to Florida with his Ma to follow soon after. Morgan mom kills me Love her. Morgan first job is to find out who is threatening Race. Someone has been emailing her threats to expose a sex tape she did in College. Race is a beautiful young woman who does nothing but work. She knows she is a bitch because she has to be in a male dominate work force. Morgan and Race are very attracted to each other and Morgan make Race see that she can be more then a controlling bitchy woman. She starts to let her guard down and becomes the girl she was when her father was alive. Will she be able to fully change back to the fun loving crazy driver before the person hurts her and will Morgan be able to save the woman he has fallen for before its too late? Well one click and find out.

by the way you might not like Race in the beginning (I didn't) because of her attitude but keep reading she will redeem herself and you will see why she is the way she is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany bradshaw
This earns the full five steamy stars for me.

I was anxious to get my hands on this one. I love Chelle Bliss books. I was nervous at first, but all I needed was to finish the first chapter to be sure I was in for a rollercoaster ride. This book has it all the intrigue, the drama, the sexiness, the hot steamy scenes, but I was happy to find my favorite characters in it. No I am not going to give anything away.

Morgan just got home to Chicago and goes to visit the family in Florida, and ends up getting an offer to work there. Is during the first assignment he has there that he meets Race, she is having some trouble and contracts ALFA investigations so they can help her solve the mystery behind the stalker she has. She had to play hardball to get the position she has in the business world, and someone is set to make her give it all away.

As I said before everything happens, and as you guessed it the passion runs hot and hard between Morgan and Race. But will her achievements be more important to her than her feelings? Will Morgan be able to deal with how dominant Race has had to become to succeed in corporate world? This book had me up until I was done with it, I couldn't put it down, as always Chelle Bliss didn't disappoint, if it was something, it was the best book by her so far. And the only thing left to say is when are we getting the next one...I am ready
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG I love this new spin off from The Men of Inked Series... ALFA PI is going to leave fans of the Inked Series full of giddy feelings. Not only do we get the Gallo boys but we get new sexy Alpha's to fill up your fantasies.We start off with the Gallo's cousin - Morgan DeLuca. Morgan is from Chicago and just resigned from the Army. Heading down to Florida for Izzy's wedding, he gets pulled into the loving family that he had long forgotten about since his teens. The longing for doing something new and finally making something of himself, comes in full force. So when Thomas offers Morgan a job with his new PI company he started with James, Morgan jumps at the opportunity of family and a stead job.Morgan's first case with the PI company introduces us to the Race True. She is a hard nut to crack, but Morgan feels an instant connection with the beautiful hardcore workaholic, who is being threatened with a discretion from her past.Morgan and True are scorching hot. Their push and pull has you laughing at times and crying the next. Both are stubborn and hardheaded and perfect for each other in every way.But will the pull they have for each other be enough or will their stubbornness end up ending them?I love love love this new series and can't wait for more from the guys of ALFA PI!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
april wadsworth
I fell in love with the Gallo men in Chelle's previous series Men of Inked! In her spin off series, ALFA PI we get glimpses of where the Gallo's are now and we meet their cousin, Morgan DeLuca. Growing up in a completely different environment as his cousins, Morgan is envious of the bond the Gallo's share and the significant others in their lives. Entering the civilian world after serving his country for the last eight years, Morgan has no idea what to do with his life. With his background in the service, his cousin Thomas offers him a job at his private investigation firm. With nothing to lose, he takes the job. He never expected his first case to change him, forever!
Race True made a stupid mistake in her college years. Now that she has worked her rear off to make it in the corporate world, that mistake has surfaced threatening to ruin her career. Hiring ALPHA PI to help her track down the person trying to destroy her.
As Morgan tries to solve her case, his gut is telling him she's in more danger than anyone realizes. Can he keep her protected and solve the case?
AMAZING first book of this new series!! Can't wait to read about the other new recruits of ALPHA PI!!! If you're a fan of the Men of Inked Series, you'll love this spin off series! If you're not familiar with Gallo's I highly recommend reading that series as well!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan bergeron
When I started reading this book I knew it was going to be good. I was so happy to see the Gallos in the book!

I really loved this story. This is a new series, somewhat of a spin off from the Men of Inked series. Morgan is the cousin of the Gallos and he’s just as alpha. He is not a part of ALFa PI and his first case was a dozy or so we would have thought.

Race was the case assigned and we knew that she was a tough cookie. Race worked her way up the corporate ladder and wanted to go all the way to the top to make her dad happy. He was by far the person who made her who she was today. There were issues that arose with her and she needed Morgan to help or did Morgan need her?

I loved the characters!! Morgan was alpha but Race was more alpha than Izzy or maybe just her twin. She took care of herself when she needed and didn’t back down to anyone. The banter between the two was hilarious and made me like them even more. This story has danger, romance, craziness, family, friends and a return from someone that I am happy to see and want to know more about.

I am happy to say that this book is on my list of great reads and I can’t wait to read more of the series!! Chelle Bliss gave us another superb read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah katz
Chelle Bliss has managed to do the impossible… She has created a book series that is even better than the Gallos Series. Good Grief woman!! Sinful Intent has absolutely everything Gallos fans need. While the Gallos we all know and love are present (THANK GOD, I NEED MY JOE!!!!), this book focuses on their cousin Morgan. He has recently left the army and is not settling back into civilian life. His visit to see his Gallos brethren turns his life into a chaos whirlwind of intrigue, sexiness, and suspense. Joining Thomas and James’ PI firm, Morgan’s first case is one for the record books. His client, Race, comes with a slew of strange problems. This woman not only pushes his every skill to the brink of exhaustion, but drives his dick crazy. Race is a ball busting career woman so we know that Morgan will have his work cut out of for him in more than one way.

Sinful Intent is honestly literary perfection. It will make you cry; shake with fear, curse, and even blush with sexually charged frustration and desire. Chelle Bliss has one of the best writing styles in the business. Her ability to comical describe things from her character’s perspectives never leaves readers wanting. I can’t WAIT to get my hands on the next book!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chelle Bliss is awesome! It's been a few days since I finished Sinful Intent. I had to sit on my review for a while because all I could think upon finishing it was WOW, OMG, WOW, HOLY F*#K. You get my drift?

Chelle is a really talented author. She pulls you into her story and literally drags the emotions out of you right alongside her characters. I laughed, snorted hysterically, cried, melted, swooned and all out loved this book! If you haven't read it yet, what the hell are you waiting for?

Race True is my kind of woman. She's strong, determined, sassy, beautiful and stubborn. She's having a rough time but she refuses to let it bring her down. Her determination to get through it is admirable. I'm definitely #TeamRace.

Morgan made me weak at the knees with his alpha mambo jumbo but at times I wanted to punch him. Although he's smart, loyal, protective, gorgeous and swoon worthy his way of going about certain things leaves something to be desired. But that's what made it all the more fun.

If you love action packed stories with a sexy alpha male and a strong headed heroine then this book is for you. I can't wait for the release of Unlawful Desire!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 stars isn’t enough for this sinfully sexy novel!

Race True, the most strong-headed, beautiful and sexy woman who refuse to let anyone near her and Morgan DeLuca, the hotter-than-sin man who’s attracted to her. I swear, their chemistry is literally burning off the charts! Like sizzling!

Sinful Intent is extremely amazing! It’s so well-written! The plot brings up the most unexpected twist, the life infused into the characters…everything in this novel is seriously amazing!

I have read my fair share of strong-headed and snarky women but Race? Race True brings the whole strong-headedness, snarky and sarcastic qualities up a whole different level!

Morgan DeLuca is one sexy-ass alpha male who will do anything to protect Race True. Seriously, Morgan with his don’t-mess-with-me attitude is just hot! Race usually don’t want anyone’s help but Morgan doesn’t care how mad she would be if it means he can protect her.

Let me just say this – Chelle Bliss is one of the rarest authors who can write a novel filled with action and emotional yet sexy-as-hell steamy scenes! Sinful Intent is my first novel from her but most definitely not the last!

Highly recommended for all readers!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Morgan is a member of the gallo family,hes tall,dark,sexy just out of the military hes looking for some work.When his cousin offers him a job with his PI company morgan moves to Florida.His first job is to find out whos blackmailing Race True and to protect her.As soon as they meet there is a red hot chemistry.Race is a successful career woman shes beautiful blonde and lives her life on her terms,being hurt too many times in the past she has a wall up around her heart and no one is getting past it….or so she thinks!!!Race doesn’t want to feel what shes feeling,she wants him she cant help herself and before too long hes lodged in her head and she cant get him out.Morgan must pull out all the stops to find out who is sending the emails and threatening Race, coupled with the building passion between them things are about to get explosive!!
This is book one in a new series from Chelle,The ALFA PI Series there are apparances from the Gallos but they aren’t the main characters.
This book is full of sexy hot moments,hilarious banter ,suspense, drama and twists.I love Chelles writing its always exciting to read,keeps you gripped with a fast paced stroryline and characters you just fall in love with.Cant wait for book 2!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dana wiebe
Chelle Bliss, Chelle Bliss has done it again, what away to start out a new series. Sinful Intent was suspenseful, sexy, electrifying, and of course we get to see a little bit of the Gallos. I absolutely loved Race and Morgan’s story. Here we Race, she a career driven woman, no time for the nonsense gal, but once she hired Morgan Deluca has her personal security I bet she bargaining for her heart to get into it. Chelle knows how to deliver the right amount of sexy and suspense in a book. I don’t want to give anything away but this book holds a twist that not even I know was coming. I was so damn shock, but what I loved the most was seeing these characters come together as one. Morgan made Race a little bit stronger and he was able to let her see that she such live life as she should. I love the little snippets we get of the Gallos, because come on, they started it all. And let’s not forget the hot steamy sexy scenes, Chelle readers live for those and of course she delivers. I loved Morgan’s mom, she’s the typical Italian mother who lives for her child, seeing as though he’s her only child. I cannot wait to find out what else she has in store for her readers. I am ticking away at the time for “Unlawful Desire” to come out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily van kampen
Chelle Bliss has done it again!!! So many of us were heartbroken when Chelle ended the Men of Inked series.  She introduced us to the Gallos and we instantly fell in love, feeling like one of the family.  Were we excited when she told us she was starting a new series? Absolutely!  But we were chomping at the bit when we found out it was the ALFA series featuring the Gallos!!!  Sinful Intent is the first book in the ALFA series and it features Morgan DeLuca, cousin to the Gallos.  A man with a questionable past, former military and just as hot as his cousins.  When he comes to work for Thomas and James at ALFA, his first case is for a Ms. Race True.  She's a woman who takes no prisoners and has fought tooth and nail to get to her position.  Sparks and clothes start flying!!Chelle's writing just keeps getting better!  Sinful Intent is a book you will devour in one sitting, I couldn't put it down.  Not only do you get to meet to super sexy Morgan DeLuca, the hella strong Race True, but you also get to visit with the Gallos (all of them!!)  Run, don't walk, one click Sinful Intent.  Meet Morgan, hang out with the Gallos and make sure you knock before you walk into a room!! You won't regret it! An absolute 5 star read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cindy c
God do I love it when Chelle Bliss puts the pen to paper, or the fingers to the keyboard. She creates an epic tale each and every time! As a forever fan of the Gallos (especially my love, Joey “City” Gallo) I was so excited when I found out that Chelle was going to include them in her new series. Even though Sinful Intent can be read as a standalone, it truly made my day to see the whole family again.

Morgan DeLuca….what can I say about him. He reminds me so much of the Gallo men!! Seeing as though he is a cousin, makes sense right. He is 100% alpha male, with the perfect mixture of jerk and sweetheart, all rolled into one!! I loved seeing him grow not only in love thru the book, but as a person and a son/cousin/nephew as well! He is seriously book boyfriend material!! He just has to learn how to knock!

I adored Race. She won’t be given the business by anyone, especially the sexy Morgan DeLuca’s!! She hired the PI’s because of a threat made against her, and she only intended on finding the person behind these threats, not a man that will turn her world upside down. I loved seeing her develop as a character thru the book, and I love her wit and sass!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a series that ties in with the Gallo family and Sinful Intent is centered around Morgan, a Gallo cousin. After years in the military, Morgan is having a hard time figuring out his place in civilian life. Thomas offers him a position at his PI company, Alpha PI. Soon after Morgan agrees, he is assigned a rather interesting case. Enter Race, a fiery blonde with a take no crap attitude. Race hires Alpha to figure out who is blackmailing her before they can destroy her career. After their first meeting, sparks explode between the two. After bantering back and forth, they give into their carnal desires for one another just in time for Race's blackmailer to make their move. Will Morgan be able to figure out who is after Race before it's too late?

Get your hands on the hottest read of the summer! Morgan is a reformed bad boy who is a giant teddy bear, but don't let that fool you he is all alpha. Race is a spitfire and reminds readers of Izzy. . Combine these two with an overbearing mother in Fran, frequent office sex (I won't say by who) and the air of mystery that keeps drawing you in and you can't help but fall in love with this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elmarie santo
If you loved the Men Of Inked Series. Then you going to love Chelle Bliss's new spinoff Alfa private Investigation Series.

Morgan Deluca and his mother, Fran, are coming from Chicago to Florida for his cousin Izzy and James' Wedding. While at the wedding reception Thomas ask Morgan to join the AlFA PI Business that he started with James. The first case Thomas assigns him is finding out who is blackmailing Race True.

Morgan and True have chemistry from their very first meeting and it doesn't take long before the give into their passion for one another. The chemistry between them is HOT! Can Morgan find out who is blackmailing True or will the information be leaked?

As a reader I don't want to give to much away in my review. I want to give you a chance to experience the excitement and thrill or reading this great story. This book has everything you want in a great book mystery, suspense, romance, drama, and family. Sinful Intent needs to be on your TBR List.

At the end of Sinful Intent we are introduced to Frisco, a new ALFA PI.

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review. Review by Melissa K for HEA Fanatics
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea lee
Chelle Bliss blew me away with her first series Men of Inked featuring the Gallo brothers, If ever you want to read about alpha males and how loving, possessively alpha about their females they and that there HOT this first series is for you. Its the series that will leave you gagging for more.........

So onto the more...........

If i thought i was blown away with Men of Ink....................I feel like I've been through a twister with this one. For the love of all things ALPHA........
This book is a perfect new series with PLENTY of so nice surprises you will need a fan to take the temperature down.

My more came in the package of ALFA PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS............

So the more i will offer you is put this book at the top of your "TBR" list you seriously do not want to miss this........

Chelle, is book is full of everything we love HOT SEXY ALPHA MALES, DRAMA, HOT SEXY MALES, ANGST, ROMANCE.

I loved everything about this book it is flawlessly written, Its characters are well written, Its exceptional in its entirety. Its amazing.

I give this 5/5 stars and 5/5 for movie moments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessie ellis
Have you read all of Chelle Bliss’s Men of Inked books yet? If you answered no, you should deal with that soon! They are all great stories about an awesome family. And every man in each book is book boyfriend material. The ALFA PI series is a spin off of The Men of Inked series. Our H in this story is Morgan, a cousin of the Gallo’s. He joins their PI firm. He is Italian and prior military, need I say more? Each chapter has a funny title that fits with the theme of that chapter. I loved that!Our h comes in as his first client. Sparks fly quickly and it gets hot. I would have liked to see a little more sexual tension between Morgan and Race. But the sex was hot. So it’s all good! The author started this out from Morgan’s POV, which was interesting. I feel like most authors begin from the woman’s POV, which can sometimes make you feel as if you understand the woman better than the man. When I first started to read from Race’s POV, I almost didn’t like her. But hang in there. As you learn more about her, she becomes endearing. As the story progresses, we get into a little suspenseful action, nothing too dark though. This was a great beginning to another series! I can’t wait to read more
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chuck ford
edit shelves

Read from June 23 to 25, 2015


Thank you Chelle for another amazing book!!!!

Morgan Deluca served 8 years in the Army. He gets discharged and returns to Chicago. Hi Ma Fran is constantly on his ass about one thing or another. At this time it's about the invitation they received too attend his cousin Izzy Gallo's wedding. Fran is all excited cause she hasn't seen her side of the family in a really long time. Morgan can't wait for it to be over.
During the reception he shares some drinks with his cousins and wives. Thomas and James like what they hear, and offer him a job ( No spoilers)......They story that unfolds will at times make you laugh your ass off, may give you shivers and may or may not make you cry.
The thing I love the most about the story is that the Gallo's make appearances in the story. Morgan is a true Gallo through and through. He's got no filter and has a body that stops ladies in their tracks.
Race True is a bad ass, I really liked her. She has a no bulls*** attitude but is also soft....I highly recommend this book. (less)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tegan lloyd
I am a HUGE fan of Chelle's Men of Inked series. However, I think the ALFA PI series is going to replace the Men of Inked series in the top spot on my favorite series list! YES, it's THAT good!

Morgan is HOT! He's a smart character but Race...she is a spitfire! I love seeing an independent female lead that can take care of herself. I liked the tie in with the Men of Inked series, but it isn't necessary to have read that series to understand this book. This is the beginning of a series that I believe is going to be happy, sweltering HOT, and fun to read!

I enjoyed this story. I was intrigued with the plot twists, and these kept me sucked into turning the pages as fast as I could. I devoured the book in one sitting. HIGHLY recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
SINFUL INTENT for me was everything I expected it to be after reading the Men of Inked series, and then so much more. I LOVE that Ms. Bliss is branching out with this new series, and yet keeping it all in the family, if you know what I mean. The GALLO family has to be one of my all time FAVORITE book families, and to have so much of them in SINFUL INTENT just made my heart burst with happiness! I think die hard GALLO fans will be incredible ecstatic with this book, and readers who aren't familiar with the family, will fall in LOVE instantly and will want to go back and read the Men of Inked series.

This book had EVERYTHING that I love in an erotic contemporary. It was sinfully delicious, EVERY. SINGLE. PAGE! This kept me on the edge of my seat the whole way through. Those Gallo men better watch their step...Morgan DeLuca is a force to be reckoned with, and he is about to get HIS WOMAN!

If this is any indication of how this series is going to grow, then sign me up for the long run! I'm in it, and I don't ever want to leave! I am already licking my fingers in anticipation of reading Unlawful Desire!

*Gifted copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john olsen
This is the first book in the spin off of the Inked series. Morgan and Race meet when he is given his first P.I. case to try and find who is harassing her. She is a fierce, independent, take no shit woman who she falls hard for Morgan, the ALPHA male. Steamy, hot romance with some suspense and intrigue thrown in. Chelle Bliss is one of my favorite authors and this book did not disappoint me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rajiv popat
This is my first read from Chelle Bliss & all I can say is WHERE THE HELL HAVE I BEEN?

Morgan and Race had that instant chemistry I love from the get go. And WOW, the dirty talk between the two! HOT! I was uncertain how they both would handle the situations they were put in based on their emotions. But I enjoyed seeing all sides to their characters at times making me want to hug & yell at them. The twist in the story was like none other which I appreciated. Family was a big part of their story; the banter, dinners, and the office, knocking before entering is something they are not accustomed to.

Overall, I can't wait to continue this series and obviously I have some catching up to do on the Gallos!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's a MUST READ 2 person POV story from cover to cover, page to page, word to word. I really can't wait to dig into some more writing from Chelle. She's one of the best!!! Oh my word, I couldn't stop it's like a really really great drug that never ends. The words were just flying out at me. It's amazing!!! Chelle has once again blown my mind, I don't know how many times I had to wipe droll off my face. This is not a short read by any chance but it's turning into a 1 day read cover to cover with maybe 5 min stops in between. I actually had to take a break reading anything else after this.

***I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review, see more of my review @ ***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It is a sin if you do not read Morgan and Race story

This new series of Ms. Chelle Bliss will make your heart race to the top of your heart. It is ahhhhhhhhhmazing story to miss. You will head falls in-love with Morgan and Race. What a perfect and scary team up these two are.

I read this book twice already especially the scene when they get lost with each other's arms. This book is heart thumping and deliciously sweet and hot book roll into one. I LOVED this new Alfa Pi series. I cannot wait for the second book. I know that Ms. Chelle Bliss will please her fans as always. I highly recommend this book if you LOVE hot romance and suspense. Congratulations! Ms. Chelle for this new series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew barney
5 Stars

What to say? Well first I'm glad the Gallo family appear in this book, otherwise I'd feel like I'm cheating on them.

When I found out that Chelle was starting a new series I admit I was sad and couldn't see how I would cope, then when I found out that the Gallo men would appear in this new series....made me happy and relaxed again.

Sinful Intent was amazing and Chelle has this ability to create stories that just bring you to your knees.

Now you can read as a standalone but you need to at some point (very son) read Men Of Inked series and get to know the Gallo men and take so much away from each book as they are released.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
di likes
Chelle Bliss starts her new series off with a Bang! O M G! Women I have an Aunt Fran in my life that cracks me up like Ma DeLuca! Our hero is a reformed bad boy who is totally an alpha but still makes you want to wrap your arms around him and not let go! Chelle writes some steamy smexyness topped off with suspense and funny scenes that keep you turning pages till the very end! I love how she combined characters from the Men of Ink series, without having to read them first to know what's going on but just enough to say yup I want to read them next! A five star throughly enjoyable read! Bring on book two! Congratulations Chelle to a stand out beginning to a new series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Morgan has just gotten out of the military and his cousin has asked him to move to Florida and work for his PI firm. Morgan was definitely looking for something to do with his life and was excited for this new start. His first client is a fireball for sure. Race is being blackmailed and needs his help to find out who is behind it. Race is wound up tight proper, but Morgan brings out the wild child in her. The bonus is that Morgan is cousin to the Gallo clan and we get a glimpse of their lives now including those fantastic family dinners on Sundays. I absolutely loved their story.

I give Sinful Intent 5 hearts!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Morgan was hired to solve the case, by any means necessary. A "Class A" b**** was not what he expected as well as a sexy irresistible woman. In solving the case he had to deal with Race, regardless of where he had to do it and how. What better way to kill two birds with one stone than to tame the desire and the woman. Save the day and get your heart ripped out, yeah that stunk.

This was a nice read and held true to some of what we expect from Chelle. Gallo and DeLuca fun, sexy, and pushy adults. Pranks, smart dialect, and over-bearing mothers. Yep there is even a little action and blood. Don't for get to lock your doors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received this for an honest review.. I have to say I just absolutely fell in love with Morgan and Race.. They were the perfect balance together..

Once I started reading this book I couldn't put it down.. Which is why I finished it at 4 am this morning. Chelle tends to give the best book hangovers EVER!!!!

I thought the writing was done extremely well that the story flowed without lagging

I loved that we still get a piece of the Gallo's and of course my CITY!!! This could be read as a total standalone but I would recommend reading the Men of Inked series Swoon city baby!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved It! If you read Chelle's Men if Inked series you will will love this one and even if you haven't you will too! Chelle has introduced Morgan DeLuca as a cousin of the Gallos. Morgan goes to work for his cousin Thomas Gallo, ALFA private investigation company as a PI. True Race she is being harassed and goes to ALFA for help and becomes Morgan's first client. Love how the story goes and ends. It has some of the characters from her Men of Inked series. suspense, lust/love, sex. I recommend this to ages 18&up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle s
While I am a fan of Chelle Bliss' books I was a little afraid to read this book because honestly her series Men of Inked is one of my all time favorites and I wasn't sure how she was going to top that. Was I ever glad I decided to read this. Sinful Intent blew me away. While it is completely different from her other series I have to say this might be my favorite book of hers. Morgan and Race I have no words. These two will have you laughing one minute and then fanning yourself the next. I had one heck of a book hangover after this one. I can't wait to read more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristin smith
I wasn't immediately hooked on this book. I thought Morgan was a meanie who had a huge chip on his shoulder . Race was bitchy, plain and simple. I couldn't see how the author was going to turn this around for me but she did!

For me the book finally held my attention about a third of the way into reading . The character seemed to gel. They worked.

The only piece I thought these boys needed was to work on is their PI skills . They were a bit green when they were called upon.

Other than that, I think this is the start of a great series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
**I received this copy for an honest review**
You know If Morgan is related to those oh so yummy Gallo boys he has got to H-O-T!! OMG Brooding and demanding and sexy ... *Sighs* Yeah He is one fine piece of man.. Add Race .. yeah she is a sexy one as well as one tough cookie. Their chemistry together is AUHMAZING! He is a go in and get what he wants type of guy.. The thing he didn't know.. So is Race. Get the first book to the ALFA PI Series so you don't miss out on the hottness ESPECIALLY when the Gallo men are involved. ;) 5 stars~Chris
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
WOWZER what can I say about Sinful Intent?? I absolutely LOVED it!! I was quickly drawn into the story, lost within the words I was reading. What an amazing start to a new series by Chelle Bliss. After reading this I want to read Chelle's "Men of Inked" series, as characters within this book originally are from "Men of Inked"... I want to read all their stories. Chelle is one author on my INSTANT CLICK list, never needing to second guess my choice. I can't wait to read more of the "ALFA Private Investigations" series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
emily ungton
I was a little disappointed in this book. I completely loved all of her other books and I think she is a great author, but for me this one just didn't deliver. It wasn't a bad book but it felt kinda rushed to me. Also, parts of it seemed a little corny and somewhat immature. I will definitely read the next one but I'm hoping holds my attention better like the first series did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
suzanne davis
I loved that we got more of the Gallo family with their cousin Morgan. I loved his relationship with his mother. The frustration, the love, the laughter. Race and Morgan had such tension in the beginning, I couldn’t wait for them to act on it. I was happy we got to catch up with the whole Gallo’s crew too. Great addition to the growing story line of the Gallo’s.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sinful Intent is the perfect first book in Chelle's new series ALFA PI which is a spinoff of her Men of Ink'd Series.

We start off by meeting Morgan DeLuca cousin to the infamous Gallo's, who has recently finished years serving in the army.
Morgan is trying to settle into civilian life and has been approached by his mom Fran who is Joe Gallo Senior's sister to escort her to Izzy's wedding.

Upon arriving in Florida and seeing his family again Morgan is approached by Thomas to work at ALFA PI, his and Jame's Private Investigations Firm. Deciding that this is what he will do Morgan moves in and starts working when he is given his first case which should have been an easy find the bad guy help the girl but things don't always work out the way they are planned.

Race True is a corporate successful workaholic business woman with a sharp tongue and an even sharper attitude.

Race has hired Alfa PI to find the person behind blackmailing her from something from her past that can ruin her career, what she wasn't expecting is the Hot, Sexy Morgan to be the one taking her case.

The tensions between Morgan and Race are undeniable the sexual chemistry explosive but both try their hardest to deny the inevitable, and when their guard is let down
Sparks fly.

I love that Chelle has written in all the Gallo's from her Ink'd Series we get glimpses of their lives now and we learn how Morgan fits so perfectly in this family. The family bond is so strong I especially love seeing Morgan interacting with his mom who definitely is a Gallo lol. We get a bit of humor in this story, along with family ties trusting and some drama and angst but everything flowed so perfectly I'll admit at one point I was at the edge of my seat gasping but in true Chelle form she does not disappoint.

Morgan and Race have things to work out but the journey getting there had me so intrigued I couldn't put this book down and when you see who helps move things forward you will be laughing out loud.

Love this part you will see why when you read:

"Everything ok in ---?" James asked as he walked through the door and froze.
I looked up burying myself inside her.
Race covered her face. "Oh God," she groaned.
I smiled, feeling like I was officially a member of the team.
I'd christened my office and been caught for the first time.
"Looks like your doing ok ," James said laughing quietly. "I'll let you get back to work," he teased, backing up and getting one last look before closing the door.

So with that being said Go "One Click " this baby NOW!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hind boodai
Chelle Bliss has done it again. She's sucked me right in with a brilliant story. This is the first book in the ALFA Private Investigations series. Although the fabulous characters from the Men of Inked series are in this book this can be read as a standalone. (However if your looking for a brilliant series with hot sexy men and great storylines then get 1-clicking Men of Inked).

Morgan is the Gallos cousin. The Gallos family is Men of Inked. I love Morgan and his overbearing mum Fran. She's so funny. Morgan's first client is Race. I don't think he knew what he was letting himself in for. Loved the storyline. I didn't hesitate in sitting and reading this in one sitting as I loved it.

Love love love these characters. I'm so looking forward to reading more of this series. Well done Chelle with a wonderful start to the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received an ARC for an honest review

What isn’t there to think about the HOTNESS of Morgan DeLuca!! Wow!! I know I say this about every one of Chelle’s books, but, hot dang! This girl knows how to write some epic alphas! For this being the first in the ALFA series, she has set the bar pretty high! Morgan is that bossy alpha that Race needs, and Race is that head strong woman that Morgan needs to keep him in line. This book has everything you are looking for, and it’s definitely one you need to put at the top of your TBR list!! You won’t be disappointed. You’ll fall in love with Morgan, just as I have. Race gives Izzy a run for her money in this one. If you loved the Men of Inked series, you’ll be happy to know they make an appearance in this book. I can’t wait for book 2! Chelle, as always, AMAZING job on your epiness!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
animesh panja
OMG Chelle has done it again with Sinful Intent I love love love her books. And come on how can you not fall in love with a name like Race True totally loved her. Her smart mouth gave you pause but damn was she hot. And let's get started on Morgan DeLuca I mean come on you could just picture his booty and know that he is HOT. Morgan is sent to meet Race for a case, but he get's more than he bargained for when the two come eye to eye. As with all cases the clients are OFF LIMITS and he does try he really does, but even I loved the girl. Race is a strong women knows what she wants but when she's being threatened and has no idea why she trys to trust the hottie beside her. Sparks fly, words are said, drama is all around, oh and a little murder is a must or is it. Bwahhh totally love it and can't wait to read more from Chelle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david witte
Ink Angels Book Blog received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

A simple public service announcement: Always knock before entering.

Bliss delivers another winner with her introduction to the ALFA series. Morgan DeLuca and Race True have an explosive relationship that will leave you hot, bothered and begging for more. What happens when you combine two alpha personalities with an overbearing mother, an immediate threat and glimpses of the Gallo family? You get an epic story line with humor to balance it all out.

This Ink Angel has always enjoyed Bliss' character development and Sinful Intent did not disappoint, setting me up for the next book in the series. I am looking forward to reading more about the men and women of ALFA, continuing with their newest addition, Frisco.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nastaran bisheban

WOW! Where to begin. . . I thought the Men of Inked we hot, I'm thinking it's a family thing. Sinful Intent took a different path than Chelle's previous series but it turns out it's a good thing. There is some mystery and suspense involved in here. I enjoyed that it was different and we aren't repeating the flow of the other books. Morgan DeLuca is just as hot as his Florida cousins and I instantly loved him. Race True, hum, I honestly couldn't figure out if I liked her or not. I was put off by the name at first (my first thought was stripper not corporate executive) but you are given the back story to her name and you melt a little. Her personality goes back and for between strong and weak but as the story unfolds you can understand why she is the way she is. Being the huge Men of Inked fan that I am, I am very happy that you still get glimpses into their lives. Since Thomas and James are the owners of ALFA PI, we still get a little Gallo fix a long the way. Chelle proves that she is here to stay and continues to put out amazing work. I loved the preview into Unlawful Desire and that she is bringing in a player from City's life. I am waiting patiently, ok maybe not so patiently, for it to be released .
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
janis orleman
Sinful Intent focuses on Morgan DeLuca and Race True. Morgan is home from the Army and part of the Gallo clan and Race is a big shot business woman. They meet when Race hires him to help her find out who is blackmailing her. I enjoyed how fast paced this book is, the characters are opposites which I liked and the story line was intriguing. I laughed several times at the banter between these two as well as Morgan's family. This book is safe, no cheating and has an HEA.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was given an ARC copy of Sinful Intent in exchange for an honest review for Through the Booking Glass Blog.

When I seen Chelle Bliss was doing a spinoff of the Men of Inked series I was automatically pumped! I absolutely loved the Gallo men and couldn't wait to see what the rest of the family had in store for us!

Even though it is considered a spin-off and you do not have to read the Men of Inked series to know what's going on. I feel that since the Gallo clan was so involved in the book it could have just been added on to the Men of Inked series. (Not that I'm complaining that is!)

Morgan is ex-military and has no idea what he wants to do with his life. He goes to Florida for Izzy's wedding where his cousin offers him a job. His first case he meets Race, his job is to protect her and find out the truth. However, it ends up being so much more.

Although this book definitely doesn't lack in suspense, it doesn't lack in some definite hotness too! So you get the best of both worlds in one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
llama castillo
**ARC received in exchange for an honest review**
Let me start off by saying that I love the Men of Inked Series, so when I saw that this book was coming out I couldn't wait to read it. Morgan is cousins with the Gallo family, so it was awesome that we got to hear about all the Gallo's as well as introducing Morgan and his Mother. Recently out of the Army Morgan moves to FL and starts working with Thomas & James at ALFA PI, where he gets his first case, introducing him to Race True! This was an awesome story, I loved every page. Morgan is all Alfa (wink wink) and Race takes no BS! I highly recommend this one, it was fast paced, easy to read, and hot and sexy! You will find yourself not being able to put this one down! With that being said now I cant wait for book 2 to come out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rindy girl
This was an excellent story. I love Chelle Bliss and her writing style. Her characters are always hooking me in their stories. This book had me from the start. Race and Morgan have wonderful chemistry. The storyline flowed effortlessly. I enjoyed the twists that kept me guessing. I was shocked at the way it turned out. I never saw that coming.
Race is uptight and basically a perfectionist. She doesn’t have a lot of friends, or time for them for that matter. Morgan is trying to figure out where he fits in after leaving the Army. He is shocked when he realizes how much he missed his big family. There was quite a bit of smack talk between him and his cousins that kept me laughing.
So excited to see where this series might lead!!
Reviewed for FMR Book Grind
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adrian diglio
I am a HUGE fan of Chelle's Men of Inked series. However, I think the ALFA PI series is going to replace the Men of Inked series in the top spot on my favorite series list! YES, it's THAT good!

Morgan is HOT! He's a smart character but Race...she is a spitfire! I love seeing an independent female lead that can take care of herself. I liked the tie in with the Men of Inked series, but it isn't necessary to have read that series to understand this book. This is the beginning of a series that I believe is going to be happy, sweltering HOT, and fun to read!

I enjoyed this story. I was intrigued with the plot twists, and these kept me sucked into turning the pages as fast as I could. I devoured the book in one sitting. HIGHLY recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
SINFUL INTENT for me was everything I expected it to be after reading the Men of Inked series, and then so much more. I LOVE that Ms. Bliss is branching out with this new series, and yet keeping it all in the family, if you know what I mean. The GALLO family has to be one of my all time FAVORITE book families, and to have so much of them in SINFUL INTENT just made my heart burst with happiness! I think die hard GALLO fans will be incredible ecstatic with this book, and readers who aren't familiar with the family, will fall in LOVE instantly and will want to go back and read the Men of Inked series.

This book had EVERYTHING that I love in an erotic contemporary. It was sinfully delicious, EVERY. SINGLE. PAGE! This kept me on the edge of my seat the whole way through. Those Gallo men better watch their step...Morgan DeLuca is a force to be reckoned with, and he is about to get HIS WOMAN!

If this is any indication of how this series is going to grow, then sign me up for the long run! I'm in it, and I don't ever want to leave! I am already licking my fingers in anticipation of reading Unlawful Desire!

*Gifted copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the first book in the spin off of the Inked series. Morgan and Race meet when he is given his first P.I. case to try and find who is harassing her. She is a fierce, independent, take no shit woman who she falls hard for Morgan, the ALPHA male. Steamy, hot romance with some suspense and intrigue thrown in. Chelle Bliss is one of my favorite authors and this book did not disappoint me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kenney broadway
This is my first read from Chelle Bliss & all I can say is WHERE THE HELL HAVE I BEEN?

Morgan and Race had that instant chemistry I love from the get go. And WOW, the dirty talk between the two! HOT! I was uncertain how they both would handle the situations they were put in based on their emotions. But I enjoyed seeing all sides to their characters at times making me want to hug & yell at them. The twist in the story was like none other which I appreciated. Family was a big part of their story; the banter, dinners, and the office, knocking before entering is something they are not accustomed to.

Overall, I can't wait to continue this series and obviously I have some catching up to do on the Gallos!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melinda mclaughlin
It's a MUST READ 2 person POV story from cover to cover, page to page, word to word. I really can't wait to dig into some more writing from Chelle. She's one of the best!!! Oh my word, I couldn't stop it's like a really really great drug that never ends. The words were just flying out at me. It's amazing!!! Chelle has once again blown my mind, I don't know how many times I had to wipe droll off my face. This is not a short read by any chance but it's turning into a 1 day read cover to cover with maybe 5 min stops in between. I actually had to take a break reading anything else after this.

***I received this story for free in exchange for an honest review, see more of my review @ ***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy gardner
It is a sin if you do not read Morgan and Race story

This new series of Ms. Chelle Bliss will make your heart race to the top of your heart. It is ahhhhhhhhhmazing story to miss. You will head falls in-love with Morgan and Race. What a perfect and scary team up these two are.

I read this book twice already especially the scene when they get lost with each other's arms. This book is heart thumping and deliciously sweet and hot book roll into one. I LOVED this new Alfa Pi series. I cannot wait for the second book. I know that Ms. Chelle Bliss will please her fans as always. I highly recommend this book if you LOVE hot romance and suspense. Congratulations! Ms. Chelle for this new series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah thompson
5 Stars

What to say? Well first I'm glad the Gallo family appear in this book, otherwise I'd feel like I'm cheating on them.

When I found out that Chelle was starting a new series I admit I was sad and couldn't see how I would cope, then when I found out that the Gallo men would appear in this new series....made me happy and relaxed again.

Sinful Intent was amazing and Chelle has this ability to create stories that just bring you to your knees.

Now you can read as a standalone but you need to at some point (very son) read Men Of Inked series and get to know the Gallo men and take so much away from each book as they are released.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chelle Bliss starts her new series off with a Bang! O M G! Women I have an Aunt Fran in my life that cracks me up like Ma DeLuca! Our hero is a reformed bad boy who is totally an alpha but still makes you want to wrap your arms around him and not let go! Chelle writes some steamy smexyness topped off with suspense and funny scenes that keep you turning pages till the very end! I love how she combined characters from the Men of Ink series, without having to read them first to know what's going on but just enough to say yup I want to read them next! A five star throughly enjoyable read! Bring on book two! Congratulations Chelle to a stand out beginning to a new series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Morgan has just gotten out of the military and his cousin has asked him to move to Florida and work for his PI firm. Morgan was definitely looking for something to do with his life and was excited for this new start. His first client is a fireball for sure. Race is being blackmailed and needs his help to find out who is behind it. Race is wound up tight proper, but Morgan brings out the wild child in her. The bonus is that Morgan is cousin to the Gallo clan and we get a glimpse of their lives now including those fantastic family dinners on Sundays. I absolutely loved their story.

I give Sinful Intent 5 hearts!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Morgan was hired to solve the case, by any means necessary. A "Class A" b**** was not what he expected as well as a sexy irresistible woman. In solving the case he had to deal with Race, regardless of where he had to do it and how. What better way to kill two birds with one stone than to tame the desire and the woman. Save the day and get your heart ripped out, yeah that stunk.

This was a nice read and held true to some of what we expect from Chelle. Gallo and DeLuca fun, sexy, and pushy adults. Pranks, smart dialect, and over-bearing mothers. Yep there is even a little action and blood. Don't for get to lock your doors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tino paz
I received this for an honest review.. I have to say I just absolutely fell in love with Morgan and Race.. They were the perfect balance together..

Once I started reading this book I couldn't put it down.. Which is why I finished it at 4 am this morning. Chelle tends to give the best book hangovers EVER!!!!

I thought the writing was done extremely well that the story flowed without lagging

I loved that we still get a piece of the Gallo's and of course my CITY!!! This could be read as a total standalone but I would recommend reading the Men of Inked series Swoon city baby!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an exciting start to Chelle Bliss's new series and it was amazing, i can not wait to see what comes next, the Men of Inked series was awesome and this one is gonna be amazing, i will read anything Chelle writes because she's that good
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Seriously love this new series from Chelle Bliss, never disappoints, the story was well written and seriously can't wait to read the next part..... Am no good at writing review, but trust me when I say you won't regret it. Get your copy now...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sexy, funny, charming, and great cast of characters makes this an enjoyable book from start to finish! Loved the fast paced storyline filled with action and adventure. Looking forward to more from Chelle Bliss!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hope caldwell
I enjoyed reading more about the Gallo family and friends, but I think this book was too predictable. I just wish Race would've gave Morgan a lot more run for this money and trying to hook up too her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved seeing the Gallo family again. Morgan and Race have fantastic chemistry. I liked that they are opposites. I can't wait for the next book. I would have liked a bit more action from the PI side of the story. A bit more danger and intrigue would have made the book even better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
faintly seen
This is the first book in the Alpha Pi series. Each does stand on its own.

I was excited to get into a spin-off of our Gallo men as they open another business. This time it is the world of private investigations for the ex-military types ready to hang up their shields or BDUs, as the case may be. I was not disappointed.

What seemed to start out slow, I see in retrospect to be a necessary buildup. As Race and Morgan learn to trust one another enough to allow them to be their selves with each other as they can with no one else. The story is in turns sweet, sexy, hawt, suspenseful, and intriguing.

I’m anxious to see where this series will go and how much more we will see the Gallos, as well.

Note: while I was given this book as a gifted ARC, my opinions are my own and are given freely.

Series: Alpha Pi #1
Category /Genre: Contemporary Romance
Received from: Chelle Bliss (in exchange for an honest review)
Recommended for: 18+ due to explicit sexual content
Grammar/editing: book received as an unedited ARC / errors excused
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie moravec
As I started reading this book an overwhelming feeling of protectiveness came over me from the description of Morgan DeLuca. He and Joe Gallo are cousins and where one went you'd find the other. In their youth they were a couple of smart mouthed street kids who had a knack of getting into trouble. So much so the Gallos decided they needed to move their family out of Chicago to get their son away from the kids who were headed for bigger trouble. Morgan didn't learn and had fallen into further trouble until after his arrest the judge gave him a choice of jail or army. Morgan took the army. By the end of the first chapter I realized Morgan had grown into a responsible man who had learned many lessons in his years away from family and friends and I began to have a soft spot in my heart for him. Race True has a personality almost as bold as Izzy Gallo on the outside. She's had to learn to be tough as nails in the corporate world but there's someone out there who can break and they aren't playing around. This was a wonderful storyline with characters that meld and flow through the storyline. I'm anxiously awaiting the start of the next book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura contreras
I loved this book. Race and Morgan's story is amazing. I couldn't put it down. I do not know why it took me so long to read this series, I have had them 2017???!!!! I love Chelle Bliss and I should have known this series would be amazing. Morgan is everything I love in a man, cocky, arrogant and sexy. Race is arrogant, bitchy, and gorgeous so they are a perfect match for each other. Race comes to Morgan's PI company because she's getting emails threatening to send her boss a sex tape Race made in college. The only problem is she doesn't know who's behind the emails and she has worked to hard at her job to have it go down the drain by this tape. In comes Morgan and he is attracted to Race before he even knows she's his client. The more these two are together the heat is getting hotter and the feelings are getting stronger. Morgan is determined to find out who is behind these emails and to protect Race at the same time. I highly recommend this book to everyone, you will love it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a fantastic start to a new series by one of my favorite authors!!!

When Morgan DeLuca takes his mother to Florida for his cousin's wedding he really isn't expecting to have a great time, let alone find a job. But that is just what happens. His cousin, Thomas Gallo, has started a PI company with his brother-in-law, James, & they have more business than they can handle. Perfect for Morgan. So he packs up his life in Chicago & moves to Florida. Knowing his mother, a typical Italian mom, will be following soon. Little does he expect to meet the love of his life on the first day of his new job.

Race True (now is that not the coolest name) has a problem. Someone has something that could ruin her career & she needs help figuring out who it is & getting it back. But Race has a problem trusting people & she really doesn't want to give Morgan all the information he needs to do the job. He finally convinces her to trust him but she still wants to be involved in the investigation. This ends up being a real problem.

Will Morgan be able to figure out who is threatening Race in time to keep her safe? Or will he lose the one person he needs to complete him before they have a chance to really get to know each other? Come along for the ride of your life & see where things go for Morgan & Race, & catch up with the Gallo gang along the way!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany brown
This is a story that revolved around Morgan and his client Race. The story was phenomenal and I loved every single word. The guys are funny and they need to learn how to lock a door and knock. It has everything that I've come to love reading from Chelle. I have loved every single book that Chelle has written and this is no exception. I'm definitely looking forward to reading book two in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emma nolan
I really enjoyed this and think it's the start to a fab new spin off series from Chelle.

It was a great story full of action and of course it was steamy. It was great to see the old favourites and it was the interaction between the Gallos and Morgan that provided a fair bit of with and humour.

Looking forward to the next in this series.

Verified Purchase via the store UK
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Sinful Intent by Chelle Bliss it's an amazing and exciting read. It's book one in her ALFA PI series.

Ms. Bliss always gives 100% in all her work and she doesn't stop. Sinful Intent is full of suspense, action and sinfully sexy alpha men, especially Morgan. You'll love Morgan and Race's story. Absolutely worth the read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura hein
I enjoyed this story - but I have yet to read a story by Chelle I don't enjoy.
The name, Race True, was a little silly, but the story between Morgan and Race was DEFINITELY not.
I jumped right into this book and loved the story and characters, including the little cameos from the Men of Inked series.
Definitely would suggest this to any of my friends!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bruce ashby
Chelle Bliss writes another can anyone not love these alpha males and the things they do for their women! The journey of Morgan and Race makes you root for love even if you're a non believer. Once starting these books I can never put them down. Oh and btw if you haven't read the entire men of inked series...there are some spoilers regarding their happily every afters!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kait wallace
Absolutely loved this read! Although it is different from the Men of Inked series I ate this read up! I also loved how the author brought through characters into this series from the Men of Inked series!!! So freaken good! The mystery and suspense had me turning pages like a mad woman!!! A must-read!!! Can't wait to get more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karen woods
It's a typical love story actually a little faster than a typical love story but it was still a very cute story! Boy becomes girl savior they fall in love after tragedy and like all normal stories but still a cute one. It's worth it if you want a HEA without a lot of pain involved but a whole lot of sex ;-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jithu pettan
Finally finished this amazing book. I loved Race and Morgan. I enjoyed her spit fire attitude and was never a dull moment between those two. Seeing the Gallos in there and catching up with them was a pleasure. September feels like a loooooonng time to wait, but I'll gladly do it for the next one. Well done Chelle!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
c rhea dossier
Got I love Chelle Bliss.. Lady has done it again.. I laughed and laughed with Sinful Intent was everything I look for in a great read!!! Yes I ried also but laughed way more.... Morgan and Race are an outstanding pair!!!! On ma Ma aka Fran OMG she really has my heart!!!
This is a must read you are going to love it!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
samantha luke
Loved Morgan and Race. Read this in a day. Hooked from the start. What a way to meet your significant other. Morgan is a bossy male. Race is a independent woman. So glad everything worked out the way it did. Can't wait to read more from this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie hager
This book was amazing! Sinful Intent held my interest from start to finish and it was HOT!! Chelle Bliss did an amazing job writing this book and these characters. This is definitely a must read! I loved this book and would definitely recommend it to others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie pentacoff
What an amazing start to a great new series by a great author! I am so in love with Race and Morgan and can't wait to hear more about them and the rest of the Gallo's family in the rest of this series, and to learn more about the other men in ALFA PI
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan casey
I loved the men of inked series so I was very happy we got to see the crew and catch up! This book was great it was fresh and kept me entertained the whole time..I loved the relationship between morgan and race!!! Can't wait for the next one...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica woods
This is an exciting start to Chelle Bliss's new series and it was amazing, i can not wait to see what comes next, the Men of Inked series was awesome and this one is gonna be amazing, i will read anything Chelle writes because she's that good
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Seriously love this new series from Chelle Bliss, never disappoints, the story was well written and seriously can't wait to read the next part..... Am no good at writing review, but trust me when I say you won't regret it. Get your copy now...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sexy, funny, charming, and great cast of characters makes this an enjoyable book from start to finish! Loved the fast paced storyline filled with action and adventure. Looking forward to more from Chelle Bliss!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed reading more about the Gallo family and friends, but I think this book was too predictable. I just wish Race would've gave Morgan a lot more run for this money and trying to hook up too her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved seeing the Gallo family again. Morgan and Race have fantastic chemistry. I liked that they are opposites. I can't wait for the next book. I would have liked a bit more action from the PI side of the story. A bit more danger and intrigue would have made the book even better.
Please RateSinful Intent (ALFA Investigations Book 1)
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